##VIDEO ID:KkeFO5H7F4Y## I smell don't forget of langu correct oh classes swing classes are full swing are you going to talk about the ums that not sure the elevator which is on there okay got it no I know I know it's these are hot hot hot I only brought one ziplock so you can either take them all put them with whatever you want but these are very good they're they're spicy but flavorful these are spicy but flavorful but these little guys here get ready coming something [Music] [Music] that's a good point you know we don't I mean it would be you know police it would be the police department it would be you know okay what 7:30 folks you ready already submitted right so okay it's 7:30 you want to yep roll call um Miss bisa present Mr kamsky here Mr dno here Mr Joffrey here Mr kogan here Mrs mcnight here okay folks pledge of allegiance to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisual liy and justice for all well thank you for joining here in person and Folks at home I understand the Mets game is six nothing right now if there's any change we'll let you know otherwise stick with us um this is a public meeting of the burough Council of of burough new Province County of union state of New Jersey adequate notice for this meeting has been given in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 in that an annual notice or revision was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT tonight we have a presentation uh regarding affordable housing uh from McKinley MZ thank you hi mckin hi everyone um I will try to be brief as I know this is everyone's favorite topic uh if you all remember and and maybe the public does too I was here in front of you uh for six months ago or so right after the recent legislation was adopted in March that is going to govern and dictate how the next round of affordable housing associated with Mount Laurel and previously known as COA is going to function I'm here tonight just as a reminder I don't have any new information for you but I want to keep it fresh in your minds as all of this is about to start so the timeline which is going to be posted on the burrow website it is not there yet but I promise I'm working with bernardet and the town to make sure that gets posted uh but the timeline moving forward today is October 8th October 20th is when the DCA is supposed to release the new obligations for every municipality in the state of New Jersey now October 20th is a Sunday so I'm going to assume the DCA is not working that day so we hope that those numbers come out either the Friday before or literally the the next day Monday the 21st um I'm going to assume that that is going to happen I know there's there's been some rumors some people are wondering if the DCA can do it because of how fast the timeline is but for our purposes we're going to assume that they can meet that and that all Municipal numbers will be released on by the latest the 21st of October so that's a week and a half away uh once that happens municipalities are allowed to calculate their own obligation based on the information that the DCA releases so as an example this is just an example I have absolutely no idea what your obligation is going to be but say it comes out as 100 units from the DCA what they're supposed to do when they release that number is provide the data sources that they use to calculate that number the methodology is already laid out in the legislation but the data that we use to uh apply that methodology to should be released by The DCA we as your housing consultants and the housing consultants for 28 other municipalities will be able to uh recreate those numbers essentially using the data that they've provided but also our on on the ground knowledge of what's happening in the buau um the number if it's any different than the DC's number would likely be more of a margin and error I we don't anticipate any change in those numbers to be drastically different but we are permitted to recalculate them to make to to ensure that uh they are appropriate for what's happening here and in all of our other communities the buau is then required by the very last day in January to adopt a resolution accepting and adop op in one of your your formal obligation whether that's the number calculated by the DCA or recreated by our office using the dca's methodology um so you have to adopt a number and accept this is our affordable housing obligation that's been handed handed to us again that's the last day in January there's then a month basically the entire month of February that an interested party could object to that obligation that could be a developer that could just be a property owner it's but it is a month that they have to file a formal complaint objection uh the new legislation has created a new system uh they call it the program so any objections that are filed are supposed to be dealt with through that new program uh the legislation then gives the municipality and that interested party one month to work that out as we all know that is not enough time uh but that's that is the timeline that's been laid before us I certainly hope that this uh uh doesn't happen in the burrow or in any of the other communities uh but we have to be prepared in case it does so again February would be the time period that anyone could object and the month of March is the time period that the municipality has to work out that objection with that interested party uh we then have until the end of June to prepare and adopt a new housing element and fair share plan you all probably remember the third round plan especially if any of you sat on the uh planning board uh we have to do another one of these and that has to be adopted by the end of June so likely by the beginning of June just given the planning board schedule uh part of that housing plan will be similar to the previously one previous one we did which was dated July 9th 2019 um we have to go through the demographics of the buau we have to consider uh how the changes in demographics since the last uh we also have to consider all of the previous housing sites from the last housing plan that were not developed as of the writing of the new plan uh that doesn't mean that they're going to be negated by any any means necessary we just have to walk through them and note what they are and reasons they haven't developed uh even though we have zoning in place our office has already started reviewing the status of all of the development within New Providence both the affordable units that have been developed or have Broken Ground as well as the overlay zones and some of the zoning that haven't had affordable units realized yet so we're already starting to gather that data together again that housing plan has to be adopted by the end of June uh any mechanisms to implement that housing plan if for example we need to do a rezoning if we need to adjust our existing zoning this is you know we don't know yet but the bureau then has time after that to to adopt uh and and prepare those ordinances so that does not have to happen by June there's a little more leeway there but it is a very aggressive timeline we recognize this everybody else recognizes this uh we do certainly hope that we don't hit roadblocks uh among along the way but we never know uh so as soon as the numbers are released in a week and a half we will hit the ground running uh and I will be back before you certainly before the end of the year in past rounds the Buu has prepared what's called a vacant land adjustment which recognizes that the Buu is completely built out you are a fully developed municipality and any development that comes in is going to be through infill development or uh Demolition and rebuild uh there was a vacant land adjustment prepared in I believe 1989 we did one in 2015 and in one one in 2017 we will do one again this time so whatever number is your assigned number the number that you as the council adopt will be adjusted based on the amount of vacant land available I want to be clear though if so again using the example if and again totally an example I do not know where you're obligation going to be but if it's 100 we would evaluate the vacant land so that means whatever land is vacant available and developable and it would produce what's called a realistic development potential which is what we've looked to in the past the prior the third round realistic development potential was 52 units we met that through the overlay zoning and some other smaller uh mechanisms but that's once we know what these numbers are that's when we'll start to develop the mechanisms for meeting them so I'm not here tonight to propose