##VIDEO ID:dweUEtByfpk## to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of Mars BL amen notice the members of the governing body and bur staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purpose of buau of business and just for the record Mr Wagner had some car trouble this afternoon so he won't be with us and Mr Cortez is with his family uh approval of minutes I move to approve the minutes of conference executive and regular session from July 18th 2024 is there a second second second second by all in favor oppos Jo obain guys have it um right now I'd like to welcome Rachel sacket Putman I guess the correct way and she's an novarian cancer survivor an advocate for it so we have a proclamation to do here tonight for you and Nancy will read it for you should we speak first she can speak for sure sure step right up just your name and address and sure I look at you oh yeah that's fine since you're a professional sure leave recording that at a good price too yeah yeah so I I thank you for having me this evening and um granting this Proclamation so ovarian cancer is actually the deadliest um gynecological cancer um among uh females a sign at Birth and I was blindsided by my diagnosis four years ago and um it's just really important to create awareness in the communities because I think people think there's early detection tests for cancer there is not a pme only detects cervical cancer and if um ovarian cancer is CAU in stage one which is only less than 10% of the cases it has a greater than 90% survival rate anything that's CAU above that so where it's gone outside the ovary so I'm in stage three cancer um has a less than 50% survival rate so I'm four years out I've beaten the odds if you will and the the type of cancer that I have actually disproportionately impacts younger um women and um there is no FDA approved treatment for my specific type of ovarian cancer that is persistent recurrent it has an 85% recurrent rate and ultimately fatal and so it's really important to bring this awareness to our communities and really help save women's lives so I really appreciate you guys granting this Proclamation um and letting be here with you tonight to share this because I think if I was made more aware of it I probably would have um taken different actions when I was you know younger could help prevent this know the signs and symptoms so um I think just awareness is all we could really do and advocate for myself and my fellow teal community so I appreciate that well we certainly appreciate your courage coming out here we've done this for you for quite a few years yes you guys are amazing love to do it and you're from out of state so you're happen to be here yeah so I currently live in Scottdale Arizona but my family is 51e residence of Rockway Township and so I was um chattur and Madison Council meetings on Monday so I try to get it all in when I can so great we here it is we're glad that you're here so Nancy will read the proclamation we'll take some pictures for you and then we also have it on a resolution I lost my grandmother to a very and also when I was in my 30s one of my co-workers self diagnosed she read an article and she was like I've had some weird things symptoms and there are things you wouldn't expect so I think if people can just read up on it and maybe we have the health department put something out there about what the early signs are because it's not what you would think it would be so it's not a lot of um people mistake it for different GI issues yeah and she she's a Survivor also she's still with us and it's 20 years later oh beautiful okay Proclamation for ovarian cancer awareness September 2024 whereas ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death among women and the American Cancer Society estimates each year approximately 19680 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2024 and 12,740 individuals will die from the disease Nationwide including 590 new cases and 340 deaths in New Jersey and whereas in in the United States a woman's RIS of being diagnosed with aaran cancer is about 1 in 87 and whereas due to vague symptoms and the lack of a reliable early detection tests most women are not diagnosed until stage three or later when the cancer has already begun to spread to the lymph noes and outside the pelvis and whereas although the fiveyear survival rate for stage one of Varian cancer is over 90% only 15% of of aarian cancers are diagnosed at this early stage and a 5year survival rate for late stage aarian cancer is 30% and whereas while a mamogram can detect breast cancer and a csme can detect cervical cancer there is no reliable early detection test for ovarian cancer and whereas women's lives can be saved through increased public awareness of ovarian cancer and its risk factors signs and symptoms and whereas this September the Barrow of mors plan joins all those who are battling aarian cancer those who have lost their lives to the disease their loved ones and our state's many dedicated healthcare workers and spreading awareness Comm to public education and embracing hope for better diagnoses treatments and a cure now therefore I Jason c car mayor on behalf of the governing body of the bar of moris plains