##VIDEO ID:jq5et18lVxA## there all right order here at 6:30 if everybody can rise for the pledge and the flag is here on my left pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please take go roll call all six for members here as long as Mr V and 4 but 12 people 15 people or so oh um in attendance um first up chair would entertain a motion for approval of the agenda as presented amended amended I'm sorry thank you the amended agenda as presented thank you motion by mat or a second second second by Dakota uh any discussion see then all in favor signify by saying I I P same sign carries next up open Forum I did not see any blue sheets or if anybody would care to address the board at this time nope seeing then we will then move on Mustang Spirit recognition PR looks like you're going to be up first all right I'm start off by giving everyone one of these thank you yeah probably s yeah all right can I have Luke and Jill strandman please come on uh you I want to recognize uh Luke and Jill strandin and their um bus their local business preferred metal cab Incorporated and their their team for bringing an awesome opportunity for our welding students um they brought a competition to the MHS welding shop where some students were recognized that wouldn't normally be recognized um this was in the newspaper this last year you might have seen this um they put in a lot of time and money to make this happen and if you don't mind it can you just kind of share how it came about um I I went to Cambridge High School and this was something that that Cambridge welding Department was kind of known for was that we did National and state competitions and we went and you know a lot of these kids that you know I was one of them that that you know High School's the end of formal education for and that doesn't mean it needs to be a bad thing it means that we we teach them a marketable skill they can get a job with and go out in the world and and grow and build from so this was kind of my way of kind of trying to start that here and help help those kids that that don't exactly you know have the opportunities to to learn those skills elsewhere and it might be just something they they either help pay for their formal education after afterwards or just a skill to use at home so we've had a lot of kids before more even come through our shop that have gone on to one's an engineer and he always says you know what Ma things don't work out for me I always have a weight to put food on a table and a roof over my head with welding he does it for fun it isn't necessarily the career path he chose but he builds a lot of pretty fun things themselves because Stills that he was 15 show up in my driveway and I'm like what are you doing driving a farmers permit I want to learn it well back a little bit but um it's just a a and you know adding a competition to anything motivates kids it makes them try harder and work harder I mean I even noticed second semester those kids were planning and preparing where for the first semester was a little bit of a can you can you share what the prizes were um we did uh first place was welding helmet and the welding leathers second was Leathers third was welding gloves and then second semester if they happened to have one in a lower class first semester they had a cash buyout option yeah because I I don't really need two welding helmets all lettered up um and it was like I said it was pretty funny we even had one group of kids that were like okay we didn't taste first second or third but of our three will you judge it just for PR and we joke we make them put their names on the bottoms because I know most of them and I'm like I don't want an unfair advantage and even our staff our staff we shut down the whole shop and we bring our entire crew in yeah they help judge and they help Jud the kids have I mean we're here for a good half an hour 45 minutes afterwards as they're going over their welds with our crew asking we have a female welder so the girls in the class like Flock to Rose every time we bring Rose in um and it's neat to see how excited they really do get over this yeah I've heard they're asking for schedules already so they know if they have first or second semester so they know when to start awesome we appreciate you opening the doors and letting us do it that you do it we'll keep it up you [Applause] yes all right Jen anything we don't for this board meeting we for the next one okay yeah I have one yep um I'd like to recognize chip Brant and his custodial crew hi chip hi I don't think he was anticipating this but one of the nice uh one of the nice I guess things that we chip has done with his staff he's got a he's got a lot of new staff uh custodial staff uh at the high school in the elementary um I've had the opportunity to get to watch them do the actual cleaning of the rooms and the waxing and things like that and you know they they really take a lot of great pride especially in the new high school on making sure that everything is done well here and take a lot of pride in that so uh chip I just want we chip and I had a and the administration had a barbecue for the custodian staff just to thank them for their excellent work over the summer so Chip here you go thank you I didn't have you lifting but thank you can thank I will all right anybody else Ming Spirits right seeing then we'll move on new staff introductions so they've already done their song and dance e two so it's YouTu I mean they they did it early right but we didn't actually yeah so no you're just going to have them come on up no no I was looking for you guys I was cuz it made them a little nervous when they got here early and we said no front row really are you nervous well these these two were calm cool and collected and these two said they really want to sing dance perform do or something she's singing I'm dancing perfect I introduce your song that you're going to sing well we are really happy to have our new staff join us this year we we really have a solid staff we met Randy and I met with them for good hour yesterday and going over a lot of different things so we're really confident that they're going to have a good year and call upon us when you have questions and they have a lot of different strengths to bring our building for our students staff and families so I'm really glad that the three of you are here and we actually have seven new staff that are starting with us but thanks for attending tonight if you guys want to stand up we have two of our new sixth grade teachers and second grade teacher so Alissa if you want to start and introduce yourself say where you're from and maybe some fun fact about you sure um I'm Melissa kugie um like Jennifer said I'm teaching second grade um I'm from Maplewood um and I just moved here what was it like 3 years ago so I'm relatively new to Mora but um yeah I'm excited to get started and yeah it'll be a great year um fun fact yeah fun fact um fun fact about me I love kayaking so I live on a river and my husband and I we love to get in our kayaks and go so perfect yeah that's awesome aome Rose uh I'm R Rose Christensen I live in Zimmerman I was teaching in St Cloud uh fun facts about me I have a hobby Farm in Zimmerman and I rent my goats so if you want to rent my goats welcome to um I also actually do like to sing