call the meeting to order roll call please miss bisa pres Mr kisy here Mr jno here mayor Morgan here Mrs J here Mr kogan here Mrs mcnight here alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all a public meeting at B Council count Union state New Jersey adequate notice has been given in accordance with PL 1975 CH 231 that annual notice of revision was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT we're not going to have any presentations because the kids can't make it this morning so we have a uh hearing on ordinance 01 I have a motion please so moved I'll second can you read the title please Denise ordinance 202 24-1 is an ordinance of the Bure of New Providence County of union state of New Jersey deleting chapter 41 article two of the code of the burough of New Providence okay anybody wishing to address Council in this ordinance and this ordinance only seeing no one I declared a public hearing closed okay we have appointments I just need roll call on that oh yes you do yes Miss bisa I Mr kamsky hi Mr deso um Mrs joffre yes Mr kogan yes Mrs B yes okay I'm going to read the uh follow appointments um the said board of directors the planning board meeting will be Jean cagna beautification Gail cron and Perry Everton Adrien foot BRX San Jack alone nania the Verity s devat Jose Lopez Garcia Karina Curry delen cusd Christine Morgan Cindy waret Jane Zoo Chanda yanen I'm getting here Laura Morano We Care Sharma an an Sharma and Kathleen Dolan public G marene kazani Liliana Drake Joe LEF Christopher o Denise Moser Arlene rean uh Louise wheeler and Evelyn bner mental health Donna buas basio Lisa farmer Deborah carrot Colleen Laro Deborah Merrick Christopher o Deb Moonies uh Alexander what's it Ranier and Evelyn bner MP Alliance Miguel Marshall can I have a motion to accept the appointments Some Mo I'll second that all in favor I no so be need approval for U minutes for December 5th so moved I'll second all in favor I no so be it January 23rd so moved second all in favor I yes no so be it January 30th so moved second all in favor I no so B okay we have correspondence Board of adjustment 25 Stanley Road D under down storage tank 183 Oakwood Board of adjustment 23 Grant Board of adjustment 491 central New Jersey transit public hearing notice prop proposed uh change and fairs oh I guess they're going down huh jcpnl public hearing on LR filing uh Remington and Vernick Engineers um for njd per permit there Springfield Avenue Park Employments and Berkeley Heights where are we getting that we get from the surrounding towns when they do things where is that in Springfield Avenue that's where the Berkeley Plaza was yeah oh and um chattam Township storm order control any comments seeing none we'll go to cancel business administration Lisa thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing the application for oh I'm sorry I'm on the wrong one let's get back up here Administration resolution 20204 -71 resolution approving the requisition r2400 265 for affordable Interior Systems care of Ard Facilities Management Group doing business as paramont FMS in the amount not to exceed $3,631 152 for office furniture State contract number 19- f0000 d-00 876 this is is approving a purchase order for office furniture for the clerk's office the clerk's office has been redesigned to provide more workpace and an increased an increased storage facilities the current uh Furniture in that room is going to be moved over to the public health office okay advisory Boards N first diversity thank you so much resolution 202 24-72 is a resolution approving request of the New Providence diversity advisory committee to sponsor or community events during the calendar year 2024 so this is really just a first pass of things that we are interested in doing this calendar year um if you look at the attachment we have it broken down by if we want to do stuff on social media with the library with the high school through the recreation department website and other um not all this obviously is going to be able to be done because a couple of them already passed um we did do the MLK Day event uh with the recreation department and as you can see a lot of this um that we're looking to do this year is coordinating with other areas so coordinating with the recreation department coordinating with the library um trying really to bring um education and celebration of all of our different cultures across the board um as we get closer um we will provide more details um but to note um we are looking to do things um around race Unity day again like we did last year with with the students which was outstanding we are adding pride month working with the recreation center uh we'll be doing awareness around juneth Hispanic Heritage Month dwali Native American heritage month and night of a thousand stars um so again this is kind of just a broad rush around what we want to do there's not a ton of detail around this yet but as that becomes available we will come back and present them okay who's uh sustainability that's me that's V for it thank you mayor resolution 202 24073 resolution uh approving a request of the New Providence sustainability advisory committee to sponsor community events during the calendar year 2024 so similar to as uh uh naine mentioned uh this approves the the events for 2024 calendar year some of the events include the green Fair tree sapling giveaways the ever popular and growing free cycle event mobile shredding and of course bash the trash which is held at the library okay community activities I was just wondering if I could do like a free cycle event at my house take everything my basement just have to bring it to the parking lot that's all Okay resolution 74 is a resolution authorizing the application for local Recreation Improvement Grant 2024 for the bur of Providence this is uh approving the submission of a Grant application uh for