##VIDEO ID:nRr3DjxQZ_Y## e e e e e e e e e e e I'd like to call this meeting to order can we please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all please remain standing remain standing for a moment to honor the members of our armed forces and those In Harm's Way you may be seated statement of advanced notice this notice requirement of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey have been satisfied by the inclusion of this date time and place of this meeting in the notice of our regular meetings adopted by this board on January 8th 2024 such schedule and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building the Mount Olive Library the Board of Education offices and the six schools was submitted to the Daily Record for Publications on January 9th 2024 and was filed with the clerk of Mount Olive Township on January 9th 2024 I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs vagera Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr orillo here Mr Stace Mrs Nares she is absent and we are not going to go into confidential session um until the end of our meeting so uh Mr quino would you please approve the minutes certainly I'd like to make a motion to approve minutes for Action items 3.1 3.2 s good take roll call Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stach yes uh Communications and petitioners the superintendent members of the board May acknowledge any Communications Andor petitions received no nothing anybody have anything okay um our student liaison report nor um would you mind coming up and please remember to speak directly into the mic and nice and clearly do not turn your head back and forth otherwise we can't hear you thank you good evening everybody my name is norisk I am the student council Board of Ed leaon I'm Jay hathorne I'm the Student Council secretary so for some of our old news um we had our NHS induction on October 29th followed by the movie night on October 30th and then haunted hallways on um on the 31st the Juniors won for that um for for pride your ride um the winner was Alyssa Han who won half off a prom ticket on November 4th the open house hosted over 140 people snowland ticket sales were taken on December 7th and we have about 530 plus students attending Dr Fallon gave his speech on November 15th and then we had a National Honor Society induction on November 19th the fall play happened this weekend and dignitaries from South Korea attended with Mr Park on November 18th and then the Air Force Junior RTC on November 23rd had a drill in West Orange where they took home six trophies one in first place four in second place and one in third place so for our Sports our gymnastics team won first place in the overall njsia the state championship over the teachers convention weekend really impressive our field hockey team made it to the semifinals of sectionals and they were one of the longest running sports teams this fall season and our girls volleyball also made it to the semifinals of sectionals coming up November 27th Leo Club will be hosting a bake sale at Weiss Market in Flanders on December 2nd the Air Force jrc has their unit Regional inspection in the Au auxiliary gym with 129 members in formation on December 2 third we have our testing for States for FBLA on December 5th we have our rppa induction in our pack on December 20 on December 6th our debate will be hosting a home competition December 7th we have snowland everyone's looking forward to that on December 9th through the 13th we have our winter spirit week and on December 11th we have our Bandon chorus Winter concert our pep rally will also be held December 13th our spirit week will be character day on Monday twin day on Tuesday pajama day Wednesday holiday holiday day Thursday Ando Pride on Friday our first girls basketball game will be held December 17th and our Orchestra Winter concert will be held December 18th we are also thinking as we did previously with haunted hallways we want to do a deck the halls kind of theme the week before break so kind of deck our halls with winter pride and then we are hosting the first Lego League state championship on December 14th with 80 plus schools in attendance and that's all for this report thank you so much does have any questions does the board have any comments or questions thank you so much thank you guys have a great evening so up next is our superintendent report at this time I would like to invite Colleen sule our director of Athletics who's going to be presenting our for awards for fall um Sports okay thank you um May I just make one quick comment because we have so many sports here tonight um we are going to give you a time to all be excused at the the same time so you could sit and enjoy um and listen to everybody's uh accomplishments basically what she's saying is don't leave until we're all dismissed together otherwise it's in chaos ni about it just gotta cut right to the chase so um I'm just gonna turn a little bit so thank you so much for inviting us one of the the days that I look forward to do the most is the opportunity to celebrate our athletes and uh this fall was quite an incredible fall right we have four specific teams here celebrating their accomplishments uh we have four female teams so basically the girls rule the school this fall which is pretty awesome so congratulations uh big shout out to the board of education and