##VIDEO ID:GQEx5TqhopU## welcome to the city council meeting for Tuesday October 8th 6 o'clock we're in Mountain City council chambers can we rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we got our agenda do we have any amendments oh I I don't have any sorry all right so we got our agenda here with no amendments can someone make a motion to approve that I'd like to make a motion to approve the agenda okay got a motion can I get a second second any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppose all right the agenda passes uh number four we're on the consent agenda does someone want to go through all those I can do that okay um all right A through M um consent agenda item a approve payment of claims B approve minutes from the September 24th meeting C Lynwood water main improvements Phase 1 D lywood water improvements phase two um and pay request uh number three and Final on both of those e lift station improvements um to minger construction pay request 7 F miscellaneous pay request to Kilmer electric g l Lake Commons phase one pay request one H lift station improvements pay request one I downtown sidewalks group two pay request one J Transit Center Paper replacement pay request one k Mar and Lane waterm pay request one and final L appointment of election judges and M appointment of absentee ballot board okay does anybody want to talk about any of those P any of them all right he none can I get a roll uh a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve okay and can I get a second second okay roll call please uh council member mcin i h council member Pew hi council member calano hi May I all right all that passes okay number five we got comments and suggestions from citizens presence present that their item is not on the agenda if you have something you can bring it forward to us not sure if I'm coming up the right time but there's a proposed assessment to a property you should come up when the hearing that'll be number seven we're uh we're going to talk that at at number seven y okay any other people want to come up all right here and on I'll close that uh number six we got orol Police Department activity for September welcome thank you evening mayor C Council uh this is uh I ran reports for the area um I I cut it down to the 23rd through the 7th this time prior because I've been noticing that I've been kind of repeating myself on things so I just want to give you what we got in the last uh two weeks since we met um nothing major we've had about 40 calls of service in the last two weeks down here uh nothing is spiked in fact uh the area is kind of tapering down um the day shift uh reports still being steady with uh you know plenty of work to do just day-to-day stuff but uh my night guys have told me that uh nights seem to be falling off a little quicker um with activity School in session so they're like it's just things are getting quieter quicker um that being said um the supervisor I'm telling them to get out and uh keep visible um to prevent and pro be proactive towards things so all officers aware of that we do our best to make sure we're out there and we're visible with our squads and our um persons walking around and stuff so uh that being said in the last two weeks there was another theft uh for motor vehicle that's someone left their car keys or their car unlocked with valuables in it and they it's a crime of opportunity it could be someone passing through it could be kids running around and they just find a car door open on the street and they go through them so we just ask you remind people lock your car doors and take valuables in laptops iPads everything because they see it they might even break window to get those things but if they're there it's crime of opportunity for them so please remind citizens to lock that lock those doors up um one of the other things is uh the scams are still happening um individual reported losing about $85,000 to a scam these scams are happening to they're targeting certain uh age groups uh due to their vulnerability and lack of knowledge on things that are going on so that being said I I know our investigations grp group in Orno um I've been a part of it where we've actually went out with into the gpie center and our investigators have put on a class for this age group and uh just educate them on what to look for what you know it's not always a good deal when it sounds like a good deal type of education that just you know check with somebody call us we can verify things but if anybody in the any group in this in the city is needing and wanting us to do that it all it takes is to reach out to us and we will set something up with with our investigators they are very skilled in these types of uh incidents and and they will speak on behalf of them and how to prevent them so uh October 15th and 17th uh the oral Police Department my train group we're going to be put doing our second uh in-house training this is a scenario Based training that we will take the officers out for eight hours and put them through very extensive scenarios that we have either encountered or we have had other groups um in jurisdictions tell us about something that's happened we put them through this training so that they have a toolbox when it comes to training or when it comes to these instance they know what to do and they have something that they can go off of um it's a very extensive long day for them and it'll be very challenging for them so we will be doing that next week Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be doing scenario Based training uh other than that uh lastly Lake Minon SWAT team just returned October 2nd from our our SWAT conference um our theme of the training was basically hostage rescue and extensive long-term call outs so that we test our endurance as to being on scene and staying ready and being uh ready to perform even though we've been on scene for 8 9 10 12 hours we have to be able to perform so with all our new SWAT operators we did really well it was uh very educational and very challenging so we're all glad to be home and we're all tired but if there's any questions I can answer for mayor city council do Council have any questions I have a question um the um the docks were put in at Grand View and the Neighbors when that was first announced were concerned that teenagers would be hanging out there have you had any activity there all from Grand View yeah you know l l Dutch Lake honestly I have not okay um I can check to be very sure I can check because I'm only I only work one part of the week the neighbors were quite adamant that that there was all kinds of activities that went on there and so there is there something well I don't know that I mean that that that was their speculation okay um based on past activities and you know this new dock system that's in there which is quite nice I just looked at it a couple weeks ago and it's like you kind of have to know that it's there yeah I mean like signs but you can't see it yeah from the which might not be bad so what I'll do with my group and I'll talk to the other supervisors I will have them just just periodically check it yep just to see what's going on make sure