##VIDEO ID:9bnN2EhTRDE## I'd like call the meeting of the of adjust Monday legal notice required the public meeting act has been satisfied and a statement certifying same will be executed please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all here here here here here here here here uh first do that first yeah sure so uh Mr chairman with respect to uh two of the applications this evening we've been asked to uh carry those items the first one was um application ba1 13-24 Amy and Matthew Masterson uh they have a issue with uh with notices um so first we should just pick a new date I'll announce ounce the date and then those that were not noticed timely will need to be re so we that to December 9th December 9 correct Sonia our meeting okay so um for any member of the public with respect to application ba1 13-24 that's Masterson at 100 Burnham Parkway that application is not going to be heard this evening instead it will be heard on December 9th in this room at 7M uh there will be no further notice from the applicant except to those um those those listed on the 200 foot list which were not served timely okay and then the second one with respect to an adjournment is uh Michael Ying um that application for 40 Springbrook Road uh we have a request to adjourn not exactly sure why but uh but it will not be heard this evening and again Sonia December 9th for that yes okay and both agreed to any extensions that are required yes um the uing application has been extended through December of 2024 for us to hear um so again for the members of the public with respect to Michael Ying's application that's 40 Spring Brook Road that application is not being heard this evening and instead it will be heard on December 9th 2024 in this room that meeting starts at 7 pm and there will be no further notices from the applicant uh next is the consideration for approval of the minutes of the September 23rd uh 2024 meeting MERS anybody have any questions or comments on the uh on the minut motion to approve second all in favor I any oos are approved next we have several uh resolutions the first being for ba- 0824 Lander so um this is a resolution that um with respect to the application filed by Richard landerman at 44 Woodland Drive that property was in the ra25 uh Zone the applicant filed for minor subdivision approval bulk variance relief and for D2 use variance relief to subdivide an existing lot that's partially located in the township of Morris and partially located in the town of Morristown um and that property is known as 44 Woodland Drive for the reason set forth in the application the uh the application was conditionally granted and um with our standard conditions as well as conditions here we go starting at number nine where the one story block structure located on lot 4301 shall not be used for short shortterm rental uh defined to mean less than 100 consecutive days and I know we spoke about six months at the meeting but there's a statute that talks about 175 days being the U the operative time to use so so we have to go less than 175 days for a short term um and accordingly any rental of the one-story block structure located on lot 4301 shall be for a term of at least 175 days or greater um addition 10 there shall be no development on proposed lot 432 other than the retaining wall as shown on the engineering plans that were before the board 11 proposed lot 4302 in the township of moris shall not be sold separately from lot 3 2 block 542 which is located in the town of Morristown and after con after some consideration uh with Mr Woodford we'll add a condition similar um with respect to the other lots that are being carved out here so it would say proposed lot 431 within block 30002 and the township of moris shall not be sold separately from proposed lot 3.01 block 5402 in the town of morrist town so that covers both there's actually four Lots but it's the two would be forever joined together right um next one would be no tree shall be removed from proposed lot 4302 without first applying for and receiving a tree removal permit and prior to the issuance of a construction permit for the construction of the retaining wall on proposed lot 4302 the applicant shall apply for and receive a grading permit M any questions if not approve this resolution thank you for thinking of the other lot being combined as well was him say that was great we'll keep you around too thanks um make a motion to approve yes with all the conditions I have a second secondo Mr Goldberg yes Mr track yes Mr Williams yes M Simmons yes Mr Beno yes and Mr wood yes the next resolution is um also memorializing resolution with respect to the application filed by John Saxon 34 West Hanover Avenue who applied to the board for permission to convert part of an existing detached garage into an office space with a full bathroom where no portion of an accessory structure is permitted to be used for living quarters that application uh and again that property is in the ra7 zone that application uh was conditionally approved as set forth in the resolution with our standard conditions as well as conditions indicating that the gar that the garage shall not be used for any living space other than the proposed office use there shall be no kitchen and no sleeping areas installed in that garage uh also the garage space shall not be rented and also the sewer and water line serving the garage shall be tied into the main house sewer and water lines a separate sewer or waterline connection into the main lines in the street shall not be permitted board