##VIDEO ID:K_sRwn82sHw## good evening ladies and gentlemen and honored guests I'd ask everyone to please rise for a moment of pent silent prayer and our reflection as we think about the people in Florida and North Carolina and the devastation caused by hurricanes Helen and Milson thank you please salute the flag I to the flag of the United States of America stand thank you please note the fire exits to my left your right into the main hallway and out the back into the uh parking lot of the B Hall the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to advance notice of and attend any meetings of public parties at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council of the burough of n Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof hosted in the burough Hall and notices have been sent to the record and the Ridgewood news the mission of this governing bodies to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and do research andov and planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this govering body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk to please call to vote councilwoman San H here councilwoman s councilman Duffy here councilman gry councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor Pino here all right well before we get to our main event we have a couple of house cleaning items on the agenda uh the first thing is I'm going to ask for a motion to table resolution 2024 col 220 which is the uh 2025 mayor and Council Mee and dates second all in favor I I any opposed and I'm going to ask for a motion to add resolution 2024 colon 227 which is a point technical assistant to the building department Nicole piano yes piano second all in favor I any opposed and the last thing I'm going to ask for is a motion to add item number three under Clos session which is New Milford volunteer ambulance core Das legal motion second all in favor I I any opposed okay so without further Ado we have some special guests tonight I heard they were under feated Champions we leave coach want sure uh it was a privilege to coach this team this season uh we we're 12-0 in the regular season and then we're undefeated in the playoffs and for the championship game uh all 16 girls had a wonderful season and it was our first time having a 34 third and fourth grade team and I'm really proud of all the girls and really grateful for the wonderful parents and assisant coaches that assisted all season so thank you so much and thank you for having us here tonight okay we have certificates for you and when I pull your name come up and get it and then stand in the so we can take a nice picture at the end AA joer con canel P rousel Emily keski Olivia keski that last night and Jina dastaa salvano Selma henriquez Sophia Sanchez Emily lrady Sophia bar Kaya bitki Stella Rellis Olivia Kenny Nina Liu Audrey suan Dr Sol uh 1 2 [Applause] three Champions champions w conations we'll take a two-minute recess so want to stay all night I used to be a coach so I miss it my girls are older but thank you don't are we going to stay here to judge Jud teachers unival uh this is a work session so I'm going ask for a motion to reconvene and the um honorable Kevin Kelly Council wait say this again yes I heard check and telling going next door going next second all in favor iOS okay continuing in the conference make it a motion to appoint Xander sing to the GRE motion second all favor I any opposed under unfinished business may I get a motion for the approval of the minutes from the September 23rd 2024 public so Mo second all in favor I I any oppos okay under new business item number one is RFB River Rambler and River Canterbury mnpd can we have a special guest with us tonight that's right come on up all right I was I got an inquiry from aent then I found out that jce have already been in discussions about okay yes um so that intersection River ramber Canterbury River um um we've gotten complaints over the last couple of years um I know one was Cynthia forer everybody knows we P plays on I'm sorry yes Lieutenant pan who is also the uh head traffic officer um so I we tried to to get the funding for it we couldn't get the grant for it uh this resident reached out uh she complained I said we're going to try to get it this was like last year we could get the funny again we got shot down for the grant and then she came back and said she want to reach out to you and I told her to do a citizen contact form step we needed there um traffic flow is heavy um you know we we've done some details there pedestrian Crossing details you know and it definitely warrants with the sight line and I believe if you get one at canor one at uh at uh ramber it would be syn together so that when one press they both go off so that's true each other so so that's at the post office right yes yes yeah the plus do the both intersections is $155,000 and I want to find out if the mayor councel would want to consider using Capital Improvement fund money and putting through a bond ordinance this year or if you want to wait until the budget proces next year either way what we that in capital it's over 130 I don't know exactly right now take 15 now what is the um if we move the Headway how long does it take to install does it seasonality matter like it the DPW installs it doesn't matter the Deb of winter once once they come in weall six or seven of them [Music] already that's a quick install be the same ones that are behind the high school and River um okay so a blinking light promoted them and it's 15,000 for one or for two for two and it's it's you have to press the button in order to activate them the cross and it comes with everything so by correct uh just a different model does it have those flags and is there are there any other costs