##VIDEO ID:nTq4c3gGByQ## you did it but I we just Shannon yeah so when I when I met on the phone with Cathy and Lisa I'm like I know you're going to get really angry they don't [Music] like so we have to prove them that there's there and like the big the big thing for me is what's the plan year okay is the plan year July to June or is it September August okay the plan year is July to June and that's confirmed we have docent shows that so people insurance they came they started already service at we paid for and you know it's almost like aart so I said to Cathy and like I don't need this right now but I'm going to need like got to go back and see what find out dollarwise I said take at least a week so so he is like yeah there's they they didn't even really pay beginning it's be good hey Santa Claus how you doing just keep it white don't make it gray and I said hey here's your W's only either adjust Nast all right what's this like a little um I'm I won't no I'll wait till later oh we're doing this lately so much quick response your thank I replied toer thank you I mean I broke protocol but hello hell govern to our board emails and to our private are you are you how are you no never yeah I'm not especially we have a be what's your job tonight nobody told you what are we having a presentation um yeah the dog here too dog here here here here she's they just my my favorite board member is desie that's what I told her too nothing okay she's on stri so there's CH there's peanut butter cookies and then there's chocolate peanut butter cookies and both are really good so you'll just have [Music] you were threatening threatening all right you were threatening you were threaten threaten me threatening me are we e e e e e e e e meeting to order would we all rise for the flag flute please Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all will we all remain standing for a moment of silence for our armed forces and all those survivors of the hurricane and all those in harms thank you statement of advanced notice the notice requirements of the open public meetings Act of the uh state of New Jersey have been satisfied by the inclusion of the date time and place of this meeting and the notice of regular meetings adopted by this board on January 8th 2024 such schedule and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building the Mount Olive Library the Board of Education offices and the six schools and was submitted to the Daily Record for publication on January 9th 2024 and was filed with the clerk of Mount Olive Township on January 9th 2024 I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting and we'll take a roll call please Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez Mrs O'Neal here Mr orillo here Mr stach here Mrs Nares I am here and I'll take a motion for the approval of the minutes Mr orelo I'd like to make motion approval of minutes 2.1 to 2.4 second do we have any questions or discussion from the board members n seeing none we'll take a roll call please Mr orillo yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr stachi yes Mrs nures yes do we have any Communications or petitions um from the board no NOP okay seeing none we'll we'll move on to reports um do we have a superintendent report we do I would like to invite miss mcder our assistant superintendent who will be going over our njla scores from the previous school year yeah good thank you thank you thank you for having me tonight um I do want to share upfront that this presentation is very dense and a lot of the information that is in it is really um determined based on state guidelines so I will share an overview and I'm not going to go through line by line the data on the slides this will be shared on the district website so anyone can go back and take a look at more detail at each of the slides but um things that we wanted to highlight are going to be in boxes in red just to draw your attention to those lines as key talking points but feel free to always go back and peruse it on your own uh when whenever you have free time so the njsla was administered this spring through our grades three through nth grade students um in both Ela and math and the math course whichever they're enrolled in Algebra 1 geometry um or Algebra 2 our njsla for science was administered to our fifth grade 8th grade and 11th grade students so you'll see some different data points depending on what the actual differ assessment is just to go over some uh reporting parameters we have um larger populations across the board in our njsla results but when we get down to subgroups and when we get down to some of the other assessments you're going to see a number less than 10 we can't report out on and that's really because when we have students of that limited population it can be identifiable information and we wouldn't want to report out on individual student scores publicly the scoring guide for njsla for ELA in math is as follows and really what we're looking for is our students to be in level four or level five which people like to use the word as like passing there's not really a passing but it's meeting expectations of that grade level or exceeding expectations of that grade level so when we're looking at our students proficiencies we're really looking at them to be in four and five and adding those two numbers up to see how many of our students really met those grade level expectations families were mailed home the isrs the individual student reports and this is just a mock one so you can see some of the information that was shared with families um where they had the students name where they ranged on that level one two three four or five um what the schools average that they attend was what the district average was and what the state average was and on the back of the ISR it goes into a little a little bit more information about uh the breakdown of those course those were mailed out I believe on September 27th from all the schools if you have yet to receive your students report and they were in a tested area please reach out to your school principal because they have digital ones that they could possibly share with you um this information has also been released in link it in the parent portal so again if you have any questions about that feel free to reach out to me for Access for your individual student scores so this big slide is really about our participation in the assessments and when you look at the ELA and math combined the district administered almost 5,000 assessments for our students in the spring and that is a huge Testament to our administrative team to make sure that all of that is organized students who are not there on the original Administration um are given the opportunity to do the makeup assessment as well and then obviously the support of our community and ensuring that families and students are taking these tests seriously and making sure that they're prepared and present on the days that the um assessments are administered so we have a lot of good information that we can make instructional decisions with so specifically for ELA I summarized the overall proficiency levels of each grade at the very bottom and this is districtwide so you can see we do have some um variation across the board um the green is growth the red is either a stagnant or slight dip in our overall scores um but we're really looking to see some of that growth in grades three four 6 and nine which we're excited about and our ninth grade students showing the strongest amount of proficiency so um that is really important to us that we're we're seeing that Foundation grow over time and that we know that we can pinpoint areas of growth with some of those other grade levels um these slides are really just looking at the different change from if levels one and two and then levels four and five um and then it goes into it even further detail here what I think is important for us to consider is level five is exceeded expectations for the grade level and you can see in the fourth grade example um the district is outperforming the state 21% versus 14% so by 7% in 2022 and then we see that continue growth in 2023 and then still in 2024 we're about uh almost 7% still above the state average and that exceeded expectations so that's a large chunk um same thing for the eth grade students we're seeing them exceed expectations and seeing that growth and then n9th grade 35% of our ninth grade students exceeded expectations not just met them so that's a really big number that we really should be proud of especially for our High School staff um and all the teachers who are building those foundational skills in the elementary and middle schools that they are really exceeding at that 9th grade level some areas of celebration for our elementary schools our elementary since there's four of them it does break it down individually by school and we see tins Road and CMS in grade three showing um some strong growth and achievement with 60% of our tins Road um third grad being in that meeting expectation and seeing growth from last year to this year at CMS which we are you know always happy to see that level of growth the same thing for grade four we have Mountain View and sand Shore standing out here um Mountain View altogether has around 74% of their population uh meeting or exceeding standards and then if you look at sandshore all the way to the right that exceeding expectations box 30% of their grade four students are exceeding expectations that's a huge number and a huge jump from last year with almost 19% more students as we look at grade five we can celebrate CMS with some growth both at the meeting expectations and exceeding expectations level um for fifth grade students and that just really sets them up well for that transition into middle school so each school has different grade levels that we really wanted to take a moment just to celebrate their achievement and the work of the teachers in order to prepare our students for those assessments when we get down into the subgroups um our overall District average this is what's coming up not by school or Not by grade level um and we're really right around like 40% um in that light green meeting expectations and around that 19% being in the exceeding so we do see some variation as we look at our Hispanic population um our black students who are not as high in that exceeding level um and who have you know higher levels in that partially meeting area um if obviously we can't have our students meeting and exceeding we really want them to be in that yellow group um but we see higher levels of students not meeting and partially meeting um for some of those subgroup areas the same thing for our subgroups by program when we look at our elll or English language Learners in New Jersey we are calling them our multi-lingual Learners you see a higher level of them um not meeting expectations we'll look at why some of those reasons are when we look at another assessment called the access but those students are still formulating their English language proficiency they are excused from taking the ELA the first year that they're in