##VIDEO ID:1bj7FzsKQPA## which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and genine Welfare for all the people of Mars Plains amen notice to members of the governing body and B staff any news of electronic devices during this meeting shall be solely used for the purpose of her business welcome body thank you Sor we w a few minutes over we do have approval of minutes Miss Bergen I move that the minutes of conference execu and regular session from September 3rd 2024 be approved is there a second second second by Joan all in favor I oppos abstain the eyes have it approval of consent agenda and reports okay the following reports from July of 2024 the sanitarium report and from August 2024 grant writer Municipal Court Police Department building inspector Animal Control animal licensing burough clerk tax collector Treasurer fire prevention resolution 20241 140 entitled resolution promoting police officer Joseph Hines to the position of Sergeant with within the bu of Morris Plains Police Department resolution 20241 141 entitled refund of over overpayment resolution 202442 entitled resolution of of the bar of Morris plain state of New Jersey pursuant to njsa 52 col 34- 6.2 B3 to enter into a interlocal agreement with a nationally recognized Cooperative entity for the purpose of purchasing fire apparatus resolution 202443 entitled resolution requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation NSA 40a 4- 87 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection njp de stormwater assistance $25,000 having ped the Council on September 9th 2024 the excused absence of Chris Shay fire prevention official relief Association Delegate for the moris plains volunteer fire department to attend the New Jersey state fireman's association annual convention in Wildwood on September 12th 12th and 13 2024 as per the Personnel policies and procedures procedures manual was approved the residents of Walsh Way West orgon Trail be granted permission to hold a block party on Saturday October 5th 2024 from 4: to 8:00 p.m. with a rain date of Sunday October 6 from 4: to 8:00 p.m. further permission to serve alcoholic beverages be granted the DPW will provide the necessary bar Fe Maria Amelia Lopez to Martin Luther King Avenue marown be hired as a part-time cleaning maintenance at an annual salary of $ 2,840 pro rated effective September 9th 2024 the Morris Plains Republican Club granted permission to serve alcoholic beverages at their annual picnic to be held Sunday October 13th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the community park pavilion the barrel clerk be authorized to advertise for the position of part-time team Center supervisor downtown Mars planes be granted permission to hold a pumpkin illumination at the speed well app extension Merchant block on Friday October 25th 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and that permission be granted to serve alcoholic vages um I think are you guys involved with that we are you want to add that in here that's the way that's fine is there a second second second by Dennis roll call please M yes Mr yes Mr yes Miss yes Miss Kelly yes Mr yes at this point I'd like to invite anybody wishing to uh step up to the front state your name and address and your compliment Mr Greco yes sir Mr mayor council Bill Greco 9B way um first of all I want toon is that me you're answering your own question you your own I want to thank bill for uh at the last meeting I had talked about the line of sight on the entrance to the Cole shopping center from Littleton Road the high grasses have been cut I thank you um second comment as we grow as a community my question to the council is is there a specific process to adding police officers as burrow grows so we have a provision we just did an ordinance two years ago probably I think it is roughly um adding uh up to 21 officers um to the department I think it was at 17 or 18 I think we were uh we were at 17 we authorized up to 21 and and we do that as as needed excellent thank you and the last item is just a reminder to the council I'm not sure when you do your budget for 2025 but just remembering your commitment to just uh just spoke about the lights were way ahead of you Bill so you're thank you I thank you Joan I thank all of you for what you do and for your service to the buau appreciate it thanks for keeping us on our toes Bill yes sir it is my pleasure love welcome back care thanks anybody else Joe good evening good evening C 11 Dayton Road sorry can you repeat your name Jill cere 11 Dayton Road thank you um I just had a couple questions because I've asked them off the records of people and I've been getting different answers um I'm hoping to get an answer tonight regarding dryr restaurants not McDonald's just drive-through restaurants um I was just curious as why was a through restaurant added as a permitted use to be two business zones but no other zones besides the existing one of the co sh because I think there were existing zones that just one okay so one and we added another one but why the B2 well I I'll get there it was part of Co downtown moris Plains business I'm sorry Business Development Committee the planning board board of adjustment not really Board of adjustment but the council everybody had input all our professionals had input um it was a 2-year long process that uh we felt was important to put drive-ins or drive-throughs in other areas of the bur um just because of Co all right everything was everything was turning into drive-throughs then or drivein whatever drive and that was 2020 2021 even maybe into 2022 so that's when this the process started probably about four years ago I don't remember off the top of my head and that's really where where it came but it wasn't adopted