do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 as ovarian cancer awareness month in the burrow of moris Plains New Jersey and I encourage all residents of the burrow to observe and support the cause that so deeply impacts families in every Community across our country thank you for [Applause] don't you come up here and'll take a picture with you no good that there zo that a little bit you go back everybody moving a little closer pretend we like each other yes pretend that you like each other smile okay one more let me do okay I'm we'll uh we'll be reading that in in a few minutes here yeah approval of consent calendar ver uh I move that the following reports from July of 2024 be approved grant writer Municipal Court Police Department animal licensing Barrel clerk building inspector Animal Control Fire Prevention tax collector and Treasurer as well as resolution 2024 122 entitled resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the Mars PL school district for class three special law enforcement officer Services resolution 20241 123 entitled resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the Mars PL school district for supplemental C and Guard Services resolution 20241 124 entitled cancellation of balances and over payments less than $10 resolution 2024-25 entitled ation of taxes bar owned property resoltion resolution 20241 126 entitled resolution declaring Barrow of Morris PL support for the jcpnl energized New Jersey program BPU docket number e2310 793 resolution 20241 127 entitled resolution appointing full-time records Clerk resolution 202 24-1 128 entitled a resolution authorizing the 2024 2025 control dear calling program resolution 20241 129 entitled resolution authorizing the 2024 Mars County Trail construction Grant application resolution 20243 entitled a resolution reappointing class 3 special law enforcement officer sleo the bureau Council approved the mayor's Proclamation declaring the month of September ovarian cancer awareness month in the Bureau of Morris Plains buau Council authorized the release and return of engineering review and inspection fees in the amount of 5 $642 and released 2500 bond to infomap Corp PO Box 448 Windsor New Jersey for Road opening number 984 Engineers correspondence dated June 14 2024 the residents of corway Mountain Way Tower Hill Road Holiday Drive and Stony Brook Drive be granted permission to hold a block party at the Corson way cesac on Saturday dece September 14th 2024 from 4 to 900 p.m. and that further permission to serve alcoholic beverages be granted and that the road dep provide three barricades at the corner of Corson way and mway the Barrow Mars Plains be granted permission to hold a block dance at the speedo Avenue extension on Saturday August 31st 31st 2024 from 6: to 9:30 p.m. with a rain date of Sunday September 1st 2024 the recreation program instructors attached be hired at the rate and date stated for the 2024 fall Recreation programs the Mars Plains Republican Club be granted permission to serve alcoholic bries at their annual picnic to be held Sunday September 8th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. at the community park theil bur Council authorized the release and return of engineering review escro fees in the amount of $532 2.74 to DeLuca 28 Laurel Street Morris Plains New Jersey for retaining law her Theo Engineers correspondence dated August 9th 2024 and Bono be granted permission to serve alcoholic beverages at a family picnic to be held Sunday September 28th 2024 from 3 to 8:00 p.m. at the community park pavilion Sabrina Carr 33 Maple Avenue Mars Plains be hired as a lifeguard at community park pool at an hourly rate of $16 retroactive to August 5th 2024 the mayor be authorized to execute the NJ do documents in reference to the sanatory Sewer connection on Route 53 for the tab Road owner LLC application for the barough engineers correspondence dated August 9th 2024 having Reed quotes to replace the condenser unit in the conference room at the community center from the following Webster plumbing and heating $496 ideal Refrigeration Service $5,900 Air Group Heating and Cooling 39300 is that correct $9,300 that a purchase order be issued to Webster plumbing and heating P box 529 Brookside New Jersey in the amount of $ 4,960 where is the burough Council of bur Mars Plains is desires of hiring a supervisor and coordinator for the uh Burrow's uh Team Center and whereas the burrow has interviewed candidates for both positions and whereas the burough Council believes that Richard Mahia is an excellent candidate for the position of teen center coordinator and that Nicole schlaman is an excellent candidate for the position of supervisor now therefore be it resolved by burough Council to bur moris PL on his 15th day of August 2024 as follows uh one that the uh bur count one burrow Clerk and or appropriate representative of the burough Council be authorized to offer uh employment to Richard Mah as the team Center coordinator at amount of at the amount of $ 5,875 annually and and Nicole slayman uh be offered the position of supervisor within the buau of Mars Plains team Center at an amount of $3,500 annually I guess and and second second that Jake kahill be offered the second position of supervisor within the