when especially when I feel frustrated or nervous so that's another fun fact about me um I'm teaching sixth grade reading and I'm super excited about it I think you know reading is the foundation to everything so so if I walk by your room and you're singing I should stop and to it could be good or bad sometimes I sing for inspiration and sometimes I sing when I'm about to lose my mind perfect Alicia I'm Alicia rudenberg um I'm going to be the sixth grade language teacher this year I this is my first year teaching I just graduated from St Ben so very excited I've heard great things about the school so I'm really excited to be here specifically um I grew up in Gilman and I live in Mala with my husband now we need to talk oh somebody knows Gilman smallest sound ever um and a fun fact about me I might get booted out up here for saying this but I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan oh that's all right right yeah we we're happy to have all three of you so thank you for joining us tonight and look forward to assisting you that any way that Randy and I can all right thanks you thank you all right Mr tuckner would you stand up so this is Jeff tuckner um you know all of you know that we have a strong welding program a strong Woods program we're really excited about Jeff because we're hoping to get our feet wet in manufacturing we have the three shops here he's going to help us out with automotives and he actually designed a class just for us this year um called I mean I call it skate shop because that's the way you first said it to me yeah actually do you mind talking about that yeah no um yeah so my name is Jeff tuckner um from Pine City um I I taught at East Central for eight years and then I went on to Pine Tech and so I teach um I'm credential in applied engineering at Pine and so they asked me to design a class um for Mora and so I I teach this materials are manufacturing class and basically we learned all about the different materi different materials and how you manufacture them and uh the first time I taught the class I was like oh my gosh this class is so it was so um lecture heavy and I was like I need to change it and um so when we were talking about creating a class for the for for Moa I was like this would be perfect to kind of redesign that class and and so what I did was I came up with this curriculum that where we build a skateboard and and um we basically cover Ceramics Plastics metallics and woods and when we cover those different materials like when we cover Woods we'll we'll lay up the deck for the skateboard when we cover metallics we'll cast the trucks and they'll actually make their own trucks um when we cover Plastics they'll they'll cast the wheels the urethane Wheels um in Ceramics when they put the the grit on the deck so um it's just a way of applying that through a way I think is more engaging for the students so I'm really excited and and I'm looking forward to teaching the automotive classes too that's that's really where my wheelhouse is so I I love I I build hot rods I have a shop up in sandstone and um I've been I've done that for a long time so yes fantastic awesome we are lucky to get someone like this with this background and knowledge so glad to hear Jeff yes thanks oh welcome thank you welcome all right great with that Tomy I'll turn over to you for rumor of our special ed give us an update thank you guys for coming well good evening Mr chair and members of the board I am Tanya terer I'm your executive director of special ed for Rum River and this is Tracy Wells she's our Director of Finance and HR for R River thank you so much for allowing us to come and talk to you today on behalf of the r River Co-op talking about our R River North facility uh we have an agenda it's going to be brief I promise we won't take too much of your time um we're going to talk a little bit about Rum River um we've presented before in front of you so I a lot of you are familiar with Rum River and um miss Helen is also on our governing board so I'm sure she provides some updates as as well so as you know uh we are a six-member district We join together as a joint powers to Pro to provide specialized services to students who are birthed to age or to age 22 um who are identified of having a disability we've started um with itinerant services in the 70s and we've been going strong with those services and we also opened up our first setting for facility in 1987 is that time not going to read the whole list but those are just some of the um itinerant services that we provide to Our member districts Mora being one of them one of the six we also provide resources staff development um due process oversight compliance um some admin Services as well so that's just a little bit about Rum River as I mentioned I'm sure you're familiar with us you've been a member for a very long time as I mentioned we have three Federal setting for sites one um that we're going to speak about uh specifically is in malaa that's our Rum River North we serve students grades K through 9th there and then rum South and Rum River East are located in our Cambridge uh in Cambridge and they serve K through nth grade at South and then 10th through 12th grade at um R River East setting for simply means educating a student in a restrictive environment the the most restrictive environment provided by public schools uh for 50% or more of their day and so these are students that that can't make it in their you know the classes or they can't make it in their home District so they need some specialized intensive services so that's where we provide those services at our federal setting 4 that's that's a fancy name of calling it um their their school buildings their educational facilities um so why replace Rum River North I'm sure devb has updated you and Dan uh Mr vo as well has updated you a little bit of why we're looking at replacing our Rome River North well we've actually been talking about doing this for a very long time this is my seventh year as the executive director and even before I became the director we were talking about what do we do with rum river in North it's an old grocery store um Rum River had part of it and Mala had their ALC and the other part of it well then when Mala built their own ALC we took over the the whole facility so um we've been actually talking about replacing it um for a while now some of the reasons we're looking at that is out out of the three um setting for facilities we have um locking systems at two out of the three Rum River North does not have a special Locking System I'm sure you've heard of this before it helps with kids who have elopment issues from running out of the building it also helps prevent kids from coming in that shouldn't be in the building um and and it also has a fire system that is not your typical loud flashing you know loud noises flashing light for our kids who might be on the Spectrum or have some communication disorders um so R North does not have that um Locking System we did at one point I think Deb was still is on the board obviously and at that time we looked at adding the Locking System to R River North and it was over $600,000 just to add that Locking System so um we thought o that's kind of putting lipstick on a pig if you will and so we were like maybe we shouldn't do that so we