##VIDEO ID:kERAIk2tALM## for okay we're waiting for the members to join good morning how are you all is well just give us one second okay um okay I see another Executive Board member I'm going to admit the board members okay good morning good morning okay we have a lot of people and I no okay I'm just gonna admit everyone just wait for okay so please help me um admit uh everyone into the meeting I'm going to be extremely busy with um sharing the meeting okay let me just sh sles all right you guys able to see my slides yep thank you okay perfect okay good morning everyone I do believe we have uh Quorum can you um Randy Josephine Erica just double check that we do actually have Quorum I see like 20 people but it has to be executive um executive board members and also CPAC memb and also help me admit everyone is popping up in my screen Ros are we co-hosts I don't think I'm a co-host yet I thought I did one second oh where did my screen apologies I gave to Ry I see you Ashley and I did to Erica okay we are good let me okay okay oh come there we go okay can you guys see my screen yep thank you so much okay good morning everyone welcome to the January 2025 cack meeting this is your executive board uh meeting for the rest of the year of 2025 um welcome everyone um we are going to to start with uh CAC procedures and standing rules and I know it's a lot and we are going to have Erica provide a brief summary of the cpeg rules whenever you're ready uh Erica take it away hi good morning and welcome everyone uh this is our quick summary and thank you all for being here again as always if there is anything that you would like to contribute and be recognized please raise your hand be an active listener and stay engaged be respectful kind and professional and please remember that there is only one mic at a time also please do not unmute yourself unless you are requested to do so uh we ask that there's no side conversations in the chat for those who have have access to the chat no disrespect uh which of course we're all always respectful to each other and our opinions no follow-up questions once your question we want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to ask a question and have their question answered and uh if we'll give you a warning on the first infraction you'll be muted for the rest of the meeting if there is any type of disrespect and the disrespect continues and lastly we will uh be removed from the current meeting as we know we don't have to worry about any of that but we want to make sure we always make sure that everyone feels safe to contribute ask questions and uh be able to participate so welcome everyone thank you so much Erica okay right now we are going to um call this meeting to to order at um second I think not 9:38 a.m. and we are going to do rollal of the following members and for that we have Miss Randy Randy are you ready yes I'm ready good morning everyone um in the chat it asks you to please rename yourself please put your District or burrow in front of your name and fill out the attendance sheet um we're going to start with district one district one Ashley here okay District Two Amanda Brown here thank you District three uh Lauren here for district three thank you District Four District five district District Six district seven district 8 good morning Eric and new present District nine district 10 11 12 Come Morning Christy hes here good morning 13 no we don't have 133 14 um good morning just present good morning 15 16 17 18 19 20 here 21 Randy dist oh go ahead what happened no District seven is here okay I'll add them Master District um 21 22 24 24 present Matthew CIO good morning Matthew how you doing 25 good morning this is Rachel I'm here good morning Rachel 26 good morning here good morning 27 28 29 R Montero here I can't rename myself okay I'll rename you soon with okay thank you District 30 um I think Becca was running late um 31 a parody here 32 75 Brooklyn High School I am here Bronx High School Manhattan High School I'm here rosadas uh Queens high school here shanet Walters good morning shanet St Island High School guys I'm here st's here Pamela good morning okay so the only one I missed was seven anyone else come in after seven okay I'll turn the floor back over to you um Rosa thank you Randy uh for uh just in case district four five 6 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 27 28 uh District 32 District 75 uh Bronx High School if you're here please please please please let us know uh raise your hand uh Randy will um take attendance and let you know like will you you'll be counted that you're here you're present and please be engaged so for notice for all the districts and the borrow president's Council um as per CAC bylaws right on the removal of members CPAC executive board reserves the right to contact a district president's Council if it has not been represented at three consecutive CPAC General membership meetings today is the third month the third uh consecutive CPAC meeting uh for two districts we will be reaching out and hopefully we'll have representation next month uh with that being said thank you uh Randy so much I just wanted to put that for the record and we see back we want to say huge congratulations to Deputy Chancellor Dr Christina I cannot see everyone I on my screen but I hopefully I see uh the hopefully you see that we truly appreciate your leadership and congratulate this is your virtual uh roses uh well deserved thank you so much and please congratulate her put it in the chat and I'm not sure if she's here is she here Randy Madam chair see you hi Madame chair this is Jesse uh she she will be joining later on but I'll definitely relay to her oh we'll do it again yes thank you so much let me know okay we'll do it you okay okay now we are going to start with our our meeting and we have uh two changes to the agenda and as you can see the agenda items and times are subject to change based on the Chancellor's availability the presenters her team um we might have to move things around and what we are going to do right now is we have just a minor change from um the office of student enrollment to go 10:30 and unleash the knowledge by the FLC district 21 to go at ATT 10ed instead with uh that being said we already did the roll call we already uh we are doing the CAC business uh we're going to have a presentation by Youthful savings somia M which you she's here present um we are going to have assembly member and thereor uplifting parent empowerment in our voice which is very very important important and uh two two changes uh of um unleash the knowledge first and then the office of student enrollment after then uh we are going to have um the class siiz law uh at 10:50 by the Chief Operating Officer Emma badera and uh we're having our Chancellor Melisa VZ Ramos at 1110 then we'll have some face updates we also uh have uh at 11:45 a resolution uh urging the Department of Education to implement a multi-year plan that will provide all New York City students with the benefit of smaller class sizes and we have uh the December minutes at around 11:55 we did not receive the October minutes which is very unfortunate um we are parent leaders we are busy uh I totally understand that and um we'll have the uh Ashley and Josephine I'm volunteering Josephine to do the October minutes for February and then uh if time permits we'll have district and borrow updates and then we'll we'll adjourn the beting and everything that that we do will continue to do in support of paring leadership okay okay oops apologies and we are going to head to our first presenter uh mjal the floor is all yours great thank you guys so much for having me I really appreciate it would it be okay if I share my screen am I allowed I'm just gonna send guys are a busy group so I'm not going to take up too much of your time yep okay great oh yeah guys bear with me you're going to see my email um but now hopefully you can see my screen yes okay great guys I'm so excited to be here um it has been over a decade of us building out what we have created called youthful savings which is really about socioeconomic empowerment I have known Rosa for about a year um we got an introduction through a public Advocates office and you know she is an exceptional leader and when I saw her when I saw her impactful conversation with chalkbeat about what it would look like to make sure that students that need money get paid I reached out and I want to really explain how that's exactly what we do um we really make sure that young people get socioeconomic empowerment and real cash in their pockets and we're really hoping to work with every single school every single youth as we grow we are based in the great city of New York um we're a local business we're in mwbe as well so for us us were really dedicated to recreating a better world economy the youth population is 41% um we see so much success in the New York City youth they are the leaders I we believe we work some in other areas of the world as well but New York kids are really doing the best and we really believe something needs to change unfortunately on December 4th I was the victim of Violence by two 14year olds that mugged me um dropped me to the ground and stole about $2,000 worth of stuff that I had on me including my bag my phone everything and um I know what that feels like and I also know that we are a solution to that and it really need we need after school programming honestly um I've been advocating this for a year it got started in DC I knew that the the top wasn't doing what it needed to do to fix the bottom economic issues and now I just have just a bigger story here to share and I just want to make sure that the schools are are really creating change being Beyond just education um there has to be character development and real economic opportunities and I would be honored to see New York City really leading the change there's 3.3 billion young people we need to give them access to economic the economic system but also tie it to character development um there's no reason there's plenty of money on this planet if we can just redistribute the cash correctly and provide access to real opportunities will we hope change can happen and I don't want 14y olds to be the you know beating me up on the streets um also I try to reach out to the superintendent um District 33 Comm and I can't even get a hold of what what school he want to so we're not making it easy to actually provide resources I call New York City Probation every single day so that I can help this young human with our resources and we just are not getting the kind of support we need so we hope the parents can really advocate for change none of us are safe quite frankly um here this is what we really are so we are a company that has an edtech we made the ettech be direct to youth I'll give you guys a quick sample of it um it's called learning Marketplace we want young people to be excited about education the most popular custom program on learning Marketplace is youth entrepreneurship for more inclusive global economy back in 2020 we realized that young people needed community so we created a youth e-commerce platform called youthful savings Marketplace that means young people can get real businesses started start making money and then we also a physical store for our e-commerce platform in California so if young people start a business our foundation buys the products AKA gives the cash to kids and then they learn how to build and ship those products to our store in Santa Monica it's completely Innovative it's not Virtual Enterprise it's not Nifty it's real business real money going to the kids it's them learning business finance and Tech skills at a young age and we've seen an increase of at least 85% in young people that really stay engaged more importantly 98% of young people that participate in our programming recommend it to other youth I have over 3,000 youth on a private slack channel that are incredibly engaged and doing real things and talking about real things and are becoming leaders um we also have a foundation we we built something called a community investment fund and so what that does is it issues prepaid cards to young people for Capital so say if you started a t-shirt business and you needed $100 our foundation dropped that money we can see on the back end how it's being spent we don't need your social security number and then you learn how to sell and make earned income we're also supported by a CPA firm I'm actually a CPA that then helps you create a profitable business what's really really unique about us is as young people buy and sell on the youthful sings Marketplace 10% goes back to the foundation that same Foundation issues you that prepaid card we effectively take you off the debt economy you don't need to go to a bank we don't need your soci security number the young people as they buy and sell are creating their own financing system that is incredibly unique and that's what we want access to as many youth as possible we also understood a couple years ago that young people were very worried about how technology was going to affect them so we created a platform called higher youth. and what that allows you to do is create a portfolio and start getting jobs at a young age um our unique product offering is a learn and earn model so you learn on the edtech and then you you earn through the e-commerce platform and also through the foundation so this is just a quick overview I'll walk you through the platforms but you've got the edtech very Innovative new courses coming out all the time Bitcoin nfts ENT vertical farming entrepreneurship financial literacy it's it's real education that provide real opportunities and then you've got this amazing um Etsy for youth we'll call it but even if you're under the age of 18 because we underwrite all of the sales the young people get money so they can either get it through a PayPal if they do it with their family or we can give you a prepaid card and drop the cash to you I'd love to give you a testimonial this is Jose Santana he was actually recently um talked about in a Brooking article I'll drop it in the chat um but he was going to drop out of his Bronx High School back in 2022 we found him through the Summer Youth Employment Program he stayed with us we did dinners in Manhattan he met puny now he's going to college he started two businesses on our e-commerce platform he started receiving Capital now he works with us as a technology specialist and what's unique is now that he's over the age of 18 we've given him5 to $10,000 in social impact money as a term sheet um so that he can start his first real business at the the now that he started you know an art business he started a website business now he's going to start a social impact business that solves the problem it's a health coaching business and he's also teaching on our platform so that this is what can happen when we get access to young people and he's a huge advocate when we get ignored we always we always uh you know copy in Jose and he talks about how much youthful savings has changed his life and I'll make sure to drop the brooking's article about the change that he's creating um and again we give youth money right so they earn money but they also get capital and that comes from the technology that we partner with with UCO and MasterCard so we don't need your social security number if you have people that are not most young people or most people that are in this country want to do better and we give you that helping hand so that's what we're all about and through that we're able to create something called kind capitalism through bottom up economics there's a great white paper on our website that explains this a little bit more and so I'll make sure to drop that in the chat as well um and again we're a people Planet profit business we put 100% actually of our profits right back to our foundation um so like last year we got a big contract the dicd that's how we were able to make big term sheets for Jose and provide more Capital so we're all about that um and you know so it's always about giving back and so we're lucky enough to work right now with a couple districts um mostly because we had some funding from the District Attorney's office and in Queens County so I saw that the assembly member Anderson his count his area um it was you know first to jump on board and we also trying to work with District 20 we did do an event with them and again the issue is people don't respond back to emails we also um sponsor the superintendent meeting they say yes and then they don't respond back to emails so I'm I'm really hoping and praying that you know as a anybody that's here in in the in the top at New York City Public Schools we have real issues when I'm getting beat up by 14year olds please answer your emails um it's really frustrating um I don't get a paycheck all the time so I respond back to emails right away like I cannot run this business if I'm not responsive and I I really hope that our public and private Partnerships can understand that as well and that we have have a long-standing relationship with the Department of Youth and Community Development as a subcontractor with the established organization so we work with Children's Aid Catholic Charities and Bronx Works to to get access to Youth and what you'll see here is we're always doing events as well so we're all about a hybrid format we want to increase those Tech skills but we want to increase those people skills so you'll see some young individuals that are all business owners they're being featured back in October at MasterCard to talk about their business and it was a huge opportunity for them to get growth um so