##VIDEO ID:RWGK_9j2CVA## Board of Education in accordance with the state Sunshine Law and state regulations adequate notice of this meeting was provided by mailing a notice of the time date location and instructions for accessing the meeting to the Union County local source and the Westfield leader filing the same with the burough clerk posting the notice at the main access door of the Mountainside Board of Education building and at the Mountainside Board of Education website on the Mountainside Board of Education website not in these meetings are reserved for the board of deliberation and for review of items contained within the agenda the board reserves a right to vote on action items the board welcomes the participations participation of Interest interested individuals we encourage questions about specific School practices incidents and events to be brought directly to school administration public comment will be permitted at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only each participant is asked to give his or her name and address prior to making a statement in addition time will be allotted at the end of the meeting for public comment on any item speakers shall limit their comments to 3 minutes roll call please Mr Bill Dylan Mr Michael Goodwin here Dr Dana to see Petro Mr Jordan Heyman Mrs Vivian poopo here Mrs candano here Mr Carmine Venice here at this time I would like a motion to go into executive session it's 6:32 second we will be returning in an hour all in favor oppos motion carries we'll see you then e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we're ready good evening we returning from our executive meeting it's 7:36 and we will continue with the rest if we can please stand for flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] I'll pick it up after can I please have a motion to approve our meeting from o August 20th and September 16th second any questions or comments roll call please AG to C yes I abstained from the 20th and yes I'm sorry I from the 20th and yes for the 16th as from the 16th you don't have to obain just because you weren't there I wasn't here present at all you don't have to obain no no as long as you've seen the minutes okay then yes for me yes for as long as you've reviewed minutes you don't need tostain Usain don't okay okay sorry I learned something you let well just as long as you reviewed the minutes yeah that's fine um cand yes yes I don't have any correspondents like to open up the floor for public participation on any agenda items we will be voting on please come up to the podium state your name and address see none we're moving on President's report um can can I see your thunder please do by all means I want to share the Thunder um share far and wide I would like to congratulate uh the Deerfield School for an amazing honor of achieving the Blue Ribbon um award it's not easy to achieve that and I am very proud to say our board stands behind our um our Dearfield team I'm extremely proud of our faculty our staff our students and especially our community it truly takes a village to who to become who we are and we might be small and we might be a tiny District but we are pretty Mighty um it truly is an honor it's definitely a testament of all the hard work that everyone put into it congratulations and I think that's it this is our first start I hope everyone had a great start to uh the new school year I wish you the best and now to the superintendent report all right thank you um thank you for a number of those pieces so School reopening we are here we've made it through our first full weeks of school which for especially our youngest seems like forever the first couple of days everybody's so excited and then it's like wait a minute we have to keep doing this and we keep coming back um but it's really been packed and filled we had h a smooth opening really a nice welcome back for our staff so our opening day of staff was staff Olympics and so we really did an Olympic theme with a lot of team building activities opportunities for um for our staff to just really get to know each other build that Community build those relationships was our goal um and then really getting down to the details of school opening this past week we had back to school night and it was very well attended at both Beachwood and at Deerfield so many thanks to both Mrs Jen Mrs verling and all of our staff for their presentations for meeting with the parents and those opportunities that everybody has had um I always encourage staying up with the uh weekly s'mores that our principals send out um as well as the monthly one from our special education department and Mrs rolu because it just keeps everybody up to dat on the events and the different activities that we have going on um before I do have a short presentation for you this evening but before I do I also had the opportunity to attend last mon last week's PTO meeting um and at that point was sharing opening things as well as information about the public question that is going to be on the upcoming ballot in November so information on this has been shared far and wide it has been sent to all of our district parents uh with a double-sided flly fire that outlines what's on our public question as well as a number of quick questions of how did we get here why are we asking for the parents vote really stressing and understanding and sharing with people the impact of a 2% cap and what that has in relation to the concept of our fixed costs the board will remember back in the spring when we talked about this year's budget how so many areas of our budget have fixed costs that are not held to a 2% cap and therefore we are trying to work within that um with limited funds you'll remember too our ARP funding is no longer um we also did not receive we anticipated it but it did come out we did not receive Title One funding for our ESA Grant this year which is typically