##VIDEO ID:ExrBU6RzliU## meeting call to order roll call Mr Alor present Mr Calon here Mr Mr coffinger Mr lardi Mr lman here Miss Ryan here miss dun and president go here let's stand for the pledge of aliance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with li Justice four statements in accordance with the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings law the New Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place there posted in the burough Hall in the New Milford Public Library notices have been sent to the record and between burrow news the board announces that under its long-standing policy will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay recommended action I seek a motion to approve minutes July 9th regular and July 24th special Tony seconded by py tryan all in favor oppose okay now we're going to have a presentation to review the NJ GPA and access for MLS report spring 2024 Administration do y thank you good evening everyone um I just ask that you bear with us this evening as we are typically in the high school media center so the presentation is um printed for you for those in attendance tonight there are copies over by the agenda and our viewers at home can see it on the screen as well um a copy of the presentation is also posted on our website under the office of forment instruction uh annual assessment reports so um just as a refresher the njpa or New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment is a proficiency test that students in 11th grade take to um in order to meet a requirement for graduation there are two portions of the assessment it measures the extent to which students are graduation ready in both English language arts and Mathematics typically in New Milford we have two administrations um all of our Juniors test in the spring and this report will share that performance with you we also offer a fall Administration for they would be seniors who did not meet the cut off score um Ela component of the assessment is aligned to the grade 10 standards standards for English language arts and the math component is aligned to Algebra 1 and geometry standards students um are expected to meet a minimum of 725 in each component of the assessment and um if in order to meet graduation requirements if students test and then retest and are still not meeting the requirement there are alternate Pathways to ensure that students can graduate um those alternate Pathways include meeting proficiency on an alternate assessment those assessments are also available on our website but are emailed out in the fall of each year to all of our parents and families alternate competency assessments and um if a student is not able to demonstrate proficiency on one of those assessments then we go through the portfolio appeal process um we have had students who have not met proficiency who have been successful in the portfolio appeals process okay so now we are looking at the number of students tested and our participation rate we have had 155 Juniors test in both bla and math and that would um equ to 100% participation rate in both content areas in English language arts we have 92% of our students um demonstrate that they were ready for graduation uh 8% not graduation ready in math we had 68% deemed graduation ready and 32% not graduation ready okay if you look at the next slide here we are looking at a comparison to last year's performance in which you will see there was a an increase in both content areas um we increased by 2% in English language arts and 3% in math and now we are going to look at Mr PR we are on slide seven U now we are going to look at a comparison of our performance compared to Statewide performance uh last year and this year so in 2023 you will see um here you will see that we exceeded the percentage of students who were deemed graduation ready in the area of language arts English language arts as well as mathematics um in math I know that that's an area that we're continuing to look closely at you will see that we um there was a 1% increase in achievement from 23 to 24 for the state but for New Milford we had a 3% increase so that was a nice com nice gain compared to Statewide achievement okay now we're going to look at a breakdown of our subgroups when looking at our subgroup performance we always look at ethnicity or race we look at gender and we look at program um I'm happy to report and this is something that should be celebrated there was an increase from 23 to 24 performance across all of our r groupings uh and pretty significant um that was in English language arts as well as in math in our performance looking at our gender subgroups we also had an increase um compared to last year pretty significant for our male students in English language arts in 2023 we've had 83.1% of students um who redeemed graduation ready and this year that number increased to 90% okay now we're looking at the program subgroups this data shows um students belonging to a special program so our economically disadvantaged or free and reduced lunch group as well as our gifted and talented students um students with 504 our multilingual Learners or MLS our special education students and of course our general education students if there is no number that is a grp that is less than 10 um we don't put that on there for privacy reason and the next slide we're just going to look at and then I'm going to highlight some notable achievements and and talk about what we're actually doing translate to translate to the classroom uh if you recall our access for uh L's is the English proficiency assessment that our multilingual Learners take on an annual basis there are six performance categories um that reflect their proficiency level in acquiring English beginning with entering and the highest level that they would be able to achieve is six students