Bureau of Morris plain team Center at an amount of $3,988 anual is there a second second roll quote please miss yes Mr yes M yes Miss yes thank you at this time I'd like to me invite any members of the public who wish to speak Step Up take your name and address thank you and good evening mayor Mr mayor council is that a typo for the a group it was very hot and they were very busy that day so wow that's amazing um just an OB an observation and a comment I think Leon spoke about this several months ago when making a left off of Littleton Road into the Cole Shopping Center and uncle jeppe there are the high grasses which really prevent or the the vision of the cars coming uh in the opposite direction so which so is that the island in yes in the driveway first correct it's the island as you're making a right to the liquor store or going straight to Uncle jeppe they're the high grasses which really the vision observing cars coming the other way is extremely difficult I know Leon had them cut back several months ago I believe and the same thing is true coming in the other direction my comment is I think maybe the council should consider addressing the owner of the property to replant other vegetation other than the high grasses yeah I mean I have Leon bill will get in contact with them either maintain it more often or to switch no I think change the high e to maintain them more often or to just swi them out so we'll get that to thank you you're welcome appreciate good to see you same here see no one else we move on to reports of committees and department heads we don't have Mr Wagner with us tonight uh he texted just a coup two quick things so U you mentioned that Nicole uh Sarah who's in our Clerk's Office We Begin the intro to Municipal Clerk's classes in September this is a five course program that when completed Nicole will have her Deputy Municipal Clerk's credentials so we're excited for that and for her um the clerk's office has been busy preparing for the block party in a couple of weeks which is always a fun time and they be handling a high volume of op requests as new legislation that begins in September will change how these requests are processed that's all he has for her report very good Public Safety Mr Cortez is not here Chief good evening glad to be back in front of all you after my little high little spell uh just uh following up on the end of July our closing out that month uh 50 medical calls priority EMS response 25 motor vehicle crashes a little increase uh month to month there uh with non-injury crashes uh five motor vehicle crashes with injuries uh 350 motoric stops 1,195 proactive patrols of residential neighborhoods and other commercial Residential Properties throughout the burough um just want to thank everybody who was able to make it out to Kona with a cop um Tuesday uh great day great event is always our fifth annual time doing that always great to see the kids and get to meet the the parents as well we served over 200 kids uh both at Simons wat Nong and Community Park Pool um National Night Out August 6th was a little bit of a slow uh evening due to the rain but we were very fortunate to get ours in a lot of other communities had to cancel so thank you for uh Larry Ripley and the community center staff for being so accommodating on short notice and getting us into the community center but really want to thank Lieutenant Bob Guild who single-handedly runs that event for us uh second anyone we have had and all the sponsors that contributed uh we're obviously as you can see from the consent agenda on some early work with our school children I know they don't want to hear it mine don't but uh we're getting back into the swing of that uh fun time of year we're doing a zero tolerance again campaign so we'll be pushing out press releases in regards to that um and I'm sure bill will be happy to here but we're returning to uh the collections and the venue uh with the September 14th coffee with the cop I'll get you all the additional times and so you can all uh join us but it's going to be specifically for the residents of those communities so unless there's any questions comments Ms or concerns that's my report thank you and I do want to just give Dennis Wagner Kudos he's worked on these maps with our engineer they're here they're up they're installed uh but we're having a little technical issue with them they they have to go back to the company because they don't quite roll up yet and the other ones were came backwards so but those will be the new maps everything is updated uh through this year with the new properties and everything else so Jason that in probably 30 yearsing I know how to do you to hold the one with the pli right exactly but not but they look nice there's five of them all together can I ask that we get the updated Ms on the website we have the zoning map up there but it's probably not the have anyway so uh Public Works Mr BR had a couple of good storms as you know a lot of tree branches and some trees were down so the DPW was busy um clearing the roadways and I and they did a great job getting the storm drains cleared and and quite quickly uh They removed they did two rounds of Rush this time because of all the branches and trees that were down uh they