##VIDEO ID:K9CdXVhWLC0## order call please miss bisa present Mr kamsky here Mr dno here mayor Morgan here Mr kogan here Mrs mcnight here salute the flag PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all so public medum Providence County of union state of New Jersey adequate notice has been given in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 that annual notice a revision was made in conformance with Section 13 the ACT okay um before we do anything I want to take a moment of silence and recognize and the um shooting that happened in Georgia which is uh certainly something that is foremost on any uh government's mind I mean the whole reason we changed the whole traffic pattern and everything else at the high school was to make sure that everybody goes through that front door so things like this won't happen here and I realize that a lot of it is an inconvenience for people but the safety of our kids is more important than a little bit of uh inconvenience so um if we could have a moment of silence please thank you need approval of minutes for August 13th uh conference meeting please so move second all favor no so be it August 13th motion please so moved second all in favor I I no so be it okay correspondence uh fire department junior membership for uh Hunter Riley and um a full membership for um Raba candid Bala as a for member and we thank them for their their memberships uh psng uh hearing September 1st on gas conservation incentive program psng annual compliance filing jcpnl annual compliance filing and jcpnl proposal for basic generation service um from Alan Swanson about the ghost tram and we filed the complaint it wasn't really a complaint but your your letter to uh New Jersey Transit and you're looking into it and they're saying that uh they checked it last spring when we kept bringing it up they said it was functioning according to to their standards but they're going to look at it again okay we have Council business administration Lisa thank you mayor we have resolution 20 24-253161 it was agreed that the fence would be removed by the owners at their expense if we needed to access uh that right of way um if it's approved tonight we do have um uh an agreement that they will have to sign saying such Okay resolution 2024-25 is the resolution uh for the adoption of a new Oprah request form pursuant to PL 202 24 c16 uh on September 3rd this provision was reformed and modernized uh the open public records act took Effect one of the new Provisions is that all of the agencies sh subject to Oprah must adopt the records request form created by the government records Council so this was mandated by the state and it is simply a new form that must be used when requesting um open public records Lisa a real quick uh question regarding 253 I'm assuming that resolution uh our Council had a chance to look at that help craft that I would think right so the the agreement yes I can yeah okay I know you had some input WR the resolution and the agreement very good thank you yeah okay engineering Alex thank you may resolution 2024-25 resolution approving progress payment number one for ptoo builders in the amount of 147 , $37.20 for the NJ do FY 2023 Maple Street Improvement project so this approves the progress payment number one for the work that's already done on Maple Street as of uh August 28th this represents about a quarter of the contracted price all right Finance thank you mayor we have resolution 2024-25 was which is a resolution providing for the insertion of any special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget pursuant of njsa 40a 4- 87 CH 159 PL 1948 and this is for National opioid settlement 2024 um and it's for the amount of $1,878 38 and we're inserting that into the budget to be used for opioid remediation um this is yet another another um payment and our burrow has been finding excellent ways to put this money to use resolution 2024-25 7 is the resolution authorizing payment of the attached bills payable list in the amount of 3,897 19416 significant items I that is that me I thought was in my ears for a second anyone have their phone by the microphon um significant items are uh the board of education for $1,451 th000 600 $41,600 for the September tax leving Horizon Health Payment of $125,600 for I'm rounding for September medical um the New Jersey or the the New Providence Library September appropriation which is the same amount as always 98,000 $258 and8 depository Trust Company in the amount of 375,000 for um principal payment depository trust company for an interest payment um for uh $81,500 depository trust company for $ 75,7 and that's for interest on uh another one uh Suburban Disposal of which is the July solid waste and that's $4 45,3 33.33 Union County thir quarter dispatch for $339,800 and Grand recycling for $2,445 and that's August recycling thank you okay we have resolution uh 258 which is uh approving a request for the PBA to sponsor the trunk of treat on October 19 down at the pool parking lot and resolution 259 is a requisition for highway traffic control for amount of $1,224 93 for traffic signs on High Street as you know it's uh a lot going on over there right now and they're trying to get ahead of the curve okay uh public works thank you mayor resolution 202 24-26 resolution approving requisition r241 1832 for Rapid pump and meter