##VIDEO ID:CN9xl4RzijU## good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to this public meeting of the mayor and council at this time I would ask everyone to please rise for a moment of Silent prayer and or reflection as we think about the nearly 800,000 men and women of law enforcement who protect communities like ours across our country [Music] thank you at this time for a treat I'm going to ask former police chief Frank papao to come forward and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance America Law Enforcement Officers respond the United States of America the for it stands one nation God indivisible thank you thank thank you for giving us the honor okay please note the fire exits behind you into the main parking lot to my left your right into the main courtroom hallway the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council of the bur of New Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the B Hall and notices have been sent to the record and the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services VI The Establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard the infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and through research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk the police call the rooll councilman sanen here councilwoman scky Hurley councilwoman Duffy here councilman graty here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor Pino here okay we have a lot going on so before we start I have a couple of housekeeping things the first thing is may get a motion to add resolution 2024 216 which authorizes the disposal of surplus property motion all in favor I any opposed and may I have a motion to remove new business item number two and table it to next month's meeting in close session so all favor any opposed okay okay so first thing we have up tonight is the 11U 2024 Little League spring Champions and the 14U 2024 little league summer champions any of the coaches would like to come up help me hand out certificates say a few words Bry jumps up first of course quick uh really proud of these kids they worked hard they get better every uh every month we work hard it was a great season and I'm proud of you congratulations go nights when I call your name come come on up get your certificate and then just take stand in the front so we can grab a picture Stephen baric Dominic Justin broy Mason Caruso Hannah Gomez Lucas Lombardi Nicholas Mars Bryce Navaro Jacob paroko Justin spirl Jr ryant Vasquez and Evan Wagner [Music] [Music] congratulations good job play with me go shoot up and go win uh once again congrats to the 11 units and also uh congrats to the 14 summer Knights um third championship congratulations the best of luck in high school isah cross Dylan Andrews Jack Stucky James Burns Jesse broy Kyle dun [Music] Logan mukia soer Hodo conrat [Music] congratulations okay will pause for 2 minutes so you guys can go celebrate [Music] [Music] know sh retired yeah okay a lot of people you want to let people know their seat think there's still people getbody yeah let's get everyone in take it away Chief okay all right good evening and welcome uh it's a big night for the police department here we're going to be swearing in some people and making some promotions but first of all I'd like to acknowledge some re retired law enforcement in the room mostly nmpd retired Chief Pap Petro retired Captain Kevin Keane retired Captain Jones retired lieutenant lores retired Captain duie recently retired lieutenant very recently uh I think that's it that I forget anyone and Mr Carino is retired uh Deputy Chief from the Berton County Prosecutors office so so it's great to have uh you guys supporting us here even in retirement uh tonight we're swearing in three off two s1s and our newest fully sworn officer and we'll also be making two promotions to fill our Police Department table of organization I'd like to thank the mayor and counsel for their continued support of the police department supervision within the police department is important and it's necessary to maintain Public Safety and to keep the department running efficient s1s what's a S1 ao1 is a special law enforcement officer who are uniformed but unarmed uh they assist the department with traffic control assisted borrow events during they assist during large storms and flooding which unfortunately we have a lot of uh and they assist us wherever and whenever we need uh extra Personnel uh we started the SL1 program a year ago and it's been really successful uh tonight we're excited to add two more officers to our SLO ranks uh I invite Aaron Brennan and uh I invite Brian Johnson up with his family first to be sworn in up on the day here M with mayor patrino so Brian Johnson [Music] so you guys just come around [Music] [Music] I sty I Brian Johnson you solemly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemly swear and I do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of special law enforcement officer class one the special law enforcement officer class one according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] [Music] so always pay for work [Music] thank you [Music] Lu and her come up in I no [Music] [Music] one so you can raise your right hand put your left hand yeah [Music] I state your name hi Aaron brenon do solom me swear do solom me swear that I'll support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the new milord police department and the rules and regulations of the new yord police department and I I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemnly swear and I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties all of the duties of the office of special law enforcement officer class one special law enforcement officer class office of special law enforcement class one according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] our Leos start the academy uh October 1st and attend for six weeks and