good evening ladies and gentlemen i' like to officially call this public meeting of the mayor council order at this time I'd ask someone please rise for a moment of Silent prayer and reflection as we think of our new mil resident who struck by New Jersey Transit class last we please the flag the flag of the United States thank you please note the fire in to my left your right to the main hallway and behind you into the main parking lot New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend any meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed their acting in the of this act the mayor and Council the B of moker have caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the day time and place thereof hosted in the B of all and notices have been sent to the record and ridw news the mission of this governing body is to provide essential Services through the establishment and implementation of public policy that will safegard infrastructure provide Fair honest courteous and Professional Services establish a sense of trust and accomplishment between all residents and through research and prudent planning seek to minimize risk while improving our services we are sensitive to the needs and S action of our taxpayers while realizing that this governing body cannot be all things to all people within the revenue constraints imposed by state mandates economic conditions and prevailing attitudes of that taxation at this time I would ask the cler to please call to councilwoman San houon here councilwoman sari Hurley councilwoman ducky here councilman gry here councilman Seymour here Council President Grant here mayor patrino here okay the first thing on tonight is we have two proclamations first one is for women's History Month Office of the mayor Proclamation whereas human's history month was first observed in 1981 and is now recognized worldwide to celebrate women's achievements and empowerment and whereas throughout our history despite hardship exclusion and discrimination women have strived and sacrifice our equity and equality in communities across the country and have made historic contribution to the growth and strength of our nation and our local communities in countless recorded and unrecorded ways and whereas American women have played and continue to play a critical role in the economic cultural social and business environments in every sphere of the life and whereas American women have played a unique role throughout the history by providing the majority of volunteer labor force whereas American women are particularly important in the establishment of early charitable philanthropic and cultural institutions where as American women have always served to defend our freedom and our country courageously in military at home and abroad and where as American women serve as police officers firefighters emergency medical technicians and in all C capacities that work to protect Life Property health and safety of residents and communities across our nation whereas American women have been leaders not only in securing their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity but also have contributed significantly to all other major movements to create a more fair equal and just Society for all and whereas this women's History Month as we reflect on the achievements of American women across the centuries and pay tribute to the Pioneers who paved the way let us recommit to the fight and help realize the deeply American Vision of a more equal society and carry forward the mission of ensuring our daughters have the same opportunities as our sons now therefore I Michael J patrino mayor of the burough of new milord and hereby Proclaim March 2024 for as women's History Month on Milford and urge all residents and businesses to appropriately honor the significant contribution achievements and impact women have had and continue to make on our great country and community and that's particularly true for the B of the nor in every aspect women's contributions to our burrow helping it grow including we've had two female Mayors mayor Terry King and mayor anre okay then we're going to move on to ra and PR Office of the mayor Proclamation whereas Congress has designated the third full week in March to be National poison Prevention Week in 1961 and since then this week has helped raise national awareness of the dangerous and potentially dangerous medicines household products and chemicals environmental contaminants and other substances and whereas poison control centers across the country will focus on the Public's attention on the free life- saving Services provided by poison centers as well as educating the public on ways to prevent poisoning exposures and whereas the New Jersey Poison Control Center a division of the Department of Emergency medicine at Ruck university medical school provides 24/7 expert poison treatment advice drug information and prevention education at no cost to the public through the poison help hotline and whereas unintentional poisoning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death in New Jersey outnumbering deaths by motor vehicles and Firearms whereas a poison is defined as anything that can cause harm and taken in the wrong amount in the wrong way or by the wrong person whereas although the most reported poison exposures involve children 5 years old and younger most poisoning deaths occur in adults age 20 to 59 and whereas overdose deaths from prescription opioids over-the-counter medic medications and illegal drugs remain at epidemic proportions for both New Jersey and the United States and whereas lead exposure and carbon monoxide poisoning remain major public health concerns whereas poison Center experts encourage the public not to guess wait for the symptoms or waste time