until October of 2023 so changes could be made at any given time up until there were there were dozens and dozens of changes made between the time it started and the time that it was adopted and up to the time that it was even passed there were uh there was request to make changes not specifically on this item but on other items of the of the ordinance and this is what was voted on this was the final version of what was voted on by the council okay and this leads to my second question because the idea I understand there was a lot of committees and there was different people and different committees um working together um and separately you know but someone had to have brought the idea of adding a a drive-through restaurant in the B2 business Zone to the table and I and I'm not trying to point fingers I just there's no accountability I've been told many different names and I'm not trying to point fingers make mistakes it's I don't think if it was a mistake I mean we all have difference of opinion I don't know what you mean by a mistake it certainly wasn't a mistake to upgrade the entire uh non-residential zones in moris PLS that had not been done in over 25 years right I can't I I don't know I don't know if you're ever I don't know if you're ever going to have be able to put your finger on the person that suggested Drive-In we have planners we have uh Engineers the planner well some people have put fingers or pointed fingers I don't I'm not going but I don't want to I don't want to argue about that don't know clearly I won't get an answer um but this leads me to the fact that like I'm just confused a driveth through restaurant is fast food you know there's no other types so be it McDonald's Burger King Taco Bell Wendy's whatever it may be I don't understand how that would coincide with our master plan that says part of the goals and objectives are to promote a desirable visual Environ and preserving the small town characteristics of the downtown business area yeah and and the resoning of the non-residential was an upgrade following that okay to make it more U appealing to whatever businesses hundreds of businesses that were added in there I think 139 that were added and some were and some were taken out and the B2 business Zone has more permitted than any other business Zone if you add them up uh I I small Z I think new I think the new overlay zone out on Route 10 that that was uh constructed as well it probably has the I don't know if there again there's many many uses that were that were approved and changed was there a reason why in the B2 business Zone you know the center of town um like an urgent care facility wasn't added again I don't have it in front of me I don't know whether it's not there or not may maybe it is I don't know right off the top of my head whether that's on there or not I mean we have doctor's offices you know across the street over there Dr Joseph no I understand but an Urgent Care is a different and and I know we did get one in the coal shopping center um but I was curious because when you look at all the permitted uses of B2 there's only a couple that aren't allowed and it could could it could have been because of parking because an Urgent Care requires a certain number of parking spot McDonald's but yeah again I don't have those numers but that may be one of the reasons for that and then I just then then on a separate note I asked this um at the planning board meeting on Monday and I think their answer was no but it wasn't really clear you know clear and maybe somebody is there an ordinance stating the distance of a business dumpster that borders against a residential property line i' and if there isn't can we get one I'd have to look that I don't know whether it is I think that there are what's the word I'm looking for for set setbacks but there's something building because I do remember years ago friendlies tried to move their dumpster they actually physically did have their dumpster moved that up against mying line and we called the town and it was they were told they had to move it back so I I would assume that was because there was an ordinance but I couldn't find it anywhere you have anything I don't know specifically mayor but I can tell you that that was not flag location of of The Refuge was not flagged as a variance or any other design waiver or such I could online complies with whatever the the the limits are in the zone I don't I don't have the specific number here okay that's all for thank you okay good evening good evening Amy Melvin 18 Beach Drive I'd like to start tonight by thanking all of you here in the council for investing in the pickle Courts at wat park it truly is a beautiful way to increase the camaraderie the physic it and the building of the community within our town and another big round of thank you for enclosing the courts with the fencing this seems to be now limiting a little bit of the attractiveness of the young boys in town who were using the courts for creating skid marks along the surfaces with their bikes and their scooters there are still markings occurring on the surfaces which could be occurring from continued abuse of bike riding and skateboarding or from inappropriate shoes being warned one on the court one do it know the main reason that I'm here today is to express a concern following an incident that occurred a couple of weeks ago I had accompanied my daughter and another friend of hers both residents of this town to play at the courts around dinner time both of the courts were occupied predominantly by 20 to 30 something year old men I instructed the girls to wait patiently by the fence until one of the two courts finished the game G that they were playing and then they would have a rotational turn in the court I went