good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to this uh public meeting of the mayor and council at this time i' ask everyone to please rise for silent prayer indoor reflection as we continue to think about Memorial Day and the families who have lost loved ones in service [Music] oration please the play I play flag United [Music] States indivisible liy and justice for allk please not the fire exits in the rear of the courtroom into the main parking lot and to my left audience's right into the main hallway the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public public bodies as which any business affecting their interest to discuss their act CL in accordance with this act the mayor and Council the B Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the burough Hall notices have been sent to the record in the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing bodies to provide essential services with the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents the research in prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation this time would ask the C to please call roll councilwoman San H here councilwoman sari Hurley pres councilwoman Duffy here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor Peto here okay we're going to start off with a proclamation for gun violence [Music] awareness Office of the mayor Proclamation whereas 42,900 between 2010 and 2020 whereas protecting Public Safety in the communities they serve is the mayor's highest responsibility and where a support for our Second Amendment rights of law- abiding citizens goes hand inand with keeping guns away from dangerous people and whereas Mayors and Law Enforcement Officers know their communities best are the most familiar with local criminal activity and how to address it and our best position to understand how to keep their citizens safe and whereas to help honor those whose lives were cut short and the countless survivors who are injured by shootings every day National Coalition of organ organizations has designated the first Friday in June this year June 7th as National Gun Violence awareness day and whereas the color orange was chosen to represent this issue because Hunters were orange to announce themselves to other Hunters when they're in the woods and orange is the color that symbolizes the value of human life and whereas anyone can join this campaign by pledging to wear orange on June 7th 2024 to help raise awareness about gun violence and whereas by wearing orange on June 7th 2024 Americans will raise awareness about gun violence and honor the lives of gun violence victims and survivors and whereas we renew our commitment to work together to reduce gun violence and to pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of their wrong hands we encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children our law enforcement personnel and our citizens safe now therefore be resolved that I Mayor Michael patrino of the bur of the Milford declare June 7 2024 to be National Gun Violence awareness day to honor and remember all victims and survivors of gun violence and to encourage citizens to support their efforts of their local communities and prevent tragic effect of gun violence and to honor and value human lives okay next on the agenda is a couple of appointments um the first one may get a motion to appoint Robert matuli at Fire Company number one move second all in favor I any opposed congratulations and thank you Robin welcome back may get a motion to appoint Tom derer to the planning board alternate 2 [Music] seat second all in favor I I opposed thank you Tom and for this one may get a motion to appoint Janet gry and Eileen dear to the Board of Health Mo second I'm staying on one of them yes so all in favor I any opposed one exension can't the have under unfinished business may get a motion for the approval of the minutes from the May 13th 2024 work session meeting move second all in favor I I any [Music] opposed okay we have a few adoption of ordinances um you're not having gja Vu this is the third time I'm hearing it this is because of a result of the uh publication issue we had so we technically introduced them twice and now we're adopting them first one is ordinance 2024 col 09 when the clerk has the opportunity i' ask her please read the ordinance Bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of Boulevard from mouth Avenue North approximately 2,150 ft in B for the BB and Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $264,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such a procreation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds okay so basically this is to appropriate the dot Grant and to authorize an issuance of bonds to pay for the balance not covered by the grant may I get a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance motion second all in favor opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is your opportunity seeing that there's no member the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance other there for a motion to close public motion second all in favor any opposed may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on Final reading motion to adop Second a roll call please councilman San H yes councilman s hurly yes councilwoman Duffy yes Council M gry yes councilman Seymour yes council president gr yes next one is 2024 col 10 when the clerk has the opportunity I ask her to please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter 19 of the revised General ordinances of the BB and Milford entitled Parks and Recreation section 19-3 D3 fees purpose of this ordinance is to modify fees for certain recreational programs and at the last meeting I went through a few of them tennis Keys $15 per key travel full soccer 300 to 400 uh summer Recreation $18 single 270 doubles 360 for family um all of these are on our B website if anyone wants to check it out but at this time I would ask our motion to open to a public for a public hearing on this ordinance second all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance I would ask for a motion to close the public motion second all in favor I any opposed may I get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading motion to adopt second make it a roll call please councilwoman San H yes councilman sari Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman sour yes council president