##VIDEO ID:EeBHtqfnoHU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e hello [Music] everyone we will begin in just a minute I know we're a couple minutes late I have one of these all right we almost there just waiting for my uh to open here all right are we all ready thank you all right I will call the meeting to order if we would all rise for the flag salute pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and would we all remain standing um in observance of Veterans Day um in honor of all those serving here and abroad and also in honor of the three community members that we lost in the last uh week three young men thank you [Music] no all right this the notice requirements of the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey have been satisfied by the inclusion of the date time and place of this meeting in the notice of regular meetings adopted by this board on January 8th 2024 such schedule and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building the Mount Olive Library the Board of Education offices and the six schools was submitted to the Daily Record for publication on January 9th 20124 and was filed with the clerk of Mount Olive Township on January 9th 2024 I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting and we'll take a roll call please miss Shonen Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald Mrs Melendez here miss Mrs O'Neal Mr oilo here Mr stachi here Mrs Nares I am here and I will actually take a motion to quickly um recess into close session so moved second all those in favor I all right be resolved that the board meet in close session for the purpose of discussing confidential pupil matters be a further resolve that the matters discussed in closed session be discussed to the public uh be be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists we are now in closed session we will not be that long I promise e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right are we all back all right I will call us back into session and we'll take a roll call please miss joh Mrs Aquino here Mrs fanton here Mrs fera here Mrs Melendez here Mr orilla here Mr stachi here Mrs Nares I am here and we will take an approval of uh a motion to approve the minutes for 3.1 and 3.2 um I see U Miss Benton we'll take you for approval of the minutes uh yes I'd like to make a motion to approve uh the minutes uh October 28th 3.1 to 3.2 second any questions or discussions from the board seeing none we'll take a roll call Mrs Aquino abstain on both Mrs fanton yes yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal Mr orillo yes Mr stachi Mrs Nares and yes and do we have any Communications or petitions for the board superintendent members of the board do you have anything no no okay seeing none we will move on to reports and we'll start with the superintendent report I am have the honor of introducing our F fabulous Junior RTC C Cadets who are going to be talking about their state of their Union for this year so come on up team all right good evening and we on behalf of our Mount Olive high schools afd RFC we' like to thank you for allowing us to speak to you today um now before we begin I'd like to introduce myself and my team my name is kette Lieutenant Colonel Noah Lopez and I'm this year's unit Commander uh my name is ma and I'm this year's director of operation I'm kette first lieutenant CL and I'm this year's superintendent I'm conect captain mag and I'm this year's director of cyber I'm conect captain Doyle and I'm this year's director of personel I'm con captain and I'm this year's director of community service I'm captain and I'm this year's director of I'm K Captain BL I'm this year's director I'm this director so now as you can see on the slide uh here's a brief overview of all the topics we'll be discussing in today's presentation uh so last year uh so as you saw in our uh overview last year we were able to come up with a a great set of KC impact goals uh some of the goals I'd like to highlight to are our cative GPA goal uh where we were able to set a goal for 3.3 C GPA and we were able to far greatly exceed this goal with an average GPA of 3.45 six human GPA across the entire cadc core another cc go i' like to highlight is our uh ldr extracurricular participation uh we set a goal last year to have the C Core at least 70% of our cadc core participate in an ldr as you can see we able to greatly exceed this goal with 75% of our Cadet core uh participating in any extracurricular extracurricular we offer in addition to that I'd also like to highlight to you uh our average uniform score uh goal last year we set a goal to have an average uniform score per Cadet of 8.5 for the first semester and 8.5 for the second semester as you can see once again we also heavily exceeded this goal with a 9.3 average uniform across the entire Cadet Corp uh up next we have Cadet major Yeta so on the board here are our school impact goals um one goal I would really like to highlight is our Recruitment and Retention goal in which we set out to recruit a total of 45 new Cadets as well as obtain a 90% retention rate uh I am very proud to announce that we far exceeded this goal uh sending a new record even for our unit recruiting a total of 60 new Cadets as well as obtaining a 93 uh percent retention rate excuse me um I'm proud to announce that this officially got us above our 100 Cadet minimum requirement for our entire unit in terms of cadets up next is Cadet first lieutenant clink all right here we have this our previous year's Community impact goals so last year