##VIDEO ID:7pUPJl1S5RI## I States rep stand one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of Mars FL amen amen notice the members of the Gover body and burrow staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used Sol for the purpose of burrow business like to welcome everybody here tonight and we do have minutes further I move that the minutes of conference executive and regular session from November 14 2024 be approved the minutes of the special meeting of nov 14224 be approved there a second second all in favor oppos abstain and approval calendari she read together okay I move at the minutes of the special meeting of November 14th 2024 be approved is there a second second by Cy all in favor I oppos abstain moving on to approval of consent calendar reports sanitarium and police department November 2024 the fire prevention from October and November 2024 resolution 2024 163 entitled KFC number 3495 ship mlin Council raffle license number 34625 resolution 2024 164 entitled resolution authorizing the award of non-fair and open contracts for Professional Services for calendar year 2025 resolution 22465 entitled burough moris plain's resolution requesting Governor Murphy to restore the municipal Relief Fund resolution 2024 166 entitled resolution supporting Amendment of the fair housing act as proposed by the New Jersey Institute of local government attorney NL I njga resolution 2024 167 entitled barl Morris pl's resolution authorizing a refund of $292,700 38 and 2439 resolution 20241 156 which authorized a one-year contract extension for Uniform Rental and cleaning services be exended joah Salma 285 Mobis Avenue North planfield New Jersey be hired as part-time team Center supervisor at an annual salary of 3 3,500 pro rated effective December 1st 2024 the mayor be authorized to sign the proposal between spatial data logic LLC sdl and the buau of Morris claim Anthony lagalante be promoted to the per per position of operator in the Department of Public Works and granted the appropriate hourly increase effective December 1st 2024 SC Dio be promoted to the position of Master operator in the Department of Public Works and granted the appropriate hourly increase effective December 1st 2024 the following employees be granted permission to carry vacation time from 2024 to 2025 which shall be used by March 31st 2025 Sergeant Mel Kelly Police Department 24 hours officer Nicholas grower Police Department 12 hours officer David Kowski Police Department 12 hours officer anarie Ferris Police Department 32 hours Lieutenant Robert Guild Police Department 32 hours Seagal rice Police Department 28 hours Matthew Osborne senior truck D driver DPW 40 hours cig R laborer DPW 40 hours Karen coffee building department 35 hours the mayor and clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the bur of M PLS and the county of Mars for traffic signal improvements at the insection of East canover Avenue and American Road the program instructors attached be hired at the position rate and session date stated for the 2025 winter program barl Council authorized the release and return of engineering review and inspection fees in the amount of $813 to Robert aara 49 Sun Valley Way Mars Plains New Jersey for Road opening 1011 for the burough Engineers correspondence dated October 29 2024 bur Council authorized the release and return of engineering review and inspection fees in a am of 368 to Lis PA 62 Maple Avenue Mars PLS New Jersey for Road opening 13 for the burough Engineers correspondence dated September 26 2024 Michelle quit Court Reporting LLC be authorized to provide court stenographer services at various planning board meetings at the contracted rate Paul saski be authorized to provide audio services at various planning board meetings at the contractor agree is there a second second by roll call please miss Mr BR yes Mr Cortez yes M yes Miss Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes once again I'd like to thank everybody for coming out tonight and I open the meeting up for public invitation for discussion state your name and your address Mr bomo Jo 34 pleas how good good so um I understand there's new planning board members that are going to be appointed can you explain the process of that how so every year uh certain planning board members come up for appointment depending on their their class so some two years 5 years four years whatever and so do you go out to recruit how does that um so the planning board is my appointment uh except for the council who appoints votes for the council the Aon on there and I have people come up to me I have people submit form the volunteer form for and I do ask the people who are upoint they like is it publicly posted or it's on our website with it's on our website with the year and everything up position is up okay um so a lot is changing in the town and so planning board is going to be very important obviously moving forward especially with low income housing and those developments only if the court doesn't get right well you never know um but I guess it's really important to I don't know if you could recruit or how you could go about finding people instead of people just coming the volunteer uh I do ask people I found that my experience anyway um some of the people that come up to me and ask are very passionate about whatever they are asking me about volunteering um if somebody wants to be engaged somebody wants to volunteer somebody wants to be part of the commity all those kind of things could be any VAR board or Commission my experience those people have seemed to work out quite well you have a tough time by any people or is it some some years are tougher than others and some boards are tougher than others of the sense um separate topic the the ordinance that changed the the drive for for res on his own is it possible to revisit that after this all goes through I'm sure anything is it something you would consider uh it's something that the council would have to consider okay okay I got a little prepared today bear with me I'm not a good public speaker me either