##VIDEO ID:6_BrPp7O_BI## call the order Mr Al pres M Calderon Mr dasta pres Mr CER here Mr Lombardi Mr Lam Miss Ryan here miss dun here M Gomez here okay of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and Justice board statement in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law the New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having a date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burough Hall and the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its longterm policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two two portions of the meeting reserve for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay is there a presentation not tonight we're doing the NG tomorrow perfect superintendent schools report Peter colassa all right good evening everyone nice to see you again uh all right we have a couple things on the agenda that I'd like you to take a look at uh first under board action I'm seeking board approval of the September suspension report New Milford High School two students were suspended for a total of four days one student served the one day in school suspension the other students served three days of out of school suspension in Dave D owens's Middle School three students were suspended for a total of four days two students served one day of in school suspension one student served two days of out of school suspension in Berkeley two students were suspended for a total of two days both served one day of in schol suspension and Gibbs zero suspensions I'm also seeking board approval of the September October HIV report there was one 338 form so a 338 form is whenever we want or somebody feels that an HIV should be triggered for an investigation they fill out a 338 form and submit it to the building principal so there was 1 338 form for an alleged HIV submitted to the high school principal the principal determination treated as a code of conduct so it did not go through as an HIV there was 1338 form submitted for an alleged HIV at Berkeley School principal determination again treated as code of conduct and there is 1338 form submitted for an Hib at Deo Middle School which was sent to the ABS for investigation that HIV um was unfounded but we discuss that I'm seeking approval for the HIV self assessment survey that is mandatory for all schools under the anti-bullying Bill of Rights act so every year the school climate team has to get together and they rate their school uh they grade their school based on a rubert from the state um every school public school in uh state has to do this um they are graded on eight core elements and each have indicators and they give themselves a zero to a three this year's well last year's 20123 2004 uh school year self assessment are as follows New Milford High School scored a 76 out of 78 Deo a 73 out of 78 Berkeley is 73 out of 78 and Gibbs 73 out of 78 items that resulted in differences are reflecting the amount of PD afforded to the staff and then the school climate teams will look at the self assessment survey from last year and when they have their current uh safety teams they will look at like how can we improve do we need more PD based on what was happening and based on the self assessment um so these scores will help guide initiatives in each of the schools I'm also seeking approval for a resolution to be passed recognizing two of our students Eden Clark and Sebastian kage will formally recognize them tomorrow um but they did really well in a national competition so they have a stock Market game in the middle school and then they write they invest fake money and then they write an essay and then they submit this essay nationally and we had two winners from the Middle School nationally one took first place in the nation and first place in New Jersey and the other one placed third place in new in this in the nation so we had two winners so we'd like to do something special for them they got a free pizza party on uh invest rate which was good I mean they got 750 um one got a laptop so all crazy awesome stuff but we'd like to honor them tomorrow at the board meeting so we created some resolutions um Mr go signed them and we're going to present to them um one family I know is coming Mr picardo dily picardo is coming to teacher so it should be a good time we have to celebrate these things so I'd like to recognize them um all also going to seek board approval for the school nursing plan so pursuant to NJ 6A 16-2 each District board education shall annually adopt the school district nursing Services plan at a regular meeting and it's just basic nursing Services uh to make sure we are providing the provisions we need to all of our students in each and of our and each of our schools our district doctor signs off on each of the plan annually and that happened this year under Personnel I'm seeking approval for our play unify coaches I am very excited to see this program and play the play UniFi program is funded through the unified Champion School Grant which allocates $4,000 for coaches and supervision so it's also free to us I also like that word and students with disabilities a team with our gened students and on the same team they will compete with other districts um right now last year they competed in basketball but we're hoping to add flag football to that as well um I'm really excited to see it I've heard nothing but good things and I thank the coaches for making this happen and for investing the time to get the grant coaching I'm seeking approval for the winter and spring coaches Mr relli did a great job um getting everything together you will see as per our coach contract uh our coaches a crew longevity so in the seventh