we set a goal of 900 community service hours and we greatly exceeded this goal with uh over 1,439 community service hours which is way more than any of us could have expected when we set these goals at the beginning of a year in our leadership Workshop we also had a goal for a 65% par participation rate in at least two Community Service events and we greatly exceeded this goal as well with 75% so it's great to see that our Cadets are coming out and helping to uh serve their Community next up we have kadet Captain maginon as you see here uh our past Year's accomplishments um I'd specifically like to highlight the fact that we were able to send 19 Cadets down to a Maguire Air Force base for the cadet leadership course which is around a week stay where Cadets are developing and uh working on their leadership capabilities and then uh last year was also our first ever partnership with operation Jersey cares where we uh collected and packaged supplies and sent them over to our active duty members and uh next up is CET major Yeta so before our school year started during the summer um the entire leadership team got together from the 19th and 21st of August for our um annual leadership Workshop meetings uh during this meeting uh we got together and we went over our future plans for the year uh really just getting a head start before school starts uh we went over our um our requirements sent out from headquarters making sure all of our future goals and our plans are within the requirements as well as preparing um our entire team to boost our morale and mostly prepare for our Cadet orientation that we held um a few days after up next is Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Lopez so as Cadet y mentioned during our leadership Workshop we able to come up with this year's 2024 2025 Cadet goals um as you can see here we have a list of uh a lot of great goals uh as you can see some of them are quite similar to the goals we had from last year uh with some adjustments uh one of the goals I'd like to uh highlight is the one at the bottom which is our fitness goal so we set the goal for 20% of the cadet core to achieve a 75 percentile or above on health and wellness PFT this uh every year uh we hold two Personal Fitness tests per Cadet this is to ensure um just just see how well um each Cadet has improved in their physical fitness over the course of the year uh in addition to that we also have uh we also have another list of goals here uh one of some more I'd like to highlight is our uh School appreciation event goal uh this year we we plan to hold eight School appreciation events so our appreciation committee led by Cadet Captain zouch um uh gives back to our fac gives back to our school's faculty and staff members for all the hard work they've done um to make our school great so this committee uh makes posters and provides little gifts to each faculty member um as a little thank you for all for um making our uh doing all the best they can to make our school amazing um addition to that I'd also like to highlight to you the bottom goal which is our recruitment event goal uh we plan to have a Cadet Corp will hold five recruitment events consisting consisting of at least one schoolwide Showcase Event so last year and previous years we were able to Showcase all the aspects of our unit to the rest of the school last year we were able to had the privilege of G doing a drill sequence and exhibition sequence during the winter pep rally uh this year we plan to do something quite similar um and just to Showcase all the interesting aspects that our program has to offer uh up next we have Cadet major Yen oh sorry we have Cadet captain oil with recruitment so I am pleased to tell you all that we have that starting this year we have far exceeded our 100 Cadet minimum by recruiting 60 new Cadets this year now pair that with the 69 Cadets that have returned from the previous year we now stand at 129 Cadets now since recruitment was so successful we're going to do the exact same game plan as last year and we project to do the same if not even better for the 2025 to 2026 school year for recruitment now for retention we have 107 total Cadets who are eligible to return next year and assuming a goal of 85% retention rate that would mean we keep 91 cadetes next up is KET Captain a touch me after seeing the um amount of community service hours that we were able to achieved last year we decided to bump that number up to 1,650 community service hours and additionally this year we have a unique opportunity to accept community service hours from outside of our organization that means that any Cadet who is in a community service based organization outside of our program as well as our National Honor societies that the high school has to offer they can go ahead and fill out a form and we will go ahead and we can add those to our hours and because of this unique opportunity we hope to get an additional 50 community service hours next up is CET first lieutenant clink all right so one of the things previously uh mentioned on our Cadet impact goals were morale events we set a goal this year to have uh five morale events you can see some of them there uh from the pictures and some of them listed are most recently we had a movie night on October 18th and uh shortly we'll have a holiday party which will be on December 13th and these events are a great way for Cadets who might be in different classes they will be able to uh come together uh enjoy each other's company and is also a great opportunity for our Cadets in Roxberry to come