you're better than me so I want to start by recognizing the hard work and dedication of all of our current planning board members we have some members that have had involved with the town for many years decades they've contributed greatly to our community and I appreciate app all the positive change we see today as our talent evolves it's important to keep our planning processes open to new ideas and Innovative thinking I'm a horal public know why I bre you want to order Joe you want to order no you're doing good I'm just going to shake for it adding new members to the planning board can bring in perspectives that reflect the changing need of our community thinking of the new housing laws I would say is critical new members should bring in innovative ideas modern approaches to development and a better understanding of current trends in urban planning technology and sustainability involving new people ensures that the planning board is making decisions that are relevant not just for today but for the future of our town it's crucial that our planning reflects the needs of all residents now and in the years to come I would suggest the committee consider ways to open up recruitment forting members perhaps by broadening the search to younger people or those with different professional backgrounds so we can Ure ensure diverse viewpoints are included in planning decisions I encourage the committee to discuss how we can open up opportunities for new voices to join the planning board ensuring all perspectives are heard I truly appreciate the committee's hard work work of dedication to the town and I hope we can work together to explore ways to make our planning board even more inclusive and forward I got all right thank you very much hey good job anybody else seeing no one we move on to reports of committees and or department heads fin Mr thank you mayor um everyone note on the consent agenda here mayor signature we begin a contract with spatial data logic it's a process that uh has been in the works for say a year and a half two years for the Construction Construction department so um thank you for that um they now in they have includ contract is two 4-Hour training sessions so they're really excited to get started and uh will in real time connect every player of uh a permit from you know presentation the co so they're really excited about that so thank you everyone who work who uh who worked on that construction official members of the construction office um committee it was very interesting to certainly was NY had a big part in getting a ball roll and so we appreciate that okay thank you Public Safety Mr Cortez thank you mayor first I just want give a brief sorry just a report from the clerks office really quick uh working on Professional Service agreements end of year reorganization preparations sham street parking permits uh and continued opras just want also report that Cole saranita our clerk full-time clerk typus has completed and passed the local elections class um and is on the the third of five classes which is Advanced duties of the clerk uh on her way to Deputy for clerk status so congratulations very well very nice job are you finished yes thank you Mr Cortez public thank you mayor uh first I to start off I always make my calls with with Chief Rango um as you guys know he's also in the DPW runs our DPW so I ask him how's everything going and if he had anything to share he could make it tonight he said all is well so I asked him is Santa okay for Sunday he says yes so most of the stuff is covered I don't know if art D fire but Kevin can't make it here tonight but if you do you can add it on your stuff um I also have a request from U our fire prevention uh uh Bureau um in this regards u a deep conversation because it touches the U the Personnel manual our employees work :3 to 4:30 um his his department is requesting if he can come in an hour earlier um so that he could meet some days with the inspectors um at first my committee thought it wasn't an issue because it's the same amount ours however the Personnel manual clearly states 8:30 to 4:30 for fulltime employees so if we um I'd like to maybe talk about this at the next uh uh the next meeting I want take a lot of time up now because I have one more with also the police department and to see if we want to uh change the Personnel manual for the one department so that he uh he feels that way it would be more productive if you could meet the inspectors they start at 7:30 in the annex versus uh versus the 8:30 what time did they finish like 11 time sometimes they do 2 hours hours a day no but so he's missing a big part of the day the fire inspector is not yeah first hour we have one fire inspector you know different different ceg there um the the second request and please jump in joh if I'm going out of the thing we have a request from our our police chief for a um possible contract at first when I got it I gave it to to our my commit for the vi to see the pros and cons um I am not going to talk about it I'm not going to I don't want to talk about it tonight I want to move with my committee and I will have a presentation for you on the 17th regarding that uh there's two little things there that I like to clarify with my committee before I open everything up um then as far as police department thank you Mike the end of the year reporting due to the county and state is being prepared the police department supporting the water Authority on sty Avenue I mean it's almost I can't wait till get these water things done all over town they start on Monday and he will be supplying officers for traffic direction and Clos roads and then the 14th the department will add staff at fire comments for traffic directions and police presidence to deter problems and uh I think they're they're doing a really U great job fire prevention is doing a great job as far as uh inspections I mean in October we're talking about October November 202 inspections that's uh a lot of work U it's just not going there it's going there taking pictures looking up the codes and then fing a report