did did not follow through with that um just because it was so expensive for that that building um the current building layout is not conducive to setting for um students or the population of students that we provide services to it's very difficult to respond in emergencies you have to go through multiple doors to get from one end of the building to the other end of the building unlocking each door as you go um we do not have any recreational space at all we have um a a parking lot Mala has been very generous in allowing us to walk the students across the street to utilize their Recreational facility um their playgrounds when available and that's not consistent and it's not all the time because they have classes that um you know obviously they bring out as well by replacing Rum River North we do have a potential of serving more students and that's why we're in this this field that's why we're in education um that's our goal is to serve students and to provide those services so that they can get back to their their resident District their home District to enjoy those birthday parties with friends make new new friends um and be with non-disabled peers so by by replacing Rum River North and you'll see later on our our thoughts of what it would look like um it would just potent have the potential to serve more students and again that's what we do we do it well and we want to continue to do that the overall appearance of the facility is not not necessarily peeling I don't know if any of you have been out to that facility um we've actually had some parents um say yeah we no thanks you know is there a different is there an opening at one of your other facilities just because it's not as inviting or welcoming as our R River South and R River East facilities are um a lot of times the students feel like they're in that building they're getting the leftovers it's just kind of you know we we do the best we can with the space that we have with paint and decorations and those types of things but it's just not a very um positive appearance to our staff and students and then one of the main reasons we're bringing this to um all of the member district boards is that new legislation has passed that would allow this to be affordable options for cooperatives and we'll talk about that in just a moment um so we would possibly we would be able to own our own building instead of leasing because we lease all our buildings right now as I mentioned um we uh have a Building Concept idea Tracy and myself and our program coordinator Jenny Miller from Rum River North went and toured several different setting for um sites with Nexus Solutions and Beed Financial we're working with those two companies and you know we went and toured them because we've had our sites for for a long time and we wanted to know what is what else is out there what are some people doing what their setting for um sites it was very um helpful to us because we would say what do you like about your building and what would you not do again and so we were we received a lot of feedback from each of the sites that we um toured the M the biggest difference that you'll see with this concept is is that we're proposing a K through 12th grade um uh facility this would allow growth um this is not at capacity yet so we would be able to provide more services to member districts and non-member students as well this would have a special Locking System so the high school students and the middle school and elementary students would not intermix or or mingle um right in this area this pink area it's a multi-purpose room which would allow for some recreational time and space for the students it's a nice siiz gym it's not as large as your typical gym but it would um would provide that time and that space for recreation activity so um we we thought you know what if we're going to do this let's look at K through 12th grade um so that way we can more students could go to Rum River North and then uh they could stay there as long as they need to right now if you have a student from MOA that goes to Rum River North when they're in 10th Grade they have to be transported to camridge for the high school program that we have there um here's a concept we again have been working with Nexus Solutions this is actually located in Mala um Mala actually owns this parcel of land above here um and so this is this is Highway 23 right here this is currently owned this one we believe is still for sale um it's about 9 Acres it does come with the easement so you would would' be able to um transport students into there the whole facility I think would be around 5 Acres it would would be well in septic at this time so we wouldn't be able to necessarily utilize all 9 Acres um but you know it gives us a nice open space um for um the building parking and then also some outdoor uh recreational space as well this is just one site concept we we haven't purchased this at all we um we're just looking at a different um acreage within that Mala area is this just on the west side of the river yes okay I had to think about that but I'm not best with directions um we had had conversations with Mala regarding possibly uh buying their land they have about 26 Acres um right up here like I mentioned um they had conversations with their board they had decided that they were not interested in that at the time just in case they needed to expand or if they wanted other facilities so we would have to look for a site to be able to build on I'll turn it over to Tracy sure so in working with be Financial um they took the the Building Concept that we came up with and and bid that out and the total build came out at 14, 600,000 they separated the the K8 9 through 12 um because the our governing board and executive Council hasn't hasn't committed to um for sure adding a high school so we wanted to see both numbers and and what it would be to add the high school uh so that is the total amount and then if you go to nextage uh so how it works financing wise it' be a 20-year lease purchase agreement right now we use the lease Levy system for for our three school buildings that we have so this would be using utilizing the same um same system only after 20 years we would actually own the building and it would fall off um there is some new legislation that passed last year that allows now for districts to utilize $65 per Apu um for just like cooperatives intermediates um and other Education Centers so um it's separate from that 212 number you probably hear about in your lease Levy um so that that really added um a lot of affordability as far as not pushing um all the districts into using some gened money for this um that extra $65 and again that's only to be used for cooperatives and intermediates so that's what really pushed it over the edge for um in the last year and added the affordability piece um so how we pay for our our buildings right now through that lease Levy 55% of the payment right now is made by member districts um and then the other 45 is by non-members actually so whenever we have space we allow non-members to utilize it and it really brings down the cost as you can see for our members so we don't have to lease Levy as much and that would continue and and continue to grow we have um the specifically the north location we have um the onia area that