##VIDEO ID:CaRcFJqrxIQ## you're not going to have an answer for it we're not just talking about cars that are going to want to go to McDonald's we have a lot of blue col in this area we're talking Amazon people UPS we're talking contact we're talking landscapers all these guys love McDonald's for instance you have a landscaper with a trailer where is he going to park to me his only choice of parking is on there's no other Park to whatever whoever brought it up earlier about a bus coming in there's just no parking John you got to move your microphone John move it closer so you can hear sorry move your microphone closer did you hear what I was saying I did yes so I mean I'm sure you guys haven't given any thought to that and I don't know if you really care about it but I think the residents back there care because not only not only are those guys going to come down and park on Dayton to get their food now got to go down date and go all the way around and come out so they have to go through that whole entire neighborhood to get out I know you probably haven't given that any thought so I mean really just to touch on that it's it's almost no different to what happens next door I mean you've got a dumpy Donuts I would imagine the same cels go in there they've got similar vehicles at least in this scenario we've got a site that's got two driveways you can circulate the site if there's no parking they can similar to the delivery truck they can stage where they have space and again just back to the the school bus scenario yes there's no parking on site for school bus but there's a school across the street they would theoretically be able to go back over there and and park while the whoever's in the building order okay good Dan Conway three Greenwood Road first is there any other exhibits that are going to be shown I know we started with the one and then this came up as they started asking questions is there anything else that needs to be discussed no just these two just these two okay thank you if we could just zoom in on the uh the top of the uh the diagram either this one or the the prior that yeah so looking at that crosswalk correct me that looks like it's walking right into the corner of hillville is that accurate No it's it's aligned with the Curve line and we aligned it this way so that this is and hovering over where the two crosswalks intersect that's your turning area uh from an ada8 perspective if you're going to go straight or make a left or right turn that would be the location where you're making that okay could you go to the one with the truck please TR to appreciate that so if we could start at the top and look at the truck entering from the north uh from the southbound side of 202 uh from your diagram it shows that the truck has to enter the exit Lane for the for the uh vehicles to exit coming out of the drive-thru in order to make that turn is that accurate it is using the tire driveway withd yes and then conversely if it was coming southbound it would have to do the same but into the back end would cross into the exit Lane as well I'll pull up our original so this is a three um if it's coming in if the truck's traveling southbound to enter the site making a left in uh it's still same similar situation but it is less area that it's disturbing so the South I'm sorry I apologize apologize so the southbound lane sometimes it's one lane sometimes it's two it's just the fact of that area of the road depending on people making a left onto rdale Avenue that truck that appears has to be on the far right hand side of that street in order to make the hard left hand turn into that site is that accurate it's located closer to the Westerly curb yes West curb line if cars are backed up because of the leftand turn how does a truck make that turn you can either drive around and come in on the other side this iteration or could wait for that to that condition to pass so drive around you're saying they have go all the way somewhere else find somewhere to turn around come back down either Ridgedale or somewhere else and make that turn yeah it would be up to to operations and the truck driver as to how they want to handle that condition how tall is an a standard 18wheeler or McDonald's delivery 18 wheeler uh 13 ft 6 in and our railroad track is how high it is 178 oh sorry 138 in the southbound Direction and 137 in the Northbound Direction so forgive me we have one or 2 in clearance if they're coming from that direction if they choose come from that yeah so more likely than not they're going to come from the other direction if they're well versed in the area to avoid any risk of connecting in any way depending on load of the truck or emptiness of the truck I mean i' really say that's that's operational truck driver to consider that that there's enough clearance to go north or south in that area if they choose to go that way McDonald's is the delivery company correct Martin B is their deliberate provider Martin and B so it's not McDonald's itself it's a it's a carrier for McDonald's correct thank you uh all right so this so if we go back uh slide to the prior one so so okay so let's say it comes from the south it's heading north makes a turn in let's say it can't make a turn in cuz the car is exiting what does it do has to sit there and wait yes it'd be a moment it'd be a few moments they use hand signals similar to trying to turn into tight streets um you know they make deliveries in New York city so this driveway is is probably it'd be a few moments they can wait they can signal for a car to wait they can wait for an exiting vehicle to leave so that they have the sufficient room to to enter the C and again in that scenario they still have to be on the far center of the of the northbound lane in order to make that turn these models that we use so this is like an ashto truck turning program these are conservative we find that the actual trucks are more maneuverable but we design to the worst case which is what's shown on the screen understood okay so it makes its way in there's uh 11 cars in the drivethru it can't wait to get through because your design if I correct me if I'm wrong from testimony is that the Q is 10 cars it can't has to wait for that car to make its way through so it could be potentially 2 minutes no so my prior teston was that 10 cars fit in two lanes up to the order boards so each lane can fit four to five cars and that totally is outside of the area needed I was yellow this is the area that the truck conservatively needs to circulate on site so we've got if you had call it 10 cars here the truck would not conflict with that would not have to wait for those cars to move so that 10 assum sorry so that so 10 cars in stack stacked on the drive-thru would be a peak hour so that's another scenario where the truck shouldn't be coming on site at that time if it's a busy time it's probably peak hour that would if there was going to be a stack out to to crosswalk essentially it would be a PE out so let's talk about the delivery time right so one truck delivers to how many locations on one one truck load that I don't know I don't know they hit several stores for sure I just don't know if it's five 10 I don't have that information do you know how long it takes to unload at one location yes and I did to previously P right so it was twice a week depending on how you busy this store is and it's on site for 30 minutes so roughly again maybe I'm asking it the wrong way one truck do you know how many stores one truck delivers to at a time no I don't not even a rough number I just said 5 to 10 but I I I don't five okay 5 to 10 so it's not necessarily totally easy to say when they're going to deliver it'd be ar range then we've got the off peak hours they would start at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. that' be one of the off peak hour slots 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. that would be the second off slot so they'd have to make it to the site hour so they would wait somewhere it was 1:00 they're not going to show up and try to deliver at that time potentially that becomes like Logistics and how they plan their sites they if they know a site's going to take longer they might want to hit that one first or last um to offset that you know and again I I prer to the delivery company to make that all work but usually what I've seen is we give them the range and they're they try to adere to it best they can just question since you're referring to the delivery company will they be testifying no no okay okay so it gets through the drivethru point it gets over to the six parking spots by the garbage can is that where it's going to unload or is it going to unload in the back but we don't know yet when you mean the six you mean you so so so truck number one on the left right there is that its unload location no this is all part of the the circulation maneuver so if they were to stop in this area say there's no cars parked there and they they feel comfortable stopping here I would suggest that you're going to move closer to the trash enclosure there's about 20 ft here separating the truck and the gates which would be closed um so that's one scenario but what we did is provide more room on the easterly side so the intent is for them to stop in this area and they would take up the whole front edge of the the track Corral area and blocks a few spaces 3 to four is a prior ttim there so those three locations take those three trucks in its circulation it stops somewhere close to the garbage can one of the other locations somewhere in that yellow a part of the truck is located correct in its delivery no not in its delivery so this is again is just for the circulation there is room as we can see here it doesn't get it doesn't doesn't take up the whole Space within the trash area there's a lot of room there that can be used for staging and pulling it further out of the circulation mil this doesn't show that this just shows how it would move around the site okay when it is in one of these even if it's delivering uh great example landscaper gets their drive-thru they go on a drive back around because they want to park they can't park so they try to look over here even if they're in a regular truck how do they get through if the delivery truck is there if the delivery truck is there there there is room there's the truck's not 10 ft wide but I said if the truck's taking up 10 ft of of width there's another 10 ft for any traffic to any other cars to circulate around the site and that's also part of the benefit of moving this exit driveway further to the West previously we were aligned here but now we were actually we've got more room for anybody to exit out onto Dayton you'll have to forgive me cuz I don't understand the flow then or the model because everything in yellow appears to be where the truck would be at any given time in either circulation or parking in circulation yes how is there space in any of those locations for a car to get by that he's either not going through the drive-thru wants to park or wants to pick up as was questioned earlier on the side how is there room for him to get by or that person to get by I understand now so this shows the area needed to circulate this is not the area needed for parking this shows the truck again the the trailers out to the drive-through Lane essentially and the cabs in front of the parking what they're going to do is they can pull forward and essentially you know effectively try to parallel park and get as close to the trash closure area so that only the full width that's the truck's length is what we need we don't need everything in yellow for the delivery maneuver we only need that for the S circulation Maneuvers so then exiting on to Dayton Road needs the full length of Dayton Road the width of Dayton Road in order to make that turn without hitting a curb or going over the curb or the grass based on the design you've presented tonight in this circulation yes okay so if we could go to the very last truck on the top right there's no exit there presumably if it tried to make a right there I don't see how that flow happens maybe he would have the driver would have to be correct me if I'm wrong on the far leftand side of Dayton Road in order to make a right-and turn without interfering on southbound traffic let make a right hand turn I can if you want me to no so it' be yes if he's going to make a right turn he's probably going to have to swing a little wide here to get clear the trailer clear of the Cur on the uh at the intersection okay and then last piece making a leftand turn in order to make a hard left-hand turn if that is at the time a two-lane backup which happens quite often it would be able to make it but we still have to make the hard to the edge of speed well on the southbound side uh did I wouldn't say they'd have to go that far this intersection is there's certainly more room than our driveway entrance so this be the driveway entrance being the worst case they do have more room ability to turn without going you know taking up the full Lane but they can take up the full Lane if they they need to put in this design on this model it's not necessary to make that left turn okay thank you very much Joan du 30 Canfield place um I just had a question regarding the shifted um exit onto Dayton Road I was wondering if you studied the Wendy's on the corner of 10 and 202 that has also a shi to driveway at all I didn't it shs to the right so you're not supposed to make a left there um go to Wendy or I go to Wendy's quite often and I can tell you I see multiple cars every time I go there go out and around and make a left hand turn what's to stop people from doing that making the right around the end I know you're going to say this fine no left turn um just today um sitting on my porch at the end of my culde saac saw a motorcycle come from monley way over the sidewalk into the C app went down and went down to miss the light um speed well and bridale seen it multiple times come through there so just because you're sign that says don't do that people are going to do it and we've we know people are going to make a right and then also they could go out if they're going to try and make a left during a busy time they could go out the McDonald's parking lot make a right onto speed and then another right on to dat to go down and around to the light so that's also on the residential area um one other question you brought up faon and Bay Home stores were you aware that faon is six times the size of Morris Plains and Bon is 11 times the size of Morris Plains uh no I was not aware okay we look there's pictures of the sites online and it looks nothing like this there's no residential area anywhere near that we can see so a adjacent to residential areas both of those locations single family homes Bon is a multif family Zone there are homes up and down there are single family homes that but the fa loone site yes could you show that to us like I can have a plan provide it if you want to see it great thank you Craig Mor 7 Hillview Avenue uh question regarding the uh the Bon location that you mentioned being similar uh on the Broadway Street the entrance into the into the McDonald's it's one way you can only make it's only an entrance and you can only enter from the right they actually have like the safety poles to prevent a leftand turn going out or a left hand turn coming in now that's s like a traditional traffic lightake Corner grid type thing where the Street comes right up to the traffic light so getting out is relatively easier with our street during rush hour the traffic lays down on Hanover ra and another 300 ft or whatever in the other direction during rush hour it's it's gridlock now with something like McDonald's where a lot of it is based on convenience and getting in and out in and out how are those cars going to uh how is that whole area going to be regulated so that it's like the flow is going to be okay because they're not going to be able to come out in either direction on on hill on uh speed wall so the Traffic Engineers study and they'll go into this when he testifies analyzes those