um the country after that they are expected to sit for the assessment so even if their language acquisition isn't as strong they are expected to sit with their peers for this assessment um our special education population is underperforming peers um and that is something that is definitely on our radar and something that we are addressing through different interventions and different um supports that we have overall areas that we can focus in on for ELA specifically for elementary we had wonderful support from the Board of Education in the spring of last year to hire new two new supervisor roles one K5 Ela um a K12 multilingual intervention supervisor which have been tremendous additions to the district um both of them have brought a lot of expertise and experience to the roles and have really helped us build some of those supports for students that are struggling a little bit and who also are going to help us build that further cohesion between the Four elementary schools for continued growth we also were able to add an Ela coach and that person is really there to support staff um to make sure that they understand how to implement some of these strategies that are research Bas and are going to help our students move and progress and build those foundational skills so we think that that team alone is really going to um further our progress with our student achievement we also had continued emphasis on foundations which is our um phonex program in K through three last year was its like full year implementation across those grade levels so I think you know that first year we're always going to see some growth but then only continue as teachers learn to master that and students have more years within that foundational um skill set we also are continuing our partnership with living literacy which our Consultants that come in several times a year to work with our staff they go to a building per day and pull the teachers out by grade level to have some um professional development and I think the most impactful part of that professional development is modeling the strategies with students so the consultant will pull a group of students model that strategy with them and the teachers can really see what it looks like in action and also in action with a stranger and how the kids are responding so they only are going to be more comfortable doing that with uh their own class we also are piloting the laa curriculum that was uh written over the summer with a smaller group of teachers just to work out some of those Kinks um and the main focus of that is really um founded in the research for um no I'm going to forget the science of reading thank you uh and the science of reading and the interdisciplinary approach that that's asking for of our staff and then we've expanded the pilot which was just third grade last year to K through three with I ready it's a different diagnos than the link it assessment and it also marries to a new learning platform so our staff had some initial PD on that in August and then just had additional um pullout PD which looked at the actual data after the students took the diagnostic and there was a um strong feedback from the staff they really felt like that was impactful and helpful for them to move their practices forward in the classroom so a lot going on at the elementary level in support of those foundational skills for ELA second AR um we've added dedicated professional Learning Community time for increased collaboration Innovation and implementation of evidence-based strategies as well as this year we're really focusing on developing a skills scope and sequence for 612 so what does writing look like at the sixth grade level what are some of those products we want that student to be able to produce and then how do we build on that each grade level so that we don't hear like we've never done this before right we've done it we've mastered it and we're moving on to a little bit more of a challenging scale um at our last presentation we talked about two new curriculums that really are focusing in on some of the new vision that we have for ELA at the middle and high school so grade six seven and and English 11 um really focusing on thematic approaches interdisciplinary instruction assessments and highlighting a lot of opportunities for students to make choices in what they read and how they demonstrate their knowledge of that okay so that's just Ela one assessment here we go math so upfront our math scores can use Improvement and it's not necessarily the scores that are as impactful um to myself and Dr Bania it's just demonstrating that the students don't have Mastery over the standards to move to the next grade level and to have that really strong foundation and you can kind of see that in how the scores decrease from third to Fourth to fifth to sixth down to 8th grade right that like the students aren't building on that knowledge they're um it's becoming a little bit of a shakier foundation um we do see some positive movements in our Algebra 1 Middle School those students are placed into there as a little bit of an advanced track so they are going to outperform um and our Algebra 2 Middle School it's read 85% of our students meeting exceeding is excellent but it's down from last year that's the only reason that's in red okay we are excited about that number as a whole and then our Algebra 1 for high school we did discuss this a little bit at our presentation over the summer with our NJ GPA this course is broken up into two years um and is for our students who have um as they're coming into High School need the most support and their math skills so there's definitely a lot of room for improvement Al together on our our math scores and that we are fully aware of that just a quick go ahead just to confirm grade A is that's the accurate number that's not a no that's the accurate number just yep I was hoping the was wrong so our grade or level four and five is that meeting exceeding you can see across the district we're pretty stagnant um a little bit of growth a little bit of areas for improvement there again um when we look at our geometry in high school in Algebra 2 at the middle school it's down 11% there are fewer kids in that bucket of Algebra 2 students so even one or two students moving down could impact that that that greatly so I just wanted to highlight those larger numbers again this is just an overview of each grade level each of the levels that you can delve further into that when we look at the grade level specifically for math at the elementary um tins Road in grade three really did a wonderful job 70% of the students um were meeting or exceeding expectations and that is a a significant amount of growth even from the year prior um which was about 7% less we also want to highlight Mountain View at grade four you can see it at that exceeding expectations last year 1% of the students did this year 12% did so that's a lot of growth in in one year in that highest category of students that are really outperforming and then sand short had um some nice growth alog together as well with increasing their students at that exceeding expectations level and then for grade five CMS had some wonderful growth at that exceeding expectations level as well going from around 7% to 14% so we do have some pockets of success here and we really did ask the principles to kind of highlight those things at the beginning of the school year and look towards these teachers to say like what are you doing that's successful with these students and how can we replicate that in other classrooms or other grade levels so we have more of our students um building on those skills and being able to be successful as well when we look at our data in terms of race um again our white population on the right hand side is reflective of the general um performance of around 40% and 10% at that meeting and exceeding so our black students and Hispanic students are underperforming their peers at this level um the one positive piece is that they are a larger majority in that approaching so that's something that's important for our staff to know that they're like close to meeting expectations and what are some of those shifts that we can make instructionally to get them over the the hump to be in that meeting category same thing by program um we have our Section 504 and gened students performing similarly um with our students in our frame reduced lunch um multilingual students and our special education students uh seeing that they're struggling a little bit and again some of that with our multilingual students they're not excused their first year for math they're expected to sit with their peers their first year in the program and in in the school um and sit for the same math assessment so again not that we're not worried about those scores but it does take some look at like exactly who those students are what has been their historical experience with math and um how can we continue to support them so the math actions are pretty similar K12 um as again we were excited to be able to add a K5 math supervisor um to really focus in on math at the elementary level and as well as our multilingual and intervention services uh supervisor as well our grade four five 6 7 8 Algebra 1 and geometry teachers are all going to conquer math professional development this year which is a series of PDs that range from about five sessions some of them are out to eight sessions um of full day professional development where they're really focusing on math content the math standards and an approach to teaching math so it's not a program it's not a textbook it's a research-based strategy of looking at concrete students working with manipulatives and seeing what's in front of them being able to then draw that out in a pictoral approach and then finally getting to the abstract and really that's building the students understanding of like why are we doing these things and not just like yals MX plus b just know it memorize it right kids need to really understand how that comes to be and why that is the um equation for that so we're really trying to build that conceptual understanding of math from the early grades um so we can build on that there is consistency in how the students approach math and we see that continued success um really thinking about our own classroom assessments matching the rigor the content and the structure of these major assessments that we see throughout the year in I ready or linkit or Sumit of Assessments like the njsla or NJ GPA just like Ela we've also really focused on dedicated professional learning communities for all of our staff um math has had some exposure to this and I think that just more time together and really being able to look at those standards and how are we approaching them and sharing those best practices is going to really um um support our staff and move the needle for our students we also have our Ela sorry our elementary and middle school teams looking at our current program um our textbook series really and seeing like is that the best fit for us because our contract is up this year so is this