service company and amount not to exceed $1,949 for the purchase of new motor for Summit pump number two at the wastewater treatment plant Bergen County Co-op uh number 24-13 this is just a replacement of the summit pump number two uh resolution 2024-25 resolution approving requisition r2401 1867 uh for Rapid pump and meter service company in amount not to exceed $672 for low lift pump number three at the wastewater treatment plant Bergen County Co-op 24-13 uh this approves the testing of motor low lift pump number three while pump number three is being replace the 60 horsepower motor needs to be tested and then it'll determine whether we replace or rebuild the motor resolution 2024-25 24175 for Campbell Foundry Company an amount not to exceed $16 16,144 catch basing grates Morris County Co-op number 14 so this approves the purchase of catch Bas and grates that recently on the recently r paved roads for clean communities grant money uh two more resolution 20242 63 uh resolution approving requisition r241 1850 for rer Group Incorporated in the m not to exceed $3,870 for air conditioning at the dorso center this just replaces as it reads replaces the AC's at the Doro Center uh resolution 20242 4 resolution approving requisition r24 01851 for Rainer Group Incorporated amount not to exceed $19,99 for AC unit replacement in the municipal center Lobby all right um committee reports first I want to congratulate the New Providence Pioneers for winning the the mayor trophy again this year it was a score was 1312 it was a good game they like to give me a heart attack um couple things going on uh the police are going to have their beef steak dinner on the 28th and that'll be at the uh Packa Club the core show will be at the pool on October 5th which is always a good time and we just talked about the trunker treat at uh down at the pool on the 19th um tomorrow night tomorrow's 911 uh tomorrow night at 7:30 there will be a ceremony to for remembrance of what happened 9/11 um very tough day um I know every five years they do a big big Memorial but um I think that's next year or the year after so um that's really uh all I have except for NE I have chat with the mayor on Friday night this Friday night and um but I forget I forgot something I'll take huh you said you said that can I I usually break this down time in no just interrupt us um Historical Society uh has our um has their Book Festival on September 21st and the Cemetery tours are also back on Saturdays at the New Providence Presbyterian Church 9:14 928 105 and 1020 and John spone hour is our host for those he is very talented and knowledgeable so I encourage everybody to go to those they are free um the um Board of Health we had our meeting and it's always so interesting to me uh mosquito born illnesses are still out there so be very careful with that um there's a last year we were talking about um they do a tobacco a age of sale enforcement inspections so basically they um Board of Health hires kids and they go in and ask to purchase tobacco products they've been in town they were in town and actually um our Board of Health Westville Board of Health did not know that Union County was doing it so it was like back to back week on week but our every single establishment that our people went went into in our town passed with flying colors so it was it's just so interesting that these are the things that they do behind the scenes that we undercover teenagers yeah under so um and uh so just be very careful because of the mosquitoes and um different things uh they will have covid tests uh free at the library in the coming months but and that's about it okay mat uh planning board so planning board we heard a application for a subdivision of a property on Earl place which is over by McDonald's um it was an old Nursery which uh was was interesting to learn I drove by to check it out prior to the meeting and I saw these really cool like trees and shrubs and it's all overgrown now but nursery's kind of went by the wayside um but the original owner is going to keep their house which which I thought was great I'd love to see that right just live in the house subdivide um that corner property and they're going to put up a nice home there um and that was it right there was something else there that's it uh pickle ball courts we had a pre-construction meeting for pickle ball courts uh the construction for that should begin probably this week it's really next week right I think this week we the contracted dakot was going to come over and meet and go over some walk walkthroughs uh they're going to be accessing the site through olp so they're just going to check all that out and how they're going to get in and out and when they're going to be able to set up and all that good stuff but uh that con construction should begin uh this week or next um we're starting with The Walking path and then they'll do the pickle ball court construction um six to n weeks for the pickle ball court um once they're completed uh depend on depending on the weather uh we'll determine whether or not they can be painted uh and if it's too I think it's below 50 they won't be able to be painted so we'll have to wait until May of next year to paint the courts however uh Dakota uh will help uh facilitate striping them so that we can use them until then that's it Pete nothing new to report mayor