##VIDEO ID:Fw34gZr_ejA## okay I'm looking at the clock on the wall it looks like it's 7 o'clock I'd like to call to order the Tuesday December 2 2024 meeting of the mound Planning Commission this is a regular meeting I'd like roll call please Sarah Smith plan commissioner Derek AR here planning commissioner Nick Rosner here planning commissioner Samantha Wacker here planning commissioner Kristen young here Planning Commission chair David good here and um I note that we have a a new face tonight our admin tonight is Sarah lens so welcome Sarah okay um I do not believe we have any amendments to the agenda the chair would entertain a motion to approve the agenda as distributed motion to approve the agenda as distributed second we have a second discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppose nay motion carries turning now to minutes of the November 19th 2024 special SL rescheduled meeting of the commission does anybody have any additions or corrections to these minutes hearing none the chair would entertain a motion to approve the minutes as tributed Mr chair I see a note on my agenda that staff recommends we table this to the next meeting if I'm reading that correctly Can Am I the only one who's am I looking at the wrong I'm looking at the wrong one I'm sorry that's 2023 never mind my apologies no problem okay returning to the issue of the November 19 2024 meeting minutes chair would entertain a motion for approval motion to approve the minutes as distributed second we have a second discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppose nay motion carries okay Board of adjustment and appeals Planning Commission review recommendation on proposed amendments to city code chapter 119 signage this is continued from the November 19 2024 special slash rescheduled meeting Miss Rita good evening uh we have provided in the packet a revised set of signage regulations for your review um we used track changes so hopefully you were able to follow the changes that were proposed uh a few of the changes I think were things that I caught or saw and thought should be clarified most of them reflected our conversations um that we had last month or I guess it's only been two weeks but two weeks ago um so some of it is uh alphabetizing hopefully you caught that uh we had some conversations about banners and pennants so when I reviewed those things I felt like we should make some adjustments so some adjustments to definitions uh we do have a new section uh related to murals and I put it all the way at the end of the document um and part of that is because um procedurally um I included the procedures for murals there and it's not going to reference the rest of the doc the rest of the chapter so signs are procedur um earlier and so the murals are at the end of the document and that was one of the conversations that we had had we had also had conversations last uh time with regards to signs temporary banners penants and ground Banner signs that's probably the other area where we did a few more adjustments to reflect the conversation that we had had last time we had met um some of it is moving things around uh and some of it is adding some clarifications as we had discussed so I think what we're looking for this evening is any any other questions edits and then maybe uh a motion to move this forward for the city council for adoption um and that would happen not in December but something that would happen in January if you were comfortable with what we have put in front of you this evening so I can answer any questions or if you caught any edits that I should make let me know okay questions or comments for Rita I swear I saw something earlier but I can't find it now well if you I mean not that you're going to look again but if you did find it and remembered you can always let Sarah know because we can always make a small adjustment if it's a small adjustment um because we would like it to be accurate could uh Rita would you mind just commenting on the mural plan um so it says a mural plan must be reviewed and approved by the city council what what does that mean going forward for what would happen next yes so I believe um page 20 yep so the mural plan would be reviewed and approved by the city council uh after recommendation is received by the Planning Commission the second part of that sentence explains what would need to be included elements such as the location the size height color lighting and orientation and then a design sketch so that ensures that the city has the opportunity to review the mural and before it is um actually painted on a building so it would be like a an approval that would have to happen um it wouldn't be something that you could just put a mural on this is the plan for the mural uh okay I read that as we will be coming up with a forthcoming policy for the council to approve but this is the the applicant would for the mural plan okay makes sense but maybe I should make that adjustment I just to make sure it's clear if you you who do work with us all the time Reddit then I always feel like we should make a little adjustment to to reflect that so um we can I can submit that a little bit different um maybe it should be the applicant shall submit the proposed mural plan and that same thing and that would be enough to make that a little bit clear that sounds great okay further questions for Reit I think I found it awesome the very bottom of page 13 the edit is addressing painted wall signs oh then at one point in the second to the last sentence it uses mural and that oh yeah and that seems me to me to be really confusing yeah thank you that was probably because I liked the wording I had done in mural and then brought it back up for so thank you for that catch that's a good um pleas awesome and I think we had talked last time just about those very large signs that go across the street that should only be reserved for quasi governmental things and I just wanted to make sure I don't I forget exactly what section of that landed in but if you guys could remind me sure it's on page 15 number four temporary banners penants and ground Banner signs and I addressed the comment that Mr Baker made about the I think it's maybe our lady of the Leakes that does the the way they do the signs can't remember and then the C is the ones across the street great and we have it with permission of the roadway jurisdiction and it has to be related to some type of public semi-public something that has a special event permit that the city approved can't just be D G sale no and then what what part of the code would govern the the approval process for that then I believe just a second these are in I want to make sure I say it right oh went too far sorry oops so the um these are in the temporary sign section A and they are in the just allowed but the thing is you can't do it unless you have a special events permit or you're a government so that's how that will happen so it's in the section that says this is a temporary Banner however it's a certain subtype that's