wa good evening ladies and gentlemen I'd like to officially call this public meeting of the mayor and Council to order at this time I'd ask everyone to please rise for a moment of Silent prayer Endor reflection as we think of the people who have been affected by Hurricane [Music] Burl please salute the flag United States of America [Music] please note the fire exits out the back into the main parking lot and to my left your right into the main [Music] hallway New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies that which any business affecting their interest is discussed are acted upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council of the bur of New Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the burrow Hall notices have been sent to the record and the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard the infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and through research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask to clar please call the rooll councilwoman San councilwoman sari Hurley pres councilwoman Duffy here councilman grotsky here councilman Seymour Council President Grant here mayor patrino here okay before we start I'm going to ask for a motion to add another appointment uh I need a motion to add Ilia kovich as ultimate two on the Zone Bo motion second all in favor any opposed may get a motion to appoint Nadira Arts to the public events committee motion all in favor any oos may get a motion to appoint lisis maccario to the flood mitigation committee second second all favor any opposed and make I get a motion to appoint Ilia kraich to zoning board alternate 2 moot all favor I you got second yeah and Cheryl helon will move from alternate one to a regular member okay presentation tonight we are honored to have the 12 you 2024 Little League spring Champions nice any of the coaches want to say a few words yeah come [Music] on all right all right um first of all I want to thank everybody for coming here tonight thank you guys for honoring us and honoring the team uh second year in a row we're up here so last year was um kind of a surprise that we were up here I think this spring we expected to make it and uh we actually went undefeated 10 and0 on the season um just wanted to thank the parents the kids for you know their hard work always come to practice um you know it's not an easy thing doing this day in and day out working for it but the kids had a great season we actually just got back from Cooper Town um you know that was a big job as well everybody fundraised we stuck together we there together for 5 days together so this team has come a long way and um I just want to thank everybody parents included and the kids thank you very much and congrats and you know there's our trophy there we brought it here for you guys um so give yourselves a round of applause thank you guys yeah when I call you name come on up so Alm say certificate of achievement 12 20124 Little League spring Champions your achievement reflects itself in the pride of the community best wishes for a successful future presented this 22nd day of July 2024 on behalf of the governing body Max Costello hang in the front Lorenzo dasta Ronin derer oh J betti Justin cam William Kenny Ryan mlki Eric G Christopher Vito brayen Wright Jaden bestest Anthony handy Lucas sa and Conor Kia conat proud your face congratulations you thank you very much another big yeah okay of your unfinished business may get approval of the minutes from the June 24th 2024 public and cl session meetings second all in favor anyos we have one ordinance up for adoption tonight have 2024 colum 19 and when cler has the opportunity I would ask you please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 19 Parks and Recreation of the revised General ordinances of the Barb New Milford to add section 19- 2B to establish rules for tennis pickle bow courts purpose of this ordinance is to establish rules and regulations for the use of the bur's tennis and pickall Courts at Kennedy Field Sports Complex in Bailey Park um couple of the changes are the amount of people you're allowed to have at one time playing on the courts uh you're not allowed to bring chairs or coolers onto the courts and a resident is allowed to have up to three guests at a time and play on the same court may get a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance second all favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on read close to the public motion okay all in favor I any oppos make it a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final make it a roll qu please yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman grotsky yes Council President Grant [Music] yes okay moving on to new business we have a few ordinances up for introduction tonight the first one being 2024 col 20 and when the clerk has the opportunity i' ask you to please read the ordinance Bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of various roads in by and for the B of New Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $380,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds good purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate 350,000 dot Grant to resurface portions of stuen ab Clinton AB lywood Maple and rusel may I get a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first reading second may get a roll call please councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman