##VIDEO ID:w66CBjnAWbI## e e e all right we're going to start meeting call the order oh St by the Bell over here okay roll call m al president M Calderon here Mr dler pres M coffinger here Mr Lombardi Mr lunam here M Ryan here M Dunn here miss Gomez here and for theedge Al Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under indivisible withy and Justice board statement in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings law the the Milford board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof in the record New Milford Public Library New Milford burough Hall and the main office of all new Milford Public Schools the board announces that under its longstanding policy it will not discuss in public any comments made by members of the public concerning individual staff members at this time please be advised that all cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off meetings of the board are open to the public and all members of the community should feel free to participate before coming to the board the chain of command should be followed there are two portions of the meeting reserved for comments from the public the first at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only and the second at the end of the meeting for other items issues raised by the public may or may not be responded to by the board but all comments will be considered the board requests that all members of the public be mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the state of New Jersey members of the public are asked to not speak negatively or in a derogatory manner about any employee of the board or any student is there a presentation no presentation okay so superintendent of schools award he the last uh my favorite report is going to be tomorrow uh I'll be talking about the graduation Pathways report uh that state mandated that we have to do um I'll F you in more then it's about the different Pathways that students can take to graduate um and fulfill their requirement for the New Jersey state and there are three but there's test technically four and I'll explain the difference between that we also have a new NJ siia spectator code of conduct that I'll just uh briefly mention because those are going to start being posted all across the gyms and facility that basically um is trying to keep Spectators in line now because that's where our society is going um under Personnel you know i' ask you to take a look at um the retirees you know we were discussing that as well we have two big ones and so we'll surprise everyone tomorrow um that's it thank you any questions okay um acting business administrative report Bruce Watson okay thank you and good evening everybody um what I did is I made a copy of the work session agenda which you have and next to it is a draft of tomorrow night's agenda so if you wanted to look at some of the items in case you had some questions uh you know that would help you and you can see her a win on that while you're reviewing that I do have a couple of things to to talk about one just want to let the bo know in case you get phone calls we've had for some reason a rash of bus problems we have three buses that have been in the shop one towed away from the on the road we've doubled up on routes to make sure students are picked up we've informed parents uh we have informed principles they've helped us with that communication but just in case uh you know we we're spending money that um we didn't plan on spending on these buses we have U two buses with wheelchairs both of them are down so therefore unfortunately we're not transporting um a particular child that needs that bus so we had to make other arrangements which we did and hopefully we will get that bus back tomorrow afternoon so we may be able to start picking the child up at the school and and and bringing the student home but we're working on this and it's U I can't explain it but bus they went down one after the other with all kinds of problem we had to rebuild an engine we had transmission problems we had spent a lot of money on tires we had our buses inspected and in order to pass the state inspection we had to put some money into these vehicles so I'm just letting you know just so out of courtesy if you get a call you're aware of it you're not surprised but so far we're we the ladies in my office are doing a great job handling this I have to give them a lot of credit so they're doing well and Brian who our facilities managers also working hard um let me finish if you have questions I'll I'll certainly answer any questions on the agenda tomorrow uh I'm asking the board to approve the budget calendar I spoke to uh Stephanie uh normally this is a little later to get an approval but because uh superintendent is new and she's not here I thought it'd be a good thing to get this started and then I can work with the superintendent as well uh getting the budget started for you as you know probably one of the top five important things that we do is put a budget together and adopt a budget that's critical so we want to get a start and we we can do that so um you have a copy which I I gave to each of you so you can see it uh that'll be on for an approval there will be another motion on tomorrow uh we've had as you well know by now we had a remove the drop- down tables in both elementary schools um I have some pictures if anybody's interest I'll pass these around what's left after the tables are gone is a steel metal uh combination of a wall unit which uh does we do have concerns on it for for some of our kids obviously running into it getting C so we have ordered uh wall pads uh for the cover uh they'll be coming it's on the motion you'll be approving that tomorrow night we did it Advance because it is a safety issue we had a meeting with everybody superintendent was 100% behind it as well and so that's been ordered and as soon as they get in we're going to rip those metal uh casings out we're going to restructure it with 2x4s Etc frame it out and then we're going to put some mats up for safety so children are fine and we shouldn't have any problems so um that's that's on the motion tomorrow night as well um I'll just give you a little update on the roofs