##VIDEO ID:AQKgtlTzG1k## good evening everybody how are you fantastic technical break guys [Music] the line absolutely iair I hereby announc to state that adequate notice of this meeting was provided by a virtue by virtue of a resolution scheduling the time date in place at the meeting of the B Council the bough moris plans for the year 2024 which resolution was adopted by the bough Council on January 4th 2024 and published in the Morris news being the Daily Record and by posting a such resolution on the bulletin board in the burrow Hall all the above actions being in accordance with njsa 10 4-6 at SEC roll call please mayor pres M Mr pres mrte pres m pres first of all I'd like to welcome everybody here tonight in my opinion a very special evening for not only the officers but the families involved and I invite uh Chief Koski and I welcome past Chief Jason con with us tonight so thank you for coming and uh Chief Koski M you want to hold the Bible yes please boys you want to come up Mom Dad certainly welcome as well come on you go to Catholic school for like 14 days on the way in he prayed for you we all and hold with what happen when the third one comes in more promotions ready I Robert Gil I Robert Gil do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government's established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of Lieutenant of the office of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best abil of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you going let you do the honors I'll take this maybe not just watch your head in the corners please I know there you go congrulations thank you floor is all your um I didn't prepare anything you I I think I made this joke last time I could probably talk for about an hour I'm not going to I promise I just just want to uh you know thank some people um first and foremost Maggie thank you so much I love you uh you're a rock at home and I couldn't appreciate what you do for us more I wouldn't be standing here right now without you um Zachary Nicholas my motivation to keep going my mom and dad uh really appreciate everything you've done for me I wouldn't be here without you guys specifically uh Chief groski thank you so much for all your your leadership over the years um and your uh commitment to me in this position and your faith in me to this position and obviously the mayor and Town Council I appreciate everything you guys do um and other than that the department I can't thank the men and women I work with more uh you know I know that we all trust each other and you know it's uh we have a bright future so thank you guys all for trusting me and uh I'm looking forward to doing good for Morris Plains for another you know 20 years [Applause] Sergeant hins everyone come on this only happens once until the next time all I Joe Hines do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersy Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant of the office of Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations done this a couple times before [Applause] come back we just one picture everybody else Chief everybody nice mayor everybody ready beautiful first and foremost I want to thank my family especially my wife Alex um we've been through a lot this year so without your love and support I wouldn't be here so I appreciate that and congratulate you on some new jobs for you that are coming through um thanks to all my family for being here making the trip out today thank you to the chief for your support during this um I know wasn't always easy so thank you thank you to all guys have worked with I've learned stuff from every person here from the supervisors I've worked under to the young guys just getting on the job and uh working with you guys also want to thank the mayor and Council um for your selection and uh that's kind of it thank you everyone for being [Applause] here Bob Joe congratulations um I've been your your chief for going on almost 5 years now um Jason hired you and what a great job he did and helping us make the selection of two amazing officers uh you have definitely set yourselves well above the bar our staff turns to you for both your knowledge your skills your abilities uh the manner in which you handle them um and that's the reason why you're in the positions that you're in uh the highlight of my career no matter the highs and the lows the thing that I will remember is hiring fine officers and promoting fine officers to leave this burrow in the best position possible so um there's a reason why when you get promoted they start putting rank on your arm and then on your shoulders because that's the weight you're supposed to carry for the Department okay so the burden gets heavy but you've been selected for that exact reason to carry it forward and to teach our young officers and be their supervisors okay I wish you the best of luck stay safe congratulations to all your families Joe and Bob again congratulations to you both and congratulations to the families uh this is not the first time I've seen this group of happy faces in this room um I remember when you were both hired again under Chief con and I couldn't be any more prouder to stand up here today and see you guys how you've Advanced and matured and and we leading now this department that I'm so very proud of so best of luck like Mike says be safe God bless you and continue on good work thank you very we certainly have to time some photos in the hallway family and unless you want to stay for the wonderful conference session to you guil sorry sorry yeah yeah possibly but if I can okay we're good I got to the pictures I'm making a video that's not all right so this photo here at the mayor then Robert andary Guild and then is that his that's his SP Magie and she's holding Nicholas she's holding Nicholas Guild is there anybody okay is there anybody they have two kid right and your son has been comes by our house all the time my Ks are yeah absolutely absolutely oh yeah he's great that's the finest part of what my life you're wearing a hat go work [Music] down take your kids to workday next year all right Joe and Bob in the middle yeah seriously we look like like an a [Music] line camera see you take [Laughter] take a picture of your son come on look at Kodak moment make it quicker so I can breathe okay nobody knows who Kodak is anymore all right yes boys I got it boys I got it once again of course all about that's what it's all about what it's all about Absol hope some people come yeah makes a lot of difference in the world of course absolutely thank yeah you too moving on N do you have anything for confence questions in somebody El up Dennis no Kathy I think