something that we want to move forward with and continue or do we feel like a different resource is going to be better served to align to the new standards that are expected to be implemented in the fall next year here as well as these different approaches that we're asking them to make um and moving towards a conceptual understanding of the content and then our middle school and high school will really take a look this year at our course sequencing and make recommendations for future program as we mentioned that high school class that's split up into two years is that really serving our students are we seeing the outcomes that we anticipated from that or is it time to really take a look at how we can better support our students with a different sequence okay science science is a little bit different because instead of having five different levels there's four levels so we're really looking at students being at level three or level four and students are only taking this assessment in grade five 8 and 11 and um one of the things about that is that there's multiple years of science being assessed in that one assessment so students are really expected to have an understanding of those prior years um fifth grade and eth grade it's a little bit different when you get into 11th grade and you're looking at chemistry biology and physics Allin one assessment it is a lot to ask of our students but um we definitely can improve our performance on this assessment I think one of the things that will support that is we did shift our 612 supervisor to be k12 and to really look at how are we approaching science instruction in the elementary school to build those foundational skills so they're a little bit more ready for rigorous science courses in the middle school that we can build again on in the high school so I think having that holistic approach um in the vertical articulation will really help us um improve where we're at now just like I said before our overall um students tested is very strong and that is really kudos to our community and our Administration for making that happen and again one of the things it breaks it down by Elementary School some some areas of focus tins Road had some wonderful progress in our grade five students from last year to this year with increasing about 11% um CMS had students at level four that advanc proficiency grow about 8% and Mountain View about 3% as well so we do have some pockets of success again to mirror what we want that instruction to look like and to delve into what did they do differently or how do they structure their instru uh classroom instruction to see that level of improvement similarly to our Ela and math we're seeing our Hispanic and black students under performing their peers um here we do see that their highest level isn't that below proficiency the lowest level so that's something for us to really consider and think about how are we building their skills in order to move them into higher levels of proficiency and the same thing for our um different programming our multilingual and special education students you can see really are struggling in on these different assessments and that's something that we really need to focus in on and build their capacity with um as we go through the grade levels our dlm is the D Dynamic learning map thank you was like we' gotten through a lot of acronyms so far so it is for an assessment that uh assesses the same content areas of ela math and science for are cognitive disabled students that really even if they sat for the njsla with modifications it still wouldn't be an appropriate assessment for them so this is the most appropriate assessment for these students and as you can see as I mentioned before when we get to that n number that's less than 10 we wouldn't want to publicly report on those students performance so you can only see some of the Bands here um and taking a look at overall our numbers in grades 3 through 5 we have 15 students assessed in grades 6 through 8 14 students assessed and all grades alog together 33 students um on this assessment most of them are at that emerging level which means they just really do need a lot of further support in developing those skills in science Ela and math for the math same thing most of our students are sitting in that emerging level at 68% so we just need to provide some further support and develop those Foundation math skills a lot of these students are not going to be in your traditional um math setting where they're going to be in an algebra 1 classes like that but they really do need to have Everyday Math about how to do money and how to add um that is going to be impactful for how they are successful later in life and the same thing for science we have a larger majority of our students at that emerging level so really thinking about how we can support them with different science experiences um to make sure that they feel proficiency at that our access for L's is an assessment that is designed for our multilingual students um the scoring of this is much much different and there isn't something where we like the passing is in that six category the reaching but it really depends on where our students start right so if students are coming into the district um they take an assessment so we can see where they should be placed and what level of support that they would need for as a m multilingual learner and then we continue to build their scill so some students might be in the program for several years some students might have had prior exposure and only been in the program for one year it really just depends on how quickly they acquire the language and are able to then fully um immerse themselves in a like traditional schedule here at in the district so if you look at the grade bands of prek through grade five we have 148 students that were assessed last year as part of the program um and they kind of vary with the highest percentage of students at that developing range and what those different markers really mean of entering emerging developing expanding is really what can the teachers expect from that student to do in the classroom with the language skills that they do have so the output of this report is much different of like here's where your student falls in proficiency it's similar to that but we call them like can do statements the student can do XY or Z and then therefore you should continue to expect that from them and build on those skills within your classroom grade 6 through eight we have about 42 students that were assessed the biggest group again falling in that developing and then grades nine and TW 9 through 12 we have 28 students and the biggest in that emerging so it really just depends on where students are entering um when they enroll within schools here what their language acquisition is and then how are we building that through our multilingual program I will say that the addition again of that super visor role of multilingual and intervention has really already started to streamline and support our multilingual teachers um even to the point like they're attending a conference this week early on in the year um to make sure that they're aligned they had time today during our professional development day to discuss best practices and how we're making that um articulation within the program itself be the most supportive for our students so um I think those are wonderful additions to the administrative team and the support of our students and then again here it just kind of gives you a little bit of a different viewpoint on that lastly last assessment okay our advanced placement results so there's a lot of information about advanced placement how you can kind of look at it I think the biggest two pieces um are those participation rates that are highlighted in that column in mostly in the middle of the page with how many students are participating meaning the students that are enrolled in the class and the students that choose to take the AP exam because they are two different choices um and then the amount of those students that then receive a three a four or a five on the assessment um a three is eligible mostly for college credits um a four and five you're it's a little for colleges and universities that are a little bit more selective you're in a better spot for those but we really consider a three four or five um doing well on the exam and and that's where we really want our students to be so when you have larger numbers like English language um being at 98% 98 students 95% of those students participating in the exam and 73% getting a three or higher when you have that many students taking the exam those are are stronger results right so the more access you provide to these assessments you might see a decrease in the results but you're really exposing students to college level work and I think that's the most um impactful part the same thing when you look at these two departments of soci studies and World Language you have those overall participation rates hovering right around 80% and then the um people receiving a three or higher right in those low 70 um% range so we are um really excited to see those numbers one of the things that we're doing at the high school tomorrow is Right tomorrow PSAT Wednesday Wednesday um all of our students are taking the PSAT and um because college board has kind of their hands and everything it college board has created the PSAT and what they do is provide us lists of students that are what they consider um AP potential and these students they're saying based on how they did on the PSAT they have potential to do well in these particular courses and we can use that information when it comes to scheduling and looking at at well how many of these students are really signing up for these courses because I think a lot of our families strongly believe that their students are going to go into a two or foure institution or at least would want to have the choice to be able to do so and so therefore we want to make sure that we are exposing them to that college level work um and those expectations while having the support of our staff here so I think those are really important things for us to think about and in considering when we think about equity and those different sub groups and making sure all of those students are really exposed and supported as much as we can um in these in these courses so that's it thank you thank you thank you do we have questions from the board Mr stachi thank you thank you for your report that's very informative excuse me forgive me if my questions are stupid but I'm not an educator excuse me Tony Tony talk the microphone closer sorry I'm focusing in on on grade eight I always considered that as a stepping stone yep and I've noticed that of course the O sta statistics can be skewed with a very small mitigating Factor but so you look over a period of time and you were showing on the ELA screen that we are we have we continue to have a drop off from seventh grade to 8th grade and I'm just trying to understand why that's the case it's just a pretty good drop off too um is there some kind