##VIDEO ID:x7bG34sT6d0## it was a really nice back to school it was awesome believe many people came out I was like lo you got one more minute of conversation so I don't have to whisper for one more minute okay it's hard enough for her to sit still let alone with she's always always dancing by my door need to think it quicker I don't know whatever it takes whatever mark all right it's that time can I get a motion a second to resume the public portion of the agenda motion second all in favor any opposed abstain if we could all stand for the flag SE of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all at this time the meeting will now be open to the public for comments on agenda items if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss the items in public does anyone need to make a comment okay uh any old business so I just put a few things on here just as general reminders for the board so we have New Jersey school boards copies coming up the week of October and so we're registered as a group just so everybody knows but um I'll get some information out as that to purchase again a reminder be training I think everybody's doing what they need to do there but as we approach the end of the year if I I will reach out eics just need chant if you can see me after um the meeting because we need to do that for for new board members um and then obviously the elections coming up so just putting that out there for everyone what's the due date on the train well what happens yeah it's really just yeah December 31st I yes tomorrow you're welc any new business okay uh committee reports curriculum policy Oh's not here so I guess that's be hold on give me a second um we talked about the administrative teams meeting with the municipal Alliance they're bringing a bunch of assemblies for a whole bunch of different grade levels levels um one is farest friends the life skills lessons for third graders life skills for sixth graders escaping debate for seventh and eighth graders so um thank you to the municipal Alliance for helping us set that up um they're also doing some red ribbon funds and PBIS funds uh we discussed the opening day PD and how well that went um we discussed the nurses service plan which is on the agenda for approval the PD mentoring plan again also on the agenda um and we talked about Aces getting started and what's going on with that so and I just want to say not part of the meeting but just in general we're all very excited about Aces starting and we really appreciate all the work that all the staff has done to get that up and running so quickly and you know the success of the just filling out the grant such a way that we want it again so thank you um Finance um we had an hbac update that I think Mr Pi is probably going to go into more depth later about uh we got an update about the Asus Grant acceptance and the initiation of services we discussed um uh lunches and lunch balances uh plans moving forward with outstanding amounts uh we discussed the possibility of of uh in memory bricks out at the uh the memorial and then we also did uh a facility we got an update about uh facility access that was improper and what's going to be done uh moving forward to correct that uh as well as discussing uh shared services uh with the Township in relation to it and um also perhaps uh getting on the uh the baseball field in the back to uh get that some maintenance and get it uh looking a little nicer thank you and then Personnel negotiations um we talked about the Asus staff that we were seeing on the uh believe it's on the addendum tonight to hire for some of those um to talk you talked about m w facilities use Township facilities use um Personnel recommendations for hirings that you'll on the agenda including an aid a teacher mentoring in homebound positions and we are currently in negotiations with the principles and super supervisors Union uh correspondence so we got one letter from my mcdonal house it was a thank you to um was addressed to barbar sorry um it was about a uh the aluminum tabs drive and I wasn't a part of that so I can't speak to the detail I don't know if anybody else can yeah okay so and that then provided support to R the house for all the effort I had a student that brought a lot giant like but thank you um we don't have anything new for board and District hlls right now update right so the hbac update uh have there was an update that U Mr wear provided for the facility committee and I'll just read some of those those bullet points or summarize them you that that project is substantially complete at this point it's been turned over to us uh with a punch list and so we're in final um uh final status for the punch list and like I said in committee I think out of the initial 50 some items there were only about nine or 10 outstanding at the time if that's probably down to about four or five one is the louvers Steve you sent me an update so I'll show this um every unit's working except for room 86 there's a warranty repair there was a part that wasn't working in the actual machinery and so that's a warranty repair that should be done early next week U there are still events that right outside in the courtyard here EV need to be installed and now actually be site tomorrow for that and most of the electrical issues that we discussed that were outstanding committee have all been resolved um with the exception of the final um wiring of burglar which should be by Friday and so and there's a little bit of control issues going on just making sure that everything's balanced uh and train the main manufacturer should be in early next week to solve that so pretty good thank you at this time can I get a motion and a second to approve the August 21st 2024 Board of Education regular meeting minutes and executive or just regular meeting motion second all in favor I any opposed abstain thank you uh this time can I get a motion and a second for the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 7B through 7K second okay online mine has an L have an L also I have an L you have an L okay so 7 B through 7 l yeah I have B is summer hours C is new hires D is Staff mentors e is Esa title employees F oh f is monthly reports oh it got moved okay so F should not be there okay I was wondering why monthly reports BL on so monthly reports Som Dro down into that we move everything up and move that it would be then it would be just okay yep I'm