##VIDEO ID:xndjr8d2UtY## welcome to the mountain city council meeting for Wednesday October 14th 2024 at 6:00 can we rise for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we got our agenda do we have any amendments no amendments okay got our agenda does someone want to approve [Music] that get a motion um I would like to make a motion to approve the agenda all right got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion all those in favor please say I I those oppose all right that passes all right and then we got our consent agenda number four does anybody want to go through those items can do that um so item number four consent agenda items are a approved payment of claims B approved minutes from July 23rd regular meeting C approv resolution approving certificate of completion for 3053 Brighton Boulevard D 2023 lift station improvements pay request number six and E 2024 seal coding pay request number one all right does anybody want to talk about any of those pull on all right I'll make a motion that we approve the consent agenda as published okay got a motion can I get a second second all right roll call please counc M mcin present can you a um I or nay please I thank you council member Pew I CC castalano hi mayor Hol hi all right all that passes so if you're here for that we're good all right number five comments and suggestions from anyone present that the item is not on the agenda if you want to come [Applause] up all right hearing none we're going to go to number six uh plan commission recommendation it's planning case number 24-7 it's a public hearing review of conditional use permit for new SL replacement of the library at 2079 Commerce Boulevard just get one second all right good evening mayor members of the Council uh members of the public am Rita trap a planning consultant for the city I'll be walking through the conditional use permit requests for the new replacement Library uh the property is located on a through lot um that accesses both Commerce Boulevard on the East and Belair Lane to the West um currently there is the library building as everybody knows um and there are two connected uh parking areas and the library was built in 1972 so hennipen county has decided it is uh time to demolish and reconstruct the library the intention is to reuse portions of the site not necessarily the building but there are U part of the parking area and the drive aisle along the southern boundary um that the propert that the applicant is interested in reusing uh the intent of the project is to meet modern Community needs and also to meet hennipen County's green initiatives so things like a net Energy Zero a Net Zero Energy building green roof biofiltration retention of trees those were really important elements uh for henpen County and that does factor into some of the site plan decisions that they made um which we'll be discussing as we walk through the requests this evening as I said the request is for a conditional use permit we need a conditional use permit for two reasons uh one is a local government building is a conditional use in the R2 District which is what this is zoned and uh we have determined that is best to process this as a plan unit development because there are a number of areas where the ReUse of the building and the site I mean the ReUse of the site um for this building building doesn't really allow us to meet modern standards and so I'll be outlining those as I review uh what is being proposed this evening of where the plan unit development will allow flexibility to certain elements of the zoning code uh as I somewhat referenced um public the area is guided public or institutional in the comprehensive plan uh so this is one area where the comprehensive plan and the zoning are slightly different in the comprehensive plan we're a little bit more specific to better uh demonstrate where in the community There Are Places of worship or institutional buildings so we actually do show um that this is a public or institutional use you can see that there is residential to the north of it there's actually a place of worship to the South um and so those are factors as we look at site plan proposals for this uh Library the zoning is a little bit different with the zoning because we are talking specific districts it can be challenging to have a public or institutional zoning District um so we have reverted back to the more common practice of having a residential district that does allow uh government buildings such as this with a conditional use permit so as you can see from this um this area is zoned R2 and the place of worship to the South is actually Zone mixed juice downtown so it's right on the edge of the downtown area uh this just provides a site plan um it shows a a little bit about how they're orienting the site so you can see uh the parking area and drive aisle along the southern boundary you can see the building and then they are focusing on trying to create areas or kind of uh places for the visitors to enjoy different areas of the site um so I just wanted to highlight uh that a bit um as I had referenced uh there will be different types of green features um so on the left side you can see the green roof probably use this um The Green Roof there will be solar panels um this talks about some of the bio retention uh facilities that they are providing the green roof obviously would drain um and go into some of the landscape areas that's one of the big elements is how they want to treat storm water on the site um and it is a factor again in the site plans themselves I'm going to walk through some of the traditional elements of the zoning code to just comment on a few areas uh relative to setbacks each of the frontages both on Bair and commerce are subject to a 20 foot setback which they are meeting uh the North and South sides of the lad are sidey yards and they are subject to a 10-ft setback uh which again they are uh generally meeting the one area where we do have a step back issue is that parking areas are required to be at least 5T from adjacent Residential Properties the current parking lot and the proposed parking lot because they are not um proposing to change that is actually only Lo located one foot from the southern property line and so that affects um this area where we're adjacent to the residential property so that is one area where the Pud is helping with that flexibility um because again they want to retain the existing parking and driveway area a relative to Building height uh they are proposing currently my understanding is the height of 32t 8 1 12 in the maximum allowable height is 35 ft you'll see my note in Blue uh originally the building was more than 34 feet but after between the Planning Commission uh meeting and this meeting they have made some revisions I believe in part to respond to some of the neighbor concerns to the north um about shadowing and about the impact um but the applicant provide can Prov provide more information on the why for the change but they are lowering as far as I'm aware uh the building height by 2 ft either way they were always within what was allowed um but I do want to just recognize where they are making changes so that you are aware of those relative to parking they are proposing to reduce the accesses from 3 to two so there will be retained the access on Commerce um they're used to be two accesses on belir and they will only retain uh the southern access point the Northern parking area will be converted to storm water uh the parking space is required uh they are meeting that requirement with 29 spaces however it had been noted from the Planning Commission um that there is a concern about the parking spaces being reduced from 48 stalls to 29 and I will talk about that uh when it get to the Planning Commission comments uh the conversion of the existing Drive AAL to two-way for the entire entire distance so this just to note used to be a one-way uh and portions of it and then two-ways in other portions it will now be completely two-way the code uh requires 25 ft the proposed width is only 22 feet uh it is challenging to make adjustments to that again this is an existing condition uh the impact if we were trying to uh have some type of change relative to that width uh would be to needing additional retaining walls and cutting into the hillside um and affecting some of the trees that are on the immediate uh north of this area so in this vicinity there there's topography and existing trees that would be impacted if we would require that 25 ft width um there are challenges 22 ft is challenging from a turning radius um packing in and out especially as you have people moving through that area um but it is doable um so it's just something I wanted to note and again part of why we're doing a plan unit development for this project uh also of note relative to the parking stalls themselves uh technically code requires uh Ada stalls to be 12 ft by 20 ft they are only proposing 12T by 18 ft uh we did reach out to the building official who did state that they are actually meeting the building code so the official rules about ada8 parking stalls um so this is something that we require that's not required um actually from the building code itself the big the building code now is concerned about having a minimum amount of access aisle between the spaces um so we're talking this area they are more concerned about that than they are about the depth of the space bases and they are meeting that requirement so again that's covered with the plan unit development yeah can you clarify that last part again so we're less concerned with the depth of the space because that's meeting normal building requirements so the yes the 12 by8 will meet the building code and the Ada accessibility they are concerned that this is wide enough so that there is space for movement so this hatched area that's between um so that maybe I would guess that 12 x 20 is a historical remnant of how things used to be and things have evolved over time um so again that can be accomplished through the plan unit development and that's why we reached out to the building official because they really are the ones who are the most knowledge about about current ADA requirements so that is wide enough it's just the spots are a little shorter they are a little shorter 2 feet shorter than our code requires but they are meeting the standards that is typical cool Rita with the hash area does it have to be that big has to be uh 96 in in width and that's what it is yes okay I I would I would feel better saying that if I actually could zoom in and see that number my eyes aren't that great but the building official said it was fine so they meeting that requirement Landscaping uh in terms of landscaping the applicant is is proposing to maintain a majority of the existing mature trees on the site I'm not saying they're keeping everything but they are keeping a lot and it does factor into the site plans uh that they are proposing a lot of the trees that are being retained um will be retained on this portion of the site um the they also proposing new trees so 15 new trees as you can see three of which will be coniferous they're going to preserve 14 uh trees seven of with which will be coniferous um the cold requires a quarter of them to be coniferous and they're proposing 42% so generally in terms of the number of trees they are meeting the requirements the only issue that we have slightly is that the code requires 2 and 1/2 in caliber instead of their proposed 2in caliper trees I I'll be honest that typically in my in our firm what we work with our Landscape Architects we're not requiring two and a half caliper as much anymore uh one is availability and survivability so I we double checked with our Landscape Architects and that's not something that they found to be of concern but it again is not reading meeting the code so that's why the plan unit development is the right tool so that's another area of flexibility uh hard coverwise the code does allow 40% hard cover for a lot of record uh the existing hard cover so what's already on the site is 47% um with the proposed site plan that they have today we're actually seeing a reduction to 44% um part of those reductions are coming from the removal of the second parking area we're also seeing the addition of the green roof um and then the treatment is going to be through biofiltration with ses um and as you're familiar this is something that both a city engineer and minihaha Creek Watershed district will get involved with in terms of making sure sure storm water is managed adequately on the site um and that right now everybody is comfortable with how it is today um and so that's one of the elements um that is impacting kind of the overall site plan on where elements are is making sure that we can have um not only these features but also have the education that kind of goes with it because they want to tell the story um about that as well screening there is screening required between the parking lot and the residential home to the South um again it's kind of hard to see um but it's hard definitely hard to see on that one uh this is the fencing um so the residential home is on this part of the property um and they are required to have that so they are showing a concrete and wood slat fence U on the majority of the property line there are breaks some breaks shown um and that might be some plantings they also have had thoughts and discussions with the um Church to the South and so those breaks would allow a con um connection between the two so if there is the ability to have a shared parking agreement there would be a place where you wouldn't have to walk out to Commerce and come back at the library um so those brakes are kind of providing a few purposes uh lighting all existing lighting is supposed to be removed and new lighting will be added along the edges of the parking area along the pathway um applicant knows that they cannot shed light on other Residential Properties or roadways um so kind of our typical lighting statement and then signage uh there'll be one Monument sign um there'll be a small LED part of it which doesn't show up very well but in this vicinity the open close kind of idea um it is meeting the 10- foot setback and the heights do meet the requirements of the R2 District so that's something um that they are able to meet the requirements we have distributed this as typical for our process uh we really only received one com comment and that was from mcees who said they don't have any facilities in this area so have no comments so generally we don't have any any feedback from any of the uh agencies staff Consultants so any concerns the Planning Commission did review this at their July 2 meeting um there were a few areas of discussion that I'll walk through with you this evening um and the applicants have provided responses to those and they were included in your packet um so areas of discussion from the Planning Commission uh parking there was a concern that there weren't enough spaces particularly on busy event days uh the diagonal they asked if there might be a potential of diagonal parking on Belair um kind of similar to what's outside City Hall just to add a little bit more capacity uh there was also a request for information about snow storage since we already were seeing a reduction in the number of parking spaces they didn't want to see those parking spaces taken up by parking in the win or by snow in the wintertime there was a question about a drive-thru or remote bookd drop because right now you will need to park and get out of your car in order to add a book drop or at to drop off a book in the library um there was a request for information about the temporary Library location and then there were neighbors that attended and I believe they are here this evening again so they may want to have a conversation with you as well um those neighbors there was two different Neighbors in particular one um who expressed concern about the tree removal and whose trees were they um and then also the building height and shading and so there was a meeting that occurred and I'll provide a little bit of feedback from the library but the applicant or the neighbor may have some additional information for you um and then another neighbor is particularly uh interested in storm water and making sure storm water is adequately managed just given how storm water is currently moving on this site in their neighborhood and on their property um ultimately the Planning Commission recommended approval but they did ask the applicant to respond to those areas of concern um because they felt like the project was reasonable it seemed like it was moving forward but they really were concerned about those areas um and so the applicant has spent the time between the July 2nd and this meeting trying to respond to those comments um so a few I can add I can tell you I can summarize what they provided but if there's specific questions they would be the best to answer um so on the interim Library location uh I know I believe my understanding is they're working on a location in Mound um for that temporary interim Library um they can provide more information about where that's headed uh relative to the drive-thru and remote bookdrop um that's really determined not to be feasible without significant site alterations as you know it's one strip of uh driveway and parking so it's really hard to find a a place where a box could be um and they don't really do remote bookd drops uh because of the nature of the manual labor that's involved and the safety of their employees so that was in your packet and certainly