we really believe the better the youth the better the world the youth that we get to impact are not violent they're creating change they're responsive people they're learning character development I mean we are doing what we can to make the world a better place and if we get access to the youth and they're a part of our community we really believe the future will be brighter so you know we're really hoping that um you know we can just get access to more Youth and and get more advocacy to get us to grow and what I'd love to do if I can figure this out is just make sure that I can share my screen and just show you guys a real quick um demo of our edte you guys can see the edtech okay so this is learning Marketplace um It's Made to be direct to youth we do something called fli classroom methodology so that means young people get assigned video learning and then worksheets inside the classroom so we really want to help build um meet you where you're at so a lot of young people like to learn through videos but then they also can come inside classrooms and actually like learn and read and write through our through our um attech and again what you'll see under live experiences is all of our programs so we are working with Eco Academy and queens Preparatory Academy and even doing some like events with Eagle Academy as well we would love to bring this to your schools we work in a in La as well um so we're really but the New York kids are the ones that really start the real businesses um and we do do s sorry um um I just wanted to know like do you have like 10 seconds left uh because we're like a little tight schedule yes but all the information will be sent out to all the members okay so they can also bring you to their respective districts yeah of course of course great and that's Ecommerce platform youthful SS Marketplace thanks so much for having me and if it's okay I'll just drop our website into the chat and then my email you guys can respond back to me if you need anything and I really appreciate your time thank you so much of course thank you so much thank you for what you're doing for our youth and this is why everyone everyone that is here is doing the same thing we are non-pay volunteers and we have tons of knowledge to share with everyone especially for parent leadership we have to uplift parents because we know our children better so absolutely and you know if we can get inside schools then parents don't have to pay so that's the goal absolutely thank you thank you so much thank you and now we have H assembly member Anderson uh feel free to unmute and share your slides thank you good morning can you hear me yes good morning this is uh Miss Diaz can you yes it is okay excellent good morning I'm having some technical things here on my laptop but I will get it together shortly and come on screen uh glad to see that you're looking and feeling much better I know you were sick the last time we met uh so I'm glad that you're you're up in Adam and uh grateful for that so uh for those who don't know who I am I'm State Assembly member khil Anderson again I hope to have my camera on in a second uh and I represent the 31st Assembly District in southeast queens and that includes the neighborhoods of the rockaways rosale Springfield Gardens South oone Park uh and JFK Airport in Queens and so today I wanted to just drop by um to give some brief remarks about parent involvement and how important it is um to ensure that our parents are involved all throughout our children's education process and then I wanted to shamelessly plug some legislation that I'm working on that will expand and increase parent involvement throughout our um school system there we go I think I got it now uh that would increase parent involvement throughout our school system here uh in the city of New York so we have parents and parents are a part in my uh thinking of a triangle a triangle where you are at the center of it trying to educate and uplift a child uh move them from one stage of their life to the next stage of their life whether they're moving from elementary school to Middle School from High School to college the purpose of the center of the triangle is to move the kids to the next stage then the parts of that triangle uh that help make it whole are the parents and support system our school and education system which includes teachers faculty principles uh uh bodies like this and then the Third Leg of the triangle is the community that support that comes in and so when you're looking at that there are some deficiencies in how that triangle is constructed in terms of who has equal access to moving that child forward uh in your life and that's why I've been working with Dr Jackie Cody as well as uh Miss Lorraine's getting Bridges to figure out how to strengthen each side of that triangle and in this I'm sorry I'm sorry excuse me I have to interrupt respectfully um we were told that you were here assembly man Anderson to talk about uplifting parent empowerment and voice we are not um having a presentation on the CLT we haven't supported it and we've heard that this has been being done um throughout the city so respectfully if you're talking about uplifting parent empowerment and voice it's great but we are not um our executive board was not told aboutt presentation so if it can just be about a lifting parent voice and empowerment we'd really appreciate that and we can talk offline another time about um another presentation thank you so much Randy and and and so the Third Leg of that triangle is really focused on uh the community aspect uh we also consider our parents as I was getting ready to say a part of the aspect that moves that child forward uh and so when we're talking about parent involvement it has to include giving parents a real seat in a real voice at the table but also encouraging parents uh to be able to join their ptas ensure that they know the different boards and organizations that exist within the New York City public school system uh as someone who's a former member of the CCS uh when I was a student in the public education system I understand the value of having those bodies uh create access uh for all legs of the triangle to be working in that same direction you're hearing from uh the impacted individual who's at the heart of it the students you're uh working with the faculty and the teachers and and and and then you're working with the community and the parents are part of the community and so when I was a member of ccsse I understood how important and imperative you know it was to ensure that students had the seat at that table that's the that's the uh first piece the second piece in regards to this is that there has to be and we've been working on this um both locally and on the state level uh more involvement within the ptas uh but also those ptas through the slts which are the school leadership teams uh must feel empowered in terms of how resources are are delegated to the the school or allocated excuse me through the school and what supports are available uh as it relates to uh working through some of what parent organizations need to develop and so those are things that system systemwide need to improve uh again not talking about uh my particular piece of legislation but just talking about some of the issues that exist in the system and how our parents have overcome them uh I have uh a large District 75 school network and I'm using this as an example on how this has been overcome I have a large District 75 School District organization um that Services my district here in southeast queens and they have done an hats off to the administration have done a lot to help engage parents and make parents a part of the process that in educating that child uh whether it is helping those organizations uh have the resources that they need uh helping them uh by supporting them with grant information all of those things help build the capacity of our parent-led parent-based organizations and I'm grateful um for that opportunity um to say that this is happening uh in my district and it is my hope that we're working towards something that can change systemwide but if you want to know why parents aren't involved it's in my experience or quote unquote not involved and I always say that there is a level of involvement it always looks different for each household um but quote unquote not involved it's often because folks feel and this is my experience in working in our schools in my district uh they feel that disempowered uh and parents feel that their voice is not as strong in that triangle analogy that I gave you all uh and so you know there are some best practices uh in which you know can continue to be exuded and exampled um through our our schools and encouraging parent involvement but I'm grateful you know that that we have that example there and I'm going to continue to fight uh to ensure systemwide were increasing and improving parent involvement uh in our schools lastly um I know I'm you know I'm going to jump off because I want to make sure that folks the next presenter has a chance to speak I know you guys have a tight schedule um but also um when Community Partners with parents parents partner with communities groups organizations in the district you're able to also draw out parents um to be a part of the activities in the school I always caution some of the groups in my district to make sure that they're time appropriate understanding that we are in workingclass communities uh across uh New York City and sometimes parents have to work 12 hours sh shifts or late into the evening so sometimes it requires that 7 p.m. program that 6 p.m. program so that all parents we can maximize parent participation and so what we've seen I see District 29 on the call that's one of my school districts uh what we've seen in collaboration with again that triangle I've seen principles like some in my District 29 schools uh partner and have evening events if the issue of the school is G violence or if the issue of the school uh is um uh illicit Behavior amongst the the younger students I just leave that General because it could be anything and we've partnered with our cure violence groups for evening programs in District 29 uh We've partnered with our um Workforce Development programs and that brings the parent in that needs additional support uh professionally but also additional support in terms of knowing what resources are available to the community so as I close I want to thank uh all of the members of this illustrious Chancellor Council here and also um thank the presenters prior because I was definitely enjoying uh s's presentation as I was listening in uh and it's my hope that I can uh continue to share with you all what I'm doing in my district can share continue to share with you all um legislation that I'm working on to help change these things uh uh legislatively and systemically and I'm looking forward to continue partnership I just want to say thank you so much sorry to interrupt we do work with District 29 I I would love to meet with you because we were approved for $1.3 million with the leap Grant to help district 75 but unfortunately the office of Family and Children Services said that we needed help from the elected officials to get more funding approved in April so if we could please connect that would mean the world I did drop you a chat and I'm just going to am going to put a contact form on your website but if we can get one person to help us and understand how important it is to help district 75 no money from leap grants went to District 75 we were the only one that got approved that was one of the problems that I mentioned to ocfs when the application opened up last spring yeah is that there are uh there's a contingent of disadvantaged students yeah but we got approved we just need to get funded okay let's not speak out of order okay we wait for the chair to recognize yes uh assembly member will connect with you put your information in the chat and if anyone has any information please please please put it in the chat I already I'm seeing all the uh questions for assembly member to please meet with the districts uh especially Miss Walter is very active in the chat I love it um please meet with them and and parent empowerment uh um in in my personal opinion is very important it contributes to the success of the child of the success of the whole school and the district so please and and the borrow of course so please please please anything that has to do with paring leadership uplifting our voice let's connect let's continue to work together for the parents because of our children and and so please put your information down and we are one minute past the time thank you m sorry thank you thank you thank you it's okay um thank you so much we are now having the second unleash the knowledge if she's ready uh district 21 Georgette pesante the floor is yours I apologize for stealing one minute that's fine uh thank you so much for inviting me I am so happy to be here it's been many years that I've been uh to a CPAC meeting so thank you very much I was asked to come to speak to all of you about the best practices for our district on how we successfully complete our P PTA elections uh prior to the end of the school year every year so for us it starts with everybody being on the same page for the parent leadership to be important uh to our principls the superintendent um everybody is on board with um making our elections successful for us the conversation begins actually in January during this upcoming president's council meeting which is tonight one of the things that I will talk about is to remind everybody that in February they should be forming their nominating and election committee because our parents association bylaws actually has the month of February to form the nominating committee keeping that in mind they also know that for us in March we have an in-person handson nominations an election meeting during this uh March 12th meeting all the parents Association members are invited to attend along with the nominating committee this meeting in March is also uh a training that's done with our parent coordinators and we actually roleplay and hold an election there are scripts that we've developed over the years so as people enter they're asked to participate so some people are running for office for a second term other people are a grandparent that just wants to help their child school so we roleplay this whole event and it kind of takes on a life of its own once we get going and depending upon the the chemistry in the room we can have a lot of fun with this um and it goes over basic procedures for how to successfully uh run an election last year what we actually did also is after we did the in-person portion of this training we actually sent everybody a link because they were asked to bring a laptop and we took the same scenarios and did it virtually um what else do we do we also as a district office and a president's Council we use something called a PTA dates form that we give out to our parent leaders in June and the reason we you started using this form um on the district level is that it made parents look at their bylaws the form asks for the pta's meeting dates for General membership the form asked for the executive board there's also a column to ask if there's a pack meeting scheduled for that evening and when are the quarterly meetings with the principles this during one of our workshops I actually stopped and I had the parents associations fill out this form and they sent it to us so they knew when they were expected to to hold their meetings every month and had them look in their bylaws and it also helps them understand their roles when they're looking in their bylaws we always talk about what does your bylaw say but most of the times we found that parent leaders just don't pick up those bylaws and read those bylaws it's very far and few in between so this dates form serves two purposes for the district and it also helps president's council is when we plan on supporting our parents associations during the election cycle we already have from this dates form that was given to us over the summer September October we know when their April and May meetings are so we know what their target date should be for their elections and we have these conversations that based on this form that you filled out we show that the possible dates for your meetings for your elections are April whatever date or may whatever in our district we always encourage because we can never mandate or you know enforce but we always encourage an April election simply because if there is a glitch they don't meet Quorum something happened with the computer that night and they couldn't throw up their ballots there's still plenty of time in the school year to to go in and support the process again because once we hit miday June schools are very busy with end of year activities right so we always encourage April and if they want to go to may we always encourage early in may not May 31st right then we have two weeks left to the end of the school year so those are the conversations that we start to have for us in the district our parents voice is so important we don't want them to go into a cease to function come June 30th we want them as parent leaders to elect their peers because if they fail to hold elections there is no more PTA the current PTA does not continue right they're done they're gone it's over with the principal is now in charge of convening the parents by mid October your parent leaders are then four to six weeks into the school year before they're even elected by the time they find the old PTA to go to the bank because the banks are giving parents