together and meet some of the other people who are in Mount Olive and it's a great way to build morale as a unit next up we will have kadet Captain kerwa so right after our leadership Workshop we held a two-day event for all of the first year CEST coming in this year we had 23 out of the 60 Cadets uh come into our leader uh Cadet rment program and essentially what it is is a two-day program where the first day we'll go over uh unit Basics we'll go over our uh unit inspect like our unit um sorry uh general knowledge about the unit we'll also go over uh uniform requirements and what we expect them to learn when we get in when they get into the unit and then our second day will have a modified PT day and they'll have a little bit of drill instruction to get them used to what we do throughout the unit and what we uh hope to gain from this is we have the cadets go back to the unit uh once the school year starts and then they'll be able to teach their classmates if they have any difficulties anything they learn throughout the summer up next we have conect Captain VZ with our extracurriculars okay so in our program we have many extracurriculars as you can see in the base tiers uh on the slide in front of you there are currently SE there are currently 91 cadetes participating in at least one one extracurricular or more making that 71% of the program uh in total which is impressive I'd like to highlight also that in each base tier we have more than one extracurricular in each tier which is another impressive feat that our program has accomplished I'd also like to highlight the new stem base extracurricular named jlab that we have added to our program which is an academic Bowl uh consisting of cadets that participate in comp testing with academic subjects like mathematics science and mainly questions from the SAT and the ACT overall many of our Cadets in our program the majority of them are very involved in our extracurricular programs and all of these programs are Cadet Le based and run next we have Cadet Captain Ona so as for our curriculum in action or CIA field trips last school year we were able to have 67 of our Cadets attend a trip to New York City where we were able to attend the Veterans Day Parade during that we were all all able to come together as a unit and March through the streets of New York City to honor the veterans who served our country and the armed forces and also last school year 63 of our Cadets attended a two-day overnight trip to Washington DC where we were all able to attend various historical locations such as Arlington National Cemetery Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and the National Mall and as for this year we have two trips currently being planned for our second year is in up we have a trip to Philadelphia being planned and for our first years this December 11th uh we have a trip to pitini and also the Philadelphia trip is in Spring 2025 in case I forgot to mention and lastly I'll pass it back to Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Lopez with our summary thank you K thank you K Captain Ona so as you can see our we have a great year in store for us so now with that being said I'd like to open the floor to any questions you may have I certainly like to commend the um whole troop as far as getting um such a high retention rate as well as also recruiting so many members what do you think contributed to such a skyrocketing number of um students wanting to participate um so we believe most likely uh we went we ATT we had various extracurricular events uh various recruitment events I apologize recruitment events last year um so they be able to Showcase all the um aspects our program has to offer including all of our extracurriculars uh I believe last year we were able to come to the Middle School various times we held an assembly um where we got to showcase our Color Guard our and our Raider team as well as give um as well as a panelist of question uh panelist of cadets um ranging across all the year um years to answer questions that any student may have um also they might have been interested in any of our extracurriculars we have I know various Cadets were interested in um rocketry this year in rocketry we have the largest amount of um Cadets uh in the in that extracurricular than we've ever had in previous years so that just shows that um all the extrac we have are peing the interest of eighth graders I think he left one important thing I think as young women and men you are exemplify exactly what I think other young people want to be like I think the fact that you're so well-rounded as far as you look out for the community and really ensuring that you are bringing back so much to mon Olive and I think you as individuals also certainly contributed to the rise in you know recruitment so certainly you should thank yourselves thank do we have any other questions from the board comments Mr trach first of all guys you are truly ACC credit to this school uh we appreciate everything you do you've come a long way from from when we first started with 18 or 20 Cadets now you're up over 100 and some Cadets uh I think that's tremendous I have a question for you though who pays for your uniforms uh so our uniforms are funded by the um Air Force Headquarters um our Junior RTC headquarters provides all of the uniforms um all the aspects of the uniform so like our coats our shirts our shoes they're all provided from the Air Force Headquarters do you have any AD pocket money for your uniforms um I'm not sure at this moment time if you do I really suggest