of understanding why that's happening in ela or Max we can go back to that SLA right now okay so I guess the short answer is no there's not a clear answer of why that's happening I think one of the the pieces is the demands of the the standards change for students and we need to be making sure that we're exposing them to that level of rigor that's assessed right so if our texts aren't as challenging as what they're seeing on these assessments if the questions aren't questions they've been exposed to before the level of thinking on a consistent basis um those are things that we need to up the rigor for in our Ela classes um and I know that we have been discussing that and wanting to ensure that scope in sequence of like this is what's expected of an eighth grade student um so that we can hold that expectation clearly Over All of our courses to ensure that we're lifting everybody up um so they have better exposure to that the other the other question was in math now okay I've sat here a long time and seen a lot of reports on math and we have never ever been really doing well in math for some reason I'm talking about eth grade again okay one year we decided to drop geography and expand our course hour for math and the next year was the first year we had a precipitous growth in math since since since that point it's been the same situation we've changed curriculum you you're working on curriculum all the time you're doing this you're doing assessments I I just fail to understand why we do not do better in math in 8th grade than we have been doing so I will say the the number that we have currently is is not acceptable and I think we are making that clear um that that is not an acceptable level of performance for our community I'm not sure how that was communicated in the past to staff so I think that we've made that pretty clear um the other piece is when we so one of the reasons that we use that linkit Benchmark assessment form a b and c is that it's supposed to be predictive of how our students are doing on the njsla so as Form B rolled out last year and we saw the numbers that were coming in they weren't outstanding Andor different than what we saw the year previous so the math supervisor and I met with each of the grade levels six seven and eight at the middle school and really looked at each of the standards and said where are we teaching this in the curriculum and to what extent have you been actually able to cover it to where you think the students mastered it not just like we got to it right that like we we have ownership over this standard and our students are able to produce based on that and that was a really enlightening conversation because some of the things that we thought were going on in sixth grade weren't some of the things that the teachers thought were going on in different grade levels so we were really able to take some time to realign what the expectations were and really make sure they understood that these things are assessed at sixth grade these things are being assessed at seventh and these things are being assessed at eighth grade and we really need to stay in our Lane and make sure that we're doing those things well um so those conversations were really important and have also led us to um finding those additional supports outside the district with them attending this conquer Math training which has been um well-received by the staff and has really um I went to the grade eight specifically um because it's an area of concern of mine as well and the conversations that were being had of like this is really helpful meaningful lesson that I can Implement tomorrow that will change the way my students perceive this what we thought was like more procedural to having a true understanding of it so the students that are in our traditional grade a math are um are students that really need that extra level of support and visual visualization and my my I'm going to say My Hope but that's not really hope it's like strategic decision making around our math supports is that we do see this being um impactful the biggest thing is now our support of the staff on that and actually making the changes in the classroom right we can go to PD all we want we can get a new textbook but unless the practice in the classroom is changing then we're not going to see those results change so that's the other piece that we're looking at now is how are we strategic about that and supporting our staff as much as possible to really Implement that so we can see our students um having those different experiences so that we can expect different results M vict we do want to mention um the administration of the linol assessment and how that was adjusted this year to also provide us a clearer sense of where students are at the beginning of the school year perfect thank you um so one of the things that we looked at with link it specifically um was the way that it was being administered and how impactful that was or not to way the students kind of um perceived the importance of that assessment so both at the middle school and high school we made adjustments to the schedule where students almost have a delayed opening schedule and that first portion of the day they were all placed within their tags or their home rooms and administer the assessment like it would have been for an njsla or NPA creating that real test environment just to show the students the weight that we put on this and the decisions that we can make instructionally with better data from the students and the amount of students when we look at like the different levels and where students fell we saw a significant increase in their performance just from that kind of like ability to take it a little bit more seriously and uh have both of the buildings really administer in a way that was test like in that environment and just rate on that point too is that these scores like unlinking and or benchmarking assessments are really critical provides data to our teachers as to where their students are at that point of the school year to see determine what standards that may have to be retaught reemphasized or some cases really their students have already achieved so now that we're creating these environments throughout the school year the teachers are able to utilize these benchmarks as an actual um focus of how their kids are going to be doing on that um State assessment later on in the school year so you know thank you to M mcder and the rest of the admin team for making that important change um and also I think it's really critical Mr sta you talked about what are we doing different because there has been historical concern about math performance I think you know right now the team is focused upon engaging our teachers in conversation to ensure as Miss mcder pointed out what exactly is going on in the classroom what we don't want to do is bring in more programs different textbooks without making sure that our teachers are involved in this very important conversation so we spent a great deal of time and um in order to engage those conversations our admin team meeting with um um teachers in their building to determine where exactly a are the students struggling and how can we then support them so it's very a very calculated approach in which we're setting clear expectations with the teachers involved in the conversation but also across the board um talking about you know creating consistency and alignment of our practices you know we have four elementary schools right who all feed into the middle school and you know what we want to make sure is that the experience at sandur CMS Mountain View or tins is the same so that when they do come into to sixth grade that we're not dealing with kids at different um starting points we creates a lot of stress on our sixth grade teachers right so that's why was the implementation of those supervisors first of all is to ensure that those practices are consistent also the addition of the coach in order to provide the support in that classroom but also the um assessment of our students to be clear with our based on State Standards so that throughout the year we have a really great gauge right where exactly the students are so the teachers are able to adjust their instruction and certainly you know we're dedicated to be realistic and um honest about the achievement of our students right now and there's no you know you know rosecolor glasses here like oh we're doing great we're not we need to do better and I think that we spent a great deal of time even before we got these scores in order to make some calculated decisions and I know um the admin team will agree we worked really really hard this summer um as far as the work that was done in order to prepare for the school year and miss mcder and her team has done a great job in ensuring the PD that's offered this year is aligned to the needs of the students um most importantly and you know I don't know miss mcder you want to talk about you know our intervention services for our students as well um as far as when students are identified for example in linkit as a stent needed support H how do we go about doing that so each of our schools has intervention teams that are really looking at this um data whether it be from I ready or linkit and then the classroom teacher recommendations as well to say that these students are really not exactly where we would think they would be or where we want them to be and we come together as a team take a look at well what are some strategies we've been using in the classroom to help support them and sometimes just doing those a little bit more targeted can help support a student and get them where they need to be other times we need to offer tier 2 Services where students are meeting with an interventionist um at varying different levels throughout the week um to build in those foundational skills so they're not really teaching what like that grade level is doing they're teaching well what's missing from that first grade or that um kindergarten skill that's going to really put them at the ability to work with their peers at that second grade level so they're still getting the Inu instruction in their classroom but they're also building those other skills back in and making sure that we're not just like moving them on without filling in those gaps um if students students are not responding to those tier 2 interventions as well we can level it up to tier three which might be more frequency um or different types of strategies that that we're using and we really try to do that in segments of like 8 to 12 weeks looking at that data and how that student is performing and then making adjustments to those plans in order for us to be responsive to the student and also make sure that we um aren't just keeping them in these programs for forever without making those strides with students we want to always tweak and revisit and make sure that we're also giving them time to show us progress and one last thing do you want to speak about the platform in which we utilize our intervention um plans are now which is also going back to the theme of consistency