always work on our vehicles which we appreciate uh got rid of the garbage at the parks cut the grass which just starting to grow again since we got all that rain uh they repaired and cleaned some basins watered the flowers uh repaired the pool uh fence in a gate and they removed uh and replaced some sidewalks at 7 and 11 Thompson way so our children and residents can walk safely through town and we have new banners that if you might notice we try to do we voted on different cath's excited uh different times of the year with its uh military celebrations and honoring our veterans and then welcome and and live work eat play and war planes so they've hung those new banners uh um and they did remove the old playground from Community Park which is exciting or that's another comment I was we playing soccer Sunday and the kids at the at Simon Park that new I I just felt like there was 100 kids over there I here I was playing goalie because I'm not that good of soccer but U I could see all the children playing on the playground so it was nice to see that and that's all I have for my report I mean I sound like I broke a record but the new equipment is coming so yes right knows when anyway that's good good thank you very much uh Bill thank you may I made a note about the site distance issue that the resented so I will look into that the other item is we're receiving bids for the Glen Brook Road Improvement project on August 28th as you know we're we're taking bids now because we have to make an award before November this year so uh Bill Bill had a question about that he lives on Glenbrook so maybe Bill did you have a question for Bill uh yeah I can sure I can ask him I had to do my name in the whole thing glenberg um yeah so they're they're doing the uh the P the work um in front of my house and and uh myself and a couple other residents were concerned about the amount of dust that's being kicked up there and you just said that the um the paving is going to get uh well you're going to go out to bid and get the bids back but do we know is there anything else that's going to happen in the me time in there well the The Trenches will be black top so you'll have more stone dust when they do all that stuff okay and then they should be all done after that right the reason we're taking bids now is because our grant from from the local a was awarded in November of 2022 to make a contract award within two years right taking the bids now so we have time to make an award before that right November deadline and then the work will be done next summer you do it over the winter because for obious plus we let the trenches settle from this other work that's going okay that's that's the status of that project and then as you all probably know the capital road project is done just some minor clean up and punch to take care of but that's that was we're satisfied with that work with that's all I have great thank you Bill and Bill lots of bills today public bill ground um so I'm going to start off with a few updates with down to Mars Plains so the bike route rack design contest uh continues through September 1st uh they will soon be sharing information about the panel of judges and next steps they've received a few great submissions so far but don't let that stop you from submitting your ideas um and it should be really great um um they're also hosting the Mars Plains business round table on September 17th it's a great opportunity for business owners and operators to connect share ideas and collaborate there are 13 businesses uh represented on the registration list so far it's growing every day um all the business owners in addition will get a private tour on the Mars Plains Museum after the round table uh they're busy planning um their second annual pumpkin illumination it's going to be held on Friday October 25th so save the date and stay tuned for more details on that um they are hosting um two volunteer information um sessions with individuals looking to get involved they have a handful of wonderful new volunteers that have helped in a variety of ways including business Outreach uh National Night Out and the farmers market the next big volunteer need is the pumpkin illumination committee if you're interested in learning more you can find the volunteer interest form on their website and they've also been busy celebrating Mars pl's businesses congratulations to Arthurs and time for a bagel they both won the 2024 Mars and ess6 magazine Readers Choice Awards for Best burer and best bagel um B crafted opened not too long ago and Bliss opened their new space and they did a celebration for that the community is very eager to welcome chocolatine at the old Collin space um so make sure and also make sure to try some of their delicious treats that they're sampling at the farmers market I just wanted to give an update on some of the townwide um events that are going to be happening you mentioned um the block party dance so that starts um that's August 31st 6:15 to 9:30 at Merchant block um we also have the townwide garage sales October 5th and 6th um the annual community bonfire on Saturday October 26th um theen Parade October 31st at 4 p.m. at Robert's garden and then we have a new fall Recreation program this year uh Zumba