members have questions not entertain a motion motion to approve second okay Mr sanago Mr Goldberg yes Mr tackenberg yes Mr Williams yes Mr Miss Simmons yes Mr Beno yes and Mr Woodford yes so move next we move on to our public hearings as indicated earlier va-1 13-24 the masteron application 17-23 applications have been postponed that- 14-24 Marshall yes Mr chairman this is v8- 14-24 Tannon in Marshall Luso 9612 lot 381 brid Drive in the R 15 zone for section c applicant proposes the construction of a partial Second Story Edition over an existing garage creating a left side yard setback of 15.6 ft and a and a right side yard setep back of 15.8 Ft where 20 ft is required and in creating a combined side setback of 31.4 fet where 50 f is required applicant will also seek a variance for the expansion of a non-conforming structure will you all be testifying right so would you all I'm gonna swear all of you in then we can do it all at the same time yep stand and raise your right hand please you solemly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God my left to right just for the record your names please Shannon laruso Marshall laruso Jan B a c z can you speak into the microphone than ba is this one on it's a B A CZ e w SK Ki and you are okay why don't we start get it credentials yeah about your credentials so that we can qualify you as an expert in graduate of NGIT School of Architecture I need you to speak closer to that micophone that micone yes forward forward thank you uh I'm a graduate of NGIT School of Architecture and I'm a licensed in the state of New Jersey in good standing uh I haven't been before your board before but I've testified in Madison chadam uh Forum Park several times an expert in architecture who wish to tell us about the application um so thank you guys for the opportunity to speak this evening um my husband and I have been uh residents of Morris Township for almost 25 years uh we've raised our family here and um really want to put something back into our house and improve the community um so we're here to request the variance for our house so we can um add add to it and improve the quality of you know our neighborhood and John's here to answer any questions that you might have in regards to the architectural structure in building and has been invaluable in the process of getting us to this point so thank you okay any questions by board members members of the Public Public tell us about the tell us about the development uh what you're planning on doing sure can we bring um the architectural growing right [Applause] up that M Works to right sorry yes might be on try it testing y okay take it out of the stand if like that's okay can can you zoom in on the site planine please go P back page back page [Applause] there you go that's good okay um so the existing lot is 100 by 150 in the ra15 zone um there are three existing non-conforming conditions uh they are the existing uh left side yard um of 15.6 ft fet where 20 ft's required and the existing right side of 15.8 were 20 ft's required and the total um combined sidey yard setback is 31.4 feet where 50 is required um this project is expanding the existing two-story home um with the second floor being expanded over an existing garage um a portion of the existing garage uh if you can go to the next page uh yep there you go that's good um So currently there there's an existing bedroom that is over uh like an existing living room right here and you can see on this drawing to the left is the roof of the garage below the addition proposed is to is to move that existing bedroom room out over the garage to make a suite and a laundry room area um and if you can go to the next page so this is the existing front elevation as it currently is uh you can see that the roof line steps out over steps down slightly where the where the existing bedroom is located and you can see that's the garage to the left side right now and if you just scroll down a little bit so the proposed addition um is right there over the existing garage uh we plan on matching the same architectural vernacular of the house matching the wood siding keeping the same roof pitch uh there's an existing chimney um from the fireplace below that needs to be extended about 2 feet um the proposed structure is about 2 feet lower than the maximum than the than the ridge height of the roof right now um the proposed height is 28.7 6 where 35 ft is required so it's not um not we're not getting close to the maximum roof height that's allowed uh the structure we're we're keeping this this roof in the front there that breaks up the elevation a little bit so it doesn't appear as large and it breaks up the facade a little bit um and that's that's really it it's pretty straightforward um you can answer any questions that the board might [Applause] have and you need this variance because it's expansion of a nonuse correct and you know both from you know not to expand the existing footprint um for number reasons one um you know the economy of it makes sense there's already a foundation and a structure that's in very good shape uh this house is you know mid-60s construction and it's done very well actually um wood sidings in great shape for the most part uh Foundation there's no cracks um all the structure is solid so a lot of it can be reused without having to um you know expand the first floor footprint got a question uh on the uh this fence this has nothing to do with the the housing itself but uh might be better to address uh this fence that looks like it extends into the property