exactly so to be a to touch upon the way delay and this may also be uh traffic I'm not sure with that entrance and exit on Speedwell with its relative proximity to Hillview Hillview is a notorious cut through from speed well to to Mountain we the next street parallel to speed well where the speed limit is not typically adhered to with the clientele coming to to McDonald's whether it's the people delivering rubhub or not or just people in a rush was there any U thought given to the proximity to the entrance way to Hill view in terms of people making a right and then attempting to make a quick left that was looked at as part of the layout in the plan stages and we we landed on you know trying to get the the drivway offset from from that to to prove or for the to restrict that maneuver forc people to slow down so it's not just cut out direct great shot thank you Carl rain 22 Dayton Road um last time I asked a question about the sewer line capacity and I think you said you were going to look into that after I asked the question did you look into that okay so so you still haven't done a full analysis of whether or not the additional volume or you did mention earlier that the grease trap is part of the sewer line flow connected to the main sewer line correct so basically waste comes through to the the grease trap and then out to the sewer line correct no the intent of the grease trap is to to prevent I I understand that the word trap is by definition I understand but it is part of the path to the to the sub correct it is okay uh does the Trap catch everything it does a pretty good job especially if get pretty good job doesn't catch everything there somebody's keeping a record let them answer then don't makes it much easier for whoever's trans prod so in our experience we does it catch everything no getting it as close to the building as we have it increases the likelihood of it capturing at the maximum okay great so but you guys are looking into what the increase in volume will do to put additional strain and stress onto the SE line that that is utilized by the residential neighborhood that it runs through yes I will have that and you will bring that to the next okay great and then this one um May maybe save it some time I'll get me out of here um so you are brought in after the site and has already been chosen correct yes okay so you would not have any insights into the actual choice of the site that would probably be something better for the traffic study expert correct well no site selection is done by McDonald okay okay um just out of curiosity in your experience as an expert doing planning and Engineering for McDonald's or similar types of types of businesses like that it would seem like they would be choosing their sites based on high volumes of traffic in the road segment on which they're looking to place this location correct based on your experience of working on these various projects over time I me he's you said he was a planner he's not a planner he's just a civil engineer I didn't say he was a planer I just asked if he had experience working on multiple sites and if he knew that typically the sites were chosen B actually I'm going to just remind everybody really um all those questions were he he was asked a lot of the general questions before now it's limited to the two exhibits that he talked about not hypotheticals it's what he just testified to those plans got it okay all right then I will save the rest of mine for the traffic expert thank you guys thank you good evening Greg Divine 91 Sun Valley Way um the two there's I think you have three tabs open I think two of them are plans though right you have old plan versus the one with the truck yes two if you don't mind pulling a truck one up earlier you testified we'd be seeing more plans I thought there' be I thought it was more than a handful but it's be looks like we've seen one new one is there any other plan that you have developed or an exhibit that doesn't Envision a truck exiting onto dat no we have all of our the plans be submitted show the truck EX on da consideration and a priation okay uh and earlier I think you testified an answer to chill cir who lives on Dat by the way that you're aware of the ordinance restricting 22-5 a that there's no trucks over 4 t exiting on a Dayton Road yes and actually the traffic engineer going to touch on that okay so you're aware of that do you is does proba your interpretational law counseling you're probably have not does that apply to this plan that restriction again the traffic engineer will touch on that my understanding is no so okay so it's you so I guess we I'll ask the traffic engineer and then there's the planning board I think we so there's no variance being like gu saw about variances are you aware of any variance being sought or any Amendment to the code or anything to modify that restriction okay so right now there's nothing on the table that McDonald's or the representatives or engineer believes is required for trucks to exit onto gting Lo that are four tons or more correct I'm not aware okay for the turn radius you mind scrolling up just a little bit to the top sorry to the block box on yeah just a little higher the turn radius I noticed you didn't have a a truck making is it left turn only or is it both ways they can make left and right they can make both ways and the turn radius for right turn I mean the left turn seems like it'd be more is that it' probably be helpful is that maneuverable if they don't swing over to the oncoming side of traffic because it's two-way street yes so someone just brought that up and I just explain W walk through basically to make the left turn it's very similar to the drive driveway entrance so they don't need to swing any they don't need to swing by or into alter Lanes to make the left turn out um prior resident just questioned how far west the truck would have to go and they can use the full Lane if they need it to to make that left turn but again that the maneuver would happen within that boxed area for a rightand turn um they would need to the truck would need to make some additional Maneuvers to be able to swing the trailer and miss the the curb if they're this close to the curve at at that location do those additional Maneuvers involve anything um on speed well not just you know on Dayton on the curve like will they be crossing over the yellow the double yellow or whatever line is there no they they won't be they won't be okay they can make that sharp turn okay and could you mind scrolling all the way down to the left just I think it would be you talked about the Dunkin Donuts can you slide over to the left show the Dunkin Donuts there you could see scroll up please no sorry the other way I'm directionally dyslexic uh uh you behind Duncan to the left you guys use that as an example to show see that back parking lot that's where the larger trucks the delivery the landscapers that's where I notice those trucks because when I get in there late or it's rush hour I go back there and I see a lot of the guys I my Osborne all the whole crew um so that's where those trucks would park so I I just think your comparison to Duncan earlier is probably it's not workable because they they they'll pull to the back and there's actually a lane for them to pull to the back so just I don't think it's a fair comparison uh and that's it I have other things for traffic so thank you very much Joon Road um might as well start with the do not block the Box because this is the first time seeing it was that added to accommodate the truck that was already prohibited from Dayton Road this the first on seeeing or hearing about it no that was a change that was incorporated um what was the purpose of it who was requested by who uh who believe it was the tra engineer or the it might have been the police who requested do not block the box right I'll have to look into that this is the first time seeing of it it's PL as part of the revisions we just completed and submitted um okay that's one of many questions um security cameras that was brought up last meeting and you said there was no security cameras in the design is there any now sorry just to go back to your original question it was requested by the police department the police department we will have security Camas Okay so locations or is there any in the designs we will we will provide the locations but we will have security cers okay I see that you did act for garbage cans um and typically is that something that's the employees empty every night and put in the dumers or they just sit until they overflow sorry they they're changed frequently so the staff in where I've see these trash CES on site they have changed at least two times per day okay um and then you said the deliveries come at off peek hours is that off peek hours for McDonald's or for the traffic that for the McDonald's the intent is to have this you know the store be dir it's not what is off peek hours I might you might have said it I apologize I didn't hear it y so the morning Rush is 7 to 9 so it would be after 9: lunch rush is 11 to 2 so it would be you know between 9 and 11 that would be an off peak hour and two to five is off peak between lunch and dinner or McDonald's for McDonald's definitely not tra um okay could you go to the Landscaping um I see that you added the burns that is my house on the other side um and there was mention of the mature Evergreens staying yes is there a reason because yes they're large trees that which will be compromised with construction of the dumpster and all the other Landscaping no we've provided sufficient distance and actually there's existing improvements that are closer so we would but I mean the root systems um those are huge trees I don't know how if you realize how tall they are and if you're going to disturb the soil rip it all up do beautiful landscaping um those trees when they come down they're coming down in my house and I understand corer City we want to keep trees that provides nothing of a sound barrier or a buffer to my house or the neighborhood that continues down da Road um and I'm just a con I'm concerned that once you start disturbing the soil and doing all the construction they will be compromised um so just want to make not of that um to see crosswalk two3 are drive-thru one3 is park or walk but yet you can't give a number of what that is I mean 2/3 of 100 a th000 I mean it's a huge it's a huge number that needs to be taken into ation for pedestrian safety for traffic are traffic experts going to get into those numbers for you so there is numbers yes so before when we were sold there wasn't any numbers no he he doesn't have any numbers the traffic expert has the numbers the traffic expert has the numbers of how many yes customers okay and see I just don't let be rushed um can I ask you a question sure as the neighbor immediately adjacent to the site would you have an issue with food deliveries an hour before opening would you have issues with the truck coming an hour before it opened if you're opening at 6 in the morning deliveries at 5 in the morning would you have an issue it 1 hour after closing yes I will okay I'm just I mean you've seen the property no I'm I'm just asking Ines away from the no I get it there's a lot of questions about during the day deliveries I'm just offering an alternative and I'm just asking you you gave me an answers I yes I have issues I definitely have many issues um let's see you said there was it's a twom minute pick up from taking the order and then taking it up the idling of a car but how long are they in line prior to that for the emissions the cars the noise this it's you know 2 minutes is in a magical world I believe if you have 10 people stacked 10 cars so clearly it's more than two minutes did okay the traffic engineer they have that information about circulation in drive through before and after the order is placed and then how many space parking spaces are we providing right now in we've got 30 spaces 32 with the the EV privit but 30 service and but it requires 41 and you're asking for variance on that and you said six spaces total are for mobile and Uber and then a plus give or take six to9 for employees so up to 12 out of the 32 so really there's maybe 20 parking spaces for people that would like to park and go in so the the six spaces that are reserved for the mobile orders and the the pull forwards those are spaces that if they weren't reserved they're they have to par somewhere so the reservation reserving those spaces for that is just to get them closest to the the building door so the staff can bring up the the order uh and not have to walk to say the Fest parking space so that's the intent of that but that I believe I touched upon previously uh in testimonies that 2/3 of that traffic that the oneir of traffic that's going in the store and actually parking is it's baked into to that number those spots that are you for St not to mention the three to maybe five spots when the delivery truck is blocking either people in or blocking the spaces soever keep on dwindling those spaces de the delivery again 30 minutes each occurrence 30 minut it's 30 minutes if I park and go into McDonald's to to get a meal and I come out and there's a truck and they're like oh we have to wait 30 minutes I mean can I just not parking space wait no pleas got toland to answer you know have argue with it but allow him to answer and then okay follow question that's it's just we are transcribing it one at a time no I understand that we're talking about minimal parking spaces already and then different ones being either blocked or taken or reserved for something so it the number of parking spaces is really actually smaller than what is in the designs um on just just pointing the facts that have been presented tonight in my op um okay and the do you mentioned um agreed with moving the crosswalk is that something that they were planning on doing regardless or is this because to accommodate the entrance and exit of McDonald's we presented it to the the is part of this application thank you hello again Carolyn Bennett BNN ET 19 Bon Road I'm actually going to piggyback off of what she just said because it was one of my first questions so when was the do preapplication meeting that I think you mentioned first when you pulled this up on screen one second take all the time you need and your question relates to the new exhibits that you shown most certainly I'll you for the DAT not to hold you up want to ask question I have all night um but okay I'll proceed so I'm specifically reacting to the crosswalk enhancements which are at the top of what's on the screen and I'm struggling so if you can just further explain how the crosswalk optimization shown here how and why will If This Were to go through would be replacing the town's efforts that they are already moving towards which include adding a light to the existing crosswalk like I'm not wrapping my head around we're going to fix the crosswalk there regardless of what you guys do and then if this passes you're going to come in and just replace all of those significant improvements that were shared sh with the public last week so again I'm still looking for the date but that was done after we filed initi so it would have been done after May when we met with them and that was after we actually received the initial uh you know first round comments from from everyone on the board so August 22nd so you met with them August 22nd so that what you're refering is the new crosswalk improvements that have been something that was something new to them uh and we have not yet filed an application with the do we just met with them to review the plans as we happen so we hav formally filed U so there's a chance that there's you know something internally that isn't being communicated to other parties interesting um can you further elaborate what does that file an application with the do vers what you've outlined here I'm not understanding the difference so we presented the original layout the the layout that didn't have this wide crosswall didn't have the the d loock The Box directly to the D again on