our administrative team for being so incredibly supportive uh there's not a day that goes by that we are not blessed to have the resources and the facilities and the um commitment to student athletes and we are incredibly fortunate Mount Olive and uh I incredibly proud of that and I'm also proud of the student athletes who make this a great community so thank you so much for that uh each each season I try to do a little bit of state of the Affairs and what that means really is you take a snapshot of all the things that we've done in the fall and uh just kind of do a little number crunching so for this fall specifically we as an athletic department which is including the Middle School sports which is an incredibly large department and it goes a little bit under the radar sometimes but um you know we alone in our office hired almost 400 officials and this is a two month two and a half 4 eight 10 week or 11 week period so we hired almost 400 officials this fall we uh put kids on a bus or a shuttle 285 times to compete on a weight contest we host 335 home events right 335 home events it's a gigantic uh we had 48 coaches this fall with 10 volunteers just a comparison to 2012 we had 33 coaches so if you think about it decade by decade the increase in athletics is pretty impressive our athletic trainers treated 1,638 so they provided either rehab assessment or treat treatment to 1,600 students this fall they averaged in their athletic training facility 30 students a day so the numbers are pretty large and um sometimes to get out of that rubble and actually be incredibly successful is super impressive so I want to tonight's about really celebrating our athletes and all the things that they have done but I also want to celebrate the parents for all the hard work and the dedication that they have put forth um you coming here tonight well I know that most of us have celebrated our Banquets already except for gymnastics but you've been there you've been to luncheons so I really do appreciate the extra effort that you have provided for us again providing in a community that is um topnotch so thank you to our parents and thank you to our student athletes and I would be remiss if I didn't say a giant thank you to our coaches right for the hard work and the dedication and the effort that they put forth sometimes we forget right that they have families too so when they're getting home 6:30 at 7:00 at night and breaking down tape or preparing for the next day um sometimes that goes a little unnoticed I want you to know from bottom of my heart that I do recognize the hard work and that you put forth so thank you for your professionalism and your dedication to our students so I would like to um call up we have a really special we have four four teams that were're honoring today our a brand new coach for girls soccer coach coach Richardson will uh talk about the girls soccer program and they won the uh very very very impressive sportsmanship award for the njac division so congratulations [Applause] coach thank you col uh Colleen good evening my name is Kylie Richardson and I have the honor of being the girls soccer head coach at Mount Olive High School our season's success was not seen on the scoreboard but seen with our goals um on and off the field a lot of that came from our experiences the growth and the ability to reach our goals each game um a lot of those goals consisted of our teamwork our life skills that these players can use in the future such as responsibility accountability camaraderie and sportsmanship the Mount Olive Girls Soccer Team lived up to the standards of the school and the expectations of our program and this is why they were recognized for the sportsmanship award in the NJ conference American Division thank you man Olive Administration thank you so much to our Board of Education thank you so much to our families our friends our biggest support system is the Mount Olive community and we wouldn't have been able to get here without you thank you so much I now I now call up uh Tom Resa from girls volleyball so I just wanted to make quick note before res uh coach Resa comes on up is that one of the great things about ma Olive is that we have student athletes that play multiple Sports and Monday night is a big today was the first day of our winter sports season so some of our athletes are often running with that and a lot of our players are also very committed to their Club programs so getting them back out after the season is a little difficult because they've they've moved on in their program so uh coach Richardson by the way for for her banquet she her her P she had 18 Pages just so you know so she was giving very clear instructions today to just come with a paragraph so thank you coach so coach Resa thank you coach thank you Colleen um yes so I'm Co um Tom Resa I coach the girls volleyball team um again thank you to the administration the board um all the parents for all the support throughout the season um the girls we had a very successful season this year um on and off the court because this team also won the um ABCA academic award um which and we actually were the higher tier of that because as a whole the girls had to have a 3.5 GPA as a team average so they had that so they rocked it on and off the court um we won the NJ conference the National Conference um we also won the hacktown hacken sack tournament