approximately 100 ,000 uh which will also uh help with the grants that we apply for for Oakwood Park for uh our Recreation Department resolution 75 is a salary resolution approving seasonal employees for our baseball programs coming up uh this season K Finance Diane engineering engineer oh engineering thank you may thank you Diane um resolution 20240 76 resolution accept accepting the proposal of CER engineering and design for professional Engineering Services regarding the formal inspection of the Clearwater detention Bas Dam uh this inspection will be performed in compliance with njd uh Bureau of dam safety and flood control requirements that the dam safety standards meets njac 720 this is a required inspection that's performed every two years okay go ahead thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing payment of the attached bills docu bills payable lists in the amount of 9,353 76570 um significant items include our February appropriation for the Board of Ed in8 in the amount of 8,721 6 72101 our January health insurance premium to Horizon in the amount of $1 17,27 our February appropriation for New Providence Library in the amount of 98,2 58 and um to cotch Holdings in the amount of $76,500 for two new police cars resolution 2023 budget into trust fund accounts for Insurance liability and snow removal resolution 22479 appropriation reserves transfer resolution this is budget transfers within the 2023 budget to cover carryover bills and resolution 2024-the emergency temporary appro appropriation and this is amending the 2024 temporary budget to include 20 $2,000 for tuition reimbursement for required employee certifications okay legal thank you mayor resolution 202 481 is a resolution of the burough new Province County Union state of New Jersey authorizing submission of a permanent application to the Department of Environmental Protection for the New Providence Memorial Library uh specifically this is authorizing the new Province Memorial Library to file a permit application with the state d uh for purposes of expansion of the burrow property um our Council Library rep uh councilwoman mcnight has some more details to offer on this right I just wanted to offer a little bit more flavor on that uh as part of the library board um we did a while ago we did a strategic plan part of that strategic plan was looking at expansion of the library um because of where the library is situated it sort of sits on Wetland so in order to even move forward a little bit with the thoughts of expanding they needed to do a survey uh they uh contracted Dynamic engineering and they did that survey um we do actually it does sit on flood Hazard area and it like I said surrounded by Wetlands but the survey showed that we are within 50 ft of so there's like a buffer of about 50 ft so the library does want to move forward uh with those plans and part of that is asking the burrow since the burrow does own the building the Bur will have to apply for that D approval so that's what that is for thank you councilwoman uh resolution 202 2482 is a resolution approving a memorandum of agreement from the county of Union for a drug recognition expert callout program and finally resolution 20 2483 is a resolution authorizing the agreement between the bur of Providence County of Union uh and is it go to is Goot is that Goot uh for distribution of reusable bags I just have a quick question CU my notes Here have we're Distributing the the bags or the next note says recycling of reusable bags which way are we going this is It's both we're we're going to be collecting bags um giving them to the county the county will then recycle them with go tote go tote will then in turn recycle them back to us like the food pantry so if I have a lot of bags in my house I could I can go ahead and give the donate them back terrific thank you I'm sure I'm not alone with that we're part of the P pilot program right we are part of the pilot program excellent thank you perfect I get a ton at home okay uh person Alex thank you mayor just two appointments uh resolution 2024 -84 resolution appointing Noel Grill as full-time Administrative Assistant from the Bure of New Providence uh Noel will be working in the clerk's office as a full-time admin assistant effective February 21st of 2024 the starting salary will be $50,000 uh resolution 20245 resolution appointing Teresa batsford as full-time Administrative Assistant for The Bu of New Providence uh Teresa will be also working in the clerk's office as a full-time admin assistant effective February 21 uh 2024 starting salary as well will be $50,000 okay uh Public Safety that's me we just have raffal applications for o a ra 126 1207 and 128 all uh applications were properly prepared and reviewed um we'll go to public works and Alex thank you may yeah resolution 2024867121 182 this is for the ODB leaf vacuum sourcewell contract number 0311 21- ODB this is approving the purchase of a leaf vacuum that's been planned for some time y uh and then the last part authorization to solicit proposals for tree trimming services in Centennial Park this is a uh request for RFP for tree pruning removing of girdling roots treatment with uh cat growth regulator malul replacement and tree and stump removal okay let's go no discussion items let's go to council committee reports um first thing we had our Roundup of uh 20 23 with the police department it was well attended by the public and um they did a lot of work this year uh and they have a lot more planned so they the police department took their notes and they'll be moving forward on their plan and we'll do another uh review next year um I just wanted to say thank Public Works uh they did an outstanding job today and you know I know they got kind of beat up for the previous one but you know they were out there 3:00 in the morning and they they did Sal and they plowed and you can put salt down