##VIDEO ID:KjQ7MY2ORvQ## I'm giving you A1 yeah that's that what said okay all right now we're live I Jordan hman doly swear that I will support the contition of the United States and contition of the state of New Jersey I will bear true Fai and Ali to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority people iord doly swear that I possess the qualifications by for theice M of the Board of Education and not disqualified as a ver rs41 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed INE 18 121 and that I will faithfully impartially and perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me congratulations congratulations congratulations y guys did a great job Li big words there practicing all afternoon po pressure have to stand up and do something with your hand we got off yes so you want these right yeah and you'll take eventually yes okay thank thank you okay ready to call the order meeting to order please stand for the flag Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all on Tuesday November 5th 2024 the Mountainside Board of Education held its annual school election the results of the elections are as follows two candidates for two seats for three-year terms Jordan Heyman received 214 votes Candace shano received 2293 votes and Ryden received 55 votes based on these results the new new board will be Conant Ed as follows Mr Bill Dyan will expire in 2025 Mr Michael Goodwin will expire in 2025 Dr Dana Petro will expire in 2026 Mr Jordan heyman's term will expire in 2027 Mrs Vivian Poo's term will expire in 2026 Mrs candes shano's term will expire in 2027 and Mr Carmine Venice will term will expire in 2025 Now we move on to roll call Bill Dylan here Mike Goodwin here Dana c Petro here Jordan Heyman Here Vivian poopo here candano here Carmine Venice here first item on the agenda is call for the election of officers um and the first item would be to nominate president no quick I would like to nominate um viian poo to remain our president who's done such a wonderful job I'd like to second that any questions or comments we ready for a vote Yes Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes danu catro jman Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes K Venice V yes I now turn the meeting over to Mrs poopo congratulations thank you very much thank you to my board members for re-electing me as board president thank you for trusting me and continue to be a leader for our community and every student in this school thank you okay now we're moving on can I please have a nomination for vice president I'd like to nominate um Mr Dan Pedro I second that nomination all in favor no oh no sorry NOP wait hold on we had nomination by Candace second by Mike roll call please Bill Dyan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana c Petro my honor Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes Candace shano yes Carmine Venice yes moving on to our superintendent report just congratulations to those who are remaining on the board and return to the board I look forward to uh your next year of service and uh I think it'll be an interesting one for everybody congratulations okay moving on to our yearly code of ethics um I think we've done this in the past if we can just go starting with a everyone read a line is that okay with everyone bill you will start with b and then we'll move on does everybody have glasses ready I am ready did you tell me to start with b a okay I was who's going I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted with those who will be affected by them I will excuse me I will carry out my responsibility not to administer schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well done I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private actions that may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends I will I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed with needlessly injured individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in conceptt with my fellow board members interpret to the staff uh the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties I will I will refer all complaints to the chief's administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank thank you at this time if everybody can sign or if you haven't signed and hand it over to Dana I already messed up the that's okay thank you and thank okay we're moving on to the fun part uh our board representative and committees we're going to do that now and then vote for it after so we can I mean I think we can do the discussion of it I'm just looking at we have our appointments or we can you can hold it and we can wait until you get to item 16 okay so we'll hold it we'll hold it that's fine um moving on um motion to designate the following can I have a motion to approve is it motion to designate the following second all in favor roll call roll call oh my gosh I'm thinking at the end of the night already roll call please Bill Dylan yes D Michael Goodwin yes Dana gy Petro yes Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poo yes candano yes Carmine venis yes move on can I have a motion to approve the following appointments second roll call please Dylan a yeah a through y yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana gu C patro yes Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes Candace shano yes yes can I please have a motion to approve under policies rules and agreements items one through 11 second second ready for a roll call roll call Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana cetro yes Jordan Hyman yes D Koo yes candano yes carine Venice yes can I please have a motion to approve on the Professional Services for the years 2024 through 2025 item just one through five so moved second roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana gy c Petro yes Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes candano yes Carmine Venice yes may I please have a motion to approve under Administration item number one so