looking up medical information online when potential poisoning exposures occur to call 1800 2221 1222 or chat ww. and whereas all residents should save the Poison Control Center's Hotline in their cell Home and Office phone because a fast response can make all the difference in preventing Serious injury and saving lives now therefore I Michael J patrano mayor of the B of the Milford to hereby proclaim the week of March 17th through the 23rd 2024 as poison Prevention Week in the B of M Milford and encourage all citizens to pledge their commitment in ensuring the safety of themselves their families and their Community okay at this time I get a motion to appoint jar hater to the mayor's Wellness campaign motion second all in favor any opposed under unfinished business may you get a motion for the approval of am minutes from February 12th 2024 work and public session work session meeting Mo second all in favor any oppos okay we have a couple ordinance adoptions up tonight first one is ordinance 2024 col 02 and when the C has the opportunity I would ask you to please read the ordinance Capital ordinance to appropriate the sum of $71,000 for the replacement of lighting at La Barber field in Vine for the barg of Milford in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from a county Grant and from the open space trust fund of the burrow purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate funds from the B County open space Grant and the B of the Milford open space trust to replace the lighting at La Barber field with energy efficient light fixtures at this time I would ask for a motion to open up to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance so second all in favor any opposed ladies and gentlemen the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is your opportunity seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance I would ask for a motion to close to the public second second all favor I any opposed may I get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading MO second second get a roll call please councilwoman San houon yes councilwoman sty Hurley yes Council Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman seamour yes Council President Grant yes okay the next one for adoption tonight is 2024 col 03 and the clerk has the opportunity I would ask you to please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter two of the revised General ordinances of the Barb Milford entitled Administration thereby amending Article Five entitled boards commissions and committees purp this ordinance is to cify the composition and duties of various standing committees within the burrow at this time they have a motion to to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance all in favor I any ladies and gentlemen of the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that there's no member of the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance I would ask for a motion to close motion to close all favor I any oppos may I get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading motion to adopt second make it a loal please yes councilwoman sanon yes councilwoman sari Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman Ry yes Council C more yes Council President Grant yes okay the next one is 2024 col 04 I'm going to clar the opportunity i' ask you please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter four of the revised General ordinances of ab B Milford entitled General licensing thereby amending section 4-19 entitled commercial and movie filming purpose of this ordinance is to modify the bur's existing commercial and movie filming ordinance to facilitate the bur's pursuit of film ready designation from New Jersey motion picture and television commission making a motion to open to the public for a public hearing on this ordinance some second all in favor I any oppos ladies and gentlemen the public if anyone has any questions regarding this ordinance now is the opportunity seeing that there is no member in the public that wishes to comment on this ordinance I would ask for motion to close to the public all in favor any opposed get a motion to adopt this ordinance on its final reading motion to adopt second this councilwoman s h yes councilwoman sty Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes this is where we should start playing par for Hollywood s okay moving on to new business we have a few ordinance introductions tonight first one is 2024 col 05 and when make cler has the opportunity ask her please read the ordinance Capital ordinance to amend section one of the capital ordinance number 20213 entitled Capital ordinance of the bar New Milford in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the acquisition of various police equipment in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $ 46864 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the burrow which was adopted February 22nd 2021 okay purpose of this ordinance is to amend section one of capital ordinance 2021 c03 to include computer equipment upgrades as an authorized acquisition with capital funding appropriated in ordinance 2021 col 03 at this time they have a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first reading motion second local please yes councilwoman San H yes councilwoman Rocky Hurley yes Council mcky yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes okay the public hearing on this ordinance will be at our March 11th 2024 me is three 11 day next one for introduction is 2024 Co 06 and when the cler has the opportunity I would ask you to please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances the B milard entitled salary adopted as ordinance 9101 and amended annually by ordinance up to and including ordinance 202 342 