##VIDEO ID:i-wmMpNiWYI## e e e e e e e e e e e e I would like to call this meeting of the naret Regional School District school committee to order and we will start with the plunge to the of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all hello everyone um our is being live streamed and recorded um you can find it on YouTube or on Facebook should you wish to watch it after the fact or live during our session um moving into our regular business we're going to start with the eight minutes from September 19th I would entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 19th 2024 as written motion by Hank second cat second by cat um any questions or comments on those minutes seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous we also have our bills and payroll um which I would recommend to accept the bills and payroll warrants as presented sub motion by Heather second second by Danielle any questions or comments about those Bills payroll seeing none all in favor I opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous all right we had do have a couple of apperances tonight um first we have our student representative but we have um one of our cover uh Representatives here with us tonight which I'm very excited um Miss Isabelle Hills I pronounce that correctly excellent um who is a junior and I'm not sure what you and Dr C have arranged is she introducing herself or you introducing I was going just of her to honestly give us just the the wonderfulness that is the wonderfulness that is excellent well we look forward to wonderful all right you could you could say briefly um just a quick introduction about yourself okay well uh as you said in PH I'm a junior um I'm the president of the class of 2026 so um and I'm here to fill in for Amanda while she's playing her field hockey games excellent well thank you so much for filling in appreciate it of course all right so um Amanda wrote up a quick report for me so she uh mentioned that all fall sports are coming to an end with field hockey playing I believe their last game tonight or one of their last few um girls soccer just finished regular season games and uh football and cross country are Midway through their Seasons um as for clubs uh the only difference is that uh all honor societies have had their first meetings and are looking to come up with projects um events minion night with the elementary schoolers went really well uh it had a great like amount of like the younger kids joining in and like it was a huge crat it was really fun um Mr Dono has had a lot of fun on his field trips and the students are enjoying themselves um the first eighth grade dance is tomorrow it's Halloween themed um and then conferences for the high school and well for the district are the end of November and then for the Middle School uh student council continues to meet um they're sponsoring a student G merch and are working with DW design and the seventh grade students and teachers will be visiting Quin Reservoir this Friday and that's wonderful thank you so much for filling in and giving those updates any questions about those updates just one mam chair I'm just wondering what is your thought on the Powder Puff game that's coming up Juniors versus seniors what what do you you know what do you think I'm still debating on whether to sign up but we're looking to lay some money down so weing um well I know one of my friends is up and I plan to actually talk to um some my fellow officers about making some social media posts about signing up for the junior class illegal but okay I'll be just inur so you're going to be a lawyer I said or superintendent or Excell well thank you so much for coming um and I know that you had wanted to actually go to this field hockey game this evening um so by all means feel free to exit whenever is convenient for you so thank you so much for stopping and we really appreciate it great toet you so much for having me it's lovely meeting all of you have a great night right and next we do have Mr our principal of Americans at Regional High School and I am I handing this off to you Dr Excell thank you um so we talk we talk a lot about project Le the way um we started I think I think it's almost and a half years ago now and we certainly have we've we've actually received several accolades for our program we're one of last check we're one of the 11 districts in the entire State U that has a project lead theway program k through2 um and again we have all three Pathways of biomedic engineering Computer Sciences it and it's it's honestly a wonderful thing to brag about which I do often the what what gets left out is the hard work of folks make it happen um and certainly not by magic or by gnomes or something to that effect where it just happens and uh it came to no surprise that U that when this award that was put out um you know to recognize folks who done outstanding work in this area that um Mr Young is one of again I think it's 27 administrators across the United States um to earn the 24 25 outstanding administrator award from Project Lead the Way um Kobe has done I cannot put it into you know honestly adequate words how much work has done into this in terms of making all this work in in the confines of a schedule a high school schedule which is ridiculously hard and intricate um beyond all that we we are a rural District we are small and we actually again when you look at the other districts who have these programs especially K through 12 they dwarf Us in some size um to oric in numbers and Financial Resources but despite all of that Mr Young's team have done an outstanding job making it happen um which provides an outstanding opportunity for our kids as they you know as they progress to whatever they want to be when they finally grow up and some of us are still waiting and to figure that out but this is a great opportunity to um to see this so I I just wanted to recognize that Mr Young did was one only 27 on United States and that um and that's welld deserved absolutely fantastic is there anything you would like to share sure unsure of of etiquette for this like to talk with us I do I really enjoy yeah so you know I I appreciate the opportunity to say say a little something here um so you know to to bring a little levity to it um and I appreciate the remarks Dr Dr cassavan uh levity sake one should be careful what they write about me positively because I will absolutely um copy uh those comments and send them to my spouse um so when I'm being critiqued for a poor job doing dishes or whatever I can say well did you happen to this um you know so it's it's it's um um in all in all seriousness though I I um I think you know if you know it's it's it's it's truly humbling to get an award like this because I think it says as much if not more about the people that take time out of their schedules to put your name forward you know everybody we're all going a million and a half miles an hour and um that some folks would take time out of their day and I'm talking about the teachers and I'm talking about you know I read the comment from the student who you know I believe is on to college now and doing great things and then I'm not going to look at anyone I don't want to out anyone but you know fellow administrators to to to think enough of you and to take time to to put an award forward and and frankly the teachers you know because they're the gravity in the classroom so we try to sort of set the table for them but if they weren't doing a great job on a dayto day students wouldn't want to take the classes so so I'm happy to facilitate however I can and pltw they've been great Partners you all are well aware of the grants that they've given us and and in all sincerity thank you to the school committee as well because this program we really had to bootstrap it over the years and um you know resources are finite so in some ways I I feel like I'm receiving credit for um and I'm happy to do so as my wife all knows uh but uh you know I do feel like I'm receiving credit for the hard work of a lot a lot of people so I am truly grateful um that the teachers and staff and fellow admin and students especially would take time to uh you know to to single me out for a second there so so deserve to celebrated thank you I appreciate that oh it's absolutely fantastic I mean this is such a great program and you know the the broad support across our district is amazing and you know it's it's it takes administrators as well as teachers to make it come to life and really become a part of the student experience here so thank you for all that you've done it's amazing we You' been recognized I really do hope the print this out and put it on your fridge so that it's front and center for everyone to see oh absolutely I'll refer to it from time to time thank you for permission and I will say I was given permission from the school committee to do this so really making points everywhere thank you thank you for that y any questions for Mr before he before we finish our celebration of him and send him on this merry way seeing well thank you so much I mean seriously Round of Applause thank really appreciation and if I could just mention we do have Coach Molton being honored tonight um so that's where I'm headed because that's taking place down on the lower I had heard of that great please pass along our congratulations there as well you know we couldn't couldn't be there but of course I'm sure it's a big celebration right thank you thank you so much coming back to our agenda next item on the agenda would be public input we do have someone here tonight but not sure if you're planning to speak this evening no just here for you know we're we're great entertainment I think excellent that's what I've heard all right um so ndea um is not here this evening um so we will pass over that point and we will skip to our fy2 budget update so am can I hand this over to you yep you probably saw the email that went out to everybody about the budget freeze um just a little backstory of why it's so early is we've had a couple of special ed staff design one over the summer one um leaving us in a couple of weeks we can't get application so a special director has contracted with some like companies to provide the services and those are like double what a salary would cost so just trying to be precautious um as we move forward to see where that settles to see if maybe by Christmas there's applicants um just want to make sure we keep our head above water still waiting on lural a numbers but I just read something that possibly month they might be out moving right along um if you took a look at the reports um you can see like there's a lot of salaries are all incumbered now so it kind of gives us a trer picture whatever our bottom line is um might also notice that on the grant sheet is a lot less this year than in the past um we don't have as many up front then probably will get more added as the year goes on but like right now it's also two pages where normally it's been three the past few years um so we've lost 10 grants over the years which is normally come and go um my bus bit is being open tomorrow morning so hopefully that turns out favorable um we'll see but at least we'll have enough overday so any questions for Marie before we move on from fy2 report okay um so the next point on our agenda is the masc selfs survey um so um all of our school committee members should have received a a survey in their inbox um from Alicia M um that survey is intended to um get some get some feedback from each of you individually so that she can then work with us to she's our masc regional rep um and what she will then do with that information is determine where are some areas where um we can improve our skills or be more organized um and especially where uh the majority of our members um have three years of experience and under this is a great opportunity for us to engage with them spend time you know getting to know each other as well as getting some important work done um and so this will really help her narrow in on where to spend that time um so if everyone can please make sure that they get that done um as soon as possible um it's been out for a couple of weeks now um I am going to email her and just ask her to kind of set up set a hard deadlines I know it it's easier for everyone if there's an actual deadline attach and I don't think she did it this time um but if she can set it deadline for us um and then that way you can all prioritize it into um your very very busy lives um but I appreciate it if you can get that done so because your input will make those whatever training we do more meaningful okay so I'm moving on to our next point on the agenda which is our school committee vacancy for philipsson and I am very excited to say that we do have an applicant here Haslet did I pronounced that correctly hazet Hazlet I learned um so Chrissy Hazlet from philipsson and just to give you all um some background and I did just I I did forget to attach her letter to the agenda I apologize I will do that um for the record so that everyone can have access to that but I did forward it to school committee members so it is at the top of your inbox right now if you want to have access to that and I apologize to you I should have remembered to do that um but Christy hazet she she applied quite a it back on September 17th and because she does work with the town of philipsson we had to um talk to the ethics board in Massachusetts um or she did rather and get some advice on what to do there she has since then got a special dispensation do I have that term correct is that what was called um not really so well you had to go to the board of Select so you I'll let you describe it to us yeah well so basically when I went to the board of selmen I confirmed what had already happened that I wasn't there for which was they appointed me so my first position was Department assistant there um and then later on they appointed me as um assistant town clerk as well um so basically the first step was I had to make sure that that was all approved and it was because since we're a small town There's different rules so basically as long as it's with the board's approval then it's on the up and up and then basically I'll have a certain time frame to file a form with the board