August 22nd they requested we widen that to 10 ft from the 6 ft we had previously and we discussed The Pedestrian the beacons the Flasher lights that were added as requested and again they to that so the do has jurisdiction over speed Avenue to State Highway we will have to file an application with them for an access perit and that is because we are removing the driveways that exist today proposing a new driveway okay I don't know if you guys can take that up as the followup it's just not making sense in my head why we're going to use whoever's money to fix the crosswalk there like that's in motion and now we're being shown this so I'm just not following but sounds can I just CL cuz we brought this up at a council meeting yeah so like I said this process started with us the burrow a year and a half or two years ago whatever it was that was for grant money to get the lights for this this has nothing to do with without moving a crosswalk there's already a pre-existing crosswalk down further a little bit that's not going to be moved that the lights were are being proposed to put there as well we receiv received the grant just for putting the lights on the crosswalks as they were not as being moved or part of block the box or expanding the width of the sidewalk or anything like that this was specifically for blinking flashing lights when they hit the button uh to get the people across the existing crosswalks that are there and it was my interpretation that that Grant was approved or am I misunder that Grant was approved it's probably a different arm of whoever they're dealing with and if this application doesn't get approved we will still continue to go ahead with that uh uh grant funding will this application hold up that regardless this application more than likely will not hold that process up we've already been approved for it okay I'm just being mindful of everyone's time and money obviously we all have the same end goal but I'm looking forward to learning more from both fronts um I'd also like to focus on the um plantings that you were speaking about if we can zoom in on the bottom part of the screen so I like seeing that we're we're adding all of these plantings um how can we ensure that all of these positive additions aren't ruined by the pollution pollution and the odor emissions coming from the building right in the same lot so typically when a project goes to construction the applicant or the owner will post guaranteed so they've got to mean so it becomes an agreement between the two parties the town and and the African and the owner that the landscaping that's installed on site has to be maintained for set you know duration basically to make sure that it establishes the Landscaping establishes itself so that it can survive okay um has there been an environmental impact report filed for this or published no will there be one no why I don't want to jump in but it's limited to what he did testify to what he might please let me talk not what he didn't testify or what might else come but the plans that he testified to those changes that's really what you to ask the question okay my red for was the planting but I will not look for an answer for that question at this time um so the trash rebles was actually in response to something that I brought up last meeting so thank you for adding them and it's glad it's good to see there's four not just one and as you were pulling it up on the screen I know you mentioned oh they're so small um so I'm just wondering um with the frequency being confirmed that they'll be empty twice a day does that speak to the traffic that's expected to come through here or that's just a standard they're going to be changed two times a day it's it's an operational item so if they're full and needs to be changed three times a day then the stat in the building would do so okay you you mentioned it two times a day so I was just wondering if you had the trash isn't sitting in it overnight uh and if if it's busy and there was you know breakfast lunch you're going to change it out if there's a a change in in in peek at this rest um I can't see on the screen now any of the trash trash receptes but are they drive-thru friendly being part of a drive-thru prominent lot and in that I mean the ones that extend so that the people eating in their cars can just drive and throw out the trash without just throwing it out their window on the floor or are they just standard box trash cans they're they are the taller version that project into the parking area there's none up against the building we have them all in the parking area but we can add another one along the front of the building captur that additional trash okay thanks um so I also learned about BMS tonight so thanks for explaining that can you elaborate a little bit on well if you want to scroll down so we can see what I'm talking about how does snow impact that like snow removal I'm assuming is going to be piled up somewhere does that ruin the effectiveness of a burm or and I'm only asking this because you did Enlighten us what a burm was so in this case the there's no impact with this the snow removal okay this burn is set back from the perit a significant significant distance so the snow will be just piled into the areas in front of the burn so all the plantings are on top of the Vern so we got this green area up here that's you know kind of the open space in front of the BN which is just grass so that's that's room to to lose um you know snow and then we've got green areas around the parking area be used for snow okay it snows a lot so um I'm assuming this revised plan which you've testify to tonight requires a lot of digging correct like construction work digging it's it's no different on the building and sight side that's very similar to the original there's more Landscaping um and so yes I think there will be digging in the ground I guess I'm reacting to a letter that I just got in mail as a resident of the street and others have as well specifically regarding the Environmental Protection agencies lead and copper rule revisions this is part of it they require all Water Systems to notify customers non-pay consumers and any offsite owner of a property when it is known that they are served by a service line of unknown composition specifically it was about lead testing and there's a survey that we need now need to take and when I look up the addresses this lot is included so I guess I'm just thinking what happens when we're adding these plantings and we're moving the grease trap and we're digging and we find perhaps a lead pipe because that would fall under an unknown composition what then happens who pays for the fixing of the lead pipe so as part of the Demolition and ex again all these site features which exist today would be removed part of that to obtain a demolution permit you have to cut all existing Services services so if there is a lead pipe serving the friendlies or the other building currently that would be removed uh in accordance with the DP standards uh if the question is about soil and if anything gets removed there or found that's handled during construction if there's an offsite disposal that we need to take care of and a soil site uh and again we do have to submit for a soil permit prior to any construction happening so that would get reviewed that long okay um can we also zoom in on the updated driveway apron please I think that's what it's called but you can correct me if I'm wrong um cool so is the apron on the screen larger than any apron that's currently existing on the lot it's actually smaller than the driver that's out there now okay that's helpful to know um so if I'm exiting and I'm making that left I also am seeing sorry my head's perus I'm seeing a lot of plantings to my right so what's going to be the plan to make sure that a four-year-old on his tricycle that's coming updating to go to Dunkin Donuts isn't in The Blind Side of the car because there is going to be a lot of stuff preventing that car ideally from turning right but I'm just seeing that as an area of concern like that big tree or like so the we have sight triangles shown on this plan and that's this it's hatched with a a DOT some more nice bues so that is the site triangle and that extends out from where a driver would stop at the the driveway so at the stop bar we measure we show the site triangle and again that'll go all the way out to Dayton site triangles are based on the speed of the road so these are for a local 25 mph Road there's no plantings within the site triangle going to make that left turn so what about to the right though like I I'm understanding what you mean we also have a slight triangle there U even though you it's for visibility and there's also no things there and it's clear of the the trees we're we're proposing uh but also trees utility poles they don't get considered as obstructions in site triangles okay thanks um in terms of that apron while we're on the topic so I can you confirm if moving it which has been moved um interferes with the no parking at any time sign that's currently on day in and I know that's a minor thing but I want to make sure that sign gets put back up yeah I hav't shown us to to remain okay that's good no um um I think you said it I just want to triple triple confirm so there is no physical barrier that is restricting a vehicle whether it be a little punch buggy or a multi-ton semi Tru from turning right onto Daton there's a sign post on the other side of the apron okay this is Town property so for us to propose anything in the RightWay would require approval so what we have shown this our best designed to deter that movement can you just elaborate on what you said because maybe some people missed that you weren't saying that there's just a sign there a sign there's actual physically a sign obstructing the the path of the vehicle correct yes so right a few inches from the uh driveway taper of the apron uh we have a sign again that says the NOA turns into the store um because again it's an erress only so someone's trying to make a right that's something that they would hit in addition to the curb um trying to make a right out of this driveway as it's designed currently sounds good thank you for all those responses Mr B we're going to have to cut it off right now I'm sorry but there are you know several for you it's qu 11 um so I think we're going to have to continue this at our next meeting okay so our our next meeting is going to be November 12th it's not on a Monday and it's going to be located here as well okay tues Tuesday before the meeting would normally be scheduled here at 7:30 just so you know that November 12th thank you okay on the uh website too until the end of November sure okay great sir send me a letter yeah no other business we have a motion to adj [Music] good work call I can hear --------- ##VIDEO ID:sAxqpnNFwCI## United States of America to the stand One Nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay this is the October 21st 2024 planning board meeting I hereby announce that this meeting is being held in accordance with chapter 231 of the open public meeting act proper notice of meeting dates has been given to the Mars newsby and the Mars County daily record and posted on the bulletin board in the burrow Hall this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to issues that are relevant to what the board May legally consider in reaching a decision and to judicial hearing must be maintained at roll call please Mr or Mr garaga Mrs Kelly mrsy pres Mr Kelly Mr bezo here mayor car pres and Mr drus okay do we have any comments from the on matters that are not on the agenda see no one we'll move on to corespond corespond we have no correspondence I have number 202 41923 for Legal Services dat October 8 for the amount of $315 have purchase number 202 41927 from Michelle for transcrip dat October for $126 I invoice number 20241 947 from Phils pricing rival for planning in general dat 93024 for $4,525 no questions I recomend approval for the there a second we have call please Mr Oran BL yes Mrs Kelly yes Mrs deer yes Mrs mclusky yes Mr Kelly Mr bezel yes mayor car and Mr Jerusalem yes okay I say something is if everybody when they speak you have to speak close to the mic so that everybody can hear you so please pull it up and talk directly into the mic because I can't hear you so far away okay we'll have approval of the minutes of the September 16th 2024 meeting and the minutes are actually the transcript um so there wouldn't be any corrections or additions that anybody have any corrections or additions no okay um did we have a motion to accept the transcript as the second I'll second all in favor I oppose abstain okay great uh committee reports minor site plan committee for that Master Plan Review Committee yes Madam chairman uh chairwoman uh the uh governing body heard from resident uh for a request for zone change uh up on 300 tab Road uh from residential to C1 so the master plan committee will have a a meeting uh and we'll we'll discuss it and come back to the uh uh the planning board everyone should have got a copy of his presentation today uh so uh and for those who might not know where 300 tab road is it's that Island you know when you go if you're going to Denville and you go to or to uh Route 10 it's that Island there and that's Zone residential and they feel that it's not inappropriate for residential even though there's a house there and old house so they want to change it to C1 which is across the street on the right side if you're going to T so we'll take a look at that thank you okay um now we'll proceed with the application PB 1-24 mdon USA um Mr Brewer is going to give here I oh it's good to see you again um and truly it is good to have public participation um all I remembered last week last month um just going to request again people follow the ground list know everybody up here is they're your neighbors they're doing they're they're volunteering to sit on this board and do what they're doing up here um they have to and they're obligated to listen and to understand the presentation from both the applicant as well as the public all the questions you're going to ask and all the testimony you may or may not give when that time comes and just you know it's a request to everybody treat everybody else with respect don't shout people down or interrupt it it helps you know treat them as you the way you want to be treated that's request um you'll get a chance to ask whatever questions you want that are within the bounds of what they can consider you know in normal conversations you can throw out anything when you're playing around with relatives and friends and your neighbors but here there's a it's a limited area of what you can ask and and with within bands um you can as some and I understand sometimes the the limitations on what you can ask and discuss are new and do the best to explain if that comes up please just ask that you respect those and then with members of the board um this just my recommendation um that when either the applicant or the public is speaking or asking questions that's for the witness testimony that's not for members and it will it will um uh move things along if there's no really shouldn't be any give and take back and forth with members of the board it's simply when the public speak as many questions as they want about the testimony that would be my request and my recognition to you mad chair thank you thank you so when we concluded the last meeting there were still people here that had questions and so the questions would would be to the um to the engineer who presented the uh site plan so are any of those people here or do any of you have any questions of that witness you have to come forward state your name and address and your question please CH Daniel Conway 3 Greenwood Road moris que New Jersey Daniel Conway three Greenwood Road Morris PLS New Jersey uh as a followup to the uh the last meeting some of the questions I asked I guess I asked towards traffic I wanted to ask you about uh transaction size so try the number of transactions uh are you aware of what an average