Association such a hard time now right so and now we're talking maybe the end of October November before they even start fully functioning and we find when that does happen that they're always scrambling to catch up they always feel they're behind the eightball they're overwhelmed and they give up very quickly when when when they're thrown in the middle I mean I know it's not the middle of the school year but school is well underway and they're trying to play catch up and it's very rare that the newly elected people can catch up that quickly um we've always been very successful because of this practice with our uh president's council's elections we're already um and for so for us it's everybody on board our parent coordinators are trained that trained with their parent leaders um president's Council plays an important role they support um we ask our parents do you need any help do you want somebody wa watching and listening in the background so between president's Council and the district office staff we're we're always there and willing to come in and support and answer the questions you know that might come through you know at that moment the little glitches that happen so so it's important to us and everybody's on the same page um I don't know if anybody has any questions but you know what works in our district might not work in your District but it starts early in order for us to have everybody done by June we're actually starting to talk about it at tonight's president's council's meeting thank you so much orette uh does any CAC member have any questions we literally have 10 minutes I gave you back time right oh my gosh you are a savior um but yes uh carolene J hello and good morning to everyone happy New Year it's good to be back happy New Year um pesan thank you so much for being here uh your wisdom is very much valued uh in this space um my question is specific to uh when it comes to not being able to establish ptas because of low you know participation sometimes it's very challenging in April in May and even in June to get parents to really want to take over or you know step in to become part of the executive board and so unfortunately sometimes we run into the issue of having to do expedited elections in September or there is no PTA still in September what would would you say is your best advice for getting parents to feel the empowerment to volunteer and step into these spes okay so I'm going to go to the point that even though we'll elect and will be in full complience there's always those non-core positions that are available still right there's always one in every PTA you know the correspondent secretary has been on the agenda all year nobody wants it so my answer to that is always to go after the Early Childhood parents right you have to sit down and have a a greeting meet a a springtime tea you know and just inviting you know the moms and the dads the Guardians to come and and make it more one onone always got to go after the Early Childhood parents and that that works a lot U some of our schools and most of the schools do a curriculum night or the one of our school due um their first grade parents will be invited to meet the second grade teachers during a a family night so they're all meeting the next grade band of teachers and setting up expectations for the next year so that's an important event for the current PTA to be there and and smiling and shaking hands and saying hi we're having elections coming up we'd love to see you there there so the Early Childhood they're eager parents they're not tired fantastic thank you so much you're welcome all right so I guess if there's no more questions I give um CPAC back their time and I appreciate you inviting me here hey thank you so much we have seven minutes if anyone has any questions please raise your hand um seven minutes guys oh my goodness um is the office of uh student enrollment here maybe they want to we're here go ahead and start early that yes we would love to start um a little bit early if possible thank you so much thank you so much the floor is yours okay um good morning everyone my name is Deja Thomas and I do engagement and strategy for the office of student enrollment I joined by my colleague Elise Santiago Elise do you want to introduce yourself thank you Deja good morning everyone my name is Elise Santiago sen director of kindergarten and GI Town admissions here at office of student enrollment thank you for having me today okay so we're going to go ahead and get started we have a presentation for you all so just bear with me one second while go ahead and get get started okay can you guys see my screen okay can you guys see the presentation okay um I'm going to go ahead and get started so again good morning everyone um and we're going to be talking about elementary admissions today so in terms of a schedule of events we have a quick presentation we're going to do a demonst of my schools for you all and then since we have some extra time we should have plenty of time for questions and answers okay Elementary education in New York city so over Child's first three years in school there are three main points of contact with our office again the office of student enrollment this year children born in 2022 will are eligible to apply um for 3K for fall 25 children born in 2021 are eligible to apply to prek and children born in 2020 will be eligible to attend kindergarten this upcoming fall now let's go over the different setting options there are nearly 800 elementary schools and over 1,000 additional 3K and prek options throughout New York City these are the different types of setting choices that a family can list on their application some are available for all grade levels and some are available only for 3K and prek so we'll start with Zone district schools most schools have an area around them called their Zone if you live within the zone that school is your Zone school and you would have priority to attend your Zone School most children do attend their Zone school for kindergarten non- Zone schools do not have a zone that means that no addresses are assigned to them instead they admit students from throughout the district and our burrow and give a priority that way many non- Zone schools also have unique features and admissions priorities you can apply to programs outside of your Zone or District but again it is important for families to know where they have an admissions priority too another setting choice that we have are prek centers and the following um setting choices are just going to be for 3K or prek only prek centers are run by New York City Public Schools but they are separate from our district schools and they only offer 3K or prek students who live in the district where a pre Center is attended um is located have priority to attend and then we also have New York City Early Education Centers and family child care programs these are run by community- based organizations they have a contract with New York City Public Schools applicants Who currently attend a N Seek or have a sibling who will attend or receive Social Services have priority to attend those n seeks for our family child care networks also known as fcc's these are homebased programs and ran by licensed child care providers in their home in this setting with which is for 3K applicants only children are served in a mixed age group for children age Birth to 3 years old and again the settings only available for 3K priorities given to current students siblings and applicants who receive social services from the network as well as families who reside in the district we also have additional program choices for 3K and prek so a school day seat all families are eligible for and seats run the standard school day of 6 hours and 20 minutes and the only requirement is that you just need to live in New York City to attend for extended day in year and headstar seats families must meet income and or need eligibility in order to attend um extended day year and headstar seats provide families with 8 to 10 hours of free or low cost um Early Childhood Education and Care Head Start seats again they're also based on income and they have other additional requirements as well as extended day ande seats and the last program option we have for prek only are going to be dual language seats so dual language seats are offered in prek and kindergarten and if you enroll in a dual language program 50% of the instruction is going to be taught in English and the other half is going to be taught in a target language so for example if you're in a Chinese um dual language program that means 50% of your instruction will be in English and 50% of your instruction will be in Mandarin in terms of kindergarten program choices um we have a standard kindergarten program we also have um dual language like we just mentioned for prek as well and then we have gifted and talented gifted and talented programs offer accelerated instruction to eligible Elementary School students in New York City if you apply to these programs eligibility will be determined by either a child's pre- teacher or through a short interview and we also have stem programs these programs are primarily located in District 24 and that's where priority is given to those applicants as well and this is where students learn to think and act as scientists and Engineers who identify and explore real world challenges students will use their engineering design processes and or computational thinking strategies to build their problem solving and critical thinking skills so those are the different kindergarten programs options so when we're talking about programs you apply to a school and a school may have more than one program so just going back quickly um for 3K and prek as one particular school can have school day seats extended day and year and Head Start seats or dual language and then for kindergarten a school can also have multiple programs the traditional kindergarten program gifted and talented dual language or stem programs in terms of understanding admissions priorities um while there are different many options to consider children may have a higher chance of getting into some schools other um over others and this is because of admissions priorities priorities may be based on where where a child lives or currently attends school if they have a sibling enrolled Etc so if you have a zon school then those families will have a zon priority again most families do have a Zone School most children attend their Zone school for a kindergarten and it's also important to note that not all Zone schools offer 3K or prek families have a priority to attend schools in their school district the school where their sibling is currently enrolled as long as that sibling is going to be enrolled in that school the next year so for example if a school is kindergarten through fifth grade and the child's sibling is currently in the fifth grade they would have a sibling priority because that child will be going to sixth grade next year which is a different school and the school in which the child is already a current student for gifted and talented programs they give priority to siblings and families who reside in the school district families could list as many choices on their application as they are interested in attending this is a change before there used to be a 12 program limit on the application 12 Choice limit now there's unlimited options so you can fill up your application with as many choices as you would like the best strategy always is to rank choices in your true order of preference this means listing your first choice as number one on the application how choices are listed on the application does not change a child's admissions priority at any given school what does this mean so let's say you're interested in a particular school and let's say it's a school in your District but it's not your Zone school so you have an IND District priority but you don't have a Zone priority you can still apply to that school you should still list it as the first choice on your application your priority isn't going to change similarly let's say you are a current student at a particular school and you actually prefer to attend another school you should list on your application the school that you prefer to attend over that because your the fact that you're a current student isn't going to change the reason wise when the office of student enrollment is making offers we take a look at how you are ranking choices on the application and we try our best to match families with their highest Choice as much as possible so if you list something that's not your true first choice and we were able to make you an offer there you wouldn't be considered for admissions in the same way so again um how choices are listed on the application does not change a child's priority at a given school if there are two or more programs out of school families can apply to both one or the other whatever they would like you can apply to as many programs that you're interested in but the most important thing to know is that families should only list schools where they want their child to attend and should not include any choices that they are not interested so if a family does not want to attend a particular school they should not list it on their application again children born in 2022 are eligible to enter 3K and those born in 2021 are eligible to enter prek for fall 2025 both the 3K and prek applications will open on January 15th so that's the next week Wednesday children born anytime in 2020 are eligible to enter kindergarten for the fall the kindergarten application is now open and the deadline to apply is January 24th so we have a little bit under two weeks left all applications regardless if it's 3K prek kindergarten or for any of our admissions processes all of them submitted by the deadline are processed as ontime applications admissions is not first come first served so it doesn't matter if you apply the day the application opens or the day the application closes they're all going to be processed as ontime applications there's no priority given if you apply earlier or later again families can list as many choices as they would like on their application and we recommend only applying to programs that they want to attend additionally for children born in 2020 so again those eligible for kindergarten we wanted to talk a little bit about how gifted and talented works so again families can apply to both General kindergarten and kindergarten gifted and talented programs using the same application there's no longer a separate g&t application for kindergarten the separate application is just for the upper grades if a family is interested in a g&t program they should be sure to listen programs again in their true order of preference how this works again eligibility is determined after um you submit an application so let's say that you list your Zone School above a gifted in talip program but you really prefer the gifted and talented program like we mentioned most kindergarten families attend their Zone school they have the highest priority to attend their Zone school so they're more likely to get an offer to their Zone school if you listed above we're going to assume that you want to attend the Zone Program more than the gifted and talented program so if we're able to make you an offer to your first choice you're not considered in the same way for your choices you list lower on your application so if a family wants to attend a g&t program more than any other program they should be listing them in their true order of preference again in terms of Eligibility current pre students at New York City Public Schools pre centers and New York Early Education Centers so essentially all New York City public school students or charter schools are evaluated by their current prek teacher after they submit an application so again that process happens after and it's through their current prek teacher who will ultimately determine eligibility current prek students at private programs or children who are not yet enrolled in school will be contacted by the division of early childhood education to set up interviews that will determine eligibility after they apply so again eligibility regardless of what type of school a child is in will be determined after they submit an application it just looks different whether you're a Current public school student inclusive of charter schools and inclusive of um our 3K and prek providers that aren't in New York City Public Schools they will be evaluated by their current prek teacher and if you're a prek student at a private program so again not one of our programs or the child is not enrolled in school at all they will be contacted by the division of early childhood education to set up interviews that will determine eligibility I know I sped through this just a little bit but that's because I wanted to make sure that we have time for the demonstration and questions so I'll be taking a look at the chat and I'm going to pass it on to my colleague Elise who will begin the my schools demo and I'll stop sharing my screen so you can share leise I got it here it goes hi everyone thank you so much Asia um so I'm just going to take a couple minutes to walk us through the my schools platform um where families go to apply and um just highlight some of the places that we know parents get stuck on in case anyone on the call is supporting families and applications so um once again our platform is my schools.nyc not to be concluded with my student.nyc which is another thee platform where um folks get grades and that sort of thing um All Families need to to create a my schools account is an email