anything cuz we we don't know yet we're not prepared to do that but that's what you and the public and the planning board should be prepared for moving forward as we get those numbers kley I want to thank you for that that I mean that's very helpful that you outlined that detailed process um quick question the vacant land adjustment does that get applied at the time where we adopt the the the the number in January or is that later in June that's a really good question and I actually just spoke to our Council about it beforehand because there's been some conflicting information out there uh Mr Rizzo's reading and our office's reading of the legislation is that the number that's adopted at the end of January is the overarching obligation number we then prepare the vacant land adjustment which produces that realistic development potential as part of the housing element and fair share plan component so we would have until that's adopted basically in June to to come up with that number okay one other question you're not going to do much sleeping I guess I mean we have to worry about one town which is a big thing say Obviously we want feedback from the public you're doing it for you said 20 a number we have about 25 affordable housing towns our office represents busy couple months we have a lot of Associates we've warned ahead of time to get ready so I'm sure it's your busy season any uh questions I I definitely appreciate you uh checking your commas and and decimals and making sure that there's no mistakes there but uh absolutely as far as timing like you know we said it's obviously very aggressive is there any Communications or potential delays in this process we've asked a lot of attorneys we've I know a lot of attorneys have asked the hups so far the DCA the state has indicated there's no change there's not going to be a change in the timeline for this process um some of the more pessimistic attorneys I've spoken with thinks it's all going to fall apart as soon as January happens I'd like to be a little more optimistic that we'll be able to to meet these uh timelines but as of right now there's not any indication that they're going to give any kind of break for them I would think we' obviously need to move forward assuming it's absolutely to happen yes okay working with you on the planning board for the last what decade or so I'm fully confident that you'll be able to uh to get us over the finish line so thank you very much appreciate all thank you for that can I ask what happens if I mean I I'm fully confident in you your firm and and our buau um but what what would happen if if um you know it didn't yeah we didn't get there I don't for from our perspective we we will get you where you need to be if there's a broader issue I could I could see potentially being broader issues in other parts of the state with this um I'm going to have to defer to our great legal Minds I don't think right now there is any program set up within the legislation for the what ifs you don't meet this there there are certain uh as was in the third round with the uh the J the Judgment of compliance and repos if you didn't have that you were uh vulnerable to the Builder remedy lawsuits uh I do believe there are positions in place like that where you would lose your immunity if you I know especially if you don't make the um the January deadline and the June deadline it puts your immunity in Jeopardy uh some of the other smaller ones along the way I'm not sure if there's been um my understanding is not specific repercussions laid out um I know there's a lot of municipalities even around us that actively fighting and going through you know court and just wondering if they're we've always made we've always I mean Al says this all time right we've always met Our obligation absolutely and I don't think we're not going to meet Our obligation here either um I I think maybe it's your your question is more on a on a you know macro basis right whether or not things blow up you know exactly the burrow I can you guys are going to you're going to meet the timelines I have no no doubt about it um I match you your point I think we could see it larger issues in other parts of the state that might have you know ramifications across the board that might have a ripple down effect it could you know that's all I'm saying like if if it really starts to blow up in other places maybe they'll start to reconsider I don't know but who know and we could we're all we all are considering and and certainly some of us are speculating about what could happen there but I'll say Never Say Never yeah there's always a potential so but uh but for now in front of you these are the dates they're not going to change I can guar we will meet them for The Bu of New Providence and we've always been very diligent and we' alwaysed our obligations should Contin yeah I agree I would say not only meet the obligations but like you said due diligence in the process of recalculating the the the commitment or the number as well as uh uh presenting a proposal that's done in a thoughtful and mindful way so absolutely um yeah absolutely thank you all right thank you I'll see you guys in a few weeks when this all time to come and you just make sure our are up to dat us absolutely and you know what that reminds me I just want to repeat for anyone in the public here who's listening the timeline that I just laid out will be on the Burrow's website we are working to get that posted the burrow already has an affordable housing uh Tab and in FAQ is already has been up there for a while now so we're going to add to that with that that timeline that I just laid out so that'll be available for everybody thank Youk you very much for your time okay next I want to thank uh police chief hen for joining us this this evening he's going to be providing us a public safety update Chief P good evening everyone nice to see you um I think importantly I wanted to just um stop at the council meeting this evening to discuss what um was perceived not perceived but was a scary uh incident that took place uh in the area Princeton Drive um Prince and drive for those who may not be familiar is um off of uh two streets off of Union Avenue close to the 78 Corridor of Diamond Hill Corridor um in the what what was initially reported at about 7: a.m. um we had U what people commonly refer to as a home invasion so home invasion is not a legal uh statute but um a combination of several different things which is generally a burglary that takes place um and in this case a robbery took place at the same time with the authorized entrance into the home um we through through our investigation we found that the the incident probably took place a little bit earlier than 7: a.m. maybe about 6:45 um still under the slight cover of Darkness um but it's like with a 20 minute window right there it becomes daylight um the person who was home at the time was awake when uh an intruder entered the home through the front door and um brandished what they believe to be a firearm uh our officers have done an investigation to this point and uh feel as though everything that's been reported by the victim has been credible um and are in the process of uh following up all their investigative leads that we have um following up with neighbors following up with um uh Area Homes with surveillance systems utilizing our intelligence system um and most recently we've been in contact with the FBI's major crime units to uh have to just to see if what other assistance um that the federal government could provide us in in trying to find the perpetrator that took place um that took place what we do know it was a dark colored sedan um are the camera's footage that we have of vehicles in the area kind of match uh either a dark or um some type of sedan that was two or four doors it's kind of tough to tell in some of the images that we've been able to see and even at that point we're not uh convinced at this point of which vehicles could or could not be involved so it's still part of the ongoing investigation but um as a as a mechanism to get in front of the public and discuss um this because this is an uncharacteristic type of event that takes place uh in the bar New Providence I I think it's important to be transparent with everybody to let them know um not only does law require it which is why we issue those press releases right away to let them know what's going on but um I you know what we don't want people to be is feeling unsafe in their own homes um it's an as I mentioned it's an unnormal event that did take place um you know it's it's not uncommon for the for the burrow to