##VIDEO ID:UzQ7j5qoQ3k## good evening ladies and gentlemen i' officially call this work session meeting of the mayor and Council to order this time I'd ask everyone please rise for a moment of Silent prayer and over reflection as we think of the appalachi school district and community in Georgia please the flag to the flag of the United States of America the stands na indivisible andice please not the fire exits behind you into the main hallway into your left my right into the Court New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to advance notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest to discuss their AC upon in accordance with this act the mayor and Council of the burough of the Milford have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the B Hall and notices have been sent to the record and the r news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safeguard the infrastructure provide Fair honest courtious and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and to research and prud and planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and satisfaction of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot do all things to all people within the revenue constraints opposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes about taxation at this time I would ask the clerk to please call the all councilman San councilman saki hle councilman Duffy yes I mean here Council gry here councilman Sean here Council President Grant here mayor Peto here okay we're going to start off tonight with a proclamation for Hispanic heritage Office of the mayor Proclamation whereas during National Hispanic Heritage Month we honor the diverse history of generations of Latinos whose aspirations and achievements have shaped the soul of our nation and our local communities whereas each year Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th through October 15th by celebrating the histories cultures and contribution of American citizens his ancestors came from Spain Mexico the Caribbean and Central and South America whereas this observation started in 1968 as Hispanic heritage week and was expanded by President Ronald rean in 1988 to cover the month in which it is celebrated today understanding that September 15th is significant because it is the anniversary of the independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras and naraga in addition Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on SE 16th and 18th perspectively whereas this year's theme for Hispanic Heritage Month is pioneers of change and whereas Hispanic heritage holds an indelible place in the heart and soul of our nation our national hispan National Hispanic Heritage Month reminds us that American identity is a fabric of diverse traditions and stories woven together since the beginning of our country has drawn the strength and insights from Hispanic writers scientists soldiers Law Enforcement Officers doctors entrepreneurs academics and leaders in religion labor and government our culture has been enriched by The rhythms art literature and creativity of Hispanic peoples whereas as of the 2020 census Milford is proud to have an estimated 3,34 residents of Hispanic Descent toing 19.5% of the population of our burrow whereas the bur of New Milford is committed to recognizing our Hispanic residents their culture Heritage and contributions to making our community stronger and a better place now there therefore being resolved that I Michael patrino Mayor of the municipio de newo Milford you hereby Proclaim September 15th through October 15 2024 of Hispanic Heritage Month in witness whereof I have here on to set my hand on this 9th day of September in the year 202 thank you okay let's move on to unfinished business maying get a motion for the approval of the minutes from August 26th 2024 public and close session meetings motion second second all in favor I any close okay we have a couple of ordinances of for adoption tonight first one being 2024 colon 25 and when the clerk has the opportunity I would ask her please read the ordinance Pao ordinance to appropriate the sum of $887,000 for the installation of a sand volleyball court at the Kennedy Field Complex in mine for the B of New Milford and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from a state Grant and from the open space trust fund of the borrow uh the purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate a $67,000 New Jersey DCA Grant and to supplement that with $20,000 from the buroughs open space trust fund for our sand volleyball court behind Kennedy Memorial Field at this time I'd like to ask for a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance second second all in favor any opposed ladies and gentlemen the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding this ordinance now is your opportunity to come forward seeing that no member of the public wishes to come forward regarding this ordinance I would ask for motion to close to the public some motion second all in favor I any opposed may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading moot motion second may get a roll call please councilman s Hurley yes councilman ducky yes councilman gry yes councilman Sor yes Council President Grant yes okay second one tonight is 2024 col 26 and when M cler has the opportunity I would ask you to please read the ordinance Capital ordinance of the B New Milford in the county of beron state of New Jersey authorizing the undertaking of the Grant Management phase of the FEMA home elevation project in by and for the bar of New Milford appropriating therefore the sum of 9,127 61 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from a Federal grant okay this ordinance um appropriates $19,124 61 of a FEMA grant for the Grant Management Services for our residential elevation program may get a motion to open up to the public for public he second all in favor any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding this ordinance now is your opportunity to come forward seeing that no member of the public wishes to come forward regarding this ordinance I would ask for a motion to close the some move second all in favor I any opposed may get a motion to adopt this ordinance on it's final reading motion second I get a roll call please yes Council Ro yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay moving on to new