##VIDEO ID:it8mwyKrYRc## here Mr dasta pres Mr C here Mr lardi here Mr lunam yes M Ryan here M dun here miss Gomez here Pledge of aliance the United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all board statements in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law the mpal board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place where of in the record Public Library New Milford B Hall and the main office of all Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its long-standing policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for Comm from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak not negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student okay we're goingon to start off our meeting with a very special presentation of incompetent Jers if any board members like to join us over here to get an audience view you're welcome you want to I do this is experience iury for years um no it's just a better better view this well welcome thank you all so much for uh letting us do a little preview of our show 12 incompetent jurors our jurors can come take a seat on their spots while I explain a little bit of our show so 12 incompetent jurs is a comedic spin off of 12 rry men um and our case here the defendant Donald fit played by Dominic over there um is accused of stealing half a dozen cats from a yard sale so our jurors that have been called from all different walks of life are here to discuss this case during the scene that we're going to show for you today they are going over their evidence um while in the script that it says that uh these videos that they're showing are just off uh screen voices we thought it would be really cool to involve some of our extra members of our cast to bring a live performance of these evidence videos for you so um also one of our jurors is currently out sick so um standing in for jur number three will be me all right are you ready to watch this thing hello welcome to the family yard sale extravagant oh God stupid thing going and help me uh this is worst movie all I do is it's awful this isn't a movie this is evidence it's not meant to be entertaining yes movie how can movie be good without tigers sh this is important H I need smoke is okay if I smoke no I blow smoke out of side to mouth see it goes that way no that's not any better what it goes that way no all right here it comes and the final item for sale is the litter of Miss Abigail Mumsy does anyone else think it's weird to give his cat first and last night it's only weird if the cat walks on two legs that's how you know that's how oh looks like we have our first customer it's heral from downald block Donald Donald please I tell you this every time sorry uh looking for anything in particular uh maybe that shair way back over there shair do we have a chair for sale back there no we're not saying any chairs not back there or I he is how my kids uh Harold those cats are for sale he's oh my God he's the cats Harold get back here my name is Donald Poli I told you my name is Donald pleas I think his name is Donald pleas oh you think so well what you're the only one that has a problem with this sorry I'm in the as you'll recall I am not the only person who has a problem with them a potentially innocent to jail hello that sound in and I may not have a problem with this evidence just because I've had doubts about other elements of the prosecution's case good so we're all in agreement that this is definitive evidence of Mr P's guilt that not quite the flip you just said you didn't have any a problem with the video I said I may not have a problem by saying may it also implies the exact opposite all right can you get on with this I would like to show you a different video if I could one that takes you away to an extraordinary land or dinosaurs walk with men are you making the argument that the video we just watched was somehow computer animated because if that's what you're trying to say here I think we can all agree that's preposterous I'm not trying to prove that no good or I guess I should say I may not be trying to prove that if I miss is this movie going to have any Attractive people in it um what do you mean by attractive like hot guys and stuff well I think this movie will mostly just have dinosaurs in it black gross ugly well there are different species I'm not so sure that just telling what the Hotes come on there's not going to be any hotties but just tell me okay okay yeah now I want you all to pay close attention to the CL especially to the dinosaur [Music] what [Music] [Music] now I don't expect you all to believe that this dinosaur is real no it's too loud feel like it hiss It's tricky in that way sure but what I would like to point out is that this movie used two types of special effects to create the T-Rex most of the shots were done with an animatronic life-size replica created by the Stan Winston Studios but only roughly 20% of the shots were digitally created using George Lucas industrial Light and Magic the clip I just showed you was an example of theow size repli are we all agreement yeah yeah I agree the clip I just showed you was a mix of both digital and act effect the first 5 Seconds were the animatronic while the last 10 the dinosaur starts running we digitally created observe how old all right please [Music] [Music] [Music] if you like what you saw here then you should come to the full shell 12 in competition come buy tickets uh Thursday Friday Saturday at 7 uh 700 p.m. not a.m. n mhsm musical.com thank you everyone thank you this the kind of fun you get to have as a turn you know exactly no don't worry about I'll take care [Music] [Music] guys ready hey we're going to start off with the superintendent of schools rep all right first I want to thank the