grotsky yes Council President Grant yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be at our August 26th meeting the next one for introduction tonight is 2024 colon 21 and when the clerk has the opportunity ask please read the ordinance Capital ordinance to appropriate the sum of $73,000 for the acquisition of various fire department equipment in by and for the B New Milford and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from a Federal grant purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate $73,000 from a Federal grant for the American Rescue plan to purchase equipment for the fire department which is their turnout gear and their gear washer and dryer may you get a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first reading motion to introduce second may get a roll call please yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman grotsky yes Council President Grant yes public hearing on this ordinance will also be at our August 26th meeting 2024 col 22 and when the clerk has the opportunity I ask you please read the ordinance Capital ordinance to appropriate the sum of $395,000 for the undertaking of Channel stabilization improvements to the French Brook in the vicinity of coriton Road in buy and for the bar of New Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing that such sum so appropriate shall be raised from a state prft purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate $395,000 from a New Jersey Department of Community Affairs grant for stabilization repairs to the French Brook may get a motion to introduce this ordinance first reading second may get a rooll call please yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman grotsky yes Council President Grant yes public hearing for this ordinance will be at our August 26th meeting 2024 colon 23 when the clerk is ready you please read the ordinance Capital ordinance of the Barb and Milford in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the undertaking of interior renovations to the DPW building in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $26,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the borrow okay the purpose of this ordinance is is to appropriate $26,000 from the Burrow's Capital Improvement fund for interior renovations to the main office of the DPW building which is going to increase safety for our employees and it's going to give residents um easier service make get a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first reading motion second I a roll call please yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes Council President Grant yes public hearing for this ordinance also be at our August 26th meeting okay last one is 2024 colon 24 and the clerk is ready I pleas the ordinance an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the Barb New Milford entitled salary adopted as ordinance 9101 and amended annually by ordinances up to and including ordinance 20246 Pur this ordinance what it does is it reads is the um salary guide salary range for special Law Enforcement Officers class 2os and class 3es so the new Range would be $30 to $40 may you get a motion to introduce this ordinance on first reading no second a roll call please councilwoman s Hurley yes councilwoman ducky yes councilman gry yes Council President Grant yes okay August 26 going to be a busy meeting also set for adoption yes okay moving on to item number one is schedule updates Tuesday August 6 2024 is our annual National Night Out sponsored by the new milord police department it'll take place from 7:00 to 10: p.m. on Kennedy field for more information you can go to the Burrows and the police department's website and social media Friday and Saturday September 27th and 28th is the Friends of the library book sale sponsored by V Milford Friends of the library I don't have the time of that uh it's Friday afternoon and all day Saturday Friday afternoon and all day Saturday and it's at the New Milford Public Library on Friday and Saturday September 28th and 29th is the townwide garage sale also sponsored by the friends of the library and that's all day that's actually Saturday Su Saturday and Sunday Sunday okay Saturday and Sunday 28th and 29th Sunday October 6th is the uh Northern Valley walk for araxia it'll take place at 8 8: a.m. on the New Milford High School football field for more information you can go to the northern New Jersey praxy social media page on Saturday October 5th is our annual clean communities day sponsored by the New Milford clean communities the New Milford environmental energy commission and in the mil for DPW it is from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. at the DPW information for that will will also be on the burough website the rain date for that will be the next day on the 6th October 6th so I have Sunday October 13th is our annual fire Awareness Day sponsored by the New Milford Fire Department it'll take place from 1: to 4:00 p.m. at the nights Field parking lot for more information it'll be on the burough website and the Milford Fire Department's Facebook page is there any other events that I miss mention you always forget to mention the mayor's committee kick off events yeah but I don't remember the my head the day we're still adjusting the Saturdays in September but the mayor's Wellness kickoff will take place in September I'm not sure exactly