we're not missing anything so okay thank you right all right all right number seven we got public hearings uh a action on resolution adopting assessment for miscellaneous expenses and certifying to the county auditor at 5% interest letter number 25122 [Music] all right uh mayor and Council this evening you are being asked to conduct two public hearings related to assessments this is something we do every year if we have assessments that we need to to perform so under State Statute cities are allowed to recoup unpaid service cost for services provided to Property Owners by assessing the unpaid charge to the property taxes of those properties Fe property owners have been notified of any unpaid fees and the assessment process and the notice was also posted in the local newspaper the assessment process includes that the city council must hold a public hearing and approve the certification before the final assessment documentation is sent over to the county so that's what we're doing tonight Property Owners do have until November 15th to pay off any unpaid expenses after that date staff will Direct hennipen County to assess these expenses to the property taxes for 2025 um there will be an additional 5% interest charge that will acrew on the expenses starting from the date of the adoption of the two resolutions that are before the city council but any accounts that are paid on or before November 15th will not Ur that interest so with that staff is recommending holding the public hearings for both the assessment category so one is utilities related and then the the other one is other services um and then subsequent to that approve the two resolutions on the packet that will allow staff to process those assessments okay does council have any questions for Maggie I have a quick question yep um in the amount of forgive me I forgot my glasses tonight in the amount of 431,000 that is outstanding M after you've assessed that if the resident hasn't paid up before November um do you normally recoup the costs um once you put it on the property taxes is it a done deal yeah so I I believe they have it gets put on just for one year okay so it's split between the two property tax payments for next year so y we do recoup that as part of our yep thank you anything else thanks before we open the public hearing okay um mayor Mayors and uh members of the council um under Minnesota statute section 4290 61 um a property owner May object to the filing of Assessments against their property and this is done by written objection that is either provided to the city clerk prior to the meeting or to the mayor at the meeting um and an objection written objection that complies with that statute has been um submitted to the mayor um for property number P 11317 246 which is um under Levy 25122 and just so you know what this does that preserves in order to actually appeal an assessment under the statute you have to provide this written objection right okay so um I'm looking at the numbers and they don't match up so um on our agenda it's right there yeah why know oh I see4 42 um I see what you're saying obviously so would you know which one is correct if it was the property is going to be up here for yeah so it's under are you talking about what resolution got the wrong p number well some one one person does someone does okay so it's so we have on our resolution 13-11 7-24 d42 d006 okay so it's missing the 42 that's all it is there's a 24 so in the yeah we're missing the 42 that's yeah I with the property owner I'm assuming will come up andit what is the amount it's uh 850 right here oh okay that's got yeah so I just want to make sure that that's known the property owner can correct that but this this letter does meet the requirements of the statute okay sounds good okay and then do the open yeah you can open the public hearing all right I'm going to open the public hearing now and then if you want to come up and yeah address US yeah I apologize for taking up your time on this there's a long history here prior to getting to this sure sure and it begins with uh uh threeyear divorce I now been in the home that I bought in 1997 okay since July of 21 um Court awarded possession back to the place my residence July 1st of this year okay in the interim I've been I've got a place in Ontario where I spent sign significant amount of time and uh I did not get receive these notices or the indication the problems that existed with my ex-wife immediate neighbor and you know I've just I've been there for 20 some years and never had a problem with any of the neighbors and it's just something that I couldn't address because I wasn't aware of things and uh you know here we are can before you go can you give us your name and address too uh yes my name is Craig Rose and I live at 5100 Edgewater Drive okay so all right so we just got it so yeah I know IO I was in Ontario was coming back Saturday the winds were too bad Sunday was coming back winds are too bad my brother-in-law shot a big 60inch MSE back in the bush and I got the one stuck flying the airplane to get the Moose out made it back this morning and here I am um you know I just uh you know I have a bad taste in my mouth with this whole process and I did not want to leave the residence but I complied with the court order in the interim and uh here we are I'm familiar with nickam I'm familiar with some of their dealings I'm familiar that a lot of stuff he was doing was not legal you know he's operating a commercial barge out of a residence on PRI Bay contrary to a lot of lmcd laws but um you know I'm going if you want to split it I'll pay it tomorrow I just uh don't want to take up a lot of time and uh okay so again I literally just got this as I walked in um but what it what it sounds like again you weren't in the house um you obviously didn't get any alerts um uh basically what happened for their council's purposes and I can pass this around if you want um it's uh the city um moved his dock it wasn't in the proper place so they paid nickam nickam I believe to move it 5T to where the correct spot was was the bolt lift the bolt lift was taken out put on the shore of which part of two of the legs were on the common property okay and then somehow they moved it over right um so basically what he's asking um and correct me if I'm wrong but it was $850 now remember the city did pay to have that service done so we we did have that um from what it says in his letter he's willing to negotiate and is willing to pay 400 basically saying that there's other places out there that would do it for about 400 bucks so saying that have to pay 850 to us and that's what's in our resolution that he should have to pay 850 that was what we paid to move it you know beyond you know sympathetic to your situation so um I guess did I sum it up good enough close enough okay if I may just add to add to that um the um I'm I I'm sorry I don't know know her name but uh your spouse or ex-spouse was a property owner NE did receive notice she did she did receive notice there was conversations with her I you know this was Andy doing this but letters did go out um letters of this assessment went out um and in fact um permission was provided