McDonald's does on a daily basis a number of transactions not so of the 60 McDonald's that you've reviewed or your firm has reviewed were they all new builds no were remodel projects rebuild projects ands what would be sorod and new build of the remodel of the remodel uh were they just uh design remodel or was there issues on the site that had to be redone traffic drive-throughs typically a remodel would be refreshing a tired site so bringing in uh new architectural design replacing a single drive-through site with a dual drivethru site and similar site improvements to that similar improvements to that regard in the single to double lane drive-throughs uh in your analysis what were you working off of in terms of determining what was the right size for the car queue for other things did McDonald's give you any information in those instances where we were taking a site from a single drivethru Lane to a dual drivethru Lane the goal was to increase the efficiency of the site a lot of times the single dor sites have stacking potential to the property line or you know out into a shopping center um circulation aisle and the intent of the site improvements in bringing the second dve lane is to increase the efficiency of the dve lane so that you are now reducing that F and I believe I touched upon it last time where we've done pre and post um testing uh traffic studies on where we've done from a single Lane to a dual Lane and the the number of cars stacked on a site are you know pretty much reduced in in half when we go from the s to the so there were no sales numbers we were hting implementing the McDonald standards into the site design okay so in the in the studies that you uh reviewed to create these new uh traffic Lanes what was that based off of what what volume of Autos or transactions happening that was causing the stacking issue in the course of an hour an average hour or lunch hour or bre this it was independent of the traffic on the site rather the volume it was more of implementing again the McDonald's standards their standard drive through templates onto a site that didn't have so you're referencing McDonald's standards yes but there's no data to back up what that traffic volume is that transaction volume is no not in implementing their design standards their drive-thru layouts onto an existing setting so if they don't provide you any information to say we do X number of transactions in the course of a period of time we need to make sure that our Q can support x no cu the number look there are two separate things the the drive-thru improvements would be qualified bed on store doing well so there'll be traffic at a addition there'll be longer stacking at a store um and potentially that's because their the volumes are higher from a sales perspective so they're trying to reinvest in those stores that are well performing rather uh because you still have out there stores that are not mariz that don't have Fel LS so that's where their focus is is the successful stores to fit these new standards the standards that McDonald's has devel as far as their layouts are really independent of the this Bing mode out of store so there's over 10,000 500 McDonald's stores in the United States roughly franchise locations from According to their website they couldn't provide any kind of average to justify certain things certain traffic num certain transaction amounts to you to to make sure that the traffic H lines are acceptable if the question is do did I need that information to design a site or modernize a site the answer is is no well the question is did they no so McDonald's didn't provide you any information no thank you okay so I'm surprised I read an average McDonald's does three and a half million in sales that's about a th000 transactions a day what would a drive-thru of this size be able to handle in the course of an hour in terms of cars and VI on site the the TR engineer is's going to talk through the trip generation of the store and again he'll touch upon this shortly if he gets up tonight the traffic is based on building size not the driveth the drive drivethru is in driven by just drivethru it's griven in traffic volume by the size okay I guess that's not really an answer that I'm looking for you designed a site you designed a drive-thru and you said that this can hold 10 cars in the queue and prevent any potential traffic issues I'm not talking about the trip generation I want to know on site and whether you can answer this or not I guess is my concern in the course of an hour a rush hour at what point does the que become overload and what could what could the McDonald's of this size handle in transactions because this queue right this is kind of the concern is is a problem so I want to know from your design you're comfortable saying X number of cars can go through this site without queuing onto the street or backing up into the road because of the design the building area here is 3,36 Ft the the stacking spaces that we have provided I will say will be maintained within the drives and Facilities uh based on the building that this SI respectfully I don't think I don't think that's an answer there's you know if you have your own studies if you designed 60 of these I think comfortably or I would request that you based on the knowledge that you have provide some kind of guidance to us as the public to say this can handle 200 Cars an hour or 150 cars an hour or whatever it may be on top of you know cars having to wait for their food or Uber drivers or other things totally separate from trip generation is on site you know I I respectfully don't think those are uh answers that are answering question our our traffic expert will also be addressing exactly what those issues are as well okay uh in the last uh meeting you discussed that 18 wheeler onite you had a slide which I don't have the slide number uh could you thank you could you show that slide and expl so you have it coming in from coming south on 202 and making the left hand turn into that site is that the expected lane of travel and then you have it exiting out onto the heart onto U onto the Side Road uh and then making a right it appears anyway is that accurate is that the expected we have um certain exhibits that we prepared that show the revisions to the plans that we have made in this case um one of the exhibits that we supplied is a um a depiction of a tractor trailer and how it moves through the site so if the board would like us to present all the revisions at once we're happy to do that and then Mr Conway can come back up if he has questions or you know because if we start showing things it's all going to get disjointed okay in your design it's your site plan right based on McDonald's what was your anticipated uh direction of traveling for the 18 wheelers uh as I testified to the last time the truck can Venture the site either Northbound or southbound from speed Avenue uh this plan which is in front of everyone shows it coming southbound anding left into the site so you're comfortable that the that there's enough room on 202 heading north to make a hard right hand turn into the side without interfering with the drivethru or exiting Vehicles yes now if in the last meeting there was discussion about either eliminating the exit onto the Side Road how would the tractor trailer exit the property if that was the case we have an exhibit that we're going to be showing where um we have reconfigure that drive and there's also a turning uh diagram for an 18wheeler so we will be presenting that this evening along with our other revisions to the plan and Mr con you're welcome to come back up and ask questions about that exhibit you're thank you so you going to that'll be tonight yes sir I appreciate that thank you um when you discussed the total number of parking spots uh and the town ordinance you there was a discussion about McDonald's uh there being about 16 McDonald's employees uh potentially taking up those spots uh you also said I think in response to that that the majority of McDonald's employees will be or usually take public transportation uh why is that is it not something that McDonald would be employ employing people in town I mean if it's a job Creator why are we taking away the concern for 16 spots that would be taken up by employees the number of employes is a the 16 referring to that's for a peak condition so that is not you know an everyday or every every shift occurrence um typically that would be only on you know the busiest time they frame an additional staff for that and the answer to second part of that question about the you know employees as I mentioned there's you know different meanss of transportation and the intent is absolutely to hire from the community um what I was referring to sometimes the owner operators that are selected will have multiple stores and they'll actually show up people from their different stores so the demand for 16 parking spaces for employees only on site is just not an accurate representation be demanded from this St but that was that was what you're responsible initially no I said the PE number of employees is 16 and they say all 16 would be driving and parking on what's theage of employees on site typically it's 9 to 10 on a on a regular ship 9 to 10 thank you can I make a suggestion can I make a suggest I think the engineer should be on this side of the table while he's asking questions so he can speak directly into the mic and look at the people when they ask a question that's what I think goes like this away that's my two cents [Music] Jill C here Le Dayton Road CDC e 11 dayon Ro um Mr con asked several of my questions but I had a question the last meeting there was mentioned um somebody I don't remember exactly who but on the planning board had asked why not just eliminate the Dayton Road exit and we were told that would be explained later in the meeting but it wasn't so could you expl now yeah I think that that comment was more the the traffic engineer will also touch upon it but essentially to driveways makes more a more efficient design where we have parking on the south side of the building and on the uh east side if you're parking in those bases to exit the store or the site you'd have to go all the way around the building if you only have one driveway keeping two driveways gives us an extra point to exit so say um so that's more efficient right there where you're able to exit the site and not having to circulate the building twice also if there's someone at the speed Avenue um driveway and they're trying to make a turn that's taking longer you would choke up the entire site as far as uh the circulation so you prevent someone who might be making a turn in a different direction from from making that turn by having the two driveway exits you were effectively giving two decision points and allowing people to you know keep circulating through the without creating any traffic congestion okay and is it also involve the TRU delivery truck needs to exit that way as it's currently designed the truck exits that way and we envisioned it doing so so for the same reason do not have to circulate the site twice and cross in front of the St again that's where our main pedestrian connection point is so our intent is to maintain that driveway exit um for cars for the delivery vehicle are you aware that tractor trailers are not allowed on Dayton Road yes and and yet that's how it was designed our traffic engineer has more information on on that okay um just want to make note because regardless if people need to make a left hand turn out of the speed well exit because that's what I'm assuming that could back up traffic the other cars that need to exit also so they could go to Dayton Road um but I was wondering if you it was designed for the tractor Trail which the previous owner of that property the the the building um the business there they never use Dayton Road for their deliveries um you also last me discussed the missions you have like a scrubber for the odors that McDonald's the actual restaurant produces is there any consideration about the car emissions um the idoling cars the pollution that that's causing to the neighborhood there's there's no additional measures for cars on site um we'd be happy to implement some no idling signs but that is well I mean cars have to idle in a driveth through I did I I understand you designed the building itself but um but that doesn't take into account any of the odors or pollution that's being caused by the external situations um same with the noise I know the the menu where you place your order on the speakers you have sound control of that but that doesn't take into consideration the sounds the cars the radios or anything else it's just the actual menu placing speaker system is the question how do we control noise on well that that I know that you presented that that's how the noise would be controlled because there's different times of the day it would be lower and um but that's only for the actual ordering the back and for that right correct and in our revised plan that we were submitted we also incorporate additional Landscaping which helps with sight is uh and again the speed LS of the state highway so that the volume of of cars on that road uh will in most cases exceed the the traffic on the site okay and then the moving of the crosswalk moving it north um or enlarging it and moving itth that has being created to make entering and exiting the Dayton I mean the speed well Avenue entrance and exit for the McDonald's but it's actually I believe it would be making it more dangerous for anybody residents or customers that are making leftand terms out of the Dayton room because you just turn right into us across so the driveway the crosswalk was shifted to accommodate the the driveway placement the enlargement was a request from the do uh and also there was from the board traffic engineer comments about guiding additional signage and flashing V all which have been incorporated into the revised plans and I understand the town is already you know they have been working on prior to McDonald's trying to improve those crosss but I didn't know if in the design the crosswalk was moved to accommodate McDonald's and their entrance and ex it is yes I think that's all I have for now but then you you will be having your updated so we're going to show the the revised plans and you'll have another opportunity to come up based on what you say okay thank you hi my name is Jessica or and I never have needed a microphone but um I live at 15 Hillview Avenue directly across from where you're putting friendlies and um I just I'm sorry where friendlies was was um McDonald's and I have a few questions as a parent um and to all the board actually I'm hoping I can ask one of you a question too are any of you located directly off of Speedwell Avenue because you say that our neighbors right we're all neighbors here so I just wanted to know if anyone here is directly going to be affect off of speed well because I think a lot of us here are questions oh I can't ask you guys questions okay I have plenty so get an email from me later um okay so my question to you is my children are of the age where I would let them walk around town now I'm not because they're not going to be safe with your plans can you please explain to me and you may have said it before and I'm sorry if you're repeating yourself what have you looked into any studies and reports in getting children from the school safely or children crossing the town safely I know that you have a crosswalk and blinking lights my children don't even stop like when I tell them to stop so I just need to know what you guys are thinking and how you think this is going to be effective for all of us the it's an improvement for once out there today as far as the crosswalk and the crossing of speed Avenue uh the flashing lights that's not there today the enlarged and wider crosswalk that's also not there today so those are all improvements to to a condition that exists inde McDonald's um so we're we're making it a safer crosswalk and safer Crossman I don't believe you are but that's okay um so