fall drama for coming in and putting on that performance never thought you know my third or fourth Board of Ed meeting a dinosaur twice um but it's a great opportunity for the kids I thank Dan you know Kimberly uh and Gis for allowing them to come in and taking time out of their practice schedule to do so added a little bit and we have to remember why we're here like we're here for the stud so they clearly had a lot of fun all right superintendent report under board action so I'm seeking board approval of the October November HIV report so the breakdown is as follows New Milford High School there were four HIV 338 form submitted two hibs were not forwarded for investigation under principal determination one H one HIV was investigated by the ABS and was unfounded it did not meet the criteria Deo there were two HIV 338 form submitted two hivs were investigated by the ABS and were both unfounded berly there were three Hib 338 forms submitted one Hib was not forwarded for investigation two hivs were investigated by the ABS one was founded and one was unfounded in Gibbs there were two HIV 338 forms submitted one HIV was not forwarded under principal determination and one investigation was unfounded I just want to point out at the last County meeting in Bergen County hivs are up 500 100% from previous years so as much as this may seem like a lot we are still doing okay another surrounding District I talked to them they had 38 hivs over there so we are we're doing okay we always want to get better but just to keep it in perspective I'm also seeking board approval for the September or October suspension report uh New Milford High School two students were suspended for a total of five days one student served one day of in school suspension and two days of out of school suspension one student served one day of in school suspension and one day of out of school suspension Deo five students were suspended for a total of nine days one student served two days of out of school suspension another student served one day of out of school suspension one student served one day of in school suspension another student one day of in school suspension and one student served four days of out of school suspension Berkeley and Gibbs zero suspensions other things on the work agenda I'm going to be seeking approval for is the NJ qac District performance review or DPR so we are in a qac year every 3 years uh we are blessed with this um and qac is a system used by New Jersey Department of Education to Monitor and evaluate all public school districts the system assesses districts in five areas instruction and program fiscal governance operations personnel and districts that score at least 80 points in each of the sections and is considered high perform by the State Board of Education as part of this process those districts being monitored have to self-evaluate under a district performance review DPR the committee of stakeholders review the DPR to determine if the district is meeting compliance requirements and submit the self- evaluation to the county later on in that year County reps will come in and visit our school district and they will judge us based on our DPR and say whether we are compliant or not compliant based on our evidence so we have no real score at this time we just basically do a self audit then they come in later so I'm looking for approval for the DPR because on Thursday I have to submit it all to NJ doe home room and upload three different documents I'm also seeking approval for the 2425 School Safety and Security plan annual review statement of assurance submission to the county office a School Safety and Security plan is just what it says is a comprehensive planed outlines of procedures and strategies for keeping public schools safe and secure the plan must meet minimum state requirements which hours does emergy preparedness lock down evacuation threat assessment um we collaborate with OEM and law enforcement you know all the time I actually saw um Mrs Gomez and M Dunn at the tabletop we did with OEM uh to practice our lockdown procedures we have a great relationship and that's why our schools are so safe predominant a relationship with the police and also um because of our lockdown procedures with the lens system and um all the security at the security doors um I'd like to seek approval to adopt the third revision of the standard standard operations procedure but I'm going to leave that up to Mr Watson to discuss in detail since him and his team did a excellent and thorough job creating it under Personnel I'm seeking approval for hiring of Kimberly corzilius who was just here putting on the show so we are hiring her in place of Jane Schwarz who is retiring it's fantastic because Kimberly was a student and prot of Mrs Schwarz so it's kind of like the passing of the torch and we're also requesting that you approve her for the musical director as well as we're bringing that back to alumni I'm also seeking approval for the appointment of six periods to fill a special education maternity leave for four months let me explain this real quickly we did put it out we have a maternity leave and special education in the high school we knew it was coming we advertised we actually interviewed a couple of candidates none either met our standard or did not have the proper certification so the school put its heads together with the liaison special head director and the principal and came up with a great idea to pay six periods I always worry about six periods but the price but when you break it down it it's it's pretty cost effective um and I broke it down in the board notes where you so you can kind of see if we extrapolate out so it's a great move and the nice thing is the sixth period we don't have to you know get someone