##VIDEO ID:-cxvUuCcuw4## and uh looks like Nikki is ready so we're going to get started I'm going to call to order uh the regular meeting of the nishoba regional school committee tonight on September 11 2024 at 6:30 p.m. if you would like please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance flag the United States of America and to the Republic for stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all right uh our first item on the agenda is Citizens comments I'm not seeing any citizens in the gallery and therefore we will continue on with the consent agenda uh we'll start with a motion I move to approve the consent agenda June 5th 2024 containing draft meeting minutes of June 5th 2024 and August 29th 2024 and warrants of September 13th 20 have a second second thanks Sharon any discussion all those in favor all right motion passes thank you very much for the consent agenda uh school committee chairperson update is um next but I have nothing beyond the regular agenda to update you on well I take it that there's one small detail um that I do want to recognize we have um a member of our Bolton delegation uh has decided to step down from the school committee and so Jesse Davis is actually no longer on the school committee and Bolton is actually at this time seeking to fill that vacancy you may also remember that Dana Ellis has also stepped down from the school committee in Stow and so therefore we have a uh vacancy in Stow as well both of these are posted on the websites of the town government so if anyone in public is interested in filling that vacancy they should submit a letter of interest to Suite that is very quickly and um we shall proceed from there according to the regional agreement rules on how to fill that vacancy uh so that is actually all I had to share so with that I will turn it over to our student representative uh hi Ava welcome uh maybe if you wouldn't mind just introduce yourself one quick time because you are uh stepping up are you going to be the Elder yes I am okay um my name is Eva I'm from l and I'm a senior this year and this is my second year on school committee we're so glad you're back I'm happy to be back and I recognize that you are your school is engaged in student government elections and that you hope to bring on um a junior member yes so the elections for new student school committee representative will be held next week for a junior um the interest SL application survey went out for members of the junior class to put their names and then we will vote next week sometime like starting Monday and so that new representative will be here for the next meeting which is really exciting I'm excited we had Wolf Day on the first Friday of the week back to school and it was really fun and we hope to do it again at least one more time this year but personally I really hope it comes back a lot more it was really fun Thea field hockey had their annual Michelle farmsworth game Monday night against linster JV tied 3 to3 and varsity won 3 to Z money was raised for the Michelle scholarship football has their first home game on Friday against shepher Hill and the activity Fair will be during long walk on the 19th for the parking update it's going well we're on the third week of school and everyone knows the routine so that's pretty off settled in the cell phone policy from the admin and teacher side of things it seems to be going well with minimal issues and we have themed event plans we have themed events planned this fall through the leaders of suco and other student leaders in homecoming and a community service drive for Thanksgiving these events in Wolf Day were inspired by students ideas and feedback that's have thanks so much Ava so uh September is a really exciting time for our public schools and it sounds like you guys are after a great start yes um I have one question that I'll jump in with can you just explain um to the committee and to anybody listening what is Wolf day and what made it so great so wolf day we had half day of classes and then the rest of the day was was activities that students signed up for there was a form that went out and you could do activities like bracelet making you could play volleyball you could go outside walk the track play outside games and I thought it was really fun especially without the phones um I don't know it was just really fun to engage with other people and not have school and I think everyone liked it everyone that I talked to liked it and they wanted to come back I didn't realize that the phone stayed inside so that's really impressive yeah that was the only time that I was for no phones any other questions for AA all right well as always we appreciate you being here able to give us an update and uh we look forward to welcoming you and your partner at the next one yes we'll see you guys at the next one thank you for having me yeah thank thank you all right guys we're going to go on to our next item and that is the superintendent's report so over to you thank you madam chair welcome back back everyone to uh another school year 2425 this year it's great to be here with you tonight um have a few things to uh bring out and announcements in the superintendent report we've kicked off our new K5 k28 5 Day schedule get that out of my mouth um and all indications are um it it's been launched with quite a bit of success we have some bugs to work out you know that uh so we're actually meeting with um n leadership tomorrow we're going to I'm certainly talk about some of those things and and get some feedback from principles that our principl meeting tomorrow so we can fine-tune what we need to do in that but but I do think that that has been a success uh to this point um last uh year we U voted into a policy new Communications policy it expanded on had expectations around things of timely Communications um and then in terms of we presence and classroom um uh presen uh digitally and so all that training was conducted and done with Doan staff at their school so we're rolling and and I know that Bridget and Jet are going to be working hard all throughout uh the fall to bring the training to our teachers to make sure all the elements that are there are going to be in the uh uh in their pages so we're excited about that and that's underway