engage with a burglary or motor vehicle thefts we do hear those we see those in neighboring jurisdictions um with a lot of the I'm not going to particularly blame um a lot of the changes but um in how we treat criminals within the state but there certainly is recidivism that takes place in a lot of this crime that takes place um so with that being said um you know the AC of an armed robber is a pretty I mean it's for most intense purposes it's a second to read crime punishable up by 15 to 20 years in prison so um we take these very seriously obviously we take all crime very seriously but you know crime against a person is something very serious very personal to the people of this burrow so um I I wanted to let you know the public know that you know our officers are out there um our officers are Vigilant in what they're doing every day we're utilizing technology to the best um capability that we can um this Council has supported the mission of the police department by funding us through um our LPR initiatives our Personnel initiatives um you you allow us to do the job that we can do to prevent the most amount of crime that we can um uh with any City in any jurisdiction in the state you know we're not immune from it um and what you know part of my job here is to remind you know the public that there are certain things that they can do to mitigate themselves um I I the biggest issue is the two biggest issues without getting into a very expensive ask is locking your doors and and turning on lights um those two things will help Stave off um any potential crime by persons who are looking to do harm on your property uh Property Maintenance is a really big issue too um I think that it's really important for your home to be lived in or to be appear to be lived in uh so you know not only are we using timers on our lights we're leaving our exterior lights on but we're cutting grass and you know we're making sure that their garbage cans aren't staying out at the roadway um you know mail's not stacking up um and just because you may use a different entrance in your home um and it's just not front of mine but those little small things can help um on top of the fact that security systems and alarm systems and video cameras are all really great mechanisms to help us after the fact um sometimes they're a deterrent um on the cover of Darkness they're a little difficult to see but they certainly help us in um in doing our job and anecdotally to that you know I always like to stress to people it's really great to have a ring system or a Google system or um a simply say system however you know insert name there right but the cost of having um the ability to see that footage is the the camera themselves are useless without being able to see what what happened um so you know it's usually a little incremental cost to make sure that you can get 30 days worth of footage out of your video footage and you know I I ask that if you're willing to share that information with the police department you know please if you're going to go you know if you're going to go out there and spend the money on these cameras you know spend the money on the storage also because uh oftentimes we run into you know people who just may have active surveillance but not necessarily active um uh longevity on on the stuff that they're capturing so um but you know like I said our you know our officers are out there every single day right we're we're 247 365 operation um there we have a our Patrol division's job which is the backbone of this agency is to be out there to be visible to um you know they're in uniform they're in Mark units they're com they're uh participating in in joint sessions with the uni County Prosecutors office to do type of crime type of events that Spike up so um I just want to let the public know that we are out there and we are doing our job to try and um do the best we can to provide the service to the B Chief I want to thank you first uh uh the tips that you provided were great and you know having enough storage capacity that's a great tip I didn't think of that um bernad I'm sure we'll be able to put this off and our uh put this out on our various communication channels to the community to make sure that they they receive those tips um listen your your department provides this town with an amazing service that we're all so appreciative but I think it says a lot about you as a person this evening for you to come here and realize there was concern with our citizens and uh help to put their mind at ease so from a human standpoint and a compassion standpoint I want to I express my appreciation for your uh coming here today and telling us about this you I appreciate that councilman um and you know I will tell you um I live in town and I I you know as a personal um personally my home is in like what I call the black hole it's like in between two street lights um and I just have a at the time many a few years ago I just had the typical little one light underneath my front door um and two years ago I decided to go on to Amazon and I bought one of those little LED um lights that have the capability to really light up the front of my house and it's not a light that stays up um on until you know it's time for everybody to go to bed it stays on all night the the driveway light stays on all night the sidelight stays on all night it's a decision that I made you know two years ago that we weren't just going to shut down my house at night and everybody's going to go to sleep um it was an opportunity to make sure that my house stayed well lit um I think it's important because um it's a little incremental thing that I think that a homeowner can do to just I don't want to say um pass the victimization someplace else but somebody else um they're going to you know crimes like this are crimes of opportunity and a crime of opportunity you have have to you have to try and uh mitigate your opportunity the best you can I think those are the types of things that can do to help you as a resident so Chief I'd like to add two things um on your website because I know I've signed up for both of these programs you have a video surveillance program so people that have the ring cameras Nest they can register with the police department sometimes investigation time is of essence so yep you might get that data right away or much quicker access to the yeah I appreciate you bringing that up because the the it doesn't anything to go in there and all you're really just telling us is that hey I have something and I'm and and I'm willing to give it to you if if you're looking for it um you know somebody who's on the complete opposite side of town we're not going to tap but somebody who's in that area certainly um listen our guys are going out there knocking on doors and looking around these these homes anyway to see if anybody can participate because sometimes we don't right we don't get those people to help us out but it's there um for for somebody to do the alarm purp alarm registration yeah they go hand in hand right on your website and we also have the Pack registration I just as a as a for anybody who is our pack groups that we had set up um we originally have the police Community together program um we do targeted information that goes out but this was a type of event that went out to all the persons so I you know I can only ask that the that the public who hears this you know get the opportunity out we'll put it out there again to re-register it get you on the on the list to to be notified of what's going on and I believe um you have a yearly meeting over the past couple years um safety review safety and traffic review you and that always has invaluable tips because it's like this this scam or you know a lot of the house making your house safe safer were on the last meeting that we had yeah but this was the first year we actually expanded to kind of be like an annual report of the police department as opposed to just strictly traffic um and I think that was a really good opportunity for us to to grow that program yeah a lot there was a lot of positive feedback about that I appreciate the time and um as I said I'm always aable for anybody who's got questions they can call email me whatever um but certainly keep an eye out for our social media and um you know the the bur's really good about pushing out this information too and uh the information will get out there just you know we try everything we can do I know uh the administrator and I talk about this all the time and you know until we can start leafleting the town um you know we use every mechanism that we can to get the word out yeah and go to