of Selectmen and then so that's what I have to do okay so perfect so said another way because philipsson is a you know small town as she mentioned um basically she can hold more positions than she than what would be possible in a larger Town yeah exactly okay perfect um and so welcome um so typically what we do is um you know we give school committee members a chance to ask you a couple of questions um honestly we're really excited to have you here this evening and really excited that you did all the the hard work because I will tell you all of the work of figuring out what to do what needed to be done Saed on Miss HL um and so Hazel Haz Hazel I knew I was gonna get that wrong again it's like hazelnut ha thank you I appreciate that um sat on Miss hazet and so she had to do the running around to connect with people and get the information so really appreciate her her dedication already um to a position um and so I would open it up um to my fellow school committee members um if you have any questions you're just just happened really to you know devote some time and attention to the school committee yeah for sure so I always have questions okay and so what I'm curious about is um what made you interested in this position specifically um so I love that you know you're really active in your town um and you decided to add this on to you know the ways in which you are are serving your town tell me more about that what what inspired you um I can't really say like so it's something that I actually would have been interested for a very long time and I didn't really know much about school committees and I kind of always thought it was something that parents do um I don't have any kids like let alone kids in the school district so I I didn't know if it would make any sense but I went to work one day and Melanie who I worked with with and philipon said um do you want to be on the school committee or the cultural commission and like I just come ined she ask me questions like that so I wrote them both down and I'm like okay let me think about that and um I just realized that I would um I would really like to do it because it's just such an important part of our society um I've been until I worked in the town hall i' never been any like been part of any kind of Municipal organization or anything like that so it's it's been a very very um eye openening learning experience um kind of year for me and um I think this would definitely help expand my horizons but also I just I really value um the opportunity like I mean I don't know I don't know what else to say I bring just one away but oh please please I mean I keep calling you by the wrong names so it's fine um so that's that's absolutely fantastic I mean sometimes the opportunities find you it's not always you going to seek them and so I think it's I mean Melanie really comes to a lot of our she comes to our finan facilities meetings and she comes to our chairs meetings and we've really gotten to know her over the years and really value you know her bringing Philipson's input and it's what I'm really excited for is that you know we've been down a philipson member for some time and making sure that we have have that full representation um from that town as well as our other two members here philipson um so that's going to have say any other questions before we move to vote feel like Sean is thinking about a question I I mean I guess I guess my only question would be is um what experience you have in the school background or educational background um only my own personal education pretty much um I went to school at uh I grew up in Franklin so I went to Franklin High School um that was I feel like it was such a long time ago um and then I went to college but that was kind of um you know I don't know that that necessarily has anything to do with this and um kind of coincidentally my mother and her five brothers GRE up in Baldwinville so they all went here um and they all had really um um tremendous careers and I know that they it was a long time ago but I know that they really value the education that they got here and and you have a great mix of people up here with education backgrounds as well as it out um so every type of experience is needed and necessary so I work marketing this is my other job all right well excellent and and thank you for questions um it's really really great to get to know you a little bit um and so I would entertain a motion to accept Chrissy hazlett's um application to become our next uh naragansett Regional School District school committee member for the town of philipson B second motion by Danielle I'll give this one to Heather this time second to Heather um any remaining questions or comments seeing none all in favor opposed abstain and I say yes so we're very excited to have you so what you'll need to do as the next step is um connect with Susan um essentially it sounds like you have like an additional step of going back to the select board just to get the official things that you need um but then you need to be sworn in and then as soon as you're sworn in um then you can join us up here at the table and you are not then a voting member and there's some training you need to take and thanks to but sus we'll get you all up to speed thank so much all right thank you so much and just so that you have it for your awareness our next meeting is Thursday November 21st okay so yeah all right thank you all right well we also have another school Committee Member opening for the town of Phillipson unfortunately we not the town of Templeton I'm sorry thank you um we have let me let me start over again Chrissy has now accepted our school committee vacancy for the town of philipon and we have voted her in we also have a school committee vacancy for the town of Templeton for which we have received no applicants thus far um so if you're interested um or honestly if anyone is interested please reach out to any of us we know that there's usually a lot of questions or you know folks don't quite understand what we're in charge of here um so we're happy to dig in and answer any of those questions um and really excited to speak to anyone who might be interested okay moving on to curriculum and instruction um I know that uh Molly has some Miss superi has some data for us this evening um so I will handle it hand it right over to her and um I will let you go through our our items uh your items without com so as you may heard our uh Statewide mcast data was released um at the end of last month and so we have been as a system really digging in um and crunching numbers and making sense um of the data to help us uh inform how we're supporting students how we're adjusting um any curricular materials and so forth and so the data I have for you today is really being up on the balcony looking big picture we're we're not getting into um some of the more detailed data that our principles and our teachers um and staff are are packing so this is really big picture um data today so um just as a reminder for folks because we usually review this formally once a year um that mcast is a Statewide assessment that assesses students achievement and growth in relation to grade level standards so unlike star which we're also going to dig into a little bit tonight it's not adaptive all the students take um test testing the same Frameworks or standards um students are tested in ela are English language arts Math and Science across various grades so we'll be looking at data for those grades 3 through eight and 10 um for ELA Math and Science for grades 5 8 and 10 and um we are three years now of having a typical full test administ administered from coming out from the pandemic so we did have some quirks in the state assessments or some um um in 2020 we did not test and then we had a half test for grade 3 through so we're three years now back kind of in the cycle um of mcast testing and so I share that because um when the state put out their Statewide Trends there was a lot of messaging around the slow and steady progress coming the pmic and continuing to look at the impacts that the pandemic has had on students academics um and so as we go through the data we're going to take a look at our achievement data and we'll look at the States pattern and then we'll look at our District's patterns so we can see um what that looks like and when we talk about achievement data we're talking about the percent of students whove met or exceeded the mcaps assessment so Statewide uh what you say up here on the um the column under state is the percent of students across the state of Massachusetts who have met or exceeded the E the 2024 Ela mcats so for example in grade three you'll see 42% of students across the state of meeting and so forth the number you see just the right of that is the difference in the percent of students meeting or exceeding that grade level from 2023 to 2024 so Statewide what you'll see is every grade across the state had a decline in the percent of students meeting or exceeding in um in ela um the state has identified three a change in of 3% or greater as considered significant change so you'll see anything that is three or greater highlighted in red although I just noticed there's a two there that's accidentally highlighted so just count that um and then anything that is a growth of three or more will be identified as green so you'll see those patterns as we go through so how does our state compare excuse me our district compared to those States um we are seeing sort of some different patterns when we look at our district data so what you'll see is while the percent of students in grade three for example is the exact same as the state so we are matching the percent of students meeting or exceeding um in ela as the state we have seen an 11% 11 Point growth in the percentage students meeting or exceeding so we've had growth in the grade three and grade six perent uh and grade 10 from the previous year we also have some areas where our decline is greater um as you can see as well so we don't have the same consistency that the state has but we have some some Pockets where we see some wins um in our achievement level data for ELA when we look at our math data across the state um for the most part it's pretty flat as a state um there's an increase in the percent of students um meeting exceeding grade three by 3% um and a slight decrease of 2% in or two in grade 10 but pretty much uh the Middle Middle grades there are quite flat um our district has a little bit of a different story here and we're seeing more decline in map scce um with the exception again of grade three where we're seeing a more significant increase than the state um when we look at our science results Statewide there's growth um in the percent of students being are exceeding grades 5 and 10 a slight decline in grade eight and when we look at our District's patterns you can see U that we have seen a growth in the grade five an increase in grade five in the percent of students meeting exceeding a decrease in grade eight um and grade 10 and so the overall message and takeaways Statewide with the data um are an overall low lower achievement in all grades in the ELA as compared to 2023 uh math results show Improvement in grade three and are otherwise is considered pretty flat and science results um are showing Improvement in grades five and 10 to of those bookends with lower achievement in grade eight so when we look at our district data um we're seeing that in ela we are below the State per of students at or above grade level in grades four through eight we have seen more growth in the percent of students achieving from 23 to 24 in grades three six and 10 as compared to the state similarly we are seeing see um in math we're below the State per for students at or above in all grades we are seeing more growth in the percent of students uh then compared to the state in grades three and six and then in science um again we are below the state but we are seeing more growth in the percent of students um in grade five as compares to the state so overall we are seeing achievement wise some decline in some of our data however when we look at student growth our growth rates for all grades with the exception of fourth grade math and e8th grade math are considered typical growth so I just shared all that like hey look we're lower than the state however what we're also seeing when we don't just look at those achievement scores but we look at our students growth patterns is that our students are making for the most part typical growth which is really exciting for us to see right so one thing we want to do is shift that growth to to higher growth so that we can start to close the gap that we see compared to State data um we are digging in a little bit more specifically to the patterns we see with growth with those two corts up here that are in low growth um grade four and grade eight um we have we have some um ideas about what occurred that might have made those um those areas of growth lower um but we really are celebrating that we do those two exceptions have typical growth happening in our schools um at the school and District level uh the state provides us with two components of data to help with what help identify our accountability with the state and so one of those data points um is that they are they are giving us a percent score for each school and District on our progress we make towards 2-year targets and those targets are individualized and set by the state they're weighted a little bit more he heavily for the growth you make from 13 to 14 then from 2022 to 23 so the most recent year is weighted um a little bit more and then we also receive a percentile score um which identifies our performance in relation to like schools or like districts and so those two uh measures are used for what you might hear of if You' hear about State accountability or if states have been identified or states have been recognized um and so forth so when we look at that data for our district our progress towards our targets for all schools and districtwide fall into the category of making moderate progress towards our targets um I did star the district and the high school because the district and high school were 1% away um for making substantial progress so that cut off is 50% would