earing the season and finished semi-finals in both the county and state tournaments so we had a really successful year overall um you can't be prouder of them like I talked about the banquet so I'm not going to go into too many details now uh most of the girls actually sure all of them but one are playing uh at club and stuff today she just happens to have Club practice on a Tuesday so our one uh honory tonight was able to come today um so but a little bit about the player who coming up Isabella um oara she um is a freshman but also earned All Conference first team honors this year with 297 kills so she's gonna you're gonna be hearing her name quite a bit when it comes to volleyball in the next couple years um so again rocking it on and off the court over year so I'm really proud of her and really proud of the team [Applause] [Applause] uh now I'll call up the gymnastics team and Coach [Applause] nart even know where to stand um at first I'd like to uh thank the Board of Education um and our community for wel welcoming us here today um our gymnastics season this is our eighth year of our program and they rocked it this year so um you know just a quick overview of some things it's been an extraordinary season for our gymnastics team this year marks our third consecutive year of being undefeated they were eight and0 um our athletes showed an unmatched skill and determination and sportsmanship when they won the league championship for the third time in a row this year along with the sectional Championship um for the first time in history of our program we won the njsia state championship title um this itself is a huge recognition for our town and our athletes we came into the competition seated fifth so we were definitely The Underdogs of the team of the competition um and when they told us about halfway through the competition they one of the coaches came up and said hey you're winning we were like no way um so we really kind of trained the girls to just go out there and be the best versions but one of the things I do want to say to all you young ladies out there you put your mind to it ladies you can do anything and the fact that that we are recognizing this many women's sports this season is just a fantastic thing as a community member as a teacher I'm so very proud of all of you so congratulations to all of you um our our gymnastics team as well had nine athletes who qualified for the state sectional championships um for sectionals individually um then from the individual sectionals they also we had four athletes who qualified for the individual state championships um of those athletes uh Avery Schroeder who's a freshman finished fourth place in the state on balance beam uh Amy Rubenstein um also made her Mark by finishing third and the state on bars and eighth on balance beam so this also solidified and I'm not even sure that they know this but they were named to the All State gymnastics team this year so that was awesome [Applause] congratulations but I think one of the most memorable things about this season for us and I think myself and the athletes as well was the incredible welcome that we had when we came into town um with all of the ES reports from the police and the emergency um volunteers um who came to make sure that they made this a very special moment for the girls um as we entered into town at like 10 o'clock at night one night um when we won the state championships so that's a memory that I will continue to cherish um and I think each one of the girls will as well um this victory for our season um demonstrates uh the strength of our athletes it demonstrates the success ESS of our leadership through Megan Rus and Natalie Watson our captains this year um it also showed the dedication of our teachers our coaching staff our Administration and our parents um and definitely the unwavering support from our community it's been great to see so many returning athletes come back to watch us compete um and support our program uh special thank you to Dr Bia um Kevin stanbury and Colleen um without your Court we wouldn't be able to get where we are um it's been a challenge to get us where we are and and you guys have uh you know a lot to show so with this I'd like to call up our athletes to give them a special recognition um us too we do have some athletes that are in club sports so unfortunately not everyone's here but I will call them up and recognize them uh senior and Captain Natalie Watson senior Lily Lei senior Lexi zybeck senior Rebecca Scott Junior and Captain Megan rhus Junior Amy Rubenstein Junior Kelly Hines our stats um person Lila Sterling you can stay up here sophomore Carly fck sophomore Chloe dito sophomore Kelsey coall excuse me sophomore Ella fredman freshman Avery Schroeder freshman Charlotte Leonard freshman Jasmine [Applause] [Applause] tongo so a special congratulations to this team as they are our championship team this year for for NJ SI a state champions very very proud of each and every one of you and up next we'd like to recognize our field hockey team and Coach [Applause] Livingston hi everyone how are you uh good evening um I just want to thank everybody here the Board of Education our Administration our faculty staff uh teachers parents family friends again just like the other coaches has said we would not be able to be here today or you know run our programs the way we do