that this board help you with that cost we pay for uniforms for a lot of other things band football what whatever and what what you guys are doing is such a credit I think the board should look into funding some of your course thank you we appreciate it thank you any other comments questions I just have one comment I just I just have to say you guys are wonderful at everything that they have said but your you're speaking to the public is amazing um I'm I'm really like most kids are very shy and like I'm just very you're impressive very impressive so I just had to tell you that thank you yeah I want to congratulate you guys um because you are the reflection of what the program uh really wants to instill in young people um I believe I have firm believer of the program as all of you know and I'm so proud uh of your leadership uh this year and years past and it is fantastic that you are doing um not one but four recruiting events I love it and it's is because the leadership skills that is developed during this program is going to be with you for the rest of your life and and we at the school district we are very proud of you and your leadership and your instructors also Dr Pano what was it that they you had just informed us that the RC had achieved they were considered they recognize as far as no longer being probation because they had achieved um the retention as well as the volume of over 100 c um Cadets and that truly is a testament to all of you MH so we thank you because that you set it also up then for future you know students and groups in the ROTC to maintain that and to keep you know achieving that I know mrr is you out the corner of my eye I just want to say real quick thank you for all of your efforts um and for your presentation here tonight for Veterans Day and I commend all of your efforts thank you so much for being a role model for all of your peers thank you for having us anyone else no you guys are amazing we really do appreciate your advisors and what all of you guys bring to this program and to keeping it going forward and your goals of retention and I see all of you with such maturity standing before us what are all of you upper classmen or are some of you sophomores uh yeah all of us are seniors with the exception of Ona who is a junior okay we thank you so you've all been in the program the entire four years yes you guys have done an amazing job you're very impressive we thank you especially today on Veterans Day it's it's even more you know special thank you for having us thank you everyone thank you thank you [Applause] Mr SB has a few words to share they absolutely fantastic uh program and organization I just wanted to acknowledge and I think uh instructors were mentioned but we wouldn't have this program if it weren't for the board support and uh standing up this program eight years ago uh with chief M Master Sergeant Robert padell if you could stand to be recognized thank you thank you and uh you know we had about 70 or 80 students in that first class and we continue to maintain 80 to 90 and this was the first year that we are over 100 and we're a viable uh a viable program also joining us this year uh Master Sergeant Nathan kruzof how about a big round of applause for all the work that they've done I just wanted to acknowledge them this evening thank you thank you thank you very much thank you students thank you thank you Cadets thank you and with that we will move on to the rest uh we have Personnel committee report uh Miss quino thank you the committee met on um the 4th of November all were present Mr Moore presented a proposal to the committee that will establish a district profile on the LinkedIn employee social media platform the district is still seeking a science certified leave replacement for Mount Olive Middle School Dr Bia and Mr provided an update to the committee regarding the guidelines for a sick leave bank for District employees moms and Mount Olive high school after school clubs and activities were discussed by the committee Mrs showning shared with the committee several adjustments that were being made within the business office the committee approved a stien for secretarial coverage in the buildings and grounds Department Dr Bia Mr Moore and miss showning all shared information regarding the emo tuition re reimbursement agreement with the committee graduate credit reimbursement requests made this fall have rapidly approached the $300,000 threshold set forth in the contract standing topics were shared with the committee by Mr Moore and Dr Bia these topics normally include the current status of open positions in the district any exit interviews and surveys and any employee related issues that need to be shared with the committee thank you are there any questions or comments from the board no okay seeing none we will move on to curriculum and instruction and technology and that is Miss Benton thank you um so we met November 5th all were present um we started out uh talking about the amendment to the 2425 calendar we proposed a change to the language on the district calendar to indicate that any unused snow days will be given back during the school year year and not at the end of the school year um this allows the schools to proactively plan and communicate graduation and promotion ceremonies our technology part report by Dr kryder reviewed technology updates including updating elementary schools with uh technology for Effective presentations um and also provided an um AI programs Ela curriculum K through 5 miss mcder explained that the current