connected uh installation the posts that are already there are the heavy duty Ste we could reuse those posts oh perfect so there's really is no other cost besides the labor of the GU great did you make a motion I'll make a motion question did you say we come from the capital capital yeah okay I'll make a motion a motion on the floor second all in favor I I any opposed okay get the uh the C ordinance prepared for next meeting for introduction okay have again yeah item number two is commuter parking restrictions certain streets and MD once again um we got the complaint from Stockman Street uh the resident there uh complained that no commuters are parking on stock Street she's not wrong um we haven't really seen any commuters east of River Road parked there then now the signs are in place doesn't mean that if we pull them or we send that section of the ordinance cars won't park there but we don't know but I do know that uh I believe River Edge started selling some of the permits for their lot and they're still not fil uh some residents or some commuters are parking at the bottom of Henley but it's nowhere near what it used to be no it's nowhere near preco yeah the commuter Park yeah a lot of work from home now a lot of people aren't taking the trains in there um and that ordinance only covers some mine and I think I've seen some cars park after nine but you know not many there hardly mostly residents that park on the streets right right now every one's being penalized because the community parking restrictions yeah so what's your suggestion east of River Road I would say we can definitely pull them and you know see how it goes um and then you send the that those sections of the ordinance if it doesn't change anything you know so say pull the signs but don't do anything else no I think we we do both we change your ordinance you can you can you can do both you can always I think I thought they suggesting that like pull them and see if there's a problem before we actually resend the ordinance yeah because that take I mean that's another two steps to yeah so I I would pull them and you send the ordinance and then if it does wind up becoming an issue we can address it at that point but again we haven't seen any cars that other than residents park over right so okay so you want to pull and then like wait like two months yeah just to observe like what desolation what happens yeah we could we rev it at theend stock Tron and M for those sections east of river no one's going to read the ordinance and say hey there should be a sign there you'd be surprised I mean a resident would probably reach out and say hey the sign Got removed and we can say you know we're testing water yes are we going to send a letter there's no signs sign don't know yeah or like that news fast okay trust do we need a motion to Yes um I'll make an motion to remove the signs for a period of two months see how it goes and then to correct the ordinance can we just say to the end of the year to the end of the year second and then review I wouldn't say and then change the ordinance because you done or not review and act second all in favor any POS you're good I won't go to [Laughter] far right so item number three is Green Team RFP for trade Partners councilwoman San yes thank you very much I have the paperwork I had sent out I had forward the um the document for people to review so this RFQ the green team is requesting that we post an RFQ in support of the uh this is part of the uh residential home Energy Efficiency outreach program I have to go very slowly because these these program titles are very long so I apologize for that the um but the uh request for proposals uh so the green team is asking that the burrow set put up a request so for for trade Partners this would not um this would the benefit of this is that it makes it easier for our residents to uh to find a trade partner to do a home energy assessment the benefit to the burough and the green team is that these trade Partners would be available would participate with us in education and Outreach programs what is a trade partner yeah thank you explain it a trade partner is a certified professional who would do the home energy assessments who are they certified by the state uh yes they are uh certified by uh energy star programs uh BPI gold star programs there's there's a number of uh programs that qualifications that they have to be qualified I'm not sure if they're qualified by the state or certain trade organizations and the request for proposal draft that was sent was from sustainabil this was yes so this is the temple that they sent and there's no cost to us and no to the res adse so the resident has to get in touch with them right yes so what this would allow us to do is we have so with this program with this outreach program Su I'm asking you so how do they tell that to reach out to them we will have a uh website for dedicated for New Milford for this program and uh the information will be included in uh a letter from the mayor that will be sent out to all resents so there will be a number of places where people can find the information question doesn't PSC Bo energy works yes yes this is a partnership outreach program with PS This is a psng grant PS can't handle all of it so if you're going to send out a letter can vent that with a tax bill perhaps so that it'll reduce the cost for the B pay for the right we do not pay for the letter however some municipalities have included it with their tax bill they've printed the tax bill on one side and the letter on the other so it's really up to we haven't gotten to that stage yet so I haven't addressed that question if they're paying for letter I wouldn't can't put it on the tax bill no not that's not what I suggesting what is the