Dr clis warham came and delivered a stirring keynote address to our faculty and staff on September 3rd and uh we really focused in on uh how to create welcoming classrooms in the sense of belonging through culturally proficient instructional practices uh Dr warhams U appearance was received with high regards from our faculty and staff we did a thought exchange and gathered lots of information from our our faculty and staff um and uh we've got a resounding uh demand for her to return and expand the course offerings that Dr warham did with us if you recall with the leadership group as well as our district Equity team so we hope to continue that relationship with Dr waram um so so that went really really well um I do want to it says introducing and I think that's a misleading word uh Miss moch is not here tonight for me to introduce but I should uh announc to the committee to our community what we put out last week and that is Jessica Murdoch has accepted the position of Director of Human Resources for nura Regional School District she's coming to us from Pittsburg State University where she is Vice President of Human Resources there and we couldn't be more delighted and more excited to have her join us so uh once we have her on board we'll certainly schedule time for her to come and meet the committee in person uh but again we're just delighted that she's going to be joining us and conflicted as as uh we appreciate and care deeply for m s Mar STA and the wonderful job she's done leading our human resources department here in nooba so it's a the end of the month is going to be Bittersweet on the floor for us as as we transition during this time so um that being said uh I want to move into uh the food services update and I think I will toss it over to Mr M Caren to uh take the next couple of items for us thank you superintendent dowy thank you to the committee for the opportunity to update you um these items today uh before I begin and it's not on the superintendent report I do just want to do a quick thank you to Rob freck and the entire facility staff uh for the work did this summer and preparing our buildings um what's unique about the summer deserves a little bit light of light shined on is the fact that Mr Frieza was pulled into the enabling work at the high school site quite a bit in our custodial staff under the the lead of our head custodians really carried out the vision of being of knowing exactly what our schools needed to look like on day one um without Rob being available as usually he is at the end of the summer because of the enabling of the high school so thank you to them uh within Food Services we've had a successful start with our new partnership with witson uh my ralado from witson is working closely with our kitchen managers to continue the success of the first few days uh with regards to our new systems equipment menus recipes and all those upgrades and updates that we're doing um and a huge shout out of gratitude to our kitchen staff who are rolling with those new systems menus um and the recipes which are are are a big shift uh and we're asking a lot of them and they're really stepping up um in their service to students they're providing valuable feedback but we think the best feedback is a positives that we're getting from students and from families uh with the new menus so we encourage you to visit the nutrition services on our website uh for more information about our partnership and those menus and other important details all families are encouraged to download the wi 's um menu planner app so that they can build profiles for their students and it's most sort of easiest way to be able to view those menus and get the nutritional information and allerin information as well so we'll continue to update the district community on our work with witson which will include the menu tastings for students um better Recycling and composting practices and the formation of a a school nutrition Advisory Board which will include um parents and students as well as our own staff on it um as far as students Services Transportation goes I know that SM is here today um but in the spring we notified you that uh the contract for our um IND District special services Transportation uh through ABC in our partnership and our collaboration with them uh would have a new servicer uh this contract began on July 1 and was continue was to continue through the school year uh in partnership with ABC and another District that was under the same portion of the contract we evaluated the transportation services provided during the summer and it yielded the decision that we needed to cancel that contract um so our contract has now been awarded to the next responsive bidder which is caps for kids and all signed point to that this was a a good move and we are in good shape with that level of Transportation um so far at the beginning of the school year thank you thank you Mr malaran and if we'll just keep the ball rolling I would like to introduce assistant superintendent friend uh to give us an innovation Pathways announcement and shift straight into the Strategic work so assistant superintendent thank you superintendent Downing and thank you to the committee uh for giving me an opportunity to present uh an announcement and some updates on our strategic work the first um as it as it relates to our Innovation Pathways welcome reception which we held on August 26 where we officially launched our two Innovation Pathways programs um advanc manufacturing and engineering and business and finance we have 36 students enrolled in one of two Pathways the welcome reception was well attended on the 26 we had families and students engaged the event was led by our coordinator uh our Innovation Pathways coordinator that is Bridget Hanigan the event included short presentations from superintendent Downing Miss Hanigan and our initial program partners as well as a special presentation from a 22-year-old entrepreneur from Austin Texas um who who gave a really impactful presentation um and advice to our students students were able to meet their teachers mix and mingle um not sure about the mixing and the mingling part but they did enjoy their Refreshments um and they even received an innovation Pathways T-shirt with our new innovation