moved second questions or comments uh this is just the election date changing this is just the election date and the March board meeting okay it's not the two drafts no this is the current 2425 school year calendar we will have uh the 25 26 Calendar on our January 21st agenda but because we knew of the change in the primary election we wanted to get that information out to parents as soon as possible so they can make adjustments to work schedules or anything else they may need to do what was the other you said oh the March board meeting we moved it back a week it is now going to be March 11th not the 18th and what's the change of date in June June from the it's now June 10th it was the third so on that one is it State yes State the primary election corre third to the 10th and we close because we are a correct so that the previous version of the calendar would have had us off the 3D it's now going to be schooling session on the thir correct and it had to do with a religious observance I'm not sure specifically what but it had been passed prior to the holidays by both uh the legislators and was just waiting for governor Murphy's signature and that doesn't I know you there's always a lot of thought that goes into this with the end of the year testing academic Integrity all that's yep concern no major concerns with that no major concerns with any of our eighth grade activities so did not impact any of those those events either um that on our calendar and it absolutely works it's past the New Jersey State Testing time window so it doesn't impact any of that either we really have no choice the legisl CH yeah yeah we don't but if thank goodness it doesn't affect any of the extra stuff from like a budget schedule perspective doesn't way before that no so the only reason that might impact if we get state aid really late yeah or if there's some crazy thing with state aid and then we'll have to address that but otherwise it's fine okay so and the Crux of the change to the 11th I'm sorry I missed I was incorrectly having a sidebar conversation why are we moving the 11 I'm not going to be here and we because it's our budget presentation we felt that at this time um my presence to be able to explain it to the public would be helpful but if in the event that the state uh the budget numbers come out really late then if it has to go to the 18th that that's fine I just will will not be here roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana gu C Petro Jordan Heyman yes vivine poopo yes candano yes carine venis yes uh let's move on uh can I please have a motion to approve under Personnel item number one second questions or comments I'm so glad that she is taking this role and that I think she's G be an excellent fit I'm very excited for her for her to begin she's she is really appreciative of the opportunity and I know that she will do an excellent job for the district yes she sure will I agree and this is one of the benefits for those of us who are receiving our tax bills from the referendum as speak speak right I think this is part of what to right this is part of what was funded by yes absolutely um people got shocked by that mailing that we've actually had a number of phone calls a little bit of a digression here but just to share we did get a couple of phone calls today um as to you just some qu General general questions as to what it was covering Mrs Castro uh has done an excellent job of Fielding most of those um and sharing just the general information for people who may not have been aware perfect roll call Bill Dylan yes Mike Owen yes Dana cro Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes cesano yes Carmine ven yes okay now this is the fun part we need to approve the following board Representatives uh a through I uh we are going to I guess put your name down on the line letter A Union County Educational Services Commission commission board I know in the past it's been Dana are youy to do it okay Berkeley Heights Board of Education representative I'd like to volunteer for that I'll second it can I second it can okay uh the New Jersey boards Association delegate I think that was me I can be the alternate we I've done that before okay unless you unless you want an it's me is you at the moment I think it is oh okay count okay so you're going as the alternate I'll say the alternate okay uh count uh the county school boards Association delegate K okay M cber Council and legislative Le you still want that I will keep it yeah if there's an interest um and there somebody's passionate about it I if you felt the uh that the BH board would be a lot I could take it back yeah and if you need help if you need anything let me know I can always yeah we can yeah uh Mountainside PTO representative I'll say that yeah Mountainside Public Library leaza at this time I think that most of us have served one or two years so if no one has served if you can step up I am more than willing to help out um we can alternate I have no problem um I have to say the meetings have cut down they're very they're pretty much sometimes 30 minutes 4 5 minutes um are they are they Zoom yes they are Zoom what days because I go once a month to the UN County meeting uh they're once a month is it every third Monday it's at night it's once a month it's usually Monday nights Monday nights I usually the third Monday Monday nights and they have zoom or in person um I know this for the past two years like I've you know first year he did on his own last year if the kids at that baseball game I yeah came around and they're very good about that it's you know if somebody wants and I could even alternate yeah as well would be a backup if pretty familiar with it let's not all jump at it Guys somebody has a I physically can't because I I teach of course that bill has a lot Dana I mean Jordan uh Candice Carmen what no no no with the library yeah I did that I not have before who took over you did yeah yeah would you like it back no Jordan I don't mean I can't commit every