name of this the home energy one home Energy residential home energy assessment they speak to Residents and come up with a custom plan for each individual house it's not cookie car so it should you know some people will have some real savings there are a number of initiatives uh opportunities for people to make Home Improvements um and like the mayor said it's not cookie cutter it's really customizable so these uh energy audits are really uh helpful they identify like ways that the residents like save money and stuff too like like in other words like they I know like PG has like their their own um Marketplace to buy like light bulbs and and whatnot so if you go on on their website like they have like I I buy like the LED lights and stuff on there for my house because they're cheaper and they're better for the environment and you yeah but they they subsidize it they're subsidized right so is that the stuff that is that the stuff these are those kind of programs where people can uh yeah it's that's that's the partnership it's the municipality they're partnering with municipalities so that we can uh inform our residents of these advertising there's a promotional video that has two superar in it that will go out who is it I can't say is it you I can't say I know Screen Actors Guild will not allow me because I you this program been how long has it been in come on uh oro's been working on it for about a year year year and a half it's been going on in Oro yeah so a number of municipalities are working at there's also so there's a residential program and there's also a commercial program we are not participating in the commercial program as as yet but there is there are um also opportunities for commercial operations of course of course so those so they'll come in and say if you change your windows you can save it could be Windows appliances suggest all don't know they don't know you know you know where the wind right but what they'll do is they'll give you a report and it's uh no obligation so but with with that report then they can help direct you to beneficial programs a the 0% interest programs ener star programs so they can but the report there's no obligation to do any contractual work so that's very important to say so sounds good did you want to make a motion that we that R I would like to make a motion that we put RP out second all in favor I post thank you very much for your support on that everyone um five and six are going to be quick right let's jump to number five tee of flood mitigation assistance grant administrator sure sorry I can I got it I got it uh I you know we're may not Beal but we we are we're in the process we had received a grant uh through New Jersey OEM from FEMA to elevate 15 properties in Milford and we're going to an exciting point in time where we're just about ready to keep up the program but again applications come around all the time and OEM recently sent out letter surveys to homeowners who were listed on the nfip database as repetitive loss or severe repetitive loss properties to see if they would be interested in a flood mitigation assistant grant for their flood home they did receive some responses a number of them were for people who are looking for Acquisitions uh two had requested assistance with elevation and they're at OEM is asking right now if we have any interest in submitting a flood mitigation assistance grant for federal funds to help owners homeowners Elevate their structures just want to add it's a very very very long process we started out with I think 20 homes the last time we did this and we ended up at the tail end with with uh the 15 there has to be a cost benefit analysis that makes sense in order for it to qualify and we have recently partnered with Westwood because they had one Grant which was for a number of properties and then they had another Grant was just for two and they couldn't get any assistance in administering the grant when they were working with just the two properties but that being said uh there there the opportunities out there and if you guys think it's a good idea we can put in another application for additional elevations what would the cost be to last night uh to actually to do the application nothing because there's assistance through o with the application process which is enormous I'm so thankful for the fact that they had that um because the Hoops that you have to jump through are incredible so we had a very very competent company help us with with our last application and now we just went out for Grant Administration for the back end of this Grant and aing Grant or not it's not for the borrow depending if you're a severe repetitive loss it's generally at 100% if you're just repetitive loss it's generally 75% and you're responsible for the match so have you had residents that were interested in this uh sh from the most recent inquiry that OEM sent out two people responded I'm trying to think how they sent out a number of mat did you discuss this at the FL mitigation committee with the committee not the laste that I was at now I was at a FL committee meeting and I mentioned I mentioned the partnership of Westwood and I mentioned that did we didn't get approved yet but we were talking about how much work will it be for you Chris enormous enormous that insignificant yeah yeah if we can get money to try to help residents andant behind it har yeah um so we could and we could very well say to these two people we're ready to do an application and they may say they don't want to do it so we'll see where that plans but the 15 houses that have been approved already is there a date for when that might start s yes that's part of my report we are going to be having a pi meeting for the residential elevation project on Wednesday