in my opinion um I would also love to hear what you all are doing what studies did you do when you look at the school because there is two schools directly across from you one of is a preschool and one is an elementary middle school what are what studies have you particularly done with all that influx of Children and Families Our traffic engineer has completed traffic study including pedestrian counts so they'll be test that okay great I'll ask that question and then my next question is also we have a Vermin problem we got a letter from the town about a month ago that our area has a Vermin problem what are you going to do to control that when McDonald's comes in and adds to our verman problem so each of the stores has their own you know pests and exterminated Service uh for regular servicing the exterior enclosure those are all closed and latched once trash is placed in them and then the enclosure itself is a masonary enclosure so the likelihood of something getting in there is is reduced from a typical you know chain fence or board on board fence so it's more you know more solid structure okay and last week you talked last time you were here you talked about de and road that ter with putting a rock there or something to stop people from turning right have you discussed that further will you be sharing that in the new plan yes perfect thank you hi Don younger y ggr uh 10 wway I guess my first question is should I be asking you or the traffic engineer about traffic on site uh meaning the flow of traffic from the drive-through Windows to their egresses I'll give it a shot okay um is it accurate to say that the primary eress from from the drivethru is going to be onto speed well using the I guess the the western side the Western exit from a proximity standpoint yes it's it's the nearest exit uh and as I just answered a question previously the intent of the two driveway two drivers two erress drivers is to keep traffic flowing so someone at that exit Point as you're exiting the drive- lane you can circulate the site and through the DAT so and if you're circulating the site you're still going to go past that um that that exit in other words you're going to go across uh the on the western side you said it was the primary um pedestrian path uh was into that entrance that's on the western face of the building is that right yes okay um I mean maybe you could zoom in or or I don't know if you have any sort of measurements I didn't get to read through this as completely as I would like what is the distance from the the window where they're going to be receiving their food to the corner and from the corner to the um The Pedestrian path so from the the middle window so there's there's two three windows on the side so the middle window is the primary pickup window Okay the third is again just for larger ers or something out of sequence so from so from the second window middle window to edge of the building it's approximately call it 32 ft and then you're another call it 40 ft to the Stop Bar uh past the front building and just to clarify uh from the corner um the the northwest corner to the um I guess the the entrance the the primary door for the pedestrians to get into on that Western face so that's about 52 ft from property line to the building is that the question no no no I I mean I mean let me put it differently have you looked at how much time there will be from when someone pulls away from the window they'll primarily be getting their food from from the drive through to when they cross that strip crosswalk that's on the property um to on the western face going out the door the number of seconds it would take to drive that right a few seconds okay I don't know exactly okay so in your design you didn't look at how much time it would take to get from that left turn to where the pedestrians would be if they're exiting the building no but if the question is about pedestrian Crossing is that yes specifically onet so in the center here we have a a crosswalk uh but it's not an ATR crosswalk it is accurated with the sidewalk in front of the building which means cars exiting the drive-through Lane actually have to go up this ramp which will raise 6 in to a flat Crossing surface and then 6 in down basically what that's enforcing is that The Pedestrian has the right of way if they're are crossing in the crosswalk um to make that Crossing from the street to the front of the building do you know approximately how how long that sort of ramp up to 6 in is in in it's it's 6 ft long okay would you consider maybe at the expense of of some of the parking spaces adding traffic calming something to you know almost like a chicane like a way to force traffic to go the long way around and go as slowly as possible over that crosswalk over over the cross right so rather than just the the the ramp up um the six fet of warning so to speak um something even further out to slow them before they even approach the rank we could look at it we'll look at it okay and will it be presented in the next meeting if it's looked at yeah sure okay um and my last question is just a a general knowledge question not specific to engineering but in terms of liability is it the town's liability is it McDonald's liability is it your firms I'm just worst casing God forget something happens with these design choices in mind how does it work well I'm the lawyer everybody get Su so everybody thank you very much uh Joe Amarosa 20 Dayton Road a m o r o s a can you zoom in more on the west half of the building can you speak up was a question can you zoom in more on the west half of the building bu a little more please any consideration for more standardized crosswalk striping like the piano bars across speed well on your site no objection to it we can change the striping what's the purpose of the concrete pads at all the crosswalks and the handicap parking computes of Greener Construction tolerance so we can maintain the the strict um constructibility standards for the slopes for running slope and cross slope in the Ada facilities what material gives more contrast with striping that's white what was that what pavement material gives more contrast with white striping well black Sur what's safer High contrast or low contrast I'd say a compliant crosswalking City gr what color is the parking lot lines there on the North that we're looking at I didn't hear the which one the north Happ parking lot what color are those lines you mean the yellow scraping the North North this yellow yes yes it's yellow what about the parking spots next to it also G why aren't those white these are McDonald's uh pickup spaces so we changed the color the parking uh that's not reserved for the various pickups are also in way any consideration for moving the grease trap away from the Residential Properties you want the GRE Drive close to the building it prevents these grease from sediment tizing uh and Co coagulating sorry rather uh it is shifted away from the you know the residential uh to the extent that it can be where the grease lines come out of the building but again it's all connecting down to a into the sewerman that's within the sary eement on the east side of the site can you can you describe the process of the emptying of that grease trap yes so typically every month or two again it depends on the usage a a service is retained they'll come on site they pump out the uh what's collected and stored in in the GRE trp what type of truck it it depends on the hauler it's usually a smaller truck it's not a tractor trailer how loud is it again it depends on the the the removal process not the truck itself oh there there's no sound it's it's a vacuum truck similar to a how loud is the vacuum on the truck it depends on on the manufacturer and the truck and the servers providing it is it louder than a baby crying from 100 ft [Music] away can't quantify that but I would say no you will be presenting 18 revised or new exhibits correct do Revis site PL that was submitted yes hi Lisa schroer 97 Maple Avenue I wanted to follow up on a question that I asked at the end of the last hearing um especially in view of the letter that you submitted dated October 8th um and it goes back to the the first gentleman that spoke about the number of customers per day that was requested testimony from Liz leany and in your letter you say that it was addressed in the testimony but it wasn't because I many of us have asked what is the an anticipated business volume I even asked you if McDonald's Had informed you of its a thousand transactions a day average did you ask McDonald's after the hearing for that information again that's something the Traffic Engineers going to touch upon based on just the traffic methodology for but I'm asking for a number of transactions per day in view of my question from a month ago did you follow up and ask them for data points on that because they do exist it's something that's still being looked at do they plan to produce that information don't okay how would this site accommodate school buses from Central Park with that is a very large and local sports area uh there's I I was just there this weekend um there were buses every so how how would the site accommodate a bus or would the buses be prohibited so we don't have any bus parking on site but a bus can enter the site and exit the site because it's smaller than the delivery vehicle but presumably if it came in it would just park across all of the parking spots right I wouldn't say presumably uh it one that would assume there's space for that and then it be taking know X number of parking spaces if it was to do that which is not where where else could it park there are no Park bus parking spaces okay would there so would there be a sign prohibiting the buses from from coming in we can add a sign prohibiting Bus Parking yes okay and then sounds like you've worked on a lot of different McDonald's sites can you talk about some additional safety measures that have been employed for pedestrian and cyclist safety beyond what what you're proposing here I'd say the the raised crosswalk that I just described is the the furthest we've gone with The Pedestrian focused design uh typically do the ACR crosswalk which is you know typical of of many sites so in this case we provided something you know above and beyond what I've typically provided okay I'm I'm thinking people that live here probably know that I'm not sure if they're still doing it but there's that lab that's by shoppr right on another very busy street Handover Avenue and I've seen a police van stationed there from time to time directing traffic to allow people to turn left out of there um would McDonald's ever be open to funding additional police FTE to um reain in on the issues that are inevitable here that that's a question for the client we we'll POS it to is I guess is that anything that has been done on prior sites that you've worked on no not in my experience okay okay thank you hi Craig Moran s Hill viiew Avenue um of the various McDonald's states that you've worked on in the past how many of them actually been in residential areas like this one believe I did Tes on that one second I'm just getting the number I apologize if you did so uh I've worked on 13 sites where there's residential either immediately abing the site or you know in immediate proximity they also have the double drivethru yes um recently there was an online comment made that the resoning of the uh Lots in question was a byproduct of the old acne uh lot being rezoned for a drivethru with that one being a larger lot size farther away from schools while it wouldn't necessarily uh eliminate traffic issues was that property ever looked at in terms of putting the McDonald's there prior to here that's not something you don't know I wasn't part of the site selection process now thank you I Tom battle East Toler Road can you spell your last name b a t t a g l i e s e um is there a fire zone that's required for this this fire zone not to my knowledge now okay um if there were a tractor trailer unloading since there's no loading unloading zone for the tractor trailer if there was an emergency would that be a hazard for fire trucks or other emergency vehicles if there is no fire zone I I'll touch upon that more with the revised layout but I'm going to say no cuz even with the tractor trailer within the circulation aisles there's still sufficient for an emergency vehicle to circulate the S okay um somebody was just asking me about a bus I had the same question and I was one of those people that had worked at a McDonald's for my first job so also off Highway in South Jersey but that's another story um so if a bus comes in and a truck is unloading then what happens where does the bus go again there there's no bus parking on the site so it would have to either you know continue on its way it being the bus cuz otherwise we're going to be blocking traffic um that entrance okay so you're planning to put signage right at the entrance bus is not allowed but if the cross concert team from Central Park wants to come off and get some ice cream or whatever what do they what do they do they we could put no bus parking cuz again there's no okay but where would they if there's no bus parking would they get off would they stop at on speed well Avenue and back up traffic in order to onload the bus or where would they go in the S area where there's a delivery truck on site is that still the question scenario yeah so I mean but you also saying there's no buses that should be coming into the lot right there's no bus parking so if the delivery truck is on site be on the south side of the building okay along here or on the east side along the rear of the building so the bus can temporarily you know stage wherever the delivery truck is not or any other large bus that's on the site and unload in that manner so there's space for Park cars parked plus a truck unloading plus a bus to somehow squeeze through there you may want to come back up when he shows to revise the because it does show where the tractor trailer goes that's I think it's going to be easier for everyone to see okay sure um some there was a question raised about exhaust and I have several questions on that with the driveth through exhaust so are you aware of a study that that's published annually in touch insights it's called and they Brank driveth through uh service times so last year they were uh they showed McDonald to have an average of 4133 seconds or nearly 7 minutes for the the complete drive-thru cycle to OCC are you aware of that study I'm not aware that stud what is the average drive- through time that you would expect at this McDonald's so I think typically what McDonald's targets is 2 minutes from placing your order to collecting your order um so again you're at the the order points you're placing your order pay at first window collecting the second window um so they Envision it moving more quickly and again the two drive your Lan cuts down on that St pre pre-order time that that's the goal of reducing that stacking so that's that's the target but what is the average actual and you know in New Jersey for instance or in the designs you made I do not have an average order time um okay so let's say it is in fact nearly 7 minutes and I think it's this is why that question was raised earlier the health concern around cardiovascular and respiratory diseases from drive-thru from uh idling Vehicles basically um do you see that as a concern has that been raised as a a concern in in McDonald's designed for example in the residential ones the 13 that you've designed has that been ra not specifically uh again with the additional landscaping and um just the Advent of being a more efficient Lane I think that's addressing it in itself okay to cut down on that idle time are you aware that anti-idling laws for New Jersey have a maximum of 180 seconds for anti-idling yes I believe that's for tra or trailers for it's for vehicles but there there are exemptions for drivethru but given that the average time is likely to exceed on their 8 seconds and those anti-idling laws were put in place for environmental and health reasons