yes 2024 col 11 her has the opportunity I would ask you please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter 2 of the revised General ordinances of the bar and Milford entitled Administration thereby amending subsection 2-20 entitled fire department purpose of this ordinance is to amend certain sections of ordinance 2-20 to conform with the duly adopted fire imatic rules and regulations of the mord fire department motion open to the public second all in favor any opposed ladies and gentlemen in the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that no member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance I ask for motion to close motion to close second all in favor I Clos motion to adop on Final reading on Final second make it a please councilman sanus yes councilman Rocky Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes almost there 2024 col 15 mqu has the opportunity I ask the ordinance an ordinance to amend Chapter 30 entitled land use of the revised General ordinances of the B New Milford thereby amending Article 5 entitled historical preservation purpose of this ordinance is to amend this ordinance to add a list of designated historic properties outline the historic designation criteria prohibitions and historic preservation committee guidelines and if you remember at our last meeting we had Nancy baraton our chair of our historic preservation committee here and she gave a wonderful presentation and was pretty cool milord has a lot of history and I think most people know that make get a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this second all in favor I I any oppos ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that no member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance i' ask for a motion to close to the public motion second all in favor anyos may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading second I get a roll call please councilwoman San H yes councilwoman scky Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman seamour yes Council President Grant I must sustain since my house is one of the sitement is being added to the um ordinance okay last one up for adoption tonight is 20 24 col 16 when the clerk has the opportunity I ask please read the an ordinance T in chapter 10 of the revised General ordinances of the B of New Milford entitled building and housing thereby amending subsection 10- 1.3 entitled fees purpose of this ordinance is to add and amend certain building and housing permit fees all of them are listed on our website some examples are certificates of occupancy residential $100 commercial $200 domestic hot water heater $65 chimney liner $65 annual pool inspection $65 make get a motion to open to the public for public hearing on this ordinance second all in favor hi anyos ladies and gentlemen in the public anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that there is no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance I ask for a motion to post the public close all in favor any opposed may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading second get a roll call please councilwoman San yes councilwoman sari Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay moving on to new business we have one ordinance for introduction tonight it's 2024 colum 17 and cler has the opportunity I ask please read ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the B New Milford entitled Administration to replace section 2-1 1910 entitled special Law Enforcement Officers purpose of this ordinance is to establish a position of special law enforcement officer Class [Music] 2 may get a motion to introduce this ordinance on first reading motion second I get a roll call please councilwoman San yes councilwoman sari Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman sour yes Council President Grant yes okay the public hearing on this ordinance will be out of June 10th 20124 meeting is that work session yes [Music] yes okay item number one is shared services request Westwood for administrator yes thank you mayor as I reported at our last meeting uh FEMA has awarded the borrow the elevation grant for 15 residential flood Chrome properties in newford part of the grant covers the expenses for Grant Administration so we're going to be issuing a request for proposal which has been prepared and is being reviewed by the borrow attorney once the attorney signs off we will advertise for the RFP since our last meeting I received a call from the bough Westwood they too have received fun for the elevation of residential structures and they asked if New Milford would be interested entering into a shared service agreement for the RFP for the grant Administration the scope of their project is for just four homes and they did go out individually for an RP and they got no responses because of it being such a small um scope so they wanted to know if we would be willing to partner with them for that purpose yeah Westwood has been very good to our flood mitigation committee uh we've reached out to them they've actually come here um they talked to our flood committee theyve they've helped them give them guidance and put them in contact with uh other relevant people in this in the county so I think this is something it's going to help them out and it's going to help us out I think it's worth doing I have no isue I agree I agree May okay I will prepare a resolution and I hopefully we'll get a response on I think we will because I I have I know some somebody that we worked with actually on the application is already as express interest in hearing about the RP when it comes out EXC mayor I just say it was really nice to the westf mayor really did not only initiate uh working with our flood advisory committee that even followed up with us after so great appreciate good we're we're you know in this together abely they have similar problems as us and work together [Music] I anything else on that that's it okay can I just ask a question do we know how many hes so just well we had we had 18 that started out with the application process and um one actually qualified and accepted to be part of an acquisition program to Blue acres and so they dropped out and I don't I think there were two others that were not responsive and so um right now we're at 15 but it we're going to have a you know a kickoff just internally with new Jersey OEM and then um they're