pilot curriculum while promising does not have the complete reading and writing units for K through five and does not fully meet the 2023 New Jersey student learning standards based on the pilot team feedback um further development is needed and we are going before we can confidently consider this curriculum to uh for our students therefore the decision has been made to pause this um um and we were redirected um to go back to the Boe approved curriculum Dr bangia shared uh potential field trips for the Four elementary schools to ensure Equity across the district uh our professional development Miss mcder shared various updates about the district's professional development opportunities paraprofessionals had their opportunities for paid collaboration time with classroom teach and teachers after school she also shared the positive staff feedback from the um October 14th PD [Music] day our dual enrollment Miss mcder shared the enrollment of the courses that offer dual enrollment the committee discussed opportunities for growth uh with consideration to expand um articulation with CCM the barriers to dual enrollment was were also discussed and Pathways to overcome them were shared uh and the goal for the district is to expand our offerings of college level coursework to our high school students do I have any questions or comments from the board no I actually just want to say I appreciate um the voice and that there's an understanding from um the committee when they they were looking over at the E Ela curriculum um you know for the what's the best interest of our students in our district um and when we do have to pause we do listen to them and and review that uh consideration I really do appreciate that and I do appreciate the committee discussing um the dual enrollment which is a global conversation and topic I think Nationwide not just within New Jersey and in our own District um anything else NOP okay seeing none we will move on to finance and operations Mr orillo uh we also met on Tuesday the 5th uh all were present um in our meeting we discussed the central office reorganization you'll see on the agenda this evening that we have two items pertaining to our central office staff after a thorough audit of the positions and the office needs we will be removing positions that are no longer relevant combining other positions and tasks and have updated the job descriptions in details of the current central office positions this is an effort to ensure the central office is properly staffed for a district our size while at the same time ensuring we're being smart with District resources we also discussed the ongoing bus safety concerns in October alone 155 Summit were issued for passing sto school buses it's a serious safety concern in spite to towns fines and legal action the numbers of bus violations continue officer kifi is currently in the process of developing a bus safety program to ensure the safety of our students when boarding and deboarding the buses it will include training other programs educate both the public and students about bus safety once the plan is formalized we look forward to having officer kifi share it with the board and the community finally we discussed our current bus software as our transportation department has been working with our current platform for almost two years but it is struggling to do so as our district grows the current software just isn't able to meet the demands of the district our size we have thoroughly vetted a new option that will enable the district to provide Parent Access to tracking their child's roots and many other capabilities that our current software does not include and that's it do we have any questions or comments from the board with regards to the finance no okay seeing none we were moved to policy and governance and Miss Melendez yes our work committee uh met on Monday November 4th uh Dr crater provided the police committee uh an overview of the district's artificial intelligence initiative uh Dr crater explained that the district has taken a staff first approach when introducing AI uh in which staff has been provided the resources such as magic school to become acclimated uh with the use of AI professional development has also been provided to staff with the latest session been offered at our Columbus Day PD day in addition a preliminary board policy has been drafted which will be reviewed at the upcoming artificial intelligence task force meeting uh Miss sofle attended the policy meeting as well at the request of the board policy committee to discuss a sport club teams Miss SLE discussed how club sports and schools sponsor teams serve separate functions the district expects that club sports coaches are not prioritizing their club team if they also serve as a coach for one of the schools sponsor teams Mr F recommended that if families have an experience otherwise their concerns should be brought to her attention Miss sule will continue to maintain data in regard to club and school sponsor teams Mr emphasized that the monol township athletics department serve to help support as an additional resource for facilitation pedagogy Community lion do we have any comments or questions from the board no okay thank you and we'll move to board sub committees and parent teacher ass Association liaison reports do we have any subcommittees or parently teacher Association leis on reports do we have anyone from the public NOP no oh oh come on over hi I'm Mara coft I'm with the um the mohos parot club um we haven't really been coming presenting at the meetings