back to my car I remained in full sight of the girls and the men playing during the time the girls were patiently waiting two or more 20 to 30y old boys showed up and deliberately passed right over the girls waiting by the fence I witnessed this first hand sitting in my car the girls came running back to me they were very upset obviously and I had to I asked the newcomers why they jump the spot and I neglect um I that they also neglected to allow the girls to continue to play what ensued was a very unpleasant situation and certainly not one that I believe anyone here present tonight would be happy about for a town that priz itself in B the community of caring you see the one gentleman responded that he was there first and he was just joining his group what's becoming practice at the courts is that friends are calling their buddies to come over and then they jump the line of those that were waiting and dominate the court time quite unfairly additionally that same evening another player told me incidentally the same thing happened to them a few days prior but that it was actually senior women who were monopolizing the courts and not letting New Comers rotate into play so it's obviously an issue my recommendation to the CC threefold first I encourage you to think about putting a clear Mark sign in the chain fence rules and regulations for court time usage that there remains some formality for decorum at the park and this is very standard in surrounding courts in the area two another common feature in towns is to have a holder for paddles so that when newcomers simply come when you come in with your paddle it streamlines any confusion you drop your padal into the slot and they know who's next up to play w W ww next ofp pickleball.com is one such place that you might be able to go to to invest in such it's just one simple paddle and it fixes right onto the court court B three another consideration is for actually the protection of the town from a safety and liability perspective you guys need signage to ensure that there is some kind of guidance and protection for just some of these following areas no usage of Courts for bikes Gates board scooters that's still going on I think only using pickle ball equipment on the courts there are people that are actually now using tennis balls there too and tennis rackets which is a little bit more dangerous because it's a different ball uh time allowed on the court what that looks like decorum while playing perhaps usage for in town residents etc etc a simple Google search of standard court rules and regulations can help you with plenty of examples that are common place you can just look right over to Mars Township G field courts they do a very nice job of posting regulations on the fence and they also post them online for reference from the for the community I hope that the council takes to Heart some are all my suggestions I've made tonight the spirit of pickle ball is enjoyed by all ages the young middle-aged like me and our seniors here in town that's simply the beauty of the sport and it's why it's so attractive to so many I thank that Council for your time and consideration and I give back just a couple comments first of all if you ever have anything that makes you or your child uncomfortable I want you to dial 911 uh they're here 24 hours a day people always hesitate to to dial 111 but if you ever feel threatened or anything like that do not ever hesitate to dial 911 that's what they're here for whether it's a little problem or a big problem it was a big problem at the time that's their problem so if that does make sure you down 911 second second of all you picked a good night to come here because our director of recreation our director of recreation is here so I'm sure if you uh give him a couple maybe just give him your uh your sheet there he can discuss that some of these further rules whatever the signs from wck for wck that that we can get that I know our superintendant is already getting signage uh for that pickle ball court exactly which ones I I don't fall off the top of my head but he he is getting signs of it might be bicycles uh staying off the court or whatnot but I think some of those suggestions are very good and record or the counsil whoever will certainly look into some of those improvements the other thing that I will say is we can't limit it to Mor PLS residents there and these these are very just suggestions you know what part that that's open to everybody so we cannot limit that the usage to people so I think you have some good suggestions there and hopefully in the future some of them if not all of them will be implemented and we'll go from there so I'm glad that you're enjoying them the other thing I'd like to say is there are pickleball courts also at community park and the tennis courts they're also marked out for pickall there too so and the third thing I've learned is maybe we need more pickall court right so we'll see where that goes too in the future so it's wonderful to see so many of the community coming out to it's good because people are actually using them money well spent and people are out there getting the fresh air and exercise plenty of people are getting all that so look into it so just I don't know if you want to just give your papers to that's Jerry sitman over there and well I can work with you as well so I'm buildings and grounds and also work with Jer and re so we have our meeting next week and we'll um share this with the full board it is something that I mentioned early on I'm like we made rules but we didn't have the crowds until the fence came up right and now we have the a lot more people well I don't know because you had the cows before but they were all skateboarders were using well that's true