Pathways branding and Logo so it was formal but casual um and well received Miss Hanigan has numerous future events planned and we look forward to keeping this committee updated on our progress and momentum including our hopeful addition of a third pathway next year please feel free to carry on for the Strategic work so the first two updates with regards to uh our strategic updates are related to professional development the first about our nooba summer Academy which seems like a bit ago now um but worthy of of noting and celebrating our summer Academy began right at the conclusion of the last school year participation in our summer Academy with our mova Educators was strong was strong we had 110 Educators participating in one or more offerings offerings are listed in the superintendent update from training on our new literacy curriculum to training and support of our language Learners to a Harvard edx introduction to data wise course a book study on the joyful teacher and continued learning about our Renaissance assessment and diagnostic Suite we also had several curriculum working groups which are listed as well in the update including updating our our advisory program at the middle level to integrate meifa which is a planning resource resource supported by the Commonwealth to help students with developing awareness of self and potential future interest for high school and Beyond and that work will beginning in Middle School helps support engagement with our Innovation Pathways as our students step forward into high school we also had a new course built for the high school and that was product development which will support uh students in either of our ination Pathways program programs the second update relative to professional development is about uh a more recent day and that's August 26th where we welcomed our faculty and staff back to school with professional development and training much like summer Academy offerings were intended to both meet the needs of specific roles and grade levels while working to continue to address our initiatives and our larger systemic work at the Strategic level you can see the list provided in the superintendent update but offerings range from continued literacy training in support of our new literacy curriculum in K to 5 to unit pacing and alignment for our related arts teams to support our new K8 District align schedule and training by director deman on the new I IEP process for our special education teams and providers our high school work included the beginnings of a self assessment phase for neas with a collaborative conference scheduled for them next fall and the launch of our new portrait of an graduate digital learner portfolios this year and more information about our nishoba portrait of nishoba digital graduate portrait of this a mouthful portra I'm not even going to look at my words I'm just going to say it that will make it easier portrait of an aoba graduate digital learner portfolio will be provided in the next update the next topic I'm sure I've written it again um the next update is relative to our new portfolios at the high school and I'd like to provide credit to assistant principal Janine ble Dr Boon our director of digital learning and Innovation Jud stefanowitz and our high school teacher portrait of an AER graduate working group that group worked diligently this summer uh and to launch uh our new portrait of an N graduate portfolios which will happen this year these portfolios are intended to provide a connection between our competencies learning in the classroom and outside of the classroom and most importantly provide students an opportunity to tell their own story with embedded Choice students will work through their portfolios this year during home room with the expectation those who then transfer into the classroom work next year the goal will be for students to Showcase one artifact per competency by the end of this school year our hope is that the portfolio will be a work of Celebration and accomplishment and also be useful tools for our students to help complement the college and job application process student seniors will look to Showcase their portfolios in the spring last topic okay last topic the final teaching and learning update is in support of our new literacy curriculum and the partnership that we share with our families curricular curriculum director Laura Padington and I will be hosting three family information sessions for families to learn more about our new e curriculum and all of its parts and how families can help support their children at home these sessions serve as the official launch as well of our nrsd family University with more to come on that front interested families are asked to register for one of three sessions we are providing one in-person session and two virtual sessions and we will also be U providing a recording of one of the virtual sessions for those families who are't able to attend families can find the registration information in last week's Comon Linked In the superintendence report and we will uh provide it again in this week's comment on Friday thank you so as you can see the the opening report tends to be a bp1 as we're covering our summer activities in the opening of the school schol but um we would love to entertain any questions from the Comm um let's take it one half at a time so is there anything um about the opening of school the food services update Director of Human Resources Transportation oranization Pathways go ahead I just wanted to I guess highlight the community and ask um if people want to give feedback about the food Pro the new nutrition program and or interest in advisory committee with they reach out to so with regards to the advisory that will go out I would say invites for that will probably go out through the Comon okay uh and we'll give that repeated message over a couple of weeks to give people anle opportunity um and then as far as feedback goes it can go to me uh or it can go to the director at Woodson's um whose email is available on the website so thank you right anything else in the first half of the superintendent update all right include the transportation part yes I just want to say thank you that was a really responsible decision that the district made