then they'll be ready to go for uh delab some winter events [Music] [Music] next we'll be swearing in our newest full-time officer officer Samantha Howard Samantha attended the University of New Haven where she earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice She interviewed very well with us and proved herself to be a strong standout candidate for the position she started her career with us on September 3rd and is currently going through a departmental orientation she will be attending the police academy starting on October 24th and I invite Samantha and her family forward to be swor it [Music] I st your name I smth Howard you L swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do Solly swear and I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties all of the duties of police officer of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] thank you thank you wo congratulations officer how now we will be swearing in detective Sam jerice to the rank of Sergeant detective Jas started his career in New Milford PD in June of 2015 he worked as a patrol officer until June of 20121 when he was assigned to the detective Bureau detective jeras is also a member of the buron county regional SWAT team of who there's some rep representatives of here tonight uh and he also trains New Milford Police Department officers in firearms and tactics he does a great job and he's a great leader uh he used to be the PBA president did a great job with that too I invite Sergeant Jas his family forward this warning [Music] hi hi speak s youly swear do Solly swear that will support the Constitution of the United States that will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and the rules and regulations of the New Milford Police Department and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I'll bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemnly swear and I do solemly swear that I will Faithfully th faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties all the duties of the office of police department sergeant of the office of police department Sergeant according to the best of my abill according to the best of my abill so help me guide so help me guide [Music] remember all the glitter isn't gold [Music] congratulations to Sergeant jerice forward to him being a sergeant here now uh a final thing we will swear in Sergeant Brian Carino to the rank of liutenant Sergeant Carino started his career in the Milford PD in December of 2010 I was his training L that was fun he worked in Patrol till being assigned to the detective Bureau in January of 2018 he was promoted to Sergeant in February of 2021 and his and in his new rank as a lieutenant Lieutenant Carino will be will run a patrol squad be assigned as an internal affairs investigator and take on more administrative duties he's shown himself to have high integrity he he's been there uh with a lot of serious calls in the past and uh proven that he can handle the job so I invite him and his family up to be sworn [Music] [Music] I'll [Music] hi hi Brian Carino you Solly swear you solemnly swear that will support the Constitution of the United States that will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the new milord police department and the rules and regulations of the new milord police department and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints to the Saints and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemly swear and I do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially impart and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of police department Lieutenant of Police Department liutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me gu so help me congratulations [Laughter] L awesome sorry [Music] congratulations yeah shot it congratulations to uh Lieutenant Carino and uh thank you again to the mayor and Council for letting us do this here and interrupt your important meeting and uh I think usually take a quick break now and if you're not going to stay for the rest of the meeting you can uh exit the room I just want to say you know we want to thank the police department for all they do in our town we have a really good relationship and you know so if you look around at the people in this room these are the people that are responsible for me being able to go to other towns and say my Town's safer than yours these people right here so I want to thank you very much we're going to take a two-minute break so everyone can go unless you have to C get stay for the rest of the Mee our mayor better to s hello thank you for being here with us today right see that [Applause] going bring exting not they I we got to just get know while everybody was in here that n Bank was being led theenda long day good you're rising in the ranks the we right yeah I cleared the room huh yeah thank you you can ask here for there we go yes okay yes I'm I'm so happy that you were able get here I'm so sorry no idea we meeting every how are you I'm good how are you good hello how have you been I'm do how have you been how are they changed they changed our me and good how's the good there's about n clients now um so but they're doing well we have one already I'm glad to hear that yeah any of mine yeah one and so happy to hear that yeah very welcome thank you okay moving on we're going to move on to appointments may get a motion to appoint Andrew T to Fire Company number one I make a motion um mayor I have the application a second all in favor I any oppos NE get a motion to appoint Judith freemantle to the Board of Health yeah I think we got to close it just for a minute second all in favor thank you yeah we're going to close it may get a motion to appoint Brett Thompson to the public events committee motion second all in favor I any opposed well thank you very much Andrew Judith and Brett for serving your B now we'll go to move on to Proclamation Office of the mayor Proclamation where whereas