are grouped according to Cluster so we have kindergarten students first grade students and then you'll see second and third grade are combined fourth and fifth are combined or middle school students are combined in high school um typically we and I think you can see by these numbers here our students in the elementary school tend to make um more growth and that really speaks to what we know about um language acquisition and acquiring new language at an earlier age um has been proven to be more successful and you'll see that um it tends to slow as students progress through the grades and we have older mls in the program um but we do have um a very comprehensive program for students across all grade levels even though it looks a little bit different um you'll see in the earlier grades we're really looking at like reading and speaking and as we progress up into High School we're looking at w and um so forth the tests the access for our multi Learners are used as benchmarks against um which we can measure future performance we use this data when making um decisions about a student's Pro programming and um for selections we continue to once a student has met proficiency or is uh able to exit the program we continue to monitor them um for 3 years years we continue to track their performance on state standardized assessments to ensure that they are you know maintaining that high level of achievement and um you know we're able to intervene sooner than later if need be okay some some notable achievements that um really summarize the data that was presented here so we achieved a 2% increase in the number number of students who were deemed graduation ready in English English language art from 2023 to 2024 and we also achieved a 3% increase in graduation ready students in the area of math from 23 to 24 um that is compared to a 1% increase uh the year prior the analysis of our race performance subgroup shows that 100% of students in both the Asian and black subgroups were deemed graduation ready in English language arts um gender performance subgroups revealed at female students outperformed their male counterparts in both content areas and 69% of our special education students uh were deemed graduation ready in English language arts which is also to be celebrated okay so what are we doing to support our students learning um we I know I've talked at length about the new standards in both English language arts and Mathematics uh we spent last year working with teachers revising the curriculum in both content areas and other content areas in which um there were interdisciplinary connections to ELA and math so this year our focus is on implementing the newly aligned curriculum the state recently announced that they would be delaying implementation of the new math standards um until September of 2025 we did the work we are going to roll it out and get ahead of the curve our benchmarks will be aligned to the new standard to give us a really good pulse on um you know students Mastery or areas where they might need additional support uh and it will just get us I think ahead of the curve for next school year when it is required to be implemented English language arts we also revise and and are moving full scheme ahead um as in years past we have a year-long professional learning Continuum that's supported by a district calendar uh this includes time collaborative time for teams of teachers and administrators to look at this data um look at the curriculum look at pacing look at um different classroom resources and really hone in on the instructional practices um that best meet the needs of students sitting in their classrooms we also uh include opportunities for vertical articulation and we're really looking at the transitional grades this school year in which um students are moving from one school to the n n so fifth grade into sixth grade and then our eighth graders into the high school um we're really proud that we have highly qualified professional developers and Consultants who work alongside of our teachers in our classrooms we will be continuing those supports we've expanded them for this school year uh we are including professional development in science um and social studies and we're also looking at opportunities for all of our related arts teachers who um you know we always talk about Ela and math but we we need to support those teachers and our students learning in those classrooms as well we are continuing our multi-tier system of supports in both English language parts and math um if you recall we brought on the tier three interventionist in the elementary level We are continuing that for for this school year um which is the most intensive support on the tier and really provides um individualized instruction for students who are not demonstrating um growth according to what they should be um what their trajectory of growth should look like we celebrated the NM ask or academic support for night program with one in one to one and small group academic supports for high school students um students took advantage of that opportunity to come online after hours uh not just during the school day but in the evenings to meet with some of our teachers who were available to provide um support on Independent projects and homework that they were working on we're continuing to expand our co- teaching assignments across all grade levels uh Dr pro has planned some very thoughtful and meaningful professional development for this year as well um that professional development is tiered um so new teachers or new pairs receive support as well as those who have been in a co- teing assignment for several years uh we continue targeted walkthroughs and really I I would say I put Ela math here but across all content areas um those include cross building so you know we're getting our team members out