October 30th at home owners rep part of that 2022 application have been invited to attend to learn about the process about to get right so at that meeting the grant administrator will be there to help uh explain what it is we need to do to start moving forward good and each each stage I think lose one or two people I know I'm hoping that but they said that was expected when when we first had our our meeting they said that that's what happened that's their experience is there a cut off date for for this there was tons of there was tons of cut off dates and deadlines for things and that's part of the reason why some people fall off but I don't know what the deadline is to apply right um I just wanted to find out whether or not there was interest to do that and so then I'll start getting more of that information from so need a motion sure y motion second all in favor hi any CL okay we're going to jum to number six schedule updates okay Saturday October 19th is pick a pumpkin patch sponsored by the New Milford Recreation Commission is from 10: a.m. to 12:00 p.m. it will take place at centenal Gazo on the burall mon for more information you can go to websites and social media it is a rain or shine event on Sunday October 20th is fire Awareness Day sponsored by the new mil fire department it'll be from 1: to 4:00 p.m. at the nights Field parking lot for more information websites and social media on third oh see I have this out of order so on Thursday October 17th is uh the lantern tour sponsored by the new historic preservation commission it'll be from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the French baring ground and there's also more information on the website and on social media on Sunday October 27th is the annual Adam event it is sponsored by the New Milford Municipal Alliance it will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the uh Hard Castle Pond gazebo information for that is also on our website and social media on Tuesday October 29th is the mil's annual domestic violence Symposium actually the sixth annual sponsored by the burrow of New Milford and the New Milford Police Department and the New Milford Public School District it is from 6: to roughly 8:30 p.m. it'll take place after in the Milford High School auditorium information for that is all over our website social media and a banner across River Road on Saturday November 2nd is New Milford paper shredding event sponsored by the New Milford DPW it is from 9: to 1: p.m. or if the truck gets full it'll take place in the swim club parking lot uh more information is on website and social media and you have to be in Resident to attend that what time was the paper Shing sorry 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or until the truck I'm going to be first on that is also rain or shine all right just saying be ready on Monday November 11th is new milford's annual Veterans Day ceremony sponsored by the New Milford public events committee it'll take place at 11:00 a.m. on the burle one it'll be on our website and social media at the next meeting I will uh add the holiday lighting schedule to uh schedule evice was there any upcoming events that I missed anyone wants to add okay okay now we're going to jump to number four and fire department engine quotes yes Chris while we're waiting for uh Chief we're going to finish the administration I have very little to report just that the deadline to apply for a vote by mail ballot for the November general election is Tuesday October 29th early voting begins Saturday October 26 and rs through Sunday November 3rd hours are 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday there are nine early voting locations throughout Burton County and buron County residents can vote at any of the nine locations during the early voting period previously mentioned the kickoff meeting to the home elevations and the only other things to report is that the next meeting of mayor council is public session scheduled for Monday October 28th excellent any questions about the man rep okay if not why we slide over got two shairs up here a couple members of the fire department here that are going to join us so we have Chief Geor sson too and is it Deputy or assistant assistant assistant chief David Stormer from company one uh the item is fire department engine quotes Randy is anything you want to say before we turn it over nextone um sure uh just a little background um I'm going to say at least 3 years but probably longer um the chief each year would come to me and say you know we got to keep an eye on that engine we've got it company one um it's our main engine it goes out it carries water it's a it's a necessity so you know we've had a lot of budget uh constraints and requests um that took priority but I think at this time um and many of you in this room can attest that it's time it is time so uh the mayor and I have met with uh the officers some of the officers specifically our our wonderful Chief um about the needs of the department and budgets and uh what we should do now to uh try to uh get ahead of the rising costs of all all fire equipment so we are here now um mayor uh if you want it uh one thing we we also did last year we applied for a grant yes to help us fund this uh we were denied the grant that's right and you know even though we were denied a grant the need is still there still there so I'm going to ask the chief to just give us a quick summary of kind of the State of the Union of of the truck so everyone has an understanding right good evening everybody uh so right now we're trying to replace company One retail it's uh 94 93 93 CL yeah um it's in horrible shape right now um we are down two out of the three intakes so there's only one intake that we can actually hook