would you then believe that there could be issues uh with citing a drive-thru in a residential neighborhood particularly one that's literally whatever two doors down from uh the closest residence I don't think it's an issue again it's a permitted use uh I'd say the you know the way the industry is going with electric vehicles and it's a it's a temporary problem with any at all but the electric since you raised the top of of electric vehicles there the uh spots at the McDonald's are not even being cited with EV charges right they're only EV charging ready is that correct there's you charge already spot um so have have you ever has McDonald's ever done an air quality study for these um sites that they are putting within residential neighborhoods to to see what the the air pollution uh concentrations are you know X on fet or yards from the uh the drivethru since you essentially have iing pars the entire day during a busy day that's you know on summer days you're going to have build up there in the 6 years or so projects I've worked on it hasn't been something that's been requested okay um are you aware that we have a community energy plan that was endorsed by the moris PLS Council this year that seeks to reduce carbon emissions no um do you believe that a drive-thru in our downtown is counterintuitive to reducing carbon emissions and has has McDonald's ever completed a study on this um particular as part of their their corporate climate action plans I'm not aware they corporate climate action plan um you mentioned that that You' designed 13 of the 60 McDonald's and residential areas how many of them were in a downtown like proposed here i' say seven of the 13 were in downtown areas where is the nearest one nearest one uh we've got I'd say fair loan being probably the nearest to this location but also yeah fair so just so the records clear um there's been a couple questions about um in residential area and I just want to be so the record is clear you're not testifying about projects you've done in areas designated residential because this is a designated commercial property correct correct so when when they're asking you about residential areas that just relates to the witness the um Public's comments about products that are close to residential buildings just so we're square right correct okay sorry continue no I think we're L there um so so of those seven so what is what is the the logic behind citing McDonald's in a downtown that is um also according to the master plan designed to be pedestrian Centric pedestrian friendly and yet 2third of the business is going to be coming from uh drive-thru traffic what is the logic behind that that's a great question for the plan okay and our planner will squarely address that issue okay um who who will own the site is it the franchisee or the developer it will be I believe it's the the property owner property okay so it's going to be leased to McDonald's essentially right uh so I I I know you gave sort of an answer about liability but I would like to go back to that with the authentic answer if there is a liability related to accidents vandalism injuries whatever might occur there and somebody wants to sue who is responsible is it McDonald's is it the property owner who is responsible legally well my answer was authentic in that if you know if you get injured on a site or something happens to you on a site where there's a a restaurant or any Commercial Business um a good lawyer will look to all potentially responsible parties and Sue everybody so that would be the property owner the operator I understand that who who is first in terms of liability and I own a home if somebody comes to my house I'm liable something I can't I can't answer that I think the question should be really have to be um aimed toward the testimony was given by the witness right Mr to has been and and I will allow him to if he wants to respond htic refs that would be determined by the court it should be this this board can't consider the hypothetic refs but okay well the reason I was asking and I'll frame the question around that then is I'm trying to understand why if McDonald's for instance is liable why there's no representative here for McDonald's wouldn't they be pretty interested in um controlling their liability and understanding that the optimal design you know from an engineering perspective the the witness go ahead ask him any question about what he testified with but that's a good reason to make an argument at the end when you want to give an argument we're asked later on but this this the questioning again everybody question I'm not saying not to has to be focused on what he testified to what okay not what he didn't testify to um just one last question have you have you uh reviewed the moris plain's master plan as part of preparing the application in reference to the zoning and permitted uses the plan couch upon that more the plan I reviewed it you did not I reviewed it from a sense of confirming that the zoning is what it is all right thank you hi 82 last hn uh just a quick question on the liability sorry um did your design take into account a deduction or minimizing liability to pedestrians I just caution you um um it don't give any legal opinions because you're not aware if it relates to the safety of the crosswalk is that what you're yeah you yes the considerations given into making sure we design a safe s for cars and pedestrians okay um in your opinion about how many drivethru transactions can this McDonald's design handle for hour the as I stated you know at the beginning We Lay this out for implementing the standards from McDonald's standards me the drives through layouts um Traffic Engineers here to talk about the the trip generation side of things and that will equate to um number of of trips on the site and out of the site so I think you'd be better student for that I was actually asking about the design uh just a little while ago you said it's about 2 minutes from the order to collecting the order so it sounded like that's something that you were thinking about in your design McDonald's is thinking about that design in developing their their standard layouts um and with that when we lay these out there's certain distances that we try to hold from the payment window to the order Point um so they go 20 improvements and this one distance we've got a 81t lane so that's basically you know the ideal distance between the order point and the pay in the McDonald's standard okay I'm awful at math but I think that comes out to about 30 cars per hour ideal State 2 minutes per car does that sound gu right the target is when McDonald's hopes to do as far as efficiency in their kitchen and preparing the orders um it's not saying there's going to be 2 minutes there's going to be another order there could be more there could be less um you know somebody placing a small order is not going to take the full two minutes that's a good point um okay so my other question was will the updated design which I think you mentioned you're presenting today address more parking spaces it maintains the same number of parking spaces okay um and then how specifically are non peak hours defined for purposes of deliveries the non hours are basically when sted obviously when it's less busy um and they're established based on just experience from you know other stores that the lunch rush for example it's usually like 11: to 1 so it'll be after that 1:00 time okay so it's based on a National Standard rather than non or Peak or non- peak hours at that location correct correct um and would there ever be multiple deliveries on the same day no usually it's twice per week and it's only one truck there's only one delivery provider for for McDonald's okay thank you hi uh Lauren Martin I'm at 2 Beach Drive um and I just had just as a quick background for my question I'm a pediatrician and a parent of children who actually have to cross here to get to and from school um we live on the other side of the tracks and there's no busing for our area so this is a particular concern to me and I asked the question on behalf of our kids um which is that did this design take into account pedestrian traffic coming to and from for a school particularly during school opening and closing times when there's a significant amount of children walking here the design did consider it in that we typically will only do a traffic count for this for a project uh in this case we also did pedestrian accounts just to be able to quantify you know what the area what the Baseline in the area is um so I hope that answers a question this space is unique and of that are school is here and our all of our kids pretty much walk to and from um so I think that's something you should look at thank you my name is Michelle ring I'm 22 Dayton Road Michelle r r 22 Ro um my question I believe you answer this well is in mine but I just wanted to confirm as the engineer were you presented to come up with designs specifically for this location or were other locations in being considered we have looked at just this site for ACC and who selected this specific site was it just McDonald's that came to you and said this was the location correct yes and then my question is for prank too um since there is currently no operator or owner or anybody to kind of address or of those question on behalf or on our behalf what happens if the site does not or is not able to obtain an operator what happens is not able to obain what what was the question an operator or owner so um I don't I don't I don't know how to answer that it's a hypothetical that I don't I mean there's there's a an owner of the propert there's an agreement proceed with this um and then it'll be open to operators they'll open the process up to see if there's operators who are interested and um I don't conceive of a a situation where there's not an operator interested in this project um I don't I mean it's like any other land use approval though if we get our approvals um and there's no project there's no project I go back to um either the owner of the property deciding an alternative use for the property um and they may have to come back before the board uh but if it's anything else other than what we're getting approved here they would have to come back to the board it's not like you know Kentucky Fried Chicken can Waltz on in and take the site I mean they have their own specifications they their own PL Etc so this approval is for this project and anything else they'll have to come back okay and what does McDonald's look for an operator oh I know but that's that's not a question for me who can we ask as the community we can get we can get you some information on that what do you want to know specifically what are what are the requirements what are the requirements thatal all right that help okay thank you yep hi Jeffrey spika Sun Valley Way you spell last name SPI cka and I'm just trying to understand if I'm in my car and I'm driving driving Northbound and I'm approaching the site and I know on my right is uh the exit for uh Dunkin Donuts and the pizza place what's the distance from the center line of that driveway to the center line of your driveway approxim I don't have that in on my fingertips at the moment but did you look at that driveway when you did your placement of your drive it's it's looked at as part of evaluating our our design all right so you can't provide me with that information at this point in time I don't have it on okay so I'm I'm continuing continuing Northbound and now I'm I'm approaching Hill view what's the distance from the center line of that driveway the new driveway to the center line hill view approximately 20 call it 30 ft Okay so maybe three Carls or something like that approximately and then what's the distance from the center line of Hillview to that pedestrian crosswalk the new one proposed Center Line fil to the crosswalk yeah Center Line crosswalk it's about 10 ft 10 ft one car uh and then the next decision point I'm continuing Northbound and what's that distance from that Center of that crosswalk to Dayton now the center line of Dayton 50t 50 so we have 10 50 30 and an unknown so we have about 110 ft Plus for four main we have decision points now that are considered as a correct approximately somewhere in that neighborhood 50 and 10 30 this question how many decision points are there well no there's approximately 110 100 ft between those the driveway of the Dunkin Donuts and then Dayton is that somewhere in the neighborhood the site itself is about 160 ft wide okay will there be a u cross hatch out on 202 at the driveway egress and will there be a box area out there uh no so again the revised plans that we submitted we we put a box in the intersection of dating and speed okay so just a box do not block the Box okay at at dat nowhere else proposed okay all right looking at the site I'm curious about how what the distance is from where I place my order back or up the page to go towards to what what is that distance let's say hypothetically that you couldn't order for a while so now we have cars stacking wanting so I'm curious about how many cars stack in that distance from the order point to I guess the West up the page to that crosswalk what is what is that distance approximately so the the number of stacking spaces that this layout provides is 17 so we've got 15 within the conrete area and then we've got some additional room on site so we can fck so that's 15 each lane or 15 total total for the drive-thru facility okay so seven and a half each well they do merge into one so before the merge get about four four to five spaces per Lane so the crosswalk is perpendicular to the driveway where I pick up place my order up top there it goes over that travel way orders are placed at the the two right right there and then up to that crosswalk is H so it's 100t no no I'm not I'm going the other way I'm talking about going backwards there y so it's about 101 ft and how many cars can fit from that crosswalk to that order place again four to five per Lan for 9 to 8 to 10 F okay so 10 Vehicles can fit in there yes okay all right that's all I have thank you hi I'm Joanne Duan 31 Canfield place I just had a question regarding the Bus drop off you were saying like you want a bus parking but say we do have that Central Park where there's many sporting you know and so they would come in and they could drop off and then go in and Border where would the bus Park while the people are in the restaurant ordering like not on site I I don't well then they would have to park on Dayton Road or Avenue or Hill or rosale and did have to park where bus a bus can park well there is no bus parking there as far as I know but so they're going to drop people off and then the bus is going to have to go find parking somewhere that doesn't seem very likely that that would happen so I think the bus would probably stay in the parking lot and I'm just thinking where's that bus going to go drops off all its people you know onto our residential road which is Dayton Road so just un to think about thank you hi Angela Lewis lwi 126 Glenbrook 126 Glenbrook R yeah just a quick question as the point of comparison you mentioned the fair law McDonald's is that 37 Broadway yes so that is actually route for a fouring state highway yes so that is the comparison to this going on our main street in town or is there another one that you would recommend us to compare it to the comparison was something that's adjacent to residential uses and that one ABS the residential use and a residential neighborhood so is there another one that's on a road like speed well with residential you know res houses all around a school a two lane road yes so Bon Broadway is center of town which one Bon Broadway Bon Broadway okay I think a lot of us are just trying to understand how this might work in a different TCH we can look at something comparison sure so Bayon Broadway okay thank you I up chance uh l c h n and 13 Hib way uh just a couple questions uh is there an option for a smaller footprint store the reason I ask is there seems to be a disconnect between I think was testified that the