and it was people that were running it was we definitely need it I was involved I can't tell you what people don't read signs right they're not going to read the signs no matter what situation like myself to say you know this is what it just gives you a little bit of guid it gives you a little bit of de to the rule just foll the rules it gives you just it's a little bit of deeline you go corre hear but you're right the enforcement that goes to whole another level but well see how fast it a lot of times if you just tell them they'll go out you know but if they you know just 4 thing they see that that's call 911 that's um I was involved with building a field here in town about 20 years ago and a tur field I can tell you there I go by there every day sometimes times a day there's three in a month where I got to go there and tell little kids give me the ball and get these bicycles out of the inside the fence area there's signs there they've been there other ones have been replaced at the end of the day it's it's our own residents that control the streets and and love our town the reason I tell them is I if they're running on the sidelines and there's a bicycle there God forbid they fall the Bic talking Major versus you know having the fence there and that's all I see in my head is one little kid you know falling on there and now you can't explain that to 10 year olds they're having a great time this guy going kick our bicycles out you know but it it made me feel good that I know that maybe one of those kids didn't get hurt and I did stop and I wasn't playing sometimes I go there and play but this time I just I go there and stop and I have to be honest they've been very Cooperative I never once had a situation where I felt uncomfortable I grab the ball and sit in the middle of the field so they can't play anyway you're not moving and they're not picking me up J you had something yeah um the same topic Mike and I were just talking about right before the meeting but it's come up this week alone three times and it's not you had the 20- year olds that's that's an issue where they should be more respectful to begin with across the board we're having some teenager issues over there um quite often and being verbal to the residents in town also so that's why I I already reached out to Johnny about signs and thinking the next step how to can correct this issue um you know we we were kind of a good secret for a while there nobody knew we pick a wall courts were back there and now word is getting out and you're starting to see Outsiders come around here and high school kids calling your buddies like you said and now it's it's like because it's easy access to it well they don't have to pay like the township you think we should start charging people maybe it'll well say that you're on tape over there s easy for for nonresidents you pay a community pass fee to play in nonresident town you have to show a car it's a bad some have they like our tennis courts we sell keys so you have to buy a key that might be a way to go well sure everything will be every it'll get better every week will it be 100% perfect like I told you nothing's ever perfect I said I think there was an opportunity here this class and hopefully I brought and shed some absolutely definely leave your notes with Jonah Jerry and uh we'll go from there thank you thank you okay anybody else moving on to reports of committees and or department heads Finance Mr Wagner thank you mayor couple quick things since our last meeting um besides their regular uh duties in the clerk's office they've been working on a renewal of six-month parking permits they're preparing for a November 5th election day and uh continuing to work on the many Oprah requests that come into that office um and then our CFO filed a chapter 159 which I got scho on what exactly what that was uh allows this is uh which allows an amendment to the budget in order to add funds we received from the storm water assistance grant that will be used primarily to update our storm our storm water Maps I believe it was a $10,000 Grant so and that's all I got 25,000 25 25,000 yeah okay thank you Public Safety sou thank you mayor um on the police side uh it was very quiet this month thank God lot of people on vacations from our friends and uh there was two successful coffees with a cop events at the collection at the venue also the police department cert certified one more additional officer for the bike Patrol now we're up to six officers thank you Mike and the chief also submitted the nine officers for their license renewal which are now pending review by the police training commission um Kevin's not here he has a real before I get to here just going to read one line uh as far as the fire department goes um they they scheduled the pump test for the trucks and they'll have the Hol and ladders uh inspection scheduled uh shortly good evening uh I'll start just with a quick rundown of the bogus calls for service 71 medical calls a response prior to EMS arrival 55 patrols of foot patrols of the train station 24 motor crashes with injury uh two with nine injury 418 motor vehicle stops and 1,100 proactive controls of residential areas commercial properties uh Parks schools things of that nature uh as s mentioned uh we did submit nine officers for their license renewal in January all uh 19 of our police officers including our class three police officer in the school were licensed by the state that's a three-year breakdown doing pretty much a third a third and a third of the agency over the next years so this is the first round of that um certifying their uh license is active they completed all their necessary training um part of you know continue to ensure that New Jersey has the highest and most qualified