year of coaching they'll get more money and in the 13th year they'll get more money based on if they're a head coach or an assistant coach so you will see that all the stiens are listed now um we are still looking for an assistant Middle School track coach if you know anybody please have Coach forel not um but we will have it filled we are confident under finance and Facilities I am seeking approv for a contract with Care Plus drug screening so we met with Care Plus and they offer of the contract and it's not a contract where we sign and we owe that money right away it's just a contract where if we need to we send a student to them for drug screening in case we have a suspicion mostly in the high school and we pay per child or per situation so there's actually an $8 difference I believe between the contract now and who we the contract we want to go to with Care Plus and who we use now um which is not a lot we feel like we get more with Care Plus no disrespect to Valley we think the turnaround time is going to be a little faster which is very important when you're dealing with these things um in terms of code of conduct and dealing with parents so we're guaranteed a you know 24 to 48 hour turnaround time but also they will do assemblies for our children where they come in and talk about drug addiction and uh how to live a healthy lifestyle so that's all for for free as long as you know we send kids there so I think it's a no-brainer because we also contract with Care Plus um with some of our Counseling Services as well so it's a good relationship we have they haven't let us down we have great working relationship with them so it's kind of a no-brainer and then um under policy um we are ready Strauss s mailer 233 is ready for a second read um we are going to visit two other policies in the coming board agendas I'm hoping for November we're going to look at The njsa Spectator code of conduct uh which we'd like to get approved as a policy and it is actually mandated that we do so for all everybody in njsia for the state and we also like to rild the co-curriculum athletic participation policy to make sure it's congruent with our vision um that is it for the work session um that's is it have a nice night thank you I think is Minister first Watson okay good evening everybody I'll say that as well nice to see you um in front of you you have three documents the work session agenda which I put some on the back table for our guests you can grab on the table if you wanted one there's a draft of tomorrow night's agenda and say draft because I need change but this way you can look at what we have in motions and kind as we talk about them have something to refer to and also I gave you a chart which I'm going to go over so let me talk about a few things that I have on the agenda for tomorrow tomorrow but I really would like to discuss them tonight first of all you have in front of you the chart let's go to the Chart first and the Char is two pages and I did this to kind of keep the board informed the uh Roofing projects are doing very well we we let me give you a report on both first of all Gibbs is totally done we complet the Gibs roofing project tomorrow night you will approve the last payment to the contractor now that's important not only that we they did the job we want to pay them but once we make the last payment I can then apply for the final 70% of state aid I can't apply until we make the final payment get the write off in The Architects so the process working with the SDA and the state department and getting our Rod Grand 8 is is is quite uh thorough and also um not very well received by many of us all right so so what I have is a breakdown I actually have to send in paper workk this is the just to give you an idea each time I send something in this is about the thickness of the packet and I sent on each one it's ridiculous but that's what they want so in order to get 10 % of our Rod Grant we first apply for the completion of the design phase that's the architectural phase once we complete 35% of the completed construction we can then apply for another 30% of our state aid by the way I've done all of this we still haven't received anything they tell me it's coming but obviously they move like a snail um if once we complete 65% of completed Construction should we get 40% in the state a more substantial completion is when you're looking to uh finalize with your punch list as they call it that's another 15 and then finally when you're 100% completed you get 100% with a balance which is around 5% if it worked that way Unfortunately they lay this all out it doesn't go that smooth so I've applied for another they keep telling me well if you get if you wait and you get this that we'll give you a little more but they don't send the money so I did get confirmation of two things one of 540,000 it is in by the way they have four levels of review so this is what takes him so long and and uh right now it's in legal which is the next to last in payment so they have to go through all of this uh we're on time we're very aggressive uh the gentleman I'm working with uh they have and I think Peter was in a meeting when I had the first in goofing inspector from the SDA he's working he's working on projects that are 10 years old so people have not completed some of their projects with their paperwork for 8 to 10 years um I will tell you Bruce the inspector has been doing it for years he was very impressed how New Milford handled it Bruce had it set up Mr Watson had it set up perfectly you had the architect there you had everything there and he was very impressed and it went very very smoothly because of it was say because they promised me