they can provide more information if you have questions about that uh parking counts they did on their own that wasn't something requested by the Planning Commission they did do some parking counts I believe they started in mid July and they provided and had done parking counts all through right up until we prepared the packet there may be some additional um they did I believe it was five times a day um to just check in and they really found the only place that they really had a lot of um Vehicles was during uh an event and they had 26 and they have 29 spaces again that might be something to have more conversation with them about but they did try and provide a little bit more understanding of usage of the site uh they are continuing to explore opportunities to lease parking from the church to the South um they did explore adding parking along belir um that cons ER is really the site impacts uh in terms of impervious surface that would have to increase um they'd have to do changes to storm water management um so again um the city engineer is here which is a good bone to me because he can answer any questions about storm water management that I can't um but they if you have more questions um they would be the right people to talk to about that uh they did submit and we provided in your packet locations for additional snow storage which were um at the West end of the parking lot as well as if needed um closer to the entrance area um there are different entrance walkways and that's because there's a landscape feature and so they're kind of a uh it's not a traditional sidewalk all the way um in this V vicinity it's not just a paved area there's actually specific areas that you would walk into the library and in between there's Landscaping that they would be able to use snow storage with uh the as I referenced they did meet with the neighbor um they have adjusted the Building height this diagram was provided to you this shows two different things uh one this uh Red Line uh is the original location and they have lowered the building height by 2 feet and they did prepare Shadow studies which we did include um and the purpose of Shadow studies is to show what is the impact um of a building on a particular piece of property and I knew it wasn't going to translate but you did receive that in your packet um and so they can provide information um about that about how that is going to what is the existing Shadow from the library today uh and what is proposed as a result of the new building uh relative to the public hearing which is what we are holding this evening uh the typical notification requirements were held everybody within 350 ft were notified of the public hearing this evening um and staff did receive or have a conversation with one neighbor um who asked for clarification about storm water um and so that's something I'm prepared I have a graphic but the city engineer would be able to better answer that so um when we have an opportunity it would be good if he could walk through if that um is of concern I'm just going to keep going and then we'll come back um maybe to the storm water um so this evening we're just asking you to hold the public hearing um and discuss the request and then we did provide in your packet a resolution uh of approval with uh findings and conditions so if you are finding the project acceptable if you could make a motion to approve that resolution otherwise your other two options is a motion of denial um but we' need findings of fact to explain that or tabling the request if there's additional information you need or things that you want the applicant or staff to work on um in order for you to further consider the request um with that I think the storm water I was going to have Matt talk a little bit about it because there was a concern about storm water um do you want to come up here and I know that graphic is not great [Music] that one all right um so there's a couple storm water features and I might miss some of them but in general everything is going to get caught off the roof and and off the parking lot and either kind of run along the outsides of the property to here there's a a sale I think it's a little different now but then it'll all go to this rain Garden here that is set a little bit lower than um the existing property boundary here now that should all in general that's going to soak in I think the it's hard to see there but I think the emergenc the high water level is lower than the emergency overflow or right around there and even if it does ever need the emergency overflow it's going to go out to the street and go into the storm water catch Basin there um and then as far as the like the rates now because of right so they're slightly actually reducing the overall impervious and they're adding in the range Garden here for treatment so the the discharge rates the amount of water that's going to run off of the site is drastically reduced um I think in the 100e storm event so like the 1% chance every year that you get a giant a massive storm I think it was reduced by it like 8 cubic feet per second I was just looking at so it it's going to far less is going to leave the site now than it currently does think that is anything else no that's specific all right I can't see well I have a quick question Matt that you might be able to answer and Sarah and Rita you correct me if I'm wrong but I think one of the reasons we talked about on belir in the Planning Commission meeting for just some quick additional parking kind of like we have at City Hall to be able to pull in kind of in an angle on Belair and just run in to return your book or whatever not to take up valuable parking places and I think I just heard you say it's storm water I know there may be some other additional costs but the storm water was a bigger problem can you talk to that at all yeah so that that would add to the amount of impervious surface that would that would take them the impervious surface it would just be well no it so it me you'd have to go in a little bit they there's not enough room on ba right now that's basically a standard WID City street so they they need to come off of that and then um go a few feet into their property boundary in order to make to get some parking in there okay and so then that adds to the additional that adds to hard cover adds a little bit of storm water um kind of makes it harder for them to hit the Net Zero goals that they're shooting for okay [Music] thanks okay I'm going to take um if there's any other questions I can answer but we could you can still park on the street yes it was just if you did the diagonal you'd have more that you could fit in the same location but you can still stack cars it was the idea the kind of like City Hall where for every if you do a the Street's not big enough for that a 10 x 12 spot you'd get two cars for every one car you'd get without it right I'm just totally making that number up but Matt didn't come over and tell me I was wrong so we'll go with it I should know this but you can park on the west side or the east side I think the East Side Library side the east side it's the east side of B so closest to the library right yeah so really you'll be able to park there huh you're saying you're saying like on the east side you could park there drop off yeah so you could just park there I mean I'm saying if you run out of parking spots up there you parallel park on you can parall little park on the street on the on the east side and then walk up yeah okay um does coun have any questions for Rita I don't know if I do yet I'm just kind of curious so like we're going to do Rita if you have more to say and then we're going to do the is the public hearing next and yeah we can discuss further yeah after Rita then we'll go public and then we'll bring it back to us okay I don't know do you want the applicant to come up next or actually that that was my yeah but before we do that I do have questions sure is there a speci topic I'm trying to figure out what graffic to have up yeah so I mean we just talked about parking but yeah that's a good one oh good so you know am I we're hit they're hitting a minimum they're hitting what they have to hit they're hitting what code says what code says which is not an exact science right yes and then again beyond that there is plenty of room on bmon and think they're hitting over a minimum by three aren't they yeah yeah 26 to 29 yes that would be the math okay yes um and then of course the church might do some kind of lease situation on a big event night or yeah and that was something I don't know know where the status of those conversations are I know that those were underway but uh and then that you said about the parking width it's the drive a with of just the normal parking spots when I was saying that which one the normal just the normal one not the handicap ones those are all fine it's the drive aisle this part oh that that's what I meant yeah though that's narrower by 3et than what we would require by Cod okay so it's not our ideal um it's doable but it's going to people are going to have to be thoughtful and slow right getting in and out um but there's really there's limited opportunity to make that adjustment unless we're willing to lose some trees and really push back on um pushing into the hillside a little bit more um because there's actually a hill um in this vicinity but can't I mean can't they do maybe some of it tighter over there and some of a little bit more relaxed over there generally you try and keep parking stot is the same yeah with like the drive valy would be the same all the way along instead of being different but I suppose you could I mean I have a big truck so maybe I'm count it out but it sucks parking in tight spots right yes and trying to get out of there I mean a lot of people have SUVs and trucks and Teslas you learn to manage you figure it out okay or I'll go park on the street I I'm a truck driver yeah you're yeah you're a truck driver yeah so yeah we spend every day managing trying to get in and out of parking ramps yep and that's I mean we we staff had the conversation I know um I believe my understanding is the the team had the the architectural team had the conversation we had the conversation it it's the balancing of which priority is more important because it affects for sure it affects uh one of the trees would have to come out at least one a couple of existing trees we would have to lose and so what's the tradeoff for the green components it's it's not as they can't make it up somewhere else well I mean not really cuz you're well it's a really gigantic established tree you're losing the big oak tree and one of the smaller um coniferous trees at least and then you're also pushing into the hillside more so retaining wall you know so again that's one of the the challenges is no site is perfect when you do reuse you're not starting fresh and so which is the more important um of the the things for for you and for them um and then again you said the Ada is meeting the the current requirements but you said our code is outdated potentially because that when we actually went to the building official and they said there wasn't an issue that would indicate that our code potentially is outdated so it should be wider than 9 no our code doesn't need to stay 20 ft in length for an ADA stall it needs to be 18 it could just be 18 and that would be sufficient okay so we are good on that we are meeting according to the building official we're meeting ADA requirements okay which generally what we say when we do parking normally is we say you know you have to meet whatever the building official says right in terms of number of stalls so there are our go-to for what the requirements are okay I got two more questions uh can you go up to the the hard cover screen so I I get that there are already 47 now right yes and we're going down to 44 but again our code says 40 yes so either way we're winning that's how we have applied that and then of course because of that they're working extra hard on the storm water issues yes as so yes our our practice and and that's actually the rules in the state if you have a non-conforming site um you know you can maintain it but then you can improve upon it so our practice has been that we try and improve it but we don't make people get all the way down to the 40% and what makes this site different is the fact that um if they were totally cleaning up the site we might have a different approach but because of the fact that we're retaining this area um people have a little bit more opportunity to maintain over the 40% and um also what's different is when you you have a site like this where they're managing storm water actively that's a different conversation um typically our hard cover numbers like 40% 30% are for residential property owners who aren't actively creating um infiltration basins and managing storm water so here as long as mini haa Creek Watershed District are feeling that it's adequate city engineer feels like it's adequate the systems they're using then we don't concern aren't as concerned about that percentage okay again I do want to make sure that people understand that cuz I do get calls and and it's more on the residential side obviously since we're mostly residential but right you know it's like well how did that property get you know hard cover easement or whatever and it's like I don't know they voted on it but you know first of all we are coming down so one thing and then we're also treating and you know the and they will have a managed system that they will be actively managing which is a higher standard and um above and beyond because they will have to make sure it's been it is working I think Matt had said too the net change in water leaving the site was going down right so the yeah the actual rainfall events what they're able to is going to be reduced capture L uh does anybody know do they currently have a Dropbox for books yes yes they do okay and remember we talked about that originally well we' talked about it I think in every meeting planning and this meeting so we can ask the applicant but um I guess I guess I'd like to know I I I got the response and whatever but you know how much is it actually used is it is that a big deal or not um it' be I don't know the drop box how much it's used yeah this isn't it kind of that little turn around drop a booket I mean I I can't answer that I know Theiss thought it was you put it in the back right the Planning Commission thought it was pretty important but there's also limits with the site we we kind of thought was important too last time right um and that's fine if they don't want to do it but kind of I guess the response of you know it's not suitable for employees to be well what are you doing now doesn't make any sense but Oh you mean about the employees being injured on you know well are we I mean how are you handling it now so anyway I can to ask them but yes I just thought that was interesting well if we have one now I get why we're not doing it but maybe there's a better answer than you know what we got I guess um any other questions for maybody I have a concern but it's somewhat offsite so I'll I'll leave it for later okay yeah I think my questions will be after everyone's spoken okay all right do we want to bring the applicant up sounds great thanks yes hey can you give us your name and sure where you're from um I'm Lisa Bartels I'm the project manager I um work for henin County in designing construction and I'm managing the design and construction of this project perfect hi I'm Jesse baldry I'm an architect with gor okay thank you good well again first of all does anybody want to ask some questions no I just had one yeah if you want to I can speak to the book drop yeah please please so um the the current bookd drop is an opening ins the side of the building that abots the drive yeah that as it heads north south so the building is to the east is you're driving up to it if you're in the driver's seat you can't you still have to get out of your car and put the materials in so it isn't truly a driveth through bookdrop it's certainly more convenient than having to you know walk up to a different part of the the building um as far as uh workplace injuries go um our library staff so hanpin county has 9,000 employees approximately um and we track workplace injuries this is not my area of expertise but we get updates regularly in our library portfolio meetings um and as I understand it the um repetitive stress injuries among Library staff are there's a high incidence of that some of that is is being addressed through automated Material Handling Systems those CS actually connect to the through wall the exterior through wall return slots what will be um it correct correct we've the library and the county have been adding them um where at buildings that don't have them so the new facility will be getting an automated Material Handling um system and that again reduces workplace injuries the only real opportunity for an exterior drive past bookd drop would kind of have the same situation where it would not be on the right side and then um Library staff are would have to go outside through walks and everything with carts to get materials manually so it just runs counter to trying to create a safe work environment for um for our staff um do you notice that that book drop is that pretty popular um I uh Kristen I yes can you come up and give us your name we the mic can't get you back there my name is Kristen Molen I am the library supervisor at West Tonka um so happy to be here thanks for asking me up the book drop as it is right now you