train officers in the state so very proud to participate in that um our deer call uh has begun uh it started this past Sunday and runs through mid-February we currently have uh four dough that were harvested um at the start of the Season uh on the very first few days so uh looking forward to a a good program there um as I mentioned we had coffee in the cop at the venue in the collection is great to see Bill and his neighbors and as well as over at venue as well so both great uh uh activities for all of us to meet some uh new residents make some connections other than that that's all I have and once again just congratulations to the new lieutenant Guild and the new sergeant Joe H so I know definitely absolutely thank very much Public Works Mr broom beautification out a meeting and I know I said this in the past but U they are a very dedicated bunch of uh volunteers and residents and I love their passion about names of flowers whether it's Latin or English but um they all have different areas that they maintain whether they're weeding taking flowers from somebody else's Garden putting over there and and putting mols down so I really enjoyed uh just listening to you know what they're engaged in what they're doing uh community garden we talked about how the gardens now people are planting uh ball crops whether it's lettuce and pet something that might be frost resistant uh so they do a great job and we thank them um they did reach out to the DPW to remove maybe notice but the fre station over there they took out some trees that were just older and uh not in great shape uh some rose bushes that so they want to start with fresher um newer plants and trees so the DPW took care of that for them yeah okay I know I still Joan stuner but they helped with something at um Simon's Park so I let Joan talk about that um came out very nice they um painted the lines in town you probably notice some of the crosswalks are a little brighter uh speed bumps have the little markings uh speed limit signs whatever was painted roads they enhan them and made them more clear so we thank them for that they maintain the vehicles uh continually cutting grass Leaf Seasons not that far away as you know and um they repaired a bunch of FL and flag po so they really do a great job and we thank them for everything that they do that's all I thank you B engineer thank you a quiet month other than getting some Shrubbery trimmed over at CO's I have nothing well that was the number one item for tonight so public abilties of grounds Joan Bill do you still have your clippers oh one thing I wanted to add um for beautification is that um Ellie Falco reached out to me um because I used to be on beautification and I said well it's art now but um they're all they're starting a compost um initiative so I don't know if you want so they're GNA um actually it's going to be um it's going to coincide with the wellness day that Nancy will most likely talk about with our Board of heal you see how all of our committees kind of blend um and uh they want to offer um composting uh uh equipment and then also um they'll have educational material there um and showing you how to do it and some successes with it and how to you know how to basically maintain it so be on the lookout I believe that they're going to be putting out some communication around that but there's definitely a lot of residents um in town that are interested in that so from a buildings and grounds perspective I just wanted to share an update um so I'm the liais on to downtown Mars Plains um and they held their first business Round Table um this last Tuesday over 30 people attended including local business owners um operators Lieutenant Guild uh council president berga uh councilwoman Kelly and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive um and they downtown Mars PLS plans to host a quarterly Round Table um uh moving forward some of the things that were discussed uh business owners shared best practices how they do promotions how they work on social media different ideas on how to um generate new people coming in keeping Cent customers all different types of things to really um help maintain the business in addition they spoke about working together which is exactly what we want right how great is it if you come into Mars Plains and you have breakfast at the diner you go to regalo do some shopping you have lunch at Tony's or Arthurs whatever the case may be and make it a Mars Plains day that is exactly what we want um and at the end they actually had a Museum tour and the goal of that was to really Inspire some of the business owners some are new to Mars Plains and might not know our history others have been here Arthur's what was what what is it 7 70 years so um you know but really just really instill what Mars Plains is all about um and that I think a lot of people enjoyed that tour um some other things that are coming up the second annual pumpkin illumination it's going to be on Friday um the October 25th uh businesses are encouraged to register so once again that's a good opportunity for businesses to come down and share with the community the different types of things that they offer while at the same time residents enjoying um the pumpkin illumination so there'll be more more information available on the downtown Mars Plains website in addition we're going to be opening up the whole uh Merchant block this year right because we got such a tremendous outpouring of residents coming we moved from the farmers Market little slot and we're opening up the whole um street so that's going to be great hopefully we have the weather like we did last year um they also um have the bike rack contest um so they hope to announce the winner um during the the pumpkin illumination so