##VIDEO ID:1-dZ9_quEjE## all right welcome to m city council meeting for Tuesday September 10th it's uh 6:04 and we're in council chambers please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we got our agenda does anybody have any amendments there's no amendments to the agenda there's just an updated resolution for the bond issuance that's got some uh numbers that are a little bit different than the one in the packet but I'll have that's in front of you and then I'll have it on the screen as well so yeah it's yes there's a believe there's a packet as a resolution up there so oh yeah okay so we got our agenda with that one amendment can I get a motion to approve it [Music] um I'd like to make a motion to approve the agenda with the one Amendment okay can I get a second second any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right that passes then we got our consent agenda does someone want to go through those can do that um consent agenda items a through d d a approved payment of claims B approved minutes from the August 27th meeting C approved resolution authorizing 2024 Central business district parking maintenance role at 5% interest and D approve resolution approving application to conduct off-site gambling for American Legion all right we got our consent agenda does anybody want to talk about any of those okay hearing none can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda I make a motion to approve the consent agenda okay and can I get a second second okay roll call please council member Larson I council member mck council member Pew hi council member castalano hi mayor Holt hi all right hold on passage thanks all right number five we got comments and suggestions from anyone that their item is not on the agenda want to come up all right hearing none uh number six we got oral Police Department activity come up welcome evening um I got the U August uh kind of read out for our uh area of work here uh we had 136 calls for service um from August 1st through August 31st um reviewing the call calls in the categories nothing is uh really spiking everything kind of was normal in those parameters same thing as usual disordered conducts domestics medical stuffs welfare checks things that we typically deal with in all areas of our Patrol area so everything's kind of leveling out um with the Labor Day weekend just passed um oral was pretty steady nothing serious um Mound same way we were we answered calls but nothing was too uh uh heavy anything heavy going on so I believe it was just the Holly week and everyone was kind of winding down so we had a very peaceful Pleasant weekend here so um some things to note this weekend we got the oil L Festival coming up we do have extra one extra body or two extra bodies that are going to fill in out there um otherwise we're going to have normal coverage of the area and then adjust to help with anything that may come up which we don't anticipate it's usually been a pretty peaceful and fun time for families and everybody out here so uh one couple things just to pass along the oral officers uh two weeks ago assisted WIA PD uh with a stolen vehicle that came through our area uh the vehicle was once again picked up by our integrated flock system uh we were alerted to it and then uh wi Zetta was alerted to it they picked up the Chase and they chased him down 394 and vehicle ended up crashing over by um shellard Parkway oral officers assisted our our drone operator went out um and uh Plymouth K9 went out in pair and uh located the outstanding Suspects on that that deal so we're glad to have those uh those systems in place that we can we have technology that can handle and make things a lot easier and kind of multiply our forces and get things accomplished uh the lake minetonka SWAT team the area that handles the SWAT team that handles this area uh we are going to be heading up to Ripley here in the next two weeks um that will be our uh military or excuse me our um Minnesota tactical officer Association that's where we are tested and critiqued throughout week as a team where uh teams present uh past problems past incidences that they have resolved and mitigated and then we go by and we test our abilities and our capabilities of resolving and mitigating we're tested all week long in our physical fitness firearms and uh everything that they can throw at us we have to mitigate so we'll be going to that in the next few weeks and then as usual the guys and gals at the oral police we are pushing to stay vigilant with uh everything we do out here pulling doors at night um walking around the neighborhoods and getting on our on foot getting out on the bikes and uh constantly trying to stay uh vigil Vigilant towards anything that's going on so that's all I got is there any questions does council have any questions I don't all right thank appr thank you thank you for your service all right we got number seven reporting on the results of the 2024 Bond sale welcome good evening mayor members of the council Stacy quiling with ERS and Associates your Municipal advisor um today we had the bond sale for your 4,820 th000 general obligation utility revenue bonds just to remind you that is to pay for some of your 2024 and 2025 sewer and water projects but more importantly to reimburse you for fire your expenditures in your water fund that you did from 2020 to 2023 it's part of the process you guys have to be rated by rating agency so you are rated through standard and pores and prior you were rated a double a um Mr Iverson and M risor and myself participated in a rating call um with standard and pors and we went through all their questions and a lot of information couple areas that we spent a lot of time discussing was your recent long range financial management plan that you undertook um and then also uh the fact that you're looking at um in increasing or changing your uh Reserve policy for your uh general fund that you haven't done yet but as part of the whole process that we're looking at undertaking uh based upon that information and all the other metrics