##VIDEO ID:V1Rzm157Y8s## notice of this meeting was provided by virtue uh of a resolution scheduling the time date and place of meeting the B Council the bar Mar claims for the year 2024 this resolution was adopted by the B Council on January 4th 2024 published in moris newsby and the Daily Record and by posed such resolution on the Bron board in the burrow Hall all the above actions being accordance with njsa 10 46 call please mayor C presid this here Mr BR Mr Cortez pres M here M Kelly pres and just for the record AR is in fing world tonight so he's at home if you please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I United States of America stands Nation indivisible and justice for all almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of Mars Plains amen notice to members of the governing body and burrow staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purpose of B business consent calendar n i mooved at resolution 20241 182 entitled resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the township of Denville for services for CDL training for all burial of mors plan's employees in need of such Services resolution 20241 183 entitled resolution entitled first limo car service LLC limousine owner license l01 9383 2025 resolution 20241 184 entitled resolution entitled first limo car service LLC limousine owner's license number l02 9383 2025 Okay resolution 2024 1885 entitled salaries for regular full-time and part-time employees resolution 20241 186 entitled Police Department salaries resolution 20247 entitled Department of Public Works salaries res resolution 20241 188 entitled cancellation of balances and overpayments less than $10 and resolution 2024 189 entitled bar plan's resolution of support to submit Grant application to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to obtain a Lucas 3 automated compression device costing approximately $20,000 $2,364 the following employees be granted permission to carry vacation time from 2024 to 20 2 which shall be used by March 31st 2025 Tracy Rooney finance office $4 is there a second second second by Dennis roll call please miss burer yes Mr Cortez yes Miss yes Miss Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes um at this time I'd like to invite any members of the public who wish to speak pleas come forward state your name and address hi good evening hope everybody had a good holiday I'm Rosy dy I have aritis I'm chairman of the dysfunctional sha tree commission and we're here to defend ourselves so Michael's going to read a statement if you good evening mayor and Council thank you for letting me uh speak to you tonight my name is Michael lardi um I am on the moris plain shade tree commission this commission is a group of dedicated volunteers whose goal is to manage and preserve the Burrow's Urban Forest um our main focus is ensuring that no net tree loss is ever occurring in the burrow and continuously planting we understand that at the prior council meeting on December 16th there was some concerns from the the council regarding how things are done through the shade tree I I feel extremely disappointed that we were not spoken to prior to this council meeting on the 16th so that we could have a healthy relationship and dialogue my goal moving forward is for a lot more transparency if there is an issue please reach out to me I'd love to sit down with whether it's you Jan as our Council on or anyone else from the council to continue the partnership strengthen the partnership and make it better we plan on coming back at a council meeting at the end of January to share How We Do Shad Tre and everything we need to make changes to and move forward that is my goal from this this evening just to keep everything working well and to continue a strong partnership and we are volunteers and we do whatever we can to continue to make this burrow the best place that is to live thank you thank you Mike and thank you for everything the sh Tre does for everybody in the B throughout the year thank you very much anybody else just a couple things uh Jo 34 Campfield place so I see Bill's not here tonight which I think it's the first time in like a year that he has been recording have you guys considered reaching out to wjsv to see if they would volunteer to record meetings uh I don't know if anybody on the council has or not I don't know the council hasn't taken that up yet no are you considering doing that as far as uh recording meetings the it's it's a possibility in the New Year somebody decides to bring that up would you like to do that I I can say that I've proposed this in the past and I was not supported so that's my experience um but do it it's it's legal so it can always happen yeah um as from an official position I didn't have support in this current governing body okay maybe next year wjsv might be something free the kids can come in I'm sure it would be great for their scholarships or you know college applications um next is the planning committee where are we in that process of new planning committee um I laid out my uh uh committee appointments to the council last week last week last Thursday um they came back with some recommendations and we'll see where that goes when when does that happen that happens the F will be out on reorder what that January 7th 7th on a Tuesday okay um so you so it's been decided it just needs to be announced or uh nothing's decided until it's voted on it'll be voted on on I I give the council everything else two days before the uh reord meting and then it'll get voted on whether they approve or not for the appointments not all appointments or Council vote some of them are mayoral votes so okay or just a mayoral appointment so so what I learned at this last application with I'm I'm an old neighbor now there's a lot of young smart people and I hope you take those people into consideration okay last is friend the garbage is overflowing again the fence is still there not okay where is the garbage overflowing what you now it's on speed so what are you talking about the garbage that's blocking the driveway okay there's a garbage can