what Saturday I believe three to four Saturdays we're going to have events so more information to come get your sneakers ready okay item number two is the administrator's report yes thank you mayor uh starting with our engineering report we're busy again uh the Boulevard and graphic Boulevard traffic signal was completed on July 16th and is up and running after a long long awaited yes moment uh the Main Street streetcap the bid was is going to be advertised tomorrow July 23rd and the bids will be received on August 14th uh the French Brook the ordinance to allocate the grant is being introduced tonight and once approved the design of the project can begin Pine and and use sanitary sewer sewer remediation uh we're currently waiting on information from bur engineer for the EPA Grant application that must be submitted in order to uh make use of this funding that was appropriated through the Congress Boulevard Phase 2 the bids going to be a also going to be advertised tomorrow on July 23rd and bids will be received on August 14th the volleyball court at Kennedy Field Sports Complex we are waiting on a revised estimate from the bar engineer in order to finalize the funding required to move forward heart Castle Pond improvements the Grant application was submitted to burn County open space uh in early May and we are awaiting a determination NJ do fiscal year 2025 Road resurfacing an application for the resurfacing of Marian rosalin and Monroe was submitted on July 1st 2024 Riverside Co-op road paving portions of Columbia Street Prospect Avenue and the entire Library parking lot were resurfaced today NJ do Sten and various roads the ordinance to allocate the do Grant is being introduced tonight and once approved the design can begin uh in other matters a request for proposal for the joint FEMA Grant Management Services for residential elevations for the BB New Milford and the BB West Westwood was advertised on July 19th with responses coming back on July 31st also a request for proposals for the lease of burrow owned properties for the installation and operation of electrical vehicle charging stations on borrow owned land was advertised on July 16th with responses coming back on July 31st uh beginning August 5th Holy Name EMS will be permanently staffed 24/7 reporting directly to the River Road location uh this new Staffing model will provide more consistent coverage with a Steady Crew that will no longer rotate and uh the only other thing I have to report is that similar to July there'll be just one meeting of the mayor and Council in August and that meeting is scheduled for Monday August 26th that's it for me mayor thank you thank you and also with the paving the roadway that runs parallel to L Barber field that goes to Hard Castle Pond also being repa and if you remember we widened it so there actually be like pedestrian Walker side sa for everyone it's a very busy area during school season resolutions has everyone had a chance to look at them are there any that need to be pulled for further discussion under a vote all good Council committee reports let we go around real quick tell us what's going on and we're going to start with Council President Grant thank you mayor it's actually been a very quiet month so I don't have anything to report most of my committees did not meet this month and I was a indication to a couple next thank you counc thank you mayor uh I received some reports from uh our DPW uh 2024 solad waste tonnage uh to date uh through May uh we spent $26,000 uh compared to 2024 uh we've spent to 2023 we've spent to 2024 we spent $ 47738 per ton versus 446 37 for time23 which is a little bit more uh than last year but nothing like the year before uh so hopefully we could continue to keep those numbers down as far as comingled mixed paper we've actually uh averaged uh income for uh cardboard and mixed paper but the call mingle we've had to pay out to date through the end of June we paid 15,300 $2 uh the average commingled for uh 2024 per ton is 7942 as opposed to 8318 for 2023 so we're doing somewhat okay there that's my report thank you Council thank you mayor um okay I met with the uh fire department uh the beginning of uh last week and they have been experiencing it very very busy June and July um for July they had 27 Mutual a calls and three fire three house fires in the W for the loone um eight alarm malfunctions seven Accidental Fire alarm smoke conditions three structure fire four uh water emcy too um natural gas odors for I'm just reading the highlights here but they've been very busy and they've been able to participate in the mutual Aid between uh the three burrows for Del River Edge and the Milford um and they're very happy uh about receiving these uh the grant the Federal grant um to purchase new turn down gear and the large washer to take care of any uh you know Hazmat type of exposure to their equipment yes so uh and of course they uh we continue to talk about uh a very old fire truck I'll just leave it at that um the uh Health Department met and just briefly I'll give you a highlight um 11 marriage licenses this from the regist nine marriage transcripts 68 death certificates and that's about it for that uh we do have one of our Health Inspectors that has taken a course and has um qualified with credentials to measure certain deciel of them so we're going to just call this the noise control or and we have a subcommittee