into other buildings and really developing um or defining what high quality instruction looks like and we were able to with the last of our Esser funding expand our use of the linkit platform um to include expanded um storage or they're they're called Data lockers where some of the data that we've been storing internally now will be um integrated into that platform so that teachers are able to see historical performance for the students that they're inheriting this year and um new benchmarks and some resources in the area of science look area that we continue to look at this uh report is not as extensive as the one that will be coming which highlight our njla performance we'll be looking at that later this fall hopefully in September if not October um but as I had shared earlier this presentation is available on our website as well as the last three or four years of performance reports anybody has any questions Happ so regarding the mathematics not being graduation ready at 32% I know it's still better than the state average but and you compare comp to a year before but previous years is that the range we're usually at I just don't remember that's why so the njtpa is relatively new assessment um we have 2023 data my head um but we're slowly we're making gains but just at a at a slow rate which is um typical of what we've seen in theast but our preliminary data on the njsla shows that we've made uh a lot of things in that content area we share excuse me um La you mentioned that uh special ed uh with English language arts I think the number was 67 or 69% 69% is that the same standard that nonspecialized or is that modified take the same assessment same assessment same assessment so so then 60 whatever it was perent of that of those students actually met a standard of that that nons special students have as well so um of the special education population Juniors who took the assessment 69% of that little subgroup met proficiency which is and it's the same assessment it's not U modified thank you any questions yeah H so hea ask one question so which I don't it's not really that question specifically because I do know but there was a question regarding the change in this in the um map standards so when you said the state is delaying the standards are they delaying the standards that are related to this particular assessment or the standards that are overall standards because we also do njs so um all of our curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey student learning standards and we have standards in English language arts and math as well as other content areas the assessments are based on those standards this particular assessment is aligned to the grade 10 standards for English language arts and in math it's Algebra 1 and geometry so for the NJ GPA for our juniors in the spring that assessment will be aligned to the 20 the prior standards not the new standards that being said there are not many changes in the area of math particularly at the high school yeah and that's what I we will ahead that yes just looking at the State numbers and then they're changing the assessment the standards and generally speaking things change score is 10 so everybody's just trying to get used to it so I'm just curious where where the changes were and you're saying most of changes in the standards in ela and math we have documents that are called like crosswalks and they'll show you all the changes from the old ones to the new ones most of them out of these two content areas it was very heavy in our early grades for English language arts the foundational skills um reading and writing in math it was the elimination of measurement and data kind of like biger things okay um and then one where you said that the expanded use of the benchmarks right so you said use of the last of our Esser funding which we knew it would run out eventually yes and we're here so is this what we just did one is that just one time expense that we did that we used the money for or is this something that we're going to need to maintain and like whatever and is it sustainable so um it's a little bit of both okay so we the data lockers and having that historical knowledge of our student performance yes we will be able to continue that um we are piloting or trying out a component of the platform called Intervention manager which will help support our multi-tiered system right to really like hone in on on that individualized piece but we're not we've never tried it um it's something that we're doing early enough that when we begin budget development for next school year we can certainly talk about that and we're really impressed with it but um we took advantage of having that last chunk of funding I think that was it and then you said that continuing with the the tier three interventionist I probably missed it is that at all grade level I forget is that at all grade levels or is that at elementary that was really at the elementary level um I think that typically um is where we see the most movement in terms of students being identified as a need of additional Sports so in order because that population is quite fluid and um um you know our goal was really to intervene sooner rather than later and fill those gaps and get them exited back into the regular classroom the better and I might be using the wrong term so I apologize but the program that the state uh that we applied for theing is that Stillen so yeah uh well no that was um so we launched that in the spring and we had tutoring over the summer yes so the state just um did share news that they were going to be um offering districts who participated additional funding um it's not as significant as we % of the original pot okay comes out to about $9,000 well $9,000 yeah um so we will look at utilizing that there's no there's no additional information on no I