purpose of this ordinance is our yearly establishing of the salary Rangers for certain full-time and part-time positions may get a motion to introduce this ordinance on its first reading motion second call please councilman San yes councilman saki Hurley yes councilman ducky yes councilman gry yes councilman Seymour yes Council President Grant yes the public hearing for this ordinance will also be on 11 and the final one is is ordinance 2024 col 07 when the clerk has the opportunity i' ask you please read the ordinance an ordinance to amend chapter seven of the revised General ordinances of the Barb and Milford entitled traffic thereby amending subsection 7- 3.3 entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets and subsection 7- 3.4 entitled parking prohibited During certain hours on certain streets okay so this includes of Bergen Avenue so there'll be no parking on the North side from the Westerly curb line of River Road to the easterly curb line of outward place and on Columbia Street it will be on both sides of the street from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. from Columbia Street between Henley Avenue and South Park Drive we get a motion to introduce this ordinance on it first reading second local please councilman San yes councilwoman srai Hurley yes councilwoman Duffy yes councilman godsky yes councilman seamour yes Council President Grant yes and the public hearing for this ordinance will also be on March 11th okay moving on to item number one is the mayor's Wellness committee councilwoman San hou take it away thank you mayor well I'm going to invite uh chairwoman Kelly Grio to come up to the podium and uh she's going to share uh about what the mayor's campaign Wellness campaign is come on while you over here so H this is an initiative that mayor Petrino has been wanting to bring to the community for a number of years so we're very happy that Kelly has stepped up to be the chairwoman for the committee Kelly can you just tap on the microphone I pluged for a wedding on Saturday so I plug it in okay I'm sorry did you just take a leave here okay got it I got it hello um I'll take a moment to introduce myself my name is Al K and I've lived in my whole life plus or minus a couple years in college I have my Bachelor of Science in public health with a concentration in community health education I am also a certified health education specialist as as well as being on the municipal Alliance for the B as well as uh being the health educator which has been supplied through midb Regional Health commission which as you know supp your health officer and your rhs for the town uh currently I have programs at R in the senior center library and also at IA in the M uh on Madison app Institute for educational achievement so I'm happy to announce that we are starting the May's Wellness campaign in newer uh the New Jersey healthc Care Quality Institute which funds the May's Wellness campaign um describes it as a Statewide Community Health Initiative that provides evidence-based tools and strategies for Mayers and Community lead leaders to help their residents achieve healthier Lifestyles and improve overall health and wellness in their communities for our program I'm going to be wanting to focus on the eighth dimensions of Health and Wellness physical emotional social spiritual intellectual environmental financial and occupational this first year we may not cover all eight but it's something to build up to in the upcoming years um I reviewed the community health needs assessment also known as the chair China um although it does not have information specific to mord we're located in what they call Central buron County so I looked at that health information so the topics that we're really hoping to concentrate this year on are going to be childhood obesity showing low activity levels and high stream time um adulthood obesity heart disease diabetes pre-diabetes mental health and addiction and low vaccine uh we want to provide well to no cost physical activity classes using many of the facilities that we already have established in town whether that be different Doos or dance studios and the great YMCA that just opened up um and then we want to compound this with some educational seminars to back up some of the information um that will be going over in classes so some examples of that we're focusing on heart disease so we can have a class that goes over colesterol blood pressure um and you can have nurses that are contracted through heart which the town has come in and take those blood pressure and heart breathing readings um uh as well as I can do a few classes uh my goal is to highlight all the great programs and activities Thea already has to offer through our many different committees committees that we already have right now we are aiming to have the program run in September for the first year just to give us a couple of months to put everything together I hope to have four to five classes a week as well as one education session per week um My ultimate goal is to bring this town together and make it a happier and healthier place um the main thing that I need from everyone right here today is support um especially with mayor being right on the big front of it we definitely need the mayor and council's support to really get this off the ground um we're in the process of building our committee you just inducted one member today and I also have the library director Maran Maharaj who is also willing to join our committee she's actually the library operations manager I'm sorry it's okay yeah every town has a different name that they call everyone um and then I will leave a copy of I two copies of the mayor's one is handbook for about 30 pages so didn't want to print out too many but for you