you're welcome I actually think um I know that the transportation piece was a cost savings that we had identified in the budget the last time around um is there a cost increase as a result of this by virtue of the fact of going to the second bidder there will be we'll understand more how that shakes out later and and uh I'm sure Mr M will be reporting to budget and warrant subcommittee on how that projects over the Year great okay uh let's move on to the Strategic work the second half of the update any questions yeah yeah the Summer Academy so that's an optional um opportunity available to Educators at nooba who want to who need relation sure is that kind of how to some of that yeah um so it's an opportunity for some of the sessions to receive pdps for relicensure and some of the opportunities are just to continue professional learning okay so how you said 100 Educators took part yeah 110 that's awesome how many what percentage of our educat somewhere near that's about 30% almost 30% Thank you and some of the Educators participated in more than one session Shand was okay I would just like to comment on the portfolio piece I think it's an excellent way to help the vision for the portra gra graduate come to life and make it real for the kids um it's hard to kind of bring these things into the classroom so this is an excellent way of doing it um are you when you said that they're going to highlight them at the end of the year will there be a showcase senior at the senior Spring Showcase that's the intention seniors do share their that's that's the intention right now the ideas you know and plans are still developing but that's the goal right now I would love with permission from the students identified students if if appropriate to perhaps share an example or two with the committee if if appropriate that would be excellent just have a clarifying question when you say they identified students does that mean going forward not every student and every so like all incoming fresman won't necessarily student okay thank you permission from identified students to share gotcha okay fair enough awesome uh any other questions about the update all right so you have been busy as always thank you for that update everyone let's move uh the next item on the agenda so we're going to head over to new business and the first piece here is our student services director entry plan I'm going to let Kurt queue it up thank you I want to invite to the table Miss ran Dean you had a chance to meet ran last year as she is our director of student services and uh we couldn't be more delighted to have her and tonight U as for those of you that have been on the committee for a while you're familiar with the entry process that I do with the leaders in our school system for those of you that are new to the committee um the entry process process is a way for a leader to come in and spend some time sort of assessing the landscape of the school district to learn about the school district to learn about the people to learn about the cultures the Traditions the strengths identify areas of places that we can work on or or grow and so um tonight Mr Manch is here and is going to spend a few minutes just describing you the plan this is a brief presentation tonight uh you will get a more comprehensive a presentation of the findings later and Mr Manch I believe we accelerated that timeline for you and we're looking at December is the time to come back and share some findings so with that I turn it over to M thank you good evening everybody I am so happy to be sitting here in front of you as you all know I have been doing this work in another Community for years but coming here has really excited and uh reinvigorated my work work and my passion for this work and part of that is coming here and being welcomed into the community even from the first week I phone calls knocks on my door people coming in they're so the staff are very passionate about the work they do and they want to share as much as they can with me and so it's been so welcoming and families have been contacted me throughout the summer to um provide feedback ask for if they can be of any help or assistance so it's really made it um an easy transition for me to to work here I there is a lot to look at um um student services um looks at not just special education but also now 504 students in that process that's under the department along with early childhood and nursing even though we have directors for that I assist in kind of monit some of their work as well so part of my work is just really looking at the whole aspects of the entire department and where where we're seeing some um you know strengths with the Department where we need some growth um I have uh three women in my office that have been in the district for many many years Linda Liz and Kathy and they I couldn't do this without them they have provided me with all the information that I need quickly and they know where everything is the other positive aspect of this process for me is really looking at um we have a new IEP roll out with the state this year so it's actually a good opportunity for us to really dive into how we write IEPs um what service deliveries on them because we have to transition to this new uh process and and so all the team chairs are helping with that currently right now I have weekly meetings with them that will continue throughout the year but my overall goal is to really look at the services under special education of 504 what's being recommended um what needs that the students and families have and are how they're interacting with the the school and the services in the building in the classroom what instructional um approaches are schools and teachers taking what materials are they using and professional development that's needed um I'm also um under the 504 really diving more into what does guidance look like what social emotional supports are happening um I reviewed the mtss um manual that um this as a superintendent or a friend and a group have designed and diving into that for what services are needed for instruction and professional development for um students and families um and it's just really trying to understand how does the community feel about this department what's the history of the department