business item number one is schedule updates and here we go Wednesday September 11th will'll be I'll be doing the 9/11 uh day of remember Proclamation at New Milford Fire Department Company 2 at 11:00 a.m. Saturday September 14th is the at 11:30 a.m. is the mayor's Wellness committee uh walk with the mayor and that will be at the M high school track following week on the 21st it'll be at 11:00 a.m. at H Kastle pond on the 28th it'll be at the YMCA at 11:00 a.m. and October 5th it'll be back at heart Castle pond at 11:00 a.m. this is sponsored by the Milford mayor's Wellness committee Friday and Saturday September 27th to 28th is the friends of the library book sale sponsored by the friends of the library on Friday it is from 12: to 4 p.m. on Saturday is from 10: to 4 p.m. at the New Milford Public Library on Saturday and Sunday September 28th and 29 is the townwide garage sale also sponsored by the friends of the library and its full day both days all day both days all day and app uh the maps will be available at the library in the morning and they will be some maps here probably excellent and online and online so people can on the website for perfect on Sunday September 29th is the northern New Jersey walk for praia sponsored by the northern New Jersey walk for praia it will start at 8:00 a.m. at the the Milford High School football field and track for more information you can go to the northern New Jersey pracy social media sites on Saturday October 5th is new milford's annual cleen communities day sponsored by New Milford cleen communities in partnership with the New Milford environmental energy commission and the DPW the time will be from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. it'll be at the DPW and for more information you can go to the B website or our Facebook page the rain Daye for that is the following day which is Sunday October 6th on Sunday October 13th is our annual fire Awareness Day sponsored by the New Milford Fire Department it'll be from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the nights Field parking lot uh information for that will be on the burough website and also the fire department's websites and Facebook pages on Tuesday October 29th is the milge annual domestic violence Symposium sponsored by the bur of New Milford and the New Milford Public School District it'll be from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the New Milford High School auditorium information for that will be coming out on the bur website and I believe also at the uh the school districts websites and social media pages is there any events that I missed uh that do not go beyond October 29th 17th I believe is the um what do we got what do you call it for the um semetery the I believe it's October 17th um I don't don't have it if anybody has October 17th 7: p.m. promotional materials for any of these events please forward to me so that we can make sure we get on the mayor's Facebook page and also on our website okay so October 17th at what time 7 700 p.m. will be the second tent tour at the historic French hugenot cemetery and I believe we're going to be having apple cider and apple cider donuts for this event which is going to be great and some stor have food yes I'm talking about the yes there will be uh spooky stories it was a great event last year so a fabulous event last year any other events that I missed um the only other thing this is a late entry Thursday September 12th is um help bag for Hunger day at shop R so if anyone has any time to go down in between you know 11: and 1 we do the bagging for the residents and uh it's just great to see what they're doing and help out with their uh trying to uh you know mitigate hunger in our area sh and Sarah they do donate a lot of money to Banks and so it's always good to do so anyone needs to see this I'll throw this right there I will be there around 11:00 because I haveed same we have the banner to to let people know about the uh veterans Banner that's right that's going to next meeting we'll start going into November but yes so November 11th is our annual Veterans Day celebration in front the ball but there'll be more information on that as we get closer in regards to a banner that they need the the banner for the Post in town oh the banners yes and they will be uh they will be talked about at the Veterans Day ceremony and they'll start going on sale the following day on the 12th okay which will be at a $75 correct from Main to November yes so it's three years three years right okay let's move on to the administrator's report thank you mayor I don't really have very much to report other than uh we had the preconstruction meeting for the paving that's going to be taking place on the boulevard uh we're looking at a start date uh around the first week of October uh it does have potential impact on both the solom Shor school and the middle school so we spoke with the contractor we're going to do whatever we can to mitigate any of the traffic issues that might result from that and if we can do some work on some of the days the schools closed we're going to we're going to work toward that goal can I make a suggestion comment when that happens if we could have somebody a crossing guard at the uh stop sign because they fly food down R side to get to the middle school okay but is that different like is it different that when they're Paving when I'm so meant when they're Paving they're going to be blocking off okay so they use rice side as they're cut through to get to the middle school okay so people are going to be avoiding the traffic at the construction and and my Madison right yeah I can see that so they shoot down R side talk to the police department yeah just asking other than that I just wanted to note that we're back to two two meetings a month so our next meeting is going to be a public session and scheduled for Monday September 23rd that's it from my father's birthday I have a question Chris um I noticed a little bit of activity going on at Mattis on Madison a uh between what is that the milter da and you know behind the high school and Shop ready any word on sidewalks there yet uh no we don't have we don't have any any commitments there yet okay thank you but um handicap R schol for them yes by the county the county did handicap land yeah that's where they have Paving yeah they're going to be that's PR and we we did some