and Alignment yep so we have purchased a a piece of the linkit platform called Intervention manager and what that does is well we purchase two pieces intervention manager and data warehousing and what that allows us to do is put all of our student learning data into one spot so even though our K through three students are utilizing the IR ready assessment it still speaks to link it and we can see all those results come in our students that are taking um assessments with our teachers like the fontas and panel which is really assessing like where they're at and their reading levels all of that is put into the program in order for us to have all of our data in one spot be able to look at students across um multiple measures to to see where do they might where might they need more support within intervention manager itself there's a collaborative way for us to build tiered intervention plans um so that principes can see them guidance counselors can see them the interventionists the teachers and everyone can share information about this one student so that it's not pulling from a million different places or we're looking at all these different documents and it really outlines very clearly within that platform of what services are we providing what's the timeline who's responsible for what and then we can come back and revisit that at other meetings so I think that having that structure in place that's implemented across the six schools has really been helpful for us to really be honest about what are the in intervention strategies we're utilizing in the classroom what are we trying with them in those tier 2 or tier three services how are they impacting the student and then how can we revisit them and um either release them out of the program or um provide some additional supports and just some some clarification so if you have a child coming from sire who may have had a plan in fourth grade um coming to the middle school because it's they they use the same platform they're going to be able to see what you know areas of concern they may have had two school um two school years prior so once again making sure when they get to the middle school that staff is clearly aware of struggles some students may have had because they're using the same platform to a capture the data but also to develop those PL so the fact that they can look at how to better support that child so those are the some of the many some of the many things that we're trying to do and students coming up from fifth grade this year were like automatically receiving intervention services um so that we can make sure that like that summer slip or whatever you want to call it that we are able to support those kids right away and aren't waiting for that like new data at a new school to get started we're we're finding them right away and making sure that that's consistent support for them thank you I make a comment I just wanted to make a comment to Mr stach's comment for 8th grade only because I do agree with you wholeheartedly however um Mrs mcder shared with the CNT committee the evidence statements from our testing results and just in regards to eth grade the eighth grade Algebra scores are really really good much higher than the nth grade algebra scores so just since you asked about eighth grade those were thanks should be noted can I ask just just for clarification when we're understanding the scores when we're looking at one grade fourth grade and you're looking at year-over-year you're not actually looking at the same batch of students it's fourth grade from year prior so what I'm actually wondering is do the parents get a report or is there a report that actually um comes down to actually the student to say hey you've improved your scores or how you take the test or what you're retaining year overy year and like a growth method for each you know grade or each student so in Link at the parent portal parents can see the past years of how they're performing on link it and njsla in a clean version though no there isn't a report that the state is provided that like allows that to be seen clearly based on like different standards um we do have that information but by like school and grade level so I can track students that were in third grade how they moved and did in fourth grade and how they did this past year in fifth grade to see um the same students and different grades um that would have made this presentation much longer but I'm happy to share that at CNT if we want to talk about that as well yeah one thing I would like to share with parents at home is that if you get look at your child's report that's was mailed to you on the bottom of the first page it will tell you how much your child grew in comparison of the kidss who performed like them last year so you will see that for example that your child out performed 80% of the kids who scored similar to them last year so that is available on that parent report so it's about the last line uh um um both Through Math and Ela so you'll see that um that but so from my outward parent facing you can go run to your kitchen drawer where you put that report and you can pull that out and see where that growth is as far as how your child perform in comparison other kids like them the previous year thank you and one other question um a lot of students taking AP classes how are we doing and maybe this is the takeaway with enrollment in dual enrollment with um our local colleges I know that's another options that many students do have and I know that a lot of the narrative is often around a just the AP AP classes and course courses but you know we do have other options out there I was wondering if we have any idea how our enrollment is and how those students are succeeding perfect so um we don't have the exact numbers because students are still able to enroll this year in some of the courses depending on what institution that we partnered with um but I know that Mr Felman and and Mr Sansbury and I have in our docket to to look at that um as we build our next program of studies um and I think it's a wonderful opportunity to again give our students exposure to college level coursework but as I think I mentioned like centinary has a course called social media marketing that would be a really interesting course for a lot of people but it's never going to be an AP course right so how are we bringing in those different interests I think is really important not to duplicate what services AP offers but to only build on them and create more exposure to that college level Readiness that we really want our students to have I just do want to put on the record publicly that like one of the barriers to dual enrollment is each institution has different different criteria for our staff and some of it is that a teacher must have a master's degree in that content area some of it is that they can just have a master's degree so when we're adding these courses and adding dual enrollment we need to look at our staffing and make sure that any student that's taking that class is eligible for the dual enrollment and just because they have me and I have a master's degree and other students have Dr ban she has a PHD that we're not able to offer a dual enrollment for my students that we want the same experience no matter who's assigned that class so that's just one thing that we really want to take a look at um and make sure that we're creating the most opportunities for the most students but also in an equitable way and just a clarification for dual enrollment just because the student is enrolled in that class that's designated as dual enrollment does not mean that they're going to achieve that they have to then in turn register with that college so right now we have a number of courses that are du um dual enrollment um eligible but that 20 kids then would have to then with the support of the teacher the guidance Department the high school register through for example stiner whatever college so that's why those numbers are not available so obviously kids are in those classes but then they choose to you know pay a certain fee in order to um earn those potential credits for that class and they do need to earn a certain grade in order to receive that credit from that institution as well but it is a wonderful opportunity and we're happy to expand that program and to look at how to do so to build interest and build our College and Career Readiness in our students do we have any other questions I want to say thank you so much you're welcome a lot of data lot of content and I'm sure there was even more data that you you Nar down to and I do appreciate really too or on behalf of the board the the honesty and the rawness and having Solutions identifying how you know room for improvement and I I'm very happy that we have the multilingual supervisor um I've heard wonderful things and I think that that's going to really support a lot of our students absolutely I just like to thank M mcder I think most people Al don't recognize she's only been this District since January yeah so um she certainly has hit the ground running and really developed a highly effective CIA team curriculum instruction and assessment um um work and so a huge thank you to our administrators and staff at home um who are not here right now certainly this it takes a village approach and certainly we have a phenomenal staff who are dedicated to improve not only the academic achievement of our students but also the the entire life of our kids they really do want to make sure that it's not only what's going on in that classroom from the academic St sense and they're doing a lot of wonderful works I just wanted to say thank you thanks thank you everybody than you eleth and with that we will move on to our committee reports and Personnel Miss quino yes the committee met on the 7th of October in just a few highlights we discussed um the current lead custodian sttips at each of the district's six schools and all the lead custodians receive the same stipan amount regardless of the size of the school and the disparity between the amount of the activities and responsibilities that are specific to the middle and high school the committee agreed to pursue a proposal for emo to increase the stien for the lead custodian at the middle and high school the committee also review the roles and responsibilities of the Sound and Lighting employees we also uh agreed to pursue a proposal that sets an established rate for employees that stay beyond their contracted hours to supervise students due to Transportation delays in the afternoon Dr Bia shared with the committee a proposal to change the title and expand the role and responsibilities of the Executive Administrative Assistant to the superintendent Mr Moore presented the new 2024 position control roster to the committee that organizes employees by school title department and specific UPC which is unique position code numbers and it's brilliant by the way uh and the committee also discussed internal coverage options for the vice principal position at CMS thank you do we have any questions from the board no all right seeing none