October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month when we reflect on the trends and breast cancer research prevention treatment and whereas according to the National Cancer Institute more than 360,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 42,000 will die of the disease in 2024 whereas breast cancer is the most common type of non-skin cancer in women in the United States accounting for 30% of all new female Cancers and is second to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in American women whereas being female and older in age are the main risk factors for breast cancers and whereas regular screening and early detection followed by timely treatment upon diagnosis can significantly improve a patients chance of survival whereas breast cancer awareness month is an opportunity to honor the courage and strength of all who are battling this terrible disease and remember loved ones whose lives have been affected by breast cancer and commend the skilled medical professionals and dedicated researchers who provide quality treatment and care to women and men across the country and whereas breast cancer awareness month is an opportunity to unite all citizens in our community to prevent breast cancer debts through increased education and regular screenings now therefore I Mayor Michael patrino do hereby proclaim the month of October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in witness whereof I have here and through set my hand this 23rd day of September 2024 so we know a very special person in our community and privately I'll be presenting it to [Music] them okay unfinished business may get a motion for the approval of the minutes from September 9th 2024 work and close session meetings second all favor any opposed abstain and one exstension they are still in the hallway yes nobody wants to leave try again no no no it's okay okay on the new business item number one is Children's Aid and Family Services director of recovery Support Services administrator yes thank you mayor um I reached out um we the mayor and I had talked about the placement of Narcan in burrow buildings and it was something that I also talked to somebody from the municipal lines about and he had uh mentioned to me that some of the other municipalities in the area had already been through some of these efforts and in that um quest to find information I found CH Children's Aid and family services and they were very helpful and uh filled me in on the things that they could do to help us out in this regard and kindly offered on very last minute notice to have Jessica Fernandez the director of recovery Support Services attend our meeting tonight in case anybody had any questions or if there was anything that you'd like to share with us um well first thank you no problem if you can just come up to the Pod be great thank you for putting this together um this is something that's really been important it's something that we've been doing in several different municipalities right now um it started off with a county and so when that started it kind of allowed other towns to really um realize that this is such a life saving mechanism that can be implemented in different AED boxes for the public to have access to um so hacken sack kind of spearheaded doing it I know Ridgewood has implemented it in place um Upper Saddle River just passed a resolution so several other towns are doing this and really turning to Children's Aid to kind of have the training um piece of this and so this training is important for you know everyone to know that Naran is safe to use it's something that is really simple and effective um and by knowing all of those extra tools allows a person to feel more comfortable so we're able to provide that training to give that education piece of opioid education and awareness and things like that and then how to administer Ouran so we've been very happy to do this in different towns and we're Happ for New Milford to kind of bring this on board thank you you and there's a resolution on tonight's agenda I just want to personally welcome you to new mil I've had the honor and privilege of previously working with you in our courts and I've seen the work that that you do it's tremendous could be happier that you're heing you Milford thank you on behalf of our community thank you we appreciate it thank you yeah I was just saying you know New Milford like other communities we're not immune to tragedy so anything we can do to help save the life we want to be a part of thank you and whatever we to help thank you I have a question so kind of walk us through how uh we request the training and then how you implement the training is it with employees or the general public or yeah so it seems like every town kind of creates what they want um individually so we've done this in Montville where they had a resolution and then we went uh I personally went to bur Hall and I did training for their staff um so that was very where it was for the staffing but then also other towns will put it where it's open to the public and to their Community um and then they might collaborate with another organization whether it be a library or a certain location that could be open to the public for them to have a training hosted for people who live in the town of where the resolution is pass um and so people are really turning to using opioid settlement funding to provide this training and pay for it so that it's something that's paid for by the community to support the community and those who are around um it also kind of allows for a sense of awareness and support from the town itself to individuals who might be struggling so it's really kind of a nice thing to do so um what typically happens is after a resolution is passed someone like Christine would reach out to myself and then I would uh coordinate a training that might be uh during the daytime during the evening time several different trainings for