um how can we bridge and make communication better and make sure that we're families feel comfortable talking to us and that we're listening and responding in the way that we should um so that's all the work that sits in front of me between now and December I will say it's always ongoing work and it always should be ongoing work um and so I'll be doing a lot of that work just by looking at documentations I've set up uh weekly meetings with the team chairs I sit on the cabinet so I get information that way I've met with all the principles to date I do go into the buildings on a weekly basis to meet with staff I've met with the CAC um chair uh Pamela dougen twice now and so we're ongoing with that communication as well I will be starting to send out regular um Communications to the community um so that they kind of hear that I'm here I'm uh for them if they want to reach out if any family wants to reach out so I will be doing that um but I will be looking at all the policies reviewing the previous fiscal history of the department and making some decisions around what might be some next steps that can make the department um run more smoothly or support our students needs thank you Mr M yes it's a quick timeline but I'm excited about it and when we sat down to lay down the timeline said it would be important for us to really wrap up this entry process and accelerate a way this year in preparation for Budget season and any recommendations that would come out of this process that could have a budgetary impact so um that's one of the reasons for the acceleration of this process you'll notice in terms of the the format of this plan you might recognize it uh because to demonstrate the the collegiality we have on our team I know both Mr mcar and assistant superintendent friend have volunteered their efforts through their entry processes with Mr de Manch so it's it's SP a lot of good teamwork and camaraderie on the team as well well that's wonderful thank you so much for appearing and helping us understand your trajectory we are excited for your work I would just like to point out that Lindsay is our CAC leaon perfect and so um you know working with Pam Dugen and with you I know that all things good are coming our way so I wonder if the committee has any questions or comments any yeah I was wondering are you going to be very involved in the equity work that they're doing around looking at students with biof Wars and IEPs and how what classes they're taking and being a big part of that conversation here at the beginning yes I always find that to be at the central piece of the work that that this job entails um even before the equity report because you really want to look at our students being inclusive are they being included in the community are they being included in their school and what does that what feed Fe back in I getting around that so I'm always very much um focused on that because you really want students to get the full benefit of the general education environment and their Community environment I have more on the question my other question is I know you're going to be looking at reports and talking to different people I was wondering if you were going to be visiting like academic support rooms like getting a feel for what's going on oh yes in some of those um classrooms and stuff yes I I don't like to sit here like I actually made a visit I have two or two buildings already um since the start of the school year to really go in during the school day and I'll be making that a regular practice just so I can um see the instruction talk to the staff um see the students in action and and really help I'm also meeting with the team chairs in their buildings so that I get a feel for the culture and and how things are really working and running any other questions all right well thank you so much very best effort everybody so moving the agenda the next item here we had a small snafu on the school committee calendar I think that one of the meeting dates U mistakenly landed on April vacation mistakenly and so we are just going to reference the meeting material if you could look at the in the materials the C the revised calendar um the April date the April school committee meeting date has just been moved to the 30th is that right Alita yes um so that then gives us backtack meetings um but with the end of the year Fast and Furious coming at us I think that it's probably un necessary element um why don't we if there's any discussion before taking motion I we welcome it all right so maybe Amy can make the motion for us can I move to amend the 2425 school committee meeting calendar that moves the April 23rd meeting to April 30th a second okay thanks Lindy any discussion everybody's okay with it so let's vote all those in favor all right so that motion passes so it will be um amended I think it was uh I'm going to give credit to Jackie spataro for bringing that to me so thank you out there Jackie if you're watching we appreciate you helping us all the time uh so that was that all right now on to unfinish business look at us cruising right along it's a record let's keep going let's we're on a roll let's keep going uh so the salary ranges is um the next item on unfinished business and so um what we would like to do is take a motion on a decision that can I you want to say something first I was just going to ask if you want me to set it up that would be wonderful so um we are we are going to take a vote on the salary ranges and uh and address some of the things that were perhaps a little out of date but yeah Kirk help us understand what's going great thank you in your uh packet included a memo that was provided to you for our executive session session on August 29th and we conducted that session in uh executive session because it was relative to bargaining for a contract um relative to our Human Resources Director position uh but it was at that time uh that we took the um salary ranges for nonre person and all administrators uh from 2020 March of 2022 um and did the the repair work essentially of uh applying the increases that were expressed in the unit a contract over the previous three years to develop in the table that's also in your pack the recommended salary ranges for fiscal year 25 and action was taken