third Monday especially with negotiation meetings that are going to are already scheduled for certain month if you do some I can do some I can I can do what I can do I'm really I I'm also starting negotiations in my own district and I'm president there so I don't know what I can commit to for that unless we do you know what can we do one month everybody has a do one month at a time and everybody has to sign up early if we all rot I mean I I I teach a course in the evening but once May hits um the course like I can do it June J know they they're off in the summer I think it's August they don't have a meeting or one of usually August is they have a skip month rot you're fine with a rotation done that we'll work together okay we'll work together I'll start the first month I'll take the second uh do the first month um I can send an email regarding what months and we can send it to Tammy I will do the first month and going forward anyone just let me know okay do it after my so rotation okay and then senior citizen leis on yeah I'll take okay uh okay so now can I have a we should move that and second it and then vote on those can we have a motion to approve motion second any questions or comments I have a comment um going forward um if we can just I know that um like with the library if information comes back we can share with the public I know that Berkeley Heights obviously um also but all the other um committee uh Representatives if you attend a meeting if you can just come and just give me a little the public a little short blur I attended what was discussed I know you're um kmen is very good with giving us an update but it makes us aware of what's going on out in the state so just a I I don't know the schedule honestly but if you can just give me a quick blurb you know for our community to know what's going on all right roll call please you want those emailed in advance or do you want those read into the record and then what's EAS I don't mind I trust that you're going to give us that yeah I don't know if you need minutes or if you needed first no I don't think we need it's just an update on just an update at the meeting yeah all right on YouTube for all time roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana Gua C Petro yes Jordan Heyman yes Vivan poo yes candano Carmine V yes okay can I these additional appointments okay this is when we have to do the rest okay so we need Budget Finance Personnel negotiation curriculum health and wellness strategic planning Berkeley Heights uh last year I think everyone has um names of who served on each committee no uh last year budget and finance chair was Mr uh Dylan Mr Good chair was Mr Dylan Mr Goodwin and Mr Venice assisted and then curriculum health and wellness Mr shano was chair Dr quid's patro and myself Personnel negotiations was Mr Venice was the chair Mr Dylan and Mrs shano strategic planning which thank you very much I'm sure that was a big task uh was chair Mr Heyman Mr Goodwin and Dr quid cro and Berkeley Heights I was chair Mr Dylan um Mr Goodwin and Dr qu patro as an alternate uh so at this point we're going to go down uh we please either we stay the same want to be added on if you want to chair the committee uh we'll take our time doing this and I know at the last meeting we had uh discussed a new committee um anyone want to further on that bill why don't we talk about these first and that's conversation I'm sure all right so let's go to budget and finance you want to slot these or do you want to open up the floor to discuss whether we think that these are still five Val I don't we haven't had we really haven't had this discussion I know throughout the years we we EV flow in terms of what committees are active so not that I want to get rid of any of the five but I we merged to previously we merged curriculum and helping to be one okay um there was one there was a grant committee that we just we dissolved mhm um so I recall when I began I believe we were at either seven or eight yeah we were we were around seven so I think the grant was the last time we talked about the structure of the Committees we did join health and wellness with curriculum um We join I want to say we joined um and then the grant committee was one that we determined at that time was not necessarily needed but we would always continue looking for grant opportunities but it was not one BR was another it may have been prior to my time I don't remember I remember there's a lot so I I don't want to over complicated so do anybody want to suggest it and you get removed or we're good for these five and then we can just move on good I think we're good okay so let's start with budget and finance building and grounds um Mr Dylan would you like to still be on the committee yes Mr Goodwin yes Mr Venice yes who would like to chair does anybody else want on I'd be interested but only if if if we get to a point where someone else has too much so so as an alternate okay okay which yeah yeah for this conversation yeah we don't yeah okay um as far as chair I'm willing to do it again um unless anybody else wants to take it oh bill you have a lot on your plate with Berkeley hype so if you want I could share you did a good job you do do a good job I will say that yeah think do a great job as well I'll help you yeah I do think it's a good idea especially with my term expiring at the end of this year okay well mine too to put it there [Laughter] yeah you both have my votes for another three years right now if you want take it yeah I'll be there great okay so we have Michael Goodwin as chair and then Mr Dylan and Mr ven I'll be sending out an email for us to have a meeting hold on I meant to do it this afternoon never got to it so just so you know okay let's move on to curriculum health and wellness um M would you like to chair still okay and I think Dr quid P I said yep to and I will continue on it so that will remain the same is everybody okay does anyone want to jump on it and okay and you all got my email with