I'm in the agenda but I'm going to leave it there in the agenda the way it is and make the move and the minutes that you think that's what we should do I think that's fine because you're announcing it right now that you're moving that that's a typographical error that report section needs to be in the section okay it's even on the paper agenda right there so right okay yeah um so can did we do the motion in second any [Music] discussion uh any discussion okay can I get a roll call then m m CS yes Lynch yes Mr R yes Mr St yes m w yes yes M wild yes M yes pass at this time can I get a motion in a second for the Mulla Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approve items 8B through 8G Mo any discussion okay comment is cross country schedule I have big shoes to F follow Mr in the championship Lu and then I have a question on the the climate change learning collaborative that they're going to are they doing anything in unison with Cedar Creek because the magnet program in Cedar Creek they have one that's environmental Sciences I don't know if they're doing any collaboration to try and tie all that together two c Creek or I don't they are but this is part oh I can speak to that I've been to uh about four of those professional developments and that's through uh stock in college ET SRI Center we're getting like we're basically you know learning about climate change and how it's Implement in the classroom and um there hasn't been discussions about having it with in con Junction with Cedar Creek I think it's just finding more time and where to teach it to and be interesting if you tie together with Mrs Martinelli and everybody else at Cedar Creek absolutely because then people might be more interested in going through that magnet program at yeah yeah I'm talking about my St class with my second graders in your spare time thank you problem any other discussion okay can I get a roll call then up Y what are we gonna say about the virtual learning thing is just something we have to do we talk about that meeting yeah something the state requires and not yes it's required paperwork we have no plans to go virtual again everk just something we're required to have it's not anything I like they re all right now can we have MS yes Mr St yes M yes Mr winter bottom yes M wild yes yes yes okay so we're skipping section nine because we don't have any policies to do this meeting so we're moving on to section 10 at this time can I get a motion and a second for the M Township Board of Education upon recommendation of the business administrator approve items 10B through 10 G motion second any discussion any questions Bob you always have a question in this section no not this time all right everyone good can I get a roll call yes yes yes on yes to the rest yes B yes M wild yes BR yes at this time the meeting will now be open to public for comments if your comments pertain to students Personnel litigation or negotiations we have asked that you see the superintendent after the meeting since the board does not generally discuss such items in public would anyone like to make a comment I would you were you need to go okay I'm just making sure I didn't want to you know parents first um anyway good evening uh my name's key elivan the M Township Education Association president hello again um we are happy to be here and have picked off the new school year with a bang um we concur with you we are very happy to have Aces back and um you know I just wanted to like thank Barbara Ro publicly everybody that participated in um Christy Rivera I know it was a lot of work on everybody's part once that came out they worked on it very hard to get it submitted um and again we wanted to thank coer Lev and La firm the PTA and miss Francisco the STA breakfasts and lunches at our back to school professional development days um very good uh back school starting off the school year um the staff has been met with many new adjustments to the schedule with additional responsibilities such as teaching Spanish of students as well as outdoor PE um we look forward to partnering with Administration as we navigate these changes and we look forward to partnering with the PTA and the other local associations throughout the M Community with events thank you thank you does anyone else want to make a comment I do okay the municipal lines is going to have their trunk Retreat on Friday October 18th at direct field from 6:30 to 8:30 thank you anyone else okay um I do have a PTA update this me so um from the PTA president thanks to everyone who stopped by at the PTA Booth last night back to school night and thank you to everyone who has signed up for the PTA so far this year their first meeting will be next Monday September 23rd in the library at 7M they hope to see everyone there they will be decorating the outside of the school in the coming weeks for fall and collecting gently used or new large kid or adult-sized Halloween costumes to offer to any community members in need a couple of new things the PTA is moving away from venmo for transfers money transfers but they have created a zy account to take card and Apple pay payments for things like membership or in stock spirit wear and magnets they have made some updates to the PTA website including links to the spirit Weare store membership volunteer opportunities Etc check it out when you can also new this year they are hoping to provide $250 to each grade this year to sponsor a grade appropriate group activity or event they will need a teacher liaison from each grade to coordinate they are in the process of getting updated quotes and designs for the schoolwide spirit wear shirts from Mrs bel's teacher fund request and they can start Gathering t-shirt sizes from all students and they say thank you uh is there any Mt mtef updates not yet okay then we are done for today so can I get oh Theo thank you forgot about that se on here okay sorry the next board meeting is scheduled for October 16th 2024 it says 16th online I don't I oh here it is next board meeting is Vis for October 16 here okay all right October at 6:30 for executive and 7M for public top of the second so for the agendum can I get a motion and a second for One D through one F motion second uh any discussion all right can I get a roll call then miss C yes L yes yes so now can I get a motion in a second to ad the meeting all in favor any oppos thank you everyone are I'm back there you go