don't app for that they just said you have it so now we're going to let sorry thank you thank you thank you Lauren I question oh sorry I wait till the last know a lot of time um okay so data right so I can assume wait we can assume that there's more data to this assessment than what you're presenting right now so there's a way for you to determine based on the types of questions that they're they're getting incorrect or the ones that they're excelling at like where we would need to focus some of the supports for the teachers right yeah correct so I guess what I'm what I'm kind of getting at is do we have enough data to determine whether or not the supports that we're currently providing for math like to the teachers to the students whether or not those are enough like is this the type of increase that we can expect like at this rate or should it be higher or should it be lower CU I guess what I'm trying to drive at is have we determined whether or not what we're doing is actually working um is there there something that we need to change is there anything that you know like anything that the data tells us that says like you know what some of these kids are having more trouble with this subject and we need to kind of dive into that more sure so um good question and the answer is yes but I just want to preface this with when every time I I feel like I say this every time I do one of these reports this is just one piece of the big puzzle right so when I think about um student performance I really think about a scrapbook um different data sources not just standardized testing but classroom Performance Products assessments um you know we look at standardized testing as one of those pieces for the Scrapbook among many things um we have been doing so much in the area of professional development one of the things that we looked at um when and I'm just going to give you an example in particular when we were building our annual school plans for title one uh a lot of that professional development is is funded through our title money um we looked at Prof the professional development that we had in place and the growth of students who were directly impacted by that professional development in that work compared to students who didn't have access um and we use us that to inform our plan for this school year um so we do take that into account and you know if something is not working we don't continue it or we look to do something in a different way yeah that's what I was I was trying to get at I guess because you know and I listen I understand standardized tests aren't just one of the factors that we look at but I knew that it's kind of a recurring theme in our discussions whether or not it's this standardized test or another one um that we you know one of the things we got to so I think everyone will be pleased when we see that in jsla because we did I know that we've been talking consistently um for some time now about math and and there's really a lot there to Cate thank you Lauren okay superintendent of schools support Peter gasso all right first thank you very much you know for having me and hiring me just been a pleasure um I'm getting to know everybody um great conversations and it's almost been you know fun um but it's certainly enjoyable there's something about beating people and working with them establishing goals and fixing problems um with good people that makes it fulfilling and it's been very reinvigorating so I thank you um i' would like to acknowledge first speaking of good people Joe rodelli our new mil New Milford athletic director has been recognized by the national inter Scholastic athletic Administration Association the n a as achieving the level of certified Master athletic administrator to earn this distinction Mr rodelli has demonstrated exemplary knowledge contributions and ongoing PD development in the field of athletic Administration the certification process to achieve Master athletic administrator included a thorough evaluation of the candidate's educational background experience leadership courses and professional contributions um the process culminates with a a project and his project in particular was looking at the Safety and Security of a atic events and came up with a emergency action plan for new milford's athletic venues where to be honest every athletic venue is pretty much open we have a lot of Spectators coming and we're going to be talking about how we're going to implement that into um New Milford he also spearheaded with Chris Brown of parkbridge a spectator code of conduct which is very interesting he actually presented at the state level at the njs AA the state liked it enough where they tweaked a little bit now we're rolling it out as a state program so that came to fruition from Mr rodelli and Chris Brown um so that's very exciting they have given Jo relli $9,000 to help roll it out in the conference and bequeath money to other conferences in the state so when we look up and see the new Banner for sportsmanship um and spectator conduct that is uh from J G so congratulations I have never met a master athletic director so he's the first one I've actually shaken hands with so he's to be congratulated I also want to point out um there is no raise for him to do this this was an intrinsic motivation just to develop himself for the betterment of himself and hopefully bring more back to the community and the kids so I really want to give him um some accolades and you know give him just a quick Round of Applause for a that he could not be here tonight he is going out to eat with his daughter I guess before she goes back to college um a welcome email was sent out from my office off on August 16th uh and a parent survey was disseminated on Monday August 26th through parent Square um which will help me gather honest feedback based on a simple ler