you drive up again it's on the wrong side so you can't hand it out this way you get out of your car you open the slot and you put the books in they go down a shoot that's about this big into approximately 3x3 box um and the Box gets it lowers with more books so the weight of the books makes those books go down farther so as a staff person we manually have to lift those books out car car them up to the service desk or if they're if it's overflowing um on a typical day when we get there in the morning we'll load them onto carts so we're we're handling them one way we wheel them to the service desk and then we put them all through you know the the check-in process that bookd drop is used quite a bit um but again it's not something they can just drive up and put it in you still have to get out of your car but usually you have a passenger I mean I've always had my kids that not everyone has has a passenger no that's true y but but often times you have a passenger that's performing that task y so to have that to have a drive up book drop that was not connected directly to the library would involve staff in all weather rolling a card out to that outside system and then loading the books up putting it back in through the door and then bringing it across to the service desk so it would not only increase the workload but you can damage materials in a snowstorm sometimes in the book jop The Way It Is books will come in wet if it's raining so um that's my that's just so you know how the book drop actually works okay and the the that system that Kristen just described will be enhanced with uh amh with an amh system so right now their carts have a certain amount of Automation and just that it goes down right with the weight the books and kind of comes back up as you remove the books but the amh system actually scans it has a conveyor belt it scans and sorts the materials um to a certain degree as as they come through in in process and so um and they if there's a problem with the automated system it'll um automat aut atically close and open uh Dead Drop That returns to the type of drop that they have now so there's a a backup for that so there will actually be three drop openings one on the interior and then two on the exterior that automated one and then the the dead drop one okay and the ones that are on the exterior are under a covered porch so they you'll be you know the act of putting the book will'll be undercover yeah and the vestibule is really kind of a new thing out here too so there's inside the vestib of the building thank we're providing space for a self checkout and holds book so people will be able to swipe into the vestibule after Library hours and they will be inside the vesal in order to pick up their holds books and there's also a book drop in there oh great so that's an added feature that the current Library doesn't have okay yeah um the library is calling it open plus um and they've piloted it at a couple locations it's fairly new it's not very widespread within the um 41 Library System of henin County Libraries right great so we learned a lot about that uh any other questions not yet no all right thank you thank you thanks and and I guess because we ask this every time any idea when you will have an idea of when where the temporary library is going to be in when it will take place we are in we are in discussions um that's what I would have said I mean yeah it sounds like we don't need to have it set up until January so we're not that we're dragging our feet but I think we have an opportunity to be a little more deliberate about it but I I think we're going to be able to do it at City Hall we're just TR of working out the spacing of everything and we get it actually worked out really good because we can clear the elections we were little concerned with trying to put at a library in a space where we're doing voting and everything so um we've been it's it's a mutual hope that this will all come together um it would be beneficial for the librar I have a question about that now is this just for picking up books or dropping it is for it is for holds um for picking up holds so you can go online and order materials you can also return materials that you've um picked up at that location or materials from anywhere within the library system but we will lose all access to the computers which um there uh I um Margot Scott was providing an update some discussion about that all right come up and give us your name hi I'm Margo GFF and I'm the facilities director for henpen County thanks Lisa um we learned from Scott who is Library director and he's sorry he can't be here he's out of town um they are going to have story time at St John's I don't think that there was a solution an immediate solution although there have been discussions with the school system on making sure that kids continue to have access to computers to computers okay good thank you great thanks all right think we're good thanks we're good thank you thank [Music] [Applause] you all right so I'm going to open the uh public hearing so if you want to come up and give us your thoughts on that come on up I harus I live at 2068 Belair Lane so I border the property right to the north into the West W of the new upcoming Library um looking at the elevation of the pond the floodwater pond the rainwater pond that's going to collect everything I believe the lowest point will be 947 ft roughly so the shallow area around it is going to be corner of the building is that the yellow yellow the yellow one so that right there is referring to this point M this line roughly is uh 94925 um the burm that is going to be put in here approximately 10 ft from the property line is going to be 9 951 uh feet so it does maintain a good Pond for all that water gathered through here off of the roof off of the Green Space off of the somewhat parking area the temporary not a a sidewalk but a trail or a path all will drain into here I was curious there's an existing drain right here right now so I'm I'm wondering if all that water is going to go into that drain or if you have a different drain system set up for it to go into and then with my property sharing the um property line my driveway butts up right up to it there's a I call it the moat and water has been channeled throughout the whole part of my neighborhood by the city of mound ruley in the 80s to come through well under my neighbor's driveway and then through my yard the moat and then around so it does discharge or Channel Through henpen County's property I was hoping or looking for a better way for that water to stay away from my driveway and or what is going to be done in that area cuz there are buckthorne apple trees and other conf uh trees in along that property line um so they're all going to have to come up to get rid of the Buckthorn which is an invasive deal uh University in Minnesota um putting in a screen of trees there I believe is what it calls for on the print is that going to be uh Evergreens or lilocks or are you going to cut that what I believe the existing bank is is 951 ft now 10 ft back that it's it's just kind of a big mess and it worries me this rainy season that we've had the water has come right up to my driveway but should the rain Garden or Pond fail that is going to spill over onto my driveway into my house and I don't think my sub pumps will keep up with that so that is a big concern of mine with the property line right here and the the drainage of the water on the property and your house is by the corner my house this is all of my property here approximately 200 ft by 60 ft this way 200 by 60 this way so this whole back hill starts at about 9 51 ft and it does drain into it's lower here for that manhole cover plus the storm drains were added here across the street here AC around the corner across the street here and kitty corner diagonal for me here so all the water does run to the end of my driveway which is a skating rink in the winter um the there's a ditch right here that runs also into that manhole so I'm I'm just curious with this being the lower part of the rain to collect in there where does that drain to what I'm gathering also is that 947 ft to the 951 ft burm well simple math that's 4 feet we get more than 4T of water guess who's swimming guess who's getting a call from homeowners insurance um should I get flood insurance would you advise that uh what else what is the square footage of our pond area how much per cubic square foot or per gallon does that hold however mathematically you want to let us know so with this rainy season also we have we have gotten some Rin with the melting of the snow that melts also into that area um so that that is my concern that's all I got any questions or comments or concerns we'll we'll respond to it in a minute okay I got thank you appreciate anybody else want to come up you give us here a name and add there yep um Betsy I um I live on the island but I'm also the property owner of 2073 Commerce so I guess if I I'm not sure how this one works but yellow yellow okay um this property here um so just just wanted to give a little background on why I was at the planning meeting and why I'm concerned about this project um I'm excited about it too I do think it's a really cool project and um I'm not trying to block anything here I just wanted to explain kind of our um story here so um I bought this property about six years ago it's got like a 600 square foot house on it pretty tiny 10 year old house my mom's living there now um for the last few years we've been developing plans to add on living space and a garage behind it um to be able to use that property so um now looking that we're kind of glad that we didn't um because this building uh the new building will be the full length of our property so you know that wasn't originally expected when we bought it um the architectural firm gendler did do some shading studies um after the the last uh planning meeting and we were really actually really grateful for that to be able to see the kind of the impact that we would have as well um it does you know there are going to be some significant differences um along the length of the property there are areas that we'll never see Sun um parts of the year the full property will be dark so we're not going to be you know planning in the same way for our construction I think if we do a project there it'll have to be a full story higher um just to get reclaimed some of that light um so I don't really have a solution here for that just wanted um you know wanted this group to be aware of of our concerns and try to keep the lines of communication open um you know for any kind of Creative Solutions we could have for uh being able to use some of that property in the future um not completely being the Shadows but I really did want to recognize also the county um with Lisa and um and with Billet gendler they were really helpful in adjusting their plans I think it's not going to change uh the you know the comfort and suitability of the library I think it's um but it is a change that I think will be really positive for our property so at least for the existing structure there now um I think it will be able to get some some more light in that wouldn't have been possible if they hadn't made that change so I really appreciated them listening to our concerns um we also did talk about some of the trees and I think you know it will depend on their uh on the groundwork they do and whether they'll be able to keep some of those but um I do feel like they're receptive to our concerns so thank you thank you apprciate thanks hey you give us your name and address hello my name is Johan sh Danel I live at 6039 Beachwood Road in Mound um so I have several questions um four questions actually the first one is I was not sure I understood will there be a walking drop in Dropbox uh you can walk to the front door it'll be under a cover and you grab your box so okay perfect yeah um the second so I I I want to say I love the project it's awesome that the library is going to be changed um my second question was about U meeting rooms sometimes people people go to the library also because they they set up meetings non nonprofit meetings and I was wondering if there's going to be a temporary meeting room possibly uh temporary while it's being built yes yes um well again I know the church was going to do some school um MH or sorry the church was going to do some stuff for the programs and then I know the school for the computers um we're talking about offering city hall or Centennial for some issues depending on what we figure out in January um I mean we could offer up some other Spa I me we have space we could we can make meeting rooms if we need them like this room uh we have upstairs of sentennial um I I don't know how important that is but yeah I mean we we're open we're trying to we're trying to dist this so awesome thank you thanks for the answer um the um third point is about reusing so I I want to stress that you know we all trying to preserve the environment prevent any garbage from coming and that that Library being demolished will bring lots of material that could be reused I was wondering if the um the the Hing county has any plan for reusing materials like bookshelves carpeting um rocks that are outside of the garden stuff like that for for the project too instead of just coming with a bulldozer and tolling everything I don't know the whole answer but I do know that they are reusing a a big chunk of certain things I know like some of the beams yeah yeah and also if they could maybe you know there's tons of shelving that they will not use in any Library maybe some people will be interested churches other organization people would be interested in getting some shelving somehow yeah again i' I've seen this uh so I guess times and even when we went to the community participation before it was even like a thought uh that that's been a a consistent uh thing from the start but yeah we can make sure that they know that or maybe get a response quick from them too thank you and my last question um is about the height of the building unfortunately so it's uh slated at 32 ft so if we think that that is roughly 11 ft that we three times that unless people have a terrible growth spurts I don't think we need a 32 ft uh ceiling unless people unless there's several floors are there going to be several levels in that library or only one floor well the highest portion of it is 32 ft it's got some slanted yeah but if we look at should we go back to the uh the rendering of the building because also that building is straight on the street so 32 ft if we look already at the stuff that's built on Auditors Road it's already very high well that's 50 over 50 ft yeah but it's 30 ft is pretty high and I be straight um there's another one with a person for for scale um there's one building a side view when we see a little this one yes what's the current height right now read so if we see that like I don't know where the door would be but I mean the door has to be gigantic me there's a lot of lot of wasted space you mean which means also we have to heat up that space which means waste of energy um beside the fact that that building will be straight on the street and create an effect of you know it's big it's massive it's not really big comp so have you have you heard any of the presentations before today no so unfortunately I and I know there's been a Planning Commission about that and I'm not talking about us I'm talking about you got to hear from them this thing's like yeah the greenest thing you can make no I know but still even if green is that you have to heat up that space again you listen to that interactive with the length of the roof and the height of the ceiling so the pitch and the angle at that allows for the S to come into the skylights for natural that helps eat it lighting reduces theprint on the electricity and stuff so I get what you're saying but I I do get but if you if you look at the height I mean this you can bring it down I mean it's it's massive and we already have a massive building and I think it's going to really change the character of our city especially there's no setback it's not like something that would be like in the middle of the lot because of you know the way the land is and the trees that we want to preserve and that's going to be straight on the street that's going to give a very bad aspect to our city that's all I wanted to say okay all right thank you thanks have a good day all right anybody else um carrius 2068 um the computers at the library right now I believe the the access to the internet is really important so for for a temporary library or room at the city hall for access to the computers would greatly help out the community I myself cut the card a year ago I can tell you what's on channel 2 4 5 and 9 and 11 right now cuz I got nothing else so uh I also get over to the library and use it to print out something or um get information on this and stuff and so it is it is very important important and very necessary to have access to the internet for our community okay can I ask our the architect for the hi so do you know what the current height is of our existing Library I don't know that upth but I while I'm sitting here if yeah if you find it out you got to come back up in the highest you got you got to come back up so the the rof height is not consistent all the way the um the portion of the library that is right along Commerce is at a lower height that um the 35t portion is along the north edge of the reading at Reading area so there's meeting rooms and mechanical areas that are inside of the building