on boarded you know worry about them meeting people how they're going to mes with the culture of the school it's all people we know and trust already so learning will continue on abated and when the maternity leave coming back those teachers just lose their six period and we go back to normal so it's really stream uh really streamlineed I'm seeking approval for academic support staff to work on an extended school day at DAV own's middle school so with the use of title funds teachers will pretty much Target students in need and they will give them extra seat time whether it be an Ela or math this can be done after school before school or actually during lunch uh for increments of time under Finance I'm seeking approval for the Mind spring developmental Services contract so what the Mind Springs does this is not anything we have to pay for right now it's per deal so when we have to get a student tested basically it's a neuros site that we would use it for we cannot do that inhouse it's expensive and it takes a long we do not have the certified Personnel for it um so we would send that out of house and it just gives us different options of to choose we have a relationship with these people um their director who was starting it actually left who we used to use and so we're putting and started this company so we're very comfortable with her that's why we're putting this one on it as well if you read the contract pretty much every other thing there's like 10 other objects that we could purchase from them we can pretty much do all inh house sometimes we do not if it's Court mediated that we have to get independent you know IQ test or something not from our people that's when we would use it as well but 99% of the stuff we do in house it's just really for that neuro site under policy I am seeking approval of two policies um of particular importance The Spectator code of conduct with all districts sanctioned under the njsa have to adopt this by September Mr Alber of the policy committee I'm sure we'll share more about that otherwise I look forward to talking about the district happenings um at the regular session tomorrow night that is it for my report thank you any questions um I see Lauren is not here so acting business administrative report Bruce Watson okay thank you and good evening everybody um as we did last month we gave you both the work session and the regular session agenda just way you can look and see what's coming up and we can talk about them tonight hopefully in the future maybe combined them it'll be a little easier you know as you go forward on thing for everybody but it's just a thought I only have two major items uh just to share with you uh the first item is uh the roofing projects on the high school and on Gibbs Gibbs is totally done everything's finished uh Past full inspection so we're good there uh the high school we did the punch list last week spent the morning on a roof with a bunch of people walking around a high school roof and certified the punch list uh it's quite nice looking down it makes you feel like you're special you know you're looking down Global look and uh so what what comes out of this is obviously working the frustrations working with the state in the SDA uh they are the uh the office that is working with the rock grants and going to give us our Aid uh very happy and uh pleased to report tonight that we did get our first aid payment uh which I put right there on the agenda for for you it's a little over half a million dollar um the breakdown is that we are still looking to get another 780,000 roughly on the high school roof and then we're looking for 176,000 on Gibs so we're going to get that money back we're returning it to capital reserve and I started the process of the third ride Grant now that I know that money is coming into us we can use that money when we go to the mechanical upgrades in the auditorium so I I had them uh certify the start I there's a whole process here is it's like walking up a step ladder you have to do this a lot of it is redundant uh but they make you do this so we are at um a one final submission and we are at the other one is 65 to 75% submission and I should get what we should get here we should get about another two weeks our second payment for the high school and also the first payment total payment for gift so I think within the next two or three weeks we're going to have a lot of money coming back into uh your capital reserve the other thing I'd like to share with you is uh superintendent spoke about the qack process and I've been through many of them in many different districts and they are quite encompassing to say the least but they take a lot of time in indicator two under the finance area the monitors are going to look for our manual called sop with the acronym for standard operating procedures and internal controls very important uh this hasn't been updated since uh 2017 uh so we took it with uh the office staff and I want to yell out give a shout out to my office staff the ladies in the office did a remarkable job this is almost 160 pages long we went through every single page we've updated where it need to be updated we have all departments involved special ed technology buildings and grounds facilities Finance Etc we based the uh all of all of the changes based on our actual operating of internal controls it's real this is what we're doing the whole purchasing section has been replaced it's all updated to the very latest law code title 18a 6A all of it and um again the credit goes to the people in the office I just want to say thank you to the ladies in in my office or in the business office not my office been much longer but anyway they've been great and uh we have that done and so I feel that when they come in and