address so if they don't already have one they can go to create new account enter in all their information create a password and that will send a link to their email and then once they verify that link they can move forward with building their um accounts if they've already used my schools in previous years they can just log to their account using their email and their password once they log in they'll be able to access what we call the dashboard which is just like the homepage for my schools again if they've used my are ready to apply for let say 2K or 3K then their student may already appear on their dashboard but if not that's not a problem they can easily add their student to their mindful Dash themselves um so that also would be this option which says add a the parent will click on that for the purposes of Elementary School you would select the second option which 3 and now this would allow the parent entering all of their child's information it does not need it means that the family will not need a PIN code or access code or anything they don't even need if they don't have it their students osis ID which is their um official ID they can just enter in their information manually so in this case they would enter their first name last name if they know their students osis ID they can add it here as an option but again it's not mandatory um importantly they would enter in their child's age um sorry the date of birth and for as D mentioned all of our process are associated with the child's year of birth so if you depending on what year your child was B we'll determine which applications you're eligible to access um you can also use this place to tell us where your child currently attends school so if um let's say you're applying a kindergarten and you have your student who's already in PRK you can let us know and identify the program from the drop down then it's just identifying the gender and then this is this another important piece um the residential address this is the address that we will use for the application purposes and to give you priority so we want to make sure that family see that this is correct if they need to update it it's important for families to know that they can do that themselves on my schools and they don't need to you know necessarily go to their current school program for the purposes of submitting applications um they can simply go to their account settings which will take them to the place where they created their account and they can change all the information including their phone number um but this nailing address is what we're going to use for the application and to also um determine their priorities so we want to make sure that's correct so they go here they update it click submit and then their my school's account will be updated for all the students on their dashboard so once the parent adds the child to their dashboard again depending on the year of birth it will determine which St they can access since that K application is already open um and this child added for test purposes is more than 2020 we can look theart application this is just some landing page some basic information about access for and this is just one more looking at the student profile to determine that everything is correct and birthday the address that will be used it also shows the what their Zone school is um and random number I know sometimes we get requests for that this is this the part of the application in which they can see their random number so if everything looks good they can continue by clicking on looks good if they need to update anything they can click here um to edit their profile and then the next step would really be searching for programs so here are some coach marks that guide families through what they're seeing on this page um essentially a school map the default is to show the schools that are closest to that address that they use when they created their account um however they can apply to any school in New York City um they can search here for them by name if they're looking school they're interested in or they can move around using some of the filters that we have available um let's say they want to talk about you know look at a particular District their own District or otherwi um if they want to filter VI particular programs let's say they're interested in just gied and talented programs they can filter on that or do language or if they want to look at non those School options so there are a bunch of filters here that can get families to different kinds of schools and different kinds of programs um and a lot of this is shared by the schools one of those things also they looking for a school that has multiple grades served in terms of 3K prek they can also closer to that but again the default is to show the schools that are closest to the home and if for example kindergarten um families have the highest priority to their Zone school they could also reconfirm their Zone school with this screen check um next to their school so it may not be the school that's physically closest to their home that they receive the highest priority but um most families in next toity to have own school where they do receive the highest to attend um furthermore they can look at more information about the particular school by clicking on the school name including contact information address uh great serve performance and then if they want more information about an IND individual program least I'm sorry it Le H I apologize but I thought it it must have been my computer for some reason you sound like very muffled um and and I thought it was me apologize no no it's okay I'm sorry then I've been running through this is this any better uh I believe it's a little bit better um just getting a couple of text and I'm like oh my gosh I thought it was just me I'm so sorry you can barely understand um anything you're saying even with the visual okay do you want me to do you want to just like direct and I can like take over if you just click is they too far from the microphone yeah if you want to take over I'm not sure I'm not on a microphone it's just my computer so um yeah yeah I can do that um okay do you want to show how to go ahead and like start adding and building the application so there's a few different ways that families can add choices to the application um the one thing that they can do is there's a button that showed earlier that add to application you can immediately do that from there you can also star um programs of interest and we'll show you where all those stars live um like we mentioned earlier there are several um programs sometimes within a school that a school may offer so you a child can decide to apply to all of the different program options or just the ones that they're interested in so for example if you see on the screen here with PS1 Alfred E Smith they have three different kindergarten programs there's a Chinese dual language a Spanish dual language and a general um kindergarten program so they can go ahead and favorite all of the programs of Interest so then we'll show you where those favorites live once you're done with the search tab which is essentially where you're like favoriting schools you can like add to your application that way where you're building your applications actually on that apply tab so there you can see all of the programs that have been favored it so far and we did manually just say add to application for one of the choices so the PEC slip school already shows up there because we click that button that said add to application now we can do too is also add the favorites and it will go ahead and it will build this test application something else that we want to show you is how families can rank choices on their application so as Elise is demonstrating you can move the choices up and down and that way you can build it so if this were a set right here we would assume that the well you're telling us that the first choice on the application is ps124 the um g&t program the second choice is p ps1's kindergarten program and the third choice is a PEC slip school once you're done ranking you'll go ahead and click next um these alerts appear and sometimes it will show you C tell you certain things so it's like okay maybe apply to your Zone school so that alert will list there or you only have one choice on your application so depending on the behavior and alert may or may not show up once you're done going through the alerts then it's going to bring you to the last page where they have some additional questions and this is where families can also indicate things like a sibling priority or their current school for example um also if a child if if you're if a family's applying for more than one child for the same admissions process so we're talking multiples like twins for example can you scroll up just a bit at leise where it says add twins tripl Etc you can go ahead and click on that if you have all of the children who are eligible for the same admissions process no matter what grade level so this is true whether you're applying to kindergarten any of our other Elementary processes middle school high school Etc you can go ahead and click that and what it's going to do is duplicate the application so it's two applications linked together for the purposes of multiple so more than one child who's eligible for the same admissions process so this can be twins it could be for example maybe you have custody of your child and your niece right they are not twins but they are multiples in that sense because you are the legal guardian of both of those children and they're both eligible for the same grade you can also add siblings here and I do want to claim that siblings is different than multiples sometimes families get this confused this means that you have a sibling that is currently sitting at a school you listed on your application so in order to get that sibling priority a family will enter The Sibling information here so they'll tell us like their date of birth the child's name Etc and you can have the option of adding multiple siblings that are to schools um that you have listed on the application you can also denote whether or not the child is a current student where submitting a prek a kindergarten application sorry so the child can be a current student a current prek student at one of these schools they could go ahead and list their current school it will show up as a choice and a parent can check that once they're done filling out that information then they just have to check the few boxes that's certified just a few legal things that you are the parent of this child you know you live the same address like all of our disclaimers and then you submit the application and once you see the confetti that's how you know the application was submitted successfully and then you also will get an emailed receipt you can return back to the dashboard and you'll also see that same receipt that you got emailed appear on your dashboard and if somebody wanted to edit the application um all they have to do sorry Elise all they have to do is click that blue button that says submit it again and go through the exact same steps in order to resubmit the application and again you'll know it's been resubmitted when you see the confetti as long as you see the confetti you know the application has been submitted and you will get an email receipt every time you edit the application so if you edit the application a 100 times guess what you're getting a 100 emailed receipts and then however on the dashboard you'll only see the most recent receipt on your dashboard we won't give you 100 copies of that but every time you go in and edit the application you will have a record of it so that is pretty much um the demonstration that's how my schools work and then while we have left now our questions and I guess since we started earlier we do have some time for questions so happy to take them yes so um we basically right on time at 10:50 is the class size presentation by Emma badera I'm not sure uh if she's here there's just a couple of people in um on my screen uh but please let me know if she's here and if not we can take a question or two is there any sorry I'm going to read the questions I'm seeing in the chat out loud is there anything on the application for families who needed 121:1 or ICT setting um Elise do you want to try unmuting I think you'll probably be the best speak to this yeah thank you D very quickly no um every family who is eligible and born in 2020 can apply and submit a kindergarten application um and apply to any school they're interested in and schools they have high priority to what happens for kindergarten at least um they will also go through what we call the KP process which is where they get their finalized IEP and their finalized placement for very many families who are applying they'll be able to receive the services on their child's I after school they also receive do the kindergarten application um there's a small population of folks who will have an updated placement because their needs are very very specific and only serve at particular pool but for the most part if you apply an application through the kindergarten process and your child needs a special class or ICT setting you're likely be able to receive those Services after the school you get through the application process so we encourage families the students with disabilities to also apply not sure if we got all of that but I prefer if people would raise their hand and ask their questions since I'm not I'm not seeing um Emma here Anthony Randy please let me know if uh Emma is here so we can continue with the agenda otherwise carolene you had um you have the floor not see thank you I I didn't want to skip over anyone that's in the chat I see like there's two extra questions there before I put my hand up so just I can go to those after if they're not mine is very quick I always run into as a PTA president um I have many parents that you know Unfortunately they may not have time to run into the school and talk to the parent coordinator do you guys have a guideline of how to take the steps to what you just explained with us um just so that they have like an easier way to read through the steps versus like sitting in an office or you know trying to deal with it themselves at at home um if families um in terms of like a just a handwritten or like a print out resource about how to submit the application um we don't necessarily have that but we do have a wealth of resources on our website where family can print it out and we do have video tutorials on all of our admissions pages so if you go on the 3K page prek K Etc there's a video series there that guides parents how to submit an application they can also get support at one of our family Welcome Center locations they can call um P311 for support they can also reach out to us via email as well and we're always happy to support families but there are stepbystep resources it's just not necessarily printed out but um it is listed on our website um I'm Miss Walters right I I'll do this I'll do that don't worry I'm gonna low my thr look into the chat because I know there was um um a question by Priscilla who is unable to raise uh her hand I just want to acknowledge her uh I just lost it okay so can I go please do and then I'll come back to her uh question oh to prisilla okay no problem so thank you so much DEA Happy New Year to everyone again um I just wanted to get some clarity during your presentation on the distinction between Horizon I had to write this down Horizon nest and aim programs as compared to District 75 and general special ed services specifically I'm looking to understand the application process um in terms of um how where they fit in because they're not even mentioned as part of this Collective um conversation so and we have parents struggling with within those um categories demographics um groups with um not being addressed in terms of normal data being shared and to supporting them especially with nest and Horizon thank you yes that's a really good question um nest and Horizon programs are listed on the kindergarten directory but as alist did mentioned earlier some of these um some the we work in tandem with um the office of special education for placements of these sorts so if you look on the directory here under specialized programs that filter that Elise has on her screen there you will find those programs there so a family can filter and search for them in terms of the differences and how to support parents I would actually encourage you to send us an email at es enrollment and I'll put it in the chat I'm just waiting to like put every once everything's done to put all the resources in the chat for you all um at es enrollment schools.nyc.gov and we can go ahead and like you know give you information or connect you with like the differences and how famili can get support but those programs do have a separate application process you are able to filter for them on the my school directory so families can see them but they do have um a separate admissions process but we're always happy to connect um connect families with the resources that they need so even if it's not something 100% that we manage we will support families and get them connected because we understand to family it doesn't matter who is doing it in terms of the office they just need the answers and we're very um responsive to that yes thank you so um I was trying to understand and uh Priscilla's question and it says can you say more about what you mean oh not that one uh regarding applications some schools are flag and I know Nadia asked her what exactly do you mean by flag I'm not sure if