that face the street so it really is in the middle of the block that you've got that mass and and the heights right okay so but you are having meeting rooms the there are there so there are will be three study rooms one of which is a virtual meeting room it'll be equipped with a computer that P would be able to um use an app on the computer to or um a website you know like sign into to zoom and have a computer-based virtual meeting and there is a community room as well and you're able to rent it out or the community room you can go online and Reserve yes okay uh while I have you here uh the unused like bookshelves and and Johan was saying um some of the Interior um well there's there's two things um there gendler has planned reuse of some of the structural elements the glue Lambs um in the new facility we are exploring reusing some of the Interior decking um there's wood decking on the in the ceiling um and the county has also um is has a proposal from an organization called better futures for deconstruction partial deconstruction so um we have proposals for removing for Salvage at other locations whether they sell them whe whatever that's kind of up to them of things like Plumbing fixtures their interest in the wood fence along the South property there are a variety of approaches that will be taken to salvage as much of the existing structure and accoutrements as possible okay and then um access to the internet while it's shut down um that I can't in my position I can't actually speak to in in um Library where we're refurbishing the existing Library we're able to keep that um outdoor Wi-Fi open but we won't have a building so we won't have an IT closet and um yeah okay and again we'll work with uh Jesse and if it makes sense and it works out I mean throw a computer in you know a little area or something the city again we'll he'll work on that but if that works out so at least we'd have one or two maybe um again we're we're trying to Steward this through so yes um okay any other questions for them while we have them just a quick comment that maybe you can answer Jesse or Maggie maybe you can answer but there for Johan they have provided um a really in-depth presentation and I know we had the link on our website for a long time and I'd encourage you to maybe listen to it because they do address a lot of what you brought up um and it might help reassure you that um they've gone into some pretty great depths to make sure that they're not wasting anything good all right thanks guys good thank you sure Matt can you come up real fast [Music] so the the propert property to the north I mean if you pull up on a GPS um I don't know if you guys can do that but uh like a Google Maps like a street [Applause] view so I i' I'd fold that up when she was talking I can definitely see what she's talking about are you able to street view it oh um you can ask me some other questions while we're getting there okay well let's skip to the shadow then um so I I know we did the shadow study and um me is there any we don't guarantee Shadows right we don't guarantee visual I I know people have come in front of us before and said you know my neighbor is building something and I can't see the lake anymore and we don't have anything in our code that says that you get to see the lake or you get to not have a tree producing the shadow right that's sting our quote um at the same point I'm very glad that they did do that study that was very nice um to produce that and sounds like um whatever she is that it you know you're pretty happy with it um but maybe just when when they're building try to save as many as you can trees um so they can have their Shadows so this yeah maybe not a great looks a lot better on my on my computer but um so this is the residence that we were just talking about to the north that's an old picture those pine trees are I have a really good one on my are you on Bing or I've got this is a on Google b um I don't know where this is where am I anyway what what I see is you know kind of a dip down there kind of a an area that can kind of collect yeah but the other thing I do see maybe I'm wrong is that the parking lot kind of HS down towards the street oops and it sounds like from what I'm seeing on the architect and that's what I want to ask you is you know you guys are going to kind of cut away and and make a big area for the water to go and to answer her question what are what are the odds that she would have at least a worst of a problem that she has now or really should even fix it right make a lot better if the net water leaving the site is less should be better the moat should stay lower if we're if that's correct correct in that particular area yeah that's sorry I was reading some stuff on that while the shadow conversation was happening so I missed part of it but um there's a benefit the I believe the push back is going to be 10 ft roughly now it's about 3 ft so it could allow for a wider area for the M um I do have a picture of the water up to my driveway and my y but in this particular area there should be less water going to the area she was concerned about right right okay okay can you go just go down the street one click yep just click one time there yep I guess and then now now just a second so now can you yeah right there so see the little indent there the little moat and then that's the property uh the library right so that's that little dip I think mhm and again remember this whole parking lot's going to be a big hole for the right you know for it to collect water with a BM so I guess what I'm seeing or hearing is how close to that property line or that little indent does it start going right down into that hole so it collects the water what are the odds that she's going to actually have water coming into her driveway much less than it is now okay so that's what I want to here yeah so this is the what I wanted to to share with you um so the emergency overflows 94925 so that's going to be the elevation right here between the burn um between the kind of the higher points that wrap the the rain Garden the high water level so that's at the at the 100e Peak is you should hardly see any of it almost almost any time okay so it's going to soak in very quickly and then I was going to jump to it's also going to be a burm where there's no burm now right so it should be yeah so so the other point there so you know kind of that low point that hugs the I think it's very close to hugging the property they're they're not messing with what's how it's low at the road right now that's where they're going to connect in there yeah and they're going to stay you know they're staying a few feet away from the edge of the property line before they dip back down to put Green Garden in there um and they are touching the trees or no that I don't I didn't study the Landscaping plan very in a lot of detail those are new trees there looks like that's the new screen yeah I was curious if it was a pine tree do I get coverage all year around or you know if it's a lilac bush which is fine but the leaves fall off so then we'll all be exposed we're exposed now cuz the uh the apple trees and other trees in there L their leaves so it's um all right any other questions for him I think someone I mean if any of the folks here tonight could follow up with her on what kind of trees those are it shouldn't be too tough right sorry I'm just like looking at all of you we're looking to so um there's four different types of just so the mic can't from you want to take this back sure she uh no I'm just going to read read this that's okay thanks Matt um four different [Music] types so there will be um a mix of Tamaracks service berries um and a river birch and a swamp light oak what was the last one a swamp light oak white white oak yeah all right thank you thanks okay any I'm still in the open meeting here any other last comments all right I'm going to close that all right so it's back to council here what do you guys think you want to talk about anything or I don't know a lot of my questions got answered which was why I wanted to wait till later but it sounds like we can be confident that the water leaving the site is less and particularly at 2068 Commerce it sounds like that's going to be we should be confident that that's resolved and it sounds like the trees are going to be a lot nicer um so I would assume I guess my I'm hearing I don't know maybe a little concerned about parking but if the peak wasn't a problem like we would assume that the lease with the like I would assume that the lease with the church wouldn't work out and then we would still have enough parking and then off of B air too so while there is a reduction in spots it doesn't sound like it's going to be a huge problem compared to their counts it's not like they're parking there every day all day what it's not like anybody's parking there on the main you know on the streets all day every day and then the bookd drop scenario I mean like if I me and my wife go by there too it's like you just kind of get out of the car and get back in and leave yeah um so it's no different you just got to walk a little farther yep um and then my only other I not feedback but a question was since we're dealing with like a narrow Drive aisle but if the you know the various folks working on the project it's 2 feet or 3 feet narrower than 25 to 22 ft I think for the drive aisle for driving through if there's no you know super red flags and the people working on that the designers say it's doable is it something where like what would be a standard practice in the area um east of the parking but before Commerce there's like that little you know where people would be mostly going two ways coming in and out of Commerce would probably be like the busiest spot like would could be put up like a you know narrow Lanes sign on the library property or something like that or just something like caution narrow Lanes or something like that just so like people like you said be mindful and slow down sounds like it's not super uncommon so I'm just wondering if there's an answer there but um mean I don't want to connect back relative I can connect in if we want but relative to when you turn off of Commerce there's actually a stretch that there is no parking on and so by the time you you will have come in through that part of it our concern more has to do with where there are people driving backing out so the actual driving back and forth at 22 isn't the concern it's the people backing out other people walking with their kids into the library all of those elements coming together so off of Commerce you have a stretch of land which I didn't measure but where there isn't any movement like that you're kind of getting settled and it's at least a car length um deep so you'll get in before you'll hit your first got it thing where you have to pay attention now on the B side it's a little different but I think we all know Commerce and Bella are two different speeds you can move a lot slower yeah right okay thanks that's all I got Pew well I had similar concerns about coming off of Commerce um just especially for people doing the cross turn um not the right hand turn from Commerce in terms of safety my other issue which is offsite but still deals with the county since Commerce is a County Road and that is there's no easy pedestrian way to get across to the library so I live on the other I live um west east of of Commerce and cross Commerce it's busy um the closest um crosswalk is at the shopping center and um you know I don't know if there could be consideration my understanding the Count's relooking at that entry anyway into the shopping center that they should be thinking about the library as well and there's also a bus stop there so we need to think about we've got a lot of different traffic things we've got a bus stop hopefully we'll get back our Express buest that's the express vest stop you've got um pedestrians getting to the library and um how do how do we make that all work so people are safe so in on that Jesse and I have been talking back and forth and we uh actually just met with one of the Commissioners M uh recently which I'll talk more at the end of the meeting but um I think you might have mentioned that originally where the crosswalk should be on the North side right uhhuh right so I think that could help yeah the again I'm not anine you know Road engineer but it feels like the crosswalk should be on the North side and not the south side yeah you know right by the the vet well when it's on the South Side you get across the street and unless you're going to walk down Commerce there's no sidewalk to take you into the shopping center right cuz the sidewalk on the North side in front of the dog um Veterinary great Clinic well and you got two lanes going into one and then that it's just it's a mess so we that is something that I think we're is an ongoing thing we're working on but um you know having a new commissioner or two yeah maybe doesn't hurt um I've actually reached out on a separate completely separate thing which I'll talk to about later but um and I was like right you know right on it so I was good I was glad to hear that but would that be good enough if we hopefully maybe improve that area I mean you still got to walk down a block I don't think it's feasible to just go straight across you know no matter what but I think you know at the next major intersection to have a I mean there is a crosswalk there you do got to go you know and come back over the other place would be at ballson if it's possible going farther down the block and having a crosswalk there y okay coun mcky you good thank okay um yeah so I think you all heard what I just said so um at the end of the day I think at uh you little short-term pain for long-term game um I think this is going to be a great thing when we're done but um you know we're trying to help out temporarily if we can and um so I'm I'm ready you guys anybody wants to make a motion uh what is ex exactly you can read out there um yeah I mean I was just going to actually try to find it but it's on 1855 1855 that was way off can you read the screen oh look there it is all right I would like to make a resolution approving a conditional use permit for new replacement West Tonka Library project at at 2079 Commerce Boulevard um do I need to mention the findings of fact or anything or is that totally separate I mean if we really haven't changed anything unless you want to change something that's there everything is should be covered yep all right got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right that passes thank you guys for coming out thank you betting this thing all a lot yeah all right off to the fun stuff number seven 2024 Bond issuance and credit enhancement program application is this mag [Music] good all right can you give us your name and sure yeah good evening mayor members of the council my name is Jason Aral I'm with Municipal adviser with Ellers and Associates I've been working on this bond issue with my colleague Stacy quilang uh who I think you're probably familiar with uh as I understand and I know it's been a little bit of time since you all have issued debt and so uh we have put uh into your packet what we call our pre-sale report and that really outlines what the bond issue is proposed to look like and I think it's probably helpful I can just run through some of that spend a little more time than I might otherwise I'm certainly happy to answer any questions that you have at the end or going into any more Det detail um but what we have before you is a proposed $482,000 bond issue and I think one of the most important things is well what's it for and uh it is primarily for well well really two things one is to reimburse you for past utility projects that you've undertaken your water and sewer funds and that's to replenish your uh fund balances there make sure you have enough working capital to run those entities consistent with your rate studies and plans that you put in place in the past and then the other part of this is for uh new4 and 2025 uh uh projects in your uh sewer and water as well so that's kind of the dual purpose of the bonds that are being issued uh in Minnesota you can't just issue bonds for any reason that you want to you need some Authority and statute and so in this case uh chapter 444 allows you to actually issue uh bonds for utility projects General obligation bonds without a referendum and so that's what Authority has been prescribed here is that utility chapter and then uh when bonds are issued like this there is a period of time we call it a a a call period where uh the city can't prepay the bonds and in this case that's set up to be in about just under 10 years from now so when the bonds are issued uh they'll need to be paid up through that 10e period of time once that call period expires then you or or is is up then you have the option to either prepay or in some cases these bonds get refinanced at lower interest rates in the future so just know that that's a part of this as well uh as we kind of work through the the report that you have in front of you the other thing that we're noting is that these bonds are what we call Bank qualified now it's not that important to go into the Weeds about what that means but basically if you stay under $10 million annually in total issuance you can um designate these as Bank qualified bonds and all that means is that uh Banks you know lending institutions have the opportunity to also uh bid on and purchase these bonds and I'll talk a little bit more about that bidding process as well and so that broadens the market for people