look at this this would be an example to be shared with other districts I've been in many districts and uh I think this is one of the most complete internal control manuals that you'll see you can see the pride that they have in it yeah they do were we worked as a nice Team all of us and they did they just did a great job really so give them kudos for that um and so we got a lot of good things happening there's a number of other things that we're working on Essa report which as you know is really the Baseline of setting in and getting our state aid we don't know what the state aid formulas are as to the law has not been replaced yet they're probably not going to announce the new state aid law probably till I would say end of February early March and we'll be jumping on that every District we die in the seat they did up update uh timelines for your midyear review of budgets now usually you wait to February 1 we do a midyear review of our budget we tell you know tell the state the county everybody's asking here's where we are here's what we're spending well they wanted that now a lot of the questions so we are doing a lot of that right now it will be done before I um however until our audit is finished which we have not had yet they started uh let's see today is they started it last Friday um they will be coming on site uh next week so once the audit is finished then we can finish the midyear review because it's asking questions about our starting points and various things now I I called the executive county superintendent and and basically shared with him that you know you're asking people this but the audit's not up I could give you my best estimate on these issues like where where's our capital reserve number I had that I figured it out you want it no no I want the audit so so okay fine so we're going to have to wait for the audit but the office is very busy um soon as Stephanie comes back she will start she's asked me to hold off the new budget process so I haven't started that we trying to do everything else so when she comes back she can hit the budget right away with everybody and I think that's going to work the fact that Mr Watson just said I it's on camera the midyear budget review you think it's going to be done before you leave is is pretty is pretty remarkable well it'll be totally done but it'll be 85% done until we get until we get the order so you'll be fine okay thank you very much anyone have any questions no I just wanted to say this I don't know if this is going to be your your last meetings with us but I just wanted to say um um thank you for coming on as our intern for all of the hard work that you've done and being such a team player thank you you're welcome yeah tomorrow night the last one I'm done Friday Friday's My Last Day St Stephanie is due to come back Monday well thank you for coming back again this your second s with us my pleasure I came back always welcome back I came back because when when uh Stephanie called me I had to R said no I can't do it because I had some other things lined up and then she called me back again and she said I can't get anybody and I said okay I said I I'll come and help you but the only reason why I said yes was because the last time I was here which was what 5 years ago the people in this District are so good to work with that they're they're they're kind they're professional and the board was great when I was here and you you're also great I'll leave you with that note I don't know you intimately professionally as much as I knew the old board the other board but you seem to be on that same uh pathway uh so I agreed to come back because of that I've been asked to go to a number of other districts uh which I turned down because of just the opposite of those compliments so I just share that with you I should be proud that it's it's it's a really a fine District very good District I appreciate you saying that we're just like the other good as tomorrow would have been really awkward some of us are still here thank you very much okay is anyone have any pleas on board committee reports I was going to say it tomorrow okay that's fine anyone else it's WR the not to push you but the usually I thought we had said we would do the reports on the week work session in case there was a decision or anything we had to make tomorrow so is there anything specific that you want everybody to know based on what we're going to have to vote on tomorrow as far as the policy absolutely um we have two policies up for first reading tomorrow and uh they're both kind of revisions of existing policies the first policy is 6620 petty cash um petty cash is basically it's it's kind of an Antiquated practice of having a certain amount of cash in each School building or Department to have for you know emergencies and I guess coming from the administrator Mr blasso Mr Watson probably Dr cuchar because it's antiquate it's really not necessary so the policies being proposed to be revised to basically remove the petty cash Mr colasso C from R from all the school buildings the only the only program would be the WIS program correct because they had sometimes they have an urgent need that can't wait for uh a requisition right away so that's really the only change to that policy we're basically striking out I believe the policy was it's very old so I don't even know if the you might laugh when you see the dollar toles with what $50 can buy from them um so they're being struck out and basically leaving the Rings program if policy 9162 uh I believe used to be under the athletic code of conduct and it's sort of being revised because the the former policy did mention consequences for uh less than desirable Behavior as a spectator at an athletic School event this policy is in line with