a ton of salt on the roads but if it's below 27° nothing melts so I heard from other towns that we were the best around so it was just a difficult storm the time but I just really want to thank them I just want to mention out uh uh about Tuesday's storm um in my uh neighborhood literally a utility pole um got hit by a tree branch right um I went immediately on the Action Line uh put it in uh within minutes um not only did jcpnl show up the police showed up um um the jcpnl person happens to be a local resident uh just everything it's it was nice to see how everything works so well they kept everybody safe communicated extremely well got the a whole new poll replaced new Transformer all by 4:30 U p.m that's good yeah and uh just amazing to see the jcpnl guys asked uh can DPW come and clear some of the snow away I mean within minutes it it was done councilman kogan I would Echo your your sentiment I was very happy to see that power restored because my neighbor uh telephone pole got hit and and went down and I lost my electricity so it was the same incident I lived next door to Cy M Hogan so the power pole was my other neighbor yeah yeah no we were very fortunate the the the restoration efforts were excellent electricity came on you mentioned by by later in the afternoon and uh and it was it was good to see how quickly everyone got on top of it so thank you you know when you when it's a storm like that and not everybody's affected they come right out it's when everybody gets affected where it Tak okay B thank you um so we had our first finance committee meeting earlier in the week um a thank you and a shout out to all the burrow employees who work really hard to put the together all the backup um we're moving along uh it looks good so far but there's still a lot of work to do um Historical Society uh just uh they have an annual dinner on the 18th and um they're moving along and we're starting with you know our rev 250 and I think we're doing well um do you want me to comment on public art or you want to so naen and I had a meeting with um Arlene about public AR um it looks great if you go down the hallway um the rec hallway there's a lot of different um little uh what do we call these things art fixtures art fixtures installations installations um so just one thing to note for that that is uh funded specifically only by donations and grants so um you know please consider donating to that and that's it she has a lot of projects and I think we'll have some good things going forward all right so I just want to say congratulations to our director of recreation Allison Smith who not only is one of the best Recreation directors in the county probably in the state but is also uh a very active volunteer in our in our town and to our boosters uh she was awarded the 2024 Bo katano award for service last week uh actually earlier this week uh this booster the booster club Awards this to recognize an outstanding citizen in our community who makes an impact on our children and supports programs for our education and Athletics uh it's a fantastic award uh thank the katano family for that uh and congratulate again Allison for that award well deserved uh I also just want to wish our Sports programs good luck in in as they conclude their seasons and compete in the state tournaments I know my daughter today is running in groups uh so I want to wish everyone not only in winter track basketball swimming wrestling all the winter sports good luck great yeah I would I would just Echo uh congratulations um to Allison I mean that that's that's the type of stuff that makes a a burrow Community um to to volunteer like that and she does a wonderful job so we're very fortunate other than that I don't have anything else to report mayor thank you okay thank you mayor um affordable housing uh we had a meeting with our planner uh councilman kamsky the mayor um administrator Karo and myself um just really trying to get an understanding of what is going on um nobody knows what we can expect um but we are looking to educate ourselves and provide information to our residents as it becomes available to us um and also U what it is that we can do to understand it and deal with it going forward communication committee we also met um I do have some exciting news there uh we have an Instagram account now if you go on newr NJ on Instagram you'll see our new page uh please like follow everything that you can do it's just another means to get communication out there um it will be it'll follow exact what Facebook has but it's a great new um platform for people who use Instagram because not everybody uses Facebook anymore um so the communication committee is um that's an ongoing committee right so it never finishes it just keeps going and tries to keep improving any means of communication to get as much word out there to our residents about everything going on um and we will be continuing to meet as a group to make sure that we get all the information out to our residents uh what else diversity would talked about mental health um is in progress the U Municipal Alliance also have information there we are having a Naran training we did this several years ago um but as everybody is aware um fenol and a lot of drug issues are everywhere you know we're not precluded from that um so we are providing a Naran training right here in council chambers it will be on Wednesday November TW oh November sorry Wednesday March 27th um at 7:00 p.m. it's open to all residents so I highly urge everybody to come with that if it's run the way it was run last time everybody will go home with an Naran kit it's just something important because you just never really know when that's going to hit close to home um so we're very excited to bring that back to our community um and I urge everyone to attend and that's it for me okay I when I was I was in Trenton um last week and um the assembly did