it's going to be Tuesday nights um at the community center and then lastly just wanted to um give an update on the farmers market so believe it or not we're Midway through our Farmers Market season already um just wanted to give an update on our last um big celebration on August 3rd uh National watermelon day we had a watermelon caring contest we also had uh produce Pete join us he's making his uh farmers market tour he's really hitting all of them I think this week he's in h Chester um and we really had a lot of great engagement we had about I think it was like 12 submissions um from um from both businesses and residents and um it was really well received and I just wanted to share um Mars County guide New Jersey came and they covered um the uh Market that day and I just wanted to share what they wrote so we love a good farmers market and today the one in Mars Plains is raising the bar with a fun watermelon carving contest and a visit from produs Peete this is one of our favorite markets in the area and we always leave our hands full of delicious goodies the market is open until 900 p.m. don't miss them I just thought that that was nice especially when it's from an unbiased reporter so that is Public Health sanitation and seers ncy okay Board of Health did not meet in August but they've been busy issuing some Public Health advisories one was for a rabies advisory last week after a skunk recently tested positive for rabies in the burrow um they they advised residents not to approach Wildlife particularly animals that may appear to be acting strangely or ill including nocturnal animals in the daytime uh and that you should contact the police be be mindful of feeding wildlife of any kind of food outside whether it's bird seed um or pet food or whatever is is going to be attracting animals and you know once you have a Rabbid animal you have to really make sure that uh you know everyone's secure during this time because we don't know what other animals might have been infected so dog dogs and cats must be vaccinated don't leave your pets outside unsupervised uh if you if you are injured you know call Division of Public Health if you're injured injured by an animal it could be a scratch or a bite and um you know any kind of calls like a bat inside your residents contact the Mars planes police uh a second advisory went out about rodent control and there's similar precautions there in terms of just making sure to how to identify signs of rodents the best way to help a rodent infestation and contact with rodents is to eliminate Food Water Shelter and other conditions that would attract them to the area especially things like bird seed pet food out of doors um Municipal Alliance did not meet in July or August our teen center I wanted to thank the DPW for helping us to get safety railings installed on the back steps so it looks great I checked it out and it's ready for the new school year good yep um we interviewed a couple of candidates for the teen center several candidates for the jobs that were open as you heard tonight we're going to be S sending offers to them and um online registration is open so far we have 22 students registered in grades 5 through eight it's on the weekly email it's on the website uh we have some more marketing to do we sent an email to everyone but we got it everyone's in vacation mode right now but we've got to get those people registered because our first event is in September um next board meeting is in the end of August um also I want to thank uh Melissa Gibson for helping us automate the background check process and also the police that help help provide some input and Rosanne the clerk's office so we're trying to make that process a little bit easier for everyone um less less manual work and less paper so that's always great to see working together on those things the burrow Green Team met on Monday night we had some Communications go out on the website and in the weekly email and on the August ples talk and the outreaches to inform people about what's going on and also to try to recruit some new membership we have five I think we're looking to get up to eight so we might be having a table on an upcoming Farmers Market if you're interested please complete the reg the volunteer form that's on the ver website um we also the green team was uh involved in initiating the technical assistance partner at sustainable Jersey to begin applying for our the either direct install program or the through the clean energy program New Jersey or the local government energy audit program both will help provide measures that will reduce our utility costs by replacing inefficient equipment with high energy Alternatives so and that will be a cost saving to the burrow if we get any uh of these grants as far as grants go the community energy plan that we uh submitted this year that's now on the website as well uh we also submitted an implementation Grant and that was only eligible to the to the 30 some odd municipalities who submitted the plan uh we expect to hear any day now as the recommendations went to the board yesterday so we're we're anxiously waiting to see if we're going to be a recipient for those grants which were quite sub substantial uh one was for charging stations and