have put us in that next category or bucket um when we look at our school accountability percentiles um you'll see that t um is has a percentile of 19 the Middle School 34 and the high school originally was actually reported as 60 and then the state sent us a letter last week saying we're so sorry we made a few mistakes and it's actually 59 which doesn't impact our category which is great um but unfortunately you know one 1% out the point lower um and so what does this all mean for us and why do we look at these numbers um this is how the state identifies schools for classifications and so for us I'm excited to say as a district and all of our schools fall into this first category of not requiring Assistance or intervention um so we join 83 schools AC school districts and schools across the state that fall into that bucket so we are not requ we do not require Assistance or intervention from the state and then similarly as a district and all schools we fall into the next bucket of making moderate progress towards are targets um and as I said the district and the high school one percentile or 1% point away from being in that next bucket um so that's sort of where we sit right now as a system so that's a lot of data and a lot of mcast talk um and so what you're not seeing today but what we are digging into deeper as a system is our teacher leaders and our um and our principles are working on digging into Data down to the domain level and strand level or standards to say you know where are our strengths and where are some areas we might need to um really look at either our scope and sequence for our curriculum or where teaching some Concepts or skills um based on what we're getting for feedback from the assessment we're also looking at individual student data um not just mcast but star data and classroom assessment data informative assessment data from from teachers as well that help put plans in place to support all of our students so there's a a lot of work happening with this data that's not represented in this big picture data um additionally we um we'll be through our Equity committee we'll be digging into some of our student population data to look at how are all students doing in comparison to some of our student groups like um students with disabilities students who are considered high needs um students who are El um and so forth so we'll definitely be looking at data to see if we have any discrep IES for certain student groups um and making some plans of action to address if we do as well so um this is a big picture but we'll dig in a lot deeper are there any questions about the mcast data before we go and talk more data and I show you our benchmarking everyone kind of glazed over now right I think I have a is this is this information prior to 2023 easily attainable I mean this looks like a lot of work and that's why I'm asking that because I would be curious what the trend is over not just one year but over several years because to me it looks like there's a large margin in there that you know that's great that we're improving but we're still Sub sub aaging the state and so I'm I'm looking at this and I'm like well what happened you know preco what happened after Co and maybe a lot of this is more my curiosity than anything else but I just think that would be interesting so I just don't know how hard that would be to um it's actually all publicly available um the state has and I I'm happy to send the committee the website and some instructions on how to dig into that I can also send you I did actually put this presentation together with a two-year comparison um which was presented to the administrative team and teacher leaders so I can also send you those slides if you want the twoyear comparison that's our yeah just I'm just curious I think this is good I I think this you know at least tells them where we're at or tells us you know tells us what we're doing tells them where we're at and you know I mean I think my other Cara would be you I wonder I wonder if you know the uh initial you know because if the if the growth rate is good then that tells me that when the students are coming into the growth rate perhaps it's low so you know that I'm just wondering where you know where we can improve absolutely that's why I asked this question yes I can absolutely send you that um and it's it is interesting to look historically over time we've also looked at it too where we've dropped lines of um like looking at the data of where did ele when did elementary schools consolidate when did our fifth grade move here there's a lot of stuff that we be on to structurally when we think about where where and when did some changes happen with our school makeups or programming and so forth so um but absolutely I can send you that data no I just again it's just curiosity more than anything want to say absolutely now our star data just switch uh switch gears so as I know folks um are aware we do a internal Benchmark assessment three times a year um you know boy in this situation beginning of year um so we beginning of year middle of year and end of year and this assessment is not comparable to mcaps in a lot of ways um because it is not assessing grade level standards at the end of a year like mcast does it is assessing students Knowledge and Skills um in a way that is adaptive and changes with student input so when students take questions on the assessment if they get them correct they will progressively get more challenging if they get them incorrect they will progressively get um easier so that we can find a students essentially um independent level within various domains of reading and math and so a couple of considerations when we look at this data to keep in mind we're looking at that this in relation to what we're calling benchmarks which are points in time where we expect students to be so that would be where should a student be during beginning of year for fourth grade math versus um third grade reading and so we have sort of benchmarks to see where students are and this is meant as a screening tool to help us identify which students may need some additional support um either of enrichment or intervention um to really think about how are we meeting their individual needs in the classroom and so with an MTS model we tend to look for a benchmark of 80% of students getting their needs met in our core tier one classroom um and then around um 15% in strategic tier 2 intervention around 5% give or take um in that tier three and so one thing to keep in mind and and this is new so this year the company that produces this assessment Renaissance star has created new Norms that go into place for this school year and so what happened was they were seeing similar to our mcast um Trends they were seeing declines in students Nationwide in reading and math since the pandemic so what was happening is when Benchmark data was coming out instead of seeing a typical um distrib distribution where around 80% of students are meeting Across the Nation they were starting to see that triangle kind of flip over right they were only seeing on average I'm going to make this number up let's say 40% of students meeting or exceeding and they were seeing large numbers in these higher categories and so if you're using this as a screening tool to provide Intervention when it looks like your triangle is upside down it is hard to provide intervention or enrichment model um so they've rored their data um and the impact that has had on how we see the data is that we see now more students meeting or exceeding um The Benchmark than we may have seen in the past students scores are not impacted so that their scale scores are still comparable we can still look at a students data over time and see their growth pattern and their achievement pattern but when we look at it as a cohort as a grade level with the Norms we aren't able to compare that to previous years because it's a new set of norms or expectations um so it's just something to keep in mind because if you've seen this data presented in previous years it might the bars might look higher and that's because there are new Norms in place um and so we still use the same C offs for those Norms um which is the 10th percentile um and below is considered in Urgent intervention or the red um the 10th to 24th percentile is considered intervention or um yellow and then are on watchat is you can see as we go through that um so maybe I'm nerding out a little bit too much on the data here so I'll move on um so this is this is very much a summary of what our data shows but when we look across the district for Star reading um what I'm really excited to share with you is that we have five grades who have 70% or more students meeting or exceeding with the screening measure um and then we have smaller numbers of students being identified in the intervention categories for um intervention or urgent Intervention which what that means is it makes it a little bit more meaning manageable from an intervention perspective to look at the number of students following those categories for planning purposes um and then when we look at our math data um we see three grades that are at or above 70% of students meeting so we definitely have some spots of spots where we know um we're going to have to really think about resources so for example when we look at our sixth grade poort um which was last year's fifth grade poort if you remember last year we added a interventionist position for that cohort of students that cohort of students has um some additional needs this year so we really are leaning into um what we're doing with our curriculum and how we're supporting that Cort of students as a whole group versus interventions um although interventions are also in place as well um I gave you charts I'm not presenting them tonight but I gave you a chart with the specific percent breakdowns if you wanted to see those because I know they're not as visible on the graphs um but if I didn't completely glaze you over with numbers and charts does anyone have questions about our our Benchmark data perfect I think that all asleep I think it's important to understand when again there's so much information right so um in the end we've we've got some hurdles especially in the area yellow reading we've known that um and we're again we're holding our own in terms of growth the point is well taken you know growth is an interesting measure uh that's what we look look at the most in schools where were you when you started the The Journey of growth is important though the math of it now is is pretty intense in the sense that it it's certainly going to take into account you know where you started and where you are now so it's not you know if you started really low and you've you know you making small increments it's not going to you know it's going to balance out in the end and kind of give you a real growth number I think you know U it's been interesting to watch how we've had to kind of especially with certain groups had to be very differentiated in our approach depending on when they went through co uh to be very candid uh we know we know who those groups are um and you know and we definitely have some work to do but I would say that the kids have rebounded well after Co and you've almost come in when I say typical in the sense that they kind of they they didn't I don't think suffer as as much academically um that others did when Co was happening so during those really coing years which is the first three years of your your educational life so but we're excited to see some of the growth patterns we're seeing in our Ela scores because that's been a focus for us the past few years so that's really exciting to see as well and a data point that's not up here um is our data point for student attendance um and so we've also been unpacking we have had um especially at our elementary school and high school really strong student attendance rates our high school has seen a significant increase in student attendance from 2023 to 2024 um and we also are looking at um significant in comparison to the State graduation rates and Dropout rates for our high school as well so we have a lot of non-academic wins that connect to how we see academic Trends over time too I do actually have a question so I know that we have the new analytic view system I remember the name um and I'm wondering how like you've now had sort of a year into it I know it's not something we get to look at much because it does have student specific data in which we do not get to look at um for all the important reasons but I'm curious as this is sort of your second year of being able to put all these different scores in there how is that enriching your view or influencing how you're unpacking things with administrators and teacher leaders absolutely um I think the the place where it's utilized the most right now um is when there are meetings or planning going on for individual students because when you pull up the individual student page you get a really great picture of a student you see their attendance data their grades their mcast their star data um you see their behavioral data you see I gosh their bass data is in there so when you pull up an individual student page you get an incredible snapshot of a student so we're seeing that used a ton during IEP meetings 504 meetings our teacher assistance team or tat meetings trying not to use too many acronyms without defining here the r sheet uh no it's probably sheet um and so that's where I think our teachers are naturally leaning into it the most when teams are unpacking data at the grade level or Department level um they still are I think first wanting to go to the places they used to go because it's aen routine so we're trying to get them to use the platform a little bit more strategically uh because they can manipulate the data in the platform differently they have access to compare the data points um so we have a little ways to go still to have that used used more strategically with teams um but I I can tell you um Jared and I looked at the usabil the data of the usability rates and who's logging in and how often um and it's increased already from last year to this year which is really positive um but I think there's just it's just creating new habits for folks that