the link for our meeting yes yes okay so that would have been awkward if you guys weren't on the committee anymore and I sent it out okay moving on to Berkeley Heights Berkeley Heights we have myself as chair Mr Dylan Mr Goodwin and Dr quid patro as an alternate um Mr Dylan I don't know uh would it benefit for you to be in both or would you I will step down okay take okay um that was what we talked about last year all right all right so we're gonna have Dana would do you like to chair or do you want me to continue chair Daniel would you like to chair I think that would be a good role for [Laughter] you Dana as chair myself BP uh Mr Goodwin would you like to continue in this yes anyone else any alternates okay I can be an open if you want me to be okay sure I think that would be great miss you might have the most experience by now you miss those marathons okay so all right so we have Jordan as an alternate for budget and finance and for Berkley HS okay uh Personnel negotiations we have Mr Venice as chair Mr Dylan and missana not me anymore it's me in place okay so Carmen would you like to continue to be chair yeah be fine are you sure and you it doesn't matter I could be chair you could be chair for yeah okay I didn't want to I mean you've done this sorry no no no no I can I can be chair if you want me to you like that yeah she does so we have Mrs shano as chair and then uh Jordan Mr Heyman yes and and followed by Mr Venice is that okay everybody has that okay and moving on to strategic planning should be easier there there's not as much strategy to plan for but yes the and the official books Bound by or the pieces that were put together by school boards are actually getting dropped off tomorrow oh nice so I'll have them for our next board meeting cool to share is there can I just ask and going back to what bill was kind of uh saying is there because we did like the whole strategic plan already is there a need to have for this year I'm not saying forever to abolish it but for this upcoming year is there a need to have that like from what you can think is there a need to have that so I would leave that honestly to the board in the past when we weren't doing strategic planning it really was a kind of a once a year maybe twice a year meeting just to kind of do updates and make sure it's on track and make sure it's on track so because this is our first for you know the first yeah new plan sure um I would leave that to to this committee to kind of decide do we want to keep it in place for one at least this coming year just to make sure that everything is getting implemented and then maybe revisit that next next year um but I understand where you're coming from it's definitely not as active right as some of the other committees and it's really up to the the committee itself if there is something else we wanted to put in play for it no I I would just say keep it intact just because there there might be questions and concerns or if it's not something's not working out I think it's just always good to who you who's responsible for it um know to go to and you'll be able to answer yeah true so we're gonna continue with Jordan as chair Michael Goodwin and Dana sure okay and then moving on to the uh committee that was discussed in our last me meeting now that we are coming up to the uh I guess renewal end of our contract with Berkeley Heights so um there was talks about starting a new committee yes does anyone to put any input I think that the so I think the summary from the conversation last time was essentially do we do we house any any send receive conversations under the ber Heights committee or do we break out a separate approved for one year only at this point send and receive committee that would support the superintendent uh and any and the board in in any conversations outside of brookly heights that was essentially what we were kicking around so our current contract has um the committee for open line of communication pretty much three times a year correct um so it's your choice we can either combine it with a Berkeley Heights committee or just one committee would which be a send receive special committee once the contract is up or whatever happens um we would remove it from St from being a committee so it would be special just my opinion on this I do think we need a separate High School C Reed committee okay um given where we're at and how close we are to the expiration of that um and the feedback that we got in last meeting and what we shared around um looking at the Alternatives um without creating a committee I think we would lose focus on it right okay so um we we put our most strategic items within the committee like we did with the fiveyear plan I I don't see this being any less important um so my my ask would be we create a Sixx committee specifically to create a plan around the high school send receive uh and then follow through on the actions okay for the plan anyone want to give any other ideas so I kind of I kind of I hear what you're saying but just a flip side um I think that it should be the same committee um just because I think it should be like bir SL send receed because I think that the conversations and the meetings and the communication that goes on with the berkly heights committee should be the reasons and or what's where I'm where's I'm looking for but that's going to be like if we go to another school or wherever we go that that's G like it's called Berkeley Heights just because that's where our students go now because it's a send and receive so it's essentially like it's the communication we have with Berkeley Heights because that's where our students go but it will be wherever our students go so I think that those people who are communicating with Berkeley Heights and working with the other board members will then be able to say okay we we are on track and then let's look at other school I just think that it's it's it should all be one one un does that make sense yeah the the only thing I would say