the source well El that was great to put the press release out right away all the Social Media stuff kind of runs its course and it was great to see exactly from sources thank you thank you very much thank you thanks Chief thank you Chief okay we have approval minutes September 24th we had a conference meeting a motion to approve I'll second thank you uh so B uh September 24th regular meeting so moved second okay so be it uh correspondents Chu and ton agoral 16 book Brookside Drive safe roots to school project uh Brookside Drive sidewalks and this came out on September 20th 2024 expressing some concerns regarding the proposed sidewalks on Brookside Drive matal matal Vora and sadar yalman yalman chili uh 118 Hixon drive safe roots to school project Brookside Drive sidewalks again outlining why they believe the safe roots to school project is not the best course of action on Brookside Drive uh Board of adjustments notice of public hearing 143 Southgate Road um seeking permission to erect a fence that would be 6 feet high in a secondary front L uh yard along nollwood uh which exceeds the 4ot height maximum uh William Dayton 60 uh 69 Richland Drive road paving request um uh Board of adjustment notice of public hearing 139 Madison Avenue seeking permission to construct an addition uh Township of chadam ordinance 20249 Land Development ordinance introduction uh revisions to the general ordinances of the township of chadam titled Land Development uh jcpnl public hearing 202022 and 20123 SBC filing providing notice of public hearing on October 15th at 4:30 and 5:30 for the public to present their views County of Union action plan advisory committee meeting for safe roots of school for all Grant uh uh uni county has been awarded a safe Safe Streets for all Grant uh ss4a and will hold a kickoff meeting on October 8th uh at 10:30 a.m. in Cranford and finally psng notification uh uh maintenance uh psng will be doing maintenance a management along the transmission lines on Central and Springfield Avenue to assure the continued safety of Home homeowners the safety PG employees and to maintain the reliability of electric utility systems for their customers so some necessary work that needs to be done okay Council business uh Administration councilwoman mcnight thank you uh we have uh resolution 20 24-27 and this is a resolution authorizing agreement between the Bureau of New Providence and camh LLC located at 700 Central Avenue in New Providence uh basically with this agreement is allowing the residents that will be voting at the firehouse to be able to park uh in the adjacent lot there at 700 Central make it easy for our voters to to get over to the Firehouse um then we have uh the 2025 proposed council meeting schedule and the 2025 proposed burrow holiday schedule those will be posted um and they are links on the agenda so if you do look at the agenda those links are live and you could take a look at those um meetings the meeting schedule and the holiday schedule for next year okay uh advisor councilwoman J thank you resolution 2024 278 is a resolution authorizing the application by New Providence public art committee for the 2025 Union County heart Grant U so basically here we're seeking permission to apply for a grant the Union County heart grant for $3,000 um we want to acquire a permanent outdoor sculpture for the salt box Museum ni okay community activities councilman kisy thank you 279 is a resolution authorizing the application for the Union County Community Development block grant Corona virus for the buau of New Providence this is seeking permission to apply for our fourth round uh cdbg CV Grant uh for $80,000 to replace the elevator at Barbor Manor uh we had previously received a grant for $85,000 it's not covering the full cost so this is an application for additional monies okay uh engineering and construction councilman kogan have a feeling he's got a lot to say I got a lot to say thank you resolution uh 280 so it's a big one resolution accepting bids and awarding contract to Dio Contracting in Inc DBA grade construction for the project commonly known as the community pool replacement community pool Bridge replacement in an amount of $285,400 is 271,000 is roughly for the bridge replacement and 15,000 is for the temporary walking bridge so now that that's being awarded the next step is obviously meeting with all the key players whether it's the Board of Education the community pool all the people that are impacted by uh the closure of the bridge even though we will have pedestrian traffic at all times but now we got to get everybody in the community that has a say in this involved so that's going to be the next step in this project uh resolution 20242 resolution accepting proposal of coler's engineering and design for the construction Administration Services related to the project known as the community pool Bridge Project replacement so this is the common uh task with all the project management utilizing uh field manager Structural Engineers Etc that relates to this bridge project um resolution 2024-25 for the New Providence pickable Court project uh this changer change order uh involves removing existing concrete side sidewalks adjacent to the shelter house and leading to the hitting wall and and uh pre for the as paths I was over there today it looks it looks wonderful it's really coming along um it's going to be a great Community um property for us for everyone to use uh resolution 2024 d283 resolution approving progress payment number one for Dakota Excavating contract an amount of $ 7,547 26 this is for payment number one of the pickle ball for project um the next couple of items I'm going to read are uh several ordinances so this is just updates to the language these ordinances already exist um um so bear with me uh ordinance uh 202 24-11 it's an ordinance requiring retrofitting of existing storm drain inlets uh this um uh ordinance requires the retrofitting of existing storm drain inlets which are in direct contact with repaving repairing reconstruction resurfacing or alteration of facilities on private property to prevent the discharge of solids and floatables such as plastic bottle scans food wrappers and other litter to the municipal uh separate storm water sewer system operated by the bu uh ordinance 2024-25 storm water system this ordinance prohibits elicit connections to the municipal storm uh sewer systems operated by the bur of in Providence to protect the environment public health safety and Welfare uh and to prescribe penalties for failure to comply again this is just changing the language these ordinance exist ordinance uh 202 24-13 ordinance establishing regulations for proper management of residential yard waste just as it reads ordinance 20244 ordinance uh prohibiting the feeding of unconfined wildlife in any public location ordinance 20245 ordinance establishing establishing requirements for the Disposable of pet Solid Waste ordinance 20246 ordinance establishing requirements to control littering um and the last one ordinance 20247 storm water ordinance this is an update to an existing ordinance to comply with the bureau's tier a permit this update is requested by the New Jersey D are minor in nature include but are not limited to removing indirect language updated links and one or two additional charts okay thank you councilman fogan councilwoman bisa Finance thank you uh resolution 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing the payment of our bills payable list in the amount of 2,676 56 a lot of sixes um of this significant items include our Board of Ed payment for the October School tax levy in the amount of 1,451 6118 our Horizon healthc care October medical payments in the amount of 125 125,000 $775 in change our New Providence Library October appropriation appropriation in the amount of 98,2 58 and change and um councilman kogan already said this but it's $ 7,547 to Dakota Excavating for Progress payment number one resolution 2024 285 is a resolution approving the five in of Cy 2024 sfy 2025 best practices inventory questionnaire um this annual it's annual best practices checklist is for the review of council for our Council uh this year there are a total of 87 questions and they were distributed among three major scoring categories um the C categories were uh further broken down into a range of topics some of the uh more questions that had a lot of questions to them or topics that had a lot of questions would be affordable housing Financial Administration Personnel um lead lead lead remediation and transparency um based on the responses and scoring system the result of the inventory