we're going to get this money soon so see how much I impressed them but but anyway if if knowing that I'd like to take you to the first page of the uh handout on Topic's capital reserve recap so just so the board knows uh when you look at the opening balance in your capital reserve account on July 1 of 23 we had 3,756 345 um we also had at that same time committed 900 79,000 uh to our capital projects fund so that's where you get the transfer you transfer money out of capital reserve to your operating budget which is called capital projects fund 12 now that's how we started in July one of 23 as we go forward in the 2324 school year we used 150,000 of that 979 to complete roof workk at Berkeley the balance of that is the 829 so we didn't use any more so as we go to the end of the year in 24 we add that back in and now we have a balance of 4,585 345 okay what happens next You Had Your Rod Grant applications and we have in a rod Grant you have to show the state how you're going to fund the projects from local dollars before they even consider giving you state aid so like most districts New Milford said we're going to use our capital reserve funds and then whatever state aid we get back we will reimburse and replenish the capital reserve for that amount of money so having to 4,585 we then transferred we meaning New Milford 3, 52310 to capital projects and we began with the bidding and went out and started our roofing project that left us a balance of the 1,62 so now what happens what happens is we haven't received any money yet and I have to make a final payment um so remember that the architect's costs are all built in as well it's not just the construction uh but it's the architect all right we have to pay both out of this so on the agenda tonight you have well tomorrow there'll be a motion to transfer the last bit which is 212,000 now that would then adjust our capital I just typ that will adjust our Capital to 849 as of the day after we make that approval so what's going to happen by the end of the year we should receive our state aid through Rod Grant you'll get 176,000 change for Gibbs we should get a million to not was million3 for the high school and we should be coming back to 2 million3 in capital reserve without making a dedication because you don't know that yet of how much you're going to take from the 23 24 school year and earmark at the capital reserve see what happens is years ago there was a a law in the books that said when you get to June in the month of June you must declare how much money you're going to put in capital reserve and that obviously depends on how much money do I have left uncommitted etc etc because you have to make sure there's money there to cover your accounts payables going forward that you haven't paid yet or even the incumbrances which you haven't received the goods for but the POS are out so you have to estimate all that well recently most districts like no Milford pass a generic motion which you did saying that we will transfer to capital reserve up to a dollar amount I think was like 3 million was the capit depending on where our balance is so we don't know where our balance is until the Auditors come in they're supposed to start next month so what I'm telling you is you'll probably wind up giving some more some money to your capital reserve account we don't know how much yet so it can only go up so the estimate I have there which is pretty factual it's 2,323 that will probably be higher so you should have some more money now then we're going to have to take some out and reappropriate because the third project Rod Grant was not approved yet and we're working on that and they given us a hard time a little bit but I'm trying to straighten out the paperwork and that's the mechanical in the auditorium hbac a all right so that will have to be so overall I'm saying you're going to be okay uh you know as you look forward even though right now it looks like 849 you have that money coming back so I wanted to share that if you go to the next page just give you a little bit of a recap the First Column with the numbers you have JDS that's the contractor for the high school Solutions is your architect so those two comms go together for expenditure then you have Sky which is the contractor for Gibbs and solutions again so if you look at it the original contract for JDS was 2,880 we had a change order increase it by 41 revised contract was 2,9 all right so that's a little more than we thought and then we pay out 2,537 so we're holding 383,000 and I have a date of October 30th where the Architects are coming out and we're going to meet with the contractor do the punch list on a high school and we have the metal ordered and that should be coming in tomorrow or the next day and then we'll start doing the metal which is the the faser and and uh and some of the gutters and leaders and all of that kind of work once that's done which it should be done before October 30th we do the punch list and then we make a final payment get all the uh outstanding paperwork obviously there's close out documents that you have to make sure you get the right one that's your warranties and all your coverages your bond releases Etc all right so if you look at that so the roof then you have the 2 million5 we're holding 33 Solutions architect the uh budget was 321 we've paid them 280 we have 4 ,000 left will will there will be a payment to bring them down to close out amount they don't get paid totally until we close out the contract if you look at Gibbs roof same thing however we had a net change order so re you know a deduction 177,000 brings us down to 373 and obviously we made the payment after tomorrow night this