between 20 and 30 something thousand that goes towards our Title One programs we did not receive any of that because that was based on the census that was conducted um and the numbers that came out in that so with all of these pieces we really have always taken a hard look at being as fiscally responsible as we can uh the board will recall the number of cuts that we did make prior to presenting this year's budget um but unfortunately still having a deficit so really looking to to the public looking to get out that vote um so we had Flyers at both back to school nights we will begin some Community forums uh with our first one being next Tuesday right here at 7 pm um and then one the following Tuesday at six o'clock or yeah six is where we'll start uh for a coffee and conversation that evening and then there's going to be a virtual opportunity I've also sent information out to all of the local groups for them to hopefully share with their membership just really to get the information out to the stakeholders um additionally my staff has assisted me and we've put together a number of FAQs that are on the district website so lots of different opportunities for the community and the public to be informed get the information I thank you to those board members already who've responded um look forward to hearing from the rest as to your availability to join me for any of these forums because uh the opportunity to share with the public and answer any of their questions um and really hoping to get out the vote I have a a number of parents approached me after the PTO they're assisting with social media pressing of it getting the information further and wider when we make posts they're sharing it out with their um spots as well so really wanting the information out there I've had a couple of community members who don't have children in the schools reach out to me with questions and responding to them and then really building up on our FAQs as more questions come in so that this way we're able to really share share that information um because these are meaningful this is important information this is important way for us to build our budget and make us sustainable and that is one of the most important things for us is how do we sustain as a small District when we have the limited funding coming from elsewhere so um that's what I have on our public question um sharing with you this evening a very brief slideshow I think it is only three slides so I promised brief I mean it um but annually we do need to report out on various state test results and the first one to share with you um that has come in is our access testing these are for our English language Learners um it's still called access for elll even though the state has changed terminology to MLS multilanguage Learners or multilingual language Learners um in our terminology next month you'll have a much more expansive uh presentation from me on our njsla results um but our access testing it is an English language proficiency test you will see that I am not providing detailed data as I would for njsla because when you have a low population of students participating in a test you do not report out individualized or even group data because it could po unintentionally identify specific students so just sharing with you the broad information which is that this is a test that is used to determine English language proficiency levels of any student who is identified as needing language support um within our district it's tested in the domains of speaking listening reading and writing each one is scored separately on a Sixpoint scale it goes from emerging to reaching our students overall actually fell in all of those levels because what happens is you get four different scores you get one for speaking one for listening one for reading and one for writing um and our student proficiencies kind of landed across the board pre predominantly in the three-ish range but we had some students at ones some at six um overall highest scoring was in the listening component followed by the reading um and students who are identified as needing support in our ml program they will get uh really language skills that is targeted so phonics comprehension word retrieval other areas as much as possible we do support that in small group instruction and support given to our general led teachers so the teachers are receiving resources from the teacher who we have designated as our ml teacher she will push out resources to those classrooms for best ways to support the students the other piece to report out to you this evening is uh we just and it's hot off the presses we got it Friday afternoon were our qac score results this is an result of a very very extensive uh multitimes 5 pronged um assessment that comes from the state of New Jersey and they assess a district on five different indicator areas and the scores that we have received right now are instruction and programming came in at a 79% fiscal management 100% governance 95% operations 97 and Personnel 98% the percentages relate to all of the different indicators and what evidence is supporting it anything that we have any District that falls below an 80% does create an improvement plan which will be presented to the board for approval in October it then gets submitted to the state we basically come up with steps for how to improve as we need to to reach that 80% or higher and we then get a review and we will modify what we need to in order to attain those scores and coming back to where Vivien was our national Blue Ribbon School recognition was exciting to all Mrs uh jenss and I did a breaking news Deerfield Morning Show so in the middle of the day we sent out notice and did it went live for the school to announce that we did in in fact re receive this recognition from the US Department of Education um this was rewarded for being a h exemplary High performing school where