which only one person can do according to to the state law I I learned that and um I think that's all I have I'd like to pass the mike to Mike good evening uh as Council Cortez mentioned yes we're going to start resuming our uh trolls of the 17 Brier Cliff Commons property at Route 10 um holidays get excessively worse over there with traffic and uh need for police assistance with some incidents so uh that's funded by bar common so we'll be over there for the holiday shopping season um and the added uh traffic that results with local decep for Holiday catering so we'll be out there relatively soon um as I mentioned our last Council session uh shoplifting and retail theft is up in that closet as well we partnered with Kohl's the rockbury count Police Department morr County Sheriff's Office and we did a uh 6-h hour detail down there but within 4 hours we had three custodial arrests for shoplifting uh saving $1,700 in loss to uh to Cole's paa so we're happy to do that and uh be looking forward to do that some more in the future but it was good to get the press release out before the Black Friday holiday for the shopping techic that's down there um I on but believe you're joining me tomorrow evening still is that still up in the air for you for a night in the cold I will not be there okay sorry uh in support of uh homeless uh individuals in moris County I'm uh sleeping out overnight at the wing drive for the center for Homeless Solutions you Pi the heck of a night a $35 donation but just to to show our support for homeless individuals in in Morris County um to see what their struggles are like and to uh uh express our support for them I it be a difficult lifestyle um and we deal with the homeless individuals frequently so I'm going to put the shoe on the other foot as they say and see what they might experience uh for an evening um at the mayor's request I met with Avenues in motion uh two weeks ago maybe a week and a half ago uh we're going to do some walkability uh vehicle feasibility studies along speed Avenue bit very busy Corridor they're going to do some continuing education for our senior groups uh the road what have you uh we look forward to doing that in the upcoming spring uh just a report for November 53 medical calls responded to WI our Law Enforcement Officers 20 motor vehicle crashes three DWI arrests in the month of November and 394 motor vehicle stuffs that concludes my report unless there's any questions comments or concerns I I have M when you met with Urban Edge I mean I go by lows and they see that blue light it's kind of like a deterrent I when I go there I don't see anything on the PO like may be cameras but they're not as uh visible as like in normal or not I should say normal other other areas like like I just brought up low low sure did anything come up about putting these you know those round balls with the with the moving camera there's some cameras there that we won't mention locations of um and I'm also Mak conversations about adding some additional technology down there with the property owners and that's what I meant I mean when I go to cold you see the blue light and not that I'm still there or anybody but it just it's like a deterrent like somebody's in there watching whereas the ones that you're talking about are hidden I understand and and they're probably well done and I'm sure it's very well supervised and looked at but like more something like you know a ball with you know what I'm talking about that they have like Atlantic City a lot of times when they you know you don't know what's what's in there but people are looking I think that would be a deterrent we'll have a conversation with if you don't mind what Ed about and they're not that expensive either and uh I understand the part about the camera can't be seen but I think that when it Cera can be seen the thief's going to think twice or 10 times because he said no you see the camera and they looking at me they rob the banet cameras sou but it's amazing how you know the whole crime thing changed like you watch the news today and U you the crime is committed next thing you know you see the guy's face because their cameras are everywhere you know so you know times have have have changed a lot but thank you very thank you very much thank you m I just had a question about the drones I know that's a toic um I just wanted to check as the guidance bill that if you see them and that you either have a picture or video that you send it to the sh we we uploaded a uh a press release to our Facebook page uh yesterday afternoon gives a reporting tip line also uh um a website that you can upload videos and things through that nature so it's still under investigation by the FBI we're closely monitoring obviously as my role as a County chief uh president I get a little bit more more involved with some of the higher level discussions but still nothing further other than you know the FBI monitoring tracking and investigating so thank you and just please express the DU the personal matters I wasn't I did plan I figured as much thank you you're welcome uh Public Works Mr broom last minut just touch on a couple things with the fire department thank you uh this Friday is our uh election night every year we elect our new officers from our president of the asso ation vice president secretary treasurer and then downstairs with fire department we like our fire chief assistant Chiefs off oper Engineers assistant engineer and our uh first lieutenant and chief so anyway that's this Friday um and as s mentioned on Sunday is the tree lighting the annual tree lighting and fire department has always brought Santa on the trucks this year last few years we brought them on our ladder truck and we swing them over the kids they get excited we lower them down and get out they tell them what they want for Christmas so that's at 6:00 p.m. and then uh 12:22 is our Candy Cane Run um we typically start at 11: kids but there's two sers that run around we cover the town as quickly as we can and um I know the cats out of big anyway so really my God so they that our firem