is that you're you run the risk of kind of uh losing in the shuffle the dayt day week to week month-to-month conversations that we as the two boards need to have which are outside of the fact that the contract is expiring right so I I don't want to lose the focus and the attention on the here and now um which I think here now is also what's going to make us want to either look somewhere else or stay where we are and I think that like these three people who are going to be having these conversations are going to be part that should be part of some of the meet upcoming meetings as well since we are our contract is coming up so I think that like the the Berkeley Heights committee should be having those conversations with the Berkeley Heights um board members about it that that should be a Hot Topic in our upcoming agenda one one thing I would add is that again I probably Isabelle wait in because I still have it in my head that she had some some clock that was ticking but the actions that are needed are I think are very different if we just look at like the next three months maybe three to six months you've got so there's we said what three meetings is sort of what we had had Stamped Out cont yeah yeah but that's height pie but right totally right but that's that's like keeping the lights on there's I I would argue that there needs to be um anel accelerated Cadence of conversations specific to renewal of a contract that should start like ASAP separately I think there needs to be some work done to figure out are we gonna have conversations formally with others um and if so like what does that look like and how quickly do we want to move on that process so it's if it's one committee it's a lot of work I'm just I'm pointing that out I guess my question is g to be is it going to be the same people that are going to volunteer for both like No it should be different I mean I would like to be on both committees there should be some overlap I would argue I would say y but I would like to be on both committees because I think the reason why I would like to be on brookly Heights is because that's where my children would be going will be going and I think that it's important to be involved in that and I think that my I one going next year here and I have two and coming up so that this is a very important topic for me yeah so I would like to be on both committies and I see that most conversations that I see with working with per isn't just a Hi how are you how's everything going it's more of a do you understand where where we're at okay then contracts are coming up and it doesn't but at the same time I think that we're looking at other we're looking at other schools and I doing our due diligence to our community you know in my opin attending you know we only had two uh Berkeley Heights committee meetings it was more like of an openline communication what's going on over there what what do we have here you know it's building that bridge that was lost but now we it's we've worked hard at so I think that having a separate that will only focus on the send receive is something that we need it'll be different type of conversations Dan I'm just curious with your comment um I get your passion to be on the committee right um if you were on both would you could you differentiate that they're that the kind of the purpose of each is different yes of course no no I I guess I don't want you to what the way I took your language was almost like uh we the folks that the folks that are Focus that are focusing specifically on a Berkeley Heights one are those the same people that we want to do the other part um if they're if they're if those are the people who want to be involved saying if it's the same people people that want to be a part of that I I would think myself I don't know if Mike would also want to be on that part too I would think he would so it's it's kind of like I just feel like it it could be like we join curriculum in health and wellness they both have their own requirements yeah yeah I show it's kind of like Berkeley height SL send and receive it's the it's the same committee with two different separate requirements so like we meet three times with the Berkeley Heights designated Berkeley Heights representatives and then we have the the other piece that we are responsible to do whatever the board we that we our goals to uh our s I'm not really sure I'm L sh I'm being little we have but the our send reive contract being you know being open to that and doing our due diligence as a community what we need to do with that responsibility I think that they're two different jobs but just like curriculum and health and wellness we don't always talk about health and wellness when we're talking about curriculum so it's to me it's the same thing the same people but same responsibility but instead of me saying hey guys there's three of you who are on this but I just had a meeting with Berkeley Heights let's have a conversation I already know we all three of us already know what the conversation was because we just had the meeting so now we are GNA now are going to change hats and now we're going to talk about the contract and how do we feel about the meeting we just had how do we feel about this contract that's again I'm not really sure what I'm allowed to share what I'm not I really don't even know what we know so that's why I'm being big and I will here I just I'll like back to the actions I think think you hit it on the head like that Berkeley Heights is a is moves from a three time a year check-in to a contract prep conversation that I think that's the goal for for 2025 and six it's what do we want in it what do they want in it it's moving toward the actual doc I think that the other workflow is you're you you're basically moving toward what could be an RFB so it's it's it's different work it's actually unrelated I would say in many ways except for the fact of like what as a district and aard do we want in a send received contract be it with