is above the level to receive 100 % of the buroughs awarded state aid so no change from last year um and the fact that we did receive 100% of our state aid last year also resolution 2024 286 is a resolution authorizing the cancellation of Grant funds received and appropriated and this is um Grant balances from the 2023 mun Municipal Alliance grant for $6.4 and the 2024 youth leadership Grant in the amount of $3,443 and that's it thank you okay I'll take uh Public Safety resolution 2024 287 is a resolution approving requisition r2401 895 for Atlantic Tactical of New Jersey Inc in the amount not to exceed $2,576 this is for our bulletproof vest uh State contract 17- fleet-- 787 uh this is approving the person purchase of a bulletproof vest uh for Lind enough uh using Grant funds uh Public Works back to co councilman kogan thank you um so as you know as many of you know our DPW does a great job with snow removal sometimes we need additional help so this is an authorization to bid snow removal so this ask for permission for during heavier snow storms that the bur gets assistant from outside vendors uh of course this money is not spent unless we use it uh resolution 2024 288 resolution approving requisition r24 02030 for Armstrong in Inc an amount not to exceed $188,500 for muray Hill Square sewer M repair and manhole replacement so this uh authorizes approximately 60 ft of 8 in sewer M that has collapsed on chandin Road thank you councilman okay at this time uh open up for discussion items anyone hearing none uh Council committee reports councilwoman bisa um the only thing that I really have to say is that we have a little letter here from Revolution New Jersey and it says congratulations on the burough of New Providence becoming a revolution New Jersey community so we are on our way um we filed that paperwork and now we just just have to um continue so things are moving along very good councilman kisy so our fall programs are in full swing uh winter basketball signups are are open now so uh if you're looking to play youth basketball in in the winter go to our website um the walking path bernardette was completed correct Bern uh the only phase that's not completed is in front of the um pickle bow courts by the courts where the courts are finished and they they'll do those after the courts are finished so I've heard a few people take took some strolls already there and uh we're loving the New Path so that's great um like we said earlier the pickle approve Lisa the pickle ball courts are are in process so I can give an update on that um Columbus Day we have uh a camp for Columbus Day so Blaze Basketball for first and second grade so uh there's also going to be some soccer and some tennis and some robotics uh camps so you can check those out as well and uh you can go to community pass to sign up for those that's it okay um I think we all attended this weekend the PBA car show which uh Chief had great job with you and your team um every year it just seems to grow gets better and better and I know personally speaking my my father and mother live in town it's an event that I've been attending with my father each year and it's something we really look forward to so uh great job it was a beautiful day and I thought it was wonderful and I think a good time was had by all um you know I would just add you know obviously there's a lot of people in our nation that are hurting right now uh with with with the natural disasters with uh the hurricane that impacted North Carolina and the one that's uh they're bracing for in Florida so I think we all just keep them those folks in our thoughts and try to offer whatever assistance we can uh councilwoman Joffrey thank you um so tomorrow we are having our kind of our first Municipal Alliance meeting of the year that program kind of operates during the school year so we will have L report stay tuned on that um beautification committee um maybe if any of you are on social media you will see that we are once again promoting our um signs that are for sale um they're a great method of um their reflective numbers with a very nice um black what is that sub black rod iron iron sign with the reflective numbers on it um proceeds there will benefit the beautification committee the mission of the beautification committee of course is to keep our town in great shape most notably right now we are working on um Gathering funds to once again put up holiday lights in Centennial Park make Town festive so if you don't already have a sign um please look into getting one not only they're attractive but they safety and they help our B with beautification and that's all I have to report and if you have a sign you could just make an outright donation and you can make an outright donation as well uh no donation will be turned away very nice and there like I said for EMS workers if some they can find your house very easily yes can they're very important so that that's great okay councilman kogan um nothing on the Committees but I do I want to take a moment here um as a Jewish American um where Jews around the world right now are celebrating it's the it's the high holy day so it's the time between Russia sh and Yom Tor and um uh Yom Tor is coming up on Friday night and I be I have to mention the fact that a year ago October 7th there were many many innocent people that were horrifically murdered in Israel um and of course we'll be thinking of all of that and there still just under 100 hostages they're still being held captive uh since that time in the United States uh the rise of anti-Semitism and islamophobia have been on a complete rise and just want to mention we all need to do our part to afford that any chance we get so thank you for giving me the moment to say that thank you councilman councilwoman mcnight yes thank you Pete um so we as I've mentioned before we are continuing to work on our uh board's commission and committee handbook um we're hoping to have it out shortly um we will have to give everybody a little um tutorial and you know what you know uh we're calling it committee handbook for dummies kind of a of um a lessons to how to go forward with the commissions the boards the Committees just kind of changing things up a little bit really kind of putting more structures in place um and just really kind of pinpointing and and and getting things squared away so stay tuned for that but in anticipation of that we are planning in the next couple days to put out advisory committee applications so what we're doing is we're seeking volunteers for all of our advisory committees um and this is not just new people but even the existing committee members we're asking everybody to sort of reapply to either um whatever board or commission that they happen to be on um so we really want uh residents for these committees you know people that are passionate about improving the bureau um do you have a special skill do you are you passionate about a certain area we're really looking for this is your time really to come to step forward and you know kind of and help lead the community forward so take a look keep your eye out for those applications do apply you need to apply so if you're already say on beautification committee you will need to reapply to stay on that committee we will then go through all the applications and at the reorg we will reappoint we will appoint members to all those committees just to clarify right so it's just more streamlining the process yes right we have we have roles of people who have volunteered over the years some have moved away right and they're still sitting on some of these lists potentially uh we have people who have applied to volunteer for certain committees and then uh haven't been placed on committees because they may have been full at the time uh and we've looked for other committees for them uh so it's just cleaning everything up putting a a good procedure in place not only now but every year going forward just just just to keep it clean it's really cleaning it up like you said cleaning it up keeping it clean uh streamlined and efficient and a lot of this is not new it's just going to be in one spot so actually consistency and efficiency and so another thing that I wanted to add is that the um the deadline for the applications will be the end of November so it is a short window so du November 8th November 8th oh and beginning of November uh yeah so about a month and I just just just to you know also add right the volunteers in the in the community are really the backbone right and drive a lot of things that um a lot of the initiatives that we may tag take on as a council or as Administration