up to a Hy the other two are capped off Parts aren't available deteriorating so it's in really bad shape so typically you know 30 over 30 years it's it's done well for this town it's getting tired and it's getting harder to fix each year so we definitely in 1983 I believe it was 3 368,000 I believe it was wow in ' 93 in 1993 it was actually ordered in 1992 the chassis is a '92 but the truck didn't get delivered till 93 that's more wow want to know what it is now so then that there's also we're spending a lot of money and meetings for this older vehicle and like you said there's lots of parts and pieces that aren't available that we do the best we can and DPW does a great job absolutely keeping everything together and it going so when it's a call it shows up yeah yeah absolutely it's just getting harder to keep on the right so so you did submit to us quotes so why you talk about the quotes and explain so company wants been working tirelessly with um a specification for it um with the rising costs they've had to cut numerous uh items off the truck different cabs different engines different bodies they've been down this road for a couple years now so we reached out to Spartan we were able to get a quote of uh 952 baby SP quote was 951 952 yeah so that's with cutting a lot of things out it's unfortunately the rise of cost of these engines on this day age but that being said with spart specifically the one engine that we're trying to get the motor the power transport um there's a way that if we order early enough we can save $80,000 so that 952 take the 80 off you know um speaking with the salesman he's confident that if we order soon and get p on that that's a high probability that we can get that $8,000 back it's just time is on the essence and the reason for that is in 2027 new emissions are coming out so the manufacturer of the engine they're putting in $80,000 right now they're saying it might go up more appears to sa80 to $120,000 for the 2027 emissions that be rising so right now we might be able to get a four 2.7 emissions and it's a mystery they don't know exactly what the regulations are going to be but this is something we've been in fear of since I guess early Springtime so if we can get that engine we can definitely hopefully save, and if we did move ahead and get an engine what is the turn around time right now speaking with the salesman as of last week um they are about 700 days for production I'm sorry 750 to 800 days for production but starting January 1st they're going to do another a report and they're hopeful that it's going to drop and they say usually when it drops it's in 250 de in so we still have another more than a year with the that's honestly really a standard when you're building these trucks anyway you know it's the lad truck was a year and a half believe our last truck SP is the only company that that's available to look into these trucks or there other no there's we sat down with um at least five different manufacturers we came up with uh the two that were the basically the cheapest and what we needed in the truck and uh that's why we kind of went looking at more at Spartan because they were the cheaper of all the manufacturers sat down with I mean they were most of them were within a million right now there was one even when we sat down two years ago they were a million and two for an engine that was um Seagrave we sat down with very expensive engine um but just you know just even back then I can't imagine what it is right now for crave cuz everybody when we were looking back uh 3 years ago we were more in the 6 80 more somewhere around there 700 and now just with the way things have been progressing with all these trucks uh like I said if we can get past this this emissions uh the emissions thing is really going to be and and nobody it's going to be a new thing for the trucks we don't know how how the emissions are going to work really either so it's going to be you know when we switched over to the emissions we have now there was a lot of issues when they came out they're starting to get better but uh so can I ask with these admissions emissions does it mean that when they come through that the price of this truck is going to stay the same or is it going up the price that you guys got for that Spartan is with the newer motor the newer 2026 or 2027 emissions yes if they can get us the older motor that they have or or the it's a new motor it's just current motor the current motor we but they're starting to sell out of them because people are jumping you know jumping on it to get this before the new emissions to save 80,000 we answer your question if we pay up front we get a $90,000 credit and if we're able to get the engine it's $80,000 credit which would bring the cost of that engine down to $781,000 well there's absolutely no way in the world I'm only what you pay for 100% yes is this a pretty basic fire truck or it's it's built perfectly for our needs for our community it's set up so there's no bells and whistles or whatever no actually the one cab that they really wanted would have been more room could have not a couple more tools inside we had to cut that out because that was a $30,000 expense so there's been a lot of cuts to this truck and I witnessed it sitting in their meetings and I know I've done this before with other trucks that work too it's it's tough It's very hard right now but with Spartan specifically they're we go into a contract and there's basically going to be something in there saying you know it's $80,000 upch charge right now you know depending on how long the build is that $80,000 might go up but they're hopeful that we don't have to deal with that engine you know so take that sounds like the manufacturers just saying this to put sales