by the property owner to pick the lift up and move it onto the property because the other other choice would have been to treat it as abandoned and take it and Salvage it right so um I just want to give some context to it yeah well and to correct she's never been a property owner it was a premarital asset purchased several years before the marriage she had authority to be on the property she wasn't a property owner that's it doesn't okay that's what you stated okay um I I appreciate the fact that you're an attorney and you're going to nitpick it but she had the authority she had you even insud of your letter that she you had she had she was on the property you didn't have the right to be on the property she had the authority to speak on behalf of the property she was the one who with and being communicated with so whether or not I don't I I I agree I have not reviewed title I can't tell you if I reviewed title but she and as somebody who has assets or part who is there and I I'm not going to go into that but she was the property or apparent property owner that's enough under the statute um that provided no notice with regards to the new's n's abatement um with regard to um providing notice um of the assessment he's here um and that follows the statute okay um do you want want to say anything else to us before we I mean I here to does any provide the proper notice for the appeal if be so I mean that's does council have any questions for him no I remember like going back and forth when this was brought to our attention too and we just said yes you know make sure that it gets moved if it's not supposed to be there so they did get a hold of somebody at the property pretty swiftly I think um I don't think I'm forgetting any details I don't know um um well do we have any questions for him and then we'll chat about yeah I don't I don't think so trying to drop did you try to work this out even though I understand it's probably a difficult situation for you but did you try to work this out with your ex-wife maybe she pay half you pay half um there are a lot of things that need to be worked out in a much bigger manner um I mean the divorce is finaled in May um but there are some pending issues and stuff and this has not been one that has been very high I wasn't aware of it until September when the notice of this hearing or the city council meeting came about so that's how I where my involvement started so well I mean I think it's unfortunate but you know we still had to pay for it is nickam our doc people of choice when we need things like this done or if I remember right it was like who they could get to come do it first they tried reaching out and it was like okay if you can do it you know I don't know if it was like first call or anything okay again you know and my my phone number is listed with the city you know I've had building permits and a pending building permit for this three-year duration that I keep extending um and no one's ever reached out to me I've never had any a I understand what the statute says I understand what the you know from a legal standpoint however a lot of things get done with the phone call and I I would have right gotten it moved the next day with a by myself with a high lift Jack and a winch and I'd have moved it over 5T or 4 feet or whatever it needed to be and the bigger picture is it's been there for many years every single one of our neighbors are in non-compliance it just happened to be the X and the immediate neighbor started not getting along and so here we are right and I can't fix that and so um I know we we sent out letters and that's just our way we do it sure I know we've had issues in the past where we didn't certify them make sure they get there um but it's just I mean we we're a small City we're small staff so it's kind of hard to I understand but I do understand what what you you say about that um again any other questions and then we'll chat about it okay thank you have a great evening all right thanks thank you uh so Council want to say anything about that yeah I mean I remember you know before it was actually moved there was like a lot of Andy was trying to contact them and said you know if it doesn't get moved by xate if it doesn't get moved by xate this is from Andy I can read this into the record this is yeah do that yeah so I I we have Andy has his count kind of an overview of what happened maybe that'd be helpful um and I I will say too that he stated here he wasn't able to even be on the property until July 1st of 2024 and this took place in December of 2023 when this all occurred so I mean this just a a timing issue but anyways Andy said that the city hired the doc a dock company to move the boat lift on city property the owner of the lift has been told many times by the city staff not to place their boat lift and other personal property on the unimproved right away adjacent to their property multiple letters were sent to the property owner and the owner was told via phone call when the city would be on site to move the lift permission was granted to go onto the property by the homeowner which was the probably the white yeah cuz it had to been because it was the wife at the time not yeah I'm sorry okay yeah um the boat lift was moved by hand by eight guys PR third party that's that's that nickam so that it was completely on the owner's property the lines below okay then there's some information with regards to kind of showing where where where the dock just showing that it was on on city property so I remember the resident across there's other things about this property too that they've encroached onto the mound property and built stuff and I know this has been a really contentious divorce but my feeling is it's up to them to work this out as as difficult as that may be but you know it's not up to us to find out who's right living there at the time living there and taking the letters and taking the phone calls and so I I I guess I agree with your previous comment too that I'd be a little bit more sympathetic if maybe we took it out or something we had maybe less but it's still our time but we paid a guy 850 to do this so I don't think the the amount other the other residents should pay for you know this issue personally that was going to be my one comment to him was like you know it's not the response that he was probably wanting to hear but if we don't sus him for it all then we have to have the te like if we have to say it's okay to make everyone else pay for it then and this was just one of several items that was in the way and I know the resident across from the commons reached out to us multiple times just you know X Y and Z get it out and yeah so I think we just need to stick with our policy okay you have any coms they have a divorce decree that spells out who's responsible for what and it's not to arbitrate that decree right so okay so I sounds like we're all in agreement that unfortunately he's going to have to pay that um so we have a resolution on page two 2504 uh again remember that's just one of the PS but we have the other ones on there brush removal mowing Mo um so does someone want to make a resolution for this one so are we