uses a lot of our um spaces and Slots whether they they call us to see if we have room or they purposely will open en roll in in Mala or Isle so that their students can go to rur North then down in Cambridge area we have a lot of usage that's that's increasing more and more every year from St Francis and Forest Lake who are also not members but um in the metro area there's yearlong waiting lists for setting for programs and that every Co-op or Ed District or intermediate district has setting for so it's not like every single um organization like R River has the facilities that we have so there are limits to that and there's limit to space so like said we have non districts Contact Us Weekly um sometimes a couple times per week to ask if we have room because there are year long waiting lists for kids to get into um whether they're facilities within their organization or other other organizations uh so the 55% is split up for the member districts based on their usage at our sites and their child count percentage of the Cooperative um and we also are looking at other options as to how the formula works and how we build non-members um we've had um some go-arounds with mde over the last 10 years and they've had a lot of Staff change over and back in the day they said no you cannot charge non-members more and that answer has since changed so it kind of gives us the opportunity to maybe look at where we want to be with those rates for non-members um and again they already bring down our bill significantly so we definitely want to keep it at that sweet spot where um there's still sending the students but again there is no space elsewhere so um it's not a problem right this this chart here shows you um for our member districts the estimated cost cost with the new project so Mora as you can see it shows 227,000 would come from that new $65 per Apu and then 202,000 would come from the 212 that we're already utilizing and then from there there's nothing that Mora would would ow out of their gen Ed with that and there would be an additional $122,000 available for more to utilize as as they may see fit for out of their 212 some districts lease hockey space and um other facilities I'm not sure what it's usually hockey space in our area but um so that's left over for Mora and again I just want to point out we we already do this but of course there's an increase if we have a new building versus The Rum River North building that we already have if we do not um put up a building we will have to renew a lease uh with with r River North and obviously that would go up not as much as putting up a new $4.5 million building so it does go up a little bit each year as our leases get renewed this way it would at least fall off after 20 years and um it's spread out over a lot of districts as you'll see here on the next slide and our Rome River North facility sorry R River North facility is year toe lease right now um as we're coming up with this um possibility of the build sorry so so if if this was to go forward not saying that it would it would am I reading it correct that it would only be a $25,000 increase from Mora or is that not not accurate that's that's not accurate we okay I just want to make sure I understand I just understand no no so this next one might be that that bear prepared might um better explain it um the the change shows 14479 and so that increase shows you what that cost a taxpayer um on a $200,000 home that's $15.87 per year or uh $26 on a $300,000 home and again that's per year so um it's you know a dollar to $25 doar per month um is the tax impact for more of course that changes based on different different districts and and their their tax base and again the other thing that this assumes is your enrollment at our sites is the same um and of course that that can change from year to year it can be down one year and up one year and our students also come and go as they transition back to their home District so it's it's a hard number to predict right I just I just wanted to have a for my no that's a great question so again currently we're doing this it's it's just a matter of this time we can own it instead of signing a new lease for for a different building in Mala or we could build our own and own it after the 20 years CU right now like Tracy said we lease all of our buildings even our district office we lease that building as well and so you know they'll just continue to increase year after year with the lease and so it's either 20 years continuing to pay somebody you know for the lease of it or we we do 20 years and we own the actual building so here is a um a tenative timeline and next steps um as you can see we have been busy over July and August visiting with our member districts presenting to the each board um tonight is our last um District Save The Best For Last right is that right Dan exactly um and so we've we've done this presentation we've answered the questions as much as we can um we do have a meeting set up with with um Nexus Solutions just to talk about like what questions came up at the board meeting and then I will be talking to our superintendent which is my executive counsel um to see do you want Nexus to come out and have a conversation with you do would would you like bar Financial to come out and and present if so we would do that around the September time um our goal then would be able to would to would be to have member districts um vote on this in their October um board meeting and so we do have to have all six member districts vote Yes on this for it to go through if that happens in October you can see the rest of the timeline as far as like the design goes the levy certifications lease proceeds construction bid Awards you have built a buildings before so you know all of this all the work that goes into it we would begin Construction in April of of 2025 and then occupy the new building September 2026 where that other lease that we currently have would um drop off if um not all six member districts um approve this you know there would be further discussion on what do we do with r River North building is there do we do Renovations do we try adding on to that that courage building so there will be additional conversations regarding rum murban North if if this new facility would not be approved so how much growth is built into the new building that's a really great question it's a really hard question to answer well yeah I get that but if like if you're adding expanding a whole three grade levels you're going to get additional students like in my brain obviously I don't I'm not an expert in what you do but that's just how my brain goes like yeah we would have enough um space for growth for sure like I mentioned it's hard to explain or determine capacity because it depends on the students right now at R River North we have a total of what are we looking at no starting yeah starting with um how many students 28 maybe I think at the start of the school year um that building can't hold as many as Rum River South and Rum River um East which could hold up to 40 kids um we do actually have four students right now that we are individually um um planning for they have their own individual classrooms just because of the the severity of their disabilities so um our thoughts are um that we would continue to um grow as