##VIDEO ID:P_Z8DC9tJ78## good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the public session of the mayor council at this time I ask everyone to please rise for a moment of silence prayer and or reflection as we think about our firefighters across the state of New Jersey who have been battling brush and wildfires please salute the flag iag United States of America to the stands na indivisible thank you please not the fire EXs behind you into the mean parking lot M left your right the M hallway the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public parties at which any business affecting their interest is discuss are acting upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council the B have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the B Hall notices have been sent to the record and rge news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents who through research and PR planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask cor pleas call the RO councilman San H here councilman saki Hurley councilman Duffy here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant mayor Pino here okay the first thing on the agenda tonight is the proclamation National family keep that door open Al of the mayor Proclamation whereas the B of New Milford recognized strong families are at the center of strong communities and the status of the family has changed dramatically in the history of this nation but remains a basic moral and economic element of society where everyone has a role to play in making families successful including neighborhood organizations businesses nonprofit agencies policy makers and of course families themselves we recognize that the Sound Family relationship are vital to the preservation of the American ideals which are reflected in the moral and spiritual strength of communities States and nation and whereas during Thanksgiving week we all should take time to honor the importance of families and recognize the special connection that support and strengthen families year round know institution can ever take the place of the family in giving meaning to human life and stable structure to society and whereas Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for family gatherings and giving thanks for our blessings a time that reinforces our belief in the vital importance of the role of the family now therefore I Michael patrino on behalf of the BB New Milford be hereby Proclaim November 24th through the 30th 2024 as National family leek in our community emphasizing the fundamental role of the family in promoting sustaining the strength and vitality of the social and moral fabric of our town State and Nation next on the agenda tonight is under appointments I get a motion to appoint Dian tommen parel hon to Fire Company number two second all in favor anyos we thank you Dian for joining the ranks and be safe under unfinished business may you get a motion for the approval of the minutes from the October 28th 2024 public and close session meetings so all in favor I oppos okay we have a couple of adoptions up tonight first one being 2024 col 27 and when the clerk has the opportunity ad ask please read the ordinance Bond ordinance to authorize the acquisition of two new pumper fire engines including original apparatus and equipment in by for the B New Milford in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the S sum of $1,915 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds purpose of this ordinance is to authorize a down payment of $92,000 and the issuance of bonds for the balance to appropriate 1,001 million 15,000 to the acquisition of two pumper fire engines one is replacing a 1993 engine and the other one a 1996 engine at this time making a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance second all favor I any opposed anyone ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding this ordinance only we ask you to come forward and just give us your name good evening Gerard Smithson I'm on for Fire Department chief I just like to take this moment to thank the mayor and counsel for your continued support for the fire department and recognizing the special situation we are in with uh both of the pieces of equipment that are starting to fail us uh both companies are confident enough that these vehicles will be here at a wall in the future uh to essentially save life and property so on behalf of the new for fire department I'd like to thank you guys we want to thank you you for uh keeping us address the situation over the last few years and doing your due diligence to keep the cost down to our residents and finding the pieces that are going to work for the B thank you thank you and thank you for your service thank you for keeping us safe F thank you anyone else from the public wish to make any comments if not I'd like a motion to close the vote so move all in favor any opposed may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on this final reading so move second may get a roll call please councilman San yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman C yes thank you congratulations thank you second ORD up for option tonight is 2024 col 28 and when the cler has the opportunity I'd ask you please read Capital ordinance to the BB New Milford in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the installation of pedestrian Crossing flashing lights at various locations in bu and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $15,500 and providing that such sums so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the burrow purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate 15,000 500 from the