just talking about 2504 right now just this one only yeah okay um I would like to make a resolution make a motion make a motion to make a resolution adopting assessment for miscellaneous expenses um certified to the county at 5% interest Levy 25122 okay got a motion can I get a second second okay and uh any other discussion all those in favor please say I I those opposed all right that passes okay the next one we have is B which is action on a resolution adopting assessment for delinquent Municipal utility bills and certifying to the county auditor at 5% interest Levy 2512 2 three and that's on page 2506 um is there anything even on there Maggie H is there anything even on this one or oh that's all the exhibit this all the all the there they are okay so does anybody have any qu or I guess I got to do open that yeah okay all right so I'm open a public hearing anybody wants to come up and talk about any of these okay I'm going to close the public hearing all right so we got again 2506 if someone wants to make a resolution for that one make a motion I make a motion for the city of Mound resolution adopting assessment for the delin Municipal utility bills and certifying to the county auditor at 5% interest Levy 25123 okay got a motion can I get a second second all right and any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right that passes too okay so now we're on to number eight Consulting Water Resources do you want to close the public hearing huh or do we not close it I I close it oh oh you did close that was the closing got it yeah well no I closed I didn't I yeah I think you if not it is closed now okay sorry I have one question just out of curiosity not really discussion but um to council member mcan's question like so that money is collected with the first batch of property statements in 2025 or is it like split up it's split so um oh so half half will be on the first uh Bill and then um tax Bill and then half a be so whenever this happens we don't get paid this amount in full until the end of 202 or we get it in two chunks y it's really kind of astonishing how how much how many thousands of dollars are delinquent yeah and I think the hope is maybe with the invoice Cloud that that'll help it um it'll provide other options um um and then I think you know there's always an opportunity to to assess it further um you know what what else do we think could maybe help improve this number every year um it has been pretty consistent though over the years but yeah um I think you know adding that the invoice clout option may help so we can maybe assess that next year but then also continue the discussion on are there other things we can be doing to um yeah improve that but it is is a it is a high number do we have a record showing are are these the same properties every year that are delinquent I would guess a lot of them are um I I haven't really looked into it you know and like do we know are some of these empty I mean the ones that are 3,000 that's more than a Year's payment on Water I would yeah I would have to look um because yeah we should be I would have to look at the policy like cuz we I some people do have higher water bills so but I don't I mean we we anyone who is delinquent is on the assessment list so I I don't know if those are like commercial properties or if they're residential or um you know higher use properties I'd have to maybe look into what category they fit into if we took the PHD and compared it to last year's numbers would the PHD be the same residents yeah y we could we could compare um yeah I'm guessing those higher dollar amounts are probably the commercial like uh or multif family units but um yeah yeah what we could do is we have uh you know we have a report we could probably pull that shows if these were the same that were last year um but I I'm assuming a large majority of them are just with the number that we have on this list so yeah i' I'd like for us to think in the future about what what could be an intervention strategy I agree the new payment system that was voted last week at last council meeting may be one step towards getting these bills paid but you know this has been every year I've been on the council six years you know it's a half a million dollars and unpaid bills um so we have to figure out what's what's wrong with our system why are the people doing this and it and if it is the large users we need to talk to those large property users too about their their standards well I'd be interested to know you know we've talked about this before in meetings you know if some of these delinquent um people that are maybe avoiding their bill because they know it's just going to get slapped onto their taxes property taxes you know if they're you know in the last month the people who have come up to pay these bills have they had any reason other than maybe they just forgot or um we have a couple people who I've talked to I'm sure Noah would know a little bit better but um I know there are some people who were a little behind and they forgot or they you know I think they i' the comments I've received is I that when I told them that we're going to have a better like a more of a proactive approach where residents can actually if they lose their bill they can actually log in and get that information I think sometimes bills get lost people forget but if we can promote hey you you can have an app now that you have access to your information I think that'll help I think and they'll get reminders too so that might be yeah and I that will be something good to track yeah and I think people will appre appreciate the more payment options as well MH um and then being able to schedule payments because I think again right now we're P we're very paper and we're very you know otherwise email and so and that we don't do reminders and so I think um I think sometimes people forget I think I I do know um that some people like you said um just uh for whatever reason choose to just put on their tax every year well I can think of a lot of reasons why they would do that because it's not coming out of their pocket already right you know it's already set aside for for their property taxes in escrow yeah but I I think we can continue the discussion I think we're on the right track with the yeah thanks all right number eight Consulting Water Resources Engineers hosting 2024 ms4 permit public meeting thank you mayor members of the council I'm Matt Bowman city engineer um I'll do my best Bob being imp person impersonation for tonight and try to get you through all of the acronyms that are in the presentation here perfect updates for the yeah the annual stormw meeting and ms4 permit uh so the purpose of the annual meeting is to inform the public um let them know about um let people know about the impacts storm water discharges have on local Water Resources Lake Wetlands all all those good things we like about Mound um and then actions that they can take to reduce potential discharge of pollutants uh we also are here to listen to the public receive input on the city's um Swip program the storm rer pollution pre prevention program and then provide updates status updates on you know what what we've