this is a tool we have access to to go in um and use and so we'll continue to use it model um and put some systems and structures in place but right now lots of use for individual students yeah thank you for the update absolutely before we move on to um the next item on this super Chiefs list is there any any remaining questions I don't see any so professional development this will be brief uh we had a half day professional development day um on Friday October 4th um and so just to kind of give you an update on what some folks did our our elementary school and our Middle School continue to focus on universal designer learning um and they focus specifically on the principle of student engagement and so they unpacked um sort of the why motivation behind students how to connect lessons and activities to students identities and interests um and we had some incredible feedback from those sessions at our high school they also continue to lean into to Universal Design for Learning um they focused a little bit differently they focused on the how of learning um and how to design lessons and activities to create multiple um multiple places where students can interact with materials and they used a slightly different approach they started by bringing student work samples and analyzing um how students will responding to content materials um and then how they might adjust a plan or an activity to be able to create multiple ways for students to access um our we have specialized training in place for a lot of our other groups of folks so our special education teachers our guidance staff our nurses our Care Professionals they all had training more specific to their roles um and then we also held a QBs safety care training more commonly sometimes referred to as restraint training uh for handfuls of folks in each building to make sure they're up to date with their certifications um and practices around um deescalation strategies for student Behavior primarily um we received a lot of really positive feedback from teachers um and two of the multiple quotes that we've received from teachers around our PD include uh this PD was extremely engaging and practical it is such a nice change uh change of pace to be part of PD when I can take something away and use it in my classroom amazing great afternoon I love the opening activity it was awesome and I really felt everyone was engaged and involved it was a great way to interact with colleagues this afternoon flew by um so there are just a few examples of quite a few um this is a feedback we see my teachers um the theme really seem to be being able to grab something from training they could implement the next day in our classroom so there were a lot of comments about that questions all right we'll move right up through um next we're moving into new business and it looks like we have quite a few Surplus items here this evening so uh could you give us just a rough for you these are items that um the IT department has given to us and the director say there items that are um either no longer working or just so old that they cannot be updated any longer so they have Rec for um does anyone mind if I foro reading you this list of items is it okay if we just summarize as listed in the document all right excellent I will list them in the minutes just all right excellent thank you um and they are attached to the agenda should anyone wish to read the many items listed um so I would entertain a motion to accept the the Surplus items submitted by the IT department as listed in board dos and to be further listed IND motion by Sean second second by cat any questions or comments about those items seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous okay um so I'm going to hand this over to Heather to lead us through the masc conference resolutions um they're quite happy this year um so um you know please bear with us uh um yeah I I attended the training that MC held on them and that was an hour and 20 minutes so so your challenge is to get us through these and less than that so that no question whatsoever all right um so since I know some of um our members sitting here have not lived through this before um I thought I would give my brief overview um these resolutions are how we um individual School Comm ities um across the Commonwealth give directions to give our direction to masc to act um in a lobbying and advisory for advocacy capacity um nasc is not the legislative body so anything we see here today this is not them directly drafting any laws to put forth it's them um bringing our combined voices um in a lwbe capacity so as your delegate um I'll cast our single vote as our we will vote as a committee and that when whether it even you know follows what I would voted personally or not I bring the voice of our committee um to the delegate assembly which will be held um during the masc conference this year on Friday November 8th 2024 um one thing to keep in mind is any discussion we do have will be invaluable to me because one thing that can happen on the floor um they follow Robert's Rules of Order and amendments can be brought forth and are brought forth so the the sense I will get from all of us here what our voice is will help me deal with how our v may or may not change in light of any amenal that brought for um and when all is said and done I will bring back to you the report on what the delegate assembly um has voted in without T so there are right um there's a few categories of amendments here uh excuse me resolutions um there are 10 new resolutions to for us to consider and then in addition to that um there was a change to the bylaw last year for masc that was done at the delegate assembly that resolutions that are greater than three years old on their Ducket um will need to either be reopt it or we'll need to slide off the dock so that you can imagine how big their list of resolutions is that if all we do is add you it year after year after year um we just build a bigger bigger pile um for them to try to to Wade through so at the end of this document um we also will have 11 um um resolutions that will set to retire if we don't as a um committee and delegate assembly if we don't adopt them again they will fall off on the table so so to speak so one way we could do this is um the this year the resolutions committee is put forth as the document that is attached the report and they've organized and and bucketed the resolutions so there's resolutions on student achievement student safety School finance and there's a section for locational and Technical School group um I think traditionally we read the resolutions again um and read the therefore be it resolved and the whereas is are less of a focus for um what we need to vote on today that's going be your background knowledge and information um and if there's particular resolutions we want to focus on we could focus on those um and vote on them individually um just kind of what I think we end up doing anyway um so so before we move on the individual resolutions I just want to do a check because again every you know outside of Han we have lots of folks here with new experience or are there any questions about how this is used or where this goes um following Heather's explanation so I would say why don't we they're all a little different like I together but we did have a point to check on um hang as it regards to normally like if we had a full committee there would be eight people sitting at this table where we don't have a full committee how many votes would be considered upex it's still five it's still five yeah so so the five full votes then it comes a yes that's that's what you're reconfirming what I thought it was um because I was doing a little checking on the side um but you know we'll we got check with the guru all right good all right I feel blessed so I will hand it back over to another um and what what we'll do is um there'll be we'll put the motion on floor and then we'll go into questions and comments and discussion um and then we'll Place final votes okay okay so you want me to go ahead and read the resolution and the therefore be it resolves yes okay try to stay awake pleas so under student achievement resolution number one is the development of an alternative to the high St mcast test therefore be it resolved urges Massachusetts to develop a wider more consensus built strategy for an evaluation system being needful input from legitimate stakeholders therefore be a further resolve that NC urges the state legislature to launch a comprehensive evaluation to investigate the extent of biases pertaining to the mcast testing that make these results public therefore be it further resolved that NC urges Massachusetts to enact a moratorium on MF testing affected immediately therefore be it further resolved that masc urges Massachusetts to develop an alternative to the high stakes mcast test resolution number one do you want to go on vote on each one dis on each one confusing enough as it is let's start with I changed my mind let's start with discussion first and then we'll figure out what that motion is because otherwise we could be amending motions a lot all right um so any any discussion on one um I would only state clearly this is very closely related to one of the questions that is on the ballot this year um so this would be question two thank you this would be further to or additional input from MC as it relates to F yes and no because it the question number two focuses just on the graduation requirement in t to MC and not not go as far as this would this is a you know this is the masc this is them statement as a whole do we are we looking to completely abolish the end the maybi states testing system that we have we have adopted um you know in in in the place look for Alternatives that truly assess what our kids can do and I know I for One support of this same second input the C before the I would love to hear what the alternative is that's what I was just sitting here thinking to myself you know I mean there is something to be said about having data points to measure but what is the alternative so I might actually be able to offer some insight into that last year I took a team to um a training that was designed to start looking at all alternatives for those High States as for the MCS um and it was all performance-based tasks uh linked to standards across all of the disciplines in school um and there you know there's lots of um opportunities for for schools to start participating in those types of trainings or me their discussions um to develop something that makes sense for each individual not just each individual school but even the departments within the school what makes the most sense to be able to assess student learning the first therefore be it resolved um does urge for um development of a you know essentially a new test if you will including the meaningful input from legitimate stakeholders that may help um with that concern well that doesn't me it defines it no no the only concern I have is getting rid of something and not having that's yeah it's the because there is that therefore be resolve the masc urg Massachusetts to enact a moratorium on mcast testing effective immediately so as part of this they're asking for ban on mcast testing immediately it's not just about the replacement now I get that probably that is create some urgency as there have been I mean how many years have you heard it discussed that there needs to be some Evolution to or some change to masc with no substantive action in that direction um and so certainly if you take something away it creates an urgency that was not there before and I recognize that that's likely what they are trying to do here and yet to suddenly leave schools without any larger assessment system there there I I question what the unintended impacts of that could be but I don't know I mean that's where like I'm sure there would be positive impacts um in the sense of you know there's a degree to which students have to be taught to take a test um which you know I don't know how many times in my adult had use that particular skill set um and yet there's also this reality that you know School part of school's responsibility is to keep improving you think most districts have a secondary measure for uh you know star star and other types of Assessments um I know it's different it's not it's not greatable cont um I also thinking this is probably my own interpretation but if question two passes if it's if it passes I think you're going to have to see a moratorium on mcast anyway because of the Fallout that's going to take place and in which kids are going to uh be required to when is it going to start right when which kids are going to be required to pass if they don't pass this and they you know have to create a portfolio or they're taking the test again you know when when are they going to be held accountable for or when are they to stop being held accountable um for you know that that requirement of passing the test to graduate so I don't know States urgency is a different definition of be three or four years before we get something right you don't know and that's the problem they should be working on it you know years ago getting something to replace it they have it so any other comments before we make a motion and then vote do you have specific wording written down on your handy cheat sheet over here do not like said in case we have okay so would you like me to recommend one I would love that okay I would recommend a motion to vote Yes on the development of an alternative to the high stakes and cast test resolution number one so knowing that we already had our discussion um so right on but you'll maybe present that as a Amendment or some other school that would be this would be the perfect time to give me that direction yes um but would we need to go vote to um and task me so that everybody can get a chance to say that yes is what I want so I need to craft a motion for that well we're we're rolling out a motion that's different from wouldn't statement so that mean it's our position if we so vot so is there someone who would like to make an amendment to the motion that's on the table so if the motion on the table is to accept it as its right so that was the motion that Heather made was to accept the