guys to take a look at if you're interested and do I can distribute it I'll email email yes we can also email it out and on the booklet is also my business card so if you do know or hear of anyone that you think would be interested in joining the committee you can have them reach out to me whenever they are able start here thank you great um I appreciate your time this evening and I look forward to seeing more of you guys as this campaign continues to grow excuse me thank you thank you thank you yeah know this is something that we've been wanting to do for many years and I'm so excited that we're finally getting it off the ground sorry if anyone has any questions they would like to ask me you I'm very impressed but four to five classes a week that sounds very ambitious I think it's wonderful it is ambitious um I've been a little busy the past two weeks but I do plan on getting in contact with the YMCA director so I hoping because I know they're just starting out in town they're a couple years old that they'll really give us support behind this and maybe we can host a couple classes a week there so that is why I said I hope there five classes so we'll see because I know I can do the health education classes I already offer uh meditation at the library uh twice a month so I was going to include those programs that I'm already doing on the list so some of that is a little overlap from what I'm already doing in the town so I think with a couple of fit classes in there or physical activity classes we can really see this be a well grounded program excellent thank and YMCA is a great choice they've been great neighbors and really helping out our community since they've been here so we thank them as well yeah as the Le on for the mayor's Wellness campaign I want to say thank you Cy that was a really great presentation and to my colleagues on uh mayor and Council there's going to be an opportunity to do a lot of wonderful Partnerships because the senior center has great programs the health department has good programs libraries already in Partnership so we're going to have an opportunity to really work with um the recreation and really do a lot of combining and collaboration with all of our great programs I'm really hoping to get all the programs that we already have um sustainable Jersey the I'm sorry the green team team Municipal Alliance I know does some stuff Sigma 3 I'm really hoping to bring them all together to really make this a great program and show everyone M all that we do have to offc do you participate in your committee um it is 5 to 10 members that they take ially accept I'm hoping for six and do you have any prospects yet um I am going to be reaching out to uh the YMC director and then I'd also like to reach out to Mr Rell the um a the high school the high school atic director there we go he was also my soccer coach at one point so I'm hoping can Le him in there mhm yeah so yes those are my future my next two goals I would say is to try to bringle someone from the YMCA and someone from me the school system look forward to hear more about it yeah good thank you do I want to volunteer Kathy pan but she might our our public home might be a good person to uh this is the question to she's interested I know she is definitely interested in will to participate in some of the things and stuff but I don't know if she was willing to commit to the commit we will help build a strong committee for you yes perfect thank you you're welcome okay item number two is affordable housing A4 s50 and round four um as everyone knows uh the state is moving we are coming out of round three and round four with affordable housing will be starting across the state uh there is a bill that passed the assembly and is in front of the Senate right now and um Chris Mars and I a little over a week ago yeah we attended a uh Burton County week of municipalities uh mayor breakfast and they have Representatives talking about the bill and what it means for communities so some of the highlights that I want to talk to you about tonight are the new bill as opposed to round three um it eliminates immunity protections from municipalities seeking to comply voluntarily it eliminates the balance coab board and substitutes it with a panel of seven retired judges it does not provide municipalities that comply with zoning requirements development density protections it does not take Marketplace demands or Trends into account if punishes land poor municipalities to create zones for 20 25% of their unmet need it ignores development impact on Municipal infrastructure environment and Public Safety provides unrealistic timelines and mathematically impossible procedures and obligations and these are just some of the highlights that we learned from uh Representatives at the league and the one thing that I want to point out and add to that list is it does not provide any consideration or relief from municipalities that contain severe repetitive loss flood Properties or D blue acre buyout properties so these are all things that basically hurt municipalities when they take a cookie cutter idea and try to stamp every town with it so this is one of the reasons why I'm hoping everyone is in support of opposing this bill until there's changes made that help out municipalities across our state including ours mayor were there changes made from the assembly Bill to the Senate bill or is it the same will be opposed to the assembly bill so I'm so I'm in favor of opposing the Senate bill as well is the same right and we have passed a resolution that was circulating previously but we did also receive a letter uh the the speaker his name was Jeffrey seran and he's got you know 40 Years of portable housing experience and he drafted a letter that He suggests that we send