you know we're going to start working with the homeowners and they still have an option to make a different decision that's what they choose to do so thank you schedule updates Friday June 7th is a new Milford Hall of Fame 2024 dinner and induction ceremony sponsored by the New Milford historic preservation commission uh the time is 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Milford Athletic Club more information will'll be on the bur website and Facebook page tickets are on sale I think there's some left than there $40 a piece yes on Saturday June 15th is dance sing and drum at the Pavilion sponsored by the nor Arts committee is from 2 to 4:30 at the nights field Pavilion information for that is also on uh website and and Facebook pages on the same day is mental health awareness sponsored by the Milford Municipal lines that is from 9:30 to 12:00 p.m. also at the nightville Pavilion information's on the website and on Facebook so mental health is earlier in the day and then the dance sing and drum is later that afternoon emotional and spiritual yes as opposed to physical well actually there'll be some physical involv dancing people are druming and dancing absolutely what are we doing for our mental health that I think it's Yoga Yoga Yoga okay yoga and um excent I know there's a speaker and it's yoga they made me to shair yoga last year how' you do I'm s and may may I add that both events will be at the Pavilion at nights field in case of rain it will both events will move to uh the W correct on Tuesday August 6th is our annual National Night Out sponsored by the milk of police department is from 7: to 10: p.m. on Kennedy field information is starting to come out on Facebook and we will be posting the fly on our website as well and reminder yes once again we will have fireworks at the end of the weekend on Saturday October 5th is our clean communities day sponsored by the Oka clean communities the milord environmental energy commission and the DPW is from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. at the DPW uh we will start putting things out on our website and on Facebook I know some Sav the dates are going to go out and the rain date for that is going to be the next day which Sunday October 6th uh same time same place were there any events that I missed there's something on September 7th and I don't remember what it is that oh that would be the mayor's Wellness campaign and isn't there a wol in new Woods coming up June 5th is Bergen County oton Society 10: a.m. that's yes Wednesday yes they will meet at The Swim Club parking lot 10: a.m. 10: a.m. at the entrance where the signs at the entrance the New Milford wood sign I knew there was something okay moving on to item number three administrative yes [Music] thank uh not too much to report today I will say I do want to report that the joint bid with Rivage for solid waste collection has been postpone it was originally scheduled uh the bid opening for today however rivered requested a modification to the bid spec so an addendum was posted on the website and advertised and the bid opening will now be held on Tuesday June 18th primary elections are on the corner it's going to be held next Tuesday June 4th and polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in addition early voting began today May 29th and continues through Sunday June 2nd polls are open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday at 9 locations throughout Burton County any registered voter can go to any of the nine locations to vote and and it will be the exact same process and experience they would have on Election Day those polling locations are posted on the Bor website and also on the mayor's Facebook page as well as bur County's uh social media and website as well uh also of note ber New Milford specifically the polling location for districts 8 and N which had traditionally been at the library um are moving to Berkeley Street school gymnasium SL multi-purpose room beginning with the this June primary election meeting room at the libraries turned out to be too small to properly accommodate all of the new voting equipment and uh this information is going to be printed on sample ballots that have been mailed out in advance of the election and uh any questions feel free to contact the cler's office and the only other thing to report is that our next meeting uh we're back on our Monday schedule for our work session Monday June 10th that's it for me thank you any questions for the Advent you'll have signage at the library on Election Day to let people know that it's has everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions are there any that need to be pulled forther discussion and we [Music] vote okay get a motion to file committee report and spread on motion second okay let's go around real quick and get some updates and we're going to start with Council President Grant thank you well you've already mentioned the event that's been sponsored by the nor Arts committee which is going to be very exciting uh the other thing is that the tenet Library will be closing at some point later this year because they're going to be doing some major Renovations they have been in touch with our library to see if they can uh send some of their Librarians over and direct their residents to come to the Milford Library and so our library director turn is in touch with their Library director and they are in process of working as an agreement for how that will work so it should be interesting apparently this was done once before many years ago and it worked well and there's a slight possibility with this Arrangement that we just might be able to be open on a few Sundays so keep your fingers crossed to see if that works out but um it should it should be very interesting and rather exciting and talking about shared services is a really nice a nice way to help out a a neighboring Community do they have an estimate of how long they're going to be closed for I've heard a variety estimate so no okay probably at least 9 months let's say wow but apparently it's a major right we should definitely be open on Sundays with additional St if it's possible because they are open on Sundays um and we we don't have the the people power to do that at this point but I'm hoping that that will leave um responsibility great than you C thank you mayor as you had mentioned uh Mental Health Awareness Day is