because we relatively new board so over the past year we've been kind of getting used to what we're doing but this is our second year and so I here to tell you that um we are let we just awarded uh our teacher Grant uh this had we hadn't done this for a few years but we just restarted that we awarded coach Melissa grinstein uh Gren sorry uh funding for an iPad to uh record and analyze the mohos swim team to help improve their performance uh teachers and staff who joined the parents club before October 31st can apply for a grant this year will be going through that process later in the year uh we also have been collaborating with the RTC uh there are a number of groups that we do concession stands for including the RTC for their uh recent Bingo night uh and that went well and we are currently holding our membership drive we are raising money for the senior scholarships that we offer in June we offer uh between 8 and 10 scholarships of varying amounts and membership is open until February so that's it for me thank you thank you and how much um and how do um one teachers and staff uh join in order to then apply for the grant there's an application process and we'll we'll be releasing information as we closer to that we set up a a community for the teacher Grant separate committees for the teacher Grant and and then for scholarships and we let people know here's the application here's what we need from you it's there is it's very to find and how much is it for the parents out there to become members as well and can you also give them a little caveat about joining in order for their students to apply for the scholarship so um yes we're we would really like people to do that um I believe it's 15 it varies on whether or not use a credit card uh and we have the information on the Facebook page but and uh but I can we can certainly promote that information again as often as needed because we we would love people to join and come out to our meetings we have interesting discussions I think it's usually right Mr um Stansberry in the s'mores newsletter right section about the parent committee Y and you said it was about $15 for parents to join that's yeah and but um I may or may not be accounting for the credit card fee so so apologies it's not in front of me and if they join all four years then their students can apply for the scholarship at the end of senior year correct correct and there's about 8 to 10 scholarships that are given out any questions from the board no thank you so much for that information thank you do we have any other parent teacher Association Leon reports no okay see none um oh for present report um I had just two things I wanted to mention one um the past week has been a rough week I think for our community we've had three young men that uh passed away in the last week what I do want to say though is it's been amazing to see the community come together um and honor each of them in very individual different ways diversity different cultures um and the memories that these everyone has of each of these individuals and the honoring of the positive things is what really stands out to me um sadly it takes something like that for a community to come together um and then in addition today is Veterans Day so I do want to say while we say happy Veterans Day is the term um I want to recognize that Veterans Day is for everyone that serves that comes home and doesn't come home those who serve here and abroad as well as recognizing the families that make major sacrifices um growing up in a you know a Navy home you know that those sacrifices last a lifetime and lifetime of service um and that's really we just saw these young you know men and women that stand before us really they were honoring that and it's continuing um actually Mrs O'Neal is not here this evening because she's actually at the all veterans um honory dinner um on behalf of the board so I do want to make sure that we all remember every day you know the sacrifices that are made for us to even be sitting up here you know in this practice with that we will move on to before we go to public comments I do have three resolutions to read into the record the first one reads whereas on November 11th 2024 the Mount Olive board of ed student disciplinary committee held a suspension exposure hearing regarding pupil ID number 213 597 and whereas on that date the parent guardian of the above reference student and the student attended the hearing and whereas the committee after having heard and considered all of the proofs and testimony presented and after considering the superintendent's recommendation recommended to the full board that the students out of school suspension with home instruction be continued until such time as an alternative educational placement for the student shall be identified and arrangements for the student to attend such alternative educational institution shall be made now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the above recommendations of the student disciplinary committee and be it further resolved that written notice of the board's decision and the family's right to appeal seam shall be served upon the students parents and be additional resolved that henceforth during the pendency of any appeal that may be filed and therefore thereafter the student is bared from entering any board facility building or property for any purpose without prior written permission from the superintendent or their designate be it finally resolved that the board hereby authorizes the administration to take any measures