scale you know strongly agree strongly disagree I've already had um over 200 respondents which I I like looking at there's seven aspects to the survey Academic Program social emotional supports environment co-curricular activities facility communication and overall educational experience um so they just rank them you know strongly agree agree neutral and so on and so forth and there's also a place to comment and I thank you for the comments with specificity um I'll just say they're interesting um the survey will be open until September 13th uh so thank you to those who have responded and please I encourage you to respond I am reading every single comment um so it will get to me New Milford runs a number of summer programs for the students including Camp Deo for our incoming sixth graders a transition program from fifth 5ifth to sixth grade so they get to meet Mr delaa and Mrs Perna and go through some ice breaker activities to get to know themselves and each other they are from two feeder schools so they may know each other or may not depending on what rep programs are involved or not um we also run a s step up for our K2 uh to help them transition any lower elementary transitional programs are wonderful um it helps them build Stam stamina but also get some acclimated to school so there's not so much of a you know summer slide and they practice number fluency and reading freshman orientation took place um yesterday August 27th um pretty good turnout I got to speak to them and see them and you know that's what I love doing in education that was a lot of fun they don't know me from Adam yet so a couple blank faces tried to make them laugh or sometimes um but it'll be nice to get to know them they took a tour of the school and they partnered with NJ 4S um which is a state program that came in and it you know peer relationships um Team Building and also bought them all a lunch and that was successful I know it was a little while ago but I also was fortunate enough to attend Annie over the summer um which is something that you know particular in Milford uh doing a summer musical my only regret is I did not bring my daughters even my son my son would have even liked it I believe um very talented Youth and it was a nice program to see and I'm glad they were offering it over the summer it was a lot of fun funny and a lot of fun a lot of talent I want to thank the staff for putting all that work uh fall sports teams have been working hard since mid August preparing for the season student athletes and coaches for cross country football girls volleyball cheerleading girls tennis and boys and girls soccer have all been waking up early and putting in the time ready to compete for the C season openers marching band as well completed their band camp I will say I get here around 7:15 and the football kids cross country kids sometimes soccer kids are already getting on the field which is pretty early they beat the heat and I love the discipline it takes to get up and get out there and the numbers are great I even see kids when they're running late they're not walking and moseying in all sad they're actually running to the practice which means there's a healthy fear there of being late which we like to develop and hopefully that carries over to school as well um the elementary schools will have their traditional sneaka Peak on September 4th um which will afford students in the elementary level to go and get a sneak peek at their Elementary classroom with their teachers for a half hour um I appreciate the teachers opening up their classrooms during the summer and getting ready and you know first couple of days it's very hectic then as they prepare but obviously they want to make the transition U as simple as possible for these children and I hope everyone takes advantage of that the New Milford burough contacted the district regarding a job opportunity for our 16 to 18-year-old students to help with the voting booths it's a it's a voting year in November the polls will be open and I'm always looking for opportunities uh to get our kids money or get anybody money really um so so we partnered with the county and we sent out a survey and the response was overwhelming um 168 to 18year olds can work the voting booths and they are encouraging this no offense to the senior citizen but it's so technology oriented now they actually feel like it's smoother with the young children hacken sack rolled it out with hacken sack children um last year and a couple years ago I believe and it was overwhelmingly success so the B reached out wants to open up to New Milford I think within a day and a half 77 applicants so I had to shut the poll down and now I have to wait for the county to say we want this many applicants and then some people will be happy some people disappointed you know based on who gets in but I think it's a great opportunity and something if it works we'll continue it the new teacher orientation took place August 20th to 22nd of which 20 teachers attended M Ooa thank you and the staff presented on topics including technology curriculum professional to growth formative assessment evaluation structures a Town tour you know a lot of stuff happens at this time um a lot of time the young teachers are like our young kids and they're very inquisitive and it's a new space for them so it's nice to see them all brigh eyed um there have been a lot of work across all facilities uh which Mr Watson will get to um I think we're going to be very happy with that I just want to end with as I wrap up it's really nice for me to be back um I see old faces and new faces um I could really picture nothing else in my in my career now that I'm here uh so it's been really reinvigorating for me and and very exciting like I I mean it like it listen it's a lot of work and a lot of learning asasa Mr Watson Mr G have