parking was going to be sufficient because you know most people use the drive-thru and and not as many people use the dining room any longer and the question I would have is then why build a dining room of this size um so I just question is there an option to go with a smaller footprint so actually despite this the size of the building as it appears most of it is back a house The Limited uh customer service area um again there's only sorry there's only 39 seats so that's that's a that's a small store by comparison to you know some of some stores go up to 90 seats so this is just a fraction of what a larger McDonald's accommodates and as far as the employee parking um I know been calulation people drive and one drive couldn't there just a survey be done of PL 10 stores to see how percentage of people actually you know drive to work so we have an average INR the stores is eight people or at the peak time or nine people or whatever it is has anyone ever done or ask stud no that the thanks hello Carolyn Bennett 19 Dayton that's b as and boy e nn three quick questions um my first one's about crosswalks and I know you testified about that last time we're hearing it a lot tonight so what is the plan for the improvements that the town is already planning on making to the crosswalk on Speedwell if this was to go through specifically will the crosswalk optimizations that you've walked us through be completely disregarded because the town would have just spent time effort resources is in optimizing the crosswalk that's existing or would there be a duplicate crosswalk can you kind of talk me through this please the the plan that is before the board is for the one crosswalk as designed that as depicted here so there's one currently that one will be removed and replaced with the one that's shown on the screen so the one that is going to be replaced will be replaced regardless of the optimizations that the town is investing in which came of light as of last week's town meeting yes this this plan poses just one um and then specific to your expertise and credentials which I know you led your testimony with last time can you remind us or let us know when you were first introduced to this project off hand I don't have the exact date but it was earlier this year there was no you weren't involved in any of this around October of last year I don't believe so okay and my last question is specifically about the Staffing because I know last time we were here you spoke at Great length about the 12 to 15 shifts I believe shift workers I believe at a time relating to the parking and not being a concern so I would like to think that you're pretty well vered in this staff I'm just a little bit curious as a resident of the road what type of Staff does McDonald's higher and are there any parameters especially being on a road with kids and across from of school and what have you I don't have those specific High rating parameters uhuh that they they V all of their employees part What specifically are you concerned about like what felons sex offenders anyone that's going to be a danger to my kids kids across anyone in general I feel like McDonald's is a very forgiving corporation based on the minimal research that I've done specific to the Staffing so I just I'm hoping that could be maybe a followup then that we can talk about sure cool all righty thanks hi Rachel Rin uh 40 styles Avenue re i n h t um follow up on the Staffing um in the McDonald's location that was recently updated in Cedar NES um it's not a drive-thru but inside they're more automated um ordering so the staff is looking minimal from like a customer facing position is that plan at this facility to put more um automated ordering inside and if so do you consider that um there might be extra traffic with drive because people don't like the it get confused a little bit with the automated ordering so how would that change with traffic so the the final I guess interior layouts not finalized in the regard of the the dining area and that would fall into you know the number of kios provided but I do believe this will have the typical front counter and the you know automated function of watering out screen if you choose so it'll be both okay so again at this other one there's no one working at the front there's just giving out the food and everything's automated so if that's going to be the case how will that change Staffing and parking and longer lines of the drive through I would say and has that been considered I guess I have not considered that change in in Staffing there if anything it' be less staff in the in the building I don't think that that would change the drive-thru characteristics okay okay another thing to think about thanks thank you again Conway 3s New Jersey are there any rules or limitations in the parking allowing individuals to go through the drive-thru and eat site in their car there are no limitations no it was just an observation I noticed that a McDonald's that you worked at that a significant number of people do that which have then put stress on the parking capacity of the site uh is there a parking did you consider any parking rules on Dayton Avenue in your design is there any restrictions to parking on the side of day next to the site no nothing's proposed in this application no restrictions on dating uh in the Drive-Thru is there limitations on the volume of this of the speaker of the driver machines there is yes and last question who is your client is it the property owner McDonald's counsel McDonald's is my McDonald's Corporation and there is just to be clear no representation from McDonald's here tonight yes as a corporation as someone that works directly from mcon there is there is someone here from McDonald yes will they be speaking at any time not this evening thank you yes let let's take 15 minut bre [Music] mic are off do you continue recording yeah here we can that's fine actually ask when you're thinking about when are you going [Music] speak [Music] very like [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] e for e [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] you [Music] I for w [Music] [Music] for [Music] w know for [Music] all bu [Music] not [Music] for they [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] they for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] May okay [Music] [Music] can we get started again please take your SE we're going to have the new presentation right now okay and then we'll take questions on that good okay thank you um we are going to recall um actually we're not going to recall he's sitting right next to me um we're going to have Mr DTE now um introduce some plan revisions uh we'd like to have this slide deck of plan revision marked as uh EX at five I think we're up to five A5 A5 and so Mr DTE um we're still under oath are your qualifications are still um all good correct correct all right and just just tell everyone what just briefly what you're going to present for us this evening so at the at the end of the last meeting there were number of you know Common shareff by the public board uh we took those back to uh you know our office we we made some changes to the plans and basically I'll just walk through the the changes that were made the plans that were resubmitted um you know on the 7th of this month uh just how we revised the plans to address the comments that we received from and Mr D these were in response these revisions to both comments we received from the public and from the board correct okay go ahead proceed please so for this I'm going to start with the new exhibit and this is entitled site planine and rendering and similar to the the last iteration um it's a colorized depiction of the site plan excuse me do you have aop of and again this this is A5 site plan rendering of today's date and as I was saying it's a colorized version of the site plan that was resubmitted um we also superimposed the landscaping and in this iteration we actually turned on the aerial background to just give more context to the the surrounding area so the the the biggest and you know foremost change that we made was redesigning the dat Avenue driveway I'll zoom in on that here so the yeah that's it that's it the change that we made is basically re redesigning it angling it to uh in an effort to reduce the likelihood deterred anyone from using this driveway exit to to make a right turn onto dat and na so the angle approximately 60° to the road we in in redesigning it we also shifted it West so further from the Residential Properties that we border um again the existing driveway that's there is 31 ft from that residential property line the shared lot line with lot six uh the previous iteration of the plan had a 45 ft distance to the property line so it was an increase from what's out there today and this iteration we're shifting that driveway further still to 8 what was that sure so the prior iteration had the driveway approximately here where we now put two parking spaces and the property line to the East is where my Cur is hovering now so just below the the two parking spaces and we've shifted it uh to 85 ft from that proposed from the existing property line so that's you know a 40t increase in separation to the residential from the prop prior iteration and 54 ft further away from the residential property than what's out there existing today the drive driveway has also been reduced in width it's now 15 ft instead of 20t Beat Again the intent being to to further deter anyone from making a a write out onto Dayton we provided signage uh both onsite and uh striping to to reinforce that that's the movement intended there and we've got you know right or and restrictions noted accordingly uh we also made some minor tweaks to the driveway on speed Avenue we shifted about uh 3 ft North so further into our property and we made it wider uh 5T wider from 25 ft to 30 ft the intent there was again to just improve maneuverability of you know exiting traffic specifically if you're coming from the drive through Lane uh and exiting out onto speed Avenue in response to two comments also provided by the board uh traffic engineer we did widen the radius of this curve so basically the curve that connects the the bypass lane which is the lane that goes in front of the store and the drive-thru driveway exit uh previously we had 10 ft so we wind that 15 ft giving cars more room to to make that turn into the uh into the Stop Bar area on this plan we also show the the improvements that we are proposing in the Dos right away so we've widened the crosswalk to 10 ft prior previously that was 6 ft and that is a request that the do had when we met with them at our pre-application meeting we've also installed or we're showing the proposed signage for The Pedestrian Crossing we've got one on each side of the roadway and those have the push button actuators that will uh actuate the the flashing beacons for anyone who wants to press those and cross the the road and we've also had do not block uh the box right on on Dayton Road the other and most most substantial change we did is really booler up the the Landscaping plan the rear area the buffer uh between between the store and the existing used to our East we've Incorporated a 3ot burn that was that was requested at the last meeting the burm does not run the full length of the the rear the reason for that is there are three mature evergreen trees there uh basically where my cursor is hovering so we've got you know they're around the the trash enclosure area so we've provided the burn basically to the extent that we could it's about 80 ft in length or half the property we've got 3 ft of BM there and we provided a substantial number of uh additional uh plantings so we've got about we have 25 additional Evergreen shrubs uh 29 deciduous shrubs nine evergreen trees and we provided most of those in the rear area to create a a stagger design that is uh multiple rows of of plantings and then we've also Incorporated perimeter plantings along the Dayton road side so headlights and and traffic moving around on site will be screened from from the adjacent roadways we've got additional uh plantings along the speed well right away curb line and the other improvements that we made is to um provide the bike parking that was requested at the last uh meeting so we've added that next to The Pedestrian facilities along the speed well side we provided um trash receptacles there's four it's a little tough to see on this plan but there are four trash recepticles proposed on site uh to provide you know a means of colle in trash within the parking area they're just hard to see cuz they're so small but there's one here next to the EV charger and there's one on the opposite side um serving the middle of the uh parking Bank there and just some other changes that we made was to also incorporate the Belgian block curbing that was a request from the the engineer at in response to the the performance standards for the site so we've got that incorporated we've provided stem trenching and perforated piping for our storm water system and basically what that'll do is take uh any storm water runoff that's going to be flowing through our our inlets and conveying inner system uh give that the opportunity to infiltrate into the subsoil uh that'll basically enhance storm water management and reduce run off exiting the site and we also revised the lighting plan we still have the same number of light fixtures picked a less intense um fixture bulb to reduce the the lighting levels on site so previously we had an average of 2 uh 4.25 foot candles on site we've reduced that to 2.46 foot candles uh the maximum uh so any you know the maximum intensity at any one point previously was 11.8 ft candles we produced that down to five so bringing it you know toning down the the light levels but still still maintaining the safety uh for pedestrian and parking Mr D just just if if people are not familiar with the terminology just explain what a burm is a burm is a just a amount of dirt an elevated area so the and just zoom back into the rear so the parking areas at one level we go up 6 in with this curb and then the ground will slope up to in a gradual fashion 3 ft and provide a level surface at the top where we have all these trees planted and what's the what's the benefit of a burn it's additional screening it makes the landscaping that's proposed a little taller so it enhances the the landscaping and screening thank you that really summarizes the changes that we made to to the the plan you don't have any other questions for Mr Borton okay so do we have any questions from the public um obviously the public is is uh again welcome to ask any questions this is one of the things it's limited to this exhibit and the testimony that he just gave as you know there's going to be a traffic expert and I know there's be some questions there any question oh the does the board have I'm sorry how about our engineer and our plan no no does the board have any questions about this particular yes hey can you hear me yes can you hear me um I submitted a report dated October 18th 2024 uh which uh addressed the uh recent uh changes which were just spoken about by the St engineer um just a few things that I'd like them to clarify the uh shift on speed B Avenue of the access drive it sits about three it's about 3 to 4 ft further north uh my concern there was uh previously when it was located further south that drive inbound it was a very Twisted alignment a big lateral shift for somebody entering to get into either of those Drive WS um and uh from the concept plan they shifted once a little bit more now I think they've maxed it out based on the Dot's requirement to be 100 ft from the Dayton Dayton Road quter radius to the drive curve cut so this is maxed it out one thing I requested I like to know if they provided it I mean it definitely looks better uh have you uh prepared any uh passenger vehicle turning templates to show how a driver coming in from speed well how they Orient to either way one of those two drive just to show that the vehicle is going to be able to do it comfortably that