is taken in consideration tomorrow we're we're done and then Solutions we're making a payment but I'm still holding 89 until I get all my paperwork from them uh so not that I don't trust them but it's it's just it's just a control thing you know you don't want to let money go unless you have everything you want in in the file so that gives you a little rundown on the roots everybody have any questions on this okay so uh the next thing is you have motion tomorrow night which is uh ba 24-25 24 uh that is the the uh what they call the CMP comprehensive maintenance plan and the M1 uh it's three-page document which you have to submit by November 15 we'll have it done a little early um and you have an attachment that you can then go with with a link you can go and look at it but basically what it does with the documents it gives you a number of years of actual expenditures of what we spent in this District on maintenance and what we expect to spend going forward they want that the first page those numbers tie into two very important line items if you look at the New Jersey state budget that you submitted to the state when you adopted uh the budget all right so it's the state budget these two there's two numbers on here that tie into one the appropriation the capital projects line and also ties into your maintenance reserve and if you look on you have in front of you but tomorrow you'll see on the first page it's the uh one of the Yellow Pages it's the smaller one the other one has the more columns it'll tell you that there's a reserve account of Maintenance reserve of 647 th000 that's what we started with so that does tie in I checked all of that um I also have some by the way I have some I don't do this by myself all of this is you know you have a lot of nice people my Administrative Assistant Kate she helped me with this uh she does some of the work I do some of it as we do with all of the people in the office we share and help each other so thank good as we have a good staff uh the last page is really a summary per School of the amount of money we're budgeting or what we actually spent the year before and then what did it cover what are the items it's covering so the one item this year at the high school is uh review and updates to our cafeteria and fortunately we did that because if it wasn't in the I just put it in if you don't have that in your plan remember we made to transfer to use Food Service money to cover it at first and we replenished it we did all of that if it's not shown in this plan then you had to write up in the audit you couldn't do it it's like capital reserve anytime we appropriate money out of capital reserve the the projects that you're appropriating for must be in your long range facility plan you can't just appropriate money it's got to be previously approved down to the state and you're there so uh so we're covered in both of those stop me if you have a question okay um I have on here just in a note standard operating procedures called uh the SOP manual because we're going into New Jersey qac we have what is called every school should have they don't all have I can tell you that right now but they should have an sop manual which is a pretty thick manual and it's all about the internal controls on on accounting on cash handling uh on your technology uh there's a number of things yours has not been updated since 2017 so I'm taking that I met with my my my staff and we're we we're taking every section and we're going to update it so it'll be updated when you adopt I'd like to get this done for November because I could answer questions because we're doing it I don't want to not be here when you have questions for that um that's an aggressive to line I'm not sure I'm going to get it done by but the late would be December so we want to get this updated for New Jersey qac and we should get a an a grade because of of having it updated and and everything else uh so we have all operations in there procedures now some of the procedures uh I'm going to talk to the various schools because they don't follow them but they will follow them after I talk to them and and show them what they need to do um and people just need communication it's not that they refuse but then some of them didn't know how to handle things so we're going to meet with principles Etc and do all of that just let you know we're working on that document um and the last thing is there'll be the last payment uh of 5,225 that's on F2 24-25 95 and that's 5,225 that's the very last payment we have to pay for all of that work we did in the kitchen and get us opened up on time and I that's really to the extent of what I have to share any questions okay assistant superintendent report laureno daa hi good evening everyone I have a few important updates for you tonight um I'm going to start off with some of our assessment information so at this time we have successfully completed our full benchmarking assessments with only a few remaining students scheduled for makeups as a Remer um we Benchmark three times at least three times a year and it's an important process in evaluating students academic Pro progress skill development and performance at the start of the school year um we will Benchmark again in the winter and then finally in the spring before we take our standardized assessments this year we are continuing to use as web for our students in grades KR 2 as well as link it for students in grades 3 through High School these assessments serve and provide uh valuable Baseline data enabling us to monitor students progress and identify any areas where they may require additional support um or even enrichment opportunities throughout the school