resolution okay so what what are we talking about amending it to to to not support the their resolve that mges Massachusetts to enact a Mor so the first part develop the assessment but not the moratorium right yeah that's why I thought we have that we have a problem with that one potentially a problem with that one bullet point but I think we would wouldn't I need a an amendment and a vote so that we know that it is the will of a committee to ask me to amend that on the floor does that sound right Han okay oh so we have to made my own motion you're giving me practice for you take back a motion resolution CL take okay we'll remove the first motion from the table and and we will so we'll strike the first motion and instead say that I um I'll try to this one I would entertain a motion to accept MC's resolution one development of an alternative to the high stakes mcast test striking the therefore be res further resolve that masc urges Massachusetts to enact moratorium on mcast testing effective immediately so Danielle has made a first motion can I get a second second a second firm act any further questions or comments yeah I just want to make sure that fair so this is basically going this is basically suggesting that now we will see the solution before we because because I I'm I agree with moving in a different direction but I still want to see the solution first well so that's where it gets complicated so so this doesn't create anything what this does is it says hey masc when you are advocating for change within the state of Massachusetts here is how we your fellow school committee members across Massachusetts wish for you to advocate for that change so it doesn't actually make or build basically anything MSC will lby the legislation yes and this is what they will and so we're saying okay we want you to go Lobby for this but we don't want you to Lobby to immediately abolish the mcass test we do wish for you to lobby for a change but whether or not we then therefore see that change would be up to what happens yeah exactly not us correct it doesn't it does not fall with us so so we're not in the end voting on any specific change we're voting for lobbying for change which I know is very very confusing um and it it's it's a bit tough to wrap your head around it until you've done with a few times any further discussion or questions on the motion that's on the table seeing none all in favor I I opposed obained and I say yes so can move on to resolution two so resolution one passes unanimously with the omission of the third therefore be resolved thank you resolution number two is still under the bucket of student achievement and it reads increased compulsory attendance age therefore be it resolved the masc recommends that the Massachusetts legislature increase the compulsory attendance age from 16 to 18 any discussions or questions on that one and I believe that it did say that New Hampshire has just enacted this is that correct meeting we were in and I wish they had made the recording available it was not yet um my recollection is they said you have they what we're referring to for a meeting is and had a learning launch last Friday which is uh via the zoom platform representatives from our our Board of Directors for masc um kind of talked us and walked us through and opened the floor for questions um and one of the pieces of EV evidence they gave was that New Hampshire's compulsory age it it was either 18 or it was just increased from 16 to 18 um and I want to say they said they were seeing positive results but we didn't have an exact um sharing specific data it was anecdotal information so any any questions or discussion on that there's not much change to make to this particular one the um the all the information that was provided that was I'm not going to say anti the resolution but just information provided about concerns was related to the variety of reasons for which students decide to leave education that can be you know taking care of sick parents or other sick family members it can be needing to work to help provide for the family um lots of hardship reasons are typically you know related to the reasons why students leave so there was a lot of discussion around the fact that other support if if this were to be enacted that particular particularly in inner city environments that other supports would need to be improved increased how whatever word you want to use um to make up for this loss of um children in the ages of 17 and 18 um who were needing to support their families in different ways um so that was the the pro was that you know there there have less students rning in New Hampshire at least information was that less students were needing to take um she G geds thank you um and we're we're graduating but that the the real consideration of this um especially in you know Boston districts were speaking up was you know other supports would need to be in place so the students felt in power to do this or felt like they could do this all right I would entertain a motion um to approve the resolution or to accept move to accept thank you resolution to increasing compulsory attendance age as written under the therefore be resolved so motion by Danielle second by cat any further discussion and hear anyone wan to make any amendments thank you all right then we'll move to vote all in favor I opposed abstained and I say yes um so that is mve forward unanimously the next two resolutions are actually ones that people who are on the committee last year will remember um the these were both um presented last year and um are being brought back so resolution number three these out the bucket of student safety safe storage of firearms therefore be it resolved that masc recommends all districts directive superintendent and staff to create an appropriate communication to parents and Guardians that explains the importance of secure firearm storage to protect children and teens from unauthorized access to unsecured firearms and their legal obligations consistent with Massachusetts stfe storage law furthermore be it resolved that masc urges other communities to work with their local law enforcement agencies Health agencies and nonprofit organizations to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents and guardians of their obligations regarding sales Secure Storage of firearms in their homes and vles there was a lot of discussion on this one and it was a lot during the assembly last year and the ultimate um outcome they wanted more proof or they wanted more reasons why this is necessary if I were calling directly yeah I just think I was done here that's okay this was it on the floor last year changed some of the language in it and I thought that they had actually passed this at the delegate assembly but now bringing it forth again here says that they did not record it as having passed but regardless that means it having it in here means that they took no action on this and we're needing to vote on it again what I recall from the training was that they wanted more statistics saying that this was actually going to indeed help and make a difference uh definitely I see more statistics than last time but not necessarily ones that are specific to superintendence being involved in a discussion so I believe the concern that we discussed at this table last year or rather you particular school committee meeting was that why is it that school superintendent is being asked to deliver a communication like this like is that really the school superintendent role though I think many people on school committees would feel very passionate about the stfe storage of firearms you know isn't really the superintendent world to be sending out that vation and then additionally one of my big concerns in listening to the training is that MC is not planning to put out any letter that has been reviewed by any lawyer that would make this the lawyer May cleared they would not be they would not be there would Exemplar letter um that has been legally blessed um so this is one you know to your earlier discussion Sean of like what would they do to make this you know feasible the answer on this one is none it would be able to each individual District to turn how to write that letter um which sounds from that piece was what was most concerning to me when they were discussing in the training I still see look kind difference so they really I mean they're trying to tell the two right so two passionate you know forces of you know school shootings people strolling and on jail you so they're trying to make that I in my person opinion to try to make that lead and we are not we are not in the business honestly telling folks we W that they do we're not we're not the business of doing it it's law enforcement that's the NRA whoever I mean in terms of we and how prob shes them that is that is not something that I don't I personally want sorry just so any other discussion on that one would anyone like me to worry this motion differently than my last notion who accept what we pass on would we pass over no opinion um any second to that motion which would mean that we would Skip and not vote at all on the session that's that is that's normal practice to just no problem it's almost like an so is there a second to H motion second second from C ition the table just to pass over this resolution yeah I mean yeah because I kind of agree with Dr C that we're really not in the business of you know we're not law enforcement but I also see the other side of it of you know you're just putting out Communications so but I don't really think it's respond so you know I'm kind of for yeah because it's just I think I St so noted um and and I do want to be the one comment I would make is that how we vote on this has zero indication of our passion for children being schol and so I do want to say that you know this is very much a commentary on what we feel the role of the school is in enforcing laws um that exist not within the school but in the homes of you're seeing that courts now the parents are getting charge as well as the yes yes so um any other comments I because I'm just looking at from a further extent of you know if I'm Dr cman if I have to do this at that point in time I'm reaching out to law enforcement saying what do you want me to send these people I mean that would be my first at that point in time you're just redirecting information so and the masc is not willing to yeah something that a legal perspective what happens if my letter is inappropriate what happens if one word is off now someone's holding the district the because you know why would the state just provide something to every school to send out hey everybody send this why why do we have to have a stance on this okay okay all right so seeing no further discussion um all in favor passing over I oppos abstained and I say yes so we Ved unanimously to pass over resolution three sorry so resolution four is another um if I Will Blast from the P this was voted on by us last year and it was actually passed at the last assembly and it was um excuse me pass I mean to say it was T old for last assembly which meant that at the end of the meeting it fell off tap um so it's been brought up again so resolution number four again under student safety School Bus sted arm surveillance act and enforcement crial therefore be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls on the Massachusetts legislature to enact legislation to pass into law the ability for cities and towns to install on all school buses Live digital video detection monitoring systems for the purpose of enforcing violations against the owner of a motor vehicle whose vehicle failed to stop for a school bus went required to do so by the only discussion on this one that I can recall from the training was that um there are there are some communities that have already done this and they've been using that because right now there's a lot of limitations because um people cannot be held accountable for passing a school bus unless a police officer is there at the moment that it happened um and so that was the major concern um the negative on this one in particular is as you'll notice that therefore we it resolved includes nothing about funding right unfund exactly um and so that was a huge part of why I believe it got Stu last year if I recall correctly yeah and interesting they also got stuck last year people um raised the point that there's no legal way to identify the operator of the vehicle so it's the owner who would be receiving the citation penalty not the operator and that was a sticking point as well um for the assembly this one got so heated that people even tried to motion to um recess until 9:00 p.m. because it was already supper time when we finally got to this was resolution six last year very meeting so if it helps you know yes we we did um as a committee we did vote Yes last year on this that doesn't mean we have to this year but if that helps anyone um for anecdotal information I guess question do do resolutions typically come with a plan for how things would be funded okay so it's not reasonable for for us to say where's the it is normal for a plan to fund them um you know it's all it's always the hesitation of like okay so if we take away the funding question um you know do I hear this see this on Facebook all of the time as something that our residents are concerned about and concerned for their kids about has Dr C ridden buses you know or other people ridden buses because of problems or had Le sit it bus stops and ask for the footage from the camera yes but I'm not sure there's much they can do it but they asked for it now to me whether they this is my personal opinion I'm expressing in this moment to me whether they find the driver vers it based on their license plate versus the ACT you know the operator versus the owner I mean that's what happens if someone drives through um schools they get it's the it's the person who you know license plate got caught or if somebody um we I don't think we have them here very much but um there are places where there's cameras on red lights and so again the fine goes to whoever owns the car not the operator so I think a precedent for that piece so I'm not particularly concerned about that um you know unfunded mandates are always a concern to