we'll move on to uh curriculum and Technology committee report Miss Fenton thank you uh we met um Tuesday October 8th um we had uh the ELA curriculum k35 d uh Dr meani I could never say his name describe the work of the ELA curriculum pilot team they are volunteers from each grade level and buildings that are provide release times to review and implement the new curriculum develop lesson plans and gather resources to support and ensure a smooth imple implementation for the entire District in the fall of 25 our tech report by Dr krider she reviewed technology updates including the roll out of new Chromebooks for Mom staff and the breakdown of help desk requests um we have full update online um Miss mcder shared her draft presentation to us which you just saw and she also provided um evidence statements um for us to review uh and District initiative updates M mcder provided an update regarding the district initiatives including the positive feedback from staff about attending the first round of conquer Math training staff have found it informative and meaningful she also shared that the I ready pilot is underway with all grades 1 through3 students completing the diagnostic and training for staff about data analysis in the platform has also been conducted Mrs mcder also explained that the middle and high school administrated the linketts which we just heard um in the new format which had positive results um lastly The District staff we are participating Ed Camp style professional development today um so we will see how that went uh Dr bandia shared that she has requested that building principles share all potential field trips with her for the year to ensure Equity across the district and that will be ready for our November meeting do we have any questions from the board no I seeing none we'll move on to finance and operations Mr fitgerald thank you okay so we met also on October 8th uh in attendance were myself Dr Bania Mr stacei miss showning Mr orillo and Mr Deo uh this is the time of year where I know the committee is finance and operations we sometimes forget the operations part but there's a lot of operations that go on in the district our size and so um getting the district ready to turn on heat is actually a really big undertaking and so uh Mr Deo went over so many of the things that are going on in our district right now obviously to get ready everything from HVAC work to um you know mold prevention everything you can imagine there's a lot of content in the committee report if you would like the details on a lot of the fun going on in operations um but one of the things that I do want to call out that we have been discussing is obviously with all of the operations we have to also budget for a lot of these things coming up for uh the 25 26 school year and that will include the need for modellers what that means is we will have two at uh Mountain View two at tin and two at the middle school because we I know we have talked about it before um but we are busting at the seams and so um those will be included in that upcoming budget um there's just no way around it and we do have to pay for those um that comes with a cost as well so just wanted to point that out um as you guys are going through the operations report one other thing on a I guess a positive happy note uh we do have to buy buses that does not sound like a good thing it is thing um but we uh purchasing some new buses we had budgeted obviously for this uh but thanks to our awesome staff being amazing at their jobs we had budgeted an interest rate of like 4.2% but miss showning and team got us a rate of 3.69% always love a little savings there um so yay positive um and that's kind of an overview of what we discussed do we have any questions from the board too much I will say thank you to Mr Deo for joining that meeting it was very very informative there's a lot of work going on in this District um do we and no questions other questions all right and then policy in governance M mentes we did meet in October so there is no report however we are going uh we are scheduled to meet in November will be a heavy agenda I know Miss Miss melendes is working on agenda and with no other comments then with regards to our committee reports do we have any board subcommittee um and or parent teacher Association liaison reports the mic oh hello everyone I'm Amy Marini I am one of the co-leaders for ceg or uh the special education parent advisory group um we did meet on October 8th and um it was a we decided to format the meetings a little bit differently this year and so every other meeting the directors will be joining us and kind of doing us hopefully a spotlight on special services um and then the alternate meetings are going to be parent only so this first meeting we did have the directors come and join us and they shared a lot of information it was a little overwhelming actually um um but they did give direct um overviews on some of the new staff and new positions some of the professional development that they're offering uh new initiatives both with uh the New Jersey inclusion project preschool Consortium assist of tech and different pcast information I'm sure I'm missing stuff um they also reviewed uh New Opportunities and classes for our special education population um some things that are coming up uh this week I'll be attending uh cak which is the state special educ ation parent advisory Council um I'm just a innocent visitor basically what is it again will you say that again it's seak so it's the state special education yep um advisory Council that basically kind of is like the parent overse pegs and so um so um like for lack of a better explanation um so that's on Thursday it's it's virtual so anybody can join in um we don't vote obviously for those that but the council they're very big um which we were actually fortunate enough that the um the not the director but the assistant director um came over the summer in Special Services had um Damian patino come and speak to the staff about different things um with behaviors and how to manage them in the students we weren't involved in that that was all special services but he's on the board for cak um on um this Friday I'll actually be attending um a Ruckers facing the future conference to talk about transition and all the stuff that's available um with regards to potential employment and different things that are available for our special ed population and then um actually on October 21st our cpeg and a couple different cegs across the state have collaborated to provide a webinar to our parents um as well as multiple parents across the state on um the the name of the the webinar is what is executive functioning and um what does it have to do with ADHD um so I'm excited about that as well our next meeting is November 12th and I'll be back to ask Miss mcder a question about DM an open comment so thank you thank Youk you very much do we have any questions from the board I have one quick question do you do you record those meetings so no because we did record them um a while back um but then we kind of felt that people really weren't opening up I think they were afraid that they didn't know where the recording was is going to go and so you know and so we we turn that off um but you know because we use close captioning we actually have like the transcript of it so we do but you know we use it even more for minutes for myself so yeah I just I I I try to attend but a lot of times it's not convenient and it would be nice to be able to yeah we're still every you know the second Tuesday of the month we I've been a little bit of a stickler about sticking to that time meeting even though pta's come and go in that same time slot but um but yeah so thank you all right thank you I would be interested if by chance if you learn anything or you felt that it was um beneficial to the board and the district from the two um programs that you you're attending if you could if you felt that it was appropriate to share some of that information I think it would be beneficial to everyone yeah no no problem I I'll be happy to pour back next go around thank you so much do we have anyone else for um board subcommittee or parent teacher Association Liaisons no I have one CMS let me just get up my email so CMS school Community Association and they had some items to report on let me just see they have a trunk or treat is occurring on October 29th from 5:30 to 7:30 um donations will be received donations will receive through October 25th they will be having their book fair um November 11th through November 15th family night at the book fair will be on November 12th their next meeting will be on November 13th um it'll be at 7:30 via zoom and there is a change to the CMS Halloween parade this year October 31st it will be a 1:30 start and it will actually take place at Turkey Brook Park and and any questions no all right that's all I questions but I'd like to add you just reminded me that the Mountain View trunk Retreat is this Friday October 18th at 6 o'cl wonderful and I have nothing for the president's report and we will move on to public comments on action items members of the community may comment on any action item prior to board discussion please state your name and address for the record please speak clearly into the mic all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated and please note this is on action items listed in the agenda only and the mic is open 9 one I'm back already Marini three M Trail in Long Valley but my at a district placed here so I have a question for Miss mcder so I heard I was actually in the car when you um were speaking about the DM reports and stuff like that so I had to write my question down because I'm all over the place um so I know you guys were talking about similar to reviewing the grade level curriculum and providing the tier level of supports for the students that needed um needed supports with the because of link and I ready um and but my concern is that you know um like how are we supporting this students that already are in the thick of the IEPs and yet they're still seem to be struggling with the dlm um considering they're the ones that already have the most support so that's just my my question so just for clarify so your question is how students are being supported um within their IEPs in order to move closer to progression on the D um yet um you know I'm going to do is I'm going to speak to miss seak and miss um Huffman because I think it's important for them to be involved in that conversation and will follow up with you all right perfect thanks thank you anyone else for agenda action items NOP seeing none we'll move on to approval of our monthly expenditures and reports and I will go with actually miss uh F charl oh we'll hit you twice today that's right uh I'd like to make a motion to approve monthly expenditures and reports action items 6.1 through 6.4 second do we have any questions or comments from the board nope seeing none Miss sh will take a roll call please Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes Mrs Nares yes and we'll move to Personnel action