right now meeting on this uh this ordinance it is uh been given to us through the New Jersey D and uh together we're going to refine it uh make it simpler to read and uh relate it to our bur so that's my report for those two oh and I did rece I did attend Saturday uh uh a Girl Scout Gold Award presentation at the library for um certain grasses that will help fireflies live and prosper in the mil so and I got a couple of people for the beautification committee at that excellent excellent I'm having a successful week thank you thank you councilwoman saki her thank you mayor as hot as the summer has been that's how quiet all of my uh committees have been so it's been a quiet summer with committees and really hasn't anything M for besides our night out excellent so that's thank you you're welcome um I want to thank the DPW for doing a great job if anyone has noticed by the Deebo the Centennial walkway has been put in there is actually going to be a few extra location so at a certain point in time we're going to be advertising again so if anyone who missed the boat on getting their brick we'll be advertising again and we have a couple spots left and the other thing coming a night out we're actually going to launch it New Milford will be taking part in the veterans banners I know you've seen it in other towns where there's banners hanging on the post for um honoring veterans from our town or veterans that are related to Residents in town so keep an eye open for that on night out because that's coming soon as well and my historic new brid Landing was once again canceled from no quum so check back in next month okay anything else anyone needed to report if not um we have we're going to have a presentation tonight uh the crossroads is back we talk about the former shop right site so did you guys want to come up here or [Music] so we we did we want be on the te yes we're going to flip down [Music] we're check make yes look y all right uh good evening mayor and Council thank you for having us again um my name is Anthony py I'm a partner with cross companies um we were here uh on May 13th to introduce our proposed development concept for uh the property uh at 810 to 820 River Road in New Milford um since that time we've met with the develop in the buau subcommittee and had some dialogue with members of the buau and based on feedback that we received from the buau we have made some revisions for the brand which were here to walking um so there's really three main revisions that we made for the plan the first one is that we've reduced the total density from 180 units to 16 un um the second major change that we made if you look over here at the 3D rendering this building that's in the front here was previously a four story building we've now reduced that to a single story um and then the last notable change that we've made I'll have that over here you can see better on the aial view is that adjacent to that commercial building which I just pointed out we have added eight uh eight apartments that would be at the ground level um separated by a corridor with a private entrance and those would be um Aid restricted units they would be affordable Aid restricted units so originally the plan was to have a 20% inclusion um at the request of the buau 25% of that inclusion amount would be a restricted um the reason that we've located those units here away from the main building is because there is a um there are some guidelines and some restrictions that Federal housing law that required if you're doing AG restricted units they cannot be incorporated into a larger building that does not have any restrictions because it's essentially a form of discrimination so in order to do age restricted units anywhere within this complex we'd have to have those units segregated from the other apartments they'd have to have that's not certification it's uh just happens to be uh yeah I think so what Federal Housing Act says is that you can't discriminate against families and children right so when you do an age restricted project you you that's an except it's essentially an exception to being able to discriminate against families and and children but there are certain guidelines and you have to you can't put it in the same project um where some units you're having age restricted and others not you have to have an age restricted Community essentially so that's why they're separate and not incorporated into the SC just sorry Council Crossroads from so people who are over 62 could live in the main building but in a market correct AB absolutely for the as long as they income correct correct the age restricted units will be 62 and over these would be 6 there would be no a restriction AG restrict has to be separated from the main population yeah the way it qualifies is it has to be you able to have to you have to be able to Define it as its own and so that's why it has to it doesn't somebody2 from AFF [Music] apartment not technically correct a interesting yeah and and the requirement to have the separate you know Community for the Agri has nothing to do with whether they're affordable or not you could have all Market units and if you want to do an H restricted Market project it it has to be an H restricted community you can't have you know B units in v um so hopping back to the new plan so what we've added here is a little so I'll give you the rundown of this this new revised