been helping me out a lot um but there it has been cly fun um you know getting to do this again so um that is it that concludes my report thank you any questions okay assistant superintendent report want to do nothing else okay acting business administrative report for SW okay thank you very much uhz first of all I'd like to say hello being new and to some of you um as you know I just let all the folks know in the audience U I'm here for a few months while our business administrator is out so I'm just filling in to help out so let me share a couple of things that we've been working on on the agenda you're going to have some items uh that you'll be voting on tonight so I explain some of them in the areas of facilities Etc if you go and look at 2425 4647 we had a surprise it was my second day in the office and where direct facilities manager Brian had called and said would you come down to the high school cafeteria and I did and unfortunately it was a there was a major problem we had the grease traps could not be cleaned that everything was backed up um my how long been going on that was probably going on about 3 years now so it was at a point where we had to do something had to get ready I informed the board president uh obviously being here two days the protocol communication was not established so this for Bo president and and keep the president um we didn't have the money in the budget uh I have a file I brought with me of pictures if somebody on the board is interested in seeing what it looked like and what we did I'm going to pass this around and you can take a look if you're interested you can take a peek at it um it was quite a mess we had the environmental company come in and test it as we took it apart it was fine uh there was no toxins in the in the soil but there was a lot of dirt and rusted pipe that had clogged everything and all sort of greas backup so uh we went through and and uh performed this with this company we didn't have a budget item so we're looking for money uh to to pay this so to get a little creative and we did have some money in our food service account normally you'd use that money to buy new equipment uh for your food service program to keep your food service going from you year so we borrowed that money made the uh immediate uh purchase orders necessary to get the company in not a co-op and we use that so we could move on equipment and and um what we're going to do is reimburse the Food Service account uh with a transfer which is one item right underneath it out of your maintenance Reserve account which has about 600 I think it's about 640,000 and a lot of money in that account I went through the audit went with the audit made sure we had enough money so we have a motion on to approve that so we're going to reimburse that money back to the food service and we should be hold uh so that was quite an experience but the company I say I give a lot of credit to U our facilities director Bri did a great job working with the contractor also working with me and keeping me informed Etc so U you know hats off for Brian at that point I would like to just make a comment that since I walk in the door uh the office that was short one person in the office and this particular person join us September 1 uh but the other people in my office uh and is Terry Kate and Faith uh have been terrific and uh I think professionally we Bond it second day I'd like to say day one but I'll give it day two and we got along great and they've been very very supportive as well as uh other people in the district who I've been seeing some of the principls I've visited with them through the buildings look at some of the issues working with Warren again has been very enjoyable and obviously getting to know the new superintendent so we have a lot of nice things going on and I just want to say thank you to those folks because when I asked them to meet with me uh or get something it's immediate uh so that that's a nice relationship on the facilities as the board knows you have two major Roofing projects going on U I'm happy to report them in very good shape I've been up on the roofs with with the Architects and looking at them uh made some recommendations which did making some change uh as you know we have a rod GR for both of them and uh working with the SDA which is the school Development Authority is not easy they're not easy to work with I've made a uh the first application to get some of our money from the SDA it's already in i' been spending time doing that so we'll see how quickly they move I was just told that uh they the next step is that they will send after reviewing everything I sent them in big packets uh they will send an inspector out before they release money to see if I'm telling the truth but if they want to look at the job so they'll come out and get on a roof and the job with us and I'll certainly go with them the contractors that we have uh excellent I've worked with a lot of roofing contractors in my career and these two are very good so you Lu that with your bidding here and uh so we're doing that and and the roofs are are good we have what is called metal work uh that both uh of the RS have have to do you have to order that metal metal work is usually your your drains your your gutters your flashing uh uh things of that nature so you have to order that metal and then we have to bring it on site and then have the contractor cut it and then fit it so uh we will be doing that when school opens however we'll be doing that on weekends and then on evenings after school is out not very the day so they know that um so those are the really the major projects uh the other thing we have going on for safety is we are removing 10 trees uh most of them are dead two of them are leaning over very dangerously and we're going to get them done here on uh the middle school campus