in that executive session and so as required uh the committee just needs to replicate that action in Open session for the benefit of the public excellent so Amy would you mind making a motion I move to approve the salary ranges as presented on August 29th 2024 and outlin in the memo in the meeing materials I'll second that uh is there any discussion for the public all right seeing none all those in favor of the salary range adjustment excent um so uh so next we have the school committee manual and you guys have the most upto-date version that is in the meeting materials this is something that we worked that our communication subcommittee under the guidance of Sharon and others uh you guys renovated that manual to make it more user friendly um We Are Tonight going to take a vote to approve the manual um but Sharon would you like to give us any additional information on this anything we need to know um I don't think there's any additional information you and Amy went through it during the summer and um so we've had some really Clos eyes looking at it and um I think the only the question that I had was that what I sent to you is I feel like there's still some formatting that needs to be done on it um so although the content is complete I think that there still will be formatting to make it a little bit more approachable yeah so that as long as the committee is okay with um changing the bullet sizes and indentations um we are going to take the manual um the substance of the manual as is linked in the materials so Amy I moved to approve the school committee manual as presented on August 29th 2024 okay and that date by the way was the work shop is that right um yeah so that's why we keep calling that date out um so at the workshop we did look this over and we kind of approved everything that the subcommittee had done last year in their meetings so do I have a second on the motion second I think I saw Sharon's hand any discussion a couple things oh sh uh it sort of goes beyond formatting but there are strikethroughs in the document that haven't been REM removed like under approval of other administrative positions y so oh I think those should be removed so that is something that we fixed at the workshop what P are you on six six yep so Shand are you saying that that is not formatting well the example was bullet points just want to make sure that we clean that up too if we want to call that formatting that's fine but yeah so they've been stricken and they should no longer be there so we can just delete those can you give me access to that doc not anymore I'm not quite sure how that happened but no I I thank you hold on I have four Google accounts so you can get little area over here okay to is annoying lot um okay so I'm going to share with you Sharon make sure that you can edit okay thank you and to that end some of the links aren't accessible CU they're not shared so like the one in public hearings what page eight I haven't checked them all but probably I should make sure that everything we link to is accessible by you specifically like you couldn't get to all of them which one Shor uh page eight public hearings the link to appendix 7 Oh weird I don't know why I am like the hoarder of these documents right now but hold on with the link I didn't even create so I don't know why I'm boarding them uh can you try again sh sure and that solves that yeah that's one problem solved but um Sharon and I will go through and make sure or Sharon will go through and make sure that everything is accessible the links anything else any other discussion so a couple things first of all were the strike throughs in here the only changes ever made or did we discuss the changes at the at the workshop yeah cuz I find it difficult to see what's changed without the strike throughs so the strike throughs are the only change at the workshop which is what we had seen presented to us in June so that was when we reviewed like the more okay and the only other thing is we didn't do the workshop on the 29th I'm pretty sure it was a couple weeks before that was a little confused the ex so was the 21st does that ring a bell so we can shift Amy do you mind if we amend your motion to say as presented on August 21st that's totally fine with me or we get presented tonight yeah although you've already amended it or you've already motioned it um Sharon is that okay you were the seconder so we're going to shift that motion to incl to say August 21st 2024 at the workshop so can I thought um if you want to look at a little bit in more detail the changes that were in the manual I can I think I can give you access to the one that we had last spring which was the manual with the comments next to it saying this corresponds to this section and the reason for that and the reason why it wasn't redlined um is because there was so much reformatting um and condensing of sections that difficult it was difficult to present it as a redlined um so I don't think my level of Interest or concern Rises to justify that level of work so that's not necessary but thank you and one the very last link in the document also is not accessible on 20 oh it's a big document we understand yeah um honestly I don't have access to that last one either I wonder Sharon if you have access to that page 20 it just says link to the appendices I will check I I will make sure that all of the links are working and find out some some of that stuff was Karen was working on and so some of it may have been shared to me and to Amy yeah Karen worked on only which might be why you don't have access to those links I'm not sure just reach out to Le if you need us she she can open that account and okay change the document if need be just let me know okay so if that went away with Karen then we can fix that um all right everybody so I ha to be pry about this what does the proposed uh what do we what's the wording we're approving right now as far as the P's motion is concerned um as amended it would read move to approve the school committee manual as presented on August 21st 2024 subject to formatting and Link revisions or something along those all right any other questions all right so this was a Beast of a task and we really appreciate you guys taking it on in communication has another is this like