that could potentially bid and then theoretically has the opportunity to potentially lower your your borrowing costs as well by having a bigger pool of in potential investors uh you talked at the outset about the State Credit enhancement so the state of Minnesota offers a credit enhancement program well they'll back stop these bonds and so when that happens you get the opportunity to use their higher Bond rating so these will be effectively sold as AAA rated uh Securities you know your underlying rating is a double A so that's two notches higher and what that means for you is uh generally speaking lower interest cost so there's a small fee that you pay to the state but the on the back end of this I just kind of did you know kind of back of the napkin math it's probably could equate to around $40,000 in interest savings over the life of the bond issue if that's just kind of put it in perspective for you there on that what the small feed $500 $500 that's it yes okay thank you y the state tries to do this as a as a benefit for you know cities when they're issuing utility related bonds like this and so it's just enough to cover their cost of administration uh so that's a good thing in this case uh it lowers your cost of borrowing which is great we still will go to standard and pors as we have in the past and get an underlying rating on these bonds so we'll still go through that whole exercise to um submit information to them um you know have that uh meeting with them with the staff and talk about you know the current status of the city and they'll assign an underlying rating uh to the city's debt along with that is part of this process questions about that no no no uh and then you know just talking about uh the basis for kind of this recommendation and then how the bonds will be sold uh again as I mentioned this is the this is the U most cost efficient way that you have in statute to be able to issue bonds it's General obligation tax exempt uh but in terms of how these bonds will be sold since you haven't been through this process recently what what we're proposing here is to do what we call a competitive sale and because these bonds are very uh commonplace uh well understood in the Market uh highly rated we can do this sale on a competitive basis and what that means is that we'll undertake a process to actually go out and solicit bids uh for these Bonds in the marketplace so it'll get exposed of the entire uh uh Securities market and we'll uh on the day of sale I'll go through the schedule actually um take those bids tabulate them and then recommend making the award to the lowest cost bidder so that's how that'll work so then you're you know you're being exposed to a bunch of different uh potential of purchasers of these bonds uh and you'll uh it generally tends to lead to some of the lowest rates the alternative way that this can be done is through negotiation directly with an underwriter and that's usually reserved for more complicated transactions that aren't well understood in the market just not the case here so that's why we're recommending that this be done on a competitive basis uh and then uh just kind of going through some of the other uh pieces here uh you know we as we always do we're looking quarterly at your existing debt just to make sure that there aren't any opportunities to refund as I mentioned bonds that might be callable now uh to get better uh interest savings and things of that nature we've we've do that quarterly we've done it again there are no current opportunities the rates now are higher than many of the bonds that you already hold and so those opportunities don't currently exist but again we'll continue to keep monitoring that and then there's also once your bonds are sold there's some ongoing um uh Administration that occurs there there's uh you're agreeing to provide um disclosure of your Financial uh uh condition to the market on an annual basis we call that continuing disclosure it's just so that people that are going to purchase your bonds can understand how the city's doing financially during the entire time that the bonds are outstanding so you contract with us to help you with that we'll continue to help you with that uh on an annual basis for these as well likewise something called Arbitrage so the IRS doesn't want you issuing tax exempt debt and then investing it at a rate higher than uh what you're paying in interest and so we have to continually monitor that again we're helping you do that and working with that on your behalf uh and then again what this talks about is you know you have a history of working with uh a couple different entities that go along with this to there's a you know legal council that's necessary Bond Council here so uh that's been taed stous and Hollister in the past so that continues to be the case uh and then uh there is an interaction that has to happen when you pay your bonds and so um almost every municipality uses paying agent services and so we help you with that as well that just make sure that we get your money to the right place where it needs to be so that Bond holders are paid on time because it's very important to make sure that that happens and that you're not late because that can be problematic with respect to your bond rating and then again I talked about this this will be rated uh so we'll work with standard and pors who have historically rated the city uh to get that underlying rating although we as I said we'll be using that AAA rating is what this will be sold as a AAA rated uh piece of debt and then just so then just briefly the schedule so how this works is you know we're having this this discussion tonight kind of our pre pre sale discussion um and then uh you know we would proceed then to schedule that call with the rating agency and uh we do what we call a due diligence call to review the official statement so we help you prepare your offering document that's your offering document to the market lists all the details about the city and the transaction and all those sorts of things so we just make sure that that's being represented accurately that it's 100% correct before we actually put it out to the marketplace so we go through that exercise and distribute that on this current schedule around August 29th is the plan uh and then uh the uh council meeting to award the sale of the bond so that same day uh in the morning we'll take all the bids in that's actually going to be September 10th that's a that's a a change it's a September 10th meeting we'll take bids in our office that morning tabulate all those bids and then whichever one of those ends up being the the lowest cost option present that that evening for your consideration at the council meeting I'm assuming you approve that then uh we would proceed to a closing that would happen on October 1st and that's when you would have funds available to you from that Bond transaction and you could start um you know using those to both reimburse and pay for new project costs so I I I'm going to stop but I'm certainly happy to go in any more detail about any of this or answer questions that you have about the whole Bond transaction does council have any questions the council meeting is September 10th okay I mean I feel like I need a dumb Dum 101 explanation because bonds City bonds are not anywhere near my area of expertise I mean is this something we need to do yes to it's a cash flow issue a c we have a cash flow issue I mean we haven't seen the current budget so I feel like this is the Curt before the horse a little bit because we haven't seen well can you explain explain why we're do try to explain it a little bit too and I might need Noah well but so as part of the long-term plan so this is um uh so the budgets we're starting to do the preparation for the budget the um so the budget's kind of again for operations next year and kind of what our Capital needs are the cash flow um issue here is is um part of the long-term financial plan we're projecting our future Capital needs um along with the rate study which shows that we're in the negative right now okay and so with our cash flow essentially our general fund helping to cash flow our utilities because it's we're in the negative we need to um we're we're going to be re like part of the financial plan was to reimburse for some of the costs we in our utilities that we already paid for to get more cash back into it because we're sitting so negative right now and so we just need that boost again to have more of that cash flow okay I me I know we've had cash flow issues for a long time yeah um so help me understand if we didn't do this it's so right now and I hope I explained this and all come up if I'm saying this wrong but so right now the city um receives its uh tax revenue twice a year which is in I believe July and November December okay and so it's kind of like we get those those cash boosts where then you get it and then you have to you're kind of spending it down because you don't have a lot of more Revenue like we have some Revenue coming in from other sources but not really and so you're kind of spending down and then you get that boost again and then you're spending down and so right now because we're not we're float kind of floating our util our utility funds our revenue from those are not keeping up we're take we're we're spending it down quicker the our because our general fund is kind of helping cash flow our utilities and so cash flow is kind of spending down quicker than we than we than if we had the adequate Revenue coming in so part of the rate study that that we did and and we're going to be putting that into place is that going to help that's longterm going to help us that's yeah the long we get out of the cash yes problem so when we start adjusting our um rates that'll start covering our expenses more the revenue and so that that'll close the gap and we're going to rely on our general fund less to cash flow our utilities and so it's part of the long-term financial plan was to to kind of do to schedule some of these bondings for the next four years so that we can at least cash flow that until we can get everything back to where it needs to be so you reached out to for the bonds they didn't come we reached out cuz we as part of our long-term plan no and I have been been concerned about cash flow and so um we just it's kind of a way to get us back on part of the long-term plan to get us back on track until both utilities and general fund can cash flow themselves okay and so it's part of fixing the the issue that we were were having with the imbalance of the funds am I seeing that correct so this is the same transaction that was done in 2020 same structure so yeah oh excuse me so this was the same um transaction we did in 2020 so we're refunding the utility debt so as these projects have gotten to be millions of dollar projects we weren't getting the cash up front we're getting on the back end so we did Reach Out hours so okay and then this is kind of another dum dum question for you so forgive me but I think I heard you say that for 10 years we cannot pay this off early if we come into some huge infl F of money um is that standard operating procedure yeah so mayor REM Council yes it's it is standard um there all of these Bond transactions have a a a period where you can't call the bonds and it it it fluctuates but it's Market dependent you can you can um uh you know require that you have a call date that sooner but you generally pay for that in the rate and more interest expense and so um so there is that that lockout period but you'll have other bonds that will be coming due that you would have the opportunity to prepay if you did come into that windfall as you suggest that's what I that's why I'm looking forward to seeing the budget to see what bonds are coming up and where we're getting close to getting some of them paid off I mean I I'm slowly understanding the need for this calls for 2025 issue as well okay so there's $7.8 million going be issued in two years so we'll be coming back again next year so we can map we can maybe explain it a little bit better I think maybe that's do I think bigger picture too and this is I'm helping me explain it to myself maybe to answer council member mck's question too and anyone including myself like listening it's like really high level where just this is part of our long-term financial plan like I don't know how many meetings ago it was when we looked at you know kind of projecting the budget Levy and where we may be in a few years and to keep this on course for that this is kind of an integral part to it I would understand it as like the most effective efficient way to get where we so we keep doing what we say we were going to do with the long-term financial plan right yeah it's to to carry out carry that plan forward but to also make sure we're covering our bills in both yep both areas um we're we're reimbursing ourselves for projects we've done in the past plus we got projects coming up in the future we need cash flow we have to have cash flow to do this this is something that we don't really have a choice we're gonna have to do I understand all that I'm just trying to understand fundamentally I City finances are are you know nowhere near my area of expertise so I'm just trying to understand it yeah so keep in mind we do$ three to5 million a CP a year and we've been cash flowing that with the levy and cash on our books for almost a half a decade so like in 2020 we had an issue new debt for 5 years we reimburse our at that point we're doing the same thing in now so it is confusing you know we're not taking out debt for a future project we're taking out for a prior project it makes it a little bit more complicated that's we're keeping under 5 million but it is we've done it in the past the same structure so is there any kind of a 101 Bond City budget type book I mean it would be I I'd really rather understand what what's going on here than just sit here and ask all these ridiculous questions yeah wees we can try and um I can try and put something together that kind of explains um kind of the league might have they might have type of you can push Play and Learn it yeah I would say ERS might too and that's why we've been utilizing them as to help us through this because I don't you know none of us know it yeah they might have perfectly I mean that's why we're needing their help when I did I think you did a graphic when you first started that was really understandable yeah yeah with the kind of where yeah I can I can reach out yeah look at the league look at what ERS has and I can try and put together kind of more of a a 101 kind of informational sheet to yeah to help out it it does it we're I think we're in a unique situation um again with the nice thing is is when we go into this rating call we do have that long-term plan in place we do have the utility rate study in place they're going to want to look at those things because of where we're sitting right now with uh the the the deficit in our utility funds they're going to want to know how we're going to get out of that and how we got there and so um by having a plan in place they that will be uh a strength when we go into that call but um yeah it's it's um yeah it's a cash flow issue that we just need to manage at the moment and um part of the plan to get us healthy and all of our funds again in the next and so taking out this Bond we're going to go from a double star rating to a triple star rating did I hear that so we we're triple we're going to use the state's rating pck you back out of the state y so ours is doua in 2020 is last time we did this so that's the lowest interest we could po right the city's underlying rating will not probably change but when you sell the bonds it'll be sold in the market as if they're AAA rated which is helpful for you all for six got it so so this evening um part of the process will be to approve us to submit that application to the Minnesota public facilities Authority um and that's where that 500 fee comes in and then um we will go through that process and that's how we will they will work with them to to get that AAA rating um so um yeah I'll I'll do my recommendation and then if you have any more questions so again the timeline tonight would be to approve the resolution that would provide us to uh to go out and sell the general obligation utility revenue bonds so that would be um as Jason said putting that out for bid and then we will review those um at the September 10th meeting um you'll review all the the organizations that bid on that and then also to approve us uh moving forward with applying with the application for that credit enhancement agreement with Min inota public facilities authorities so that we get that rolling as well and that's for the AAA um yeah so that's our recommendation um if you have any questions though let me know and um y we I'll he I'll hear other questions for megy or Jason he I have one the whereas at least once in the resolution still has that September 11th date I don't know if it does um that will be changed um So within that resolution we do have September 11th that is actually going to be changed we're recommending it to be amended to September 12 okay so whoever makes a motion clarify the date where would the I'm on 1891 where would the date need to be clarified is it um it's under um number two oh okay yep I I didn't read the whole got it got it reference once yeah all right you want to make a motion or well I I just had two things I guess I wanted to add before I mean I I I would be ready to make a motion but um if Mr lansman found anything on here that you