plan off the development statistics so we have 160 total Apartments of those 160 128 would be market rate 32 would be affordable and of that 32 eight would be a strict we still have the 12,500 ft of commercial space which the majority of which is in this building and right now we've designed a small pad site but again that could change depending on demand uh and then we now have a total of 290 parking 298 parking spaces a 170 of which are located in garage under this building the remaining 128 spaces are circumstances said the P might change so this is a concept plan right now it's very preliminary in order to get this pad built we have to have a user who wants the pad site and the drive around there are a couple retailers out there who we would love to attct the site Starbucks is an example Panera is an example but if there happens to either not be demand for it or the economics of it don't work we would have to shift the plan out a little bit in any scenario we would still meet the same F the 12,500 and apartment it just could look a little bit is there any way to do departments north side and move the other road to the other gr so the recil isn't being missed the department so there's a couple of challenges with that um the first challenge is that we have we have a building here today we have a tenant that we have to relocate and in order to do that we have to build their new St first so that's why we've chose this site this side of the site to build the bigger retail that medical office we we believe they're going to choose to stay on site we would be relocating them here which would give us the ability to Build A New Path site here the other challenge with that is if we do want to do a PAAD site you need a lot of clearance for the for the for the dve around and if we move it over here things could get jumbled and we we might not be able to F that being said you're it is possible that what you're suggesting may actually end up occur in reality again based on the demand of the commercial users that we ultimately finding will stes be reserved once per 12 minutes so parking would be an additional charge and when resident rent Department Cas it would be reserve for them exclusively deign that would be so that would be to be determined based on what so there's going to be a different charge for surface versus garage spaces um so it will be up to the resident what they prefer what percentage of the% of the r would be Park parking uh how you it's based on demand and what the market really with the market comps tell us we we generally see surface parking spaces can rent anywhere as low as25 up to $75 per month garage space is generally R from 75 to 150 per month so what you're saying is if a person doesn't want to pay par they do have the rent spet there there are guidelines under the under the affordable how theya that help you determine the amount you can charge those residents Department you make it a priority parking space to those people I would assume that that they would like that assuming that they don't want a garage space because in either scenario their garage space would be over here so it doesn't help them that much they would probably prefer to be able to go right there so what exact the market we for the uh so there's a range um typically I'm kind of call me up guard with that one a little bit but one bedrooms are going to range between for a a very small one-bedroom probably in the low 2000s to the mid 2000s um all the way up to possibly the high 2000s and two bedrooms are probably going to be high twos well into the threes and be affordable affordable is a calculation that it generally ends up being somewhere between 800 to 12200 a month give or take but there's a calculation that that as that calculation goes into effect need are actually realized that's when that number correct and it changes every year yeah the reds are established when getos for the importance I just had a question regarding um the entrance on wwor and River the two entrances now I know you say this plan is not in stone yet lot things have to happen before this was finalized but will there be considerations if uh if we come to a an agreement on this um regarding Public Safety as far as you know uh from a fire point of view um from just from pedestrian safy as well course we have a lot of part land uh west of there Southwest of there and we will hope that these transs will be part of our community um and we want to make sure understand but the answer is of course yes the planning board will see who will also be happy to meet often times we meet with fire department ahead of time to get their feed uh try to incorporate as much as that as we can obviously there's always you know restrictions we're working within but there there is a good amount of space on site to work with and so I think we can come up with something that's so how far back is the um retail in the building here from r Road how far back from I don't have the setback in front of me but it's um it looks like at least 20 ft I think but it but I have to confirm and um dumpsters TR that would all be in the we add those um there will be because of the commercial space we have to figure out a little you know loading and trash area for that again this is still very concep nature I would I see these two items here with the T those are Transformers [Music] so I'll uh just continue on we also editting