proactive work on some of the drainage so that if we get to the point where we can work on the sidewalks we we've done some work there great in preparation we actually County partnered with us on that and took that on for us so that was a good thing yes thank you excellent okay the resolutions i' like to pull out 2024 4 call 206 for separate vote because councilwoman Duffy is going to actually give us a little bit of information on that one are there any others that need to be pulled for additional discussion and or vote okay let's move on to uh go around the room real quick give us a couple of updates from your committees and we're going to start with Council President Grant um I'm trying to think what's going on the the um Come Back to Me book sale Gage sale well you've already mentioned that I don't want to repeat stuff you mentioned everything you mentioned everything and if I think of something else everybody else has finished I'll speak up official official notification about uh the director came through what did you oh did it I didn't know oh well uh the library director Terry mcco has announced her retirement at 19 years as director and we will miss her terribly she has been absolutely wonderful yeah terrific and she's um so we are have started a search for a replacement which will not be easy but we're confident that we will do a good job and find somebody to carry on in her fine Terry has done a tremendous job she's fabulous absolutely 19 years of effort and it's it's paid off the library Advocate always terrific absolutely yeah she's managed and the pandemic when yeah no not easy not easy no she she stood out and um definite asset to the burrow and she will certainly be missed we congratulate her and and definitely wish well absolutely yes Council woman Dy I'm going to uh wait for my hey I like to hog the mic all right okay councilman see uh I just want to thank the municipal Alliance for organizing another great fishing der a lot of fun it was a lot of fun there was a lot of people therea was really nice time so I just wanted to give them that acknowledgement they work hard on it every year and I know they're already planning the aumn event too and so a bunch of fish were hard counc you may I have nothing to do councilwoman you kind of covered everything you know just to remind everyone of the uh L tour and that's really it awesome we get that flyer on onsite I do want to add one thing the rent leveling board met uh last week and we are down two members and we need two tenants to take those uh spots and so if anybody knows of a tenant uh who would like to be part of the rent leveling board please have them send an email to Chris and uh we'll go from there but it's important that we have a full board and it's even more important that we have tenants on the board excent I do if I may Mike um I do want to mention I attended the first annual health fair on Saturday and uh though it be tiny it was mighty so to speak um there was a lot of activity the scouts were there some of our B uh committees were represented and uh the fire department was there and uh the presence of a Holy Name Hospital was really valuable as well so uh look forward to next year yeah it's going to grow I do better we kind of got messed up with the ring so we put it inside so things are a little yeah it's going to grow it's it's a good event yeah was good is there anything else since you're up no thank you make a motion to open to the public so move second all in favor I any opposed ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions or comments regarding Gooden welfare at the B of Milford now is your opportunity seeing that no member of the public wishes to come forward I would ask for a motion to close the vote motion second all in favor I any opposed okay so where did it I need a motion to approve resolutions 2024 col 195 through 2024 col 205 and then pick up with 2024 20 207 through 2024 209 make it a motion motion second all in favor oppos okay 2024 col 206 and before I ask for a vote on that we're going to have the fire Le aison Council just give a little information on this thank you mayor um so the um the county executive as well as uh administrative Administration uh they've been identifying resources throughout the county and in particular our resolution refers to the formation and participation of the regional hasm task force um in doing a little homework um our chief informed me that we are one of only four Hazmat teams in the county which is pretty amazing and they have been training as far as I know since the late 80s yeah seriously and maintaining certifications and being called so now it will be a official they will be called out um you know when some of the others cannot go and uh then they will become part of the uh this um task force so of course my first question was well how does this benefit and mord is will it put uh undue um stress onto our department and I've been assured by the uh Chief and officers it will not and there is there are a couple ofy points that um the physicals that our Hazmat uh team has to have every year because you know sometimes they're doing water they're doing all kinds of mitigations so the physical for them will be covered by the county as well as uh inspection and maintenance of all their gear so in that regard um it's a plus for us and I don't know it's kind of a feather in our cap that we have maintained this uh very fine team and they've been singled out by the county so excellent yeah I think I think it's great first do that and I'm I'm always thankful when other towns help us when we have flood issues they're sending us and rescue people because they can so this is a way we could help reciprocate and make buron County better at the same time so I'd like to make a motion okay with a motion on the table for 2024 call 206 second all in favor I'm going to ask for a roll call yes Council sley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes great okay um is there any more business before this Council in public ladies and gentlemen of the audience we are going to move into close session uh when we are finished with Clos session we will come out of the meeting and immediately adjourn and no action will be taken make it a motion to go into close session some move second all in favor all right close thank you for joining us tonight and uh hope everyone enjoyed back to school