up to 20 people and then we would do a 1hour training um we would provide any types of questions or anything like that and then each participant would get a Naran kit with also the 247 hotline for our organization that can be accessible 24/7 7 days a week to any individual in Bergen County that might be struggling or need addiction support so we want to make sure there's no resource that's left unknown and so each person would get a Nar hand kit they would get a hotline card they might get like a fental testing um package if they need one for them or their loved one and then they'll be able to take that with them if that were to be utilized they can call the hotline they can replenish if they needed additional training Christine can reach out to her schedule and do those types of things thank you one of the other things that um you had mentioned was that um also available to attend events at uh that we might be having whether it's National Night Out or uh or out of event yes I know we're on National Night Out you guys had it right it wasn't R out we were there than yeah so I do have some things that I can leave behind also I have um kind of like a pack of what the Naran kit would look like when it gets distributed we have some posters some hotline cards and things thought that I can make that would be great thank you of course no [Music] problem yes is there any other questions or move on good item number two was tabled until our next meeting so we're going to jump to item number three which is schedule updates okay Saturday September 28th is another one of the mayor's walking talks sponsored by the New Milford mayor's Wellness campaign this will start at 11:00 a.m. in the YMCA parking lot and so far we've had really great weather absolutely and good turnout so Friday and Saturday September 27th 28th is the friends of the library book sale sponsored by the friends of the library on Friday it is from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday it is from 10: to 400 p.m. and it's at the Milford Public Library Saturday and Sunday the 28th and the 29th is the townwide garage sale sponsored by the friends of the library and that will be all dead and Maps will be available at the library at 8: a.m. on and hopefully we'll be able to get them on the bur website on Friday on Sunday September 29th is the northern New Jersey walk for araxia it's our second annual walk it'll start at 8 8:00 a.m. at the New Milford High School football field for more information you can go to the northern New Jersey at Ci's social media pages on Saturday October 5th is the milford's annual Queen communities day sponsored by New Milford clean communities New Milford environmental and energy commission and the New Milford DPW it'll be from 9: to 12: p.m. at the DPW and the rain date for that will be Sunday September October 6th on Sunday October 13th is our annual fire Awareness Day sponsored by the New Milford Fire Department it'll take place from 1: to 4 p.m. in the nights Field parking lot on Thursday October 17th is is our Lantern tour sponsored by the New Milford historic preservation commission the time will be from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and it'll take place at the French gring ground for the French hugenot cemetery on Tuesday October 29th is new milford's annual domestic violence Symposium sponsored by the bur of New Milford and the New Milford Public School New Milford Public School District it'll be from 6: to 900 p.m. 6 about 600 to 8:30 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the New Milford High School auditorium and that event will also be live streamed correct yes and it's also partnership with our police department and the police department correct was there any events that I fail to mention coming there there there are several events at the upcoming events at the library the first one will be on September 25th at 6:30 p.m. this Wednesday it's called Yankee baseball from the Oregon bench and it's with Ed alram uh the event is free go yeah on um Wednesday October 9th at 1 p.m. there will be a Japanese tea ceremony led by Miko tomoko on that's free on Sunday October 27th at 2 p.m the All Season chamber players will be uh at the library performing and the concert is free it is sponsored by the Pres liary and on October 28th which is Friday from 1 to4 AR is giving a smart drive discour with Larry Finch there is a for that does not go to the library it goes to Andor Library fin I'm not sure but the library does charge so those are the four upcoming events at the library thank you excellent anything else okay may just to add to the L tour that there'll be stories that are going to be told that have been found that have you know old pant from years ago and also there'll be donuts and apple cider and cider apple cider and donut so don't foret absolutely okay move on to item number four which is the administrator's report thank you mayor you're welcome uh starting with the engineering report NJ do Stu and Rehabilitation and for various roads including Clinton lywood and Roosevelt we're waiting on a design proposal from the engineer uh the French Brook the base mapping has been completed and design is underway we anticipate completion of the design and de P permit documents by the end of October bullboard Phase 2 the concrete work began today with milling and Paving scheduled to follow the volleyball court at Kennedy Field Sports Complex the design is scheduled for completion by the first week in October Hard Castle Pond improvements the Grant application was submitted to the Bur County open space May 3rd and we're still awaiting a determination and the njdot 2025 Road resurfacing uh we submitted an application for resurfacing of Marian rosn and Monroe and this application was submitted July 1st and we are awaiting a determination the contract for the electric vehicle charging stations at aroh Hall knightsfield and the library was signed September 