have done it for years so it's a lot of work and a long day it's a lot of fun the kids love it so that's a couple of items there then over to my committee Public Works our DPW does a fantastic job kind of starting backwards a little snow this morning and they were out salting and did a great job I live on top M way so it's nice to be able to go down safely they winterized our pool the snack bar any bathrooms Simon Park seven in total that they had to Winter eyes they picked up the Christmas should the Christmas trees for the Garden Club that they put out and decorate down look beautiful and the Garden Club does a fantastic job they've collected 1,880 cubic yards of leaves so far this season which is a lot of leaves I if you've seen Misfit Island I think they call it over there by the train station it's our our lights that are over by the train station they always look great so they put up a lot of the holiday decorations cleaned up our properties with the leaves um they've set up many meetings for the planning board at the uh Community Center we appreciate that work got some brush rounds picking up the sticks and got the garbage and worked on our U our police and DPW vehicles um in back to the fire department quick we got 800 Christmas trees U the fire department and the BFW have done a joint fundraiser for about 25 years or so uh we sold 325 Sunday we got them so if you haven't gotten your tree come over uh quickly this weekend we're to sell out so a great cause and we enjoy working with our BFW town all thank you public buildings and ground I'm sorry Bill oh yeah sorry Bill thank you mayor I have three items to update you on first Mr Cortez touched on already it's the southeast Mars mua will be starting on South Avenue next week that also includes hmer Avenue carile Avenue Central Avenue poror Avenue Maple Avenue B Road and Birch bir drive so there was was there a meeting yesterday yeah last night I I asked the water authority to have an information session last night which they did probably around I'd say 40 or 50 residents showed up to and last a little over two hours I think all their questions obviously were answered in that time frame they gave a very good overview of of project and some of the responsibilities of the residents and what to expect the timeline I wasn't able to make second item is the uh the ongoing t Road Route 53 Warehouse project so the latest completion time is expected in about two weeks we'll see I don't know how urgent things are now I don't know whether they have tenant to move in or not but that's the new time two weeks on that excuse me and last is the table Road sidewalk project we completed the plans and specifications submitted them to do last week for review and approval so we expect about a month turn around time for that and then we'll be a about to that's all I have super thank you very much theare don't nothing that I know public buildings and grounds Jo okay just a few updates um so we had a successful small business Saturday uh last Saturday the farmers market team and uh downtown Mars PLS collaborated our Market um it was a great success our last Market of the season and it was well attended we had a few new um holiday being vendors and uh it's very crowded in a great way to bring people downtown and really encourage that sense of community um downtown Mars Plains gave away um 2024 ornaments to anyone that showed proof of a $10 purchase at a Mars pl's business um and they heard about visits to regalo the diner to faath where we got a lot of our receipts from and more than 50 ornaments were given away um downtown Mars Plains also received an incredibly generous gift from a Family Foundation as well and several gifts for their giving Tuesday celebration and then their next business Round Table will be on January 27th and they've created a private Facebook group for owners and operators to connect and share information just an update on the County Trail Grant um we were awarded the grant for design and permitting which is the first phase um of planning for our community park Trail um so I've shared at other meetings it's a trail that's going to be essentially going around um flurry field kind of up the hill down past field two and then meeting um with the the road there'll be path on the road and then going around the tennis courts and behind uh the so it's going to be um a journey I would say because it's a phased approach right so there's designed and permitting and then we need would need to submit for the actual construction grant that would most likely be um 26 or 27 um the Centennial committee is meeting um we've had a few meetings so far in 24 we're going to continue in 25 as we gear up to the 100 years in 26 we've been researching whether what other towns are doing um to get some ideas and we're starting to map out the different types of events that we want to have throughout the year the good thing is that it's going to be a year-long celebration and we're going to tap into a lot of the great events that we already have like family day and the block party and other things um but we're looking for ways to add enhancements as well so new things new experiences uh for residents so more to come on that as we move forward uh basketball opening day is at school on Saturday it's I think it's our biggest uh Sports Group in town and always a fun event so um hope to see you there and then on Mountain Way school on Saturday there's going to be a ribbon cutting for their new expansion and their new uh playground as well so will be great to go and see that that is it for me Public Health sanitation and St okay uh Board of Health had there a first annual safe food handling course on December 9th at the Public Safety Training Academy from 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. it's sponsored by the Mars County division of Public Health and it's open to the public reminder that the rabies clinic is going to be held on Saturday January 4th from 1: to 3m. at the burrow garage flue shots are available for homebound individuals we got a question on it someone