only allowed in in okay in that special with approval okay right now we don't have it as a special a specific permit partly because the special events permit is going to be the one that makes it happen or your the city and then you don't really need to issue a permit to yourself um that's the thought make sense further observations or recommendations regarding the language as presented well hearing none the only change I hear then is at the bottom of page 13 so and then a small change to 20 small change and a change to 20 to add the applicant on the mural section under the mural section so we have two changes two changes all right yes all right chair would entertain a motion to uh recommend to the city council that the proposed amendments to city code chapter 119 signage um be approved with the two changes as noted I move that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the pages 10 through 20 in the distributed packet with the two changes as noted second we have a motion to second discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I those oppose nay motion carries thank you Rita yes thank you and as I said this won't be on this month's agenda but we look at doing it in January um we do have to post it we have to post 10 days on the website and on the bulletin board it's not a public hearing but it will be out for public viewing okay moving on Planning Commission review SL recommendation regarding reappointments of Planning Commission members good heel and rosener it it's the custom of the Planning Commission to uh make a recommendation to the city council regarding U reappointments of planning Commissioners all of whom I believe have indicated an interest in in being reappointed am I correct Sarah that's correct okay so uh in order to uh maintain proper decorum um I plan on abstaining from this vote and I am assuming commissioner Rosner will also abstain but we can still go ahead with a recommendation with the remaining three commissioners so the chair would entertain a motion to positively recommend the reappointment of Planning Commission members good heel and Rosner uh I would make a motion that the Planning Commission recommend uh reappointment to the city council of Commissioners good heel and Rosner a second we have a second discussion speeches hearing none speeches all those favor signify by saying I I those oppose nay let the records show the commissioner's good and Rosner abstained from this vote okay moving on we voted last meeting to start the meetings at 6: PM instead of 7 p.m. and that's a done deal but we do need uh to formally change our Planning Commission R rules to um reflect the change in time you all see that discussed on page 21 any comments or discussion about that just a thought it would seem to me if you're going to move the start time up you would move by 1 hour you would move the mandatory conclusion time up by an hour as well but this isn't going to impact me so I guess I'll just give you with that observation I thought about that too though it could from 6 to 11 but that's a good point yeah that's certainly I don't know how they did that with the other commissions when they moveed to six did they also push beest with you I don't know that that that that the Council have that in their Provisions this is in the planning commission's work rules what's our conclusion time 9:00 11 11 11:00 it currently shows 7 to 11 yeah so the thought is if we were to move it to six we would drop to 10 Y and if you want to go isn't there some there's some language in that talks about that you can extend one more hour right yes it does say it can be waved by the majority yeah yeah we've done that before and then you set it all right so we would be looking at 6 to 10 what is the thought of having a mandated end time does anyone recall sorry I I was in that meeting with Mr let me tell we we went far that once yeah people start to get wored out to I think I I think it sets a framework for the meeting makes sense and encourages the chair to keep things moving that kind of thing yeah it sounds good to me to move it up so after that discussion any further thoughts or comments so chair would entertain a motion to change the Planning Commission work rules that all meetings shall be called at 6:00 p.m. and shall conclude at 10 p.m. unless Wave by the majority I move that the Planning Commission adopt the changes to the work rules so that all meetings called at 6 and shall conclude at 10: unless Wave by the majority we have a motion do we have a second second we have a second discussion hearing none all those signify by saying I those oppos n motion [Music] carries Council staff report um I don't have a lot uh staff uh and staff activities are busy uh we're actually gearing up for special events for 2025 uh uh most recently the tree lighting was a couple weeks ago the Polar Plunge will be at January 25th um building continues to uh be very uh forward moving we're still getting applications in every day we've got a couple new housing starts uh we recently issued uh the demo permit for the uh foundation and the detach structure for the minona flats project and they are working on their putting in Foundation permit application so uh and actually finalizing all the activities related to the final PL but it's it remains busy post election at city offices that's about all I have big article in the local newspaper on on uh seeking candidates yes yes of interest for the commission I noticed that today yes that they did a nice job um what we found out is that the ad that went in actually was in the public hearing section and the title had the wrong City and so and so I I I anticipate that maybe people said it off so uh we talked about it as uh with staff and I reached out to the chair as well that we thought that it would be advantageous to extend the time fraying and then do something a little more substantive in the paper and in the form of an advertisement and I I also saw it was nice and big in the paper and so we will be moving forward uh with uh interviews at our meeting in January okay that's all I have today young lady in the back of the room do you have something you want to bring up nope just a stalker okay um upcoming meeting Tuesday January 7 2025 2025 starting at 6 p.m. 6 p.m and this is Mr Derek's last meeting with us too so I as staff I just wanted to thank you so much for your help and it has been a pleasure working with you and you'll be missed I appreciate that thank you it's been a pleasure to uh join this body and and contribute in some small way to our community uh and I think everybody knows I'm moving otherwise I would certainly uh continue serving we're sorry to lose you app all our best of luck to you thank you okay um hearing no other business to bring before the commission I'd entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we have a motion to adjourn we have a second second discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I those F nay motion carries we are adjourned thank you for coming sorry it's so