that they looked at are happy to say that they upgraded you to a double A+ which is significant so that's great for the city and so I do have a plaque to award you guys for that Bond upgrade which is awesome so your work that you really put into that longrange financial management plan paid off for you and it was acknowledged by the rating agency in their report as well that you actually have done that now the other great thing though is that as you call these bonds are carrying a credit enhancement through the state of Minnesota you get that because they are utility revenue so the state will do that so they're carried at a triaa uh when we went out to market for the sale but again your doublea plus is going to be helpful as you go forward in the future we had the sale this morning in our office at 10:30 and you had seven biders uh for the project uh which was quite a few biders and the lowest responsible bidder was TD a mer trade um at 3.22 or 3.23% as a true interest cost on those bonds so that the resolution before you would be approving the sale of the bonds to them um as Mr Dixon had pointed out you have a new resolution in front of you and the reason why it's new is because the one in your packet head all blanks because you don't know the numbers till we actually have the results so with that U mayor I'm happy to stand for any questions uh but then more importantly to be able to present you with your plaque thereafter okay does uh Council have any questions for Stacy how often is um or in what capacity would that AA plus rating be reviewed again uh mayor council member great question anytime you as a city issue debt you will be rated so every issues is is that is correct okay all right and then sometimes they do surveillance so if you don't issue debt that often so there's some committees that may not do it for maybe every 10 years whatever you may get a surveillance report that they'll just come in and look and assure that okay we're still saying that you're r at X Y or Z great okay Council have any other questions okay so then we got a resolution on that 2181 yes 2181 and do we have to fill in the verb actually the name of the resolution is still the same it's just the language and the rest of it's all right does someone want to make that can you scroll up a little bit yeah I'm trying to find the right page or just is it that part res okay I don't see it whoever like what page oh it's not 2181 page that was way off someone just has to read that y y it's also updated one that uh can I ask another question about the rating after the resolution okay not really a question there just maybe some layman's term explanation for me but um okay so I would like to make a resolution authorizing issuance and awarding the sale of 4.82 General obligation utility revenue bonds and pledging for the security thereof net revenues okay got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right that passes thank you thank you so not really a question but maybe just like a quick explanation for anybody listening how is this Bond rating what are the ways that it helps us like directly mayor council member um bonds that are actually rated doesn't matter what your rating are are going to have a lower interest rate and the better your rating all things equal the lower your interest rate is because you have a better credit aptitude so now at a doua plus you are one step below a AAA Community basically thanks so mayor with that I would like to present you uh with the plaque that we have which basically is a general obligation utility revenue Bond uh upgrade uh in credit enhancement which says that you know higher credit rating equals lower cost to the city good a couple of the statements in there that the upgrade from doublea represents standard and pores recognition of the city's recently adopted 10-year longrange financial management plan good financial management practices which further support uh the city's trend of stable budgetary performance and then your uh strong uh management that you have as well nice do we want to do thank you Stacy can we all do a picture sure Mr Iris do we have you to thank for this absolutely thank you thank you Maggie Noah Noah the whole group there yeah everyone Theo you can take it with the mayor yeah you can take it with the mayor well it's too much for me to get down there I'll just stay here you can pop your head in the middle oh I could sit behind you yeah yeah how about our city manager too Jess Jess and Magie here come on you take get Maggie in there yeah all the guys are do the hard work who's taking the picture where [Music] oh I kind of see your little okay perfect thank you apprciate thanks thank thank you guys thanks Noah did you oh no was Shin off my head and everything I could retouch your head in it and take the Shine off I don't want anybody to know who I am I'm I'm that way too I like being invisible just put me in am yeah I'm that way too behind the scenes I'm happy all right we got number Eighth holiday wreath replacement ho ho [Music] ho mayor council members uh Ryan preach Public Works director I'm here tonight to talk to you about the holiday wreaths uh we currently have 60 wreath that we hang up downtown and starting in November November and usually lasting uh through January and we had currently have three generations of wreaths uh multiple different colors of lights and we're missing bows now too uh so we went out for bids to uh see what it would cost to do a full replacement I got two bids back one came in at $16,800 and the other one came in at $21,900 um I did quote out a different uh style wreath uh that does not have the candles in the middle of the wreath um we've had two electric fires in the past two years and both of them have been because of those Center uh candles so not only that being one option uh we wanted to get rid of uh the there's a dramatic uh cost difference by almost $10,000 to go with that style M so we quoted out the the style to the right and uh um talking with Noah the recommendation uh St and it being over $10,000 we're