pass A4 and that's the affordable housing which eliminates COA and they're coming up with another system and they're coming up with new numbers and the new numbers aren't going down uh the league of municipalities has been trying to to work with them they got some amendments put in but um who knows it's uh I mean I don't even know the numbers somebody showed me a number I don't know if that's the right number or what and they have a timeline but I wouldn't even be uh be what is it w to that timeline I mean it was uh it there's a lot going on was it an aggressive one meaning quicker than than one would expect no it Le the the discussion lasted about hour and a half 2 hours no the timeline the timeline is everything starts at the beginning of next year okay it all depends on when the legislation itself is passed certain number of days after that but we heard a little bit around the formula and it's very complex so so complicated you have to like read through and it's very very complicated um but we are you know we will provide information as it becomes available we will try to come up with a way if um you know constituents want to reach out to their legislators similar to what we did last time you know this is this affects all of us this affects our home it'll have a great impact on every town burough City in the state and as much as we can have our voices heard we should I don't know what it's going to do but we should do what we can do okay Alex uh just one thing to report on the sustainability uh advisory committee um one of our U sustain ility members uh uh committee members Adrien foot very passionate about trees in town um she's been actively pursuing this uh this one application called the New Jersey Urban and Community forestry application it's a annual report that you have to submit as a burrow um it it looked great we we discussed it um she then proceeded to uh proceed with applying for it on behalf of she can't apply for it we have to as a bur apply for it uh but I want to thank Bernard dead bernardet immediately said hey we only have a day to get this information in so Ralph from DPW had a lot of information so glad that that got put in in in a timely very timely fashion almost at the last minute so it's a good accomplishment this is going to allow us to get more grant opportunities uh for the burrow with with respect to trees throughout the the town so thank you to Adrian and bernardet for getting this done okay Lisa okay thank you um so as part of administration and a little bit of communication some overlap there right um we are in the process of putting together a committee handbook uh that really is going to outline to the committee chairs to the members what their purpose is why why they're doing it how to do it um so hopefully that will be able to answer a lot of questions of of the process and what their roles are what council's role is so we're working on putting that together and hopefully rolling that out to all the Committees soon um I think we're going to it's sort of like a guide book right a handbook a guide book but something that's much needed uh another thing we're looking at is the volunteer application um looking at not just the application itself maybe revamping that a little bit but the process of approving the volunteers and you know we're going to go about that so that that is also in place right now that we're working on um Capital review is going to be meeting this week um beautification advisory so the tree the resolution for the tree trimming is that's part of the beautification long-term plan for Centennial Park so we're really looking forward to that because I think that's going to be a huge Improvement to the park and then once that's done we'll be they're also going to like take care of trimming some of those roots that are starting to grow out out kind of level that off hopefully put some hoop fencing around all the trees make it look a little bit neater so that you know people don't ride their bikes over the plants so that's just part of that whole process um what else do we have Library board I did miss the last meeting because we I was here at a council at a council meeting however um just to update we spoke about uh the D approval that's needed for the planned expansion the library board is very excited about that because we needed that survey to say yes you can move forward um so now that we have that we can move forward with the proposal uh for the expansion and the reason why that is happening is like I said part of the overall strategic plan but the library is getting busier and busier and it's really needed um for instance during midterms Stacy estimated that there were between 275 and 300 kids in the library at one time that's fantastic they took every table every chair there were kids sitting on the floor um she was thrilled and we're thrilled we're thrilled that the library is getting used uh we really wanted to be a community place a community Hub like a community living room I think that's what Stacy's calling it so part of that strategic plan is not just the expansion but adding seating um adding some new tables making it really comfortable and just providing that space for our residents to to meet and and work actually Lisa to chime in on that um I think it was a couple Sundays ago I brought Alex to the library we went in the CH in the children's section it was the my grandson house but you're welcome anytime um and we went into the children's room and it was the same thing everybody brought their kids there and it was kind of just a hangout people sat and read books they were doing puzzles they had coloring they added adult-sized chairs didn't yes they did they don't have to sit on the baby chairs and I I it was great he had he had the best time so I brought my children to the library in the past it's just nice to see that expand and move forward so I