Berkeley Heights or anybody else AB so it's just yeah absolutely but I absolutely but I think that yeah I I see I see I see that's two different committees but I I see that it should be the same people because it's information we might get that would be helpful for that other job if that makes sense so it's kind of like having the communication with berly Heights having the dialogue and then also knowing we have to put that other hat on and say okay well this is where we need to go now yeah I I would the last answer is I would just caution that the timeline should not be intertwined at that point meaning like if we're unable to get meetings that we want at the Timeline that we want with one District it shouldn't slow down if the board should decide that it would like to proceed at a faster Pace elsewhere so that would be the maybe the cautionary T just again I I again it's just it's the point that I know myself and Mike would want to be on both committees so it's to me it's just merging the two I mean make them two separate committees but I just think like if the same people want to be on it or if there's somebody else that VI doesn't let's just say I probably wouldn't I'll be honest I probably wouldn't how many on the committee well there's three on Berkeley Heights so there would be what three on send receipt three is the maximum otherwise it's a quum right okay that's what I thought but I mean that's just there's always an alternate too well think of what do you want at the end of each committee what is your outcome you want and then at the end of the day the send receip will probably be gone once our contract is well yes and no the send and receive a year after it happens to see it through like one one of them said that pretty well I think is important to keep that Committee just like we're doing with the strategic planning for at least a year after that happens to see it through after these meetings I guess it would be good if thought have the pros and the cons why go here why go there and bring it back to the whole board and well at least at this point I haven't heard in public Berkeley Heights even acknowledge that this is something that they're looking into or willing to dedicate resources against um so by having one committee you're potentially you have bigger expectations than what they're willing to commit to so that's my only concern too about having one well if you guys all feel we should have a separate committee I'm not sold I was just you know you know I'm not stopping my feet saying I don't think there should be two committees I'm just saying that I just don't see why there shouldn't be one with this you know with two different expectations okay but if you guys feel that there should be to and that legally you mention is if you legally feel that it would be safer and our best interest to have two separate headings entities and let's do that I'm not I'm not so I'm not sold either way I'm just kind of saying well I think your point was basically like if the same people are going to serve on the two committees then it's okay this this meeting is bery Heights Meeting we're gonna meet with Berkeley Heights and then the other meeting is going to be we're not meeting with Berkeley Heights we're meeting with whomever else yeah at this point I would step down and I don't know Jordan would you step in if that's the case though then if you if you wouldn't want to be on it wouldn't be the same people then I and obviously the answers are question we just make another action committee but I think that's where the overlap is okay right because you're you're I I still believe that you're there for different reasons to keep the day-to-day communication the flow of what we need to run our districts effectively from now to the end of the school year is still valid right whereas okay so when that committee meets we don't know if it's going to be the same people on the Berkeley height side when that committee meets that's the intent of your conversations open you're talking at least from our perspective when we're talking contracts it's for us we are going to approach it in a different way you don't need to be there let's say it's Jordan it's Jan whatever the case may be for for sake so uh I'll put it back on the floor right I'd like to make a request that we officially create a high school send receive committee um it's a special committee I we're looking at the bylaws oh so it'll be a special committee um so I'll lay it out there once we create the committee I think we can figure out who's on the committee I'll second you want call send receipt High School send receipt High School yes and it will be labeled if there's a difference I'm not sure why there's a difference in the policy but there is a difference between a special kind of special time committee which I think this is we don't expect this live on forever because the Berkeley Heights committee will ultimately take over right um but I think in the for the short term we'll call it a special committee the way that I read the language that's how I read the how do you feel if you have the three members and you have an alternate they cannot vote but just in case uh someone is unable to attend a meeting uh they could fit right in well we would normally have an alternate anyway always someone says someone like the Berkeley Heights Jordan would be an alternate so carine I'll just answer your question I think being on the committee this year I found it invalu both that our president and the Berkeley house president were there together to discuss at least what we had defined as the outstanding goals of that committee and what we were meeting for so I I wouldn't want to lose that um in the short term right so that that's why I was saying rather than the alternates I I'm fearful that we're going to try to put too many activities into into one box and if we have this other committee and there's some overlap in terms of one two three members then we handle it that way so you're