without your support um and resources um our turf our you know beautiful multipurpose Turf is our new home and we absolutely love it and we made a good run um you know in both the county tournament and in the uh state tournament making it to the semifinals for both rounds um we were talking about it at our banquet we haven't been able to do that uh since 2002 and then 2004 um when they brought home a a state sectional title so um it's amazing that in the last 13 years that I've been here um to have had an unforgettable season and that just goes out to my girls my players um you know your dedication your hard work your your teamwork both on and off the field we've had a lot of fun memories as well uh we went to a Ruckers game we went mini golfing we've had some dedication games to breast cancer Morgan's message um which is a mental health awareness um you know program organization so we just have had you know just the best season both on and off the the field so congratulations girls I'm so proud of you and all your hard work um we also have uh nine girls that were honored at the first uh you know all conference level we had four girls that were or five girls that were honored at the All County level um so just a a tremendous tremendous job um to the girls in this season so thank you so much and thank you for having us and celebrating with us tonight [Applause] um I'm going to call up the girls Michelle Kurt Kylie Tessier Brooke feny Gabrielle Safa Brielle mcgi Juliet Burley Victoria Mah Jayla Roberts Faith Coronado Isabella assaro Sydney Frink Belinda minini and I'm saving these two for last uh Ellie castanza and Emily Harris who are both going off to play at the Collegiate level next year so big congrats and an awesome job we will be supporting and watching you all your all those years to C just another big congratulations girls for setting the bar high for future years to come [Applause] [Applause] so just wanted to say thank you again to all the parents and to all the athletes who made their way out today for this small celebration I did want to uh just mention very quickly that you know it's interesting the amount of years that people put into their profession or coaching right so today you know we have a brand new firsttime head coach for girl soccer coach Richardson and then we're also celebrating coach Livingston's 100th win right so the Paradox between those two spaces is really incredible but also want to say congratulations to coach nart as she was also uh selected as her league coach of the year so congratulations coach so thank you very much everybody thank [Applause] you okay we will now take a uh couple minutes and if anybody would like to leave it this time they're welcome so we'll just like take a minute recess all right's go and you know what wait a minute guys wait a minute wait wait everybody can stop one minute you know what we always save board comments to the end but I wanted to just give anybody the opportunity to uh make a comment before all these lovely people leave so would our board like to make any comments I for one would like to congratulate you all um and I I just am amazed and at all of your accomplishments and I I can speak for everybody that we are so proud of you all um anybody else like to comment I've got I've got something um you guys Fortune Magazine did a study of some of the most successful um sea Suite Executives in the nation right 400 of the most successful seite Executives what they were looking for is what was the tie that binds them all together right what does s what was contributing to their success and they found out that 98% of them had participated in some form of team sports nice so wins losses that's less important what really matters matters here you guys are the lessons you're picking up and the things that you're learning on the field and we for one are just super proud of all of you and the coaches thank you for your dedication and teaching those lessons and we can't wait to see what else you guys do next year and go girls anybody else anybody else congratulations all right okay now sorry about that thank you so much now you can leave I always think brownies are all about what's that I know it's very busy thank you going thank you on top of I thought that was such yes I've been te okay should we continue with our meeting so uh 5.3 board president's report I guess that's me today I have nothing so we're going to move on to uh public comments on action items and action items only members of the community may comment on any action items prior to board discussion please state your name and address for the record all comments must be re respectively presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated anybody have any action items I'm going to take that as a no and we're going to move on to uh approval of monthly expenditures and reports forgive me I forget who does that Lauren yes I'm sorry no it's fine no worries no worries were you looking at what my my name were you looking at my name she forgot my name uh she's like what was that girl's name again what was her [Laughter] name that's awesome uh I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 7.1 through 7.12 second can we have a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes to everything but it's abstain on 7.1 words says Jennifer Aquino Mrs Fenton abstain on anything regarding