1st and the contractors is working preliminarily with the utility company and preparing the plans work should begin within the next 6 months with compl completion shortly thereafter the burrow has been awarded a $7 burden County Community Development block grant for the conversion of two public restro restrooms on the first floor of the burrow Hall to make them Ada accessible uh through the efforts of the New Milford environmental and energy commission the borrow has been awarded a $10,000 Community energy planning Grant from the state of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities for the development of a community energy plan to meet the goals of the state's energy master plan uh there's a flu vaccine clinic scheduled for Thursday October 3rd at the New Milford senior center from 9:30 to 1:00 p.m. pre-registration is preferred but Walkins will be welcome and you need to contact the health department if you'd like to register vote by mail ballots for the November general election have been mailed by the beron county election subvision they were supposedly going out today but I've heard from people that they've already been received so we'll see all voters with active vote by mail requests will receive rece a ballot the deadline to apply for a vote by mail ballot for the November general election is October 29th and the deadline to register to vote for the November general election is Tuesday October 15th uh the only other thing on my report is to remind everybody that our next meeting is a work session and is scheduled for Wednesday October 16th because we are closed for Columbus Day on the 14th Monday to 14th any questions to the administrator and we could add that the paving on Madison Avenue came out very well and I I noticed that there's new BMS along Madison Avenue which hopefully will forth the idling of buses by there a certain giant Bus Company New Jersey Transit okay everyone has a chance to look at the resolutions are there any that need to be pulled for further discussion Andor vote okay Council committee reports may get a motion to file committee reports with the burrow clerk to be spread and full upon the minutes motion second all in favor any opposed okay let's go around real quick and give some updates and let's start with council president head gr thank you well I just mentioned all the programs at the library I'd also like to note that the um meshing of the work between the TX Library staff and the M staff is going really well the extra hours of the library is open because tck is here um are very much appreciated by the patrons and um everything's going swimmingly well and the library just received $4,000 $4,000 Grant from um NBA nbe than and um the library director Terry Mcall and or trustees director I'm sorry president armony urina went today for a photo to collect to check so that's very exciting what was it for anything in particular anything we want to do we don't know what criteria they used we don't know how it came about um maybe they'll find out more today I didn't speak with them this afternoon but it just tomorrow is there going to be like ATM machines 111 probably so that was exciting excellent thank you Council Seymour uh thank you mayor uh well the new mil for uh our the new mil school had its back to school night last week so it's an exciting time for our students to go back to school an exciting time for of course all of our families and in addition uh I think that the entire Community is looking forward to all of the upcoming back school nights as well including at the middle school and the elementary schools as well and I would also just thank you have gotten great feedback from our residents have with respect to the mayor's walk and your Wellness campaign inspiring people to become more active so that's going tremendously well I just want to compliment you mayor and also thank you for for your program uh and just to follow up on uh the domestic violence Symposium some brief additional details for anyone who isn't aware this is our sixth annual domestic violence awareness Symposium uh it will be at New Milford High School the auditorium starting at 6 p.m on Tuesday October 29th it will both be live streamed to the school districts YouTube channel and also open for public attendance this year's speaker uh is Alexis Ruan from ravo college who is special and has a tremendous story to share with the community uh her ex-boyfriend was sentenced to a 7-year prison sentence this past April um with credit to be given to the buron County prosecutor's office for a job well done and I would also just mention mayor that we have this important sponsorship sponsorship this year the New York Giants of which we're also very appreciative excellent so thank you welcome thank you Council mki thank you mayor I have uh the report uh the latest report as of August for our comingled and mixed paper uh through the month of August our total has been $1 19,6 to1 as opposed to last year which was $38,600 as far as solid waste tonnage unfortunately I don't have the good news on that one uh this year through August we're at $357 $44,000 compared to last year of $229,450 7,000 uh this is partially due uh because of uh as of June 1st uh our tonnage increased on our contract we're going from 8630 4 per ton up to 9224 per ton so uh unfortunately our Solid Waste spending has gone up over last year that's my report thank you Council woman duy thank you mayor I just want to comment on um the Board of Health um running the flu clinic on um October 3rd of just to impress upon the general public uh make sure you get your flu shots no matter where you go but uh please remember to do that October is a good month for that um I encourage everyone also to attend the fire awareness presentation uh it's always a lot of fun with the kids looking at all the apparatus but it's also in a year when uh our fire department is looking for some new equipment uh they can