the other was for some hybrid vehicles for our Fleet well yes thank you sir public I'm not goingon to hit too much of those things but I got some other things to say okay we are working on an ordinance Nancy s and I and we're meeting I guess the 21st right man good thanks um art I'm so glad you brought up banners thank you because um they were ordered in June early June and they didn't come and they didn't come and they didn't come so I finally called the company and the the my the lady that I work with said um they're not there yet oh my goodness she says I have no idea what's happened to them I'll have to call you back and she did call me back and she said they made it to New Jersey but nobody knows where okay so they're in some warehouse and I'm still hoping we'll get those and we won't have to pay for them again so she said they would uh reprint them and we got them last week and um I have to thank Rosemary lean for calling the DPW to pick up the heavy box and take it over to the DPW but also she asked them to put them up so Saturday morning when I drove up to the farmers market these bright yellow banners and they're bright and if you haven't be surprised if you haven't noticed them they're very bright but it was a long time coming and I'm glad you mentioned it too thanks art I appreciate that um I was asked to speak at the senior meeting this past Monday and um half of the people who were there were also at the senior picnic which was July 18th and at the senior picnic the Recreation Commission honored three w women as the 2024 Volunteers Of The Year those who were there already knew this but I thought it was important that everyone at the senior meeting should be aware of the three women who were um recognized and um it was nice to say thank you to them again Jones ambrosi Mickey toy young and Jan mcginness for all they do for others they do a lot of things and I probably can't re tell you the whole list but I know that if you need a ride someplace or have to go to the doctor or need to go to the grocery store they're there and they do this without any remuneration they do it with a for a thank you and it was delightful to see them receive that award I know everybody was very appreciative that they got that um also at the senior meeting we had a speaker um Shaya bear from Interfaith Food Pantry she gave an excellent presentation of how food is distributed how many people are served many questions were asked and answered and the seniors all brought non-p perishable foods as donations um the Girl Scout Qui up update L and Sophia are selling their bracelets that they've been making they had their first table at the farmers market in July and they're having another one on August 31st their schedule for this program that they're in they're doing July to December is they're raising funds December to March they're buying supplies march to June they're building the uh nine square and mat would you like to know where the it's being built okay if you look at the new um equipment at Simon's Park here it all is and then there is a swing set and around the swing set it looks like a frame and then inside that frame are all those little black things that so people the kids fall they won't hurt themselves so if you go from that end of the swing set 16 feet to a tree that's over here and then go to the other side of the tree and do another 16 feet that's where it'll be located we measured it the girls and I okay um and they're it it's amazing to see young people take on this kind of a job they're trying to raise $2,000 and they are not allowed to ask for donations but they can make things for sale and anyone can give a donation should they choose to they just can't ask people for donations and let's see a couple more things um Farmers Market you already talked about it but it I had a great time there and I love all the things people did I have artistic ability like that and to see a cat that looks like a cat I even know it was a pig okay just great um okay you I've said before that our contact for jcpnl is Bob Flynn and I've mentioned his name before his reminder this time should you see down power lines or down trees don't do anything with it don't touch them call 911 and uh last night I attended last night was Wednesday night I was thinking okay good yes moris pl's Community B was last night and they did a nice job it's good to see they only have two more to go on August 19th um sorry August 21st and August 28th both Wednesdays and they're both starting at 6:30 the first one that we missed was because of the rainstorm but the weather report looks good for those two and I think that's all I have yes sir thank you we have presentations of communications we do have an ordinance Cy yes I council member Kelly introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move it move that it be passed on the first reading ordinance number 62024 an ordinance of the burrow of Morris Plains County of moris state of New Jersey establishing a new article 7 to be entitled storage of privately owned salt under chapter 18 c of the code of the burrow of Morris Plains is there a second second second by Nancy roll call please M yes Mr yes Miss yes Miss Kell yes I council member Kelly offered