so yes I wanted to just say thank you to you for that free mental health Symposium it was very well well it was well attended by all of the 21 people were hosts and and speakers were included in that night and um it was fantastic when uh people who have problems with drink with drinking drugs anxiety whatever it was there was someone on that board to talk about it and give people an idea of where to go not just people who are in the audience but just to give everybody an idea of what they could doing uh mayor Carr I really appreciate you uh having that and I hope it continues thank you but I really don't deserve any credit it's just everybody up there that's willing to help so it really takes everybody well thank you for organizing it then whatever it is that takes felt compelled to do that when I saw it in some other towns and I just hope it touches somebody moving forward so thank you I thank you anything else yeah I just had one thing um so we can continue to hear um from residents living on American Road um and in the development off of Beach Drive that the path to the train is not adequately lit and poses a danger so I believe that we pursued um and of exhausted action and funding from the jcpnl um and have promised to secure funding in our b& budget a buildings and grounds budget uh in 2025 so I really just want to start that process I mean now it's getting dark right earlier um we hearing as I said from from the residents and just start the process of getting some uh cost estimates and also exploring the possibility um of Solar Solutions as well as looking into some grants so I just wanted to share that with the counil and just kind of get approval to or get the head no yes to kind of start looking at that because it's really something that we need to address so I've uh I've received emails and talked to people myself and I believe that process is started already um I've asked Johnny to look into solar lights as well and get some prices I don't know where he is with that right now so feel free to follow buildings and grounds I'd be happy to manage feel free to follow through that's all I have just a comment on that I know some of the residents on beach had some complaints about how bright the lights that were there like just illuminated their backyard in the bedroom so whatever it is maybe has to be directed more on the PA so uh Leon was on vacation again I did receive an email on that Leon was on vacation spoke to him yeah he's going to go take a look at it and see whether they need shields on those lights buts just to keep that yeah so he'll be looking at that in the next few days or week or two or whatever so um I do have something for conference um our new Acting Superintendent Kevin Rango and Johnny s emailed um my committee and they found Denville um has a trainer to train guys on CDL licenses so they said the average cost would be approximate cost say about $700 so Dennis and thought that was a lot more affordable than the classes that they were taken I think we up to you know a few th000 yeah like $4,000 so we talked to Anna in terms of a payroll deduction she said it's not really possible they would just have to re the town um I talked to John kind of briefly about maybe creating shared services agreement I guess with then so just council's a fa yeah it makes perfect sense I'd like a little dialogue I'd like to be maybe involved or have some input on on the cost and what it is yeah this was just through an email so um he Kevin reached out to the director up there they met with John so but yeah more c i it's kind of hard I don't know if like the same training I never I have my CD yeah it's the same training they have to go through I mean is it the same like I take the same for every every employee yeah because it's it's a federal thing that they have to follow but I mean in terms of timing I guess same amount same amount of time everything is all the same because it's a federal thing that they have to so that person in whatever Town um needs to be certified by the state to to do this course yeah yeah nice option for absolutely our employees and then Kevin thought he was hoping to get like two or three guys done by the end of the year so I mean not we looked into a couple years ago I think it was Rock Away in a place in Sussex didn't fit in and I think they've been dissolved since then so it's good to hear another town is stepped up good stuff so if the council approves that would we need to make an amendment to the contract because in the contract the pain the courses were um the employee was responsible for so but you're doing a share of services right so yeah the B I mean you you you you could do an addendum to the contract amending that that little provision but I would I would recommend against it only because when you look at the contract itself the contract governs all areas of that employee employee relationship it's in other words it's a big do significant amount of substance you don't really want to put an addendum to a contract of that length and that magnitude for a $700 CDL class but what you would want to do is at the faest minimum you would want to have some kind of acknowledgement signed by a particular employee um that's going to that that training will be relevant to that they recognize this and if they're going to reimburse the town if they're reimbursing the town and what not I mean it has the same legal effect as as an amendment to the contract but it doesn't you know it's not an addendum that then has to and if that goes away then it's in a contract that last three years so if that goes away you don't have to yeah as long as it's documented but but but in acknowledgement there as long as it's signed the witness would have the same legal effect is a contract I don't have any so happy to hear about the solar power lights that's might neck of the woods there yeah and uh it'll be nice yeah that might help cut down on the glare too right provide good Central they clear you know the trees straight up 100t high so you can the solar panels will do very well there yeah yeah he was looking just so you know he was looking at the same sort of um like the single pole have out here but a single pole with the same sort of fixture okay that we have on theen so just to keep it nice looking and not just they match the ones that are the development put in which the black style lighting fixtures along the path we do it better than they I know we do fancy it's kind of contiguous we'll see we'll see what the price difference is go from there so um the other thing that was added um through Business Development was there's Planters in between the chief could you uh could you open that