far as with member districts we have member districts access our our um facility and ask if we have space often as well nonmember districts as well and then our thought is R River East and R River South would have a lot of the St Francis and um we we have kids from North Branch and we have kids from Forest Lake that um occupy that as well so just kind of Shifting yes kind of Shifting that's a great way to I would just I would just hate to you know if this did get improved I'd hate to spend all this money and be like oh we're going to have a we're seeing a 30% increase of what we want of know tuition we don't have the space for it I just hate to see that happen for sure and one thing I you know we I we can point out is that you know it it also depends on the reintegration uh the how quickly kids reintegrate and with with being able to serve more students and have different you know a different facility um we do a we do a really nice job of transitioning kids or reintegrating kids back into their home districts so um you know my goal would be that we continue that and that leaves space for as a kid starts adding the class back each hour you know that allows more space for kids to to come and and I'll point out Finance wise um it it assumes the current enrollment and obviously this is built for growth so numbers wise this would be the worst case scenario is if we don't get any new students as well right great question well you might get more like non-member participants as well which would help for sure and that that 45 and 55 correct me if I'm wrong that has stayed steady for the last two years or so but it that fluctuates too and it could be dead 50/50 or it could be you know 6040 at some point with 60 being non-members so we I'm not exaggerating when we get calls weekly for hey do you have space either at any of our facilities so and this would also help with um transportation and transportation costs as well cuz right now R River North is right across the street from Mala Mala then takes their kids in grades 10th through 12th to Cambridge you know what I mean and so and that would benefit morea as well just One Direction instead of trying to figure out busing for Cambridge and and malaa so I know you said your office building is lease too is that in Cambridge yes yes it is yep was there any talk about actually building an office on site in malaa with that so that in 20 years you wouldn't have that least payment yeah I mean there's lots of different options for sure that we could do that a lot of our um staff are in that area in the Cambridge area Bram area um but I mean that's something we could definitely look into as for sure the other thing with the lease Levy so that lease that we have we cannot put in the levy system because there's students so if we add that to this building we would have to take out a certain percentage from the payments just so you're aware but yeah but that doesn't mean like people couldn't be you know located there that could be their portal or I was just thinking down the then you'd own it you wouldn't have the Le but it doesn't really fit right what you're going with yes and you know the executive Council and governing board conversations that we can have about you what do we do with our our two programs in Cambridge as well I one of the programs that leases up in 208 2028 and so that's coming sooner than later so we can figure out you know what do we do with that do we continue with that do we consolidate you know there's a lot of different things that we can talk about as far as those buildings in Cambridge as well so great questions anything else yeah I can talk to the board too and then follow up with yes please with you like on what what more information that would be helpful okay no great information yes thank you well thank you for your time we greatly appreciate it thank you appreciate it right uh number six return to school yeah I can go over here yeah [Music] okay T yeah perfect I know I just wanted to give the board a quick little update on back to school and how things um are looking um you know this will be our second year of being on one campus so that is really helpful um with a in a lot of different ways as far as like transportation and Staffing and things like that so um yeah we're very fortunate there um Staffing wise you know we're not any different than any other school district in the state of Minnesota um I think we probably are a little better off than most we we have some hourly pair of professional staff that are still not uh fully staffed especially in special education uh talking to our special ed coordinator uh Miss Barry you know we we had quite a increase in special education students um movein um and things like that so we we did we do have to hire a few more PA professional staff um but however um we're trending in in a good way we're a lot different than we were two years ago where we were really struggling to hire staff there was a lot of turnover we've had some people um uh come back we've had a special ed uh staff member in our DCd area come back and things of that sort so uh that's been a positive thing transportation currently we're fully staffed in that area we're always looking for more um uh just because we know that things come up during the school year but so far like I've informed the board we have enough bus drivers we have our Cooperative Sports driver at this time um and so we are in a pretty good spot there um and we're still actively recruiting um we have new teacher uh Workshop um actually I had six new staff I think it's more like 10 new staff I was able to meet with them this week and and learn a little bit about them some of the nice things we have uh several that are former MOA students that are coming back uh I think maybe four of them um so that's kind of nice um the school resource officer program uh I've met with the sheriff I've met with the SRO that program is coming back that's a positive thing uh we were able to be creative financially with the County um coming through with some funds um along with a grant and then some of our state schools funding um back to school Workshop is next week um we're real excited uh to have all of our staff back Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday is open house for both buildings um I mentioned about buildings and grounds open house on Wednesday First first day of school is Tuesday September 3rd so uh any questions or um anything the board wanted to to state about the back to school this year any questions for no sounds good thank you right this time any requests to remove items from the consent agenda all right seeing none everybody had a chance to go over it um she going to take a motion for approval of the consent agenda as listed so motion by Dakota is there a second second second by Deb any discussion seeing that all in favor signifi by saying I I oppose same sign carries um next up number 10 budget calendar review er's going to do it evening Eric Bou business manager here so I'll be taking over the bus uh the budget calendar here uh going forward so just a couple updates for August uh really it's it's getting into registrations um you know we're welcoming a lot of new students here I'm hearing from both the offices that uh registrations are strong we're seeing a lot of growth um