that should be exciting um just wanted to mention the farmers market I am a council one me member but I'm also the market manager four weeks left so if you want to store some pickles or get some pies and KES and freeze them um I recommend you do that um lots of exciting things happening um you know we're really going to be trying to make it almost like a little October Fest um try to make it a bit more festive and um there's going to be some additional new vendors joining us and we're also going to have entertainment every week leading up to the end I think this week that's called uh bomber jacket is our band that's going to be playing on our Saturday stage so come down between 10 and 12 for free entertainment and then lastly um just wanted to share um what art mentioned a bit a bit about the DPW um so the soccer committee reached out to me and they wanted to do something with that building the refreshment Stand Down um at Simon's Park and they asked if they could do a mural so I brought this to the council everybody agreed and they actually hired um muralist to to do the design it's very bright and you're certainly not going to miss it if you're at Simon's Park but it's certainly adds so much character to to Simons and um really makes that building shine and uh the wonderful thing is that it was a partnership rotary um um donated some funds to make this happen um um Nick janitorial supply also um donated time sheram Williams donated the paint the the I call it um Mars pl's pool col blue that's a mouth yeah right well people are um I'm sorry South thought that we used the the paint from the pool I'm like well do it I was missing I was missing 10 gallons yeah yeah and while it wasn't ready for opening day um this past Saturday and Sunday when they had games um the I think everybody that was there the parents the kids really enjoyed it so I have pictures here you can probably see the brightness from a distance but I think it adds a lot of character to Simon Park and it's a really great addition very thank you Public Health sanitation and SE so as Joe mentioned Mars PLS Wellness day is coming at the Board of Health meeting in September 11th they uh discussed this it's planned for October 12th at the community center from 8:00 a. to 11: a.m. and they will have Wellness screenings some of these you'll need to make an appointment in advance which you can look in the weekly email for that phone number to make that appointment but things like cancer screenings and blood chemistry analysis uh so there's a phone number that you can call and uh that'll be in a weekly email they're also going to have free flu shots for Mars Plains residents age 50 plus bring your Medicare card if you have one they'll have things like blood pressure screenings and they're going to have exhibitors to promote healthy living for the whole family one that I recommend that everyone stop by if you have time that morning is to attend a quick Naran training it takes less than five minutes to learn how to administer Naran to potentially save the life of someone who has overdosed and the more of these kits we can get into the hands of residents the better because you just never know uh when you're going to see someone in distress um and what I learned I did this at the U Community exchange event that they had at uh Central Park on Friday September 13th which I'll talk about I did I re redid my training because myar can had expired and they reminded me that if you administer an Naran and the person is not suffering an overdose but it's something else there's no penalty for the Good Samaritan of attempting to help someone who right it won't hurt them so uh it's it's a good thing to have in your car and your pocketbook or whatever me uh you mentioned mental health awareness day I got I cath I saw Cathy there the mayor was up on the Das and I want to thank you for organizing that it's part of the mayor's Wellness campaign from my perspective we had from the Board of Health Dr Lauren Martin who's a pediatrician uh spoke about mental health and children and Annette Wolf the chair of the Morris Plains Municipal Alliance spoke about the prevention programs parent education and resilience programs he implemented in Morris Plains for all ages including senior citizen lunch and learns uh to combat combat mental health and abuse of alcohol and drugs um there were people there from the Sheriff's Office speakers about um addiction of their own personal stories someone from the school district about the programs that they have for students where they identify them very young and begin to work with them to to try to treat some of these issues before they get to out of control uh and there was lots of information about resources so I'm looking forward to working with the mayor and getting he's going to get that video up but also there are a bunch of resources that were mentioned during this that we want to put on our website and make available uh so the exchange at Central Park was a similar event sponsored by Morris County Department of Human Services and inter fa food pantry so there were tables set up all over Central Park and you could go around to learn about what the different services are that are offered from the state and the county and these were things like homelessness and uh you know affordable housing senior services and there's a lot of great info there so I'm going to work and see what we can add to our resources share with senior citizens uh there was one program that I did not know we had in New Jersey which I knew we had in Vermont because my daughter applied for it but it's called Uh home sharing an affordable housing alternative in New Jersey where seniors can apply and um young people who are looking for a place to stay