they look at our test results they look at our student growth they look at our progress um and to piggy back on what Mrs poo said I cannot say how proud I am of the staff of every in this community of my Administration for their efforts to really take what we've always known about how amazing and how special Mountainside is and the fact that this is receiving both state and National recognition is just really so so wonderful and it supports what we know and how important the education is for everybody here in our district so that's everything I have anybody have any comments or questions he now moving on to our business administrative report I don't have a report okay and um Mr Hyman is not here so he will report back in October he did say if he wanted us to have notes and I said that's okay I would be here forever we'll wait till October um we do appreciate his notes though you're welcome okay can I please have a motion to approve under administration's items one through four so move second any comments or questions roll call please good one yes yes candano yes car yes can I please have a motion to approve under budget and finance questions one through nine second sorry who moved it David second comments or questions if I could just make one comment to everyone item number four um I am pleased you'll remember I did share that our mental health support the program that we had last year was unable to fulfill that contract this year I had shared that with the community as well and that we were looking to identify another agency to work with us so you'll see item number four is Care Plus we are entering into a contract with them for one day per week which would replace what we were already anticipating and had budgeted for um with Tri County Behavioral Health which was our prior group very pleased with them I reached out to multiple references spoke to other districts who are using them Reed very positive feedback um and so they also are aware of our desire to expand should the public question pass and are prepared to inst Institute that in a very short term once they have somebody in place for us once we have this all but they do understand our desire to expand and are very willing to do that with us um should the public question pass roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes AG yes vivano yes caceo yes car yes may I please have a motion to approve under Personnel items one through eight sove second comment questions roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yes danro yes Viano yes candano yes car V yes can I please have a motion to approve under policy items one and two second comments or questions roll call please Bill Dylan yes Mike Goodwin yesan yes candano yes car yes okay does anyone have any old business none new business I have a question for new business when is the the Fall Fest oh that would be my that but then I'm so sorry there report Fall Festival October 5th thank you from 12 to 4 and you have to get if you want to prepay get tickets or wristbands by Friday by Friday if you would like to order wristbands tickets say something new start last it is yes and they will deliver theet to you I believe before so you can get your tickets early and same thing as in the past outside rides inside weather permitting yeah fish fish no fish oh sorry no fish our fish lasted a very long time that's why I'm asking all right any other new business okay October 5th hope see everybody there 12 12 awesome from 11:30 to 12 is a sensory oh I'm so sorry 11 I'm dropping the ball today well I'm just talking 12 is the sensory portion of the Fall Festival followed by 12 to 4: okay and all the classes are working on their posters because the PTO does an annual poster contest oh so they'll be working it's gonna be nice and sunny and beautiful it's perfect what is that the cop Trot ends there oh right the cop Trot is in the morning the P cop Trot is in the morning right into that and I believe there's also a pickle bow tournament oh it's a day full of excit so yeah the whole town the whole town will be down come by what kind of just a pickle B tournament from like the Rotary Club is running a pickle bow I don't know if they have other courts in town but I do know that they have that they're using the deer maybe I should learn how to play first yourself there selling fish but we will have a food truck it would be a taco truck bye food truck taco truck guys you know I feel about a taco truck you're here if you're here for the pickle ball tournament come to the top not necessarily someone who usually comes to the Fall Festival you can come by get on a ride what do we got tilt the world I don't know get a top top and they'll be selling Bak okay so now we have the cop Trot the pickle ball and the Fall Festival all on October 5th and food truck okay ur ur care all right any other new business committee reports I have none I will be meeting with the strategic planning committee um in the near future to be reviewing our uh five-year strategic plan we had our meetings last spring working on the details to support that and we'll be meeting with the uh strategic planning committee prior to having school boards finalize all the details to then presented to you do we have a deadline we're looking right now our goal is October it will be November at the very latest but the goal is October that's like next week ready what can't believe it again that's November at the very latest go it's good to have a goal and that's a guideline that's a um deadline you put or the that I put that okay yeah all right and any other committee reports all right at this time I'm opening up the floor for public participation on any items you would like to discuss seeing none can I please have a motion to end our meeting motion second all in favor oppos meeting is over have a great evening I will see you October 5th um and I think that's it all right good night