Lisa Fenton yes to everything else Mrs fera abstain on 7.1 where my name is mentioned yes to everything else Mrs Fitzgerald abstain on 7.1 where my name is mentioned yes to everything else Mrs Melendez abstaining reference to Lisa Melendez and yes to everything else Mrs O'Neal abstain on anything that says junor O'Neal and yes to everything else Mr orillo abstain anything that says more braillo and yes to everything else Mr stach obain on anything for Jody Bosch yes on everything else okay thank you so we'll move on to person action items Mr quo yes thank you upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to move Personnel action items 8.1 through 8.21 second can we have a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fatton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes all right thank you um moving on to curriculum and Technology Mrs figero would you like to yes do that upon recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve items 9.1 through 9.8 second can we have a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes wonderful now we're going to move on to finance and operations Miss Fitz J okay upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 10.1 through 10.9 second can we have a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes Mrs f yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr Stace yes okay moving on to 11 administrative actions we have nothing on there for tonight as of now so we're going to move on to Old business does anybody have any old business okay we're going to move on to new business anybody have any members have any new business look at me because I am I do yes you yes please thank you I'd like to have a board discussion um on our board meeting agenda for next year going to the possibility of one meeting a month I am fully aware that the board president is not here tonight so I'm willing to table that conversation until next meeting but if this board wants to entertain that now I'm happy to do that as well second second what what do we second to table it until next one or have it I say we table it for for for Miss naris yeah would anybody like nobody wants to make any comments as of now no okay I I agree with you okay we'll wait until next month can I make a suggestion you what thank you yeah if I can make a suggestion you can discuss it next at the next meeting but it'd be wise to hold it off till after the reorganization meeting so the new board can vote on their own Fate on their own fate that's a perfect answer I agree with M comment that is going to affect the new board and we have new members upcoming in January so they should have a say also okay um so anybody else for any new business okay so we're going to move on to public comments students parents employees and community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive School District please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated so you may come up if you have any comments no okay so uh given that we are going to uh make a motion to go into confidential session um should we do board comments first should all right yeah all right we're gonna um I'm sorry thank you we're going to do our board comments um first before we go into close session um let's start over with Mark Mr aill I'm sorry that's I'm sorry hey she didn't have to look yours up I had the pleasure of attending the uh play on Thursday and once again wow and congrats to you sir on your granddaughter's performance and was nothing nothing sorry but no once again the the the talent of these kids is just mindblowing to me and it was a really really really awesome show so congrats to them it was a very busy week um starting with the gymnastic great news uh congratulate to all of those athletes and parents and Coach um also the play the prom was fantastic and excellent production excellent dedication uh for the kids staff uh parents light sounds uh prompts it was fantastic it was a great production great voice voices a lot of talent in man Olive um so we are so proud of all of you uh that participate in that production and every day do the sacrifice to go to all those practices rehearsals and even when is backstage or in front of the stage but you are fantastic um also I have the honor uh to judge on the first legal uh competition over the weekend on Saturday and manoli was very well represented by CMS um those kids has a very eloquent uh way to explain uh their engineering uh design process of their projects um in and this is it was unbelievable was like 2018s uh in December um 14 15 there is uh the state competition is going to take place in man Olive high school so I exort those parents in elementary and middle school and even high schoolers to go because it's fantastic see these uh young um students uh flourishing in the stem field uh and not uh last but not least so proud of the junior AO TC uh the drill competition they nail it and they bring back six trophies and those kids were practicing at 5:40 in the morning so is um it's a sacrifice that they did and parents as well so I congratulates Chief berel um and his team uh his co-partner and also the parents and the students for the sacrifice and dedication that they do every day for our school yeah I've already spoken you've already heard yeah I mean they've listed basically everything there is I've already spoken so I'm gonna pass it on to Mr