just want to chime in on that room as well another thing that they've completed is the transition to Maine which is the main Consortium uh that has been a huge Improvement the res the uh the patrons love it um so some of the things there more computers more robust it capabilities more access to books and larger collection for instance I ordered um I went on to to see if we had a book for it's on it's been on the New York best uh New York bestsellers list for like a year so I'm like okay I got to read this we didn't have it so I had to like um put a hold on it I literally got a call the next day they had the book it came from Mount Olive wow right so like it like any kind of any book you want to read they'll be able to get it um they also have online access to a lot of periodicals you can read the The Wall Street Journal online for free so I encourage you to go to the website look to see how you could download that new um Library platform so you can have access to all their materials that they have available also no self checkout and like I said no F no more findes for overdue books which is nice um so that's that on the library and I just wanted although not a burough committee I just wanted to make a note that the community service Association which is an integral part of our buau it is a nonprofit that operates as as a standalone but they do a lot of work for our residents they provide Financial Resources for folks that are struggling they help with rent medical bills utilities and we help a lot more than you would think another thing we do is we provide Financial Resources for link uh which then in turn gives back to our community as well so they're having their annual fundraiser which is the pasta dinner basket raffle on March 3rd it's a Sunday and of course we couldn't do it without the Lions because they do all the cooking for us all the serving all the cooking um so it's a great Community event today is all Hands-On deck wrapping probably about 80 raffle baskets so please try to get there it's going to be a great a great event okay the one thing I did want to bring up um I want to keep everybody up to date on the noia property um bernardet and I did go up there and meet with uh I guess the President and Vice President up there and uh they told us that they would be leaving that facility in mid uh 2028 um they are they they it's getting sold to a [Music] developer um uh noia is going to lease the property from the developer until it's time to leave okay we also uh had a call from Governor Murphy um he offered all the help he could I don't know how much he'll be able to help us because uh it's a it's private property and a and a private business but uh he offered uh you know some grants for us for planning and things like that and we're having a meeting with Tim Sullivan the economic uh um development person for the state and somebody Eric broy broy so um that's coming up but um you know like the governor said I'll see you at to stay of the state so we'll see um but I just want to bring EV everybody up to date there are no plans that have been given to us but as soon as we find out something we are going to let you know because it's going to make a big impact on not only our community but this whole ridge up here so um that's where we're at right now so at this point Beret you so just a two things um to to piggyback on na Dean's affordable housing um the bill that has left the assembly is scheduled for vote in the Senate and sorry uh for a vote in the Senate and in the end of March so that is something that I have been watching very closely and um trying to keep you guys informed of what's Happening um and the only other thing that um I'd like to remind people if you see a street light out please report it if you see a pothole please report it um please don't assume that we know that it's out there thank you okay public comments anybody wishing to address Council yes hi Kathleen Dolan 12 Laurel Drive uh just a couple things um Lisa um councilwoman Mite uh you mentioned a committee handbook is that for um burough committees or for volunteer advisory committees or both both yeah both so I think it'll be like um like we I mean not to sound derogatory but naen and I were calling it like committee for dummies kind of thing okay yeah so that's something that all the volunteer advisory committee members would be giving copy of and can understand their role right instructions of like if you're plan on holding an event this is what you need to do this is if you have an issue this is what this is this these are your roles as the volunteer this is council's roles as our as the liaison um so hopefully that will just answer a lot of questions and clear up I think that would help a lot um but that's separate from the SOP that you had that meeting to talk about right it's kind of in conjunction with the SOP so I mean you can never separate an sop from a process so the SOP is really what's going to drive the handbook um and you know they're intricately linked okay great um and then in terms of the affordable housing uh how are you thinking about it keeping the public informed like actually what would be the mechanism would there be like a a public forum like you had for the public safety uh last week or you have some other mechanism in mind as as we move on and hear about more I'm sure we'll have public forums that's what we did last time we had several public forums plus we had documentation that went out there I think we had um like a wasn't keep now I have handbook in my brain what we do is we have a you're required presentation you are required to okay so what we do we bring the planner in we bring the attorney in we we bring a lot of people in and there'll be a uh a a discussion on on what what we really we're really at at the mercy of the state here we have no idea our planners don't know nobody knows in the entire