me and yet I also see the value in there being a better mechanism in place for um protecting our kids when they're being picked up by the school bus because I mean the number of folks in town here that noticed that but people don't stop for buses it's gross uh people I think on the daily we posting things at the beginning of this school year my daughter almost got hit but or just last year like we can pull her back with quick and we have a small Road you know it's not even like a busy road um so yeah I think it's for me it's an important issue personally but yeah I mean it's just just pushing the legislature to do something yeah I move we go for okay um do we have to vote on your motion to move or do we just so move sorry so the motion accept as okay motion second second from cat any further discussion seeing none all in favor I opposed abstained I abstain and I say yes so that means five five yeses and one abstain so that passes now we get to move on to resolutions on school Finance resolution number five aligning taxing Authority with the required local contribution therefore be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls for the enactment of legislation that would increase a municipalities ly limit by the amount of increase of required local contribution assess of 2.5% granting the municipality the ability to raise local revenues mandated by Mass General Law chapter 7 so this is an awkward one what they're asking to legislate there this is they set on the meeting that they purposefully worded this to be um problematic that's not the word they Ed but they were deliberately trying to create some chaos let's say um and in the sense what they're trying to do is they're trying to get more power to to go at to talk to the state about the fact that while they while they changed the Chapter 70 calculations um they they did not come with any plan for as those amounts increase to the towns the towns to increase past the 2.5% when the state mandated funding calculation increases the town's amount to a point where they're having to decide between funding for fire Services versus police versus schools and so this is supposedly going to allow the towns to increase taxpayer funding to account for that without having to take away from other Town Services is generally the idea um so they wanted this to be something that was very controversial that was word I've been seeking um I I don't I I'm struggling with this one personally um our towns are already struggling I don't see why we would vote for something that would make it I mean I get it in the sense that it wouldn't fall on the town to choose between different things but now we're just passing that on to taxpayers I get that this is more in spirit to create discussion as opposed to this is actually ever going to happen and yet it's I don't know I feel that there's no capitalist yeah as a homeowner and a taxpayer as but I want to fund my school yeah desperately want to but it's a little scary with there's no no ceiling attached it's very it's badly worded 2 we we we have no right making the Mak the Assumption for members of the community that's where I stand on at for what it's worth so I would entertain a motion to pass over resolution do we want to pass over or I want vote I want to vot now so I vot I would entertain a motion to reject resolution five aligning taxing Authority with the required local contribution motion by Sean second second by cat all in favor of rejecting resolution five opposed abstained and I say yes so that is UN continuing on school findings resolution number six support of legislation to improve the fiscal health school districts therefore be it resolved that masc ear es the legislature to pass comprehensive legislation encompassing all the recommendations from the legislative Commission on the fiscal health of rural schools report a sustainable future for Rural schools so this really had to do with decline that in in many rural districts um enrollment is declining not increasing and yet they still have funding needs and while they are somewhat more protected under the new chapter after 70 set up and they can never receive less money they're also often in held harmless correct me if I'm getting any of my words wrong uh they're held harmless which means that they're only getting an increase of 30 something it was4 it was 104 this year um which really doesn't cover their and so they're looking for a a further update to the funding calculations that would specifically be focused on their unique situation as opposed to being bucketed with all the other schools in the Chapter 70 uh calculations how do I do that there good um if anyone was curious um it bugged me that they they listed the um back report for sustainable future for row schools and I neglected to um offer up a link to where to find that document it's easy to find is under the website www.m.org which stands for the mass Municipal Association so I do have the executive summary but um Jen actually summed it up perfectly that it largely focuses on the declining of flag population both involing especially out in the western part of the state exactly small towns small schools and St yeah and I think it's worthwhile to note that we did I'm good hopefully I'll get this right last year we were asked to join a letter writing to to someone the state or M and I can't remember which saying we support you rural school districts in this so we have all in in some ways we have already said yes like we all signed the letter and you know sent it forward to say yes oral school districts we believe we understand your unique needs and we agree that you need um to have this other funding calculation um so that was something that I believe already voted on passed unanimously and sign um so and unless there's any questions about this um knowing that we have already had discussion around this I if everyone's okay I'll put a motion on the floor all right second okay we've motioned to accept resolution six as written so it was a motion by Han and a second by Sean and I'll compare notes with you two after Susan because she's taking very thorough notes you might even like my copying and pasting perfect um any further discussion questions seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so we've unanimously agree to accept resolution six okay continuing under School Finance we are on resolution 7 fully adjusting chapter 78 for inflation therefore be it resolve that masc calls on the Massachusetts legislature to advance legislation Manda mandating index inflation catch-ups to Chapter 70 Foundation a that fully accounts for realized inflation has occurred since the passage of the student Opportunity Act be it further resolve the masc work with the Massachusetts legislature to ensure in future years where realized inflation is above the 4.5% annual inflation cap in subsequent years inflation index catch-ups are made to chapter 78 and that realized inflation is used in the formulas to calculate chapter 78 in perpetu I was driving while listening to this meeting so this one I kind of had traffic situations I might rely on your that's um knowledge this one this one was fairly basic in the sense that it's to so the the chapter 78 calculation currently has a cap as it relates to inflation however as we have seen over recent years inflation has rates have far exceeded that cap and that is especially Troublesome for school districts when our budgets are not increasing at a rate that is keeping up with inflation was essentially a discussion so what this does is to say hey State Chapter 70 needs some better way of dealing with inflation um it doesn't really say exactly what that will be other than there needs to be what what they basically want is that if inflation has exceeded the 4.5% then there needs to be catchup years whereby you know the the rates are increased to to help schools to catch up with the the the negative impact of inflation on spending uh is there a full funding solution for that no of course not um but this is actually something that has had you know pretty significant discussion um in even like our Chapter 70 training that we had about uh the difficulty of that inflation C for school districts or around the entire state so any questions on that one yes move it all right no just back in the 80s we had high inflation early 80s 11 12 133% for two or three years and took a hit with funding from state was difficult times oh yeah yes okay so seeing no discussion I'm going to take a stab at saying that I would entertain a motion to accept resolution seven as written motion by Hank second second by K any further questions or comments on this one seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so we have unanimously accepted resolution seven okay we have one more bucking School bance resolution number eight Equitable funding for non-regional school districts with high Transportation costs therefore be it resolved that state recognizes the financial challenges faced by many non-regional school districts due to their higher Transportation costs and longer Roots the state acknowledges that non-real school districts should have access to financial support similarly to Regional districts when costs are excted a special fund shall be established to provide financial assistance to non-regional school districts with higher Transportation costs this fund shall be known as the extraordinary Roots Relief Fund the funds provided through this program shall be used exclusively to offset Transportation costs including but not limited to the purchase and maintenance of buses fuel costs and driver salaries eligible non-regional school districts May apply for Grants from the extraordinary relief extraordinary extraordinary Roots Relief Fund to cover a portion of their transportation related expenses an oversight committee composed of representatives from the non-regional school districts Regional districts and the state's education department shall be established to ensure the fair and transparent allocation of funds from the extraordinary Roots Relief Fund the state shall conduct an annual review of the effectiveness and impact of this resolution to ensure that non- Regional School districts are receiving adequate support to address their transportational challenges so essentially um what so there are some towns um with in the state of Massachusetts were that are very large and have basically said okay say hey State you provide additional funding support to Regional districts that are multi- toown however we are I'm GNA say the same size as a regional district and so we also have extraordinary Transportation C and we need you to provide additional funding to support our our needs which are similar to Regional districts even though we are not actually a regional district we are a single town city basically physically large yes they're physically large exactly yeah so if they're so this would create a fund that those towns can apply to via grant to get additional reliefs for their transportation costs um which would be different from the Transportation set up for regionals um but would provide them a route towards towards getting those funds along with as you saw some oversight of uh how those FS are distributed so any any questions or comments on that one yeah always have the final Transportation so yeah yeah certainly support so then I would entertain a motion to accept resolution 8 Equitable funding for non- Regional School Districts with high Transportation CES second by Pat second by Sean any further discussion all in favor I opposed abstained and I say yes so we have unan unanimously accepted resolution 8 okay so moving on to the next bucket vocational and Technical School groups resolution nine msba grants evaluation for Chapter 70 therefore be it resolved Massachusetts Association of school committees calls upon the Massachusetts legislature and msba to create an evaluated teer system to separately assess the cost of one Elementary two comprehensive high schools and three Vocational Technical and agricultural schools resulting to true cost reimbursement for each School category the comment from the learning lunch on this was that pointing out that um building costs for schools are much higher because just the nature of you know the space requirements to safely teach these locations And Trades are much higher than the cost you know the the space requirements to let's say teach Ela someone has a feeling on this must be tough with 18 towns paying into it there there really wasn't a ton of discussion on this other than a couple locational districts saying that their costs were for these buildings were extraordinarily high and therefore they wanted different funding I I thought they already had well this is where things get difficult because we know that our our our our lived experience of our vocational schools is that they are able to construct new buildings without seeming to have much financial hardship in comparison to Regional School Districts or town Town School Districts who go to extraordinary links to repare 50 year old groups um and there was not much discussion around it other than so a few regionals describing the different needs that they have versus a Traditional School setting so I don't have much to give you other than um the people were largely silent yeah maybe I'm mistaken but at least they used to have get paid more per square foot for vocational already so I looks like asking for more and I we' take them more too if we could it's interesting that they didn't offer up that information in their whereas as this was sponsored by Tri Regional Vocational Tech it's just like I mean I know high schools and elementary schools get different Square foring so positive that they do too so so I think so what I'm hearing is that potentially we want to reject the motion on the basis that no no evidence no data was provided from which to make them to make an educated uh vote would that be an appropriate way for me to word the motion sure okay so that I would entertain a motion to reject resolution nine based on the lack of data data provided from which to make an educated decision motion by Hank second by Sean did I get that right any discussion okay all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes um so we've