what the njsiaa the athletic body is looking for and we're fortunate that our own athletic director Mr rck Deli was like the spearhead in beron County with other other ads to put this program together and what the policy committee likes likes about it and what I like about it is that it's a great deal more specific in terms of what the expectations are for Behavior rather than giving generalities and also the old policy just simply said banned everybody's banned this policy you know has consequences but it's more than just not being able to attend an event and and and in the first couple in the first tiers of offenses if you will it's not terminal you're not going to be gone forever but there are some things that you have to do to recoup your right if you will or privilege to attend an event so that policy with the first reading I do encourage the board uh to read it because it does my concern when we read it as a group was what we had legally you know I even said in our meeting in a restaurant that could say no shirt no shoes no service what we have legally to say you can't come in and I think this policy and of course the way like is today we talked about Mr Luna mentioned about or Mr gasso mentioned about five 500% more HIV unfortunately that behavior sometimes exists in participants Spectators netk events so this is a very big policy and almost I mean the state is imploring all the districts that have athletic or clastic program to adopt this policy some policies are personalized um Mr gaso C me from wrong we're talking about home events from consequence or we talk about home and away we we had discussed whether we were going if the hasb heit's person was banned coming to our place what's our place how do we know who it is have to hold a poster up so we we kept it so they're suspended like two games and it's like a home game obviously they're suspended for us a away game they're going to be suspended as well for our policy other policies they have made it so it's only home games I guess because when we discussed you brought it to light pretty much that well unless the ad calls us how do we know that that person is suspended um so it brings up a great Point um we're hoping the ads work together on this I mean they just had an njic meeting today in New Milford the whole entire you know 30 uh district with teams came to meet in New Milford today and those things are being discussed so they can work together our fear was this if we suspend someone for one game after their first offense and the next game is an away game they just did the behavior and then because it's not a home game they get to go to the away game um and it seemed like I wouldn't do that in a classroom postpone disciplinary behavioral consequence it seems weird to postpone it then so that's why we went by that obviously if it doesn't work out we have issues we can always go back to the drawing table but the ads have to be intimately involved in this in communicating for it to make it work I think they are invested in it because they are the front line who's experiencing a lot of these spectator issues also the njsa gave us money to purchase signage um correlating with this code of conduct as well so that has been purchased and distributed and that will be hung up as well includ my report thank you um Mr glass just touched on that my question was about signage and so will that signage be posted um like on all athletic fields and in in all gyms in the district or like where's the where do we plan on PO so right now I think we have we were giving money for two so one by the track and field field the main football field and the main gym and then we will look to purchase others any other questions okay thank you Tony any correspondence no okay so agenda items for discussion review of the tenative agenda for the regular meeting to be held on September 18th any questions regarding review of board action comments no any questions or comments for review of educational programs in corland never mind I jump I'll break the person does anyone have any questions for that okay Tony you have a question for personnel yeah p2425 77 approval resignations can we find out what their position was y so Lilla is a Berkeley par mullenberg is a Berkeley special education teacher and John forcher is a building and grounds custodian thank you does anyone else have any other questions okay any questions or comments regarding finance and Facilities any questions or comments for athletics po curriculum okay any questions regarding the we already did policy but policy any old business new business Tony I'm wondering is there going to be a High School open house this year yes we are in discussion with the principle on setting a de so I will I will follow up with all of them is that anything going to be in the spring you think at this point that'll be more towards the spring closer to when kids start declaring um to go as a last Stitch effort to make um open to the public as outline in the mil for Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be l in 3 minutes I seek a motion Page seconded by John all in favor I oppose any question from the public okay I seek a motion to close the public Stephanie seconded by Tony all in favor oppos board request for any additional information okay we'll be going into close and not taking action after that it is hereby mooved that the Board of Education adjourned to Executive session in accordance with the provisions of the section of the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters pertaining to the following subject student matter the minutes of executive session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exist I seek a motion to go into to close a seconded by Nicole all in favor post okay thank you for