it's not possible to drive around the main building not in it Cur are you we can look at it it's going to we designed it this way for a few different reasons but if there was at something we could discuss I can't hear yeah absolutely just there's no there's no code requirement that there be circulation fully around the building I've been involved in numerous projects where there's not of you know 360 it's actually very rare these days because like most most of our projects usually up against something a train track or something like that um that's why but we're this site is actually great because you have the two needs of address right there so and you do have access all the way back here to the back of the that um fire would probably come here and have to [Music] go so uh unimix we added a unimix table uh um so we've got of the marker rate units we've got 58 one bedrooms 72 bedrooms no three bedrooms the affordable is bed on the hair share guidelines which is 12 one bedrooms eight of which would be restricted 15 two bedrooms and three or I'm sorry five three bedrooms um for a total of 30 TI [Music] and that is the presentation for tonight but I'm happy to answer other questions they have we still considering doing like a rooftop garden yes absolutely Court interior Courtyard rooftop amenity uh Hotel style Lobby amenity space that connects to that we have resident Lounge um screen possibly like a screening room definitely a gym kids room Pet Wash uh home offices of these days we like have a co-working space that would tie into the interior Courtyard um units themselves would have very highend finishes probably similar to some of the other newer projects you've seen around today you know LBT wood style floor stainless steel appliances washer d PRI unit um we'll have you know some of the architecture would feature over side windows um a lot some of our units would have what we call F SL off home office in the unit as well um so overall just a very a higher and and a we did that was noted in our internal there any other questions yeah let me just ask question for me the 32 affordable apartments they justed in so yeah the 8 restrict that are here the remaining remaining 20 four are spread out throughout this community um and their exact locations have yet to be determined but they'll be spread out throughout the community they'll have all the same finishes and features that the other units have there anycon you know we don't do a lot of balconies um particularly on the exterior we find they don't get used a lot people leave stuff out there and it doesn't look great what we will possibly do is balconies on the interior Courtyard which are a nice feure we could maybe what I've done in the past as we've looked at um kind of like a French French door with a just a little tiny that you can't actually put a grill or a bike or anything on there but it's just something nice so we could possibly look at [Music] something that was so in terms of process we were hoping to talk a little bit about process yeah just to understand this is the most preliminary stage of design right this is all very conceptual and I'm sure through the process process things will change details will change um and but you guys will be involved essentially um certainly at the next step right so the next step of design after this conceptual is would be a Redevelopment plan but first before we get there we need to do the Redevelopment area designation so the next step that we would like to see the council take is to direct the planning board to undertake a study to declare the site an area in need to Redevelopment that once the planning board does that study if they recommend that the property is an area in need then we go to the council to actually declare the property in area needed Redevelopment and once that's done then there will be a Redevelopment plan and the Redevelopment plan essentially becomes the zoning ordinance for this specific site at that stage you get into a significant level of more detail will Crossroads will do preliminary site plans and and we'll work with the board's planner and the council's planner um the bur's planner bur engineer and we'll come up with a definitive Redevelopment plan with a lot more detail um which the council will adopt and it'll be referred to the planing board and then for consistency just like a zoning ordinance essentially and come back to council for adoption after that then it will go to site plan approval and then that would be another layer of additional detail where you're going to have you know preliminary and final site plan all the detail that goes along with that um and and obviously um there will be an application for a financial agreement for the paying taxes um which will come before the council as well so there's multiple steps and then and then the last stage obviously after site plan approv we'll be going in for construction drawings construction per which is a whole another level of of detail that is typically not you know you know the council probably would not be involved in that stage you sort of set the lay the grounds inment plan and sort of class it to the planning board for site plan approval and then through the construction department so you get more and more detail um as as you go you said the best the fouryear process uh from start to finish of construction yeah I mean we if we got moving we could probably