couldn't find it on the website it was there but we made it more visible now and easily searchable so if anyone's looking for uh flu shots for anyone homebound they're available uh and as far as the um the floen situation in town they are continuing to monitor they have not had any recent reports uh but there were some trapped in uh mid- October in the in the vicinity of the um of the area that's in question the municipal Alliance did not meet in um November but they had I'm sorry they did meet in November they had a friends giving on 11 22 which more than 100 people attended and um full of happy families eating talking and playing dingo together their stage fun show for fourth to eighth grade was the 15th of November it was fantastic would you hug a c could you hug a caus it was called very heartwarming and funny it was a musical it was wonderful one of the members of the musical Alliance this is why I love that committee they're very creative they brought up the fact that scooter safety has been a problem in LS kids are are riding them unsafely and so that idea was tossed around what could we do how are we going to get kids there the kids who need to see it are not their show up so they decided to incorporate a lesson into the lead curriculum at bough school with the police department so that that is for fifth graders and eighth graders so they will get a lesson on scooter safety which is going to benefit them and the whole Comm going forward so that was a great collaboration the team Center as you saw on the agenda hired a new supervisor part time Johanna Selma we had our first staff meeting with her on Monday night over Zoom with Jake and Richie and it went went really well so she's going to be a great addition to the team we're planning a winter wonderland event this Friday for seventh grade with hot cocoa they're going to build a little um those little gingerbread houses and they're going to have an ugly sweater slpj contest um upcoming event at men and Arena as well in the near future uh let's see recycling committee they continue to host volunteer mornings for groups uh to help unload cars and they earn $200 for their Community groups while doing that service for the community clean communities fall cleanups have completed five Girl Scout Troops and one SC CB Scout Pack and All Seasons Garden Club for a total of 21 bags of trash and one bag of recycling we have a couple more groups to go and um James is planning to reach out to you to about some of these groups recognize I think they've done that in the past with at next year one of the meetings in the spring to see if they can come and get recognition for helping keep the town clean some of these troops are really committed to their areas that they keep clean too um several of us attended the league of municipalities conference in Atlantic City I was only there two days this year uh the 19th and 20th and uh one of the interesting sessions I sat in on with the mayor was a session outlining the resolutions that the New Jersey League of municipalities going to be sponsoring and they vote the members present would vote on which resolutions they wanted to pass and some of the topics of these resolutions included a resolution supporting additional measures to combat auto theft a resolution calling for the New Jersey legislature to pass legislation permitting municipalities to impose impact fees for increased school and infrastructure costs on Developers for new residential units currently when affordable housing and such as buil uh the Town absorbs the infrastructure cost of those developments so we're looking for to be able to charge developers a fee for those infrastructure costs um another one was a resolution calling for increased housing sub subsidies for people with special needs and one urging Congress to allow expiration of the deductibility cap on State and local taxes Sal tax and more so it's very interesting session and um really enjoyed that also attended an affordable housing legislation session and a session on electric vehicles for your Fleet and they they provide a lot of the U sessions also on you can see videos or you can see the presentations and download them and review them if weren't able to make them sure a lot of good info there and um I'm sure that the team brought back lots of great stuff for us to consider here in La planes I also attended a ribbon cutting yesterday for the office building across the street 520 Speedo Avenue a new owner who did a beautiful job with renovating it and tracking new tenants um it's a great location here in town and a nice addition to our downtown to have that that spied up that's all I thank you ordinances and Public Utilities yes N I just want to comment on that building yesterday the grand opening um I'm sure the people in town saw it being renovated on the outside and that made it look spectacular as well again what you said about everything that's happening inside is beautiful I saw some of the pictures um from the man who is not the owner care of the inside of the building and there are pictures of pipes that you don't want to hear about or see about taking care of them so it's great great excuse you don't have eyes behind your head can't see in bring next time also I just want to give you a brief update on some Girl Scout and boy scout happening the Girl Scout Troop 996 845 they are working for their silver award we met them here at the council Sophia Viola and elesi they are still building that nine square they've uh raised money they have sold bracelets and um they can't ask for money but they've gotten quite a bit and it's going to help them they will be starting building that nine square uh I guess you call it a game an outdoor game uh in the spring of 2025 and then there's another group of girls Valentina Maser Caitlyn shimian and Higgins who are coming next uh in two weeks on the 19th to tell you about their present plan to uh earn their silver award they've gotten all the Ops from the Girl Scout commission and they um are looking forward to being here on the 19th to explain it to you