at a reduced rent and they match they have a whole application process and they match them up so that the seniors can have help with picking their garbage out or making dinner or whatever and they offer a low rent apartment and companionship for a younger person or or a companion so it's a great program um Municipal Alliance met on September 9th and um I will be attending an assembly that they're sponsoring at morison High School uh with Stephen Hill who was an athlete in high school and became addicted he is now an attorney and he's a public speaker who delivers his message from experience so I'm going to be attending I think since my daughter's a senior I'll be attending the junior one I don't think she'd be happy to see me there um they're also working on the seven habits of highly effective teens program for seventh graders which they've been sponsoring a barrow school and um sponsoring that with the uh guidance Council Brian Wilson stage fund is going on for fourth through eth grade uh with our great directors Joe and Matt the show mark your calendars Friday November 15th always great show to see and those kids are so into it so uh that will be happening here in the burrow lead is going on all three programs are up and running for first I believe it's first right uh Chief uh second Fifth and eth second Fifth and eth okay wasn't sure about the one over at Mountain one so uh apparently the fifth grade is a huge class this year so that'll be a challenge uh Team Center we have 94 students registered we had our kickoff event on Friday September 13th with laser tag and sumo wrestling only two minor injuries which we documented UH 60 students attended and the entire board was there to manage inperson registration if students showed up without proper paperwork and medical forms and stuff uh we had a Girl Scout Troop approach us to adopt the teen center house as a silver award project so they're going to help us with painting new curtains clean out closets so it's a great partnership and those girls are also members of the team Center so they'll get to enjoy the fruits of their labor which is a nice nice uh situation um we organized a recycling day for the kids to work and uh that's about it um more updates on clean communities next time we have a score on the Jets two 14 rosan rosanne's in a good mood tonight look at her smile over there ordinances and Public Utilities Kathy yes thank you um the trees ordinance that we've been working on remains a work in progress and I've been invited to attend the shade tree commission meeting um on October 7th I'm sure they have lots of questions regarding the draft of the uh ordinance that uh my committee s s councilman and Nancy M and I have been working on um I will have results of that next time Joe you're also the L correct yes thank you um also ra uh street lights um The moris Plains Police Department keeps track of sleep sorry street lights that are out and submits info to the jcpl customer service of First Energy Group they then take care of replacing the bulbs chief assured me that I will be notified at the beginning of the month with a listing of um outages uh also the uh customer service department has asked that they do it U regularly not hand in a list of 60 or 50 or whatever lights that are up but try to get them done on a more regular basis uh Bob Flyn remains our direct contact if and when needed and that's all I have very good but you know what um we pay for those lights so let's get the lights on shouldn't be 50 and they should be here more than once a month or once every whatever well I would get no I know it's I know they should be driving around they used to have people that did that I understand we got to put that burden on our policeman that can be doing something else she cross arranges we don't pay enough for elction we can't do that on a regular basis anyway uh presentation of communications or petitions thank you Kathy anyway uh nothing introduction of ordinances I yes sir I council member Kell introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move that it be passed on first reading ordinance number 7224 an ordinance of The Bu of Morris plain County of moris state of New Jersey amending chapter 22 establishing new article 17 to be entitled don't block box is there a second second that good by zennis roll call please miss varg yes Mr Brun yes Mr Cortez yes M yes Miss Kelly yes Mr yes I I council member Kelly offer the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on September 19th 2024 and passed on the first reading now therefore it be resolved that at the meeting to be held on October 3rd 2024 :30 p.m. prevailing time at the municipal building in the said burough this Council will further consider for second reading and final passage the said ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of the buau B and she is hereby directed to publish and shall mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the bulle board in the municipal building and to make copies available to MERS of the general public is there a second second by Art all in favor I opposed abstain the eyes have it uh and this is for the installation of a block of box that Morris County did on Handover Avenue can you give me an intersection for that if possible the Buckley way and hand graue thank you we have no ordinances on second reading no resolutions no unfinished business no new business but of course we have vouchers Mr wag yes I ERS here uh dated September 19th 2024 for 3,359 8860 is there a second second second by please yes yes and that is for uh two months really so quite so high we have no need for an executive session is there a motion pleas favor opposed abstain eyes have it thank you very much thank you for members of the public