so um there are opportunities for others to participate uh who may not you know have felt the need or or know people that are on the committee and the Committees may have a lot of people and things of that nature so it's a really good opportunity for us to look at you know fresh eyes and just look at people that want to participate um in our committees that really do help uh us you know determine the direction of some of the things that we do during the year so it's important well said and a big thank you to uh uh Council mcnight Council M Joffrey uh our bur administrator for taking on that challenge Dian oh D I apologize di councilwoman bisa I mean that's that's a heavy lift it's good it's a great thing it's definitely going to benefit us going forward to bring that together and as Council councilman kisy just said you know harness harness the passions the skills of our of our residents you know that in conjunction with our professionals our our uh employees councel that's the magic of the Town having that all work together our many volunteer organizations that all makes this town what it is so thank you for that that that's great work can I add a couple things um I am remiss I did not mention the historical society is having their fall program on Thursday that's that's on the website um Thursday is also the Board of Ed uh Forum um candidate forum and we would be very remiss in not mentioning that the New Providence volunteer fire department is having their open house on Saturday um which would be this Saturday at the fire department and I think it's like 10 to two or something or other it was fantastic last year it was their first one and remember they're volunteer so any donations are appreciated um um and correct me if I'm wrong uh Bernette our trunk or tree is on 1019 at the pool parking lot and Cemetery tours also because I think that's before our next meeting 10:20 there should be a couple more cemeteries tours and I believe the pumping contest goes along with the trunk Retreat as well that's correct on the 19th in the pool parking lot many different categories by age Etc so it's definitely a highl thank you for bringing that up a lot of lot of important dates there thank you very much okay uh our bur I'm sorry yeah no our our burough administrator report burough administrator Karo thank you so I am happy to report that crj has completed the pipe work on South Street um so both phases of that project are now done the variable message boards and the Access Equipment have been removed yay yay um and we are beginning to schedule uh curb work sidewalks and Paving restoration the B will be meeting with New Jersey American Water crj Contracting and the Paving Company next week along with Muhammad Stewart from the county he is the uh bureau chief of Inspections Division of Public Works um to discuss micro Mill limits and or the the actual final restoration um of the street depending on how they feel um the settling has settled um along with that update from New Jersey American water um our representative let me know that persistent construction had reached out to him today um to schedule the cut and caps of the water main that runs across the pic Street bridge and they anticipate uh removing the deck on that bridge in December so there's movement uh I know we've all been waiting for something uh to come across so that was emailed to me today uh just a reminder Maple Street is scheduled to be paved on November 7th and 8th during the school closure um Alex for you the charging station Make Ready work was completed today um when we're currently soliciting pricing for the installation of the unit over there rapid flashing system at Academy and um Springfield Avenue was replaced this week as well um I and I just want to make note that a lot of times we know that something isn't working but the parts are not readily available so we know that that wasn't working for quite a few weeks um but we were waiting for for it to come in it wasn't that it wasn't ordered um Dakota Excavating is also moving along on the pickle ball courts they're waiting for the light sashs to come in from musco lighting um once they come in they'll set those and I believe they're also waiting for an electrical inspection um so they're moving along over there theing were done were they um and then last but not least I want to let you know that Chief hen the mayor and myself attended the county ss4a meeting today in Cranford the county and the City of Elizabeth applied for and received grant funding for um the purpose of um putting together a Improvement plan for uh roadway Improvement plan for the county um and the whole purpose of that would be to reduce fatalities enhance safety mobility and quality of life for residents and develop a countywide Safety Action Plan um once the County's action plan is finished um each municipality within the county will also get a copy that's all I have okay thank you very much this is the time now for public comments this is an opportunity for any member of the public to be heard about issues that are not separate topics scheduled for public hearings tonight to help facilitate an orderly meeting and to permit all to be heard speakers are asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes and may only speak on once on any one topic um I would ask that anyone that comes comes to the mic please respect these rules and speak into the mic oh and speak into the mic that's a good idea um yes come on forward thank you please state your name um an address address is uh Sali Setia I'm a resident of 13 Brookside Drive oh sorry good evening everyone um I'm a resident of 13 Brookside Drive uh been here for more than 20 years now um just like to introduce a petition from um uh more than 10 households that I spoke to out of probably about 14 that are going to be impacted by the sidewalk on that is um uh that has been proposed to be built on Brookside Drive um so I will leave the signatures with you if you'd like uh yes it's mostly on uh all the residents who are going to be impacted it's going to be only on the right hand side side so it's um you know I just spoke to people during one hour I you know I just went around it seemed there's a lot of opposition to the sidewalk um you know I think it would alter the whole character of the street uh but more than I think more importantly it's um people are concerned because a lot of people have had flooding in their basements um and we're just and and you know we're near the brook so we're concerned that uh you know more sidewalks is just going to introduce another impermeable layer which is going to affect a lot of drainage issues and sort of make the whole flooding issue worse um so i' just like to put that out there and I I think that we are sort of represented by a few other residents on Brookside uh who are here tonight so if anyone else would like to say a word thank you for coming to the meeting you can leave that with our burough administrator thank you thank you thank you for coming see even anyone else want to come up to the mic how you doing this evening go ahead hi um my name is Mike Balmer I'm at 16 Brookside Drive and um I wasn't intending to talk about pickle ball tonight but since you guys have approved things and things are moving along I commend the council and I thank you um but what I did come here to talk about tonight you want a pickle ball court on Brookside Drive no no okay I don't think that could be reality that would be great thank you go ahead I was joking I didn't mean to interrupt go ahead okay so anyway I do not live on the North side of Brook side I live on the South Side um so this this uh proposed sidewalk would not go on my side of the street however I I think the real issue is and I think what the what we're trying to get at as a town is safety on Brookside um and I think there's many other ways to do this beside the sidewalk but the thing I think that's that it would be most effective would be one of those um those signs that I guess the police department puts out that tells the residents how fast they're going on the street um at this point from what I see most of the um the cars that come from and I live close to the Hixon side so far away from uh from saltbrook but most of the cars uh that are coming from saltbrook never make it down to the Hixon side of Brookside they turn off on Glenn brook or I think it is Glenn brook or Badgley one of the two usually Glenbrook so having a sidewalk that goes all the way down to hexon I don't I don't see the purpose and actually I know one of my neighbors who's here tonight may speak on it um I guess they've been just