you're an able to unmute pris phone thank you Rosa for acknowledging me I have a new phone I'm not sure if it's the phone or what however Rob thank you so much for this presentation yes of all the schools in District 29 um we have have one school that sits on two districts both 26 and 29 which is PSIs 208 during the application process it comes up as flagged you are not in a Zone school and as a result we've seen a decline in kindergarten enrollment because parents are not aware that it is a school that is zoned to District 29 so um they have been personally working with the office of enrollment but this has been since 2022 and there hasn't been any resolve so I'm hoping you can Prov provide some insights on pointing Us in the right direction on getting this remediated you mean it's flagged in my I don't I'm not okay so I don't know exactly what you mean my flaged but I get the question um I think this is something also that should be emailed to es enrollment because it's probably something with how it's pulling up with zoning but generally um we would have to take a closer look into that that's not something that I could answer right now I would have to see how it's showing up and who it's affecting and see if it's actually affecting applications in that same way because if it's showing it may not be that may not be the reason why people aren't applying if that makes sense it just may not it be getting low applications but I can't I wouldn't be able to answer that in the shorter period of time without taking a closer look at it to see how it's appearing in my schools okay what uh office is that ESN yeah um it's still office of student enrollment you can just send an email to es enrollment so es is an elementary school and I will put this in the chat um es enrollment schools. nyc.gov um and you can direct it to anybody and we'll the team will go ahead and take a look into that make sure to put the school name though in District 29 yeah that would thank you so much thank you again R of course this is this is your Forum uh everyone is allowed to ask all the questions obviously when time permits and I believe I saw Emma yes I did I do so Emma please please please go ahead with the presentation um and by the way just to announce it to everyone when the chancellor gets here we will take a pause because I know her schedule is really pack and tight uh uh thank you so much Emma do you have the floor great thank you so much I'm sorry to be late I had Zoom I had a zoom I had a zoom fight with zoom zoom one um okay I am here for the presentation that we um had to postpone last month on class size I'm here with K from SCA um I'm going to go relatively quickly realizing the chancellor might hop on but we can hop back when she steps off let me just screen share quickly is that screen shared correctly good great hold on um okay so classes implementation the last time we talked about this was now quite a while ago as a group so a lot has happened between them then and now um so I'm going to do a quick reminder of the law and then talk about the work we've done for this year um and the work we are work doing with our labor partners and our school communities for next year which is we are right in the middle of that um what is the class siiz law I appreciate some of you especially those of you thank you Rosa and others who have served on the class siiz working group have spent a lot of time learning about what the class size law is but for others um the class siiz law is a law passed by New York State a couple of years ago now that requires New York City Public Schools um just New York City um and just district schools not charter schools to reduce class size as laid out in this slide so to 20 to 23 to 25 or to 40 students depending on the grade and the subject um the law specifically um says New York City must get to 100% of classes underneath these caps but there is a phase in to get there so last year uh 2324 was year one of the law and the city was required to have 20% of classes under the Caps this year where we are in year 2 2425 we are required to have 40% of the classes under the caps and then as you can see it phases up to 100% um as of this year uh the way this works is there's a sort of once a year date 1031 along with so many other things about our system as of this year on 10:31 we had 46% % of our relevant classes underneath the cap so we are um in compliance and over compliance in terms of what's required for this school year and we are working aggressively to be planning for next school year um this is the basic data some of you also know their law does allow for some exemptions at the class level for classes that can go above these caps in certain circumstances any of those exemptions must be approved not just by New York City Public Schools but also by uh our labor Partners UFT and CSA and the planning and implementation of we that we do of the law generally uh also basically happens in conjunction with UFT and CSA so we've been actively working with them for a couple years now this is where we are currently as a city so this is what percent of classes are currently under the Caps laid out in the law and what you can see is well we're at 40 6% across the city that really varies very widely by District within the city and so we have some of our districts like District 23 and districts in central Brooklyn that have fairly High compliance rates d23 I think is already at uh 81% of classes are already under the caps and then we have some of our districts particularly um Southern Brooklyn outer Queen Staten Island that have lower lower rates of compliance with the c at this point in time and so this gives you a sense of where we are now and where we need to be because the the targets are Citywide so there's fine that there's this level of sort of um variation across the city now but that's going to need to change as we continue to move towards higher compliance rates Rosa I'm assuming you're going to interrupt me if the chancellor hops on is that right okay great um so what did we do for this year so going into this year we knew we going to be fairly close to where we needed to be for compliance but we wanted to start to get the whole system um thinking about how to improve compliance how to ensure more classes are underneath these caps whether that means additional teachers additional um sessions additional rooms being converted to instructional spaces so going into this school year um these are a couple of the things we did just by way of background uh we asked all of our superintendents to work with principles individually to increase compliance um by 3% I'll talk about this a little bit more but one of the things we've really learned with the class siiz working group and after a couple of years of going around the city is this is going to look very different at different schools and we wanted to start where we can by giving schools and uh superintendant the opportunity to think about how to drive change so we ask every superintendent to work to improve by 3% across the district we worked with K and SCA and cor will talk more about this in a second to think about how we update our Capital planning strategy to make sure we're putting seats where they're most needed for class siiz purposes which is sometimes a little bit different than where they would have been needed otherwise for capacity purposes right these are individual school and class level calculations um we put out additional funding for class size going into this year that included 45 million in C fore funds from the state of new money that were usable for a set of purposes the state allowed um including class size but also supports for English Learners um and additional time on tasks some other things the state considers allowable and then we put out $137 million um in addition for class size only and sent that across across the system at the be uh with school budgets we have been working actively um our HR team and working with superintendent and how we can continue to improve teacher Recruitment and Retention uh one of the things we know we need we will need is um 10 to 12,000 teachers to get to full compliance on top of the teachers we hire each year and so what are the ways we continue to recruit and retain additional um teachers each year is a real key part of this and then we'll continue to focus on high poverty schools as some of you may know the law specifically requires that we prioritize poverty and need as we Implement um that's something we are very glad and happy to do we have a funding formula locally that is very equity-driven some of you helped us make it more equity-driven through the FSF working group so we have a very strong equity-driven formula the law requires we continue to prioritize High need schools as a part of this we are doing that it does get challenging because as we continue to move towards implementation it's actually our um some of our comparatively better off communities that are going to need more teachers and more money to get to compliance those are the ones that are further from compliance now now but as much as we can we're continuing to prioritize High need schools um and that's sort of what we did coming into this year looking towards next year we've continued to change our approach and continue to think about how we can support additional schools to make additional progress um and we've been working with our Union Partners on that but we are still staying true so for next year we have to get to 60% as I shared we are at 46% we are well on our way we are still trying to stay true to as much as possible asking School communities what makes sense for them what do you need to continue to make progress towards the laws caps do you need additional funding for teachers do you need non-instructional spaces converted into instructional spaces do you need additional um procession funding sort of what are the things you need to make this work in your community and that's what we sort of stuck to for our planning for next year so in the fall we rolled out with UFT and CSA a process that basically said to all the schools in the city what's your school driven approach to improving class size um and we said to all our principles multiple times um what does this look like in your school what do you need to improve compliance um this was meant to be done in consultation with slts and you give us your plan here's a bunch of things you may need you pick we will look at those requests um and in December principales had to hand in those plans to us um and we are now in the process of reviewing those we're doing a little back and forth with schools to make sure they have a chance to submit complete applications we will be looking at those with UFT and CSA over the next couple of months um we specifically asked principles to put together plans to improve compliance without reducing programming offerings um again as some of you and certainly Rosa know one of the things that came up in the class siiz working group was wanting to ensure uh reducing class Size Doesn't rent up against opportunities for students and different programs and um protections for some of our most vulnerable students and so we specifically asked principles to make sure they didn't do that in their plans um and we are basically now in the process of reviewing these hundreds of applications so that's where we are right now we'll reviewing them we'll be funding them later this spring Rosa you want me to shut up yes great I can pick up after the Chan okay would like for you to pause that I believe we have our Chancellor here and want to respect her time um because she does have a tight schedule uh Chancellor Melissa if you would like to give uh your updates good morning everyone I apologize um for being in the car but I am on my way to state of the city so apologies but it's great to see you all here and happy New Year I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break um we've jumped right back into action uh I joined the M bario parade where I got the pleasure to be with Rosa uh to celebrate thees the three King's day uh and we know later on in the month we have do Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day where our schools will celebrate his tremendous Legacy uh and we also have international Holocaust Remembrance Day and our many schools will participate in related activities uh as well um so as as a reminder uh as we gear up to celebrate these uh tremendous moments I just want us to remember that hate has no place in our schools um that our core values as a city and a school system are about inclusion acceptance respect for diversity um and and and we want to make sure that we are upholding those core values always um and as a reminder the e elections are are now happening and I know Dr Melendez will make sure that she reminds us again applications to run for C open January 13th and they continue through February 16th so please make sure uh that you visit our sit schools.nyc.gov elction 2025 to learn more um and even if someone is not uh running please make sure that you are voting and that you are encouraging people who you think um uh would be interested uh this is a huge opportunity we talked so much about power parents empowerment and involvement and this is one of the many structures that allows uh for you all to be at that table um so I I don't want to take up a lot of time I want to give everybody an opportunity to ask questions um and unfortunately I am a little limited for time today as well so I'm just going to pass it back over to you to jump right into any questions or comments yes thank than you so much but first real quick I know you're busy but we CPAC want to give um Deputy Chancellor Dr Christina Melendez her flowers do you have a minute to say something Dr Deputy Chancellor Christina mende um no thank you thank you all so much for recognizing me and in the interest of time I just I just want to say that in the last three years um CPAC has definitely um have been the boots on the ground to elevate all of the concerns that many of our families are experiencing but don't know how to get it to us so that we hear them and so we we are forever indebted to you and your commitment to your communities because it helps us make the schools better um and so we are we are so grateful for your time your energy and your efforts and for just embracing me in the last three years um and so it's it's a it's a win for all of us and um I'm still here and still just as committed and and the division is now even more streamlined thanks to the chancelor so that all of this work um can really work to can go together um so so we're really excited to do that and to continue these this work so thank you for the moment um but back over to you Rosa thank you so much and we are super uh grateful and thank you for your leadership too and congratulations one more time uh yes we have a couple of questions uh Randy would you like to um say the questions um that we have uh discuss so you want me to sure um I'm just going to like go out of order to get the questions to the chancellor that she should answer and then after that that she can answer and then after that you know for her team that'll stay on um so can we learn more about the dream specialized high school Institute shsi 2025 parents are confused about why children with the same qualifications may or may not be selected Are there specific School sites chosen to host and are there incentives for schools uh hosting on the weekends I'm want to put the question in the chat too thank you so much Randy um and my internet is a little spotty so if you don't mind I'm just GNA turn my camera off um so that way I don't because you guys were freezing up a little bit on me thank you um so as you you may or may not know um dream is uh it's an academic test preparation for eligible seventh graders and this prepares them to take the specialized high school admissions test which we often call the Shazad um in eighth grade the program does run from March 2025 uh for 10 Saturday sessions and that goes through the summer for five weeks um and into the fall on Saturdays until the exam there's the eligibility is based on an academic component but there's also a geographic and or income requirement because the purpose of the program is really to increase um to increase diversity so um that's that's the and I should say the geographic and the Eon uh socioeconomic diversity of the specialized high schools right so um there is a link uh with eligibility requirements and the team will make sure that you have that and the application is also on my schools for the first time this year so we encourage everyone to to take a look at that um when when dream does receive more applications than seats available for a site then a weit list would be created based on a random Lottery but we do the dream enrolls up to 5,000 students in the program and so some of the students who apply may be weight listed um so you know just want to flag that for you and um in terms of the school sites that are chosen to host and the incentives there are few factors that are looked at to select dream sites the main ones being uh centrally located for students and families a proximity to public transportation um the school's willingness to host the program so that there so as there aren't really incentive to host other than that just that they they have the willingness to do so um and often there may be a connection with a dream site supervisor for the site so like maybe they're an AP for for that school um so those are those are some of the um you know some of the background on dream and then we can certainly if there's more information that that you