State what exactly is going to happen here they got rid of COA uh who knows um I I asked around the other day none the assembly people know mhm nobody knows right exactly how this is going to work out so when I say I don't think they're with it to a timeline I I I think this is going to be going round and round for a while so is there impact uh because of this flux is there impact on the existing um construction that's already been no so they can move ahead under whatever should be yeah separ we've already been approved for all that okay now this is this stuff is going to be in addition in addition and for future projects so you're looking I saw some numbers and I don't know if they're accurate but it would make your head spit okay so in the meantime though I would like to try to put together something that our residents can reach out to the legislators that they can reach out uh for examp the buau of Madison does have a page on their website um that includes um like letters to the governor letters to the state senate letters to the speaker we tried that last time as well um we would like to do that as well so it you know being that this is moving quickly we are going to try to get that out as soon as possible just anything that people could have a a voice have a say just to get the word out about their feelings about it um so we are going to be working on that hopefully sooner rather than later okay I think it might be helpful as well just to have a affordable housing for dummies kind of um document prepared um for the public to just understand what this is all about and what are the implications because I tell you I've talked to a lot of peopleas and they just don't really know how to how to interpret is we don't know yeah I'm just talking about the concept what's the idea behind it what are the current um you know laws that have impacted it where how does it affect New Providence right now and then what are we looking forward to in the future that should already be there something like that so Kath you're looking for something more of how we got where we are and where we're going yeah that includes sort of that like like what it means to people in town why should they care about this um because it's really a bit of a there's so much confusion around it that people like well I I have no idea what this is about so the problem is the whole thing is overdevelopment in density the Suburban towns are are going to be lost MH and you know the affordables are one thing but that's only the developer won't come in and put in affordables they need uh What uh market rate market and like here you got 192 and what 30 that that are affordable well somebody wants to build let's say 100 affordables they're going to have to put 400 in I mean that that's unsustainable for all of us so you know I I I wish there was something I I could put my finger on and yeah I'm not talking about a solution about the Judiciary getting involved again and it it's it's crazy and everyone agrees that New Jersey should be more affordable and affordable housing is very very important and there's a lot of people that that affects I mean my daughter would qualify for something like that so nobody is disagreeing that affordable housing is very important in the state it's having a common sense approach and right now there's a lot of not common sense that is being thrown at this and being thrown at every municipality burrow city in the state and it's just a matter of how to deal with that in a responsible common sense way mhm okay but anyway are you saying that there is something already out there that could be like shared with people I I can actually pair it down for you so that it' be more um more digestible yeah more for dummies yeah more digestible okay all right thank you um we can put all that together the last thing is about the um storm water Control Ordinance that uh chadam shared with us obviously we share a border this is from the township right so um I'm just wondering is there a reason why they shared it with us I know you said that towns often share things with their surrounding towns but do we have our own ordinance related to storm water control if not are we going to be referencing this or getting ideas from this we're working with uh Congressman Kan to uh do some uh try and get a grant to take care of a a lot a lot of these floating problems um you know how how quick the Federal government works so um but the Army Corps of Engineers have been out here they've uh uh burn that and I and Ralph we walked around some of the Ala River this and that actually the faake river is Mor County our our our border doesn't go to the middle of the river it goes to the bank so sometimes if we want to get drudging done this and that we have to ask Morris County and and all the way along like wow okay I don't think anybody knows that um you know it needs to be dredged out the river there's a lot a lot of dead trees a lot of lot of things in there but um you know when you have a hurricane Ida or Floyd or something like that doesn't matter how much storm remediation you do mhm it's not you're going to get water there's no way to get around it okay you can't have 8 in of water in in like 4 hours and don't expect everything to flood out so so just so clear we do have an ordinance yes yeah okay is it we're required to have an ordinance just so you know ours was last updated in 2021 okay okay good to know that's it thank you okay well I don't see anyone else okay I need a motion for items 1 through 18 please so move I'll second roll call please miss bisa I Mr kamsky I Mr jaro Mrs jafre yes Mr kogan yes Mrs MC yes motion for adjournment don't moved second if you could only your if you could leave your laptops on we have to do some updates before we put them away thank you all in favor yes yes no so be it everybody be safe out there and hopefully uh things will nice up