all that good stuff uh I don't come with any special numbers this time around only because um we have to be cautious on those numbers as they're coming in because it doesn't necessarily fully account for the students that are leaving the district so for students that are moving in that's great uh but we also have a lot of and current students that are also leaving as well um the 15 days after the first day of school that's when that ad drop you know students that haven't reported for the first day of school if they haven't already been removed for other enrollments you know like they move out of state then that's when they start to fall off as well so a lot of movement will happen in September um we're just monitoring enrollment numbers and and making sure that that aligns their Staffing plan um other things on the budget calendar coming up in September we've got the uh the the prelim Levy uh we'll have a little bit more of a conversation about R River North and and the impacts to that project uh when we have our prelin Levy presentation along with all the other normal stuff that goes in there uh and then just a couple of other tidbits in the in the finance World um we are coming down to the wire on our construction fund uh so we're down to I'd say before the calendar turns to 2025 we'll have spent the last of the construction money out of the true construction fund now there are monies that came through the general fund in ways of things like utility re um that we still have that can help continue uh buttoning up projects paying off the last to contractors things like that but we've been doing a monthly review with ICS and we're still tracking along exactly where we expect to be on that um and then the last piece is uh we're we're in the middle of audit season right now we had our first uh session of fieldwork uh over the course of the summer uh was a positive experience and they will be back in October for uh their audit week and the goal is for them to actually present present audited Financial results to the board uh in the November meeting uh pending obviously availability and things like that but the right now it's it's temporarily slated to be on the board agenda for November so pending any questions that's uh what we've got coming up any questions for Eric no sounds good thank you very much all right um next up number 11 items on which board discussion actions requested consider approval of the 24 through 26 auxiliary group group agreement yeah um was a while ago Deb Matt Amy was the group um and uh and negotiations um with the group uh went well um and we're able to to come to an agreement and kind of fall in line with the other groups so um yeah so that's about all I got to say I did um um share this agreement uh with the board the redline version anyways um so minimal changes on some of the other things uh the focus like the other groups was salary and benefits CH we're a motion for approval of that upset agreement some Move Motion by Matt or a second second second by Deb any further discussion see that all those in favor signify by saying I I okay both same sign carries next up consider approval of the substitute teacher pay rates for the 2425 school year okay yeah so um in looking at other districts around us um you know I we we were at 150 and and recommending for the teachers anyways that that we go up to $5 to 155 um retired Mora teachers to 160 65 the other groups are tied to the contract um and so those are the the prices there um we did have a a good turnout for our substitute Workshop um and um you know we're right right in the I would say the upper echelon of what we pay our substitutes we're not the highest we're not the lowest we're not the middle we're a little above the middle so I think we're we're offering a fa Fair wage we did go to a new sub subsystem called Red Rover I don't know where the origin of the name came from but it's supposed to be uh we did a lot of research uh from other school districts it does have um a a lot better uh rate um and I think the reason is it it involves like texting um and so people that want to get text for jobs they're able to do that um and then the cost of it is actually lower than the other system so it's seems to be more effective and the cost is lower so I think that's kind of a win-win so good um chair would entertain a motion for approval of the substitute teacher pay rates for 2425 so Mo motion by mat or second second second by Dakota any further disc discussion seeing the those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign carries and E was C was stricken d uh consider approval of the 2324 student handbooks yeah um so every year the um the administration goes to um their Summer Conference and they go through some of the legislative changes and you notice that the last couple of years there's been quite a few uh especially in student discipline um and um the high school um in particular um a lot of collaboration with msba model handbook which a lot of the other districts uh around the state do that because it involves a lot of policy a lot of Statute so there were a lot of changes there um so again we re the board we're asking the board to approve these student handbooks with that chair would entertain a motion for approval to approve the two the mor Elementary School and the mor High School 2425 student handbooks with recommended changes chair would entertain a motion make the motion motion by mats or second second second by dakoda any further discussion seeing that all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign carries uh next up consider approval of the following single reading policies that receive legislative changes per msba in accordance with ISD number 332 MOA policy number 208 section 4 subdivision D policies may be approved and adopted in a single reading um sure so typically we do policies in a three uh three readings so first reading second reading third reading these are all uh the policy committee went through them uh this evening um and uh there were a couple that we held back 503 and 506 because we had a couple questions that we referred to uh Terry Marl at msba and um because some of the language seemed outdated and and that's the reason why it's dated but it's still in statute so um the policy committee went through each one of these the the real big one that the board should be aware of is the world's best Workforce was changed the name of it was changed to uh comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness so that term uh replaced world's best Workforce and so that was a lot of the changes that went through especially the curriculum the instruction um graduation requirements um some of the courses that were changed in law like um students need to have civic education personal finance um the new health standards things like that were just updated by legislation so And to clarify numbers 503 and 506 on here are after we had pulled them the last time correct and so now we have went through got another yeah now they are yeah now they are on there basically saying there's stuff in statute that again it reads funny but it's statute it's not our language and um so it's on there so with that uh chair we entertain a motion for approval of the PO the following policies numbers 503 so through 709 inclusive so motion