items Mrs Aquino upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to move action items 7 .1 through 7.18 second any questions or comments from the board no we'll take a roll call please M Sher Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fon yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes Mrs naris yes and we'll move to curriculum and Technology action items Mrs a Fenton upon the recommendation of the superintendent and I make a motion to approve action items 8.1 to 8.7 second and do we have any questions or comments from the board nope seeing none we'll move to um a roll call please Mrs Fen yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi Mrs nures and yes and we'll go back to miss Fitzgerald for finance and operation uh action items upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 9.1 through 9.7 second any questions or comments from the board all right seeing none we'll take a roll call please Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes Mrs Nares yes yes and that brings us to administrative action item 10.1 is not listed there is no no okay so 10.1 will not be on the agenda I all right and then we're going to move to Old business members of the board May comment on any item or topic that was previously discussed by the board do we have any okay seeing none we'll move to new business members of the board May introduce any new item or topic of discussion for the board to consider do we have any this what was this old business new did you have old business Tony old or new go for it okay it's all right we'll go in both categories yeah I I I put something together here because I feel very strongly about it and I wanted to give this message to the board and it has to do with the referend ROM during my tenure on the board I've made it a practice to visit our schools at least twice a year usually in the fall in the spring sometimes more and I speak to the principals I speak to the staff I go in some classrooms and I tour and uh about five or six weeks ago I notified superintendent's office that I would be doing it again and I did and after touring this last time I came away feeling very unsettled uh and the reason why I felt unsettled is because our schools are either at capacity or approaching capacity or have exceeded capacity um especially in the elementary schools in the elementary schools we're starting to do one-on-one instruction in the hallway we're going back to Art on a cart we have two three interventionists working in the same room believe it or not we're teaching instrumental music in an Al Cove in a hallway and because of the increased need for special ed our class sizes for core instruction are rising and they may get to a point where the state will not allow you to have that many students in a school based on their their formula for square footage for the kids we did a demographic study which we got reported to us at the end of 22 got reported to us in early 23 that study told us and they do quite extensive research on that with births applications of homes whatever moving Trends and they they said that by 2027 they they make they like to make fiveyear prog uh projections and they said by 2027 we will have 300 more kids I believe it'll be 500 or more because one of the things they didn't take into consideration was immigration at that point we tried to solve this problem by going off for a referendum Dr bjer Kevin stanbury Glenn Miller architect bondsman everybody we spoke to a lot of groups but I believe it failed for two reasons we only got 900 yes votes I believe it feel for two reasons number one we we made a convoluted referendum we lost focused on what the priority was which is classroom space which is what we really needed and a lot of the Town people told me listen all of the things you wanted to do and you may need should have been put in your budget over the years and that's I think the main reason why they voted that down um so what we have to do now is we really need to go out this spring and this fall for another referendum and we have 4700 students if you only take one parent per student and you and you even knock off some of that you'll get at least 2, 2500 votes that's the group you should should be going after the people with children in who have children in the district cuz they're the ones who are going to be affected by this thing uh it has to be done we I mean I mean I I just you know I'm not going to be on a board but you people are going to have a heck of a decision to make here but you need to go back out for that referendum um you heard tonight that already we're going for modular well that's not a bond you can't advertize that over 25 years that's money that's going to be coming out of your operating budget every year and what is it going to be two three 400 $500,000 a year what are you taking out of the budget what are you sacrificing out of that budget to pay those modular that's because the referendum went down and even if you pass a referendum and you get ready to build it takes two years before you can occupy it so you really have to get going on this thing and push it it's going to cost 22 about 20 to $22 million to put six uh eight classrooms on tents and eight classroom on Sanu and and an auxiliary gym and a uh two classrooms on at the middle school that's what you have to go out for that and that only and hopefully you'll pass it and if that's going to be the case I'm estimating maybe it's going to run four or5 dollar a month on the average home that's all it'll take for that but now you have to look at the long the long picture here too and the long picture is that bubble's going to move up the capacity at the high school right now we had we when we did the 2003 referendum and we passed it in 2004 we built that school to house, 1600 students and through different programs and what we have made rooms into such as the anatomy lab and maker spaces and what have you that capacity is down to 1490 now and right now we have 1525 students up there so that's the long picture because you got to pass this thing right away because now you're going to have to pass another one and 2029 and that's the best time to pass it because that's when the bond that we put on in 2004 matures and you might have a wash with a very very little tax increase on that but you're going to actually need to do that I mean these are these are things that have to be done folks I mean regardless of what happens if you don't do that we're going to have one Hecker problem I was asked a question by Mrs Mendez when you interviewed me what's our biggest challenge I said our biggest challenge was space it still is that's your biggest challenge you'll handle a budget you'll cover this but you have to get seats for these kids you you you're not going to have the seats for them uh um let me just re review my notes Here I wrote so many things down that I wanted to tell you because I'm just really you know so upset with what what when I went through these these buildings the other day how I felt about it you know it's just I i' I've been listen I've been through this I've been through this twice I've been through it when we had to move the sixth grades up to the middle school so that we had enough room we only had three elementaries then and then that school became overcrowded and finally we passed in 200000 whatever it was and we opened up the middle school and we re we were able to recapture middle the old Middle School make it an elementary that solved our problem for that I mean I've been through it twice but folks what's what's going to happen with these incre remember 500 people is accumulated figure we're we're getting people every year we had one year because of just the geography and the students and what have you the level we had a bus kindergarten kids from Bud Lake down to Mountain View that was the only space that was that was we kept our fingers crossed because a it's a long time for a 5-year-old to be on a bus and number two we were transporting them across town it was a safety Factor you know you you we this has got to be done uh let me see what else I put down here probably that's a bunch of nonsense but um yes I I've wanted to bring this to your your attention because I'm not going to be on the board anymore I'll always be around if you you should want my advice or I'll always I'll always help because I've supported this school district for 55 years I love the school district we have a great School District uh and the only way the only way you're ever going to be able to build classrooms to do construction is through through referendum there is no way it can be put on the budget at a 2% cap where are you going to get $22 million you're not so it has to be done but you have to give the town people the reason this this town has been so gracious and supportive of our district the F we we passed the first one for for that middle school was $40 million the largest Mars County at that time then we passed another one to high school for 47 47 million was it Kevin $50 million I mean the town supported it but they didn't the last two times because they didn't see the worth in what we were doing and we have to give them the worth in what we're doing so I mean I just wanted to give you that message because it's I mean I was really so unsettled I'm looking I said where are these kids going to sit and and and trust me you're going to get to the point whereby oh by the way you're you're going to get these modular unless the law has changed I'm not sure you you can correct me you can only use them for instruction for two years then you have to go back and get a waiver that'll give you a waiver the first time but that second time you better show them you have plans for construction you're not going to get a waiver and then you got to use it for storage or something like that and it's expensive those things are expensive Tony I'd like to piggyback off of that because as you're saying this I believe they're approximately aren't they around a million dollars like between the plumbing the electric the foundations well the last course I heard the latest I heard was when we were doing a referendum is going to cost $3 million yeah well if it's going to cost $3 million based on the terms of lease and rates and everything else you're going to be spending $4 to $600,000 a year out of your budget that that to me is a waste of money you know so for a temporary folks I I I'm just I wanted to tell you that because it's been bothering me for the last four or five weeks and I just wanted to get that out but I wanted to get all my facts straight for you and everything else and tonight believe me I did not give you any High herbally I gave you fact and reality and now it's going to be up to you you have the challenge this this coming year along with Anthony I see is here too will'll be on the board too so that's it thank you Mr stach I don't know if everyone out home you know recognizes one how passionate you are about this but one of the other topics we also spoke about in finance was we're we're having to reuse right repurpose that multi-purpose room at