year and our teachers use this data to fine-tune and tweak their instruction and um it really helps them address and specifically um meet the needs of each of our students in addition to benchmarking this year our second graders all took the inw assessment which is a cognitive abilities assessment um in September the inw measure skills that are essential for academic success including verbal reasoning quantitative reasoning sequences analogies and contextual verbal verbal reasoning um when combined with other evaluations methods this data offers a more comprehensive understanding of students abilities and their performance this is one of the important measures and one of the pieces of the puzzle that we use when we look at identifying students for specialized programming including Elementary gifted and talented such as our reach program last month you should have received the 2425 parental notification of standard assessments this document went out via parent Square it was a document and there was a pretty comprehensive table attached to it it informs parents and Guardians about Statewide and standardized assessments that will be administered throughout the school year it includes the content area or subject area that each of the assessments covers the grade levels involved in the testing time allotment for completion of the assessment um accom accommodations and accessibility features for students um resources for parents and students including practice tests and Sample questions that they can um you know sit for a mock test and practice taking it and then information as to whether the assessment is required or mandated by federal state or local authorities um program planning we're already thinking about 25 26 and and uh what that school year will bring I know that I believe at the last meeting you talked a little bit about the budget timeline yes about that so I will be meeting in the coming months with teams across all grade levels to begin program planning for next school year during these sessions we closely review existing programs and identify key next steps which include selecting new curricular materials and resources proposing new courses exploring specialized training opportunities such as is AP training which we um do each year with new teachers and refining our program of study um it's an ongoing process that will allow us to continue aligning um our planning with budget processes for next school year at the middle school this is important to note we are particularly focused on exploring new Core Mathematics programs so the connected math program which we have used for several years now um which has served us well well will no longer be updated and has reached the end of its life cycle so we are beginning that process of actively researching potential Replacements uh that will better support our students and our teaching moving forward additional information um in regards to this process will be shared as we move along in the process qac so as part of our ongoing preparation for the qac review the district has begun actively um engaging in evaluating and and aligning our instruction and program components to meet the state's high standards this includes a thorough review of all curriculum um aligning that to the njsls or ensuring that it is aligned we have approved that previously um as well as our assessment practices and instructional strategies across all grade levels we are focusing on key areas such as literacy Math Science and special ed programming ensuring that um they all reflect current best practices and meet diverse needs of our student population we're also finalizing um data collection for inrs plans which will demonstrate our targeted interventions and supports we'll talk a little bit about that um tomorrow evening when we do our testing presentation our goal is really to ensure that we not only meet but exceed um expectations in the instruction and program domain positioning our district as a model of academic excellence and student centered learning um which we have done in years past when we've undergone the review uh some exciting exciting news to share for parents we are um excited to announce a free virtual workshop for parents and caregivers hosted by Teachers College this Thursday October 7th at 700 p.m. it is virtual you can log in from anywhere and the presenter is actually the staff developer who works with our teachers in um 3rd through 12th grade English language arts the uh session will focus on how to support students as they craft their college essays topics will include tips on providing constructive feedback and key insights into what matters most in the admissions process in addition um our staff developer her name is Coy conter will be hosting a similar Workshop exclusively for New Milford seniors um during the school day I believe we're still finalizing the date we're looking at October 28th um and we're hopeful that that will Aid our students in refining their essays and um finalizing their college applications the teachers College the advancing literacy department at Teachers College hosts free family workshops throughout the school year um I will be sending out in the coming days a link that will share these Resources with you um via parent Square we encourage you to take opportun take advantage of these opportunities um to help support your student at home if you can join on Thursday I know that that will be wonderful C Contra is an excellent resource and a valuable support to our entire faculty we're excited this year to welcome 50 freshmen into theems at New Milford High School membership membership in the cies at nmhs is acceptance based and includes a thorough