capital Improvement fund of the B of Milford to install pedestrian Crossing flashing lights at the intersections of River Road and Rambler Avenue in River Road in Canterbury Lan at this time may I get a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance so moved second all in favor I I any oppos ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding this ordinance nowledge your opportunity to come follow seeing that no member of the public wishes a comment on this ordinance May a motion to close the motion do that all in favor any opposed making a motion to adopt this ordinance on this final motion second make get a roll call please councilwoman sanus yes councilwoman scky Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes okay under new business we have one more for introduction tonight 2024 col 29 and the Clair pass the opportunity I would ask you please read the ordinance yes an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of an easement upon a portion of block 1203 lot 17 as shown on the tax map of the B of New Milford located at 267 Madison Avenue in the B of New Milford okay uh we are approached by the BFW who no longer wishes to maintain this undeveloped portion of this property um so they want to De it over to us and this is the beginning of taking care of that so may get a motion to introduce this Ence on this first reading motion second all in favor make roll councilman sanus yes councilwoman saki Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy I have a question does this piece get a new address it's just an easement it's just an easement yes so so it's not separated no got it all right thank it's still 267 thank you I say yes councilman Rosy councilman Seymour yes the public hearing for this ordinance will be at our December 16th moving on to item number one is schedule updates first update I have is today's ry's birthday thank you um from November 27th through December 24th will be Santa's mailbox which is sponsored by the New Milford Police Department the mailbox is in front of the New Milford Police Department and they encourage youngsters to write letters and put it in there and Santa will do his best on on Thursday December 15th is is a toy drive sponsored by the New Milford PBA local Le 3 it'll be at uh locations are at the New Milford Police Department Lobby and Shop rates Lobby that starts now and it's through December 15 on Friday December 6 is new milford's annual Nativity lighting sponsored by the New Milford public events committee it will take place at 6 pm at the burough Hall um this will be a food collection event so we ask anyone in attendance to please bring a nonp perishable item so give it to the New Milford Food Pantry on Sunday December 8th is new milford's annual tree lighting sponsored by the New Milford public events committee it is also at 6 pm at the burrow Hall and once again this will also be a food collection event on Saturday December 14th is the Santa Landing in New Milford sponsored by the New Milford Police Department and the Board of Education it'll take place at 10:30 a.m. on the New Milford High School football field uh for more information you can go online to the police department website or Facebook pages on Thursday December 26 is nord's annual manora lighting uh sponsored by the N Milford public events committee once again it will take place at 6 p.m. at the Bro lawn and will also be a food collection event that's the holiday schedule were there any other events that I missed or want to add okay hopefully we'll be collecting a lot of food for the food pantry may may I just add yeah to the liting we have San and Mrs Claus coming off yes me and greet S Mrs GRE item number two tonight is the administrator's report and when the administrator ready thank you mayor you uh the notice to biders for the proposed sand volleyball court behind Kennedy field is going to be advertised next THS uh actually sorry this Thursday November 21st and the bids are due uh December 10th we've received notification that we've received an NJ do grant for $228,600 for a road Improvement project on Roslin Monroe and Maran Avenues the requests the grant requests that we made in the application was for $53,900 so we will need to scale this project back uh as most people know B Hall will be closed on Thursday November 28th and Friday November 29th and observance of Thanksgiving and we have just one more meeting for 2024 uh it's a public meeting of the mayor council on Monday December 16th can't believe I'm saying that yes okay everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions so there any that need to be pulled further comment and or vote Council committee reports make get a motion to file committee reports with the B Clerk spread full upon minutes motion second all in favor I I any opposed okay we're going to go around real quick give us one or two updates we going to start with councilman Seymour thank you mayor um I just would like to again thank this governing body the mayor and councel uh for supporting our sixth annual domestic violence Symposium uh and I I also want to give special thanks to uh police chief Brian Clancy prosecutor Mark Mella our Sheriff Anthony curon and our superintendent here gaso because truly without such a true collaboration and partnership these programs would not be possible let alone successful uh and we heard tremendous stories uh courageous stories of survival survival from two tremendous young women and I would just advise those who are listening to tonight T's meeting anybody who wants us to watch the Symposium it remains viewable on the New Milford uh School District's YouTube channel for