by Dakota our second second second by that any discussion questions seeing then all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign carries next up board reports administrative update no student board member report is it the summer board members anything to report I I think the Strategic for the first night of the strategic planning session was really good I mean I was really impressed with everything that they brought forward um I could I could do without some of the exercises that we did but other than that I thought it was very good um I think we made the my personal opinion is we made the right decision so just seeing from what we did the first night so anybody else yeah we had I met with the canava county for the roads and uh we had a zoom meeting two weeks ago uh they're planning I got an email today September 19th we're we're meeting in person at the courth Halls from 10: to 2: um doesn't really involve a lot of things within the city and MOA like safe pass the schools and stuff but they're talking about upgrading uh lighting at intersections on County Roads and different things and making County Roads safer which will hopefully potentially increase or reduce the risk for our bus buses and transportation so and is that like a a federal state county type of deal it's they're trying to get Federal money for canic County it's it's based around the county and they're coming up with a safety plan for for federal funding and when you start when you have this group you're eligible for those funds yeah so well thanks for attending and keeping us updated yep sounds good other than that uh then we'll move on assum there was anybody else didn't hear anything or see anything um activities Comm Charlie is Charlie had some family coming in out of town so okay I asked him if he wanted me to say anything I'm just looking in case he threw you under the bus and said oh he's got it for me no uh Transportation buildings and grounds uh three of our four buses are here I think one more is going to be here soon and Cory's been driving back and forth to get these buses plus I think we had at one point we had eight or nine of our buses over in the lot over there because of some warranty work and things so um and recalls so he's been and I've been helping driving pin back and forth as well so it's a lot of trips but um I'm looking forward to seeing the whites of our driver's eyes I haven't been able to see a lot of them this Summer of course with being in the building and they're doing their vacation thing but we we have our back to school meeting on Monday um along with some training we do annually with them so be fun to see and visit with them um we had a really busy day today um we had all showed up at the same time we had a crane here to lift up three condensing units at the elementary school at the same time we had flooring for the sensory delivered at the same time we had our local garbage truck the back of the school is just a mess but we uh got it in before the big rain came um lots of things happened around here this this summer um most of the stuff well besides the maintenance um was at the elementary school restriped and did the parking lot if you notice the Landscaping out front of the elementary school um that really makes that uh pop so um a lot of things uh happening and we're going to be ready for school so any questions just one comment chip good job getting those bus driver positions filled up for the upcoming year Well we put the big banner up I'm sure you've seen that for a couple weeks and that I don't know if that you know helped we have one that that came in is is in training as well so um doesn't want to be a route driver but love the sub and like to take trips so that helps um but yeah we're still going to be hurting on Vans van drivers for hhms and foster care and you know out of District kind of things so if you know anybody we still need some of those but Victoria has on the thing yet um Coop you're still looking for a Cooperative driver when that came out the oh we no we have one hired um still posted on there so I didn't know yeah we'll have him hired um and you know we have a couple Subs that we've had for a few years so hopefully we don't have any major issues that we have to pull that gentleman from the co-op sports but so far it's looking okay so yeah we'll adjust the weekly things so y sounds good any other questions no all right thank you next up FR come on up high school pass this around so the first thing I'm passing around is uh she's a senior this year Sydney Reed she entered um let's see what's it called the Congressional Art competition for District 11 and she and this she's one of Mr gunderson's art students and she won the whole thing thing so this thing that you're looking at here is probably not the best version of it but it is displayed at the Senate building down in St Paul uh I got two three more things uh one I was going to let you know that the college fair that we did last year was such a hit that they want to host it again this year big surprise that willia Center is just it's such a nice facility when when other schools come here they kind of like ninth grade State wrestling tournament you know they want to keep doing it here because such a nice facility um that was a lot of work but we want to do it if it's best for kids um Pine Tech Miss Sarah elrom uh they collaborated did most of the work student council those kids helped set up tables and kind of did a lot of the the work also with greeting other schools when students got dropped off but that's coming up here on September 19th that'll be our second time hosting that we're really excited we have all a lot of new books here this week they were um organized and they're put on shelves the I want to thank the school board for allocating $177,000 for the books uh we have $810 new titles our students are excited about having a more up-to-date Library collection here at more High School uh and then the last thing I just want to mention and maybe I could ask for your help to help get the word out we have an exp expert coming in to talk about um drug abuse Dr Michael Lou he's going to be here on Thursday September 12th and in our Auditorium here at 700 p.m. we're really hoping to pack it with parents and community members um he's so Better Together Coalition of Cana County and the schools are working together to bring him here he's actually going to present the very next day Friday Friday the 13th spooky uh Friday 13th is going to present to kids here and then over at oy also to kids so any questions thank you thank you right uh Dan oh I'm sorry j I've been picking on here L all right we've KNN each other a long time now so I'm happy to report that we completed our summer school today we had 52 students attend and I just want to stress how important Transportation was in the past and we were able to pay for that because of covid funds we when we got all the letters out to parents we had a lot of parents say they couldn't have their student attend because of no transportation and so we did have parents send in at the end of the school year I was getting forarms back we're calling parents emailing parents to get these farms in so I thought we had 66 students on board and when we got students in for the first day of summer school a couple