sitting outside their property when school lets out and there's been like two or three kids that end up coming all the way down to the to our end of Brookside so to put a sidewalk in there I think it's it's it's unnecessary the big concern I have if you've been on Brookside is it's a it's a beautiful Street with a long row of big trees that are relatively close to the curb and just from a beauty perspective number one I think those trees will be damaged but I think there's a very valid point that it's a relatively low area and if you're affecting the roots of those trees I think it's very much going to affect the ability of those trees to soak up moisture in a big storm I think that's that's my number one fear but I hate I just hate to do anything to to take down big trees or affect the U the health of those trees so again thank you for your pickle ball efforts Pete I love the idea of a pickleball court on Brookside I'm looking forward to it thank you than you thank you mik I don't think so either anyone else would like to make a a a public public comment this evening yes uh good evening I'll just add to your name and your address my name is rajie siia I'm also on 13 Brookside Drive okay and repeat all the arguments that have just been made what I just want to add is um you know just in talking to all the neighbors and I think there 14 houses that are affected we've talked to 10 of them within an hour everyone's on the same page two people are undecided and that's there's one area which is curved on Brookside which is a little you know nicy at times and that's probably what the motivation was for the sidewalk in the first place I I don't know the history uh even though any not of 20 years um and you can address that by just putting speed bumps before the bend because you know people really do speed sometimes especially teenagers when they're going around at night you can address it just by having speed bumps before the band on either side and that would take care of the safety issue for the two people that didn't sign the petition everyone else has signed it out of the 14 houses so it's just something to keep in mind there are probably less invasive ways of achieving the safety that we're all looking for I mean my have walked to school to saltbrook and to the high school for 20 years I've been in this town this whole time um if there was a legitimate safety issue you know we would have noticed it uh it is there very close to saltbrook that part is already has a sidewalk so we're really talking about going down a road where it really isn't necessary so it's basically a solution looking for a problem that's how I would characterize it thank you J thank you for your comments and your perspective anyone else he can I one I know you're supposed to talk come on up M I thought that this might this might be very appropo um I re I had a hip replacement about um a month ago and the reason I'm bringing this up is because I've been out walking on Brookside a lot with a walker and crutches and and you can see now I'm doing pretty good my point is though you know there are very very few cars that are and I've been walking all kinds of different times but there are not that many cars that come through there and with the kids walking on the street that that's I'm usually the only one walking so you know the idea of putting a sidewalk there I'm not sure honestly if I was walking with a walker or with crutches that I'd be wanting to go on a sidewalk I'd probably still be out in the street so anyway just my perspective thank thank you Kathleen someone left a phone okay does that solve a [Laughter] crime um hi I'm Kathleen Dolan uh 12 loyal Drive I've been studying the master plan and I just wanted to bring up a few items that are on the master plan I think it's expected to be revised in 2025 um so it's coming up uh but this is the most recent version which is called a reexamination report that was um produced in 2017 uh so some of the issues that I wanted to raise are relevant to some things that have been brought up already tonight tonight uh in one of the sections about recommendations uh there is item five which says encourage the creation of Public Safety task force in partnership with the New Providence bough Police Department the Board of Ed and other key stakeholders as identified to develop recommendations for improving overall circulation as well as pedestrian and traffic safety um this recommendation we remains valid the burough Council does have a Public Safety Committee it is recommended that opportunities to integrate additional stakeholders be pursued as identified so in light of obviously the armed robbery that just occurred that's not a traffic issue um a pedestrian safety issue but it sort of begs the question of whether or not the buau would consider sort of expanding the Public Safety Committee to include residents and board of end members and others who have a stake in the safety of the town so I don't know if you want to comment on that but there's a couple of other things in here that I've have questions about too yeah you want to continue and then we'll comment okay sure um so one of them is about encouraging the development of a circulation system that accounts for roadways mass transit pedestrian bicycle routes and commercial retail facilities it says this objective remains valid and should continue to be addressed while the bureau has pursued ad hoc pedestrian improvements a complete streets policy has yet to be adopted as a statement that solidifies burough support for multimodal Transit planning so I don't know is there such a complete streets policy in place here New Providence well I think one thing I think we want to bring we want to talk about at this point is the fact that and and it's Chief H I'm looking at I'm looking at you as far as we've had multiple um public hearings as far as Traffic Safety over over the years and in order to uh get public feedback and that was brought into our Traffic Safety you know our Traffic Safety experts would then look and evaluate those things so I think many times over the years if I'm not mistaken we've looked for a public feedback and that seems to address uh I think what they're looking for with regards to Traffic Safety as well as a circulation system as you mentioned um add anything else Dan do you have anything you want to possibly add to that I know basically we you did come up with that master plan for um for traffic and such that we review every year yeah open fors that we've had and things of that nature meetings that we have to the and I think that actually covers the public yeah just for clarification on the Public Safety Committee I just want to be clear the Public Safety Committee is a is a Committee created by ordinance for police oversight it's not a committee that's designed to have a public uh task force to say so um I I while I respect every member of public you know of the council um I my direct reports are councilman kamsky councilman uh deso and the mayor they make up the public the committee they have the the legal authority over the the um the the police department itself not to say that there can't be something else um is it's my understanding that the council has adopted a complete streets policy those complete Street policies are um are done in conjunction with our safe food to school applications um very simply this this Safe Streets for all campaign that the county is initiating um one of the things that they talked about was making sure that towns have a complete streets program uh We've checked that box because we I would like to I'm not tting our own horn but I think that we do a really good job at um at trying to address traffic issues um within the town and I don't want to get off topic but I just wanted to say that I'm I'm not I don't I'm not gonna say one way or the other whether we should be with sidewalks in this road or not but I but we have to understand that the the vehicle traffic is only one component of of safety with that the burrow Police Department the borrow looks at and that there's bicycle traffic there's pedestrian traffic so our goal is not to slow traffic down so that cars drive slower it's to create safer zones for all these multimodal um types of uh Transportation issues so so Chief I think it's fair to say that we're not only take a holistic approach and looking at all different elements of traffic Traffic Safety in town but it's been a continuous approach I mean it's not something that was static we looked at it one time and it seems like we're always looking at this it has to it has to continue yes it has to continue and