review process some of the factors that impact decision making include course history class schedules demonstrated academic performance and also attendance record uh we hope that this opportunity encourages our students to focus on courses align with their chosen areas of concentration and to actively participate in the activities that will support their continued success and membership in theis two items that I'd like to point and point out and draw your attention to on the agenda tomorrow evening we will be seeking approval for our band students to participate in an upcoming trip to Williamsburg Virginia where they will compete in the spring festival later this year that is C2 24257 this Festival offers an opportunity for our students to Showcase their musical talents while competing with other schools on a regional level the trip is a longstanding tradition uh that not not only supports our students artistic and musical growth but also Fosters a sense of teamwork discipline and pride in their accomplishments um more details on the itinerary and Logistics will be provided as plans are finalized but we're confident that this experience will um leave a lasting positive impact on all of those who participate we're also going to be seeking approval for Academy students to participate in a college tour trip which will be designed to explore the diverse academic offerings of schools within the tri-state area these strips have been very successful the past and we're proud to have students um leave us upon graduation and go to schools that they were first exposed to on a trip um in their time in theems potential stops uh we're still waiting to finalize the plans will include Scranton Cornell Marist Sunni News Syracuse Sunni Courtland Sunni Albany and Sienna College uh planning is ongoing we will share more details as we have those schools finalized the trip will be scheduled for two nights and 3 days and it will take place March 5th through March 7 um I know that when they are on the trip students will par will participate in different cultural experiences and events that will enhance their travel but it will also include um different opportunities such as the they'll experience when they go to college such as their colle meals on campus um and also essay writing workshops to get them help them prepare for their application process I'd like to extend my gratitude to Miss Williams and the assisant academy coordinators for their dedicated efforts in continuing to organize um these impactful trips um for our high school students it it offers them an opportunity to uh get outside of New Milford think a little bit bigger see new things and have them start thinking about plans after graduation uh really ignites excitement and um aspiration for Life After High School so thank you to our team um and that concludes my report for tonight thank you any questions um I did Y and I'm sorry writing this down and I was writing things and I miss it you said something in program ma our middle scho um so we're starting the program planning process which is part of our um budget development um we meet with team we look at program prek through 12 comprehensively each school year in preparation of the budget this year we're paying particular attention to middle school math our core um program because it's no longer going to be updated as it's reached its end of life cycle we're engaging in that process how does the math program end the life cycle publishing companies um kind of go out with the old and in with the new I think it's part of their marketing and business strategy I've never worked for one of those companies so I can't speak you know to the business side of it but I you know in my experience I've seen things reinvent themselves um a lot of the programs and I think that's part of the challenge when you're looking at different programs they um are all aligned to the standards um they have similar components in terms of differentiation options and um supplemental resources but there's something that just sets them off a little bit to appeal to a great greater audience um and hopes that you know some districts will will align with them so there's a lot of things that we look at um we consider our elementary programming and then our feeding into the middle school and what that Continuum looks like um teacher input is very important right the teachers who are on the kind of in the trenches and and living it and working with the kids so it will be a comprehensive process um and we'll update you in future meetings so when you say not updated I'm interpreting it this way that all the materials they provide the different the different stuff online whatever support they offer they're like we're going to do things differently so all that stuff you had just we're not going to update theyre and so we but it just it's not going to progress I have experience with multiple programs and like a lot of the digital resources aren't accessible they just stop even giving you access to um so and then a lot for you to find yeah they force we often talk about the updates in the standards from the state years they update the standards so the content will not be updated to align with the new standards um we just in 2023 the new math standards were released um you know so we're kind of in a place where we're looking at right we revised our curriculum to meet these new expectations and now we want to make sure that we have the appropriate materials to support that instruction thank you Le is on board Community reports I just want to bring up um I attended the new the school boards Association County meeting I think have holded to and a big thing was Ai and