of weeks ago the numbers were low so we pushed out another email got a few more students to Stager in so we ended up with 52 students and I guess I'm pretty pleased with that with no Transportation involved this summer because a lot of parents work and can't get these kids here that really need that needed intervention um teachers worked really hard on reading math interventions made it a lot of fun I'd walk around and check on classrooms and kids were always engaged in smiling and having fun with their learning we implemented enrichment activities as well and that was a lot of fun I mean students were learning if soap burned or not and making catapults and things like that so a lot of good things happen with with summer school so we completed that today and I'm really proud of our staff for the job that they did we're excited that open houses next week we always feel good Randy and I just like when we're finally there and those kids are walking through the door we're like now now we're there we did it and so we're excited for that the the school building is looking really good thanks to custodians and then after open house Randy and I always host a little party after by feeding our staff and beverages of their choice and and so it's just a good way to kind of close that out and get in St staff excited for the first day of school um our school theme we keep building on celebrating our similarity and differences together I'm really proud of the work that we have done in that school building for ensuring all of our kids feel valued and accepted and when somebody may come down on them we have a solid plan to help those kids out and get kids back on their feet and teach kids what is acceptable and isn't AC acceptable with their unexpected and expected behaviors I had asked a parent that I had been working with last spring she's a mom of students of color on what what we could improve at our elementary school and she said Jennifer there should be signage coming in to the building that really identifies like racial slurs are not allowed in your school so I was busy I always make sure go around and hang our PBIS signs make sure they're all visible in all the right places and then um a few other signs that just outline for students to remind themselves that we are a bully-free school and we need to accept one another and we also are we have this sign coming in to the building that all outlines that so two hands kind of a person of colored hands and a white person's hands coming together outlining our school rules and just the statement that we do not accept racial or identity harassing slurs in our building and there you might have freedom of voice but you don't have freedom of consequence so we just wanted to make that statement and we're proud that that's going to be on our doors for everybody walking into the building to give them a good reminder letters training Randy has really worked hard with letters training and the Mandate by the state he's proud to announce that we have 16 teachers who have completed the letters training and we have 30 teachers that are on the second half of the training and then another 17 teachers and six Paras are beginning the first half of the training so all of our new teachers and our special ed teachers are getting trained so there's been some really good progress about that and I think the board can really be proud of that at the elementary school um and then the last part was elementary enrollment and I think you were all able to see that and those numbers are from August 13th and our sixth grade class is at 27 four per class so R Randy's keeping a good eye on that it's kind of a hard time of the year to find another sixth grade teacher so we can always get creative with something if we have to yeah I was going to actually actually ask what was what's our threshold on that for like I know kindergarten is usually a little lower a little lower but what is it for six grade I think he's watching it you know like if it gets to 28 a little above I know he's talking with Dan a lot and um cuz it it was a big sixth grade class last year too wasn't it yeah yes we added U intervention staff at some and then Jord baky we added yeah we yeah as that extra yeah so yeah we'll watch those closely and like Eric mentioned too you know there's so much of a flux now um like might be this on the 13th of August but you know September 3rd might be to might be different it might be more it might be less we just don't know until we actually get the students in school we're up and running for a week or so um so yeah so then it's then looking at special education case load numbers as well we lost five special education students but we gained we had 12 move in so that was you know there's seven seven extra bodies that we have to plan for so we had to hire an additional pair of professional and we could really use one more with the number of pair of minutes that came in but I feel pretty solid about it we have a couple of new case managers so they're really excited to get started and hopefully we can just keep guiding them along so we can keep them because it's really hard to find special ed teachers this day and age so any questions other questions thank you no we'll move on today sure um yeah um I don't have anything in particular I think I talked a lot about a lot of these new things like back to school workshop and things like that we maybe I'll just mentioned we we did do some crisis planning within our district and um we have a few goals that we're working on one of which is reunification um incident command um and then some um working on our crisis uh protocol list so um we had some Administration go to workshop last spring I think in duth that brought back a lot of good ideas so I just want the board to know that we're always continuing working to try to improve that and try to teach our staff so that's what I have sounds good great with that then please take note number 12 upcoming dates for remember with Liberty holiday back to school workshops coming up next week uh the open houses the 28th and the 30th um no please take down of the times uh first school on September 3rd homecoming September 27th regular board meeting September 26th so with that uh correspondence uh was just a little cards that I had handed out that was all that was in there uh any other board business need to come before this group no seeing none second open Forum if there's anybody that would here to address it's EAS I all right um and then with that um we will be moving to adjourn to a Clos session and she would entertain a motion for moving should probably read do you want me to oh yes I'm yes I Willer to you yeah that's okay um so uh the reason for the close session pursuant Minnesota statute 13d .05 subdivision 3C discussion of sale of properties listed all the parcels of the excess property of the district are listed on the agenda thank you with that then chair entertain a motion to adjourn to the close session so Move Motion by Dakota is or a second second second by Matt any discussion seeing that all in favor signif by saying I I iose same sign and time now is 7:38 we'll be moving into Clos session we'll take a couple minute break if to allow everybody to take out if you need to take a quick break so anything this no no thank you thank you