no I remember next next meeting we're going to have a conference meeting talk about the uh the funding for the police department so uh anybody interested in that please uh come and if you have any questions okay um I'm glad you mentioned that uh just a little update on from the engineering uh committees we had a couple of meetings Matt mentioned the pickle ball courts already um police station we had a very productive meeting with uh ber de and Keith um really went through all the scenarios that they've already looked at um and the next meeting as as you mentioned Diane and I are having uh with Jim Testa tomorrow night to talk about his mechanism funding which all will be shared at the next meeting for finance Finance meet yeah uh the community Bridge had also very good meeting with the engineers um that's moving along I think uh one one thing to consider that they uh raised was perhaps when the bridge is taken out the butts that the bridge rests on just to to plan for you know we always want the best scenario but we got a plan for the worst uh so perhaps looking into a temporary Bridge while the new bridge is being constructed so we I think the engineers clearly know that that pathway has to be accessible not by car but at least for uh people pedestrians and then students that might be going to the school uh for drop off there so very productive meeting U more to more to come and last thing uh from sustainability committee free cycle Fest uh Sunday 9:15 looks like it's going to be great weather not I'm sorry n it's on the 15th of September 9 9 A.M to 2 P.M you uh community pool parking lot um I think uh the committee has great volunteers uh be there show you direct you where to go and um always a great event so hope to see everybody there will there be wasn't there a plant table last year or something not sure I believe uh yeah take okay because it wasn't on the flyer so okay please I've got a lot of plans uh the only thing I have is the beautification committee met this afternoon uh they're ramping up uh getting ready to send out some letters asking for donations and sponsorships for um just beautifying you know our public spaces um over the past 20 years they've really done a lot of work you know they've done the holiday wreaths uh the downtown lighting they helped fund sometimes the 9/11 Memorial plantings they collaborated with uh the did for the holiday Decor in Centennial Park and what else the the New Providence the welcome to New Providence banners so they've done quite a bit and they've done all of this with uh selling the house signs believe it or not um and now you know you know everything is getting a little bit more expensive the house signs just aren't cutting it so they are going to go out and ask for donations so uh their first agenda is to light up Centennial Park again this holiday season um um anything above and beyond that hopefully will go towards ongoing improvements of the park um they do have an agenda of items that they they would like to see done to spruce up and improve so if you'd like to make a donation you can make check out the beautification committee oh not to you not to me not to me um and just one other thing this Saturday uh we have coffee with council at Cafe Luna and that's from 9: to 11: so come out and talk to a couple of us uh Council folks ask your questions your concerns whatever is on your mind bring your dog meet Millie bring your dog yeah okay Bernette thank you mayor um a few things on my list South Street water main replacement um New Jersey American water is still working nights as we all know they anticipate being on South Street until the end of the month this week and next week they will be finishing up uh services and the majority of the side street tie-ins they're still testing one section of the main that's already been installed it's not passing inspection water sampling um so they're working to adjust whatever is going on there um that is holding them up to do the Gils Drive Culvert tie-ins though so that's why it's kind of extended out a little bit longer than they thought they would be um they'll be tying into the existing 8 in main across the the saltbrook no Jack and boore will take place across this um across the saltbrook in Veterans Park they um they just don't have the funding to pursue the design and permits and the time they want to kind of wrap up this project so um the two tie-ins for the salpr crossing should be completed though the last week in September we had a meeting with um crj and the uh New Jersey American Water they're going to restore South Street to some sense of normal um prior to the winter but they'll actually come and Mill and pave in the spring once the quaries open back up for the springtime um pickle ball as councilman kamsky mentioned Dakota was here they're mobilizing equipment this week um DPW was over at the at the park uh yesterday trimming back the overhung trees on the Walking path and the tennis courts um they also removed the fencing shrubs and a tree that was by the hitting wall uh they had to be removed um to make room for the lighting stanions and the actual courts that will be placed over on that side um access to the site has been granted to us graciously by Our Lady of Peace church so i' would like to thank Father Francisco for allowing us to do that um construction vehicles will