all what they want to do is they are their plan is to build a bike rack for the moris team CER and I thought you I think they're going to enjoy being here they're they're very excited I saw them at school just just just today and they're very excited about being here um Alex calago he also was here giving his um presentation for his Eagle Scout rank he built a memorial grave at the BFW that is absolutely gorgeous and uh S I know they have you to thank for a lot of the things you did to help them with that and mayor Carr for the donation of the flag for the I have to call it a memorial grave it's not a fake it's a fake grave but I don't want to use that word so Memorial grave um and that those girls that I told you about from Troop 96 845 are have worked with the clean communities and they feel that Simon's Park is theirs and they get very upset when they especially when they're much younger when they see people leaving trash and food scraps or whatever all over the place so it's really um it's heartwarming to see young people care about something like that take such good care of them also um uh I was at the meeting with the UMC mua last night and you stole my thunder and you also stole my thunder but um what I'd like to add is it's called the Styles Avenue water main res project and you think it's only sty Avenue but Styles Avenue has a lot of other streets connected to it in that area and I think there are six or or seven streets all together and um there are 250 253 residen that will be U hopefully connected all connected uh but mayor car I have to say thank you because I believe you organized that meeting and I think it's going to help make the difference between I think Glenbrook the Glen Brook project was difficult and people had a lot of questions and there were a lot of questions answered last night there was a lady who uh did most of the speaking her name is I had it just a second ago give me a minute sorry um Sophia Dyer and she is the principal engineer of this project I believe and she answered questions now I am certainly not capable of answering any of those questions and I think everything she said was great but the people had a lot of interesting questions last night and they were answered also Drew SAS who we've met before he was here I know s and Joan n excuse me Joan Nancy we all were there listening to Drew SAS with about the same kind of project that it was going on in Glen so I think this is going to uh save a lot of time and energy for people worrying about what's going to happen because a lot of excellent questions were asked and answered last night and I just said one other thing I'm a volunteer at the blood bank and our blood bank is no long we're going to have um Saturdays for those who wish to donate and that will be starting in January of 2025 and blood dries will only be on the second Thursday of every month I just thought want to know that and that's all I have sir one more thing my dad is a resident in Denville of a independent living facility and he mentioned to me that our community Dan performed there the other day and it was fantastic so they make a big I tried to talk he showed me Larry Ripley who was the leader of the band uh showed me a picture of he and his family uh one of the pictures was recent when all of the family was in the picture and he included and they're all playing an instrument and they it wasn't just for show and then he showed me a picture more recently of an older picture where the kids out of college were standing in the picture playing instruments and I've asked him if we could use those and he he just he just thinks it's a private picture and doesn't want to share with so I just wanted to thank you I'm moving on to introduction of ordinances Miss Kelly oh I was thinking sorry uh here we go I council member Keller introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move that it be passed on the first reading ordinance number 92024 an ordinance to provide for the partial Amendment supplementation and revision of chapter 13 to bur of Morris Plains Land Development ordinance to amend the zone for 300 tab road block 101.1 Lot 2 one and adjacent lot one from the R2 single family residential Zone to the C1 Highway commercial district is there a second second second by dentist R call please miss berer yes Mr Brun yes Mr Cortez yes M yes M Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes I council member Kelly offer the following resolution whereas the above ordance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on December 5th 2024 and passed on the first reading now therefore be resolved that at a meeting to be held on December 26 2024 at 7 p.m. prevailing time at the municipal building in the said burrow this Council will further consider for second reading and final passage the set ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of this burrow b and she is hereby directed to publish and mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance to the Bulet board in the mun building and to make copies available to members of the general public is there a second second second by Nancy all in favor oppos abstain this ordinance takes a single family home out by Route 10 and Route 53 residential Zone and just changes it to commercial out council member Kelly introduced the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move that it be passed on the first reading ordinance number 10224 an ordinance concerning salaries and Longevity pay is there a second second M ber yes Mr yes Mr yes M yes Miss yes M yes I council member K offered the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on December 5th 2024 and passed on the first reading now therefore it be a resolve that at a meeting to be held on December 19th 2024 at 8:30 p.m prevailing time at the municipal building in the said buo this Council will further consider for second reading and final passage the said ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of this bur B and she is hereby directed to to publish and mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the