wanted to comment on or no okay was fine cool um and then I think it's important to me just reiterate that this is us keeping on task with our long-term financial plan and doing what we said we were going to do to hit some of the marks that we talked about in previous meetings and we're making sure that that stays on course um this is probably the best way to get there so um I don't have anything else I wanted to add let anybody else does the bonds are going to be what three and a quish is what it looks like uh right yeah mayor Ms of the council we have in here we have 05% of a cushion in here just because we don't know what the Market's going to do between now and the time of sale but we're estimating about 3.54% yeah yeah that's I mean AAA 3 and A2 mhm we're doing okay on our side yeah so okay someone thank you want to make a motion thank you I can do that if we're all set yep um I would like to make a resolution providing for the sale of 4.82 million General obligation utility revenue bonds and authorizing the city to enter into a credit enhancement program agreement with Minnesota public facilities Authority did you change the date oh and uh number two changing the changing the date to September 10th 2024 not September 11th on item number two okay all right all right I got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right that passes thank you guys thank you everybody and then um number eight we got T-Mobile telecommunication Solutions project um if you wouldn't mind doing a motion for the credit enhancement oh is that a second part um just entering into the allowing staff to move forward and with that applying for that agreement okay does someone want to do that uh for the credit enhancement part and that that's what the state of Minnesota are you talking about 1894 page 18 I do not have the number um I think it I think it's that one it can just be a motion to direct staff or what do you what do you want staff or yeah I I mean maybe we don't need a motion uh well we should it was it was uh to direct staff to um move forward with submitting the application to Mo uh with the state for the credit enhancement agreement you go back up to just so up to the top there 1894 right there right here so make someone make a motion for that um I would like to make a motion to direct staff to move forward with um the credit enhancement program agreement okay got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppose all right that passes thank you all right now to number eight T-Mobile telecommunication Solutions projects all right mayor and Council um I'm going to try and get through this as quickly as possible um in your packet is a memo that I put together explaining um this project so uh at the moment the city am Mound contracts with several providers for telecommunication services so we have Frontier they do our V our VoIP line Internet uh and pots lines those are um the old analog lines um we'll go into that a little bit later Verizon is our service provider for cell phones tablets lines and mobile internet so out in the field Mediacom provides uh fire department internet and then myel is a company that Pro provides our current desk phones so those are hard Hardware phones that um sit on our desk um so the city has Services provided to five buildings and structures throughout the city and also additional uh infrastructure that includes lift stations and Wells and then I listed the five locations um so again I'm I won't go into great detail but uh for each company but I provided that in the packet in more detail um again with cell phones vo phone uh our Vo uh phones and um pot slines so a little bit about um why we started looking into this our myel desk phones are going to become obsolete um they're going to no longer service them next year and so um we were uh so we we had to start looking for a solution there as to you know how we were going to replace those desk phones also our pot lines um there's some uh regulations that have changed as far as um phasing out those lines and so um we're finding that um if we don't upgrade we are we could be subject to higher costs uh less um our our uh if they ever go down the service um the regulations for service are um could be delayed and so um there's some risk there um and so that was one of the things we needed to start looking at too is how we were going to address our those lines that we currently have and we do have several lines in that include fire alarms uh service alarms fax lines and elevator alarms and we we got to make sure that those are not interrupted uh or most of those so uh over the last several months staff has been researching effective and efficient ways to navigate um decommissioning those pots lines and then the discontinuation of those uh desk phones and then other uh minor telecommunication issues and so the solution that we we've kind of come up with is bringing it all under T-Mobile um they're able to uh within their organization they team up with other companies and they're able to address all of address our needs in different ways um so that include that would include um internet um it one option would be I do have Daniel from T-Mobile here if you have more technical questions but we would um install be able to keep the infrastructure that we currently have for our like connect our internet um but they would have to install some uh an adapter a 5D adapter on City Hall um that would allow us again to keep the infrastructure that we have um we would have to install some new routers um within the liquor store fire station and public works but um that's that would kind of improve right now we have um uh uh what is it land or oh gosh sorry we don't we don't have um Wi-Fi in City Hall so that would add Wi-Fi but also maintain our current Internet so we would have both of those Solutions and it would improve again if somebody comes in that they could actually use Wi-Fi in City Hall which we don't currently offer pot lines um so we would T-Mobile would partner with a company called umaa to convert our pot lines from analog uh to digital with um again detailed information in the packet of how that works but it would um be through a device called Uma air dial uh desk phones and phones T-Mobile offers a desk and computer phone solution called diad so this is a cloud-based platform and so we would have we would replace some of the existing desk phones we did an audit um some of them we will eliminate because we don't need them anymore just with Staffing changes since we got those myel phones there's we we're just trying to get rid of as much Hardware as possible um and then we'd also look into uh reducing other Hardware like cell phones um all the Public Works employees all have a flip phone right now um they all have their own phone number but one option would be for them to the diad option includ includes an app that connects to the desk phone to the computer or a um smartphone and so one option would be for them to use their smartphone download the diad app and then they it would all it would keep all City information within that app and it would tell you if you're getting a call from the city um that's an option and then we would eliminate the hardware cost and that and then we could do like a small stien monthly it would also um just in talking to some employees it would eliminate them having to carry round two phones and so that's a benefit I guess um that we were looking at for both both sides um all right so um I I did review the financial costs and there are some um Hardware initial Hardware costs um that I did go over um I guess I'm not going to go into like in-depth I'm going to do the summary page just because it gets kind of can be a little overwhelming to go through this all um but so the combined new costs again we do we would have a about a 10,500 onetime cost to get um internet setup the desk phone setup and then the um uh the pots lines changed over um this does not include um at some point we do need to do all of our lift stations that's this because those are pots lines that doesn't include that yet we're looking at that internally as to when we can do it because it's about $1,000 per lift station so we just got to but we have to do it again because these lines are becoming obsolete um and so we're hoping as part of the budget process to get that incorporated as a capital project but um okay so again combin new costs hard the onetime cost and then when we looked at the monthly costs we we um the new monthly cost we project to be about 1,653 for about a little under 20,000 a year so that's that's what we're project we're again replacing all these items we think are it'll come in around 20 a year if you look at the current cost um for for all of these Services we're at about 41 right now and so we do think that it'll be about a little over $21,000 savings just in getting everything switched over to T-Mobile having it all Under One Roof having more efficiency um again some of the stuff has become Obsolete and so it's just like creating more efficiency um just changing stuff over uh again those a lot of those a lot of it needs to happen anyway but that's what we're projecting um our savings to be we again have those hard costs that we have to to pay which is the 10,500 um but again long term we think that it's a real it'll be a cost savings and it'll be a benefit um again get everything updated where it needs to be um future projects I do mention the lift station again we're going to talk about that um can you re do we have 27 lift stations 30 30 yep yep so we think it'll be about 30,000 um the the uh T-mobile RT mobile rep uh Daniel has been working with the city attorney um on the agreement documentation um it is still in progress um I did talk with our rep today and and he says his team should be getting more information over to uh attorney landsman uh by the end of the week and so for our recommendation we are waiting we it would be contingent on the City attorney signing off on that agreement um but we are we do think as staff that this will create a lot of efficiency and we do think it'll get us where we need to be um and so we are recommending uh approval from the city council to start the transition process uh with T-Mobile and um again based on Final sign off from the city attorney that's a lot of information I apologize it's um but we're confident that it'll be a good solution and it'll save us money and um yeah get us where we need to be all right coun and Daniel is here if we have any technical questions does councel any questions I just have a couple comments good job for doing this research it's a it's a no-brainer cost savings for for the savings but I'm just wondering did you do your how did you end up with T-Mobile did you do your due diligence looking at other companies and found that T-Mobile would give you everything you need for the right cost yeah so I didn't so this has been like a pretty lengthy process so um I have been you know uh working trying to work with Verizon on a few things um myel has reached out to us as well um and then front here as well so I have been work I I was working individually with these companies and um I won't go into too much detail but I just feel like um we did I did end up having a meeting with Daniel uh we connected at I don't know how we connected if it was at a conference or or what but I the idea kind of popped into my head that we you know it when you don't have local representatives for companies it can be really challenging to get S the service that you need and want um as far as like quick response if something goes down um and and I I don't want to I have to be careful what I say but it's just refreshing to have a local representative that can offer solutions to all of our um needs as far um because we have been already having issues with some of our um just some of our telecommunications and the and just getting stuff fixed with some companies has been very challenging um and and so um I guess I would have to be honest I haven't reached out to another company to see if they could provide all the solutions here I I I I'm not questioning your judgment I'm sure you you researched this great I it was just a question yeah yeah but I think um again they were they came in and they were a I was like well actually we need this done and we need this done and they said yes we have a solution to all those and I you know it just in the end it came together and we feel like it will work really well so perfect do you want to give us your name and just say it quick anything yeah nice evening this evening uh Daniel odonnell uh T-mobile yeah great to meet you guys yeah uh Megan did a great job uh you know being diligent and auditing their existing services and asking all the the right questions so we're excited for the opportunity to partner that's good but if you guys have any questions I'd more than happy to explain any of the services uh or the technology improvements got to ask him something he's waited two hours I I have a question what other cities if you can disclose or can you say at least how many or maybe names of other cities that have done this uh I can't name other cities but you know we work do a lot of these very much in depth throughout uh henin County with the county um and across the state of Minnesota North Dakota okay or that's at least my territory good that was going to be one of my questions to so that that's great you service cities so you know the needs and yep uh cities counties uh police fireant libraries so they're all engaged in different uh combinations of services that we and so Maggie when you said you're excited about having a local representative are you in and around the Twin Cities I'm from the Twin Cities well this is kind of the Twin Cities but I'ma okay yeah it's it's just nice having somebody in Minnesota because um some of our accounts we find that we're somebody's in New York or somebody and so Daniel's been great about being able to come out here and actually assess things here and and that's nice because um again when you when your people or representatives are in New York the response time is not up when when we need things down quickly it can be challenging so one one last thing is there like a contract set amount of time that we have to be with you uh each Service uh has its own uh independent options so just as an example uh Uma AAL has a few different plan options the best plan option is the three-year um and that's the one that that we recommended um just from a I mean these are not elevators aren't going away um from a service agreement standpoint uh dpad does not have an agreement so it's custom customizable based on the needs of the environment uh and that's cloud-based so it could you know support you know a desk phone computer application phone application just based on that need or one or all of those services so and that could be customized uh you know based on what the ecosystem needs require and then with phones there's a two-year agreement with uh when you get a subsidized device okay um but there's no agreement if if you're providing your own equipment and the uh City Hall uh cradle Point adapter would be a great example there's you know no cost to that or no contract because the device is purchased right okay and then once you transition everything over do you do a total training with everybody who will be needing to access all this new equipment absolutely station the training and implementation are included as part of the the Dow pad uh deployment um and then Steve Holm my Solutions engineer and myself here are local to help support that but there's also virtual training that great you know is often time a little more convenient you get more people depending on the schedule um and then Uma uh that's all done remotely for training um but there's on-site installation so everything can be itself in um uh the Uma pots replacement um that is self-install capable um but uh they have the ability to come out and do that installation and then uh their training is virtual but it's a very very simple portal setup and management so it's an all-in one system well this is all so exciting updated servers you know from the archaic ages and now updating your this is great yeah and um there'll be a significant uh opportunity with in the lift stations uh not only from a monthly cost savings but from a ability to manage those Services um in a real-time basis nice when we get to that perfect good thank you appreciate you coming out yeah thank you all right any other questions or you want to no I mean it's like long-term cost savings small upfront cost yeah thank you okay well we got a resolution oh maybe 1897 don't have a resolution um just direction or motion to give staff Direction I think resolution or because we still need to come back with the contract is that the plan um so I did recommend I I did send over the agreement it just came through at like 6:40 I'm going through it um but I you may not get a response until Monday I'm out of the office's when the contracts done we're ready so do we just need to just do a motion to the St so scottw uh so my recommendation was approval by the city council um to start the process when you are good with the con I mean it could be because it could be motion to approve subject to uh an agreement that is satisfactory to the City attorney and city manager yep no that sounds good say that again okay so so moved yeah that's what we always did on plan yeah she's one she's the one who's doing the minute so that's what I was like before I have to say the findings of fact I was going way back to rewatch the video yeah so um motion