as you know you have two schools that are being re-roofed Gibbs is about 98% done um the high school is is probably somewhere around 80 to 85% uh complete we're waiting for metal to be delivered the metal is the flashing uh it's also some venting work and so forth once that comes we have to Stage it on a property somewhere safely and then the crews come and they start taking and bring it up and do the metal work they'll be working mostly after hours and a week uh make sure we have a separation uh Gibbs is good we have uh on Thursday I have the state inspector now you have um a situation where we did we did receive approval for two Rod grants the third Rod Grant is still mulling on that's the mechanical in the auditorium mechanical work we didn't even have an approval on that yet when you work with the SDA it is not that easy let me tell you that so um I have been working on trying to get our grant money and um I have just to give you an idea they do it as a step ladder step one you have to apply for your share of the state aid for design work step two you have to come back and do a 30 to 65% of the construction work once they are approved and they're inspected then you can go to 95 or uh a completion if you want or uh uh satisfactory situations what they call and then we can fly so it's not going out and saying give us all our money you have to do this a lot of paperwork involved so we're working on that and right now Thursday by the way they won't grant that until they send someone out and they do an actual walk around now Thursday I have the architect joining me and I have the Garland uh rep the Garland is the roofing material so we have both of them joining me to meet with with the SDA inspector so there should be no questions that this gentleman has that we cannot answer for so if that goes well we should be getting the okay to get let me give you a number here so the first payment I'm looking for uh will be about 660,000 a little shy about $657,000 in state a and we've been very aggressive with this other districts I worked with I did an tenna fly and some others they're way behind it stayes very hard to work with but I was able to build the relationship with one of the inspectors down there so they've been very good with working with us so if this goes well we should get approval for that then I'm going to the third step on the roofs and I'll I'll obviously work to get the rest of our state a a from the SDA so I'll just let you know when that comes in I'll give you a little heads up and I got my fingers crossed so we we receive that right after um okay that that's pretty much it for now just to make everybody aware of the various things if you see them on the agenda you know you know why they're there I'm trying to explain it uh the pictures speak forsel I think with the two Elementary I have question yeah so will the matting cover this whole area okay just I want to make sure and then for the child that needed wheelchair transport Y how did we Outsource it what did we do in that no we worked out a a Communications with the parent okay so we we're fine we don't have to take on any other individuals we don't know okay which is important does anyone else have any questions P thank you so on the rod grants just so that I have it clear there's three that we appli for you appli for three you got approval for two the other one they did not approve yet they still in process it's in there it's lost right that's where it is there I got them looking for it okay so but on the two that we did for the roofs yes what you're saying is we haven't gotten the payment yet we should be getting the first payment right after this inspection correct the moment that again the inspection it's it's Thursday it's Thursday I was writing in Miss the so that'll come and then shortly after that and then what's the balance that we should be getting oh good question we should be getting somewhere about a total well I can tell you just give me a minute right okay on the high school our total share should be about a million 297 so almost a m almost a million three almost a million all right and then on the Gibs by the way that that to give you an idea that's 40% of the contract and and there's a motion on tomorrow you'll see it the final contract including the two change orders so you can see that we are under the bid number and we're getting more out of it course I did more work we had the money given back and I was unhappy with some of the things that I had to put some guards on and so forth so we're still under um the high school total is running us about 3,242 now that's a combined of the construction bid and also your Architects fees okay and then on Gibbs sorry I know this was before when we were doing everything but I don't have any of that here so that's right so the Gibbs are our share from the Gibbs roof uh project is 172,0 290 uh that total was 43725 five including the bid of like 393 I think it was off to you'll see it on there and then the architect spe you any questions I do um the cafeterias at the elementary school are the students using that area now and if they are how are we monitoring it so that they St same yeah we we have met with both principles both principles have addressed the issu you know with the with the with the student body the teachers were on and obviously Lunes Etc so we're keeping the tables and the students away at that time we tell him the best we can you know be careful um you know but we're obviously in a jam multi-purpose when we have no other place to for them to eat so we are keeping them away the best they can the best they can that's all I can say they're working on it so that's why we moved so quickly when I went over to see what would it looked like um I immediately uh I I called Peter and uh Peter came over and I thought I really have a concern here this is not so um well we don't have any budget again we don't have any more budget money okay fine so we went back and figured out how to do it I told you you know and or Peter did I'm sorry Peter put it in his update which we did so we're doing okay with that I'm trying to find the money on the buses as well so I'm moving money around and making sure we're trying to