necessary to effect effectuate the terms of this resolution and the second one reads whereas on November 11th 2024 the Mount Olive Board of Education St disciplinary committee held a suspension explosion hearing regarding pupil ID number 213 251 and whereas on that date the parent guardian of the above reference student and the student attend the hearing and whereas the committee after having heard and considered all of the proofs and testimony presented and after considering the superintendent's recommendation recommended to the full board that the students out of school suspension with home instruction be continued until such time as an alternative educational placement for the student shall be identified and arrangements for the student to attend such alternative educational institution shall be made now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the above recommendations of the student disciplinary committee be a further reson that written notice of the board's decision and the family's right to appeal the same shall be served upon the students parents and be it additionally resolved that henceforth during the pendency of any appeal that may be filed and thereafter the student is barred from entering any board facility building or property for any purpose without prior written permission from the superintendent or their designate be it finally resolved the that the board hereby authorizes the administration to take any measures necessary to effectuate the terms of this resolution and the third and final whereas on November 11th 2024 the Mount Olive Board of Education student disciplinary committee held a suspension exposion hearing regarding pupil ID number 65017 979 and whereas on that date the parent guardian of the above reference student and the student attended the hearing and whereas the committee after having heard and considered all of the proofs and testimony presented and after considering the superintendent's recommendation recommended to the full board that the parents out of school suspension with home instruction pending an evaluation now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the above recommendations and the student disciplinary committee be a further resolve that written notice of the board decision and the family's right to appeal shall be oberved upon the students parents and be additionally resolved that henceforth during the pendency of an appeal that may be filed and thereafter the student is barred from entering any board facility building or property for any purpose without prior written permission from the superintendent or designate be it finally resolved that the board hereby authorizes the administration to take any measures necessary to actuate the terms of this resolution and these will go into which section 84 Administration uh Personnel action or Administration so it should be 11.4 11.5 and 11.6 114 115 and 116 okay MH I'm just 116 so those items will go under administrative action items 11.4 11.5 and 11.6 now back to the rest of the meeting we are on to public comments on action items members of that community may comment on any action item prior to board discussion please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive and obscene comments will not be tolerated please note this is not a time for discussion you may ask the board a question we will or will not respond we will not respond to any legal actions we will not tolerate anything regarding Personnel being named or students being named and we will not tolerate any abusive or obscene gestures language or actions the floor is open nope okay we we'll move on then no comments so we will move on to approval of monthly expenditures and reports 7.1 through 7.4 um can we take a motion Mr ferera for movement of 7.13 7.4 I'd like to make a motion to approve item 7.1 through 7.4 second do we have any questions or comments from the board no seeing none we will take a roll call then Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fan yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mr orillo yes Mr stach yes Mrs Nares yes and we will move on to Personnel action items 8.1 all the way to 8.23 and that's Miss quino upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 8.1 through 8.23 second and do we have any comments or questions from the board NOP okay seeing none we'll take a roll call Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fon yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi Mrs naris yes and we'll go on to curriculum and Technology action items 9.1 through 9.5 and Miss Fenton yes upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to move action items 9.1 to 9.5 second oh we got Mr Queen came in first and do we have any questions or comments from the board on curriculum nope okay seeing none we will take a roll call pleas Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fon yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mr orillo yes Mr Stace yes Mrs niss yes and we will move to finance and operations 10.1 all the way to 10.9 and that is Mr illo upon the recommendation for tenant I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 10.1 through 10.9 second do we have any questions or comments from the board NOP okay seeing none we will take a roll call Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi Mrs Nares yes and we will move to administrative action items 11.1 and we've added the three items so it is through 11.6 uh we'll go with Miss Melendez open recommendation of the superintendent I present a motion to approve action items 