that you want we can make sure that we get um CML to to maybe sit and do a presentation on on this okay great um next question how can we work more effectively with schools to support open houses and Bridge programs for pre- to kindergarten I'm sorry Randy can you say that again how can we work more effectively with schools to support open houses and Bridge programs from prek to kindergarten okay we have amazing options for families across every neighborhood in the system and open houses are an important way to display um the programs and and all the amazing work that they do and in the past few years we we launched my school's events calendar to support schools in advertising and managing their open houses so the open house is populated on each school's my Schools page and and that's a that's a pretty easy way for families to find out about opportunities to visit and sign up and superintendents are also tasked with supporting schools across their district with open houses as well as fairs so um you know DSL uh I know that they do a lot of work with that so um please know that um they're also superintendents are also working with the mayor's office and other City agencies to plan Outreach events to families um in areas with low enroll to provide information about our prek programs and the enrollment Pro uh process and um so so that's that's some of the ways that we're trying to get the awareness out there and spread the word okay next question this is a new one um could the could the um New York City Public Schools provide reimbursement for families who pay the congestion relief fee to attend meetings or training sessions yeah I I was I I figured this would come up at some point to the to the best of our knowledge the rules about reimbursing parents and parent leaders for attending meetings haven't changed we would you would treat any transportation cost the same as you would previously but as a reminder um you know we strive to ensure families have multiple paths for participation and to do them in a way that um you know that is that is the least owners for families so like holding events virtually when possible in local communities but but nothing nothing has has has has changed could the Department of Education I mean we're we're always happy to think creatively about how we can do that but as of right now we don't have a we don't have an answer for that I apologize that's okay um the next one is what is the reason for stalled update upgrades to the cafeteria experience redesign um there's schools that were added to the list but there's no explanation regarding the status since September so they're looking for information yep there there was an expected delay um and we're now in a new capital plan and that had to get to the appropriate approvals we just received om approval right before the holiday so we're starting the planning process for Approved schools in the next few weeks okay um do you have time for more questions because we have another question but I really think that's more for face but it was written to the chancellor I can I can stick around for five more minutes and then Christina you know if I if I run out of time I'm I'm fully confident in Christina being able to jump in okay so I'll just ask um how are School administrators held accountable for the lack of partnership with ptas beyond the superintendence yeah this is this is a an ongoing issue right and we know this and and principles are always instructed and encouraged by their superintendant to have close working relationships with Pas and ptas but to that point DSL and face have partnered to host monthly PDS for FLC is to learn and discuss family engagement topics um and DC Melendez is part of dsl's weekly superintendent office hours to address questions and concerns but I I've said this in the past and I will continue to say this if you know of a school that is not engaged in the practice I really need you to reach out to DC Melendez on the side many of you also have my my cell phone number like you can reach out to both or either of us and give us a specific site that has an issue um a couple of have done that already and I appreciate that and we're looking into those issues but we can't Beyond you know the professional learning and the office hours um if there is a targeted issue that we need to address we want to have a targeted response and we're only going to be able to do that when we know the specific the specific sites um dlts and I'm sorry DSL and face has also partner to work with superintendent and flc's to ensure that Chancellor's regulation a660 is appels so this includes providing the professional learning so all school and District administrators understand the importance of collaborative and supportive relationships with parents as partners um we also know that DTS and slts regularly analyze the school and parent engagement practices which are included in their DCS and CS um and then of course Christina and I have been talking about um the you know the pilot uh the pilot program um between CC's and superintendent and I know that we're talking about ptas and PAs but when we think about respect for parent empowerment and we think about productive relationships between superintendant and um parents and and and and CC's you know once that is strong I also firmly believe that that sets the tone for relationships between PTA and principles right it starts at the top and so Christina myself the rest of the cabinet we are prioritizing these relationships with parents we want to make sure that we're giving superintendent and CCS the tools that they need to have productive relationships and we believe that's only going to strengthen the relationships between p pa PTA and principles um and before I pass it over to Christina I just one more time want to say if there is a specific area that you are concerned with you know we are very discreet but we are about moving the needle so if you if there is a place that needs support like let us know and we are going to we are going to jump in without mentioning anyone's name without doing it in a way that is going to make a situation more uh you know more inflammatory but but if if things need to change things need to change we need to know about them thank you um last question so I don't know if it's because of the the season of you know flu season and everything but we're having issues more issues with our school safety agents the lack of them um so if you have elementary schools that have one agent and they're out and there's no one coming into replace them they'll pull from another school that has more agents and a lot of times it's high schools that have scanners so that for me is a loss of instructional time because the kids are online outside the school building waiting to get in they can't allow the kids in the school without scanning and there's not enough agents to scan them and first period is like severely impacted is there anything that can be done to get these classes moving I mean I know that that believe they're under the NYPD budget they used to be under doe like is there anything that could be done May and that's to cut you off we definitely have we we obviously took a huge dip after covid we lost a lot of safety agents but then during this Administration um I think it's and Mark if you're on please keep me honest but I believe we hired roughly an additional 3,000 which still didn't put us back to our pre-co numbers but it was an improvement um and I know that there was another class and I apologize that I don't have the the numbers on me but we are seeing an increase and without you know giving away promises and details that aren't ready to be shared Mark and I are thinking of creative ways on how we can um help to recruit more um safety agents um because we know that this is a problem I mean this has been a problem even preo I had this issue even when we had more safety agents and sometimes my my safety agents would be pulled and I had to shut down one of my entries which meant that there was a bottle NE at the main and their kidss were just running late for first period and it's cold it's like it's freezing I you know and and it's it is a real issue and I don't reiterate the issue to tell you the obvious but to tell you that I deeply understand this and that this is a big this is a big issue that Mark and I have been trying to Sol for for a while even prior to to me being Chancellor and he's working very closely with NYPD um and we know it's the salaries are not necessarily attractive so um we are we are working in in very close concert with nypb on that and and hope to have more um you know more information uh very soon thank you chancer and I unfortunately have to drop I apologize it's just one of those mornings but it's always great to see you all and um again happy to carve out more time um for us to answer additional questions excuse me especially if it's something on on a more targeted topic that you need more information on so thank you all it was great seeing you and hope to speak soon thank you thank you so much Chancellor for being here and answering uh the questions and just uh if anyone is wondering uh these questions are are very important there were like two questions that were not on the questionnaire and I truly apologize uh to the chancellor but she was able to to answer the questions and obviously continuing to work together uh in support for of our children um and now we are going to to unpause the presentation uh Emma if you're able to um present thank you so much for your patience yeah of course happy to hop back in just give me one second okay and cor I'm about to flip to you okay good Rosa good okay thank you um so anyway as I was just finishing up on saying we are in the process of reviewing those proposals and plans from schools currently um starting that review UFT and CSA are also reviewing it is a real joint process um with a goal of funding schools uh this spring going into next year uh moving forward so that's sort of of the on the on the funding and Staffing and school level planning side that's where we are looking towards next year um for I'm GNA flip to you quickly thanks Emma and thanks everyone for having me today um I am going to give you a quick update uh from our perspective uh we the data here presented reflects all the updates we made in the November 2024 Amendment which is uh currently published on our website um in terms of the capacity program the funding level remain the same we still has 6.13 billion that REM uh reflect the seven the two billion additional funding we got from the city at the adoption um so that just a kind of a reminder um we estimate will use that funding to create 33,400 seats now that's estimate depending on the project on the sites that number could be very different um especially as you all see later we are trying to be really creative to create um different Capital strategies to uh to address some of the smaller schools with smaller needs uh in those cases the funding might be more it might be more cost efficient so uh we're very happy to report now we have identified seven additional projects in the November Amendment uh so we ask out of the 33,400 seats we have cited about 10,224 seats uh including 2200 2295 seats that un united at a seven projects so those projects are listed on the slide as you can see uh we have cited Elementary School at um in District 10 in Bronx with about 547 seats that also includ included uh 96 seats for december5 special program we cited another Elementary School in Brooklyn District 20 uh also for 547 seats also includes uh 96 seats for december5 program another smaller Elementary School this is a n building uh in styland with 229 seats uh we're very happy to announce that we are uh going forward with uh designing and well con conct uh Annex Building for first High School uh will create uh over 740 seats um so the other three projects I want to talk spend a little time talk about them because they're not your typical uh projects you will see that's funded by capacity program they not un purchase sites they not miss buildings uh we know there are a lot of schools with uh some need uh for classroom uh where near us space and uh either non instructional space that can be converted to con for instruction uh to assist those schools to achieve their class size um we are using smaller scope uh capital projects to help them to get there so the three projects we are showing now ps11 Bronx bar Rockway high school and amers education campus are examples of those uh smaller School capital projects which uh allow us to provide more targeted support for schools that are in need for classroom but not in uh with significant need we'll continue to work with um different offices at uh the public school to identify those opportunities so that we can um hopefully spread the funding a lot further um again as I mentioned we are really trying to take a very creative uh approach uh to identify all and different uh opportunities and scenarios in which we can creay more seats in our faster and uh more targeted approach and that's most of the that's the updates uh we have reflected in the November Amendment thank you I think I think that's what we have so happy to take questions or whatever you say Rosa absolutely I would love if people can please uh raise their hand uh but give me one second Caren does anyone else that has not spoken need to ask a question because I know Carolina already spoke but I just want to be fair to everyone I don't see any other question Carolina please Carline I apologize I'm trying to make up for the last two months of not being on the a question for each month no um and and thank you again for the for the opportunity to do so um and my question is real simple everyone's district is obviously different in their needs right now um in my particular District we are you know dealing with our own class siiz issues here and there but not as crazy as we thought it'd be um the one thing I do want to make a point of is that you know certain neighborhoods and communities are dealing with a lot of um developers and these um new structures that are being built in surrounding neighborhoods that already are you know congested uh already dealing with high class sizes and do not have new buildings for schools uh I'd like to know how does that um mix into this you know initiative because is there a conversation happening with developers are there conversations happening on the elected official level where they're being you know put onto the notice of all of these other developments being put in places that we could be having schools built instead of making family Go the Distance to other L locations because their school is overc capacitated you know so I just want to hear more about that a little bit because I I kind of understand through the presentation and thank you very much for all that information but I really want to know on a local level as someone who lives in a community that is seeing this happen dayto day how do you guys you know relate to that area of developers uh putting out so many new structures and none of them being with the cogniz uh and understanding that we're dealing with a class siiz issue and thank you sure I can um provide some um information about how we work with other City agency to uh incorporate uh and to really to be um ongoing conversation with other City agency exactly for what you're talking about um so when we look at the C meet um we do get information from um City Planning department of building hbd any agency that could be needing um development Housing Development we know housing is a high priority for the city as well so we're not here to stop them but uh what we have been working with our dep partners with City agency is to hopefully get into the conversation early enough so that uh if there is opportunity for uh incorporate a school component or if the developer uh because of the amount of housing are building they are required to contribute or work with us where in that conversation early and throughout the convers the uh the process um so there are different type of conversation uh different type of development some of the development uh they don't require any zoning change for example so developer P do the design for perit they can just go ahead build that in those situations we don't have a lot of Leverage as a city to ask them to to give us space for school um but those data uh the permanent housing data is taken into account when we do projection for the entire city on different level so we'll know cross the city uh in each of the district and subd District based on the permanent information how many units are being b or built uh in the next several years and we take that into account when we do our projection uh now when there are bigger area uh wide resoning that's not but City uh City Planning is including us in the conversation at the very beginning so we work with them to identify our near City owned property where we can maybe take advantage of and build School uh on their opportunity where the developer might be willing to partner with us so we can do a mixed use building or and they willing to you know sell us a piece of their property so we can build a school school is a very important um Community facility I think everyone is on the same page it's just we just need to work out and I identify those opportunities now would work uh what is a little har is the requirement for a site to work for a school is not um is not very small right it we have to have certain size because we want to make sure we have outdoor play space for the students we have to have certain amenities we have to gym cafeteria so it the site needs to be a