meet everything but not hurt us which is uh a challenge so but that's that's the way we're doing it so as soon as we saw it we jumped on we were even waiting for the for the meia to jump on it right away because I I do have a concern and everybody agrees principles were very pleased uh obviously Peter's support was necessary at that the superintendent support So now for lunch U Mr Watson um we rolling tables in or they in the classroom what's now no they're on the tables tables coming out we had some problems uh little little minor problems with the uh tables at Berkeley uh and uh the fold out they come down but they weren't staying so I had the company come out and uh we worked with everybody together we readjusted them um we kind of felt from a group talk which which would include the principal and and Peter myself and Brian that if we got these felt pads because when you open them up and put the tables down they didn't go flush to the floor so therefore students could get their feet or their hands underneath it was about that much so I've seen this before we recommended these uh felt pads with adhesive stripping to it which would take up the Gap and we have them they putting them on the first round we went on it wasn't enough so we're doubling it up and where are we storing the T their story that was another challenge yeah so that was a challenge and I want to give the custodians and uh the PE teachers a lot of props because they were extremely patient and extremely flexible because we kind of threw a monkey rch into the world so they used to have a huge PE storage closet which was beautiful every gym teacher's dream and we took it so um well we took half in one case we took half in one case and then we shuffled space around in the hallway in one case right um two closets down theall two closets down the hallway we move after yeah the night Care Program supplies we mooved down the hole although we were able to keep the refrigerator right in the multipurpose side so they can use it they were very Cooperative got a lot of nice people here I've been in a lot of districts and I think got a lot of nice people it gave them a chance to purge a little bit and keep what they needed so it actually was like a Vis said teachers were very very concerned that at one time someone not Peter not Bruce but someone said someone said well we're going to have to take their office and use that as storage uh so we had a little bit of an upsetment on our hands but we calmed it down and we didn't have to take care of office we worked it out but uh Mr Albert answer you questions the tables are cleaned after they done folded and rolled into both of these huge storage closets so they're they're totally out of sight so there's no danger if the kids go in and play ball and do their things we got that cover so we we had a Smiles doing there a lot of visits lot of visits thank you any other questions okay any Le on board committee reports uh I have a report on our policy committee that was held meeting was left September 12th and on tomorrow's agenda we have nine revisions we have one new policy we have two abolished policies just to hit the high notes the new policy is service animals um talking about being ADA Compliant it's definely the first policy to have miniature horses in it um the abolished policies nay I said the abolished policies are in uh interestingly enough remote public meetings dur are declared emergency that's been abolished so I don't know if ever we're facing a pandemic type situation I guess they going to release new orders new laws Etc we've also abolished gifts from vendors um which never existed in our policy book and really pertains to Abit districts and as far as the revisions go um every once in a while the policy allows you to refresh things and first policies board member number in term we all know how many board members we have in the term but the revision was how to fill vacant positions on the board board there's a policy for curriculum content which basically removes a specific njsla assessment so that in the future if we don't have it anymore we don't change the policy it's more generic um physical examination for teachers and support staff it gives the board in creating the policy the option to make our uh induction if you will to to the district more stringent in terms of right now they passed Mr gasso a general physical examination immunization you know the policy allows you if if we recommended so to do a drug test to do a psychological do wor barel but it was the committee's feeling to keep things the way that they are knowing that if in the event a teacher or a staff member were to be dealing with some difficulties we always can fall back to another policy that would enable us to get them the help that they need um attendance it was a very good discussion about attendance and everyone should understand that whereas the Local District can excuse that thises the state excuses very few absences and when we excuse an absence in the district that does not mean it gets recorded as excuse absence for the state state really wants know about seat time how many times you're going rece so the committee looked at the different reasons for an un for an excused absence and looked at the total of unexcused absences permitted that may impact grade or promotion Etc um student suicide prevention obviously revised more with more specific protocols for training and response concerning Suicide Prevention emergency and crisis situation specific language has been mandated to be included to address the needs to take in consideration the needs of disabled or otherwise impacted students when conducting emergency drills not only in their Mobility but in terms of the sounds and things like that uh we have a policy revision for firearms and weapons it's a very old policy and unfortunately the Weaponry has has increased and so it's more specific in certain types of weapons firearms and responses and we have a policy revision concerning volunteer coaches which updated requirements including tuberculosis testing and the need for a background check a substitute Ser the board the committee says will not be required but it is a little bit more stringent