out in the back so we are uh removing those trees that motion is on here for you to approve as well uh I believe that's dot 51 um and the nice part about the roofs is we have a change order which is a negative so we're actually getting back we're reducing after a lot of conversation we're reducing the one bid by 27,5 n and you're going to vote to accept that money back so we're going to reduce our cost on that and uh just keep your figes cross that the r Grant SDA is going to work a little quicker than normal but we're in the first round of this I was told so we're pretty agressive on it seem to be going well and um that's pretty much it uh for the report since I've been here so I thank you for that thank you any questions that you have to answer the roofs are done there the uh Gib Gibbs roof is going for a punch list so I would say that's 95% done except for the metal work etc but we got a punch list they got just some minor stuff to do the big metal work is it the high school I say the high school is about if I have to give a number I would say about 80% yeah but all the uh uh the problem where you have the hot by two minutes You' have all that smell that's gone those kettles are done so we're not going to have any of that so we'll be pretty good that and so those still be some closed areas to the high school well it won't be closed we're going to have that all cleaned up and open for parking and everything else we just got done blowing it for usually when you're done with that you get the contractor to come in they very seldom do a real good job so we went out with our blowers and because you're going to find screws and nails all over you know so we we really did and Brian uh your facilities manager and did a great job he was out there personally on one big blower so we cleaned all of that up uh so I give him a lot of credit good man I think you probably have my question is any any residual impact from your GRS on opening day no I don't think so I think opening day uh I was more concerned about the kitchen quite frankly and anything else in high school we did get it done on time and if you look at those pictures you can see everything we did um so I was really concerned on that because I've been involved in those sometimes they can go really sour but we got R but the rules will be fine anyone else okay thank you any Le on board committee reports any correspondents okay open to the public for items on the agenda as outlined in the Milford Board of Education by law 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes I see the motion page second by Joe all in favor I have I have a question about an item agenda um we didn't I didn't really can I bring that up before the public just because what don't we do when we get to that part of the agenda do you want to do it then well well let's see if the public wants to ask a question first okay anyone from how have any questions please state your name in town Lind leage New Milford um well first welcome to Mr gaso and welcome back to Mr Watson it's great to see you both up there I have a couple of questions so ba6 it's an additional extra pay position and there's never an objection to an additional extra pay position but it isn't on the current stien schedule and I'm just wondering if it was run by the nmea and I'm guessing that the stien came from the assistant band director statement I'm assuming that's where the amount came from so it's my understanding and talking to the high school administrator that when there's overages um in terms of band numbers that they get another adult or supervisor so it's not on the normal schedule dat so because the overs and numbers they get another assistant van director that's what he [Applause] said okay all right uh C3 are you able to give me the salary for that math Consulting can you repeat which question here oh c 24-25 [Applause] I the the first one under um educational programs and curriculum Al m m yeah curious so we have a contract that is title funded I can share the I can get the details over to you okay I didn't hear what you said if we have a contract for this school year that is it's actually part of our professional development that is Title One funded um so it's not supported locally but I could share the details with Mr GL all right okay thank you and one last thing P 24- 2519 is that a new position I don't know that I ever remember seeing that [Applause] before approval of health assistant yeah I believe she was employed last year she I believe she has been employed last year in in conversations her name was brought up okay as far as the position I cannot speak to that but but I mean it's it's not new it's been around okay all right I just didn't recognize it I wasn't sure what it was okay thank you does anyone else from the public have any questions I take a motion to close to the public page second by Tony Al all in favor Joe do you want to ask your question now sure it's actually on um educational programs and curriculum so c2425 11 approval of college credit partnership this is something that you know came up a couple of years ago was going to be put into play I I don't remember to be frank if it was put into last school year or if we we announced that it was delayed till this year it was last year right so okay perfect so my question was and I don't know if you know the answer to this or anybody else has the answer this if not somebody can get back to me that's fine but the question I have is how many how many students do we have taking advantage of this in 2324 calendar year how many do we currently have enrolled for 2425 and then the last part to that is um is there's still time for any students who may want to sign up um for this here do you know that answer I know some of it so I know at graduation three students were honored for getting their Associates early