rejected based on the lack of data for one more under vocational teec of school groups we are to resolution 10 expansion in capacity in chapter 74 Vocational Technical programs therefore be it resolved that the Massachusetts Association of school committees calls upon the governor and the legislature to support the expansion of capacity at the current chapter 74 schools and to work with districts that lack access to vocational technical schools to create programs and be it further resolved that the massachus Association of school committees calls upon the legislature to convene a special commission to consider changes to the current law and regulation relating to the overall authority of the Massachusetts school building authority alternative overall financing structures standards for project eligibility appropriate financial assistance based on the nature of the school in the projects being considered potential differential requirements for elementary middle schools comprehensive high schools and Vocational Technical and agricultural schools and other such matters as the EXP locational and Technical education so this is personal opinion I've had a big problem with one of the weas in the sense that it says whereas chapter 74 schools serve a higher percentage of students with IPS and 504s where there have been a lot of recent AR saying the opposite about vocational schools and their equity and acceptance of students yeah my understanding is right I listen I'm to use them as the example my understand is you have to score to get your money to like you have to have grades and so I don't know if that's true I would love to see that data I I would tend to agree with you that one it under my skin a little bit I'm going to be honest um especially since there have been so many articles recently showing that the data does not support this statement at all um and that is in I can't say that that's true for all vocational schools um but I know that for Worcester there was a huge article relatively recently as well as about money Tech um and a few other local schools reading the room should I entertain a motion to reject resolution nine 10 sorry did I get lost well you know what's confusing is resolution 10 sorry it's this the way that they construct this I would entertain a motion to reject resolution 10 expansion incapacity CH sub forication so motion by Sean second second by cat any further discussion all in favor opposed obained and I say yes so that is rejected unanimously now we get to move to the expiring resolution so just to if I understood you correctly we basically have to re revote on all of these determine whether they keep them or whether and we have a couple choices here we can we can try since they didn't even number them course we could try to vote on them as a whole um like a cons agenda or we could go through them one by one and they did give the information on all the wees and they they resolves for each one so one thing the way they do this at the um this helps the delate assembly is they open the floor first two say are there any resolutions today that we want help for discussion at individual vote so someone says yeah I got an issue with 1 three and 10 the rest of them there's an attempt to vote on them as a body as a as a group first to move those out of the way and then we go painfully through each of the individual ones that were held for discussion so that could be a great way for us to um consider there are 11 in total and I do have a make an offer numbering if that would help us keep track so I like that suggestion he if we can I'm going to give everybody a couple minutes to run through these and if you could let me know and if you would like to consider separately from a larger vote and the way I'm planning to war the larger vote for your reference is that we are going to allow these to expire so call out any that you wish to discuss distinctly that you would not want to necessarily see expire in terms of things that NC is advocating for GU a little appear this some says some of these are already approved so these were these have already been these are all resolutions that have been previously approved some of their dates are more than three years old because last year we voted to amend their bylaw so that anything older than three years would expire and there that way there's a chance to review them and say are these even still worthwhile causes or not but there are been they have been approved but but based on the new bylaw they hit their expiration date kind of like your gallon of milk in the fridge so they're thrown out so if we want these any of these to remain we will need to vote on the ones that we want to remain if we're okay with them to be remot they're they're trying to make sure that we don't just continuously add to the things that they're advocating for so that they have a a reasonable number of items for which they advocating and so essentially they're asking of of the things that we all agreed to advocate for what are we letting go of helpful if supplied some information on where we stand in that process of them navigating for these things has there been any progress towards these I was unable to find that information as well it's hard to decide I mean some we know like U the Native American mascots right we know that that's you know held up in legisl there still that's still and there are some proactive ones on there's also a state issue they it's actually been circling the circling the Dream well every year they somehow finds a committee and then I don't know so I'm just saying it's there already too the alternate way for me of word this is to say if we want to say these have all been voted on we feel that they remain important we want to vote to keep all of these and we could look through and see if there's any that should be removed uh at that I guess yeah go ahead clear so they've already approved it and and and last year they were all given all every resolution that is on MC's docket was given an expiration date advocate for any long once it expires so now every every resolution expires after three years correct some of these have an older date than three years because that expiration was set last year yeah which also means that every potentially every year we will have a set of expiring resolutions happen yeah we just make a longer meeting long yeah no they can't get the legisl do anything in three years five years or four years I guess my question is have they I to go back to that like have we made it any ress thinking not just thinking of the Indian mascot thing that they had that still that anything so I'm taking a question out of this that I can ask during the delegate assembly is you know where where are we get achieved not achieved um that's ask as say I will pass over all this information until we find out what that answer is so what I'll happen is because the delegate assembly only meets once a year there is no pulling in a special delegate assembly um I forget the number they quoted of how many delegates are currently registered and signed up um this is going to be a giant school committee meeting of about I want to say they said 135 school committee members from all different districts from vocational from regionals from regular towns and cities all us um you know are sending a representative so it's they're not going to pull us in for a special meeting so that the larger group will vote on this most likely one way or the other so if we vote to pass over this essentially we're saying it's okay to with them all it's it's the same we're making the same statement because Heather would therefore excuse herself from all votes um so we would neither recount it as a yes nor no so I would would ask one more time of are there any in here that folks feel passionate about in terms of and I let me break this a little differently because I certainly see topics as I'm running through here feel passionate about but are are there any in here for which we feel strongly especially strongly that masc needs to remain committed to advoc to advocating for based on the prior votes and unfortunately they weren't even consistent with their approvals sometimes they give you approved and sometimes they appr say approved with a need2 deny vote for example or a 96 to two I mean I suppose I can assume that so when you see a number uh it's because either the delegate assembly um asked for a counted Vote or or it was like a town meeting where you couldn't tell if they just shouted Lou so the The Voice okay so the so the numbers don't necessarily mean a whole lot correct okay yeah well it's not helping me it's not helping you justify it yes yes I mean if the full funding for individuals with disabilities I I feel like that shouldn't always be something should be working we should be Gooding so if um do we want to just have me read through each of them individually and we can give a vote on individual motion the Flo and say yes or no to them and then go there so yeah we discuss it do you want me to read the d results for each or the title what like voted so I would entertain a motion to uh to how am I wording these why don't for Simplicity what if all of the Motions were to accept as written okay and we can vote if we vote Yes then we are supporting that resolution to come stay and a no would be that we don't want I okay I would entertain a motion to accept po from schools to accept the the masc resolution Banning poly steering from schools what you're doing is keep to keep it on the target that's what you're saying so if you vote yes we're saying to keep it if you vote no we're saying to remove it second motion by Sean second by cat any any discussion seeing none all favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous I would motion to accept the masc resolution pertaining to educator diversity and professional lure so motion by H second by Sean any discussion seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the masc resolution regarding full funding of Transportation costs for students in foster care and state care motion by Hank second by Sean any discussion all in favor opposed abstained I say yes so that is unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the masc resolution related to poverty and children motion by cat second by H any discussion see none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the MSC resolution related to access to menstrual menstrual supplies motion by hang second second by Sean any discussion seeing none all in favor I opposed abstained I say yes so that is unanimous I would entertain a motion uh to accept the masc resolution related to Charter SCH motion by hand second by Sean all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the masc resolution related to Charter School Reform you have to climate change nope Charter School Reform or did I just do that one sorry a motion thank you to accept the resolution resolution related to climate change motion by Hank second by cat any discussion all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so as unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the M resolution related to mandatory recess motion by P second second by cat any discussion all in favor opposed abstain I say yes I would entertain a motion to accept the MC masc resolution related to school committee anti-racism motion by Hank second by cat any discussion all in favor I opposed abstained I say yes so is unanimous I would entertain a motion um to accept the masc resolution prohibiting the use of Native American mascots motion by hand second by cat any discussion I have a discussion this is the one that's still in the court system right this this is it's in the legislature right now they have a bill on the table okay yeah where it is I couldn't tell you but there is a bill sorry that's okay um all in favor oppos abstained I say yes to that as unanimous I would entertain a motion to accept the masc resolution related to full funding for individuals with disabilities Education Act motion by Shan second second by Hank any discussion all in favor post stained and I say yes so there we go I promise it's not usually this once a year okay you could just once a year course enjoying itate next they can attend the delegate assembly without being a member of the conference so should anybody have that be their barrier too long as opposed to Vol telling me okay so next on the docket this should be considerably uh easier uh very so so essentially um hold on the motion is not aligning to the public content so I have to so what was the one so so it is the three that we did move forward yeah it was the fourth that we did do I have that right cat sorry yes so that's why it's not included so it's the motion that's wrong the public content is correct oh I see it now it's it's it's in line it's just stuck yeah okay never mind it's me I'm have the problem it's me um so uh during the um District Operations meeting we reviewed um a number of uh technology related es with Jared Brin um and essentially um we we reviewed what was suggested by masc um in order to update the language bring it more up to speed with you know changes in technology um so these were the ones that were moved forward for first reading um so there was i j and D um access to digital resources um the recommendation was to to um move forward the policy as written by MC there's IG and DB the use of technology and instruction um changing the name to empowered visual use policy uh from Empower digital use policy to use of technology and instruction um and to accept those changes as suggested and then there was J and DC except use of digital resources um which the proposal had to do with renaming and repurposing the existing policy from internet publication to acceptable use of digital resources um we did put that forward as um the subcommittee with the in said they had um families would accept the the um the policy but in fact families as a whole do not accept the policy it's the Guardians who accept on behalf of the children in the district and so we wanted to change the language because it was not you know kids weren't signing for the so I would give you all a moment to have a look at those and let me know if we need to vote on any of those individually uh or if you have any questions for