the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on August 15th 2024 and passed on the first reading now there be resolved that at a meeting to be held on September 5th 2024 at 8:30 p.m. prevailing time at the municipal municipal building in the said BAU this Council will further consider for second reading and final passage the said coordinance I believe that September 5th date has been changed to September 3rd September 3 and be it further resolved that the clerk of this burrow b and she is hereby directed to publish and Ma the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the bulletin board in the municipal municipal building and to make copies available to members of the general public is there a second second second by Art all in favor I opposed abstain the eyes have it and this is just an ordinance for storage of the icing equipment again required by the do D we have on second reading no resolutions no unfinished business no new business we do have vouchers and Nancy will read the vouchers and place I move that the vouchers in the amount of 2, 316,000 82.9 be approved is there a second second second by Kathy roll call please yes Mr Miss yes Miss Kelly yes do have a need for an executive session nany be it resolved by The Bu Council of the B of moris PLS on the 15th day of August 2024 that prior to conclusion of this regular meeting of the mayor and bur Council of the bur mors Plains which regular meeting has been opened to the public the mayor and buau Council shall meet an executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-12 subsections the time when the matter is disc pursuing to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of the afores said matter is there a second second second by Joan all in favor oain the eyes haveit going into executive session you will be returning I can't tell you when --------- ##VIDEO ID:qgrBg6Yqfhs## of this meeting was provided by viral resolution scheduling the time date and place of the meeting B Council of bur Mo's plans for the year 2024 which resolution was adopted by the B Council on January 4 2024 and published in the mor news being the Daily Record by potion of such resolution on the voting board and B all the above actions be in accordance with njsa 10 roll call please mayor Mr mrz pres Miss Kelly Mr and just for the record Mr Wagner is having some difficulty out in another state unfortunately a vehicle so think he'll be with us tonight and Mr Cortez is with his family for this they will not be with us either one of them tonight um you have anything I do know just real quick I did cona with a cop which I don't remember any stories or or storytelling but it was amazing as always they did a great job kids are excited so I've been playing a little pickle ball for the first time over at Waton Park and that's where I uh started with the Kona Ice so I noticed there wasn't a port on over there um not to add any expenses but it was between the pickle ball and I noce a soccer field that I see people play at and then children just playing so I don't know if we should put a and that might come over your department but I just thought maybe there should be one I do play Old Man soccer on Sundays and there's a nice Port John there for me when I uh play soccer on Sundays so just a thought that we should put one over there yeah that's only thing you know all little kids and run around and I don't if it's seasonal I how busy summer sorry in the winter but it was definitely busy besides coming to see police officer yeah wat not it's definitely getting more attac more like a park there I just fish there be like three people it's great I did hear some compliments about the pickle ball fors there one woman was like how do you sign up I'm like first come first they're great course like I didn't play until the fence was up because I didn't want to go run after the ball she's only half pickle baller yeah that's all I else I do have a few things um I attended a New Jersey Transit board meeting uh last month July down in New York went along with r m k and Bob Guild and spoke in front of their board about the trouble that we're having constant trou that were having the underpass um I have to tell you they were very very attentive the board was very attentive um the president was very attentive they were writing down notes um they didn't ask any questions but you know it felt to me I spoke for three or five minutes something like that just gave him a background of the last I think since 2017 um how many times each year that the bridges The Underpass has been closed and I think that was I don't remember Tuesday or Wednesday I forget now whatever day it was and that Friday the bridge flooded so but uh I I really think that U I've been contacted since then they they've done some upgrades here they got some other parts they put in the pump in that was previous to the meeting but some of the other parts were were new since that meeting um and we' had sense but I think that they've worked out a few bugs so but we will see how it goes but they were very responsive I have to give them that and but you know the proof is in the pudding as they say and we'll see what happens um but all in all I thought that the meeting went well so everybody up to date on that ju just