stles Es is bringing out new policies for AI for schools so it's something that we should think about as a board how we want to implement that in our own schools um um does anyone else have anything regarding any board committee reports no you want to say no I'm just thinking for school boards there may be for those of you attending offerings I would imagine when Ai and generative AI is there um referring to it which would probably be helpful ining that process yeah it was a superintendent it was a great presentation just how it how like the pros and cons are what why could be used in a bad way but why it could be used in a good way how we want to make sure that it's used properly in our own District um okay any correspondence I didn't anything okay agenda items for discussion review of the tentative agenda for the regular meeting to be held on September 18th any questions regarding R review of board action any questions regarding review of educational programs and curriculum any review of personnel recommendations Tony uh I have a couple my apologies I would like to know the difference between a latch key Aid and a night Care staff member are they in the same program is last be something different that's my first question and my second question is regarding uh 24 2.64 the uh instructional assistance are these replacing people are these or are these new positions so I believe these are new positions that hadn't been filled yet um that we are just hiring based on needs um as far as the latch key versus night care that's a great question waren do you have any idea about that so prior I think it's it's just they used the old we used to call night care nightcare used to be cold L I think it was just a an old a old it just I guess the question why would be two different yeah agenda items then because they're paid differently 18 to 30 to 25 so I I'll follow up with you with an email tomorrow about what's going on with that Mr Al any other questions any other questions for anyone else regarding Personnel no any questions regarding VI of financing facilities okay any questions regarding review of Athletics and co-curricula no any review of policy oh I'm sorry I was having a moment I just wanted to thank all the um for the Athletics and co-curricular if the board looks at the list it's all volunteers so I just want to thank them for their services and towards students that's great it's great thank you anyone have regarding any with policy questions no any old business AG question we know the status of the historical FL I'm asking because it just popped into my head I swear this evening I Council upate we'll get her minutes we'll get to her okay okay I didn't know it was on you I thought it was on us hello any new business um no oh I'm sorry um I have a question on how the busing has been going this year we made a lot of changes uh and I know the bus there was an issue with the bus physical bus but also just in terms of the bus routes Timeless uh Sports if they've been able to get to where they need to get to on time um just curious if any of that get status on that's G yeah I can I can answer in in the way you asked let's try first busing uh we've had mechanical problems with four buses two of them at a service for quite some time one was out for over two weeks one was out about 8 days we had a double up and the drivers did great we doubled up we transport everybody we call the principles principles were great they would say it will hold it'll be in 10 minutes so they hold it held all the students and then the bus will drop all get them so the first two three weeks uh were tough quite frankly and expensive it was a lot of damage why I don't know but we had a lot of problems mechanical with your buses our buses so that's that uh the routes are going very well we have uh one major problem in in my estimation we're trying to work out for a single student uh and we're working on that with the parent uh other than that the rest of the routes running very well uh and you had a third what was the third part sports sports so far so good we have one Challenge and that's getting our buses to have our cross country team on time uh there were four events at um where's not the Great Falls Garrett mountain and they get there the only way we can coordinate is we get them there about an hour early even hour and 10 minutes early and uh other than that everything else seems to be going okays wait so they have to leave to be there an hour earlier than the meet to get there on time that's correct correct because it's not like any other sport that has officials and a one team comes they wait for you but in track you have it's it's like a group event so when that gun goes off they go and you're not going to have you know 5 six s team waiting for one one bus so either get there early or you don't go and so how early do that um so I think they mo around well we we we get them there like I said it's at least an hour an hour and 15 minutes earlier but that's more because we don't have enough buses to run the route uh to get them there on exactly on time where they should be we'd have to hire buses and very expensive so talking to the ad ad spoke to the coaches and everybody's fine and it seems to be working and worked out and are our teams arriving late you just said something about that are we arriving late to no we we are actually I'm getting pretty good feedback occasionally it might happen so far we're doing fine but overall I haven't got gotten any negative emails regarding that and usually sports are you know a high priority for a lot of parents um and officials I haven't heard anything and sometimes it's a nightmare sometimes school districts