certain size and needs to we try to make sure it's away from you know from the flator it needs to make we need to make sure the site is clean so there are a lot of requirements that we want to make sure our kids are um protected are safe when we build a school for them um but there are a lot of conversation currently ongoing in different areas of the city where we're trying to work out some kind of arrangement with the developers or with the city to make sure a school can be included thank you I I just simply was going towards the fact that we were building all these residential spaces meaning more people are going to come in and create a more higher class size absolutely we're not building schools we're building you know more apartments that it just puts this in a whole other in a other conundrum of like where do these new residents now fit into this whole you know trying to make the the the class sizes any smaller than they already are so that was thank you again I really do appreciate what you've expressed yes yes yes thank you so much Caroline I then do makeup for all the other months next month okay uh I'm gonna squeeze one uh more question um thanks to Lenny because he's like she's like the the the the class siiz gur for me the wizard uh 500 or more schools have no space to meet the Cs right but principals would not be allowed to C enrollment even if they're underutilized um in schools nearby uh my God uh the though that was a proposal of the C size working group and and why I know one one of the the uh proposals especially for the special education since I was the co-chair um was that we did not want our students with Disability and Special uh uh needs to go further away from the districts and for them to be prioritized so can you please uh let let me know why um the principles are not uh uh capping enrollment of of their schools when there are other schools that the the students can go to um yes of course thank you for the question and um Rose I know you know this but just so others know um a the class siiz law doesn't apply to d75 programs which already obviously often up small classes and B both at the recommendation of the class siiz working group and many others we are working really hard to make sure more space is needed for schools under the class siiz law that's what cor and team are working hard on but really uh working hard to make sure that doesn't push Out d75 programs or mean um our special education students need to travel even further so we are keeping that front and center and that was a key recommendation um and ditto for our students in temporary housing and pieces like that right we are always subject to ensure they have all the protections afforded them under the federal mckin vento law and we're continuing to ensure that is true um with this law um yes and on the first one the question about capping enrollment appreciate the question appreciate it was a recommendation of the class-size working group and and we'll say what I and um the chancellor have said in the past which is um we we don't want to be you know those are those are choices that families are making sometimes they are the school closest to home like let's be clear sometimes capping enrollment at that school would mean a student has to travel further just as you just said we don't want to um which we don't want to either but right now we really don't want to be you know dramatically limiting enrollment at schools and limiting those choices for families where we don't think we need to and for now we believe we can get to 60% compliance and hopefully quite a bit beyond by continuing to fund and support schools continuing to make more space continuing to give funding for more teachers and more procession and all of that and continuing to make progress in that way where there's small enrollment shifts like one or two students that would make a difference and where we're still protecting for example students rights under mckin vento we are looking at things like that but in terms of these substantial shifts um we are we are not looking to limit um access and opport opportunity to those schools in that way hopefully we'll continue to build and we'll continue to move forward there's some exemptions written into the law that potentially we could continue to work with our labor Partners on as well okay great thank you so much for the answer um and thank you so much for the presentation Emma and cor um always a pleasure to have you here I know we're starting a little late thank you um now we have a face updates really late I apologize no problem no problem Rosa uh and always a always a pleasure to be here everyone U thank you so much for for having us as always uh wanted just to share a few updates and just um one is upcoming town halls and uh there was a flyer shared in the chat um of our upcoming town hall in District 1 which will be next Thursday January 16th uh followed by District 13 on January 30th in District 30 on February 3rd uh the chancellor mentioned that we um have like yesterday we announced the launch of the CC election campaign um on this Monday is the opening of the applications and also on this Monday Monday and I'll put it in the chat we will be hosting a webinar candidate webinar for um interested individuals who are interested in learning more about um the CC and the process and you know encouraging um encouraging participation at that webinar because I think it's a good opportunity for individuals to can really learn about what is the CC and and learn about how they could apply we want to encourage everyone to apply as as as everyone here knows um the importance of leadership you know with within the parent leadership structures is essential in our uh partnership in this system and one of the things that we're trying to do this election cycle is really Outreach to the community to really kind of let them know about these opportunities um if they do not want to run understood but they you know they should vote if they're if they're eligible to vote they should vote everyone every school should be part of this process so that uh candidate webinar will be on Monday I will put the zoom link on it will be from 5: to 6 so far we have about 600 over 600 registrants uh for it uh and we're we're very uh we're looking to to have as many people as possible so looking forward to that and I'll put that in the chat CH so um members if you can share that definitely encourage your attendance as well um we also started uh last year our election working group um and we have about 72 parent leaders who are part of the election working group um our next session will be January 14th um from 6:00 to 7:00 if there's anybody um uh members of CPAC if if you missed the first session do not worry you can jump into any session you'd like um so please let us know if you're interested and we'll send you the information uh for our next election working group session and um we have also been as we know president's Council plays an essential part in the election so many different ways um one of the ways is the hosting of the candidate forums and I know that the members of the face team have been reaching out to respective president councils just to um confirm dates for the candidate forms that will be coming up later on this year so um please reach out please watch out for those outreaches um I know that the team uh make started making calls yesterday emails were sent um uh last year on this so if we can um um speak to the members of the face team just to confirm um your uh candidate Forum date your preferred candidate Forum date that would be um um great to do that soon as soon as possible so we can begin to advertise and um also wanted just to reemphasize a timeline um in the campaign so as the chancer mentioned uh the uh opening of the application is this Monday January 13th which will go through February 16th um and then uh we will have our candidate forums will run from February 26th through April 24th and then the voting period will be from April 25th through May 13 um once again we um we are looking to you know spread the word uh uh on the campaign um as wide and far as we can um you will see in the next um uh in the next few days next week like right now schools have received materials this week uh on the campaign banners um Flyers informational materials to share with their parents um we are also going to have our our bus ads you know as well you know you'll you'll see advertisements both in the public sphere um you know on on bus ads um and some some video um advertisements as well we want to make sure that um this opportunity is definitely available you know and and that everyone knows about it and that everyone participates we definitely want maximum participation because as we know you know if there's maximum participation in the parent leader space our school system is is is exceptionally better um and so we want to do that also um want to mention some of the outreaches we have had so far and I want to thank these Partners um we had various presentations at the burough service cabinets for the burough president president's offices I really want to thank of the all the burough president's offices for their support we presented at the Staten Island burough service cabinet on the campaign uh in December the Queensboro service cabinet uh in December the Brooklyn service cabinet in December the Bronx uh burough service cabinet also in December and the Manhattan burough Service uh cabinet uh as as well um so um so the we are um we are definitely um appreciative of our partnership with our colleagues you know in city government and thank them so much for their support uh and just want to mention as well is that we've also had CC election information sessions with our parent coordinators parent coordinators are going to be key Partners as well as our family leadership coordinators um in sharing this information with our families and ensuring that they have the information they need to make a decision on whether to run but um if they decide not to run definitely to vote um uh we want everyone's voices heard in in the decision of the leadership um of their respective districts as well as as well as respective Citywide councils as well um so with that said I think that is everything we've really um appreciate uh um so much the opportunity to share about the campaign once again we uh we will continue to reach out to you members um to confirm the candidate form dates um because that's an essential part of this process process and I'll pause there Madam chair if there are any questions for me yes uh please raise your hand Deputy Chancellor Dr Christina I am so sorry I couldn't find I don't know what happened to my brain this morning but I can't find the raise your hand function so I Rose my hand in real life thank you so much for acknowledging me I just want to say that Jesse spoke a lot about CE the elections a thousand times that's all he spoke about and mind you we're doing other things but it's really really really important that we understand that while fa does manage the election these are local elections these are local these are local right and I know that we want fa to be everywhere all the time but we are a team of 40 um we are not a team of 1,600 um and so we do our very best to build the capacity of all of our local Partners in this work our flc's are ready willing and able to present anywhere you need them to our PCS are also very aware and equipped to present around the CEC elections anywhere you need them to and if you run into a colleague of ours that does not know please tell them to come to us we are more than happy to give them the tools that they need but these are local these are very very local and we don't know everyone just like and you do you really do you really do know your communities you really do know all your schools you really can just be like oh yeah that person and that person and that person and those are the things that we need we send emails we support them we do PDS but like as much as you can support us in supporting them is really um Our Hope here and our call to action for all of us and then again your role in this work is huge so while you are all president Council presidents and or delegates here your role in this election is enormous because you host the forums that then folks can talk can think about who the candidates are in their communities and I know there's a lot of rumors and and past feelings of like CC's versus ptas in our world you guys are just as important um in different ways and in this particular election you are you are at the core of making sure that which is what you do really well make sure that families have access to the information so that they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families and their communities and so their vote is predicated on what that Forum looks like and so we really need you to reach out to us check your emails if you haven't gotten it send us an email we will reach out again we will give you the options I know it was the holiday but the sooner you get on the calendar the better because then we won't be able to accommodate dates we hope that we have a bunch of candidates at every one of our districts which means that we have to coordinate every candidate to show up to the districts I also want to remind you that folks can many of you are on CC's you can apply to be in different CCS which means that our candidates may be I'm just going to use cuz she's right here on my um on my screen but she may be running for C 6 and also running for cell or running for ccse and those are different candidate Forum times and so we have to manage over here make sure that the date that the the dates that President's Council selects also work with the candidates that are there so that everyone gets a fair chance right and this is tricky and the sooner we get it the better we can Mastermind this this calendar but all of it is tied to you so please please please reach out we don't want to be left choosing dates it doesn't work for you and when it doesn't work for you it doesn't work for your community but we can't do it without you telling us so please please please whether you are c c running for a cc or not please reach out to us please give us a date so that we can coordinate this and Mastermind this very intricate plan so thank you Rosa and thank you all yes thank you so much I know I already did mine thanks to the reminder from face yesterday um I have a lot of bunch of um emails thank you so much for all the face updates and I also want to just like move the agenda because we're really behind and I'm so Sor but I just I I just don't like interrupting people when they're speaking and I will train myself on that um right now we have uh our next on the agenda is the resolution which let me check if I have it on my screen I do okay can everyone see the resolution I am not able to see anyone unbelievable okay can everyone see the resolution thumbs up please not yet Rosa it shows that you're sharing your screen but it's blank okay let me do it again amazing technology no comments okay let's try this again by the way uh this resolution was already sent out uh can you let me know Randy now yes now we see it yay perfect thank you so much um this resolution is pretty simple it literally it's in the title this is a resolution by as CPAC uh urging the doe to implement a multi-year plan that will provide all New York City stud students with the benefits of smaller class sizes please please please uh this was sent already uh three times maybe I am not going to read everything I'm just going to go to our ask as CPAC um we we want obviously small classes because it will benefit all children and okay I may have to do a real real quick um just summary uh it is on my screen uh whereas in June 2022 the state passed a law requiring New York City to face in class size caps over five years to know more than 20 students per class in grades K to three no more than 23 students per class in grades 4th to 8th and no more than 25 students per class in high school except for physical education and Performing Arts to be kept at 40 students per class all of these you guys already have it and you guys already know it uh the doe controls enrollment in an inequitable non-transparent fashion forcing overcrowding on some schools while other schools are allowed to limit their enrollment despite receiving hundreds of maybe thousands of applications enabling them to cap their class sizes at a much lower levels where AIO e already CS enrollment if necessary to meet with UFT contractual class size level so this clear why they they should not cap enrollment to allow schools to meet the class siiz mandates uh where as the doe has made little efforts to build enough schools in even in the most overcrowded areas where there are a few underutilized schools and refuses to say we 70% of school seats funded will be cited at the district subdistrict or grade level although an accelerated plan for school expansion and construction will be necessary to meet the required cups so we've heard from cor they are already constructing uh uh believe buildings she said uh this was just like the new update uh be resolved that we the chancellor parent advisory Council urged the doe to allocate at least one third of the funded needed next year to meet the class size C over the next three years so that the ramping up of a hiring and recruiting of teachers can proceed in an orderly and rational way be resolve that we the chancellor parent advisory Council urg the doe to allow our school or our districts to cap enrollment at lower levels starting next year especially if they are on the utiliz school nearby which would