not that oh it is but what about the Athletics one that I don't know that looks like it should have a link there okay it's just another link thing that yeah need to be fixed broken links okay we'll fix all the broken links um all right so all those in favor of the policy manual approval or excuse me the school committee manual approval all right thanks guys so yeah good J thank you Sharon for all of that um so the next item on the agenda is school committee goals presentation and I am going to hopefully without objection from the committee move this to a future agenda the next agenda um just giving subcommittees a little bit more time to formulate I know that all the subcommittees are meeting in the month of September but do you think that it would be best if we moved this conversation to the first week of October meaning our third meeting I would is that open for discussion yeah I'm asking I would prefer that we present on those sooner rather than later because there's work that there's there's timelines in place in terms of certain activities that sub commmittee are working on I don't know if that's possible that everybody meet before the and be prepared to talk about sub commmittee goals is it necessary for the committee to ratify goals before you can do that work I think for some groups okay do do we need all the subcommittee goals to be approved at the same time or necessarily so do it as they already I wonder if everybody will have met by September 25th fth we're meeting for the second time next BMW is meeting for the second time next week so so you're good we should be okay we're meeting next week Personnel is meeting before that right communication is meeting next week too policy said yes and the building committe is all always meeting would if you I mean if if some subcommittees weren't ready to per on goals at least talk about progress on I actually think we're going to be ready yeah yeah I think so thank you cuz I'm recog izing that our Personnel subcommittee our agenda is about setting goals I imagine budgeting War similarly well our goals seems to be along the lines of um streamlining the whole meeting process which beges the question that should be an agenda hiding for a near future meeting like we've talked about at the retreat the idea of how we can possibly streamline these meetings the the the consent agenda so is that something we should be discussing as a whole committee yes like that's not a budget and warrant conversation necessarily as much as it is a whole committee goal we could we could do that on September 25th because I think that's not the only whole committee goal that it's on the list so hold on to that and don't let us forget I'm just saying if when we talking about items for next agenda that's something should be added to the next let's say let's put it under school committee goals and then we'll make sure that we address the consent agenda and being more efficient even more efficient than we are right now just saying uh okay so um without objection let's move that to the September 25th meeting and hopefully all the subcommittees will have their goal articulated to some degree and ready to share that evening so the school committee can discuss as a whole and then hopefully approve um okay which will then put us in a position to not have an addition meeting of thought we will be presenting and voting on our goals in the next meeting all one time just SP warning on that um okay so moving on to our next item um subcommittee and advisory reports one of the things that our school committees decided to do is kind of condense this item and then just open the floor for any subcommittee chair who has something that they need to share at this moment in time this may be premature um unless the but I imagine that the building committee might have something to share I don't really have much to share we're meeting tomorrow night um progress is moving along swimmingly I think that this has a personal comment I think that conigli has done an excellent job um in creating the preconstruction environment I think the front of the school looks absolutely fabulous I think it looks better now than it did before they started the renovation really looks fabulous so it's done an excellent job and we meetting tomorrow night and um I'll have more for the next show next meeting yeah yes I just want to Echo attorney lon's point and in preparing for the opening of school you know you always expect delays on the opening of school it was amazing how well everything was planned out the transition of students and facing staff in relatively minimal delays Mr mcaren were're close to the transportation department to make it all happen K sigley was on site observing watching making adjustments they still are as a matter of fact we talked about that in OAC today so um thank you attorney gleon for recognizing them because I I do think they did an outstanding job of getting a stting for the school year because that matters when it comes to people's attitudes about the project yeah I would just add that um I I had to go to a soccer game at the far corner of the campus right that upper field yesterday and it's it's a bit of a walk but it is completely accessible it is actually quite lovely to walk the field back there and didn't realize how expans of that softball and into the tree there's a path so I thought that considering um how bad it could have been to access those fields it was actually really good and everybody was doing a great job getting back there I would say too that a little shout out to Dr Boon if you don't have a high schooler you perhaps did not receive this video but it is it was an instructional video on how the student should enter the parking lot and the way that she did it was she actually sat in the driver's seat and the Wolf was in the passenger seat and somebody was in the back seat I don't know if it was you Kirk or or somebody somebody's in the back seat don't reveal trait secret filming it talk and so there was a voice over talking about to the students how you entered the building and Kate replicated it and she drove and she went in then she parked and then she left and my kid was completely aware I'm sure most and everybody was completely aware of how to make it happen so there are