been doing so this we'll give a little update on 23 what we're working through in 2024 and then um 25 and 20 and future plans there um and then just re review City's compliance with the MS board so what is an MSP um first acronym Municipal separate storm sewer system conveyance of storm system so roads with Drainage Systems um including curb and gutter piping ditches man-made channels and then storm drains that are owned or owned owned or operated by a government unit um through uh section 208 of the Clean Water Act um and then what is an ms4 so the the mpca Minnesota Pollution Control agency designated under Minnesota chapter um 790 all cities Urban all cities in urbanized areas must obtain an MPD storm water permit that one I don't think is laid out that's National pollution discharge mission system um and the City of Mound meets those requirements of a mandatory ms4 Community is in an urbanized area so we have to follow all all of their rules and um requirements so we currently imp implement the best management practice practices outlined in the permit then what is a Swip so storm water pollution prevention program so it is a piece of the ms4 permits so requirement um it describes the city's program for reducing eliminate and eliminating pollutants to local waterways so this Swip includes a couple of mechanisms so regul regulatory mechanisms educational programs infrastructure Improvement so that we kind of list out the CIP and there um it includes inspections and maintenance programs and then documentation requirements so but from that the commitments that we make to the mpca um execute the six minimum control measures also known as mcms um one is public education and Outreach two is public participation and involvement three is elicit discharge detection and elimination um four is construction site storm water runoff control that's probably the one you see the most the most visible piece of it five is post construction storm monor management and then six is pollution prevention good house and Good Housekeeping for municipal operations so these are all requirements of the the ms4 and of the of the Swift piece of the ms4 so I'll go through them now um so public education Outreach the newsletters are provided quarterly that include topics regarding regarding the stor water runoff management water quality um water resources related Community festivals events are held annually so um including spirits of the lake Festival Minnesota wak serve competition I think after this year I need to take that piece out though right that did not happen this year um and then so number two is public participation involvement so that one of those is this meeting I held annually to discuss it um there's an annual cleanup day held in May uh there's free dumping of leaves and and lawn clippings and Pie things like that at the mintic compost site um and then there's water quality and storm water related information on the city's website for the public to to view and research uh elicit discharge detection and elimination so this is you know keeping a lookout for anything that obviously shouldn't be going in Into the Storm sewer system so there's ordinances in the city code prohibiting these non-storm water discharges um implemented and en Force as required so by Public Works staff um or field operations the most of the staff is trained in El listed discharge detection and elimination and spill response um and then that's Incorporated in field staff's daily activity so as they're out and about they're you know should be vigilant and keeping an eye out for these things so then the visible part so with all of the um developments and construction projects so construction site runoff control so we coordinate this with Mina minihaha Creek Watershed District to implement enforce these requirements so erosion cement control so the things like the SED fence and then um you see the orange bags and the drainage basins that that's all part of this piece of it to prevent those items from um polluting the waterways um we provide inspection of active construction sites and coordinate compliance with approved permits and then plan reviewers inspectors are trade trained to to keep an eye out for these things and and make sure they get corrected as quickly as possible uh so then with all the developments um post construction stor Water Management piece that's the the end result so that's the rain Gardens and the drain and the the ponds to help clean up the water helps soak it in and before it gets to the main waterways to the lakes and the and the wetlands so we coordinate that again with Mina Creek to implement enforce the requirements um plan reviewers are trained with related to those responsibilities so make sure that the designers and the developers are meeting those requirements um and then uh those requirements are set forth by the npca N npds permit and Mina Creek wed District so the city has a memorandum of understanding what the Wat shed to provide regulation of the toools within the city and then uh building on this so post construction storm management again requirements are that uh need that real quick requirements for post construction storm water management have increased since their Inception um so that's so in 2014 there's a kind of a big change in how the the rules were set out and to be more to be uh closer related to how how the rainfall is actually coming down so that there was kind of a big shift there is what's required to to manage um the current rules are to retain on site a volume equal to one inch of water over over the newer reconstructed impious surface of the site so that's the Pavements and your hard um roofs rooftops and things like that um so that and then Mina Creek requires a similar volume volume retention based on sight size and impervious surface of smaller sight don't necessarily have to comply but um once you're getting over one acre five acres they have different sets of rules to to meet those requirements uh and these are all meant to simulate as if the site was not um did not contain impervious surface so PRI po pre development is is what the the goal is with all these management pieces and then uh so the last piece here is pollution prevention Good Housekeeping for municipal operations so we work with staff and they're they're well trained they go to annual trainings um to improve operations but uh they incorporate best management practices Waste Management vehicle maintenance use of materials uh mowing applications herbicides things like that they have an enhanced street sweeping program so every April sweeping to pick up materials deposited during the winter um including road maintenance materials so salts and Sands things like that summer they sweep after blooms and after large rain rain events and a very canop City so lots of things are falling on the street then that contribute to um kind of ufic of of the waterways then in fall again after Leaf Drop they'll do another sweep um implement the city's road maintenance snow management policies inspect and maintain the storm drainage system as necessary including structural bmps conveyances and outfalls and so when I say that so that's