Mountain View to convert to preschool classrooms with which comes with requirements we're losing more space and those rooms also require that each one has a toilet room for the the younger students as well taking up more space but the other piece that we're coming to find out out of the planning board in the town is there's more building going on in the next 2 to 3 years so we have you know the houses that were potentially estimated in that study we had that was almost what 5 to 600 students now they're talking about apartments coming in or condos that'll be another almost 300 students and that's just new students we're already Mr straat she said busting at the seams and having to put special programs in hallways and you know rooms that are not truly accommodating for the programs that the students you know should be receiving properly well the good news is uh when you when you decide to go back out to the high school when we did the addition the last time at the high school we left a footprint uh we were able to you you you're going to be able to put a third floor on top of the science Wing you know be minimum construction and that probably could take another 150 students so you know I mean we we laid the groundwork for some of some of this work but but you you'll be maturing it happened this time but we didn't take advantage of it you'll be maturing maturing a bond that that service will go away we'll just continue with The Debt Service you don't have to raise the taxes a fortune you might you might have to raise a couple bucks but based on course course at the time but it's this this is going to have to be done because I mean we're just I said enough we all I think we all agree thank you I think we agree and I also think that you are definitely the historic with a lot of knowledge and a lot of passion for this and and this is impactful to the students not not just the parents or people that don't have you know everyone is a stakeholder here and and that does and the one good thing is we're lucky people are coming here to the district they they want to be with us got great programs yeah phenomenal with that do we have anyone else from the board with New or Old business no I want to say thank you though Mr stacei for that I I know that you know you you always bring that to the table and it with such you know truth and honesty and passion with regards to the topic thank you with that we'll open up to public comments students parents employees and community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the olive school district please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated the mic is open we got the the awkward silence no who's going first I'm G to remember this time Antoine Gail's 13 tall Dr Anon yes so good evening members of the board and the public you know I'm not a statistician or a psychometrician but your report is the stuff that dreams are made up I love seeing the numbers and so the information that you gave had me think of of five quick things that is probably happening behind the scenes so forgive me if I am preaching to the choir but uh there are kids Behind the number so here are the things that that I thought about as you were presenting you were talking about the MLL program and and how strong the program is for MLL so my question was whether or not there was any sheltered instruction for teachers outside of the MLL program because that could make the difference because in my experience students do very well in their elll class but when they leave their elll math or ell reading or writing and they go to a regular social studies class or a science class or math class if those teachers don't have those same strategies and best practices students may lose some momentum there so that was uh question food for thought the other one was the the data regarding our subgroups I I I always think about this issue of disproportionality and and what is the percentage of the subgroup population with respect to the total population because I noticed that our Asian students are still outperforming every other subgroup so it would be great to see the subgroup population as a total of the full population at a glance as you going through some of of the charts uh with the different levels so at a glance I could see because the slides were moving kind of quickly I could see that in some cases some grade levels the students who were at level one and two were increasing from one year to the next so has there been any analysis done to see whether or not you are decreasing the levels of ones and twos and the correl between those students who are going to fours and fives and and whether or not you can kind of make some inference and that will give you the opportunity to identify students because we are talking about individualizing and personalizing instruction so how do you identify those students who are at levels one and two to begin impacting those percentages in the right direction and and then that that leads me led me to thinking about the high impact uh uh what is it the high impact accelerated learning grant that Mount Olive got and how that was being utilized and whether or not you saw any correlation between using that as a tier 2 or tier three and impacting those students who need more support and then finally in talking about the the standards I don't know if we still use Rubicon Atlas but Rubicon Atlas has a a standards audit function and it would be great if we're using that audit function to see which standards teachers are hitting how frequently they're hitting those standards so that you can make some determination about in addition to looking at the scope and sequence and your instructional material how are teachers how frequently they're hitting those standards in order to improve student outcomes thank you very much that was all that came to my mind thank you thank you Dr gs do you have any other anyone else from the public oh come on up oh we got the tag team hello everybody I'm Lisa lamola co-president of the Education Association of Mount Olive I live at sanur school in room 172 um and I just wanted to take a minute um to share with you all CU I don't know if everybody knows but our association does support for a lot of uh projects or community events that our schools are doing and so uh recently our pep Grant coordinator Mary hund from over at tins um secured some funds to support all the trunk Retreats at all of the elementary schools um also to help support the staff participate um and be a part of it um and she also went through a couple of others that we've recently gotten um approved um for tins Road she'll be supporting or emo will be supporting R across America at tints um we will also be sponsoring the first Lego League competition in December here in Mount Olive um and the National Honor Society in May and there's still more grants um coming in so hopefully we'll be able to be uh present and a part of more of these events throughout the district as the year goes on it's terrific thank you and I am Rona Carter the other co-president of emo and I live at various places in the high school mostly b303 so uh would just also like to thank in particular Dr banjer and Mrs mcder for being available open to our suggestions and just willing to hear us out for a variety of topics and meetings even though those topics might not be the most fun to talk about all the time we appreciate your patience and availability and flexibility with all that so we just want to thank you publicly for that thank you thank you very much can can I have ask if you guys um have more information like the grants that you like to share if you could come you or email them in and we could share them out in the committee in um the liaison reports I think that would be great to make make sure the community hears you know what's actually also you know the relationship and what you're supporting within our schools too thank you any other comments at them all right seeing none I'm going to close that out then we're going to move on to board comments members of the board May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive school district and I'll just start right down at the end Mr orillo uh I guess I would like to just thank Tony for bringing that up because we do have a serious issue here so that's really it thanks I think it's all been said no comment for me no comments oh jeez I just want to say thank you to Mrs mcder for your presentation can we speak at the microphone we can't hear thank you Mrs mcder for your presentation Mrs Ben I am going to ditto that no but honestly I I emailed you because um we got to preview it in CNT and I was I I'm very refreshed all the hard work that everybody does for our career curriculum I know it's not the best but you know what knowing that we're trying and we're really looking and we're really trying to make things work it's very impressive and it's very much appreciated and Tony I couldn't have said it better than what you said and I really hope that uh our referendum we go out for referendum and it passes that's it all right I'm going to swing it over to Mr stach I just want to congratulate and happy to see Mrs Vogal supervisor here oh yes welcome back in on her uh her cane fancy that fancy one the spark name my goodness I can't we missed you and I would like to thank Mr Murman too it was very good report thank you and M piga than y thank you m it's a long report thank you for explaining it all all right I guess I'll close it out besides just thank you Mrs mcder I'd like to also thank all of the staff and the teachers and the AIDS the Hands-On everyone down to the classroom has a piece of this you know success and you know the pieces of improvement that they're working on I think it it really speaks volumes to the it takes a village and we really do appreciate and I think I think the whole public appreciates all of all of that hard work um that goes into it and with that I going to close out any comments from Dr Bia at this point I just like to once again thank you Mr mcder and also the emo leadership it's really been a pleasure working with them and certainly there our conversations may not be um as always as you know on the same page but we agree to disagree and at the end of the day we want both want what best for our students in the district so thank you for their leadership as well all right with that we're going to close out and I will take a motion to recess into confidential session so moved second you I have a second and be it resolved that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing Personnel matters of attorney client privilege any pending litigation um confidential pupil matters I think be it further resolved that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists action may be taken do I have a roll call on that everybody in favor I all right we are now in confidential session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I make a motion to adjourn thise sit over can we have roll call all in favor who did the first who did the second I moved it you moved it she second I'm sorry I'm like delirious guys