stache I was obligated to go for three nights otherwise I wasn't going to get dinner but you know the the drum Club the sports the all the clubs that we have it's great for these kids because it it gives them a sense of belonging uh there are like the the backstage crew and and the actors and actresses it it gives them an outlet that they might might not normally have they might not be athletically inclined or whatever and all of these programs are so good for these kids we have to keep them going and we do we do a great job and we we really take care of these kids well so I'm very happy about that will you come back next year and congratulate us for how well we're still doing absolutely okay and I was going to tell a joke before I um gave my comment but I I don't think it's going to land because you're probably the only person that's going to get my joke because it's my favorite game show I feel like my microphone is Jean Raburn from the match game no sorry you remember that nope okay I just want to say congratulations other than Mr orillo and Mrs Melendez thank you for commenting on all the things I was going to say but I also want to say congratulations to our retirees Mr West Mrs uh zakowski my daughter had the pleasure of having her while she was at the middle school and she's going to be missed thank you it's already been stated I concur with all of the above Miss O'Neal I wanted to say same thing congratulations to the retirees and they so many years they they spend here but also the varsity eighth grade boys won the championship for football and that they made it some now I forget it's that they've never lost a game from peeee to Varsity and they won the championship so they they it was an amazing run but um I went to the chair competition at Warren Hills and our cheerleaders are just you know adorable I love them um and now they're going on to the Nationals that we just approved tonight also congratulations to the RC for all their accomplishments Dr Bia do you have anything I just want to Echo the sentiments that was shared tonight you know as a superintendent one of the things that we you know get invited to are all the events and I certainly do make every effort alongside Mr Stansbury um to be as much as I can and certainly this past week has demonstrated not only the commitment our students have to coming to school but the passion they have in what they do after school whether we saw it on the athletic field whether we saw on the stage whether we saw with their Cadets and also academically um in the passions they pursue so it's so gratifying to see them engage in their learning that extends beyond the classroom so we just want to thank the students themselves for their passion and their dedication and also importantly to their families because certainly they wouldn't be able to do it without them so thank you okay I'm going to keep mine short because I'm going to Echo what everybody said and and just congratulate everybody but I I will say one thing I I do find a disappointment in is there's so much going on and I wish I could see every single thing and I just really wish there was a way because that's the only thing that bothers me I am so super proud of everything our school can accomplish between our Administration our teachers and and our kids I mean we're just awesome we're just awesome so what y she said ditto she's good she dittoed right we got through everybody yes thank you all right so now we're going to go into a confidential session I'd like to make a motion to go into a confidential session so moved um resolved that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing pupils uh matters Personnel matters um be further resolved that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists was I supposed to get a second on that second all right thank you all in favor I all right moving in Clos we shouldn't well we might how long do you think we'll be on her way she I told her 7:30 so about 30 minutes or so or probably be 45 minutes about 45 minutes will be e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 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pending determination of an appropriate outof District placement by the board's child study team now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the above recommendations of the student disciplinary committee be it further resolved that written notice of the board's decision and the family's rights to appeal the same Shall Serve upon the students attorney and be it additionally resolved that henceforth during the pendency of any appeal that may be filed and thereafter the student is barred from entering any board facility building or property for any purpose without prior written permission from the superintendent or the designate be it finally resolved that the board hereby authorizes the administration to take any measures necessary to ocate the terms of this resolution well I need a motion make a motion G to vote on this are we gonna vote on this T yes so I'd like to make a motion and you're second Jen you're second I'm second second okay Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fon yes Mrs fera yes Mrs fitgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr yes okay that being said I'd like to a motion to adjourn the meeting second all in favor meeting is yeah because we all knew all right we're good