bulletin board in the municipal building and to make copies available to members of the general public is there a second second second by Dennis all in favor I oppos abstain the eyes have and this is just yearly housekeeping of uh keeping the ranges of our non-union employees up to date I excuse me I council member Kelly introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move that it be passed on the first reading ordinance number 11224 an ordinance providing for the partial Amendment supplementation or repeal of certain fees set forth in the fee schedule of the bu of Morris Plains chapter 2 section 2-46 in the revised ordinance of the buau of Morris plans New Jersey 1972 there a second second second by Art r m b yes Mr BR yes mrz yes M yes Kelly yes Mr wner yes I council member Kelly offer the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on December 5th 2024 and passed on the first reading now therefore be it resolved that at a meeting to be h on December 19th 2020 48:30 p.m. prevailing time at the municipal building in the said bur this Council will further consider for second reading and final passage the said ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of this burrow b and she is hereby directed to publish and mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the bulletin board of the municipal building and to make copies available to members of the general public is there a second second second by Dennis all in favor oppos abstain the eyes have it and this again is the yearly housekeeping to amend our fees that theer charges for various departments and services either up or down I council member Kelly introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and that if you read passed on the first reading ordinance number 12224 an ordinance establishing pay grains and fixing salaries and benefits for the Department of Public Works of the buau of Morris plans is there a second second my R please miss ber yes Mr BR yes Mr Cortez yes M yes Miss K yes Mr yes I council member Kelly offer the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on December 5th 2024 and passed on the reading now therefore be it resolved that at a meeting to be held on December 19th 2024 8:30 p.m. prevailing time at the municipal building in the said bu this Council will further consider for second reading and passage the said ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of the burrow b and she is hereby directed to publish and mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the Bulet board the municipal building and to make copies available to members of the General Public second second second by Art all in favor I opposed obain yeah eyes have it and I apologize for this this is ordinance number eight which I will start but I should have read this one first I don't I council member Kell Kelly read the title by ordinance entitled ordinance number 8-2 24 an ordinance to appropriate $175,000 from the capital Improvement fund for the various improvements in and by the burough of Morris Plains in the county of morris state of New Jersey which ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting held on November 14th 2024 the mayor announced the meeting was open for a public hearing on the ordinance I announced the meeting is open for a public hearing anybody wish to say anything on the ORD see no when I close the public I council member Kelly state that the above ordinance as read by title on second reading at this meeting be adopted and finally passed is there a second second by roll call please M yes Mr yes Mr yes M Miss Kelly yes yes thank you I declared the ordinance adopted and finally and this is putting funds in place for new equipment for our road department and some upgrades and work to be done in par we have no resolutions no unfinished business no new business we do have vouchers Mr Wagner checklist dated December 5th 2024 in the amount of 2,554 n87 is there a second second roll callot please m yes Mr yes mrz yes M Miss Kelly yes Mr yes and we do have a need for another executive session we have resolved by the bur Council of the bur Morris Plains on the 5th day of December 2024 that prior to the conclusion of this regular meeting of the mayor and bur Council of the bur of moris PLS which regular meeting has been open to the public the mayor and B Council shall meet an executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuing to nbsa 10 4-12 subsections B8 B8 uh the time on the matter discussed pursuing to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practical after the final resolution of theet fa is there a second second by Jan all in favor oppos obain the eyes haveit um we will be returning I can't tell you when like more than welcome to but if not everybody have a good week and we'll see everyone later --------- ##VIDEO ID:QwHNGcAa4cI## for the delay everybody appreciate you being patient and hereby announce and state that adequate notice of this meeting was provided by a virtue of a resolution scheduling a time date in place at the meeting of the bur Council of the B of mors plan for the year 2024 which resolution was adopted by the burough Council on January 4th 2024 and published in the Morris news be and Daily Record and by posting a such resolution on the bll report the B Hall all the above actions in accordance with njsa 10 4-6 second quot please mayor pres M ver pres Mr Mr pres Miss Kelly Mr Wagner pres I'd like to welcome everybody here tonight and you have anything for com just a question because it's not on the agenda per se um an update on anything or is there any update from the affordable housing committe what's going uh no I don't know what the next meeting date is but that motion to stay has been pushed back I believe it's December 20th plans have been moving forward and so we don't have we don't have our counter number not yet okay thank you that's all I have that it no nothing nothing um just real quick I've been working with um John and R DPW and the DPW of Denville EXC me for our current process to get our guys CDL licenses they go to a