was one of my comments we can provide that so you will provide it for next yeara okay the uh provided the delivery of ref Tru temp um in terms of the uh the driveway realignment on D road is approximately 60° correct correct yeah just if you would label that on the plan also um and could you just note with that realignment on the opposing side of the street one of the uh reasons for the realignment it wasn't only just to uh provide better circulation for the trucks but also to be able to move the uh headlights up uh from directly being Direct into a uh resident across the street as well as to uh make it more difficult for somebody to make a right turnout from that drive which is supposed to be side posted and restricted can you just show us where of your plan where the uh resident limitation residential limitations are properties on the other side of the street in relation to your new location yeah so if we're looking at the the two parking spaces that's was before this is where it was before which which aligned with the driveway across the street so that's why we further shifted it to the West uh to get it basically outside of the the limits of the residential property now we're coming out basically in line with the bank across the street okay so you're not facing a residential property anymore correct that's what I want them to be sure um and I had some other uh comments on sign things I want to add it whatever you have any problem uh incorporating my comments on signage and striping whatever no we and in terms of the uh beacons The Pedestrian cring actuated beacons uh the relocated location on speed well um said the do has uh ultimate approval of that and has looked at this proposed design and made recommendations so this is a conformance with what they see correct it's in in response to the the do preapplication me we have okay that's all I have okay how about the board start I do have a question was was there any thought given to the E from McDonald's and the bank entrance directly across the street it just seems to me that that's going to be like a busy little area especially on a Saturday when people do a lot of their banking people are going so typically you want driveways to align across the street this one's offset to uh facilitate that that movement out to not have it you know be right next to the building and conflict with anything that could be going on on site so as far as conflicts in the roadway I don't anticipate any hi there just a quick question um there was a a couple questions that came up about the uh the grease trap so can you um can you let me us know is the grease trap in the same position is the one that was there for friendlies or the one that currently exists in friendlies is it moved back is it moved forward where is it in relation so I don't know for sure ceg start if they did it it wasn't picked up on on the site survey okay can you look into that because I'm fairly certain there is one that exists there so I'm just I'm just questioning how far back it is or how far for sure we'll look at that thank you I would just like to ask one thing it's in the letter that we I'm sorry it's in the letter that we received um the existing two-way drive with Dayton Road is to be modified relocated realigned with restricted exiting uh one way left turn I obviously that's sounds very good but can you give me a little more explanation about relocated realigned yes so the there's there's a full movement driveway out there today so it's Ingress Andress to the the friendly site currently or former friendly site we in our prior iteration relocated that further north so further west from its current location where it is today and that's about where I show the two parking spaces that are perpendicular to g Road and in the new proposal we further shift to that more to the West away from the residential driveway and properties to our to our East and it it Still Remains as a restricted so it's only exit only you cannot enter the site from the the two drivers in both iterations thank you I have a couple questions about the exit on uh Dayton the apron there that's buts the street is it does it remain that size or can you shrink that down and does the curbing on the east side of that apron does it does the curbing continue on that apron so people to deter people further from making a right so the apron that we have shown is about and a half and that's very hard to see so typically we go with a 3ot apron and that bases a transition from the full height curb down to the depress curb so we we went smaller than we would typically go to make the change from the full height to the Press curve more abrupt we could we can make it even more so so we could go to a hard 6 in transition here um and really taper that down in 6 in or so to further make it more IAL and having more pronoun curve uh on the eastbound side on the West Side we've got the same uh flare there so three foot and a half instead of our typical 3ot we do continue the apron slightly uh and that's really for the the truck um circulation and actually that's a good point I'll share that in a second uh we need that space to just maintain the the truck exiting out onto dat so the Curve will continue on that apron yes at what's what height it's a inch and a half at at the pavement so it's the press and then what is it towards the sidewalk 6 in okay um we talked about the uh the lighting being dimmed at night even further than lowering the output of the fixture itself is that still taken into consideration yes the revised plan just shows all Lighting on but yes McDonald's agrees to uh turn off lights that are not needed at night time from for a saf security perspective the uh the trash enclosure we discussed that at the last meeting as well was there any changes to the enclosure and the gate operation so we did have the we revised the detail to show the automatic um the latching to keep it locked uh we're still working on find something with like a timer function so that intent remains we definitely want to incorporate that we just haven't found the correct correct system for that yeah and uh how about the hours of operation was that considered I know it's not on a plan but is that was that considered from the last meeting yes I mean we were maintaining the the hours from our testimony which was uh 5: a.m. to 1: a.m. but I thought we discussed the 1:00 a.m. is incorrect yeah we we did adjust the hours um we we'll get we'll yeah Mr Mr you don't have to testify that we'll we'll get the hours from and can you just testify exactly again what signage is on the exit on Dayton Road so on Daton road we've got do not enter signs on either side of the driveway that's pointing out to dat in just indicating that it's an eess only so that no one can turn into that driveway we've got no left turn signs and we've got stop signs at the uh stock Mar is the arrow a standard size Arrow make left turn arrow it is painted Arrow yes is there any way you can enhance that absolutely we can make it larger let me go back I we got to start with hours but I'll continue so the the mayor the the hours were adjusted to um o 6 to 11 6 to 11 yes okay that's what similar to Cedar NOS is six and they have actually 12 but 11 is is better um all right go back down to uh the conservation easement down there now you're going to put a 8ot vinyl fence in the back right yes are you going to go make a right turn and hit the other building the Dunkin Donuts building there there is a fence there but we can absolutely there's a fence there you're going to put 8 foot there too right if if that's the request we can that's what I'm talking about uh now are there white pines back here there are yes and what siid this is an the buer area 6 to8 yeah at Plantation 68 ft 68 okay uh let's go to the exit the exit now uh the exit you have 15 ft wide yes uh I think 12T would be better you don't anything can get through 12T that's what a highway is M Lane is so you can do 12T so that gives you an extra 3 fet so now you probably can go around the site pick up a foot here and a foot there and and you'll probably get one more parking space and I think you should consider doing that as a suggestion uh the other thing is I I'm I'm thinking here you you said that 2/3 of the people come through the drive-throughs are you telling me that the other third are going into the dining room yes are they the traffic engineer will elaborate on the traffic accounts theyed but but yes okay here's my question I'm coming home from work and I want to get a stop at McDonald's and I go onto my McDonald's apt and I place my order do I go through the whole Drive-In or do I pass the drive-in and come to the back come to the other side so the the mobile ordering works three different ways you can go into the drive-thru you can park or you can go into the store orderers customer preference so I still have to go through that drive-thru if you choose to if I if I but I put my order in right correct so where do I pick it up on the other side or or or do you have someone come out and give it to me because you go over to Cedar NOS they go out and give it to people so again if you're going to pick up your mobile order from the drive-thru you'll enter the drive-thru as a typical drive-thru user you still stop at that first order point so these two I will still have to stop at the board in order again if you're choosing to pick up that way you can also go and park in the mobile order spaces in which you use your app and so I go into into the place and you give it to me there or you can do that or I can pick it up on the pickup is that right pick up parking space yes yes but no one's going to be walking out to give it to me if you're using Us in the the pickup spaces which are the two of these spaces in yellow uh closest to the I could park there and wait for them to drop it off to me yes okay all right uh so that's part of the the third that's getting there it's not going into the dining area right correct okay where do the people who deliver McDonald's uh orders where do they stay where do your vehicles that deliver so I'll actually bring up another exhibit here so this is the exibit six A6 there's a hard copy exibit six right yeah so A6 this is the vehicle circulation exhibit uh today's State similar to to the prior iteration what this just shows is the again the delivery truck coming into the site in this iteration we have it coming right in so coming Northbound along speed Avenue and turning into the site the prior iteration we had it coming southbound and making a left so this just shows that the tractor trailer can make both of those Maneuvers uh into the property either left or right then it circulates the site and my prior testimony was that it would stay the the Del Tropic stage on the south side of the building either in the this area next to the parking spaces and we've also got the space on the uh Westerly side easterly side of the building where the truck can stop in the parking area I'm not worried about you getting there I'm saying you also don't you also deliver uh Big Macs to the somebody if they order them oh like yes that's what I'm where so those are the we've got four mobile order spaces so there's two for the pull forwards and then four mobile order and those mobile orders are all encompassing so it's someone using the app someone making a delivery uh with a different app okay and so that's part of the third too when you talk about it yes it is okay thank you I have a question so um I just want to ask if you were to provide adequate Park and reasonable amount for the number of employees that are would be employed here um and we didn't Grant the variance for the modification the amount of parking places can you modify your plan to meet our requirements so so the the parking calculation is is twofold one is based on number of seats which we do comply with um again the the plan that submitted 39 seats we need 16 spaces we have 30 spaces to provide the additional spaces which are based on the building square footage we would need 41 spaces so we would need to add 11 on site and we could probably accommodate some more spaces but adding all 11 on this side would be a challenge I don't think you're answering what what I asked I said if we don't Grant the variant and you have to comply with what we're what we're requiring can you modify your plans respectfully um don't you want to hear from our planner first um the planner is going to make the legal argument as to whether or not he believes we're entitled to a variance and you know that's when you know we haven't even put on our proofs yet so I mean we're going to put on a legal case as to why we think we're entitled to it and if the board doesn't think we are we'll have to look at you know an alternative I guess but until that happens sing it's premature as he's he's testifying as to facts but as to the you know the planning argument to why we're entitled to a variance we were going to make those arguments and were they going to be persuasive or not um with the fact that it's only a two-lane Highway do you think that your site can actually handle the amount of anticipated business without having cars stacked out on speed Avenue in both directions yes absolutely so you have actual numbers of what your anticipated um sales will be well the the traffic numbers I the traff engineer we'll testify to that um and when I was looking at numbers am I incorrect when when you look at in comparison to what friendlies there basically you've doubled the amount of cars that will be coming into your site the comparison to the trips yeah the traffic engineer touch upon those so you've doubled the amount of cars and yet there's no adverse effect in the traffic is what you're saying even though we've doubled the amount of traffic that's coming in and out of that site I think he said the the traffic engineer is can to answer that question okay expand a little bit on on how how much wider you've made the um Lanes so that the uh trucks can so that the the delivery truck can uh maneuver better sure so go back to that exhibit the drive AIS along the south side of the building is 18 ft and on the south side of the east side of the building sorry the drive a is 20 ft so if we've got a delivery truck parked on the east side of the building uh he'll take up no more than call it half he'll take up 10 ft so there's still 10t for cars to circulate out or around the site um and we've we've confirmed we can get a delivery truck that does side loading and what that all allow us to do is to bring deliveries in through the rear door of the store instead of you know having to go all the way back around the site with the the palti deliveries okay no more questions of our professional if there's cars parked there they're going to be able to get out no so while the the truck is there depending on how they stage they've got you know 20ish feet in front of the trash area so they're only blocking you know maybe three two three or four spaces when they're in this area where the cursor is located and Mr D explain explain to everyone how it like practically is going to work when the when the tractor trailer pulls up to do its loading unloading where is where are they going to get the stuff is it from the back of the truck the middle of can you just take people through so they understand exactly how it's supposed to work sure so the the track of trailer it's it's loading either from the rear doors or the side doors so the uh the product that's being delivered can might to be removed from the back so say the the park par spaces there's three cars next to the trash enclosure but there's no parking uh further to the the datton roadside so that they can pull up and they can either um remove the product that's being delivered from the side door or they can pull it out from the front door again the the delivery Crews they're very familiar they only deliver to McDonald's uh they're familiar with site operations they want to make as little impact on site um while they're there and I apologize go ahead I said I apologize I I interrupted you no I I still don't see it happen