door I'm sorry abely shut anybody out we have to have the door open it's an open public meeting so I can't shut the door um Planters in between the convenience store and blister there's four large colored planters that were purchased and filled with dirt and I think Monroy Flor donated the plants those so drive by I walk through there and take a look and then finally the light are going between Tony's and J's so we paved that Alleyway because of Hazard so now we talk to both owners and both owners are okayer we tried that and led yeah it's like it's basically Sol low right I have no he had nothing okay all right so um we want I wanted to ask after going to your Symposium on mental health and also I went to the uh there was a county event up at on Friday the 13th with all kinds of resources for health housing affordable housing um homeless facilities and I I went back to look at our resources that we have on our website we don't have adequate links on our website all the resources that are available for mental health so I wanted to ask if I could work with Melissa or if someone else wants to do it but to to link to some of the county and state resources that are available to help people we do have 988 on there but we don't have a section for like somebody in prices somebody's in town and they're looking I just want to have show them like their places you can find a practitioner uh that'll help you find the right services and stuff is all about right it's opening eyes and putting that information out there have no problem with doing that just going to do that incorporate it with the video that will be coming out because some of those links will be on that video as well so that be a couple weeks maybe good let's wait wait until that comes out see all that information put it with that I don't know sounds good'll ofth under Board of Health make sense right now we don't have any Mental Health yeah yeah right um I just want to ask about the planning board updates so we many of the council don't sit on the planning board and we haven't had an update on the planning board since June I think of just what's being heard at the planning board so is that something that we could report without going into detail what's the I mean I guess it it could be um that stuff depending on timing of when those applications come what Witnesses are being heard what like that we normally do not know what Witnesses are heard until that night reporting after yeah I mean I I don't have an issue with the aison given an update on on what happens at the planning board meeting um but there's also minutes that are distributed that the council can read it's I believe they you put those minutes in the master file no they're not in the master file okay um if we could add those minutes to the master file everybody would be uh up to date with the minutes if if leaon doesn't provide every detail of the meeting would suffice okay well it's also it's for the council but it's also for the residents that come to the council meeting too to hear update so believe all the minutes are posted also online is a is a good resource those minutes are online once they're approved um again you're going to not you're not going to hear every detail from the planning board that's at the planning board at a at a council meeting but certainly try Toge that stuff but I think the minutes looking the minutes online or or looking at them in in the master file that will be put in there from now on if everybody wants would probably be the best way great and then um similarly like the building department I believe is supposed to be uh pursuing online permanent and so haven't had uh much update on that in terms of I I think and I I don't even understand does that mean that all our documentation app will be online for all applications submitted what what is that what is the you have to ask the uh person in charge of who's working on that dentist I am yeah so denn where that is right now they they just they just had their second demonstration this week uh from another company but I spoke to um our our construction official today and they think they have a uh theyve made a decision the company they want to they want to go with um um so I'll work with him and start the process basically it's in real time he can work on a uh on a permit um which needs now to be digital instead of passing around clipboards um and uh in real time with the use of a of a tab they'll all be able to you know input whatever information they need to input and share with with everyone in real in real time so it's just the process and the flow is just this is this is mandated from mandated from the state so this has to happen so once we do that does that mean appliation materials will be available online instead of having to go to the building department to get copies of printed documentation I'm pretty positive it's interactive with the the resident also have access to whatever information is being you know uploaded you know in real time that's cool that's yeah I mean I'll have more information I'm not I'm not an expert in in the field just his information not someone else's no it's like a portal yeah a portal right that's fine but all this stuff is going to take time too there nothing going to happen a year ago like today we met the guy down there in AC right about there yeah so also at the June 20th meeting we pulled the tree ordinance because it did not comply with State D requirements that we apply to remove and replace trees uh to private property as well as public property um the ordinance as written didn't include all the required types of properties so I know we've had a couple of meetings with our committee and um I don't know if you're going to give an update on it tonight like what's the next step on it but I know that we were already it was due in May to the state so we pulled it in June because it still didn't have the correct type of wording in it and I just don't know if you're giving an update on like what the next step or I'll let you know I'll let you know report oh perfect perfect good I'm done okay anybody else no uh session I did be resolved by the burrow Council of the burrow of Morris Plains on the 19th day of September 2024 the mayor and burrow Council shall meet in executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuant to njsa 10 4-12 subsections B7 B7 the time on the matter discussed pursuant of paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of the afores matter is there a second second second miky all in favor I oppos abstain the eyes have it we're going to go into executive session I ask everybody just to step out and we will be returning at least by 8:30