the District Operations not seeing anybody raise anything anything I would entertain a motion to accept the following for for first reading as presented I and DB access to digital resources J and and D access to digital resources IG and DB Usef technology instruction J and DC acceptable use of digital Resources with the edited of Guardians to replace families as presented second motion by H second by Sean any questions or comments all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous Dr C okay this no so just in terms of um again going boorder here student enrollment October is here we now have our toal number um which of course something that we um you know we really work hard to get and so it really affects a lot of things as we move forward um just a couple of you know a couple of things I know that you have um some of the reports but uh again looking at um just looking at where we've been where we are and it's just again it's just crazy honestly to see that how many as we drop so many school choice kids um because we're not taking as many in um where how balanced our um enrollment is because we're taking in so many residents or people residents moving in just a couple of things because there's a whole bunch that you know just go on and on and on about but we only have four school choice students for total at Templeton Elementary you've heard me talk about that a lot there are 585 kids the largest class that we have Elementary wise is kindergarten it's 110 that is a of 110 kindergarteners that is a lot to start out with um we talk about you know really watching the projections and so we'll see we'll see how this all shapes up but just overall if I go all the way back to co because I I go back to the co here because you know we don't want to be you know thought of somewh baking the the numbers you know when I even I go that far back since 21 you know we are plus the differential is plus 9 for 94 kids um we are 118 kids less school choice wise since um fy20 it's 118 kids we had 249 in fy20 we currently sit at 131 you know when you look at our total student enrollment um you know plus and minuses we're you know we're since uh since yeah since Co FY 2ish you know we're from a difference of a plus 134 so you know that student involment I I just I say this I say it all the time it it it doesn't always look it um be like well Chris only plus you know a couple kids year over year but we lost all these kids to money Tech kids go to different places for high school we lost all those kids for you know school choice who graduated right and here we sit plus um you know s plus 11 kids District um for residents and I just it it bear it's going to Bear watching over the next couple of years quite friendly um and it's amazing and we still have to keep our school choice numbers up to a level in which we are not um you know basically under water so uh because we we need school choice funding to do a lot of the things that we do and we have soul St positions in school choice that were put there many years ago so it's a balance it is a balance it's going to be you know we'll see I think next year will that be another big year to see my kindergarten class we see another 11 10 kindergarten you know then there it's happening you know so um with that all said going into school choice I want to say that I I I opened it up in conversation and I never I hate this term but Circle back to it we every year we uh when we open up school choice and you did and we had seven openings for the seventh grade inititive right and we put it out there and five folks initially said yes please so we have two um openings in generally every September dur in September I'll say well look we have two openings I have X amount of you know folks who you know were on the list can I fill those can I fill those positions CU people still call right and get a deadline when they can put in so right now what I have is I have two spots I have seven students who were on a weakness right for the seventh grade we would do a random draw you know a random draw and we would fill the two stots to make seven um it it's important you know because at some point we do need to uh keep these numbers up um or at least do what we can it's a bigger conversation clearly but what I'm trying to do is just stay with the numbers that we we put out there you know uh must have been August honestly I don't remember I think I've been here since August in this WR so I'm kind of uh you know time so so in any event I um what I'm asking the committee obviously is to allow us to do the random do a randomize you know P pull the two people and fill the spots that we're off and and this is where I had a little bit of a point of confusion because we already approved these spots and Dr C was thinking we needed to revote because we wasn't sure well not sure because we passed whatever date they had communicated as an end date however when we voted we didn't vote on an end date we simply voted on the amount so my feeling was that you're they were okay to go ahead and fill those two spots because we already approved them as approved that the date was not part of what we voted on but I wanted you know just in the interest of keeping it transparent and open wanted to bring to everyone however I think everyone has voted out at this point so I'm not seeing anyone he wants us to bless it again that want to be transparent before again so someone says how these two they should have done this back in September and I just did not add to the conversation so so the wh any concerns which would NE necessitate roted no then I would say you have our blessing you have our remaining vote from voted um just the Staffing update uh it be touched upon it um we are we are like a lot of districts and I was at a superintendent's breakfast last yesterday morning Pittsburgh state I think about nine or 10 different districts in elll special education Etc there the state is trying very hard to open up some Pathways which we're exciting to hear we have a call next week uh next Wednesday with fitzburg State Wednesday or Thursday I think it's have to check yes mid next week so we we we got basic a primer to that um and speaking with um the dean of education and actually the new president State came in and said hello so there's some couple the very in you know I think very interesting um programs that are coming that were there wi there we were there Gard air Shirley and a couple others and we try to really press upon them that these are wonderful but what we keep trying to say folks is that it's it's a economy of scale inial of economy scale I might only have two or three of these folks but I need them desperately and if you're going to contract with districts like fitzburg lemonster and larger because they have you know more people to draw from and more par professionals say to turn into special education teachers Etc that doesn't help us and so we're going to need to think about you know we do represent a lot of difference we've sent a lot of kids to fitzburg State we've talked about that so they were very receptive and they are acting as the hub for this Grant and we're we'll we'll see how it goes like again we have an informational setting uh session coming up next week and they actually have one that is very uh intriguing about just taking folks who don't even have a degree and um and really kind of using them as like teachers bringing them up through the process I don't know how far that'll go but again I think the state and and others are trying to increase the pipeline to um 's Point uh these uh staffing agencies are exceptionally and I would say almost criminally um expensive um and but we need to fill these positions so that's what we're doing um and we're trying to again we've had the position po me down for I honestly lost track how long it's been posted like a lot of others if no one's we not getting any any advice so um in nor the districts who so our was either just it's just really hard all that being said Staffing wise other than again those two basic you know areas we those two areas which happen to be the sixth and seventh grade um uh we are um we have some pair openings which we're trying to fill as well but otherwise Staffing um that's that we also received resignation which Ive passed along uh Miss Ashley nigle who is the assistant PPS director is moving on to bigger and better things and um we're sorry that we're honestly very sad but happy CU you know for her uh you know for for her to go over a new position and we say that we really don't mean it we don't want it to be but it's it seems like the adult thing to say so I I'll say it here um but no we've um she's been fantastic so that posted today yeah it's it's been today this is PBS director Ashley um is going to give us until like the end of the first week of November and why would anyone call me because I'm sure no one's worried where I am um so um but the uh the the idea of that is that we've um she will stay on for uh probably a while longer than that there her new pered place of um of employment has been exceptionally welcoming and understanding that taking someone of that you know caliber away just instantaneously very detrimental so they're going to they're going work with us she very event and chair I believe I was looking to my to leave yes I think you have any interrup no I don't I um all right so we have we have one more piece of business that I'm gonna make some suggestions about how through the rest of this agenda um so we do have the ecology School field trip form and so Dr C are you discussing that at all well I think in can I it's we've um obviously corrected a lot of mistakes that we made last year the form has been changed um it's it's in the 48h hour window because I wanted as much information as we possibly could get but you know buses need to be ordered and all of those things and so um I'm I'm I'm content with it it's gone through the it's gone through everybody and they just really need it so they can say hey bus company we are committing to you so to put down their deposits they don't lose this or lose that so they can do this is all comes through US every year so any questions or comments uh yeah my only question is it says this is dbag August 15 2024 so this contract AR been accepted well it's not they they are holding on to that so basically they've given them the notice of hey I need to know this week or next week so we we we held off as long as we possibly could they want to get there's a lot of moving parts to that to that so yeah it just yeah we're past so that's why we're passed because we we want I wanted more information before we so I would entertain a motion to approve the out ofate field trip for grade seven students to the ecology School in Sako main to take place from June 9th to 13th 2025 so Move Motion by Heather second by Danielle and any questions or comments seeing none all in favor opposed abstained and I say yes so next would normally come school committee comments and school commit and subcommittee reports I'm going to suggest that considering the time and knowing that we do need to have um executive session this evening sorry B news everyone um that we do extra updates next month so resolutions took so much time we do have one comment okay we'll finish your speech you never have a comment I know what your comment is want not the passing of my English teacher High School Mar na said she passed she's D on so she had a good wife but she did here a long time and I believe I've you in too so oh thank you I'm glad that we've lost for that that's an importance thank you for bringing that out any other comments All right so terms of subcomittee reports the only the the only more urgent piece of business here is that I need to take something off of my plate um at the moment and cannot continue to serve as nrsd student advisory Council and so I'm wondering and but since that is a voted in position I wanted to see if we could uh get alternate interest in that I did reach out to Sean to see if he would I just want information about it when is it and what is it and where am I going so Mr will absolutely be your guide to let it there is no regular schedule okay it is what you work out with like the reason I wanted to make sure this came up is because typically by now I would have had a meeting with Mr Young to say let's figure out what we're going to do this year but it is up to you and Mr Young and the the uh teachers and administrators and I mean whoever is in that particular position that's advising the student advisory Council to sit together and say Here's what we're going to do last year I did a brief session on what makes up a school budget um and they get to ask questions um where there was also some work on when would voting um for school government um selection St place and that sort of thing um but I don't want that to go by the wayside um it is fully within yours and Mr Young's control as to how many sessions you have but it is an opportunity to connect with the students beyond our student rep that sits here at the table with us um and to uh engage with them um so is there by any chance that you are interested in that yeah I'll take that okay so I would entertain a motion to change our lison for the nrsd student advisory Council Jennifer Smith um over to strong case so motion by hand second second by act all in favor I opposed abstained and I say yes so that is unanimous and thank you is there any other urgent subcommittee business that we need to go over is everyone okay with excellent there's no correspondence our next meeting is uh Thursday November 2st at 5:30 p.m. and since we do need Executive session I would entertain a motion to enter into an executive session as per Mass General Law chapter 30A section 21A for reason number three to discuss strategy with respect to Collective barain loation with UFCW and or the ndea if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares the meeting will not return into Open Session immediately following um yes Sean yeah Daniel and I say yes so motion well that was the was W for so nobody actually made a motion uh motion by P second by sh retro and we're all in favor so thank you to those of you who attended um and we are very excited to welcome you to our again not it was like