to approve the proposal from T-Mobile subject to an agreement between T-Mobile and the city that is satisfactory to the city of attorney and a city manager I always like to have at least two people involved so moved okay I got a motion can I get a second second okay any other discussion on this all those in favor please say I I I those oppose all right that passes thanks again for coming up I I do have one question is it possible to get a word version of what you sent over if I'm I'm sure it is uh I I didn't even get a chance to read it it was almost too small on my phone so like I tried to glance at it but yeah I can ask for one absolutely yeah if not I'll just you know MK up and put my questions in there sure yeah uh if I I won't get it probably till tomorrow but if well that's fine I mean I'll look at it now and when I'm on the plane so I'll get back I mean then I'll go through it and we'll we can talk Monday at at the latest all right thanks or earliest all right number nine decorative crosswalks oh I think that was [Applause] sorry thank you Mayer and members of the council Matt Balman city engineer um so a few meetings ago he asked us to to kind of come back with some options for crosswalks more artistic options that could be placed in the city uh so we did a little asking around um put together kind of a simple table fairly high level but just kind of go over the differences and options and there's early two types of of options so there's surface applied so that just goes on existing pavement and then there's um pavement treatments so we put a different type of Pavement in there the options there um and then there's a few things to consider so it's not just the onetime application it's going to be the maintenance of it of it and then the potential reapplication of these things going forward and then that who can do it so if we do something special most of what is done now the city staff takes care of so they typically put on what you see on the left there they'll put in they just do painted on crosswalk blocks and so most of the a lot of times those are ground the Pavements ground down a little bit so when the paint goes on and snow plows go past they don't take it off so there's a couple so the couple surface applied options to the right there so there's those are just two names to considers traffic patterns XD and durm they are pre-made patterns that are basically kind of stamped into the PVE the existing pavement and so you can get any many different options for those patterns and so the one of the the the issues with those is you to get them to because it is a pattern you don't necessarily want to do it in several steps which so it gets to be a little bit of a problem when if you don't close the whole Lane down to traffic to put them down so so that's one of the negatives there and then again as eventually those will peel off and then trying to replace them and that give a little bit of an issue uh then we can go to the next one there is Artistic paint you can stay up on that same table yet so that is really just like it sounds so pick an artist pick a design and they kind of put it put whatever paint design on there that's appr that's agreed to you that that needs a reflective stripe on each side just to make it stand out a little bit more and then put a clear epoxy over that the the time that that'll last that's going to vary a little bit and the cost is is uh dependent on whatever the artist would would charge it for that so you get lots of options there um so then you go get to the pavement options and so these are generally going to have much longer life to them the the trick is to install them they're you know they are generally going to be inlaid within the existing asphalt so there's concrete and pavers uh I put pavers in it just because it is an option I think we had enough discussions on that that we don't want to move forward with that if we don't have to right um but the concrete yeah you put you put that in that's generally going to disrupt traffic for you know seven days seven plus days so that's how long we need to keep traffic off of it so that would again need to shift traffic around or you need to close the street to put it in but you can put in colors you can put in stamping you can do things like that um and then the and the pavers again just another another option there generally we'd want to have a concrete strip on either side of that as well just to kind of hold them in place they call that a header um and then those would last as long as the papers would last right so to S to summarize that then the there there's many options here generally they're going to cost three to 10 times as much as what the normal um painting that we do in town is and then they they're going to disrupt traffic for a little bit to to get them in the I think when this came came up and just in my head I think a lot of the areas where these would probably go are on the county road so that adds another layer of complexity to get them installed that they would generally let us do them with approval and then but then we're responsible to maintain them going forward most of the crosswalks that cross the county road you know they paint maintain the ones that are going parallel the city paints and maintains um so yeah we just have to work that out if this is something we want to to suit So Co yeah that it's kind of a discussion any anything you guys want to ask and also have any questions thank you for doing the research yeah where did this like all this this conversation all start I don't recall this convers I remember talking about it I do because I've seen them actually in action and they um the the these decorative crosswalks also serve for traffic on so drivers see them you know and they slow down because they're trying to figure out what it is um and um you know I've seen them I mean I know what they are I just didn't recall having any conversation about about at either at um yeah I don't which which meeting it was but it didn't come up guess personally I think it's unnecessary a huge expense and Overkill I say stick with the white line Abby Road we'll stick with classic ABY Road classic Abby Road I I guess for me I mean like they're they're cool but like we should crawl before we walk as we get that whole area put back together exactly and just get it done right like we're getting rid of Pap we're not re like want to say the P the word paper like I don't know I don't know how the different ones work but I don't know I guess I'm a fan of the classic ones yeah i' I guess I'd say the same thing for [Applause] now I disagree and given but what we're going to do with our sidebox in terms of colors and stuff a new style of a crosswalk would fit with it but on one boat yeah well all right well we appreciate it yeah thank you thank you y all right so I think we're at number 10 councilor Pew do you have any reports no no okay uh council member m you know I just have a few things um we've talked about this before and we've had Grand View apartment people come to discuss with us but there are just continually so many complaints about Grand View the management and the condition of the apartments I'm just curious do we have any recourse or can we intervene in any way I'm sure you see on next door every other day I don't even I don't go on there I don't I don't I do only because I feel like I need to see what everybody's complaining about I don't ever talk on it but you know it just seems like this has been going on been an ongoing problem for a long time so I'm just asking we've had somebody I think here last December who got up and spoke about it she was moving and I believe there's maybe new management but as a city is there anything we can do I I want to be able to answer people when they bring this up or is this literally something that the management of facilities is the only person responsible for keeping their property maintained and livable we did send a letter to I think that came from Andy this is before you but um but yeah he I think it's in his file I don't know where he's at with it if he's closed it out or we got to reopen it I'm just bringing up because there have been a lot of recent complaints so it's it's on the top of my head can you have you and him meet about that and see if he needs to reach back out to management again this might be a different management company than the one before but I feel like they got to know one um Minnesota has really strong laws in favor of tenants yeah and so if they organized if they went to probably like legal aid well remember their organizer moved to a different location that's what they were struggling with so so you're hearing from multiple people but no organizing well they used to have a gal that lived there from our previous speaker and she ended up moving so I'm not sure if they have somebody who's advocating for them over there I'm just reading all the complaints that never seem to go away nothing seems to be getting better it was just a question so when I answer do you know about it or do you want to get back to us on it I've heard some things but I mean so we don't do rental licenses so we're not inspecting Properties or anything I think that there's some recourse on the building official side because you know apartments and rentals still need to meet certain standards so was it a county thing it could be County or state I mean I from a actual building I mean we're I don't know what Andy cited i' have to see but I'm guessing it's probably outside uh maintenance of the building or the property but anything inside is I don't know that that's any of our they they can withhold their rents and put put the rent in ESC they can who can a tenant can if you feel that your landlord's not meeting health and safety issues in your proper you know where you're renting you can escrow your rent put you put in a separate account and withhold it I was just simply wondering if we as a city as a city there was [Music] discussion a while back about whether or not to do rental licensing if I remember correct and and it was never pursued by the City rental license every year two years or three years when you come in for a new rental license you um there's an inspection done you have to bring your property up to right we did talk about that yeah um but besides that I'm assuming you know what you're correctly probably said that Andy was doing was looking at um nuisances or code violations on the outside on the inside the unless unless it really Rises to a level of like a hazardous building which they wouldn't be able to have occupancy um which I don't think from what I'm understanding that means not be the issue they really I mean we really don't we don't get involved with the in inside of a building on building code with the with the billing code unless they're coming in for some something that would be permit involved so again this is the city but could they reach out to the county or the state is there departments there that can help these people out um or could maybe we tell Jesse to look into that I would offer I'm just wondering if for Last Resort what kind of authority do we have if any to try to help I would say probably very little but I would offer that we might be able to better help somebody get connected to a resource I mean that would be I think probably our best role um unless like you said I mean if it's a actual hazardous building um then that would be something we may need to enforce but um it's it's a tough situation but there are resources and I mean I know it's tough to find them so if you get people coming to you send them our way and I mean maybe we can find somebody for them whether that's count your state and Council M Pew is correct with regards to the statutes about tenant remedies that are there um regardless of what their lease may say that there are tenant remedies and they can do and I I don't know if it's is still around cuz I'm going back to when I was in law school and I did this and I had a full head of hair back then but there used to be and it probably still around something called homeline h o m oh that's right yeah and it's a place where tenants can call up and I don't think they they look at it's it's usually Man by law students or women or however we say it now but uh staffed there we go by by uh uh law students um and I don't believe I at least back in the day that it wasn't based on income it was just you had questions about rental is a place you can go to and they may be that they may be able to then connect them to the sources um I may look up real quick to see if I can find it for anybody listening they can they're hearing you so yeah it here's I just looked it up it's homeline hold on one second it's homeline mn.org so h o m e l i n mn.org and it says right in their tagline free legal help for renters home so they that would be a good resource to go to um doesn't involve the city but they could but but it's there and then they can connect you to whatever resources are needed great thank you I just have a couple more quick things I wasn't here the last meeting so some of this is um Sher you're at the farmers market a lot and I'm there pretty much every weekend and I love chatting with the vendors it has been a pretty tough summer for them down at the farmers Market from the road construction and all the Essa you know construction and they they just want um us to make sure everybody knows that parking is not a problem they can still pull in down that the street even though it look it is a dead end they can still pull into the the ramp and the farmers market parking um and they just really really appreciate our community support so just wanted to pass that along um I want everybody pray know office but for those that don't Paula is not here tonight because her son John had a suffered a cardiac arrest on Friday and he's still in critical condition um he was a mound firefighter for 20 years and most people in the community know him from his lawn care business so I just wanted to let um everybody know that doesn't and that we're keeping Paula and John in our thoughts for you know a full recovery and then last but not least Jesse you're probably sick of me asking but any word on Dwayne's 66 building I heard rer that she's putting it up for sale again have you heard that what do you want to respond first or I will say I've been reaching out um as recently as this week um remember he came to talk to us it well we just look for polite we politely look for updates um you know of course we can't force anybody to do anything with their properties as far as develop or anything so we're I will continue on that um I had heard some questions about it at uh um spirit and I thought there was some movement we were aware of it or we thought we were aware of a movement before that so I I wish I had a better answer but I I wish so too because it's it's like you I get 10 10 asks a week on what are they doing where and I'm like I I I'm so tired of saying I don't know I don't know so I was actually going to call today and I I forgot I'll be honest um I even have the message that I will call you tomorrow um was kind of about a different thing but I was going to ask her about this as well uh so yeah I guess and I actually asked him to reach out a week before that and he didn't get any response so but I am I had a little bit of communication nothing specific but once we once I hear hopefully maybe next time I can say something maybe I haven't even seen her CU often I would just swing in you know after she purchased the property but I haven't seen her for a really long time down there yeah I don't know the last randomly I'll she's going in and out of there but okay that's it all right thank you uh council member kasano um I don't have anything except for I had two people just mention that when they're listening to the meetings that it's very hard to hear all of us right so not when they're when people are speaking that's fine it's just I don't know it's like all of us it's just really hard to hear so for the eye in the sky up there if there's anything that we can do to get I don't know better microphones or something I don't know so when they're watching it on video they're like it's still hard to hear you guys yes we are we are working on okay Maggie yeah I can do I so I I received one quote and I just received a second quote just cuz I wanted a second opinion um last week and so I'm hoping I can sort through both of those and we can get something going soon it just took a while um to get both of those quotes back and so definitely we need some improvements and hopefully we can get a solution soon so I apologize it's taken so long it's okay could we put like a Time on it like could get an update in a month or something well so just before we go too far remember we're talking about this building yeah okay so that's thing one right y um we don't want to update too much here in case we do sell the building right we don't know we're waiting that we're WR n answers on that yeah but and and we're so in the beginning phases of you know but we don't want to spend a whole bunch of money upgrading all this at the same point we did talk about um you can get a big huge um I don't know how big but a big screen TV that's clear that's going to be smaller than that but it's going to be clear color you'll be able to see it the other thing too is nobody can hear anything out there so you can hear our voice but this is okay for the video but nobody can hear us MH and so she's just looking looking at like a cost effective way that we can make this better temporarily or if no we're staying here