be entering in the corner between the olp property and the Board of Ed property by the um baseball field and it's already been ConEd off so that um we won't be interfering with any of the teachers at the church and construction is anticipated to begin next week weather permitting and it should take 5 six weeks to finish to completion and as uh Comm councilman kamsky mentioned they are starting with The Walking path and as we move down they'll let us know um so we can communicate to the community what areas um not that they're not open but maybe a little bit more um walking hazards um pool Bridge replacement bids are um out to the to contractors now they're due back on September 26th um we're looking to a the contract at the October 8th council meeting and last but not least Maple Street drainage and sidewalks are complete um I spoke with our engineer today they're waiting on P aino for a Paving schedule um it's anticipated that milling and Paving will occur after 4 pm um so we've kind of let the contractor know it doesn't exactly have to be overnight but it certainly can't be during the middle of the day so um 400 p.m. and they have to finish Paving before October 11th because the quar is generally shut down around that time so once we have additional information I'll put it out there for everybody that's it have we heard anything more about the uh sa River Bridge nothing it's hot and cold the last time we heard nothing there was litigation so I don't know what's going on not that I meant any Rush but um one thing I do want to say is that I I was talking to Ralph the other day in the past two years we have paved 88 roads in town that's unbelievable three4 of the town has been repaved in the last two years Beret I want to thank you and Marie uh and and DPW I know you guys work diligently to work with the utilities companies to get this done and I know it's been an inconvenience for a lot of people but you know thankfully we we we got it all done okay um at this time we have public hearing anybody wishing to address Council raise your hand yes I hi Alan Swanson 47 Overhill Road um thank you for sending in the complaint to New Jersey Transit is it possible to have a copy of that so I can keep my file going so when I go down there with my protest signs uh I'll have all the information s you can also Lodge your own complaint you it doesn't have to go through us you can no I know I just would like to just say to reinforce what uh I I didn't do that yet because I I wanted to go through your route first but I definitely am not going to be finished with them because honestly I as I said in the letter I lived there for 10 years two houses down from the crossing and it never functioned this way so any person who's saying it's functioning properly needs their head examined okay um I I wanted to give you a little information piece that that should be of interest to you uh it it has to do with the Clark Reservoir and the reason I bring it up is that the Clark Reservoir was a reservoir constructed many years ago it was actually used as a reservoir but it was abandoned as such decades ago and it was taken over by the county and uh what happened was the county owned the property and decided oh a few years ago 3 years ago or so we want to develop this property and then two years ago they said we're we're going to develop it we're going to get our engineering outfit to get out there and give us a whole plan well the plan that they came up with was to basically destroy the largest function of the the largest area of the um forested area uh with relatively for New Jersey old growth forest and make it into an amusement park uh complete with Carousel synthetic plastic ice skating rink um Clock Tower uh um peers on and on and on and a large parking area and a concession stand and what have you and um I got involved because people contacted me and said through this a club said can you do anything you know and so normally when these things come it's a done deal I mean so I've gone I've gone to these things where they've gone and said we need to save the farest and I've gone there and the farest was cut down already anyway um so I went out there and I thought definitely is a done deal because the um survey Stakes were out they'd obviously brought in equipment to to do the surveying and to put the stakes out as to where they were going to do all this and I'm just like this is not going to happen and then things changed around um I went to the July second meeting and I spoke at the meeting uh just a listening session meeting and what happened was there were a group of citizens that got involved in this and they developed a committee and this committee was fantastic a Grassroots effort that really took a good hard look at this and the thing that was so astonishing was that they'd been talking about this and many of the people on the committee who lived right where they were going to be putting in Asphalt uh walking paths didn't know that the project was even planned until the surveyors came and said oh by the way your fence is on County property you're going to have to move it so it was really quite outrageous and um and this group to make a long story short worked very hard you know I I went down and helped them out and uh I actually contacted the sustainability committee here and I contacted the environmental