educate us on some of the uh the duties of each of these apparatus that they have um they're quite busy they've in the last couple of weeks had two house fires and they may have even had one tonight I heard a ton of sirens going off so that was busy uh for them I also attended uh the property maintenance um call this month and it uh I just have to compliment them um they are diligent in answering complaints giving warnings and they always follow up and the work is seamless between the two Health Inspectors as well as the New Milford Police Department so uh you know good for them uh three three or four departments working together in the town showed so that is my report thank you councilwoman saki her thank you mayor um just a couple well I think you've discussed everything that's going on with the ran tour and everything else so I don't go over that but there are a couple of dates here I have from the senior center just PR everyone to be aware of it that there um for October 1st there'll be new voting machines and um procedures we'll go over be able to go over that with you guys October 3rd is the flu cinic as has ready said October 8th is the senior field day at the Conley Conelly field with ice cream TR games okay um October 20 October 15th is the Italian American celebration at pizza party October 23rd is New York City bus trip to see The Notebook November 7th is the uh the police department tour November 12th is the buron county uh office for to discuss the Medicare education and updates cuz I know the changes that L that's confusing November 23rd uh is the holiday bus tour to hunington Playhouse and on December 10th is the senior holiday luncheon at St Bar's in on new bridge and December 20th is Mrs claw uh Mrs claw's appearance in the holiday brunch so our senior center is pretty active I would say yeah pretty active I don't know too I've been hearing rumors that there's going to be a presentation by the dance troop from [Music] Center heard that too I'm dusting off my T shoes oh I'm getting my camera out that I'm get I'm not telling you I'm not telling you when it's I just want the ice cre TR councilwoman San uh thank you mayor just want to uh follow up to the already mentioned uh Grant award for the community energy planning just want to uh let the community know that this is going to be a really great opportunity for Community engagement in uh supporting and working with the environmental and energy commission and the buau of New Milford uh this uh program is to reduce emissions Greenhouse emissions by targeting efforts to increase renewable energy and uh it's also it's very locally extented and focus so looking forward to uh a lot of community OPP uh engagement in the planning process and uh the New Milford Green Team uh celebrates a Bronze Award from sustainable Jersey so uh they thank you very much thank you to the burough uh employees who participate in uh providing reports uh the green team is very honored to be able to uh submit as much submit all of the great things that are happening that you've all been listening to uh throughout this evening uh so one of the achievements is that it's 150 points for bronze certification and New Milford qualified with 210 so we achieved 210 points and it takes 350 points to reach silver so so we're stretching we have a ways to go and uh not everything that we submitted got approved so there will be an opportunity to like review and go over those things and and head for silver so thank you very much everyone it's a good good comments and and achievements for the for the burrow and it shows the residents that the bur is really um meeting standards that are set than thank you my report under historic Newbridge Ling they are continuing to um finalize the plans for the new Museum that'll be going up and they were doing lots of landscaping going on uh taking care of old trees dead trees and um some of the uh walkways Pathways um councilman Seymour mentioned back to school night I attended back to school night at the high school last week and I must say that there is a lot of good things going on Milford High School it's pretty amazing and I want to uh thank them and the school district for all that they're doing and a big shout out to the Milford uh High School sports this year every team is doing well particularly the football team which is 3 and0 and we're looking forward to the next game which is going to be this Saturday at 3 p.m. uh this Saturday is actually New Milford um New Milford field dead so every team that the high school has will have a home game so there's a schedule all day long starting at 8:00 in the morning going until after the football game so you can catch volleyball soccer football and whatever else have in between so should be a great funfilled green and white weekend and mayor I'd also just point out the the new superintendent is is tremendous very knowledgeable very nice extremely approachable so I just like to welcome Peter gaso to n Milford he is uh he's going to do a great job yes we were looking forward to our relationship with him and uh going forward and I see good things happening okay at this time may I get a motion to open to the public motion second all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding the good and Welfare of the B the Milford we invite you to come up to the podium and uh we'll give you five minutes seeing that there is no member of the public that wishes to come forward I'd ask for a motion to close the public motion second all in favor any opposed may get a motion to approve resolutions 2024 210 through 2024 colon 216 which is the new one that was added in the beginning of the meeting motion second all in favor I any opposed is there any other business before this Council if not I would ask for a motion to adjourn move second all in favor any opposed thank you very much ladies and gentlemen for joining us in person as well as uh watching us on YouTube let's go it is