provide important benefits to students of at all types of schools be resol that there should be no permanent ex exceptions granted to O over enrolled or overcrowded schools but the DOE should provide all schools with the space required for small classes through adjusting enrollement or accelerating and expanding the new school construction be resol the doe should shall be required to produce an actual multi-year class sici demonstrating how sufficient funding and space will be provided over the next three years to allow all New York City students uh schools and students to benefit from smaller classes that they need and deserve today is January 9th we've read the uh resolution you guys have it in your email uh we will be voting on this today does anyone have any ex uh objections please raise your hand State uh raise your hand stay I object to this amazing resolution uh we record it for the record otherwise we can do a roll call yes District 26 I'm sorry yes I have something to say for one minute before we do the resolution would that be permitted is that about the resolution yes yes it is go ahead okay thank you I'm actually at the animal hospital so I'm sorry be one minute guys thank you okay sorry Rosa okay so I would just like to say um representing 28 schools and over 29,000 students in District 26 I cannot in good conscience agree with this resolution while 26 enrollment has declined by 8% we are still over enrolled and our schools must not and especially our high schools our local high schools we are in need according to the Blue Book of almost 1,000 seats districtwide on an elementary level of 962 seats high schools over 2396 there are currently 18 buildings in District 26 even though enrollment has decreased that currently have over 100% utilization with seven of these buildings over 120% utilization using the examples of both cordoza high school and Francis Lewis that are scheduled to use tcu's temporary classroom units with all this being said the resolution does not speak on the accountability of the sca and what would be the plan to help districts like District 26 so that our students and children like my own do not have to travel over two hours every day for an equitable education or our students within schools to have almost 3,000 students on any given day thank you very much Rosa thank you thank you so much uh District 26 Adriana uh yes District 24 sorry yes how do um I have to piggyback off what d26 just said um d24 is one of the largest districts in the city where represent over 43 schools between Elementary and intermediate um our schools are at 112% capacity um if this plan were to go into effect we've already rolled through the whole scenario our kids would be sent to D14 in Brooklyn to meet the standard to put our students going cross district from Corona to D14 in Brooklyn as our district is a transportation desert in some areas we have no transportation for parents to get there this would eliminate parents engagement in these schools they would not be able to attend PTA functions as they do not have vehicles it' be very costly for them to use cabs and and there's nowhere to build in our district we have sites as we mentioned earlier about working Partnerships with real estate developers we have that already in effect with those seats coming online we'll be down to 108% capacity and our D7 thank you uh District 24 are you opposing to the resolution yes we oppose it thank you so much uh do we have any other hand raised opposing the resolution okay uh Randy can we do a roll call so we can be more uh Equitable I I do have this to for District 26 opposing the resolution thank you so much um Ry okay so you just want me to do a a yay or n yes please okay um district one are you for the resolution or again or opposed Ashley district one okay District Two yay sorry I was on mute District three yay District Four District Four District Five District Six yay district seven seven district dat oh she ER I had to drop off uh District 12 district 14 yay District 17 District 20 yes 21 yes 22 um 24 was opposed 25 25 26 is opposed sorry I couldn't unmute this is 25 oh I'm I'm opposed okay um 26 A was opposed correct correct oppose okay Priscilla uh District 29 yes I had a question um no one's acknowledging me in the chat before I confirm the contingency is will the classroom size reduction law be able to be modified over the years based on the need the class siiz law modified the the classroom size reduction will it be able to be modified depending on the needs and the concerns of the schools that's a question I had asked I was going to reach out to SCA my contact but because I didn't get any feedback it's it's New York state law so it's no no no not that is over time as the school has different needs will the school be able to apply for modification over that period up until 2027 or is it a one-time application Grant so you they have to comply by 2026 I believe or 2027 2027 2027 so there's there's no up until 2027 they're supposed to be getting the class size you know Implement they supposed to implement the class size um as much as they can as much as physically possible they do know that some schools aren't completely able to do it as of yet that's why they're giving them this time to get it done but after that there's no modification that's just state law right and the resolution does say the resolution does say we urging the doe to come up with a plan you know over these three years um that's why we want them to actually have a plan show us that plan and how it's going to work and benefit our children so that I'm going to oppose okay okay so 29 is opposed um um 30 Becca 30 okay 31 opposed District 75 Rema d75 obain um Josephine you wrote in the chat can you change you want to change your vote from yes to opposed okay I'm changing her she said yes um sorry St Island High School I oppose Queens High School I oppose Manhattan High School yes I'm going flip steam we have one two three four five six in favor we have one two three four four five six seven eight opposed and two extensions so the resolution does not pass okay very uh unfortunate because you know it's literally just asking the doe to provide us with a plan uh but I respect everyone's opinion and that's why we are here because it's not just one person uh working is all of us all of about it J Carol hi I I just want to make one quick statement based off of this resolution um and as Dr mes did mention earlier uh I am on my C and it has been a very very interesting two years um to say the least I just want to encourage every single president here uh to really make that effort to meet with your ECS and go to their meetings go virtual and not only because you don't know or you do know simply because that advocating portion of it all allows your parents as well in your schools to see that this information is there and these platforms that we're on are the advocacy spaces for us to make the changes that much more you know implemented with elected officials and the government in general so I'm not sure if everybody is doing that but I would just encourage to really be part of the C meetings so that we can all collectively see resolutions like this and actually see that it's more of a suggested point to get the doe to show us more transparency more than yay or nay on whether or not we're agreeing to a certain amount of students being in a classroom it's more about transparency we're not getting all the information and we need more information that's all okay thank you kolene because I I I also want to Echo uh what what you just said you know what I it's not like just my high school my kids school is overcrowded or anything like that but it's about all the children we have to Advocate we're here because of all the children but I do respect and thank you all for your voice um and we are going to move on the resolution did not pass we are going to move on on to the minutes the minutes already were sent out and I will just quickly show it um on my screen for anyone that wants to uh see it if I can find it okay please let me know if it's showing thumbs up or yes please unmute just to say yes yep it's showing thank you so much okay these are the minutes from uh last month it was already sent out if you see any discrepancies or want to object please uh raise your hand uh otherwise we are going to adopt them can we have h a motion to adopt the minutes do we need a minute a second to review them it's basically um a couple of pages of all the hard work that actually um did okay waiting on that uh motion if anyone is uh wants to unmute say hey Rosa I would like to make a motion to adopt the December minutes that will be awesome 26 I'm sorry District 26 motion to adopt District 25 seconds thank you so much guys okay uh does anyone object okay the uh minutes are adopted let me just stop sharing okay and I believe that is uh the last thing on our um oh what am I talking about I'm going to pass it back to Randy Randy uh do you want to share our um a discussion on the um Forum that we will be having um the the training yes okay so um we're looking at either Fe February 3D or February 5th to do a training for president's Council um executive boards so this would be a virtual meeting it would not be live streamed so this way you can feel comfortable asking questions that you may not be sure of and don't want to have everyone here um everyone out on YouTube land um hearing you know that you might not understand something or know something that you weren't trained on so we are trying to see February 3rd or February 5th if a day meeting or an evening meeting would work better you'd be able to invite your executive boards um so that you could all get this information at the same time so we have some members that didn't respond um 100% if day or night would work for them does day or night work better for anyone you could like write in the chat like day like maybe 10 o'clock in the morning is better or six o'clock in the evening is better so that we can make sure that we have um we want to make sure that you're able to attend right thank you so much uh we are well we look maybe we can send um a Google form to uh once we are set on the date maybe we can send a Google form to um the CPAC members to see which date is uh better and works better for for all of us uh thank you Randy so now uh if you see on the screen I am I'm sure why I can't move it okay if you see uh my screen the uh our monthly uh meeting dates are on your left and if you have any questions please let us know our next meeting will be February 13 at 9:30 and yes this is something that I wanted to also speak on the CPAC is standing committees uh understanding that the link to sign up it's on their website at CPAC nyc.com and what is CPAC is standing committees and what do we do and everything the meetings and schedule are defined and scheduled by the committee chair is not myself I am automatically a member members of the general public may serve on committees and can vote on that committee for which they serve but you must sign up CPAC members are all welcome to join the Committees uh at any time all committees shall select their own chairperson and when necessary only when necessary the chair of CPAC shall appoint a chair to any committing like if it's not working if if they're not it's not happening or you know like they graduated just you know they they're too busy no problem okay so I know that capacity building we met on um on um Tuesday uh there was maybe two people um so we're not having a CAC m MERS join and I understand it's busy New Year everyone has their things to do but please make it your business make it put it in your calendar because your voice is needed uh Communications uh meets on the first Tuesday of the month we met on January 7th High School very well attended um meets on the first Monday uh we met on January 6th uh legislative I'm not sure uh if they met I did not receive any link multilingual language Learners yes we met on January 7th very interested meeting uh we should have some um feedback hopefully by uh next meeting a special education meets on January 7th I I'm I'm unsure if they met I will uh find out but look out for the next date on February 6 March 6th April 3rd May and June 10 I forgot the me it uh Title One meets quarterly they did meet uh Jimmy is the chair please joined we need to hear from title one uh members and a CPAC please take all the information back to your uh Districts The Wellness meets on the second Wednesday of the month I am unsure if they met I will find out and the alumni meets quarterly um Within have a lot of people we literally we're like three counting uh Shirley myself and um and someone else that I totally forgot their name but very very uh involved let my laptop okay so we are having just a little um uh regulations of what is the Chancellor's regulations AC 60 we received uh emails and I personally reive text of you know like um and I know that uh Georgette um the FC for district 21 basically said all of this and we just want to encourage everyone to please please please read Chancellor's regulations a660 it has a tons of information if you not able to to understand it for any reason this is your Forum we are supposed to help all the district's president Council and the Boral president Council continue guiding their own constituents so please let us know how we can support you Rosa I just wanted to add that for presidents councils and PAs and ptas you should know that if you're not holding your monthly meeting or you're not um conducting official PTA business within 60 like for 60 days you can go into a cease to function and then the superintendent for president's Council or the principal for PTA or PA would then reestablish a PTA so you want to make sure that you're holding at least at a minimum your monthly um president's Council or PTA meetings um and if you're having trouble getting quarum please talk with your parent coordinator or your FLC maybe you can get a speaker to come out um or a workshop or something to piggyback on to just get you know more parents involved that way too absolutely thank you so much Randy and and one of the things uh that I've heard before is like parents resigning parents quitting and and I I I please don't resign don't quit reach out we are here available and we need you like we cannot do this work without you like because we cannot be in every single District in every single school we support the president's Council of every single district and every single borrow so please let us know how can we support you to for you to support your own P let us know we have we may not have all the answers but we have Chancellor's regulations that does have all the answers so what is a school leadership team and I'm just going to you see it on your screen and it is on CPAC and it is on doe and it is on the Chancellor's regulations what is uh SLT is at the New York State education law yes it's a law requires that every New York City public school to have a SLT in addition to the Chancellor's regulations obviously which establishes establishes guidelines to ensure the formation of effective slts in New York City Public Schools slts cannot work without a p AA executive board and then Title One let us not speak about Title One okay president's Council what do we do because I'm also the Manhattan High School's president's council president what do we do president's Council are independent parent leadership organizations we must provide 10 days notice uh 10 days calendar days notice which includes obviously the weekends with meet with CC please meet with your District CC attend their meeting you're supposed to be working together we know that uh your work is very valuable you must be busy and everything but please please please attend your District ccs and City Y uh Council on high schools what is a paa every New York City public school is required by the New York state law education law in New York City Department education Chancellor's regulation to have either a PA or PTA and all parents of children in that specific School are automatically eligible members yes you don't have to pay you don't look at that um parents the PTA dues as mandatory it's suggested but please incourage your parents to attend make it exciting make it informative and valuable believe me your parents will be thanking you also P are autonomous and independent and by the way if it wasn't already set the intering financial report is due January 31st which is like two three weeks or now so please make sure that your treasurer for your PTA has it in their hands let me it's not giving me my lore Okay so lastly the Chancellor's parent advisory council is comprised of president or Des sign of the president's C Council representing 32 districts five high school Burrows and District 75 who were elected by our constituents to advocate for the 1.1 million newor City Public Schools and their families CPAC works as a team to identifying concerns Trends and policy issues and to advise the chancellor on doe policies Chancellor's parent advisory Council ensures that every single parent voice is heard we collaborate with different stakeholders as you saw today and every single month and work together to provide high quality and useful information we are always striving for excellence equity an opportunity for all and we need you please do not resign let us know how we can work together to support your District your borrow so you can support your constituents and with that we love a motion to adjourn our amazing meeting emotion to adjourn the the meeting second district 6 and District Two thank you so much and everyone have an amazing rest of your day thank you thank you everyone