in terms of the background check and the TB testing and Mr glasso I think you said the background check is paid for by the board correct okay um I sent you this report just before the meeting and I asked that be put in our agenda drive for tomorrow so anybody have any questions I'm sure Mr glosso can answer better than I anybody have any questions about policy the work the policy commit I just I just want to make one comment with the policy with the background check whether it was policy or not I know that the district did always require a background check before a volunteer was approved that's sub that was ack thing just in case anyone hears like that we didn't that volunteers always went their background check volunteers anybody who works with children has to get a background check uh that's what we are comfortable with that's what we mandate um so yes that that never changed and thank you Tony for making policy funny I'm excited to hear more about the water again any other liaison committee reports um so I don't' ever really establish who chair is for the pilot ad hoc committee but I did just want to bring up that we do have we have a meeting set with the burrow uh tomorrow to discuss the development that is being proposed at the old shite location um on our agenda to discuss eventually that you know the details of of the um the project the development and how you know how would affect you know obious of the district the students of the Milford and to kind of Express that we um you know we want to be involved in the process and and and want to make sure that we are you know looking you know towards the um you how this will affect to the district so that's something that um is happening tomorrow so um I will probably have more or whoever it is can report more on what happens uh after that meeting tomorrow with with the mayor and his people okay anyone else on the board counciling seor hey it's always nice to see everybody tonight um and I just like to Echo what M said the the bur is also looking forward uh to this meeting tomorrow and thanks you for your partnership as well as your input and and thank you for your your your hard work on this issue as well um I have an update tonight I also want to thank the board of the school district for again partnering with us because it's a true partnership initiative with our annual domestic violence awareness Symposium we have finalized our roster of all partnering and collaborating agencies everyone back on board we're going to be joined this year by the new Bergen County prosecutor's office domestic violence Chief who was taking over the position uh this year and our featured guest speaker this year will be Alexis r from Rico College some of you may have heard of her in October 2022 she was kidnapped and vertually assaulted and escaped at WB Commons in New York so she has graciously agreed to be our speaker this October and again I can't thank you enough for your partnership it's a true honor and privilege that we come together as a community the bureau the School District Board of Education and our police department and all of our partment agencies to hopefully make a difference so thank you Council sour um what is the date um that that's going to be held again and at what time and um is it is it open to the public is it open Only By Invitation Etc thank you thank you for that question uh this year's event will be on Tuesday October 29th as at 6 p.m. again Tuesday October 29th at 6 p.m. it will both be open to public for live iners attendance and also simultaneously live streams with the great thanks to Mr PR in the back who every year does a fantastic job and doesn't get nearly enough credit Dan for the amazing work that you do with that live stream uh where uh we reach a tremendous number of people and what we find interesting doing this work is it's a it it doesn't just Spike and viewership at then stop uh the engagement of the YouTube link continues uh at a pretty steady rate for approximately a year uh and I believe that's important because the agencies continue to share the link on their social media uh which continues to get future engagement uh and we encourage people to attend so it's always open to the public because our intended audiences a community at large and not just the victims and survivors and their families to try to educate and inform people people of the different faces of domestic violence which is our theme this year with a focus on communicating a message of domestic violence does not know differences of gender ethnicity political affiliation social status it impacts everybody uh and as a result it's truly a a problem for our entire society that overlaps so many other issues including addiction and and alcohol and and a series of problems and I and I also like to just share that the new domestic finalist Chief and the prosecutor's office very abon he's very enthusiastic and very eager to join us this year and we're also being uh joined by retired Judge Terry botell on our panel as well so thank you starts at 6 you said what is the running time expect it to be uh being realistic we always have a goal of 90 minutes however being realistic I tell our panel uh 2 hours thank you two hours and it's going to be structured uh similar to past years's where we'll open with some definitions of some key Core Concepts core terms so people understand what we're talking about uh and then we're going to have our our speaker Alexis Rin tell the story and the panel will then take turns commenting on the issues which come up in her story which also include cyber stalking and cyber harassment and digital tracking using uh cell phone technology specifically location sharing which is growing problem in our society and is terrifying to see behind the scenes uh how easily an offender and an abuser can stalk uh a victim just through just through cell phone technology maybe I'm dating myself with my own age to me uh this was news I didn't even realize until I started working on dist Symposium the extent of this problem any other questions yes sir council did you tell me what's the name of the meeting you hit You' given it a name before yes sir I get it right thank you it's the sixth