coming up I just want to give a lot of credit to the municipal L for working as hard as they have and now I to plan mental health awareness day but to all the events they plan uh they work very hard and they have a lot of passion and they I think their events are are very impactful on our community and I just want to remind everybody that tomorrow night is opening night for adult kickball and that's at Kennedy field at 7:00 and it was a lot of fun to march in the perod so it was great to see everyone come out maybe Council gry thank you uh last Monday uh was our annual Memorial Day event I'd like to uh give a shout out to uh nmpd uh they had a full contingent of men there they also had had uh four patol cards from the sheriff's department also our DPW did a fantastic job and uh I sh toen dep anden [Laughter] depart thank you well uh yes congratulations to the public events committee and uh mayor Katrin I know you were involved heavily this year um great parade is on in love with the weather but it uh we sleeped it in and it was enjoyed by all um last week we had a sudden and severe storm in town um I happen to be around and I kind of follow the fire department around to their STS and uh I'm here to report that they are professional uh when they engage with the residents they are sure that they are out of heart way they wait with them for the building inspector who was also very gooda to um instruct the resident uh what part of their home is safe to go back into and out um so it is uh just really interesting for me to see um and uh these guys like in I'll B deal we do this all the time uh we should go in that house but there's probably a big dog going to bite us so we're not doing that so I mean they're they're careful of people's property and yet they are there to uh rescue and uh do their job so uh kudos to them and also to them for um all they do for the breade they have the bag Pipers of uh they do two ceremonies at the PE Hall they brought all the apparatus in the parade and I'm sure every little kid along the way enjoy that so A big thank you this yes excellent Council thank you um I just would like to thank daring M who for a number of years now have been putting this parade together um it's it's a lot of work but I think it we had a really good parade this year like we do other year and I'm thanking the DPW and everyone else that I know I'm going to forget they do a fabulous job and many things to Wom considering the fact that we have short staff on the public events Bo so anyone listening or watching we are looking for volunteers for the public events committee specializing in Memorial Day Parade holiday tree lightings monora lightings liting so Santa please please if you want to if you want to participate in that we are more than welcome to have there only one meeting a month sure and Veterans that's come on people we need I'm not sorry thank you histor um so as it's been repeated many times before June 7th we're having our honor of Hall of Fame hon Fame Hall of Fame and we probably have about 39 or 40 people that have responded in names for honoring and tickets are $40 it'll be at with Athletic Club on the boulevard so come on people R is catering and the members individually were making more their you could get some really good you get a nice so come on out [Music] thank you Council s thank you mayor just want to put in my two cents and kind of wrap it up I'm sure you'll tell say say some more about the parade but it was really great to see a great showing of the public coming out to uh support our our mil our First Responders and our community so it was a good time uh my report is that all the Committees are working uh to prepare for National Night out they're very excited about having that opportunity to uh share um and information and meet the community so thank you to the New Milford Police Department for creating that event and I have um an announcement an invitation for an event that's happening tomorrow night it's not burough related but it's Community related the Hudson River Foundation is hosting an information s session on the hackensac river for residents and stakeholders to be able to give input onto action planning for the related to the hackin saac river so that's going to happen uh Thursday May 30th at 700 p.m. that's tomorrow evening uh the location is at the ethical culture meeting house at 687 Larch Avenue in tenek New Jersey and snacks and refreshments will be served may I I like to say this I just I'd like to thank um our Scouts I believe 78 who have put uh Flags down on the Tombstones at the at our Cemetery here in the north of the EO cemetery on the uh revolutionary veterans and the Civil War veterans they came out we open we open the cemetery for a little bit of time for people to come in and people do come and get a little history of a cemeter was a nice ceremony they did a great job and they also helped out with the FL on we get so many compliments on the the thank so I received a letter from the Arbor Day Foundation today and it says Dear Tree City USA Community member on behalf of the Arbor Day Foundation I'm thrilled to congratulate mil on earning recognition as a 2023 Tree City us residents of the mil should be proud to live in a community that makes the planting and care of trees a priority so Council mcy I'm going to pass this on to you so you can share it with our sh Tre commission and our DW and uh give them our congratulations for once again putting in all the work to do that because it's not easy yes it's time that we ask for a motion to open up to the public motion all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen the public if anyone has any questions or comments or anything related to the good welfare of the BR of Milford now is your opportunity to speak seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to comment tonight I would ask for motion to close second all favor anyos before we vote on a resolutions I just want to mention to the public that we are going to go into close session tonight when we come out when we come back into open uh we will take no action and immediately adjourn our meeting so at this time I would ask for a motion to approve resolutions 2024 col 128 to 2024 col 139 motion second all in favor any oppos may I get a motion to go into session motion pass second all in favor I I any opposed thank you ladies and gentlemen we are now going into right