sump structures and Rain Gardens and things of that nature um provide training to all staff commencement with the responsibilities of the as they Ain um and then assess the effectiveness of the drainage system um take take calls then we look for for areas that can be improved so the assessment of the of the storm system um it takes on many factors one of them is the tmdls total total maximum daily loads implemented by the mpca uh Bob Bean would be much better explaining all that than I am um but it's basically they're they set targets for what what the what the pluton goals should be and how and then we try to work our way to get those out before they get into the lake and that a lot of them are they're going to take a long time to get to but they're they're valid um yeah and so we we evaluate that we we kind of look through you know what what projects we have coming up potential flooding issues cost land um and space return on investment and downstream resources so it's been quiet for a few years early since 2018 since we haven't done um Street reconstruction projects since then um and then also the storm water fees are reduced in 2018 for Resident relief that's going to start picking back up here next year when we we get into reconstructions again soon um and then the maintenance of the storm system is completed annual as part of the infrastructure Improvement planning and and then that helps us determine future future needs um and listening to resident comments so this slide's got a lot lot of information really the kind of the the nuts and bolts of 10 years of work that we did um before we we took the pause here so um Mount has 141 outfalls into Lake minona and and Dutch Lake um 18 separate subwatersheds to 14 different lakes and Bays um so between within that 10-year period between 2007 and 17 we repaired or installed 40 sum structures nine hydrodynamic separators so they kind of spin the water in there in a special way to get things to drop out make it easier to clean um installed two prvious pavment lots I need to cross that out after this month here um down to one um install two water quality BS three bio retention basins that is uh increases every year with some of our projects um and including two dry retention basins um and mult drainage soils and and Ravines so again annual annually inspect and maintain all structural storm water bmps some something manhole storm water treatments devices and then performance inspection of numer numerous residential and Commercial developments so high so most of these next three slides 23 24 and 25 they're almost all the same so I'll kind of read through the initial piece here um complete inspection maintenance involved structural bmps uh inspected two residential developments so the artessa had started up in 2023 and then the V Village of Island Park was wrapping up last year participated and adopt a storm drain Statewide initiative C City C share to support the Harrison Bay Association 2023 rain bell pro rain barrel sale program and then working with local organ organizations on storm potential storm water treatments um same Harrison Bay Association for most of that 24 was very similar except Village of violent Park was done you a lot of work on on our Testa as far as inspection there um cost cost share with the Harrison Bay rain barrels program again we did install some storm waterer management infrastructure at Surfside park for the playground improvements there there's some other improvements going on with the with the other last Lake Commons um and then perform the maintenance so we took out the deteriorated papers at the transit center those those were water quality BMP but they had obviously run the useful life and so we put in makeup treatment at the last Lake Commons with a bio retention Basin there so 2025 very similar except like I mentioned earlier we're going to get into street reconstructions again so that kind of opens the door we we have to meet uh water quality rules depending on how much impervious surface we disturb and then we'll look for where we can make improvements within the storm water pollution prevention program so future future program needs Implement a pond assessment plan um continue to improve efficiencies of inspections documentation and Reporting we're always working with public work staff to to make that to try to streamline that and keep track of everything that's going in um provide training for staff involved with any portion of the Swip and then inspect all pawns and outows all right so we are at the portion for questions and comments does the council have any questions for me all right does the council have any questions for him well I have a couple of questions that are probably all interrelated um after reading through this has this all been in effect for 10 years basically um did it start in 2007 no that's well that's when we started the um the street reconstruction project the the ms4 Swip program has been going on I can't tell you when it started but at least since then I'm just curious you know is there like a score sheet or something that you have to adhere to every year every 10 years we have to go through and update it and so um I think it's 2020 or 21 we did we did an update on it and so right now the the state's actually making some changes to their piece of it and then um but and then annually we need to submit it uh yeah basically a checklist of all the things that we've been doing making sure we're we're doing what we said say we're doing and are you the regulating body or is the city I mean outside of the mou and mcwd who is the main so we we submit to the mpca oh you do okay and so they go through it all and and then let us know if we're we're short on anything and then kind of give us a a fixed ticket more or less if if we need to get anything else up back to compliance I I like your term fix it ticket because I was wondering what our punishment would be if we aren't you know compliance of some of the regulations that yeah so we are the state was it last last year or two years ago we did we did get get audited and so we had to um update a couple things I can't tell you exactly what they were though was well was one of them down at um Surf Side because all of a sudden that sort of came out of the blue no that that wasn't um was that part of the plan yeah I think it it was more maintenance and documentation type of stuff well I think this is all really interesting and I think you did a nice job spilling this out especially once again when you get to how many you know that graphic this graphic I wish I had my glasses this one yeah that you know that mound has 140 one outfalls I mean I got to think that's a lot for a small community we have a lot of Lake Shores have we been go been through before so to me it looks like you've done a great job in getting us to where we're supposed to be yeah we're I kind of think of it as you know this is we're just doing what we supposed we're supposed to but it it took a while to get here is one way to think about it does council have any other questions um so this you mentioned this but in the fall you know we're going to sweep again and again that kind of helps