annual domestic violence awareness Symposium thank you and it is also uh just so you're aware has spurred other symposia around Bon County including ones we've also held at Rao College uh violence prevention where we we've also focused on raising awareness of sexual assault at ramico college with a similar team in Coalition and we've ALS Al held similar symposia at Bergen Newbridge Medical Center focusing on the uh the trauma components of being a victim of domestic violence and the overwhelming difficulty that victims and survivors have especially when they have young children especially when they're in a marital or close relationship with the abuser while they have young children the difficulty in getting out of these relationships is overwhelming and uh a lot of be paralyzing so I I I thank everybody for their support and and last year as I mentioned last year's uh supposing it was an honor and privilege that the New Jersey Supreme Court did officially recognize this program um which was very humble so thank you thank you okay any correspondence well you see more we did receive I think we sent it out there was a letter from the Auditors pet the Peter and the order they begin by saying we'd like to meet to discuss this with you it's totally up to you if you want to have a an early meeting with them or if you want to wait to have the a review meeting when they're done so but he's laying out he meeting and Gary viny uh who I've worked with many districts he's kind of laying out you know this is everything we're doing there are some changes gby changes every year anyway there's always a change with gby moves so you know he's he's just let board not but out of courtesy if you'd like to meet come in and explain it you know if if that's not what your interest is you want to wait and then have the real numbers to talk to then would wait as you know you have a a meeting at the end where they present your order to the board right okay thank you sure agenda items for discussion review of the tenative agenda for the regular meeting to be held on September 18th any questions regarding review of board action any questions regarding review of educational programs and curriculum any questions regarding review of personnel recommendations Telly uh p2425 248 six period assignment we know about content that is for French and so the high school teacher is going to go down to middle school and give some extra time there to expand the French program because of interest in sixth grade and seventh grade is exploratory language art uh World Language and then eighth grade they declare and So based on that number we need more Personnel down there thank you Jo uh P 2425 uh 46 as well as 56 which I assume are related uh my question is on 46 uh the shadowing for two days um is that something that we've typically done in the past is that something new um and it looks like that person is going to be filling a go so maybe Mr gas if you could just speak to that all right so yes this person will be shadowing for two days it is a transition so that teacher is going out on leave uh for let's say 3 months three and a half months and the man who's taking over for her um it just gives them a chance to talk about transition what is grading policy how do you start the class what are your anticipatory sets how do you close the class parent communication if there newsletters newsletters are not content curriculum where do you need me to get to um introduced to people so you're just not starting day one we have the luxury if you're a teacher hired let's say in June of last year or July you have the luxury of new teacher orientation for 3 Days uh to get acclimated to the building and the people and then also uh convocation and then the professional development the day after that before the students come in um this is pretty much the year has commenced we are on a roll we are rolling full swing and this gives the chance the chance for that person to transition you know more efficiently has it been practice um it's a good practice so I didn't question it um when it was asked of me thank you anyone else okay any questions for review of finance and Facilities any questions for review of Athletics and co-curriculum want to thank the volunteer yeah um any questions regard regarding review of policy any old business any new business okay open to the public I seek a motion is not one New Milford Board of Education bylaw 0167 each statement made by a participant shall be led for 3 minutes give any a second Joe all in favor I oppose anyone from the public please state your name and town loation Milford just a question in general it's nice to see that the attachments that are on the agenda are now links that you can go to but you have to request access and sometimes when you request access you're not given access so I'm just wondering like it's a great thing but is there a way to just have the link live so that you can just click on it and get to whatever it is yes yes are all of those things accessible to the public well that's that's what I have to find out like what is accessible to you know I'm hoping none of them were a mistake link so I want to double check that to be honest with you um but yes it's just a click of everyone can view link or not yeah because these things they used to actually be printed out you know the agenda was this big because they would be printed out and attached to the agenda but now it's nice to see that there's a link there but just want to be able to get onto the link what do you have the links you probably have them circled no we can look into it so I don't know but why would there be a link if it's not it's always been a link for the board not a live link like this though for us it has but now it's for the public so I think that just he just has to look into that and see which documents should actually be okay thanks any other question all right I seek a motion to close to the public Nicole second by Cheryl all in favor I opposed uh board member request for additional information okay and we're not going CL okay I seek a motion to go into I seek a motion to adjourn Nicole seconded by Stephanie all favor I opposed okay we'll see everyone tomorrow thank e