to the governor along with the another resolution that was drafted that was a little bit more specific and I I think I circulated it prior to the uh governing body and wanted to find out whether or not there was an interest in uh doing the new resolution and also sending the letter to the governor the Senate I believe is scheduled to vote March 21st I think is what they said I'm in favor of both yeah whatever we can do to improve I motion motion toose yes I'm ask fore councilman sanus yes councilman sty Hurley oh yes councilman Duffy yes councilman definitely councilman seamour yes Council President Grant you know you keep hoping they'll make it better and somehow it keeps getting worse I vote yes thank you and thank you for attending you guys I'm keeping us surprise of all moving on to schedule updates we have a few of them here Saturday March 2nd is the Deo short stack for a tall cause fundraiser sponsored by the DAV Owens Middle School it takes place from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at Applebees you can find more information on the newford public school district website on Sunday March 3rd is annual Black Balloon day sponsored by the new milord Municipal Alliance it'll be at 11: a.m. at the new B Hall front steps for more information it'll be on the bur website and our Facebook page and that's when they're doing the event Black Balloon day is March 6th that is the national recognized day so they do doing this on a Sunday yes we're doing this on the third on Sunday March 10th will be the Milford second annual Crescent Moonlighting sponsored by the New Milford public events committee the time will be 700 p.m. also on the front lawn of the New Milford bur Hall uh information for that is already up on our website and it's been on the Facebook page this will be a Food donation event so anyone who's attending we ask that you bring one can non- perishable unexpired canned food so we can uh donate it to the food pantry mil Okay so Thursday Friday and Saturday March 7th through March 9th is Shrek the Musical Jr sponsored by the doo Middle School um you can go to their website or their Facebook page to look at the times because I think it changes from the dates from the week days to the to to the Saturday night event so we can check the dates on that Friday March 8th is the empty bows fundraiser sponsored by mford high school is from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the mford high school cafeteria uh more information for that is on the public school district's website Saturday March 16th is the vendor and crafts fair sponsored by the Milford High school performing arts is from 9:00 to 400 p.m. in the New Milford High School cafeteria and information for that is also on the school district's website I know for that they actually have over 40 vendors already in a bunch of food trucks including the Lobster Truck I heard lobster trucks going to be here so to check that out on Friday March 22nd is the second annual newford wrestling Foundation Night Out sponsored by new wrestling Foundation is from 7: to 11:00 p.m. it'll be at the New Milford BFW for more information you can go to the Milford Wrestling foundation's Facebook page on Saturday March 23rd is the annual Easter egg hun sponsored by mil Recreation it'll start at 10:00 a.m. it'll be on nights field that is the field in between ShopRite and the high school and information for that will be on the new mil B website Facebook page also new mil Recreation website and Facebook page and I think the school is actually going to have a pancake breakfast just before that so I think you can hit both of them and on Saturday April 13th is our annual softball M League open Day Parade sponsored by the milord recreation and the milord little I don't have the exact time yet it usually kicks off around 10:00 uh it'll start at the H Manan school and it'll proceed to Kennedy field and the field information for that will be on our website Facebook page and also on Recreations Facebook page and mil L Le's web and Facebook page are there any events that I fail to mention that for March and April I don't want we're not doing that yet no it's up Memorial great that's next meeting will start doing May events okay let's take on these 16 first okay moving on to the administrator's report thank you mayor short engineering update we haven't really been having too much in that uh area right now but we do have a pre-application meeting with the DP on Wednesday to discuss the proposed repair of the French foot Brook the feed the feedback on this meeting will help inform the the design of the project that's sooner than you expected isn't it that's what we were talking about not having well I mean it's taking a while it did take a little bit of time but it's just a pre it's just a preapplication yes um and we're still waiting for a commitment on the delivery of the signal equipment for the traffic signal installation at the intersection of the Boulevard and graphic Boulevard the delays are with the manufacturer and we're getting very little Fe back from them um the budget committee met today with the DPW director the library director and the police chief to review their budget requests we'll be meeting with the fire department on Wednesday and we'll be forwarding revisions to the auditor so that he can update the budget Draft before it will be sent to the governing body for a full review in advance of the budget introduction which is tentatively scheduled for March 25th um this is a big change the polling place for districts 8 and N which have traditionally been at the library will'll be moving to Berkeley Street school gymnasium multi-purpose room beginning with the June primary election the meeting room at the library is too small to properly