I mean kind of I live right in between two of these and and there's a lot of stuff that gets in the lake that's for sure um and then also our guys go through the salting practices um so just people know you know there's a certain amount of salt or whatever that we got to put down for safety but as well you know we're we're trying to use only as much as we have to um and then the county does whatever the county does you know versus the city um and then the last comment on that Hydra Hydro dnamic separator um I had the privilege of looking at one uh when Brian's group uh our Public Works director was cleaning one out uh a year or two ago and if you hadn't seen it it I mean that's something else it's pretty interesting how these things work so um I'd say at least for the council if next time he cleans one out maybe uh you want to reach out to them and have them come out and look at it so it's really it it's different seeing it on there and totally not understanding it the three times I've seen this and then when I went out and looked at it I was like oh that makes so much more sense and this is how you know they work so right and the size of is for your it's insane there I you could fit a family in there yeah there's there's one down at the um tennis courts down Island Park to kind of hidden underneath the the parking lot there right you don't think it's there it's a huge bunker basically anyway thank you thank you appreciate okay then uh yeah so the next piece is um open up for public comment and I will step to the side all right I'm going to open up uh for public comment if anybody wants to come up and talk about that okay I'm going to close public a comment that's all we have to do we don't vote okay good all right all right number nine we got comments and reports from council member council member Pew um let me see well um one thing I I wasn't I I missed last CL council meeting when you voted on gesi but you didn't talk about the proposal they had proposed several activities that they wanted to do in partnership with the city and so um I would propose maybe at our maybe at our working session that we go through those things they listed about five or six things that they wanted to do and you know we basically approved some money to them but didn't say how we felt about the uh proposal well we did talk about a couple of things um Mr Castellano brought up a couple of things off that that we agreed to do I know that we didn't talk about The Walking group right there were two things that we didn't talk about but the walking group and I think they wanted to put to do some activities in the park and have some seating stuff yeah so we can bring those up and yeah we missed you at that meeting did did you get you guys didn't see the letter that we sent over to jesie no I didn't see the letter okay so after we approved it um we sent a letter over did you get it m CU you're on budget committee okay so we we saw it I guess but U maybe uh maybe can you get a copy to the rest of us M um and I think we mentioned it in there okay that I think that we mentioned the I just viewed the YouTube the meeting so that's what I saw yeah Megan can you get us that letter yeah I think there was if I remember correctly it mentioned the money and then supporting in other ways but okay so we're definitely in it obviously since you're on the board you know if you feel like we need to be doing stuff just let us know yeah well to think about that okay the other thing is um age friendly Minnesota's Grant period is open and so it's an opportunity for the city to apply for a grant around some age friendly activities which maybe would come through the Parks Commission may have some ideas that they would bring forward to the city um for proposing for one of those grants okay okay I think that's that's all I have didn't somebody last year um submit yeah Joanna submitted Grant it wasn't to age friendly it was to it was another Grant um but it was for the benefit of the par that's right but we didn't get that funding so um since you're on Parks can or maybe mayie can take it too but um remember we had we talked about the signage on Three Rivers or uh yeah the the Dakota Trail as you're coming in and out yeah I think that that's we we well I think she has an update if you want to hear from her if you don't know that's right so is this on the the path finding oh so the path finding no I'm saying the big sign welome m yeah so yeah at a previous council meeting there was a request to um look into updating our signs at the entrances cuz Spring Parks and I think Minista must have bigger signs that have color so we kind of started that conversation with Three Rivers proposed a 30 by3 in sign but where we're at is apparently that size is not allowed and the other cities are currently not in compliance um and so we're assessing but they benefited they have yeah yeah so we're assessing that right now and we might have to put in for a um like a variance um but we're we're still working on it to see if we can find a solution um to have something bigger cuz I think what they allow is like 12 x 12 or 12x 18 which is actually kind of tiny that's what we have though right yeah it's pretty tiny and so um we're going to keep talking with them to see if we can figure figure it out to have something bigger but um that's where that one's at um yeah as far as way finding um along the Dakota Trail I yeah that's uh we met as a as a like staff and um actually was it yesterday today um gosh can't remember yesterday and um as we start talking more about um the phase two of the Lost L Commons we were thinking we could bring in a landscape architect to talk about the way finding features that could be included in that project if that works for all of you yeah I'm fine with it so we just ask for forgiveness not permission for a bigger sign well that's what she she sent me that oh I didn't know sorry yeah too bad we were following the rules well thanks for your work on that yeah thank again I don't know if you're on top so okay anything is it okay with the way find incorporating that I think to do it when it's done like with that you know and then yeah I'd keep fighting and you know Marge beard right our rep for three rers um I'd work with her and try to get approval for that sign yeah we have a couple people we've been talking back and forth with I can't remember the name but when she was here about a year ago we did talk to her about them potentially giving us some trees from their Nursery H to plant in our park because they harvest seeds from our Cemetery we have black walnut trees and they harvest those seeds for their Nursery so we thought a fair trade would be for them to give us some trees okay uh council member m thank you I I really don't have anything I guess I will just bring up that Saturday is the last day of the season for Farmers Market MH so they still I was there last weekend too they still have lots of lots of vendors and lots of produce so make sure to tell every all the vendors thank you they've had a good season especially once they're really reaping the benefits of some of the new residents that are a Tessa yeah so that's been really a good