early and fast they're swamp for sales and I I don't think that's the case well if you look at the history the history is showing that every single year this engine are going crazy that's why uh we're also looking at doing a second engine second engine for company two is only going to be useful for another two years so it does make sense in my mind to possibly get two engs at the same time well the mayor I have been discussing that with these guys and I know at first you were hesitant because you were being you were concerned about you know the ban you know we can wait just let's get this one however because we have to be you know aware of these prices that are just flying up so high that it makes sense to have the buy the to that that's company to engine that's a 96 I think it was delivered in 98 right and then we're talking still another 24 you know it could be another one and a half year build so the Pierce quote which we have it there prate safety yes prate safety we just uh had a conversation with a Salesman a few days ago Pierce is now doing a program for their engines seems like all these waiting times they're all trying to figure out different programs and incentives Pierce now is each dealer in the state or the country they're allowed to have fre trucks that have to be built within 12 months and the salesman since we just out the ladder truck he's going to push for if we go one of them Pierce he's going to try to push one of them if few here told us well here's my question why are we looking at a second company Pierce as opposed to looking at Spartan who's offering larger discounts for like pierces why can't we get two trucks from from Spartan just different options different needs from company one versus Company 2 Company 2 already as Pierce and it's famili they already have Smart company one because the difference they two different trucks too yeah yeah absolutely can we speak a little more on the specifics I think I really wants to know the ins and outs about the difference yeah why would different trucks be needed so to wait hold on that's one of the things make everybody clear on it is we can budget we can't do a bond ordinance in the anticipation that we're going to get a break we have to bond the whole amount and we have to come up with a down payment of approximately $488,000 for each one of so that would come out of capital Improvement so yeah this might be a stupid question well can can the chief just figure finish his answer to Ira and then yeah it's hold that yeah company to we the engine that we designed is another Bare Bones engine we're going through a build my Pierce program which is supposed to save money and time off the build and that engine is is identical to what we're replacing a top mount pump the same configuration uh we have on that different compartment space like on their engine they have a little more limited compartment space CU they also have another engine to supplement them back at company one company two we only have one side one engine basically one truck of water on the side of town and need different compartment space and different configuration so that's why we want to and SP can't make the truck to configure to what I'm sure they can um we didn't get a spec or quote or anything like that because we we did this is matched we want to match our energy maybe we get a quote for the might be it's going to be a different quote if we do a top down pump and yeah it's going to be a different setup I I can't tell you I'm just curious to see what difference in the questions yeah it's probably going to be more because they top M pump you just explain what a top M pump is so C2 has top M pump where the configuration of pump itself is on top of the engine there a little cat walkie stuff up there and you see both sides of the ceil you can operating your pump in the top that's the other end we have are side mount pumps so they're located on the driver side the engine and they operate from there and the advantage of the top mount they uh getting out of the road seeing both sides of the scene there's plenty of advantages operator preference the guys are company to have been trained on that style pump for 30 years so that's that's a big thing that's why they want to go the top KN also so the question for the second one is waiting two three years Max you have you have the it's going to go up in cost each year and we're going to have the engine can I ask a question sure is the one that company who's looking to replace in as poor condition as the one one no it's not as poor condition that one that truck's 4 years older 96 maybe maybe it's okay it might it our and it might not be our Engine with Pierce that's came for fire safety very familiar with that company that's also why company to likes Pierce those parts are a lot more readily available their engine that they're trying to replace was built by Mac Mac doesn't make fire trucks anymore so that's part of the issue Pierce is still a big name in the game and they have uh Parts ready theel I mean that would be easier to fix you know I think it's critical we have to replace company owns truck without a doubt absolutely the question is a financial question of a second truck do we get it a little bit earlier to save 3 years or four years worth of increases in the engine but if we get the second truck from the same manufacturer is there a break pricewise we asked him that question um he says if you're doing the exact same which doesn't really work for us um you save on engineering Fe which is like $5,000,000 yeah I thought it been much more too but yeah and if it's going to be a completely different engine like side compartments get I just want to say that um take a look at uh the mechanics fees uh that that the fire