advocating one committee the both two two two commit two committees berley Heights committee as we do now which addresses all things Berkeley Heights related happens one committee likes one position one school and the other committee likes another school well it's not like that it's not but I me but you're you're going in the same way that one board member likes this superintendent and The Other Board member likes that superintendent but we come to an agreement on one of them I think the goal or any or any but I would think that the Committees would advocate for one particular group well I think I think I think what I think what the goal is is that the Berkeley Heights committee by itself just has a nice relationship with both boards uh the Berk board the mount boards and check in with each other three times a year and just make sure we're all on the same page and that our relationship gets better because I think that's my goal uh being on this committee is that the relationship between brick lights and Mountain Side um keeps growing um and then the send receive is completely just open to the contract and um and potential places for our student our m students to attend so I think that they're too different I think my my thought before earlier was just to bring it together but again I see the the purpose of it and the legal component and Logistics of it I'm fine with the two boards myself I would like to be on it so I just like to say so do we make a motion to approve the name of it first so we already made a motion to create and second should vot so call Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana C Jordan hman yes Vivian poopo yes candano yes car venis yes okay so now we need Representatives um who would like to chair want me the chair yes please I'll chair sure and then Dana you said on please and the next person yep I'd like to be on it okay my good one desire anyone else just do I want make sure anyone else the only other change I could think of Jordan as we're talking through it if you wanted to be on both instead of me and wanted to because I know you're the alternate for the other but I'm I'm fine with the way we net it out if you guys are I just want to make sure everybody's good with yeah no I think I think that's fine I mean and I can obviously if like as an alternate if you guys need anything from a you know background perspective I think you come with a lot of experience clearly you actually stand in for something for one of those meetings yeah fine especially if we do start to meet more regularly as it relates to like needs and wants for for a future contract yeah and that goes with all committees besides the Personnel negotiations I'm there for everybody that's right yeah Mike I encourage St you'll add some great value there and the connection with the buildings and grounds right Finance part is is part of the conversation right can't sustain the existing parameters you know we know that we raised that in every meeting we've had around budget so right um it goes hand in hand with the new role as the as the chair so and same with being from a curriculum perspective like having that um that interconnection there too these are these are the pillars of what goes into a new agreement high five right now put our and like I just said um I'm here for all the Committees except personnel and negotiation somebody can make it just call me just let me know I can always stand in for not personal negotiations I can't do that yeah that's the that's why I said that one I but but I heard that Al try not to let okay uh can I have a motion now to approve or did we do this already for our new appointments we did not we can I have a motion second any questions or comments I want to just comment thank you um I think this went smoothly I think we had very good conversations about every single committee and as to the the wise uh roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes Dana patro Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poopo yes candano yes Carmine V yes okay at this time I would like to open up the floor for public participation on any item of your please come up to the podium state your name address good evening Gale Bradford Berkeley Heights and Berkeley Heights Board member Madame President I just wanted to be able to come to this meeting to offer our thanks and gratitude to the previous Berkeley Heights representative Mr Jordan Heyman for his expertise for his historical knowledge and for everything that he had done for us during some trying times so uh just want to say thank you to Mr Heyman on behalf of the board and half of our community and we look forward to continuing relationships with Mr Dylan and we will see him tomorrow night at our reorganization meeting and I'm driving him there so and again um I I know I don't have a but I think that separation is is going to be fine for this and I think that's going to be good and I just have to give you all a compliment for how you run your meetings and how you work so well together and how you decide the Committees but again our continuing relationship is priority for Berkeley Heights and I think we've made a good start our new superintendent is on board as of last Thursday so again we'll continue to work together and I want to thank you and Mr Heyman and thank you Mr Dylan thank you thank you very much okay that's it we're done right okay can I have a motion to adjourn now oh any new business uh yes well I I did we did talk about well is it new or old I guess it's way new and new and old we we talked last time about considering and again this maybe open for board discussion uh I slightly delayed start for for uh opening meetings with the notion of possibly compressing exec down to keep keep public starting at 7:30 so I guess I don't if I have a motion yet so much as a notion to open it for discussion um we start at what 6:30 right now um so the question would be do we want to start at like 6:45 or 7 allow us all B more time for those