through bur Community College that's kind of what the program does um I also know that this year there are two students in the program one is in the second year and one is in their first year so in 23 24 I guess there were four students in it three um achieved that ass associative degree through bur beauty college and this year there are two um as far as being able to sign up I do not have an answer for you at that time and I have to get back to you okay you good y okay thanks educational programs and curriculum committee uh since Stephanie is not here tonight I will do that I seek a motion for C2 24-25 23 c24 oh I missed I got confused cuz he wa to that job okay board action I seek a motion for VA 23-24 111234 15 and 16 I need a second Tony Alro all in favor post okay back to educational programs and curriculum I seek a motion for C 24- 25.3 78910 And1 May a second p all in favor oppose okay Personnel recommendations having the recommendation of a superintendent I seek a motion for p 23- 24961 1561 1621 166 P 24- 25.9 11592 2122 23 25 25 26 27 28 293 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 and 45 roll call Mr Alro yes M Calderon yes is that here that here absent Mr yes Mr lunam yes M Ryan yeah done is absent yes okay I just I said Patrick is reti I just he's are the custodians so we see him all the time you know when we're coming in and out so you recognize him the end of the year of his retirement okay finance and Facilities committee Cheryl Calderone I seek a motion for approval of F22 23. 2222 I'm sorry f23 24272 f24 d25.1 181920 2122 23 24 2526 27 28 2930 31 3233 34 3637 3839 4 41424 344 45 4647 48 4950 51. 52. 53. 54 5556 Mrs Gomez can I ask a question sure regarding uh 242556 over the move is that a full day program report I'm not sure if she has some students who save part of the day or okay so any a second Joe lunam all in favor I oppos Athletics Cod care committee Andrew would you like to do this sure approval for AC 24252 34 and5 second sh Cal all in favor I I oppose thank you to the volunteers yes thank you there's a lot of volunteers um any old business any new business I think I think old business business so no business but um we had talked at a previous meeting about getting together with the mayor and c and Council regarding the pilot program and I know we're coordinating the base so I just wanted to make sure that we know that I the public knows we're keeping we are keeping in contact because we want to be a part of that discussion yeah so I've been communication of all of us um with the mayor council I'm sorry the mayor and um and Christine deis and we are working on dates we kind of thought we would try to do it during the summer and then get difficult um we're going to work on something for after Labor Day um and then try to find like an optimal time when you know everyone can uh attend and actually uh I saw the mayor at a recognition ceremony for the soccer teams um on Monday and uh we threw out some ideas so it's definitely something that's on everyone's radar they are they aware our you know kind of concern not concerns but but you know that we want to be part of the discussion um so uh they've been very responsive and and are willing to sit down with us anyone else any new business okay open to the public as outlined in new milary board of education by law 0167 each statement made by participant shall be limited to three minutes I need a second Tony Alro all in favor I post okay board member request for additional information you want yes sure um it's great to see everybody hope everyone's had a great summer uh I would just begin a little bit out of order say it is also um my understanding as well as as for what Calon had said that M deir or Pro administrator will be reaching out to your committee and looks forward to speaking with your committee working with your committee so that's absolutely correct and and thank you for your hard work on on that initiative it's greatly appreciated in terms of upcoming events on Friday September 6 will be a tailgate party for the first home football game should start around 5:30 at nights field at the Pavilion on Sunday uh the 8th of September will be this year's fishing derby which has been organized by the municipal and that will run from approximately 8:00 in the morning through the afternoon at har Castle Pond and on Wednesday 911 the proclamation will be read at 11:00 in the morning at Fire Company 2 in in memory of those that we lost on that day and on Tuesday October 29th at 6 M will be this year's sixth annual domestic violence awareness Symposium once again our our partners in that initiative thank the districts thank the superintendent and thank the school board for its ongoing support thank you thank you anyone else to the public okay I seek a motion to close to the public Tony Alro all in favor oppose okay request board member request for additional information Tony uh Mr also once the school year begins could we get a report of our Owens Middle School 8th grade graduates and where their destinations were y already working on any else okay close session kind of going along with Anthony just said I don't know if you'll be able to do this but how many students returned back to the high school so students that didn't come to New Milford in their freshman year but have return since if we're going I'd like to see that to that's great thank you okay close session it is here by move that the Board of Education adjourn into executive session in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject personnel and student matter the minutes of the executive session will be made available to the public on the me for confidentiality no longer exist I seek a motion to go into close page second by Tony all in favor oppos okay and we will not be coming [Applause] back thank you for everyone e