accommodate the new voting machines uh this change in the polling location is going to be noticed frequently and through multiple mediums from now through election day and it will also be printed on the sample ballots which will be nailed in advance of the election um uh another brief announcement we have an opportunity for some temporary part-time work at the newford senior center anyone interested uh can contact me for more information and other than that the next meeting is scheduled for two weeks from tonight Monday March 11th that's it for me mayor thank you I think the police department is seeking applications for crossing position that's I think right yeah okay any questions for the administrator if not uh has everyone had a chance to look at the resolutions are there any that need to be pulled for further discussion and V okay can I get a motion to file committee reports with the B clerk to be spread in full upon the minutes motion all favor okay we'll go around real quick just give one or two uh upcoming highlights and we're going to start with Council Council presid thank you mayor I have nothing uh to report this evening I will have two events to report on in at our next meeting one will be in May one will be in June excellent thank you thank you mayor um you covered what I was going to mention which is at the municipal L and the C free committee are very proud to have black Bon day coming up and everyone's very much looking forward to it mayor so she be the great other that a great turnout great it's always a power it's very important and the amount of passion every one of these committees demonstrates is really tremendous and inspiring than so thank you wel thank you may budget budget budget that's what I'm working on have finale Council woman thank you mayor uh I also as a member of the budget committee attended uh today's meetings with department heads um it's challenging but it's also so interesting to see the inner workings of what goes on what's needed and how we fun and where we take it from and where we give it to so um cros to everybody on that front I'll do my um housekeeping uh list uh for the the Milfred Fire Department in January we had five Mutual a calls uh three uh CO detectors three alarm malfunctions three accidental Firearms two smoke conditions two structured fires two good intent calls uh five water emergencies five natural gas oders one building collapse one power lines down for a total of 34 uh man hours for fires were 411 uh then um from our registar to the Board of Health um the monthly January report um three marriage license eight marriage transcripts 177 death certificates uh 70 dog licenses 13 Cat licenses 36 health and food two birth certificates and two re inspection fees so um all in all the busy January for my that's it thank you Council Mr Rocky thank you m um just to reiterate what I have said over the past month but so remember June 8th will be our Hall of Fame dinner but why I'm mentioning it is we're still looking for more names but we have until I believe it's next Wednesday to get those names I think we have about 30 or 32 names so far and then there'll be to to we posted I can I can post it again just to send it out to remind people who thank you um other than that nothing else except of course too soon to get that's it thank you Council thank you mayor uh I just wanted to highlight that the green team has begun the process for uh sustainable Jersey certification so February 25th was the first submission date um to qualify for bonds it's 150 point total points but Green Team thinks that New Milford has got so much going great stuff going on that we can make silver but that's 350 points so it's quite an it's quite a reach uh did a lot of work so what's really nice is that we get by um applying early we get to go through review process uh on our reports so this is really nice we're going to be able to get points for our natural resource the environmental resource inventory and Hope the fleet inventory is up to date and can we can uh submit for that and get that included in our in our certification this time this go around mayor I recall something that I should have mentioned before the planning board is meeting tomorrow evening we're going to be reviewing a preliminary draft of the master plan and we're still requesting reports from the various burrow entities um who can either submit something in writing or they can come and appear before the for and enter their comments on the record we the public is invited and uh w we welcome their comments so that's tomorrow evening 7:30 at B Hall thank you I also would like to add um regards to the whole thing which is said June 8th it moved to the Athletic Club here in town who has um the El Athletic Club who has so generously donated Wonder to do so that's a great okay is there anything else I had mentioned um the breakfast Chris and I attended last week so you heard how much fun that was around four St and next week I'll have a I'll be attending my historic so I have a report next meting okay at this time of motion to open to the public for public comment favor any oppos the public anyone talk regard the good Ware the bford now is your opportunity seeing that there's no the public that wish to speak I would motion to close motion favor a motion to approve resolutions 2024 call 76 through 2024 call 83 motion second all in favor I any oppos okay ladies and gentlemen public we are going to be ask to adjourn this meeting and go with the close session when you come a cour session this body will take no action and we will adjourn the meeting is there any other business before this council at this time I would ask for a motion to go to close session motion second all favor thank you very much thank you K thank you um