commissions across the county to say you need to be concerned about this not only because this is really not so good for the forested little bit of forested area we really have left in someplace like Clark but that the county went ahead and just sort of did the put this in Without Really Consulting the way they should with the town and the town to unfortunately was well we can't do anything about it it's County property well the citizens that met in the the house next to the pond one of the four ponds did it were reasonable were um had an alternative plan that was a really good plan presented it presented it um with respect to the county I went and spoke to the county um and and all of them were very respectful amusement park gone I they're going to do a little bit of development but they're going to maintain the the the pathway that they were going to put all the way around all of the things that was going to be asphalt it's totally cut back it's going going to be um wood chips or something that's environmentally they said that we're going to protect the environment we're not going to take down this farest so it's just really one of these real great Grassroots efforts and the reason that I bring it up here is I don't know how much County property how much the property in New Providence the county owns but one of the things that I said to the environmental commission people when I wrote the letters was you need to keep you need to keep on the county to watch what they're doing because who knows what they're planning for the property that's in your town that you don't even know about or they're not even telling you about so um that's why I bring it up just as a instructive thing and just something that I thought was really um just a great experience to see these people it was really the people that did this they they were just fantastic um so anyway that's that's all I had okay um and I appreciate it thank you thank you I I just say Allen 15 years ago actually this November uh the county offered to buy Oakwood Park one of our largest assets yeah I'm aware of that yeah and uh we had a little Grassroots effort in town with uh a lot of residents that uh pushed back on that these this room was packed for for meeting after meeting after meeting and there was a lot of people for it and a lot of people against it and the council heard the people put it on a referendum and allowed the people to vote on whether or not we we should sell that Park to the county we shot it Down 2 to one we own that park today and I to I think to in my opinion is one of the best decisions that we've made in terms of our our parks and Fields it's it's a gorgeous Park we paid for it uh taxpayers paid for it uh and it came out wonderful right and it's not a it literally was planned to be 100% Turf wall to- wall 4,000 ft fieldhouse in the middle and today it's we got a turf field we got a partially turfield we got a grass Outfield we still got the pond we got some walking paths right so and new playground and full control we own it and we own it and we have full control of it so uh you know thank you for bringing that up because honestly I've been thinking about that it's 15 years it was 15 years ago this November so um yeah you know and I think it's important I think it's important to all of us too that um that we do listen to the residents right in in that instance and and them to make decisions that that are in the best interest of the of the burrow well I as I mentioned that the the thing that was a little disturbing to me was that the town of Clark really was not really were not participants with the with the citizens of the town and and there was not when I spoke on July 2nd I I had I didn't have anything prepared I was I was signed up as number 32 I was next to last and they extended the meeting a little bit cuz we only have two left and when I got up I I I basically said talk about packed this room would would have been out filled in the hall from what what it was there in Clark and and I pointed out that that not one I'm number 32 and not one person that had gotten up there and spoken to them said yeah we like this idea so they were they were definitely at a disadvantage and and the thing about it was the people were all so respectful and um and just and and we're in the right was the thing you know so it's a little bit different but but what's encouraging is that you know that you're you were involved in the in the I anticipate that you would be involved in anything that's going to be coming down believe me the county owns very little land here I I know that yes all the all the woods along Oakwood Park to the summit line is own by the pro the other side on the other side of Charwood down by Central avue was owned by the county yeah I I don't anticipate they're going to be throwing any amusement parks in those areas so all right thanks a lot thank you thank you anyone else seeing no one I declared a public hearing closed I need a motion for items on this so move I'll second local please m Pisa hi Mr ksky hi Mr jarna hi Mr um kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes okay uh can I have a motion for adjournment so move second second all in favor I I no so that uh thank you everybody for coming and Summer's over so you know not yet getting back to the norm it's over over say it's over it's over when I