looking for approval and the recommendation would be to uh use the the community investment fund so uh I think do you have a couple pictures of uh did I get that y Mr Mayor if I say I I think what Ryan meant to say was he went up for uh quotes not not bids sorry yes okay thank you thanks is that what the one they got yeah you can see the the salt just kind of eats away at them they're Rusty we've had a lot of electrical issues the ice builds up around those candles um got another picture yep I'm glad I never saw any of the reads on fire luckily they were just smoking and we noticed them both somebody called in each one and this this is one of the smaller uh size ones that they are a little bit newer so they're in a little bit better condition and then we have two different sizes don't really match y picked up the beautiful one to show you well I'm sure the maintenance without the candles will be great but those are classic I'll miss them but I agree with uh you know cost savings cost savings and just a safety issue do I have something too that's really subjective so it's probably crazy to bring up however in the last two years I've been traveling through every little small town from here down through Jordan chasa because I've had a brother that's been in the hospital in every single western town yep and I've noticed for two Winters the beauty of the warm Warm White rather than the cool white lights and being that we're buying new reads I thought we could discuss that a little bit the warm white again this is very subjective but Warm White is so much more inviting than the cool blue white light you know it looks like Halloween so I thought this would be a great time to discuss that I noticed on B yours it was done that way because of the lights that they purchased for the tree lighting I know and that was really sad that that's what got me thinking about this cuz you're driving to town it's just like oh my God it looks so unfriendly so we purchased all those those aren't an annual thing they just pop into the trees repace the company they well they take them down and then they they replace but we own those yes okay I was going to ask that same thing and I bugged Ryan about this a long time ago tried to get like a cost on it but I was like I love all the lights are up it all looks great but then there's like some cool white and some warm the warm so I'm glad that that will get replaced like I know you guys repair those and there was like Mormon cool inter and we've tried rewrapping them before and it's you you basically got to cut out everything in there and then try to reap I agree with that I'm just saying since we're purchasing 60 new reads could we discuss going to Warm White I actually wrote that down too so but you had I mean you said it was expensive but also it looks like the quote for these doesn't make a difference so instead of cuz on these the quote is for cool white but you could get warm white yep I just think it looks so much more inviting so do I and I was going to ask that and I was going to say maybe I'm the only one that cares about this but I would love if it were all I was like I either want it to all be warm first preference or at least I'll be cool and not mixed but I want the warm white but if I don't think it's a cheap swap either I remember there was a lot of lights that needed to be cuz we just store them and then the lighting I think that would have to be could we swap time as they replace I mean I'd have to find out what we have initially in lights could we find out how much that would be if like if we were to switch to all war white what the cost would be and then would that come out of the community investment fund too I just think Now's the Time to look at it because we're going to have the Lost Lake Commons all beautiful and done Essa the crosswalk like every downtown's we should just get that done and with 60 new re it's opportune time to make the decision keep in mind the L light Commons is not going to have the trees to support new a whole bunch of Lights oh down is going to look beautiful we're going to plant a whole bunch of new trees but they're going to be little and we're not going to be able to cover those tiny trees I didn't even mean that I just went like once the construction's all done and it looks nice down there like we could have the lights one Hue yep you know all right so we like here do you want to see something Y and while we're at it as we come into the city am M we have our Monument sign there um the lights that come up as I recall you know to illuminate the monument sign are warm white but once again the lights on if you're going to continue to put the uh spruce trees in the back those have been cool white it was cool my direction was they have Kuai and blue there two years ago so that's just what we put up again okay but if we wanted different colors just that's not a lot of strings of light so we just went and purchased them at the hardware store okay so well I don't the blue is fine it's just those cool whites look so could we go with tonight like you know giving the approval to go ahead with the warm white wreaths and then also say could you let us know how much it would be to switch yep all the lights on the trees downtown to warm and yeah okay I can get a I can get a quote on that I just met with uh Mike Wes who's the owner of the company that we work with that do all the tree lighting yeah Christine lighting and okay so I can reach back out to him and get a quote and bring that back to you guys I'm just thinking if it's on two of our minds it's probably on a lot of people you know the entrance we house cuz we didn't want to add that to the cost so mhm thank you be nice to have the reath replaced so is this just a direction to staff or I would say we'd be looking for a motion to approve the quote from display sales and then if I mean at that point I think we can just infer from this that we'll be going to uh uh procure some quotes to replace the rest of the lights through the city I don't think we need a motion for that my