private school C and it could cost up to $4,000 which is a big outl for these guys that are just starting so uh some of our town have acquired or had sent gu to become trainers so they can train our newly employed guys to get their licenses for like $1,000 or less depending on how long it P so I know um we're excited about it and there's been conversation so I think we're getting closer I know SE if you can there anything else you can add to that or only that we are working on an interlocal Services agreement with Denville one of the little recent hangups was and quite frankly really the only last issue that needed to be wrinkled out was was the cost of it initially we thought the cost I think was going to be roughly a little over $40 an hour um the the uh attorney for Denville tck who I know very well reached out to me this morning and advises that what denville's looking for is is a little bit more in terms of of of an hourly cost so how denville's proposing to do it I mean ultimately call is that there's going to be three different teachers from Denville on the drivers themselves they'll be teacher a b and c based upon experience and a is going to cost somewhere around roughly $60 an hour B would cost 50 and then C would cost 40 and then on top of that there would be a 15% administrative fee for I guess paperwork and things like that and exactly what it sounds like administrative work itself um so so that's that and then uh he has asked me to to go ahead and draft somewhat of a small interlocal Services agreement I've already done that um and uh forwarding it to him for his review we could have signatures and signing on that assuming that that's the way the council wants to work now if you do the math it's my understanding and I don't fully remember how I recall this but it was my understanding that it takes about roughly 16 hours per trainee to get to get is appropriate schooling so if you do the math even at $60 an hour times 16 I think it's $950 give or take so still a savings and that's of course if you use the top teacher the bottom teacher is about $ 680 640 somewhere in that range so it's I think it's still a savings to to burrow and probably something you you guys should do obviously it's your call but uh but from my end just about everything's in place just get sign I did discuss it with my coun or committee we were in agreement with that so I just didn't know how far along we were I just have a question with the 16 hour thing isn't it a 40 hour class with the private school like you said I did reach out to the superintendent of Dil and he said that think he could it done 6 I don't have a c never appli so I'm not as first CDL but they I just thought it was a requirement Federal requirement or state Town whichever it is to go through try to Google it that's as as yeah right I know there's other other towns uh John signell and Kevin have been in touch with them it just seemed like a nice option for our new employees I know this is going to be later after this agreement but you discuss the how that will take place how the employee will go or reimburse the for I spoke to John and Anna and uh there was some idea that we going to work like a a deduction a peral deduction John so we could draft a contract John or right agreement that's easy I guess there would be a question of you probably would want I think have the traine go and get the training first and then reimburse the burel that's something but otherwise I from my end legal perspective I mean that's sign pay prior class sign this do best have the timing of the pay and is there any indication how long this will take before AG or whatever well that's that's outside of my hands only because I have to get denville's coer and signing and whatever Ben wants to do their administrator wants to do um and they're busy you know it was tough to get to this point so I you know you'd think well you can sign a document in 24 hours maybe by maybe maybe and again I can't force it just one thing I'm not if that's that we go we'll have to look back at the contract right correct and just for what it's worth it contract with the Union because there's there's uh stipulations in there in terms of getting your CDL the time that you have to take it this might need to be written in if it's an offering that the B has we we extended that time I just need to go back and re at it and then lastly Just For What It's wor benville was for the most part in agreement that 16 hours per train was was pretty accurate so 40 hours versus 16 Denville experiences what happen you take you take the certificate to the DMV took this course it's a written test first and then you get that just like and then you go and you take a road test the appro so they do both in terms of preparing for the written test and then after that they would then train you on the actual road test if you I I don't I I don't know because I don't do the actual train it seems to me like they do the road stuff and then you would just in in in that Acquire knowledge that's from discuss with the staff the road test you take you take the written test first test get the permit and then they'll be able to drive here with another CD driver for a period of time until test yeah I just because we need some drivers for salting and plowing no matter what it's requ it's requir do we have to change the time I think they had like six months to get that's still enough we extended it we extend it that's good because cont not going to get easier getting a license for part anybody else conference um we do need an executive session you resolved by the bur Council of the bur Morris PLS on the 5th day of december2 the mayor and B Council shall meet an executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuing to ending 10 4-12 subsections B7 and B8 B7 and B8 the time when the matter is discussed pursuant to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of the afores said matter there a second second second by J all in favor oppos stain the guys have it exective I ask you to excuse yourself and we'll be back uh no later than 8:30