would get to us at 5:00 and we'd start an hour later Tony you're shaking your head you know um but so so far um I think everything's been going pretty well I haven't heard any complaints yeah I agree I agree we haven't gotten anything except for that g say complain to you from parents from anybody so you you well usually what happens is the coaches are the first they'll tell us uh Joe they'll go through S R and he'll come down and let us know when there's a problem and uh we've talked many times so far and he hasn't brought up anything so that's what I go on if anybody hears anything let me know let us know thank you any other questions or comments for old business um did the board like I know I missed the last board meeting but did the board meet with with the pilot committee do we have any updates regarding that we met once only before that meeting and and chery gave you a report at that meeting like right after yeah she said Oh I thought we would because we talked about giving things physically because there's you know we have to make sure that we're keeping up on that like we miss people Miss meetings here and there I mean honestly it was just a a courtesy meeting to discuss like what you know what we think what we would want and what they want but it was just there's really nothing said plan there's nothing really to report on inste just just a first meeting just asking any new business no okay open to the public as outline any Milford Board of Education by law 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited 3 minutes I seek a motion Stephanie seconded by John all in favor oppose any comments from the public please say your name in town I'm councilwoman Lisa sanus I'm filling in tonight for councilman Matt Seymour so I've got my notes I have some in my phone as well I'm not texting texting texting those so anyway so I have a couple of announcements to share I'll be really brief so uh we have first coming up we want to uh invite you to join us at the Hard Castle pond on Sunday October 27th at 6:30 p.m. for this year's Adam Adam event that's the alcohol and drug awareness Memorial and that's in memory of Adam Roth a new Milford High School graduate who was tragically killed by a drone driver and to remember those that we have lost to addiction it's a very nice ceremony if you haven't had a chance to attend people uh there's an opportunity after some uh speakers to uh put luminaria into the pond and it's a very lovely moving ceremony so so again our next event coming up October is pretty busy uh join us Tuesday October 29th at 6:00 p.m. for the 6th annual domestic violence awareness Symposium that will be held here at the New Milford High School auditorium uh it will it's free for the public to attend there's also a live stream option so people can go to the uh to the districts of uh YouTube channel for the live stream so we will be featuring um uh featured speaker is uh Alexis rulen we'll be sharing her story she's a Ramapo College uh student who survived a kidnapping and uh and there has been a conviction in that case so it's a very powerful moving story uh the New York Giants are sponsoring so they're promoting the event on our on their social media so we uh appreciate the continued partnership with the district to put this event on it's sixth annual and we hope to see you at both of those important community events and on to something lighter uh I'm the liaison for the environmental commission and the Green Team and I just wanted to share that there are some volunteer opportunities for people uh available the and to also inform the community that there are some uh programs that are going to and projects that that these uh organizations and committees are working on so the first one is the Green Team and I have to look at my paper because as you are familiar with every program has very long names so I want to make sure that I get it right so the green team is uh uh going to be launching a residential Energy Efficiency program and is a energy home energy Assessment program so this is going to be available to all residents so the partnership is to share information that these initiatives are available for residents uh of New Milford to participated this is a partnership with psng and this is to uh improve Energy Efficiency in their residences and uh the environmental and energy commission is going to be uh is going to be starting a community energy planning project and that's going to be an opportunity for community members to and organizations to participate in uh planning for the larger Community they're going to be working uh with the planning board and and in accordance to the master plan objectives so it's a very very exciting project for the community to improve our energy uh sustainability resilience and conservation and so thank you very much everyone question oh you have a question the plaque oh the plaque and uh for members of the public just to uh you're referencing the historic the historic CL I do not have information about that at this time and I will be happy to share that it is um that you're interested in hearing an updates to my colleagues okay thank you from the public thank you okay I seek a motion to close the public Tony second I call all in favor oppos any board member request for additional information okay so we will be going into close um it is hereby move that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject student matter the minutes of the executive session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists I seek a motion to go and close Tony seconded by Stephanie all in favor close and when we return we'll be not taking any action so thank you for coming for