right that's that's what blocks the drive right okay that's what you you didn't know that yeah no I didn't you said the garbage is overflowing but that's a like a barricade so I was just that's not a barricade it's a garbage can you know it acts as a barricade Maybe could do better with barricade so I'll have my zon office to reach out to them did they reach out last time uh I don't know whether who's the zoning yeah but who's the leaz on to the zoning I did anything what I didn't well part of the problem is he's only there on Tuesdays and Thursdays so maybe I forgot okay okay so you have this McDonald's coming in okay um it's going to be important for the zoning officer to have some power to get things cleaned do you feel that the zoning official has any power to to zoning official does have power to take care of any of that what can I do can do a summons and it's got to go report I do the summons no the has the power to do a summons okay so Nancy I don't know if you remember but two or three years ago I reached out to you about the fence that is falling down and Duncan that tree fell on it oh yeah uh it's still down the back of that lot is full of potholes drive back there please if if this is coming to town we we have to have power to make sure that all the things that you gave them are done okay so again friendl needs to be cleaned up I'd love for the Duncan fence to be cleaned up the potholes I don't know if that's within our he'll make a suggestion with the potholes uh a lot of times that's just purely uh owner's responsibility but I will make sure that he mentions that to him again uh he mentioned the front parking lot a couple years ago when they repaved that um but that was a little bit of a process keep th on it all the time so we will uh I'll have revisit the the rear in the okay and I'll be back if it's not clean okay I know you left the air all the time thank you guys Merry Christmas Happy New Year thank you very much thank you for coming out what call does Don have in terms of making sure that the variances are are done and that I me so that's really not him that's really the engineers and the attorneys that draw this uh developers agreement and the ordinance and the memorandum of agreement and that has to be filed because it's strict it's part of the application and then once that's complete it's then turned over to Don coming it could be it could be a number it could be Board of Health it could be engineer it could be D it could be a police a lot of people invol with whatever is written down agree anybody else see nobody will move on to introduction of Orin ordinances which we have none of ordinances on second reading Kathy yes thank you sir um I council member Kelly read by title the ordinance titled ordinance number -224 provide for the partial Amendment supplementation and revision of chapter 13 to burrow of Morris PL Land Development ordinance to amend the zone for 300 table road block 101 period 01 Lot 2 2.01 from the R2 single family residential Zone to the C1 Highway commercial District which ordinance was introduced and passed on the first reading at a meeting held on December 5th 2024 the mayor announced the meeting I'm sorry I announce the meeting is open for a public hearing on the ordinance mayor before you take a quote on this I just want to put on the record that the original ordinance that passed the first reading several weeks ago also indicated that in addition to lot 2.01 the adjacent property was also being uh included now in the C1 Zone subsequent to that adoption Liz leaney advised that according to the Burrow's tax map that particular piece of property is already in the C1 Zone therefore we don't need to include it so that was a minor Amendment on the second reading it doesn't change the substance of this ordinance however because we're not create or we're not putting a piece of property or or mending a piece of property it's not already in the C1 zone so so what we're now doing is putting lot 2011 in the C1 Zone again because that adjacent parcel lands already in the season it doesn't need to be in so uh is there a motion on the can I mention something about this uh there's this is where the house is right change it are there families living in that house there is a family that rents in that house yeah what does the town do anything for them as far as I mean they're going to be obviously kicked out of the house the town does not have any jurisdiction over I think it's the right thing to do put no that's there's anything we can do to help those families that might be needing help yeah maybe maybe the owner can take care of that help them out okay is there a second uh close the public hearing okay I council member State what the above ordinance as read by title on second reading at this meeting be adopted and finally passed is there a second second second by S please miss Vergo yes Mr yes Miss yes Miss Kelly yes Mr R yes thank you I declare the ordinance adopted and finally passed uh moving on we have uh just I have two small things I know we weren't doing reports but the gy fear property one gy fear is uh they finally have their permits everything has been capped and disconnected over there so hopefully in the next week or two that will will start sooning the demo of that old old house coming down and just the flood map Nancy and our engineer bill went to a flood um uh say seminar update on on the new flood maps so the three of us will be working to get some sort of uh Communications out to the uh to the public here after the first so more on that to come um moving on to vouchers Mr Wagner checklist dated December 26 2024 an amount of 336,000 $23.51 is there a second second second by Kathy roll call please Miss B yes Mr yes Miss Miss Ellie yes Mr R yes thank you we have no resolution no need for an executive session we do have an adjournment is there a motion to adjourn second all in favor I want to wish everybody a very happy new year happy Han and now a happy Panza so busy thank you everybody for coming out thank you I also I just want to say thank you to Kathy Kelly and JIS Wagner and S