have to commute or get where they're coming from to get here and then maybe make us more efficient during during exec obviously the there's going to be times I would imagine where exact even with an hour probably we can't pack it all in so that would require a second ex fully understand that so that's that's something we need to consider in cases of having to go longer would we be able as long as we um announce to the public let's say on our is it April meetings that it takes longer that we can start earlier as long as you provide ample notice to the public so you'd want to have that notice far enough in advance so that it could be published then yes you can adjust your starting time um in order to even though you're going into you still need to notify the public but yeah we absolutely because we've done that just like today yeah just like uh and we've usually done that in April for our personel committees things like that um we won't always know that it'll go longer I mean that's why we do have a second executive session built into the agenda but in ones that we do know in advance we 100% can advertise it earlier I'm in favor for starting a little bit later um obviously our exact will have to be productive um and knowing that we might have to go into second exec will we go seven we can go we can meet halfway and go 6:45 well if it helps everybody commutes why we do s and if we feel like we need to push it forward we'll push it to 6:30 on on on months that we feel we need it that was going to be my question could we try seven and go and could we mid year if we decide this is not working out we're going into too many second exacts we're going too late at night could we go back to 6:30 is that is there anything keeping us from doing so say mid year and say all right we we've tried it we piloted the program and we're going to go back now you sound like a teacher there seven would be more helpful than 15 minutes right I I think 6:45 at that point let's just start it at seven and yeah and see how it goes if if that's agreeable and just move it to the months that need it it doesn't have to be mid year and be like oh no we need it like it might be some months that do and some that what what time will you officially start the regular meeting 730 7:30 like we do now yeah compress executive for 30 minutes instead of the full hour with the knowledge that if we have to go into second EXA obviously we would yeah and if we know in advance that there's going to be a packed agenda that requires a second exec and we think we can get it done in an hour then then we get ahead of it and we would announce a 6:30 start opening yeah I think that's how it would have to I mean if you notice and I agree with Mike if we notice that we're starting at 7 and every time we're going into second exact let's go back to 6:30 yeah yeah no okay I know that put some on you J to basically say hey what do I have for tonight that and what do we think it could take yeah yeah I do I do think that the emailing before sometimes with exact some conversations it does help so I think that improved a lot of our conversations too sometimes we were in executive session and you're just letting the clock run out so you come in here at 7:30 exactly does it make sense we know certain meetings already um Jen that will probably so I think those we should you know we know already that we're to start at 630 right then can I have a motion to approve start time 7 exact I'll make the motion to to as a default to start at 7 and preserve the 7:30 public second anyone second you I I thought you were second second uh any questions comments roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike hin yes Dan C Jordan Heyman yes Vivian poo yes andano yes Carmine Venice yes okay at this time can I please have a motion to adjourn one last comment okay that's my duties of uh ab and grounds chair my first meeting I I attended it on the buildings and ground committee people were complaining about the lights outside on the tennis ball cours have it announc that those are finally fixed the lights here at Deerfield on the pickle bowl courts now uh are fixed and there will be a ceremony to commemorate the activity and the fix that'll be Thursday January 9th at 5:30 um I have I'm behind not sending the email out but I was asked to invite all of you uh to partic partipate with the town and wreck and mayor and Council that's this Thursday right this Thursday 5:30 right outside and I think we need to thank our town that was great thank you it was uh the I think they got grants that were written um through their grant writer Debbie uh I think the the wck department had a big role in this as along with the DPW they're always great partners of ours across the board I think there's also replacing the last light post the last light post is going to happen uh Mr Johnson let me know it's going to be over Martin Luther King because it's a two-day project and so this way at least one of the days does not impact students being in the building so again it's great collaboration across the parties of whose property but who's using it and whose equipment and so and and so forth so um they specifically called out Mr Johnson right in terms of the ability to coordinate times and specifically do it over the breaks to limit the impact to our staff and to our students so just uh all around a great it's while a small thing uh yeah that was nice PS You Know M with their pickable so but just I know there's a lot of parties that play so just thank you to everybody absolutely for the I am not sure I I can't promise that right events I will pass along your request are you coming just C and horse there's he says he's com I gotta get up to okay um I felt like I rushed before to adjourn any more comments or questions committee reports or anything there's nothing to say right okay so can I please motion to adjourn favor all in favor oppos motion carries see you uh January 21st 20th I don't even know thank you very much thank you