forever let's go let's Okay do this better so I mean people sit here and they still can't hear us yeah if it's a lower cost temporarily I think it might make a lot of people happy still but for like a grand or two grand you can get a big TV and throw it right up there but then still we have you know so there's a couple problems and she knows you're working on that yeah I'm trying to separate it out a little bit and and anything that we would improve now I am like I want to be able to use as much of it as possible if we were to move and so that was kind of one thing I brought up with everybody so yeah yeah I've seen some of the bit she's copying me on us so but yes let's get going yeah that's all I got all right um I have a lot of stuff but I think my computer's going to die here so I'm going to go fast um so local government Aid guess what we got this year zero as planned um and Jesse maybe you can include this in the next meeting but I I mean you should see the numbers on here that these other cities are getting and you know this is a big issue a couple years ago where you know we were getting 300 then it went down to one z z you know and you know they they have some kind of calculation on how we get stuff and we don't and me personally I know I've been talking to our Representatives you know at the state level um you know we you know City on the day I know we were or Hill on the day whatever it's called we were down there talking about this as well too but you know it's I don't know it's pretty it's you go down there and testify for for water needs and this and that you know we needed all this money um not that that is what this is about but it's like we have one of the highest debted cities in the county and yet we we get zero it's pretty frustrating so anyway I just well we need we need to look at what are the what's in the formula right and how can we get the right numbers so again I I I have talked to our state and Senator and they know the problem but and of course if we have new ones next year we should keep keep on them so yeah pretty frustrating but and and if you think about it you know so we you know now we got Levy or franchise fees or whatever it's like we got to make up literally was it two years ago we were at 350 Grand LGA and now we have zero well who's got to make that up I remember you know was it every 75 grand is 1% you know it's a lot of money so you talk about you know what we had to do with the levy last year and hopefully a lot less this year but part of it's you you know we're not getting that anymore so anyway frustrating um uh so the police are not here obviously um but they wanted to pass along just kind of a quick update I think it's in the packet but they had 130 uh calls for service in Mound from July 1st to the 31st um no apparent up abnormal uptick and Trends um we continue to be proactive Center View Beach uh Sur side Landing uh with the bo issue permits um we've been watching through the late afternoons and early evening hours for the continued soliciting from door too we're catching a few without proper credentials but most of the solicitors are appr are obtaining proper credentials uh Lynwood Boulevard continues to be monitored for speeding drivers uh we have sat on the Road throughout the month and attempt to detour detour vehicles from taking the shortcut over Shoreline Drive there was an uptick in Theft from Motor Vehicles in the past few weeks we're trying to remind people to take valuable valuables in your house at night uh all night shift off officers are being proactive in the neighborhoods around the town officers have been on foot and on bikes patrolling attempting to keep thieves and burgly down uh and then of course they just say if if you have any questions please reach out you know anytime I know we all got the email from you know the chief or you could reach out to Jesse you can get a message over uh well I guess it was only me but uh council member Larson couldn't make it but we're we did a fire department uh meeting again we're we're doing these like every other week just to kind of look at Future opportunities for um you know better service and potentially combining or whatever but nothing you know we're just just a slow slug of a process but um the let's see yeah Jesse you're on the commissioner update with was it Heather Edson our new commissioner um we did a uh Zoom or a teams or Zoom or whatever it was um yeah she seems you know ready to take it on and uh right away I already gave her one to do um if you guys know like West Edge right and you know like the trail crosses over there um so you know mountains like boom Trail crosses Minista uh right by that Med Council property um my my big pet peeve maybe I'm on my own boat but is we just did the new one downtown right right by the well used to be Dakota Junction right yeah we did that we put a little sign you know stop here well we did this County did we complained about for 4 years they finally did it which is cool they put the the the paint down that you know the the lines we have to stop I've I've biked that five or six times now people are very uh good about stopping you know with cross will yeah yeah because now you put your bike just a you know an inch into the thing and they and people do stop mhm now if you're a foot back or two and you don't know what you're doing yet people go because you you know you got to kind of signal hey I'm trying to cross you yeah um so I love the cross that's good I'm glad we're looking into you know now how do we get flashers there uh on top of that but uh going back to the West Edge point on West Edge over there um it's just old paint it's it's it was a crosswalk that never should have been crosswalked and it's a just a trail Crossing but the Pain's trying to run out and and I didn't like the answer that you gave me originally and they're like well you know public work just like well we're just going to let it kind of Fade Out over time and I said and the other thing too is it's not even ours it's metric's issue it's not a very busy road either yeah I mean it can be at certain times today but but I'll tell you there's been in my own family a couple incidents where literally some kid just goes F right through it doesn't even stop I mean there's stop signs there it's true Crossing but my problem now ongoing issue is that now we fixed this other one and it's actually I think smart and how we did it but now this other one is opposite of what that one is so do people know what they're even doing and like if this one says you have you know cars you have to stop this one says nothing about that it just says Trail Crossing but on both of them it says bikers should be stopping I mean there needs to be a double safety net because I think it's dangerous right outside of buyers people still just you know go tearing through cuz I mean you see the crosswalk but I get concerned that you know like you said people kind of hesitate when they're sitting there should I go shouldn't I the car is like well are they going to go aren't they so flashing lights would be helpful but I think they should still put a gigantic stop sign on that trail too okay so they're double oh on the trail side on the trail side yeah okay so that's my issue is like now that we fix this you know one and I'm about in a minute talk about the other one that's going to be fixed in a month now this one's kind of an issue and again it's not even our town I get it but it's like it's you know you're coming into our town and it's like I want them to all kind of Jive the the other one on Lindale now at the end of the target not Target um what is it the one that the The Detour goes through right okay that doesn't have one either but that's really dangerous because if you're coming down the road behind uh Tanga toys and you turn up your car you know you're on a hill you're looking like this you can't see no the people on the side on the trail and the trail is kind of forested there um so the bushes kind of hide people as well and so that's more dous have a conversation with Jasper over it we did oh you already did well yeah so so I I just she said fine I'm reaching out to our County Commissioner and so that's what we did and um we'll see what happens we'll see uh but again I I don't care what every other town does but in our town when they come through if one says cars must stop now because we just updated for the county you know by Dakota Junction mhm they they should both or I guess there's three of them you know that go through our town I mean I don't know it's just like common sense to me like yeah you should really tell the cars to stop I mean at the end of the day if someone hits someone on a bike whether it's your your right to go across or not you're still first of all you're going to feel like crap second of all you're going to hurt someone and you're probably still going to lose a lawsuit the whole thing is dangerous with those Crossings that's sad so can you pull up my uh maybe the trail sign that I sent you uh I have a few pictures from you here yeah do that one oh that's perfect okay zoom into that okay so Spring Park and I know you guys are kind of working on this but I just want to emphasize that's what Spring Park says when you come into Spring Park and I didn't take a picture of all there's whole other ones but show show Mounds yay you you're in Mound come on so I think we need to design a better one and we need to work with three rivers in our parks department I can't even see what what are we looking at well it's the city of mountain it's it's just a te hey you're in the city of mountain you know like we should be we had that $8,000 sign when you come into M no this on the trail this on the trail trail oh okay so this is a this is probably what you guys should take up I know you're doing way finding stuff M and maybe this coincidence is is what you're going to be talking about anyway but it should be more welcoming yeah let's and and again I didn't do the other ones I didn't take we went all the way to our colon back yeah and there's a couple other ones that are just way better so can we put that on the parks to-do list and work with three vers Jesse you write that down okay and then show the other one with uh Dr Carter okay so yeah see see on the bottom right oh first of all this is me with Dr Carter he's our M council rep so Jesse and I had uh coffee with him uh this week and so I said hey well let's go look at you know cuz M counil came in and did all this work right so I said hey let's go look at it together and so the three of us went went down here and I see these pipes and then do you have the other picture of the pipe too real fast and then we'll come back to that one so these this is so you know we're we're doing this crosswalk right so when I ran four years ago in August this is the first thing I said I we got to have a crosswalk there we got blah blah blah right four years later it's like oh my God finally right so these are the pipes that the wires are going to come up and then they're going to put concrete in here and then they're going to make the you know the button that you push that signals right so then can you go back to the other one anyway I'm just super excited that I see those in the ground right now so I'm I'm geeking out a little bit uh so then here behind us you can see the the new curve line right um and then you can't really see it but it's probably be right behind my shoulders or whatever is going to be the crosswalk where was what are we looking at I don't even know what we're looking at 15 Shoreline coming around the shoreline Shoreline where Dakota crosses essas to the left back there okay um oh I see it okay got it yep so people don't really see this because it's blocked off we walked over there anyway um but anyway this is going to be I think the sidewalk where we're at um and this is the the the Flasher as you're coming from say Speedway towards downtown or the parking ramp this is the first flasher that's going to you know alert you hey it's coming and then the next one that's where the button will be and then there's going to be a pork chop in the middle and then uh you'll get pork chop is like a cement thing that kind of you have a like reprieve so you don't you know you don't have to run through four lanes of traffic so so this will come down into kind of a one lane and then come back out to two uh after this so anyway I'm super excited this Jesse said you guys had a meeting it should be done by the by Labor Day if no big rain or anything yeah September 6 is the date I saw today okay September 6 the flashes themselves though are delayed delayed a little bit yeah they're going to get temporary signs up but they won't be okay now delayed as in couple months couple months yeah oh my God but they so they'll still go in this year yet maybe they they should yes okay okay well whatever but at least at least it'll be we'll be the closer is it back order on them or what they yeah they just take a while they get once they can't order them until the contracts are approved oh okay and just so you guys know I just signed the you sign we sign a lot of stuff here so you guys sent me a thing that you signed a the final final contract that was just the other week um the final final final Final approval sign up they probably can release stuff before we're done with that that was that was like the cost agreement or the the cost sharing agreement but oh okay guessing they probably have those contracts will for the actual work right either way okay well so anyway we're almost there uh so the road should be back open by September 6 we're hoping okay yep think they're hoping for Labor Day but they put it another few days just in case cool and then that all the detours and everything all well be done with that and they'll have a new is it it will be the final final or just the original final payment will be done um there my Council will still be working on the other end of town here right but this part will be and there're are they going to you know sometimes they do it like an inch under it'll be all the way up it it'll be done so then we're never doing this again I mean for a while Never Say Never for a while that's great news cool all right well thanks for that uh let's see what else um National Night Out that was August something last week whatever uh so i r rode around with uh uh the fire department or police well the police yeah um one one of the officers and of course we see him you know other officers and yeah a fire so they split it up into four different uh groups and then each group went to six to eight different parties so went over by your your neighborhood they're having a whole big thing down there um oh yeah down at the end of three points yeah I went to the one on the on Philips Island um Essex and it's my brother's neighborhood oh good yeah it was good good time I don't know are you you put something on social that's uh let's see here I think next year when we have our event V park downtown we should do a city one down in our new park good idea cool let me just see if I have anything else here oh uh artessa got an update on that uh they're doing a grand opening uh ribbon cutting uh Tuesday October 22 so I don't know if like the like I don't know how big this is but they asked you know what days would work and stuff so it's looking like October 22nd at one I'd imagine you know all of us would be invited um so just kind of keep that on your radar um oh and then one other thing hanen County uh our our our two Commissioners voted against a uh a increase in in uh their Sal the salary was a 49% pay increase for themselves it started being 100% And they they worked it down they worked it down to 49 and then they backed out so the so a few people another mayor up north here of us uh shoot shot this out to a lot of Mayors and I think there was a little bit of a uproar and so yeah it was going to go from 122,000 to 182,000 in 2025 mhm 49% um so anyway it got shot down so I will say thank you to our two Commissioners for voting for our you know residents abound and um uh let's see here what else that's it I think yeah that's all I got all right uh do you have anything no I don't have anything we've covered everything today all right we should say congratulations though to our married our recently married City man city manager congratulations thank you yeah next time take a honeymoon you're right how could I miss this yeah so riveting right you could have been out on a boat or we'll do something once it's cold we'll do something all right well congrats um can I say one thing yeah um I just wanted to thank staff and the election judges um for the primary election and it went really well so I just want to shout out to them yeah yeah yeah thank you for and I tried the new that that new voting machine the one for people who can't see like me it was it was really quite quite interesting because you have earphones on and it talks you through the ballot and and then it's on a screen and you touch it and then you you touch it and then your the paper ballots in the side and it fills it out for you where do you vote at what PR I voted um you Beth oh bethl okay do they have that at each of them I think they had at H1 probably mhm cool it's a new one so you know so instead of having someone fill it in for you right you sit down and do it yourself you can see it good all right there's nothing else I'll take a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn all right second in a second any other discussion all those in favor please say I I I those oppos all right we're adjourned thanks are you going vacation