department has been incurring on these trucks and take a look at some of the incidents that happened they're driving down the Boulevard and their truck stops so what if they're on the way to a fire and that happens okay this is what H starts to happen with an aging apparatus and then they're driving down another Street and the police can attest to this that suddenly a door flies open and a very expensive piece of equipment flies out and could have really killed somebody a $3,000 s thank you so we're not just talking about saving money you know when we go to purchase uh a rising cost we're talking about our own costs and are we willing to sit and watch these uh this particular uh vehicle just age in front of our eyes again or do we want to get ahead of it and be done you know just be done with it get it finished and we've got some smart people that are here I include you in this Ira so what is not so smart sorry that's a good point let me say these people are really say yes to this but I just want to say that you know we can figure this out we definitely can so uh I implore you all to consider the purchase of the two so so can I ask yes ask away I'm just because I'm nosy how much is it costing us on this mechanics what have we on the maintenance or whatever that's for I don't have that number at the temp of my tongue but if you look s you comment on how much been the fix company on truck in what P year or parts and everything you want to includ that labor cost for the B cicat design he spent Out hours on because sometimes he's got to build the part he he can't order the part he has to build it and make one up I don't think that there's any question but that we need to replace truck I yeah I think the question is do we want to do the second one and how do we handle the cost have to do both all right I have a question uh how now how many years are the vehicles uh uh operational like what is the the expected life cyes most most engines are expected for 20 years and then um like a ladder truck or another vehicle doesn't have ERS 25 so and so these vehicles that we're talking about are they're ready and so with the new ones is the same life expense expectancy 30 years 25 years oh yeah 20 20 20 years the good thing about the engines now is um like with our our newer piece that's 17 years old now too by company one is uh a lot of the plumbing is uh stainless steel now so stainless steel doesn't rot we had an issue with the other with with 32 we're actually going to a uh truck that's flipped over on New Bridge Road caught fire we put it in pump and one of the uh the when the pumps are designed they're designed to have different areas where you can you know charge a line to and one of the plugs that were in there actually blew out or rusted out so we're H the pump on this truck is at this point it really needs to be replaced the water does sit in the pump it has to sits in the tank so it does rust at least with the newer trucks now there you know they stainless steel fittings and stuff so they last a lot longer I think already said it number company one is is is not in question the only thing is you know we wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't say if we waited on the company true truck next year do we do we have another shot of the Grant I don't know we recently we got a grant not too long ago for the tower so we're probably yeah in there you know Milford yeah you guys you already got it it's more like but that has to be on the table when we're making this decision so you said that but that's not not guaranteed so you said that we had appli for some grants we would turn down do they give you a list of the reasons as to why they're turning it down they felt another Community was but we loed out on the tower ladder oh yeah how much is the tower ladder now so we were very fortunate to get that Tower ladder right we was 1.28 when we got it with $750,000 grand that exact truck right now the salesman just came down and said that's going for 1.9 and TR is 2.9 from cve which is why we didn't use cve and another one why call is spending 2.6 so that made be the reason to think about the second truck because of those increases we lucked out with Tower yeah that was no we was smart planners sorry we were smart we were looking get Grand you have the greatest application in the world matter yeah true push we talking about for like 10 years yeah that that was 19 we're not doing that again 1988 you know that was another you know long out process yeah these trucks are there a lot of time St good job keeping [Music] them two trucks I'm looking at a probable bonding of like 1.8 million it's definitely 1 n n yeah you have to do the whole thing 950 and 950 oh as this comes come in you bond for the whole thing it's a line of this is huge this is big yeah yikes so if say if we we at the table here decide that that's what we want to do what would be our next step we have to introduce a bond ordinance okay we have a little bit of a short window because we're meeting less than two weeks from now so it really depend on how quickly I get sea on my side to do this tomorrow yeah yeah um yes so if we introduced it on the 28th we'd adopt it on the 18th of November we advertise it at the end of that week so the 21st or whatever and then there's a 20-day stole period so we wouldn't be able to order anything till like the second week in December and then from there on it's another 700 or 720 days 78 days before well they're saying possibly in January it'll come down to in January we can get a better down the key is sticking with the current engine mhm and then telling us we got the current engine here's $80,000 when do we decide what percentage we want to pay we don't have to do that until going B the whole thing and