be draw all through those municipal SP in about two years well I mean what I would think is I mean if we go reasonably quickly I mean a typical approvals process like this I would say is 12 to 18 months right and then that's to get an unappealable site plan approval and then you have construction permits and then you have construction which is going to be what like two years years so you get to the toal yeah everybody wants dve we do too we would love to have it we're going to try our best we Havre on one we did try we did have conversations with Chick-fil-A a while back but the site was too interior at the time but they might that was a while agoy [Music] we do have handouts of these two pages as well as five additional ones you can have the ever make umel that's kind [Laughter] of but never thank you very much all right done thank you thank [Music] you right yeah okay [Music] [Music] you can't hide at this time may I get a motion to open to the public motion to open all in favor I any post pleas ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments related to the good and Welfare of the bar Milford now is your opportunity to [Music] speak okay we we on yeah a motion to close motion close Okay make get a motion to approve resolutions 2024 col 154 to 2024 col 176 Mo second all in favor any I get a motion to open to the motion to open to the public second all in favor I any oppos ladies and gentlemen the public if anyone has any questions or comments related to the good and Welfare of the bur now is your opportunity to come okay just give us your name my name my name is Connie Vaso is this on can you hear me I think so we can hear you con of the F okay yep all right anyway I'm here because I'm trying to get a fence install I already went to the planning board meeting and I know they're getting a committee together but I I just want to State my case here because I'm very upset I applied for the fence first of all I've had my fence up 21 years we were approved and I want to say three years until when we moved in by the first guy under the same ordinance for the six foot by our yard cuz our house faces this way and our yard is on the sides it's a very old house so I live on a main road I live on Milford and held the front of my house is on Milford and when I tell you it's like a drag race first of all the street I get the element that walks past my house I find liquor bottles food you know they SL all the trash in front of my house so we don't know who walks there so we had children and animals so he came to gu he approved it he saw where our yard was so this time when I applied the new guy Vince wouldn't even give us the time of day he sent me a rejection letter the fence guy was shocked admal he's like cuz I called them and I'm like you know what she goes they sent you a rejection letter so I said yeah she goes that's funny they never do that without sending it to us first so I'm like okay so he went he went well that's what he told me there's a lot of fences around here he went to Vince had him you know tried to talk to he goes I can reason with him he knows me nothing wouldn't even F so now he wants to get 4 foot all the way around my case is that I've had two people come through my fence one guy was so drunk that Pam your cousin my other neighbor Nick and one other neighbor witnessed it in a in a um pickup truck a big one like the for the big trucks came around the corner at like 60 M an hour luckily missed my big fat tree they took it down that big old tree if you know where I live missed it by a hair went through my fence and in my yard my fence has never been the same since my husband keeps trying to fix it cuz my fence was fine until that happened I had another girl try to commit suicide and not to stop sign down and I had another guy go through the low part of my fence and take out all my bushes and my fence so I live on a dangerous corner and I think that someone and I'm hoping it's you because I love you when I voted for you multiple times will come out and look at my house and say oh oh another thing is I have pictures can I show you some pictures I have pictures of my house and I had pictures of a fence that he approved about four or five years ago that's situated the same way mine is and he allowed the guy to put a six foot fence by his yard so why four or five years later am iine not getting approved for off fence that I've already had up for 21 years I'm Bing I'm starting to think it's personal which is really upsetting and I request a meeting with him but I mean I don't know if you can see this is my house wish I wish just Flip Flip Flip if you go the other way you're going to see a prayer there go that's my house that's my fence how rickety it is in the front from the guy knocking it down I mean he did a job on that Hees the six foot fence is by my yard you see where the front of my house is so keep going you're going to see my neighbors across the street his house it was where Matt used to live the front of his house is where his front door was the builder bought it and changed his front door to to held but legally on the papers in the municipal building he his house is on held it was designed exactly like mine his house is a little bit older than mine believe it or not before it was redone so do you see the fence that they approved they went low and they went High by the yard that's all we're asking I don't even