behind you uh on the first page of the drawings if you go back to the first page defense extend into the neighboring property that's their fence that's their fence yes are the side fences The Back Fence is the are the people live behind us I just saw it looks like it's connected so you just like intersected with theirs yes correct they have no problem with that whatsoever no they've actually replaced it they replaced their fence in the back our fence doesn't even actually I think it goes up against it I don't think touch yeah there there's a tree in that corner that kind of has the intersection of the fences okay I wonder that was your no we did not build on someone else's prop um something so there's no roof uh issues on this no there's no additional impervious surface being added all right board members any questions chairman just a quick question um this shed that's con hard line uh I'm not sure I didn't check any of the accessory structures since that wasn't in our scope of work we weren't adding or modifying how how how big is the sh I'm looking right now 4 by six maybe so it's well under 100 square feet well under it's eight eight by five and a half maybe six so it's less than 50t less than 50 square feet yeah one foot off the line no that still has to be 5 foot off the line but it wasn't playing any part of the the balance of the application so I didn't make any statement on okay just included just yeah how hard would it be to move that that shed another two and a half feet off the property line it might fall apart I mean if we could it just would be well in the middle of it would be more in the middle of the yard no it would be two more F feet further away from the fence right but I think our fence is I think our fence is actually off the property line yeah the fence is under there's two there's a tree the fence is actually I think at least a foot if not more than that inside the property line yeah it's about two feet off of the property line do we need to move it further than that it would have to be 5 foot from the property phone because I'm not picking you up on the recording no do we need to move it have to be five feet inside the property line inside the property line okay can we can we say uh we allow them to keep it there and if they replace it it has to be 5 feet Yes yes that's fair that's fair thank you I appreciate it I can see your face that's where I was going with it thank you I appreciate you any other board members with questions seeing none hearing none open it up to the public any questions from the public see none hearing none close the public portion Mr Hansen any comments questions no okay anything else you'd like to add no I think that's it okay board members uh to me this application is a no-brainer pretty much yes you can do it for all the reasons You' set for that the house was built with outside with no uh the setbacks not conforming with zoning and you're not expanding it other than that footprint so I would be in favor of granting this application so any other board members have any comments if not I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion Mr chairman with the addition of the the shed okay to be permitted unless it's changed motion to approve and I and I'll second that motion thank you thank you okay Mr goldber yes Mr track Denberg yes Mr Williams yes M Simmons yes Mr Beno yes Mr Kramer yes Mr wood yes some all right I will have a resolution for you at our next meeting thank you great thank you so much thank you very much you're welcome making a very nice master bedro so so what's it like what's it like living across from that cour it's been amazing it's it's phenomenal I mean our kids are grown now yeah but they they don't have I guess since they built so many more fields in town they don't use it as much they used to use it a lot more for soccer and Lacrosse but there a lot of cars that used to park I know they put some signs to have not people parking in front of you know on our side but there's not as much as a whatever it's beautiful the Park good Park is great yeah it's a great great thank you guys so much thank you very much good luck thank you any other matters to be discussed anything we have to go in the close session about no have we heard anything more from uh the granting of the last application spring no I will have a resolution at the next hearing we got the transcript last week I think yeah so I haven't completed the resolution yet Rich do you think there's anything I know the the round of COA with the number of units I think was assigned to the township and all that is there yeah I don't remember the town's exact number but1 71 yeah yeah so and remember that's roughly 20% of the market numbers right so 2,000 units 2800 about 2800 Market units to get to your 570 but so the process is the course over the next year they'll be some back and forth between yeah well the process is that in January the township has to present what it believe it number to be it could agree or it'll have its own um calculation in why and then there's going to be a little bit of back and forth and that's supposed to be resolved by June it's a lot of units yeah I mean Statewide it's a lot of units we were talking about it before the meeting there's some places where it's really nutty like 2,000 units in in town 2,000 units of low income not 2,000 total in small towns yeah it's a lot of units yeah well keep folks busy see where it goes y okay matters if not I'll entertain a motion to adj motion a second second all in favor I meeting is adjourned