curious Jason was it a different size pump a different type of pump you said Parts but the pump itself is new and the uh some of the electronics that trigger thep um were also new they went to a a larger electronic like a float like a s it has an abbreviation art find V VD or bdr whatever variable speed for for the pump right it's like a variable I forget the number the abbreviation but that was say like a 30 amp now they put like a 50 amp in there whatever it was so they've made some upgrades but yeah we'll see we'll see how it goes but I mean at this stage of the game it's been every single time that it's rained it's been takes takes the police you know their time and road department and everybody else so it's all the little things that we can do to try to get anyway are these upgrades after what they did in the June time frame because I know that when we were there for the farmers market after it rained they were still fixing it when it flooded I think the new pump was after that if I if I remember correctly the dates um I think that was after they put one new pump in and that pump was bad removed that pump I think that's what that was they removed that pump and put in another one after that time so that mean we've had two in the past month the one and having driven past that area where that is done I saw them out there many days working on it it must have been after the meeting hopefully they work on it and get it right um let me see um they had a quarterly safety meeting what it was here the date um but it was attended by uh Michael Thompson and he had some very encouraging words about the about the meetings go in and the how they're run and and the different uh topics that are brought up uh the Safety Committee is doing an excellent job cover various pertinent topics discussed several things property claims blah blah blah so U to hear one of the representatives from our insurance company come to the meeting and he was here the whole time right yesan and give us some positive feedback I think that was uh that was very good um I had meeting with the residents of the collection um out on Route 53 regarding the uh warehousing uh that's going up over there uh those people seem to have been in the in the dark uh by lar they didn't know what was going over there they um nobody told them they told about the one development and knocked one across the street and had Leon come with me HOA reached out uh so I invited Leon we brought the renderings over from uh the planning board the approved the drawings of the planning board uh so they had an idea of what it was going to look like uh with the trees the Landscaping the buffers the uh the driveway in and out where the the loading docks were um The Turning Lanes the traffic signals all that sort of thing that they had no idea about so I think we spent near hour and a half or two hours with them and uh I think it went very very well they're more than appreciative of the time and just the explanation um they don't have anywhere to do their meetings so just Community Center whoever's on that they may be requesting the community center to have their HOA meetings they don't have have a full board yet so a lot of those people were all brand new in there so so that went very well I thought um the uh meeting on September 5th I had rosan sent out an email to everybody about switching the date on to Tuesday the 3 and i' only got a response from a few people yeah I was checking on a team Center meeting but it looks like it's not going to be that day so that was just the last couple days sorry are you available then The Pedestrian walkway I don't know if you're going to bring this up or not no you can go the U we had a grant through Mikey Cheryl's office Federal Grant and um for walkway that goes out on um Foxwood 53 over by the recycling center kind of tie that all in together that grant that we got from uh the congresswoman's office turned out to be very extensive and had stringent requirements that would have cost the burrow it would have taken money tremendous amount of money away from the grant that we did receive for them and it really wasn't worth uh pursuing that Grant um we shipped it over and we tried to get those funds with the help of her office uh through the New Jersey do and we're persistent with that and we did receive 13, grant for that pedestrian walkway along gr 53 so that replaces the Mikey chery Grant um and we'll be able to get much more work done because we'll be able to use almost you be able to use the entire 130,000 not doesn't have to go to special engineers and environmental and this and special attorneys and everything else that was involved with that other gr so I think that's good news and that's something that will probably be uh uh taken on in the springtime I think that's all I have for that's it that's all I you need an executive session be resolved by the B Council of The Bu of Morris Plains on the 15th day of August 2024 the mayor and B Council shall meet in executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuant to njsa 4-12 subsections B7 B8 B7 and B8 the time when the matter is discussed to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of thefor set matter is there a second second all in favor I I vain