11.1 through 11.6 second do we have questions or comments from the board no okay seeing now we'll take a roll call Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fan yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mr orillo yes Mr stach yes Mrs Nares um I'm going to abstain on 11.4 and 11.5 and yes to everything else okay and we will move on to Old business members of the board May comment on any item or topic that was previously discussed by the board do we have any old topics no okay seeing none we'll move to new business members of the board May introduce any new topic or item forther discussion anyone okay seeing none oh we are down back to public comments and students parents employees and community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive School District please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated please also note this is not a discussion you may ask the board questions or make a statement respectfully we do not always have to uh respond we will do our best to get an answer to you post meeting as well anyone really we're having a night oh pure pressure I had to come up uh Martin WS 25 woodrest Blood Lake Jersey uh I just want to compliment the girls gymnastics team on what a wonderful job they did you know a few years ago they begging for stuff from the Board of Ed the Board of Ed listen they help them get them what they needed and we have it was it three pets three times in a row from um how many home meets they have they have four home meets this year four all right and that wouldn't happen without the support from the board of aded and giv them the resources and uh I think in our district Sports is phenomenal for all and I want to compliment the board on uh believing in the students and giving them the resources necessary so they can achieve their goals and their objectives and that's it anyone else no okay we are going to close the floor then we're going to move to board comments members of the board May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive school district and we'll start at that end Mr orillo I kind of have a question that was brought to me um from the public I guess uh communication went out about social media and all this other stuff so the question really is it doesn't have to be answered now obviously if we get something out to the public about what hate what hate speech is like a definition from the Board of Ed um that's the questions I'm being asked what is considered like what yeah so what the what is the board of EDS or the administration's guidelines on hate speech I can say right now that it's any derogatory terminology it's targeted to any specific group based upon a classifying characteristic is that that's just questions not being asked to ask yeah I think Mayo is that by defin I can go home now good there you go nicely done any other um anything else Mr Isel oh uh just congrats to the gymnastics team obviously and our RC outstanding and Miss mandz we'll keep going down yes I would like to congratulate the gymnastics team um for one day NJ States and also uh wishing good luck uh to the air force atotc uh they're com they're going into drill competition uh this weekend so we wish them the best we have Mr quo same to my previous board members and also I want to say thank you and best wishes and your retirement to Mrs McClary who is a staple at uh sandore and Miss Vargo and thank you again to miss Bello for stepping into helping us with our um her new VP position for a week until we have our new person begin thank you Miss Bon we'll just keep on going did out to everything they said I I think you said that uh gymnastics made States right for first time in a long time right so that's States right one States yes one States and and Lisa did you say volleyball um also did they get a congratulations was going into quarterfinals and field hockey oh and field hockey right semal football semi uh congratulations to all of them for their achievement anyway but um and and I want to thank the jrc I'm very proud of them um and I want to say happy Veterans Day to all our veterans thank you we'll just keep on going Mr stachi yeah just uh come and see the play the prom 21st 22nd 23rd figer I share the same sentiments about our gymnastics team way to go on your big win and thanks again to our cadets for joining us and presenting this evening all right I guess I'm going to wrap it up so many so many achievements congrats the gymnastics field hockey volleyball football girl soccer also won the sportsmanship award I believe for the conference um while we say that maybe some of our teams had lost in the semi-finals I think they've earned a bit between making it to semi-finals and working really hard in a really tough division but also the lessons that they learn with those losses and to overcome I'm looking forward to seeing the prom um show what I also wanted to share is we have an eighth grader Caitlyn Molina who is actually in the player pool for the US national u15 team she has made it to the second round she will be going on potentially we find out to the US mini camp it is down to about 80 girls so she's only in eighth grade so it is quite an honor to be recognized in that aspect and everyone have a great great uh holiday coming up and happy Veterans Day did I miss anything there's so much going on in our district we're going into the winter uh you know activities anything else Dr Bania good all right with that I will take a motion to adjourn so moved and do we have everyone in favor I I I and we are done thank you wow