care about the other side I didn't take pictures of it but he allowed us to have it high on the side too and then just low all the way around the front and side of the house so I said my husband said I don't care about that part we just want the privacy in our yard because it is so dangerous over there between the cars and the you know you can ask him we spoke to 6 fence on the sidey correct say that again 6ot height that's what we well you know what we'll settle for five foot if he'll be reasonable we would even settle for five foot but we can't have 4 foot we might as well be sitting out on the highway in our y it's not about the zoning officer being reasonable he has to follow the ordinance well the guy before him came out and looked and we can't be held to whether somebody did something that they shouldn't have done before well I don't think it's that he shouldn't have done it I was told and I'm not going to mention names in the office there when I went and visit in the zoning board and the planning board people said to me oh he can he can make decision if he wants to no he can't Z the zoning Bo well see I don't want to pay the money to go before the zoning board because I'm paying so I had to pay to repair my fence which didn't work because the guy destroyed it now I'm paying to you know I'm I'm 67 years old I mean I'm not ready to have a career you had mentioned that you said the planning board was for a committee they well that's um uh Tammy I know Tammy too I worked with her she said that she's forming a committee to to look into it right you were there the um planning board may be looking into the issue of how I front V should be if the committee has not met no determination has been made and studies done yet that's to be at some point right and that was on theend that was on the recommendation yes and the planning board did recommend to to go to which I said I don't want to spend $1,500 and $400 for an application it's just unfathomable that I pay taxes and I can't go before the zoning board and without paying all that money to State my case because I've had this fence you know like even the admal guy said usually they'll let us replace it if it's already existing and like like Vince knows they know the whole scenario they know the guy went through my fence so I'm saying now the whole scenario is how did I have this for 21 years under the same ordinance the ordinance has not changed I had it under the same ordinance but now they will not allow me to put it by my yard and that is my yard and my door happens to be here and my yard happens to be here I didn't build the house right but my the fact is that is my backyard yeah it's not personal against you it's because there's a change of your redoing defense it's being looked at under current law I don't know what happened 21 years ago but your only two options I believe in correctly if I'm wrong is either go to the zoning board or wait for the law to change well that's you think it will they're kind of discouraging me she encouraged me to come here she you know Antonia encouraged me to come here she said at least go talk to them and you know talk to the mayor and counsel because ultimately it come before you for final approval so I figured I'd been nothing to lose by at least explaining my situation so you see why they should change this law you know I need is your yard private mine is not mine is on a main road I need to have at least my yard I'm totally sympathetic to thank you absolutely but I know either zoning board right now or wait to see if well I am going to wait but if do you you know my thing is do you guys think that it will eventually change you does it look like there's a light in the tunnel I'm not telling you to guarantee me but all you can say is that it's going to be disc it's going to be discussed and it hasn't been discussed and even if it does get discussed and it a planning board makes the recommendation it's not going to happen for at least I mean like the earliest it could possibly happen would be like 6 months from now that's what I mean everything takes long but I also I also met your brother by the way cuz I worked for voting I've been doing for hundreds of years and he I was telling him and he's like I know believe me my brother said it'll change the law is changing I'm like well good so I know your whole family thank you but anyway all right I guess I stated my case I'm hoping it helps I stated it at the planning board and here so you know me well just for the record I changed the law by the apartments for the parking and the mayor was the red hair girl I can't remember her name and I fought and fought and fought and they changed it to one day a week on each Street CU it was 7 days a week for no parking till 10: and now I got it changed because that's how I am I stand up for what I believe and I'm hoping that everybody hears my voice today have a great night it was lovely meeting you all have a great night a great night the heart stay safe take care a motion to close to the public second favor any opposed okay ladies and gentlemen we will be going into close session when we come out a Clos session we will not be taking any action we will immediately adjourn the meeting so at this time make get a motion to go into Clos all in favor any clst thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and I hope you are enjoying the summer and continue to enjoy