then we can figure out what want we have time to make well where's the way to do a down payment you have to have the down payment the day you you introduce the bond ordinates okay and that would yes getet the blinker signs get it they're the pride we're but we have taking the money out of CIF we have to allocate it from CIF okay okay all right let's go around and just give the deis such a will be how much you're going to be putting back needed I you know I've set my piece I I don't want to take the conversation over but uh you know it's not often you get to do this kind of thing to provide such an incredible thing to the B so uh I think it behooves us to do it we're we're usually very um conservative on this kind of spending I know that usually all right always but uh in this case you know it it's weren and I believe that it is so I say yes to the two that's what we Grant I think that the safety of the residents and the safety of the volunteer firefighters is of Paramount importance and from the description of the engines and the fact that they will not serve our community will not keep our community safe behooves us um to to go for both of them at this time as much as difficult it is to Invision spending that much money sometimes you just have to well I'm not as eloquent as you can use ho too Council President Grant but what the hey I mean you've shown us how bad they are um I'm not one for spending a tremendous amount of money from our residents but we need to keep our residents safe as well as our volunteer firefighters um so I I I can't see where we say no I'm in agreement with everything that my colleagues have shared already about the importance of safety to our First Responders and to our residents and I also want to commend you all for the research that you've done I know it's really hard to when you're looking at these like all of the you know the sacri you know all of the you know getting these aren't fancy fancy trucks you're getting you're not it's not an overwhelming uh it's very moderate realistic uh Vehicles so appreciate all the time you put into and I thought you were say I really hope we have to get the new engine with the emissions no I'm actually wondering when the electric when the electric they cost million yeah they're like that's where it's like where can we get our grand they're super expensive I would just say I agree with what everyone else here has said and I in my mind I just can't imagine how much worse it could have been when equipment fell out of your trucks and how many people could have gotten hurt not only residents but you guys um and you guys had us down you took us for a ride on the trucks you showed us exactly what was wrong with the trucks yeah to me it's a no-brainer we need two trucks yeah I and no doubt on the first on the second one I think we have to do the second one because I think over the course of the next several years we're only going to see incremental costs of two3 $400,000 truck plus uh we'll probably have to be faced with new type of engines and deal with that so my vot is with be two trucks so a vote in this because it's not a tie but I think it does make Financial sense I think the only thing guaranteed in any of this is the cost is not going down right they will continue to go up and I think you know is it hurts to spend it now I think it it helps the burrow and saves the burrow one two 3 years from now from even worse and of course you know an incident in between that would be you know awful I just play to much budy time soon there C oh boy putting it to good use this is going this could to be a torture budget is and you're going to blame me for everything yes you are I'm come on introduce Bond ordinance and that will be the thank you gentlemen thank you for being here yeah hey we got them us she hering her and a t-shirt for all of for all of us I remember the yeah I know that name she's I don't know met she all of the everyone has a chance resolutions don't forget we remove 220 and we added 227 got are there any that need to be pulled for a separate discussion vote um make a motion I was going to say you want Sor go around oh the resolution no we don't do this is we usually do that in the public only if there's anything nothing pressing that was pressing get a motion open the public motion all in favor ladies gentlemen public seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to raise any questions or concerns I ask for motion to close the vote motion second all in favor any Clos may get a motion to adopt resolution 2024 call 217 through 2024 call 227 omitting 2024 call Mo second all in favor I any oppos excuse me did you say it meting to 24 I4 and the only update I wanted to give uh wasn't on our schedule events is on on um November 12th OEM is conducting an active shooter training tabletop it will take place from 7:00 p.m. to roughly 9:00 p.m. right now scheduled to be upstairs the emergency Operation Center although if it gets over 30 people we might have to change the location they'll be represented from our Public Schools our private schools Police Department fire department Holy Name administrative and I believe couple people from County OEM and uh VAR places I was invited and I accepted the invitation I went to one several years ago it was fascinating and Lisa went to one and you did two so I guess they went to two then um it's worth it and there is an open invitation to any council member that wants to attend that let me know if you want to attend because we need to make sure there's a stock each time they do a different problem yes have this is school shooting so it's any other business not i' ask for a motion toj did we vote on the resolution yes iMed motion to go CL session second all favor I I don't I have a feeling