many layers uh of attention given to this not just our construction team but also the high school team stuff I appreciate that well to that that excitement and that level of oversight did trickle down I think that it's worth mentioning too about um our athletic director and all the coaches I mean they're being very flexible and it's a it's been really great as a new High School parent to see how they're communicating all of the changes and and the kids seem great D yeah I was just going to waigh in as the parent of a kid who's on the soccer team that that has also been much easier than I anticipated with the buses bringing the kids to Forbush and bringing them back to the high school and there were a lot of changes that were rolled out and it went well so we thought the hard part was getting the communities to approve but that was not the hard part uh you guys are in the hard part so thank you great team yeah yeah so thanks everyone any other um subcommittee reports now seems budg Mor maybe he the only one who's met but they will report out next time um all right guys so items for next agenda you can see the um school committee planning calendar is posted I hope everybody has viewing access at a minimum um so our next meeting as you know is going to be September 25th everything is on there um so school committee goals we will do that then KT can we talk a little bit about superintendent goals yep do you know what that is that bullet those are my goals do you think you're going to be doing your presentation at that meeting I was planning on it okay so the person I'll always take the direction of the chair I think we might need to push it a little bit because Personnel is going to meet a day or two before to identify all the indicators that's quite fine we're well on the way to actually developing the document we're working on it with our principal team tomorrow so I I will take the direction chair okay so maybe next Wednesday can meet you and I can talk about what's best there quite fine and um Sharon maybe we can even invite corrective Personnel if if you feel it's necessary I mean nobody's been elected a chair of a subcommittee yet but I'm turning to Sharon because she's taking the lead at this moment so if we want to invite Kirk feel free okay so um do you want to do that for that meeting at Monday night I mean we already did a lot of the work at the workshop I don't know that it's necessary but maybe we make Kirk aware of it and if he wants to attend it's it's project do you think we all have access to this I think you do cuz that's says seven people have access to it and I don't have they're currently looking at it no no as far I can't find it in the document share with that's why oh wait maybe no I see 23 24 but not 24 25 interesting um after your you deal with that I have a question so it is marked as anyone with the link can view and so the link is on the website it's on the website and so if you guys go to the homepage of the school committee on the left taskbar which is not viewable on a mobile device by the way it's kind of a funky thing um but if you go on your desktops or laptops there's a calendar drop down and let's see yeah do you see it there SC meeting calendar SC planning calendar got it okay got thank you oh you got it okay good all right so if you guys have um so obviously Kirk and I meet every Wednesday to form the agendas we will be resuming that practice if you don't have any ideas right now and something comes to you just email me and I'll put it on my list to talk with Kirk to set the next agenda for the 25th but if there are any ideas now um this is going back to the Personnel meeting about the indicators and there was an indicator survey that went out and I just remembered I didn't do it so then I went to click on it and then I remembered that the indicators that was linked to may have been an older version they were fine okay yeah we solved that problem remember we discovered that they were actually the most up to date thank you superintendent okay so we're good there thank you so if you didn't do that survey at the workshop indicating what you would like the superintendent to focus on in is the indicators that survey is still open and Personnel is meeting next week so feel free to weigh in if if you don't want to that's okay too um although I do encourage you to do so um under unfinished business we I would like to have we have not met with de J this year they're meeting as a group on October 1st for the first time so I'd like to request that you push back and so what I'm going to do is just throw it up to October 9th and if you're if you still want to push out beyond that I would push out beyond that yeah okay just so now we're looking at October 23rd perhaps let's just see how close um um anything else on the uh future Agenda One thing for me just wanted to make the committee aware November 6th is the date of the Mask joint conference um myself attorney gleon and U Mr mcaren will be attending uh the conference this year so we'll have I think we're going to do the AL setup so that we can attend uh the meeting remotely uh that evening and Miss friend will occupy my seat here and I just want make the committee there so I took some of the business and shifted it out of the 6th to make for a friendly agenda for that evening but it is an important evening is that's the night that our principes will bring forward the school Improvement plans and I feel like last year we flip-flopped the remote and iners meeting so that if that's an option for you although I would like to see Laur run a meeting help me run a meeting but if you do want a flipflop that's an option so we can talk in plan okay any other um future agenda items we're going to have policy stuff but we have to meet about that and kind of hammer that out so stuff is coming but we love it we love policy uh okay just let us know Amy what you need um anything else all right so as always guys just stay in communication with me if you need to and I will help you on that um so the a uh the agenda says that the next item is adjournment for an alltime record of I'm going to move to a journ right now at uh 7:26 p.m. try a second second I think that Cohen got it uh all those in favor any opposed no okay good night everybody e