question oh um uh Council well while we're talking about electricity and um I was wondering is has Excel given us any sort of report about the fires that that occurred on some of our wiring during the storm and their repair replacement of it do we have any idea of that because my understanding there were numerous locations I have not received anything and we haven't seen nothing directly only just general updates from EXL that go out to the basically every city but nothing specific but I think we could I'd like to ask that the staff request from Excel a full report on that because I think that's a safety issue we're a very forested City and I know that trees were involved with those wire fires and so I think we want to stay on top of them in terms of um keeping those things um repaired appropriately I do know that XL has Ashlin going through and they did quite a bit of clearance last last year they've done some this season and then they were out helping the XL Crews during the storm or after the math of the storm so but Jesse wrote that down so thank you yep all right okay so we got to do a motion with for these uh but then with the warm lights um I can do that and then you guys stop me if I'm not speaking correctly but I'd like to make a motion to move forward with the quote from display cells for the wreaths um with just the change to Warm White Light and not cool white light all right got a motion can I get a second second any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppose all right that passes thank you thanks thank you so is this also include kind of moving forward with finding out finding out how much the change to swap the rest to warm light would be you'll come back to us with this okay okay cool I I'll get a hold of mic and find out the numbers and we'll come back to you cool thank thank you yep all right we got Council reports uh Council M Pew well unfortunately I haven't been at gese the last three weeks because I've had some medical conflicts but I will be back there next Wednesday and so if a council member wants to join me for lunch please do at glesby noon uh Wednesday also um you know as you know I'm chair of AG Friendly Minnesota Council the grant request for age friendly grants will be on the website this week there was one Grant awarded in the first round to we weap but I'm hoping that the city will also put in an application for our park downtown and um I think everyone has seen the new divide on uh Shoreline it's just beautiful the county really did us a good job on Shoreline and um I think you know the towns looking up I'm not sure what what if they're going to do on Commerce they've got um things up on Commerce now so are they going to put another divide there to not not that we know of I think they're working on some Utilities in that area and of course you know we want the bike path for L Lake bike walk path for L lake so those are my reports thank you yeah all right Council Mar Larson um I don't have anything to report except um I just want to mention that patty dods patty Salen dods passed away and um I have to say that she and Bruce dods had you know the True Value Hardware Store up here if there was anybody in our town that represented us and who loved our town and she went she bent over backwards for anything to do with our town and I Patty is going to be really missed in this town so I just wanted to mention that I know her service her celebration is off in the future a little bit and uh we could look if you can look it up and see when it is but anyway we're going to miss Patty dods yes too young yeah thanks all right Council M I have a couple of things um tomorrow uh Mama's happy is is back in Mound um and they're going to do a a ribbon heading at 1:00 so I talked to Jolie a little bit ago prior to the meeting and any of us that want to show up that would be great I'll take pictures I don't need to be part of it but they're really excited and we are excited to have them back in Mound um and then I just wanted to uh Jesse if you can clarify um it looks like you were meeting with Stacy yesterday about the Dwayne 66 building did you get any in information yeah it was it was good we met with staff um so there's a building permit in and there's there's a watershed permit still that still needs to be procured which is normal um but based off the conversation we had there shouldn't be any Hang-Ups um there's no environmental uh impact that studies that need to be done all the setbacks are fine so um we're expecting that if if they submit um The Watershed permit and the rest of the building plans I mean everything should be moving along so I don't have a timing on it but they want to do the foundation this fall yet so that's what we're hoping to help along that's great Le thank you what was the the the plan just the same as before yes was it was approved last year in the C which is uh a couple a couple Flats up top and then a couple garages down below and then a a commercial space good thank you for that update that'll make a lot of people really happy and that's all I've got all right council member costal I don't have anything okay and I don't really have I don't think anything either fire department meeting this morning 7 7 and N so all right do you have anything uh will just say you'll probably be seeing if you haven't heard about it I can't recall if I sent something out but there's a demolition permit in for the building on Shoreline and commerce uh forget what they call it besides the small white building dentist office dentist office but um Dr Mitchell's building so I I've heard them all so I um and I believe that's scheduled for next week so if anybody asks that's what's happening there are no plans otherwise that I'm aware of so um if anybody asks us it's you know it's a permit that came in and was approved so um we'll look forward to what's next I suppose anything else no I'm good okay uh I'll take a motion to adjourn all right can I get a second second any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those the POS all right we're J