anybody who wants to watch it so I I just want to again just say thank you yes it was it was a really informative educational event this was a really good one for everything you do to make it happen thank you m thank you Council mcski thank you mayor uh this year uh we planted in the spring 25 trees in the FL 44 trees for total of 69 trees uh what we will do next year is helpfully replenish the uh trust fund for trees and continue to uh replace the many trees that that have uh Gone AR from wind and also people cutting down trees so that's some good news also DPW office is almost completed they just need to put in a new door on a counter space and uh things are moving along down there and that's it for now thank you thank you Council okay uh uh the registar report um uh through the end of October uh highlights would be 11 marriage licenses 12 dog licenses and 12 resident deaths uh this this is um done fin register and reported to the state I believe um let's see the fire department's uh report for the month of October uh highlights include nine calls for Mutual Aid seven CO2 detectors uh seven accidental fire alarms uh odors of natural gas a vehicle fire barbecue grill fire and dumpster fires um let's see uh beautification we'll be doing uh a little bit of decorating around for Hall and as are uh we're going to drain our budget to the last penny and uh let's see um I did uh sit in on again the property maintenance meeting this month and as always they're a really cohesive body and they continue their work on keeping the so that's my excellent thank you Council thank you mayor well I wasn't here last month but I'm sure this was discussed but I want to repeat it again and thanking everybody for the um the cemetery little tour we had it was um we had a good decent turnout and it was a lot of fun and we learned a little history about who's buried in the milk in fact that we even have a cemetery um also that we have between the events and historic we have the banner the veterans Banner um which the applications are available I believe at the barall and on yeah on the website it's first come first serve so if you are interested please fill it out and send it in we do need a photo of the veteran uh preferably in uniform um those the the banners will be up for 3 years it's a total of $175 and go for people they they are they're really nice B coincidentally I think it was harv cool cool it was a cold night and I think there was a game on also yeah there was games going on it was still a good night like I said you learn we have a veteran that's from the Revolutionary and two from the Civil War so it's kind of interesting as well as the original settlers who came in Demmer and his wife though we don't know where she's buried in the cemetery America probably cu the cemetery did go further out to the bank and the BMW and to the back the parking lot so thank you but anyway that's it Council the uh thank you mayor the uh uh environmental and energy commission is working on some plans to do a spring planting at the native plant Urban rain Garden uh over at Pine Avenue otherwise uh everything's moving right along people are getting ready with their doing background research for their grants so there will be lots of initiatives coming out in the in January excellent uh today we had our fourth quarter finance committee meeting um you know as you know as we created the budget we we kept every line as tight as possible so you'll see some budget transfers going on the balance of the year uh primarily we're seeing some increases in our water electric and telephone bills so utilities have gone up so we will do some transfers and take care of that and pretty much all of our departments are in line where they should be at this point so thank you to all the department heads for for running fiscally responsible departments for us we appreciate it and I wanted to congratulate the uh MILF junor football Juniors for winning this Super Bowl on Saturday um they defeated North Arlington 42 to I think 12 so it was it was nice it was nice for kids and I'm imagining sometime in the future they will all be here and we'll be giving them some so we always look forward to that may just would like to add how cool it was to go to a visiting uh high school or where they're playing and see the the stands filled with our our bands and and our family members I was really just everything there is blue and white and understands all green and white so you so was great so speaking of coming to a meeting I just wanted to mention i' for to mention that we've invited the minor pole workers who we had with us on Election Day to come to our next meeting uh to acknowledge their contributions oh helping us run everything smoothly so you thank at this time I would ask for a motion to open to the public for public comment motion second all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding the good and Welfare of the B Milford now is your opportunity to come forward seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to come forward at this time other ask for a motion to close the vote motion second all in favor I any opposed make get a motion to approve resolutions 2024 call 239 to 2024 col 249 motion second all in favor I I any opposed okay ladies and gentlemen I'm going to ask for motion to go into close session uh once we go into close session we'll be vacating this room and come out close we will be taking no action so at this time I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families and thank you for joining us tonight make it a motion to go clst session motion second all in favor any post thank you we going next yes we are