thing for them and once the construction wrapped up things were looking a lot brighter over there so go over and give a visit cool anything else no okay coner calano I don't have anything okay I do have one other thing I forgot about the crosswalk mhm um to our parking they pulled up the stripes for that crosswalk so I hope that they're going to put them back because right by the post office you know they're not going to put those no cuz we want people to go across the official cross one crosswalk yeah the safe one you want all the pedestrians to go down there too that's extra FL so they'll cross everyone will cross at the trail you voted for it I mean I still wanted to keep the other one too I think it's fine well the the point was that it's safer to the fish you know so there's one cross they took the other one out on purpose yeah and I hope when they repave it or something that they'll smooth it out then you won't see the actual old Conquest there next year it'll be in Mill and overlay yeah then they'll repaint and then it'll look beautiful and then once the blinking lights go up that'll be oh yeah that's what we've all been really waiting for right so when is that going to happen uh towards the end of next month or sometime oh really yeah oh great right in time for winter when nobody's biking well I guess some people do bike on the trail well we we keep the trail open fat tires yeah yeah so the fat tires are um so speaking on that um I did a lunch with the mayor event yes I heard you had 25 people was that that many yeah they said 25 yeah there you go yeah so so you should do it more often hey I did it well I did it the year before um this was different because they actually ate lunch and probably that's the reason why they really came uh last time they actually came to listen to me because there was no lunch yeah I think on the 22nd Scotty B is doing his wild rice suit yes so and that's Greg Peterson I think speaking isn't it right yeah so fire get some other counsil people yeah so uh actually one of the comments was um uh the the blanking lights and so uh okay then I went to uh the fire department uh retirement party so we we only do this every four or five years or so so we hadn't done one since 2018 or 19 or something so it's everybody that retired so we had nine people I think that were honored um very very cool event we had it in the uh in the fire department and you keep cost down the auxiliary paid for it so the council you know the the city doesn't pay for it the auxiliary paid for it but um yeah great event everybody was dressed in their official stuff and um and then just want to make a comment we did honor uh John Larson who as I think some people know Council mber larsson's son who passed away uh last week um he was on our fire department for uh 20 years was it quite a few years 20 see if I have it here anyway they had a yeah length of service 20 years yeah uh some of us statistics were phenomenal um they have a little kind of a plaque that they give of yeah each firefighter that that retires so um thinking about that that family and of course council member Larson um and let's see what else I have here oh and then you know I had another uh fire department uh commission meeting actually right just before here and so again just a lot of stuff we're talking about just kind of betting some things out so the thought is in the next um uh the next meeting which is November 11th or 14th or something like that we're going to uh kind of get a little closer to okay what does a solution look like um or what if we you know kind of do what we're already doing you know here's our Solutions and uh see what that looks like and then I've invited Greg to come back and do like a workshop for us so then we can kind of you know it's it's hard to I mean these are 2 and a half hour meeting meetings um and we've had a lot of them so you know how do you condense that into a one or two hour Workshop so you guys can kind of get up to speed on everything uh it's a little hard to say it all one little thing here but um so probably more to come mid November end of November um to see what that all that looks like so um we let's see anything coming up here in the next couple weeks doesn't the fire department have an appreciation don't they have their open house that was actually last week that was last Wednesday last Wednesday yep social media was blowing up with everyone wondering what all the sirens were for oh really oh funny um yeah I think that's all I got so uh does staff have um the only thing I have is on your on the Das is a an invitation for all of you to the Essa opening on October 22nd I believe um and we've post state that there will be a potential Quorum for you the city council and the planning and or the Planning Commission um and then Jesse's absent tonight because it's his birthday so happy birthday Jesse supposed to take the day off Happ birthday cool that's all all right any other discussion I have one more thing I just wanted to add actually really not hard-hitting item but Ryan's here so I just wanted to say thank you I got a note from Jesse that I'm like more excited than I should be that all the warm Christmas lights are the the the single tone we're ready to go they're on order yes thank you super pump they will be putting them up pretty soon here that's great it's going to be awesome and were they able to trade out the old ones or no we own the old ones oh we do so how much I guess you were on the budget committee what did you end up coming up with for a budget for the new warm light come on up tell us who you are sorry the note Jesse sent was that it was such a you did such a good job it was it was $55,000 oh that's great u i I don't remember the exact amount four something and uh Jesse and I talked and we just decided to move forward with it and then everything will match and the wreaths are scheduled to be delivered I want to say November 11 so we we got to change out brackets and all those will go up too before or the event and were they able to change over to the warm lights for all the reath yep and do we know when the um tree lighting is going to be this year uh November 23rd is what I believe is the the date that's I yeah um they've been kind of up in the air I've met with Betsy once and she hasn't gotten back to me with final days yet okay but that's what she was shooting for great thank you well thanks for making the call and Jesse said that they kind of just moved on it so that it could get done in time so yeah you need lead time to get it ordered so we just made a decision M's going to look so warm and colorful thank you I I told my neighbors about this when I attended the meeting a while ago and I can't believe how many people were thrilled that you were addressing St I thought it was a crazy so many people are appreciative of it so I'm looking forward to seeing what they look like everybody is talking about oh that's good nice conversation brought up by you good okay anything else I'll take a motion to adjourn I'd like to make a motion to adjourn all right second all right and uh any other discussion all those in favor please say I I those oppos all right we're adjourning