does that sorry does that answer your questions about the complete treats yeah and our officers also have extensive training continually right from from a traffic perspective and from well that I mean TR traffic is built into the job description of the police officer in new Rob so you know they come here getting higher understand that they have to you know do parking enforcement pull cars over that's all part of it um is what we do not only but you know with the expansion of the officer that we have our special services officer that we just added we have two officers dedicated to traffic and that special service officer is going to split time between Patrol services and traffic services so you know bolster that effort okay but Catherine I would say I I I um I definitely respect your interest in traffic safety I mean I I I live on Springfield Avenue I've raised three daughters on Springfield Avenue it's been a concern of mine from the first day I moved into my house I've participated personally on a number of committees regarding Traffic Safety so again it's something I think we continually look at um you know there's a lot of development in in the towns around us and uh you know traffic is going to continue to increase so um you know keeping a close eye on that's important thank you okay and there's just one more thing I'll bring up tonight um encouraging parents to partner with schools to develop walk to school programs that encourage children to walk to school using safe roots and support neighborhood children walking together to reduce dependency on vehicular drop offs and to encourage walkability of the community this recommendation remains valid with the goal of building upon efforts that have been undertaken since 2009 in 2013 the saltbrook elementary school PTA held its annual walk walk to school day in collaboration with trans options and J safe fruits to school the walk was made possible in part by sidewalks that had been installed along Maple Street and Brookside Drive through a New Jersey Department of Transportation safe roots to school Grant the buau should continue working to address this recommendation so I think the walk to school day at saltbrook was just uh yesterday or was it so um is there one happening at Roberts um you know how is this being sort of built out within the town I was asked the other day is there a map of like nice walking routes within town and there's the walking path around the pool but uh there doesn't seem to be like a New Providence map you can pull out and say hey here's all the the walking trails that people can use um so I was just wondering with respect to getting people to get out and walk more if could alleviate some of our traffic issues if parents don't feel obligated to always drive their kids to school because they can feel comfortable that they are able to walk or ride their bike safely so I just think all of these things kind of relate that's why I'm bringing these up tonight thank for your comment okay so so let's just talk a little bit about why you guys are here right you're here about sidewalks on Brookside right this is something that we just sat down one day and said where could we put sidewalks right it's part of the whole process of applying for grants for safe roads to school and when we apply for Grants we have to come up with a plan and what is what are the and we had volunteers throughout the community of New Providence come and help us with that um and and we received Grant monies that from years ago that we're still using today to create safer roots to school and part of the process is to come up with the a plan and ask the public to come in and take a look at it which we did a few weeks ago right um and get feedback uh it these aren't set in stone right we're trying to come up with what's the best solution and what's the safest solution Like Chief hen said not only for the children walking to school but for people riding their bikes right people driving in their cars um so replac people with hip replacements um um so again just trying to come to the best solution for the burough of in Providence right for all residents um you know we're we're not literally trying to put sidewalks in places that we think is in the best interest of the burrow that's absolutely not what we're trying to do um and like I said these this has been years and years of planning um and and Grant applications that we've been applying for in order to do that just I think when we were at the public session meeting as you mentioned you know demographics change you might have had kids you know 10 years ago might have been a lot more younger crowd there so so think as Matt said this was started by volunteers they helped apply for the grant uh it's a lot of money that we're receiving to to to do this and we just have to see where the best place it's sometimes it makes sense sometimes it doesn't question sure sorry I just wanted to ask if it's possible um to suggest other roads could the grant money be used elsewhere because no it cannot oh it cannot okay each Grant is written specifically okay that was thank you very much so what I was going to add now that this this obviously we've all been through the school system the schools do an excellent job of uh safer or of walk to school days they encourage kids to walk at PTA PTSA PTO meetings it's it's a big thing you know um my kids Rod their bikes all the time it's it's been a big thing and it's a continuing thing um and then also years ago Cecil Seth um and Don Zayn mapped out all the walking areas or you know whatam call and it's on the stem shoots website so it's out there and I believe it used to be it can we get it from our website is it I have to look it was there I'm not sure when we trans transferred websites if it followed but I can look yeah a tremendous effort on their I me that does answer the question about something put together forab yeah so to answer the last part of the question yes we do have a map out of everything that is walkable and like Council said that is available on the website that we will make sure we get out yeah well thank you all I think I think that provides a good understanding of the diligence and the the process that that has occurred okay is there anyone else think you've already been up a couple like you can't keep back for return trip not you're really working it hard tonight you guys brought up something I think that would be in very inexpensive to do but very good for the safety of our community and that's bike riding I'm a pretty avid cyclist of these before my hip anyway um but so many of the kids and unfortunately some of the adults too but they end up riding their bikes on the leftand side of the street and I don't think that our town publicizes this enough that you know bicyclists need to be on the right side of the street and uh go with traffic and it's it would be a simple thing to try and get the word out more but I think from a safety perspective the dividends would be huge so thank you okay I won't come up anymore okay um Mr Swanson yes come on see you how are you steevie Allan Swanson 47 Overhill Road I wasn't going to come up but but since Mike came up three times I I have to come up he broke the rules no I what what prompts me to come up is that because there's the this discussion about transportation and uh and sidewalks and what have you and then we we got to the bikes so because you're having this conversation I'm going to reiterate uh if we could just like put a couple of signs out that say share the road for bikes I mean they're all over the state but not in New Providence the other thing is um that I've brought up many times related to bike safety is it it upsets me as someone who worked with children with head injuries as a result of not wearing helmets on bikes that I continue when I ride my bike seeing so many children if not the majority of the children without helmets and and chief hen I have mentioned here in the past that it would be great if when the officers are riding by Starbucks and there's a whole group of children there are their bicycles with no helmets I don't think the police should go in and throw them in the back of the car and arrest them but perhaps they could stop by and say you know the law says that you know you're under 17 you need to wear a helmet and just as a reminder for them because as I've said before here when it happens to a family it destroys the family when I was a Children's Specialized Hospital there were plenty of families that were destroyed because their child did not have a helmet and and the final thing I want to say about this is Dr Diamond who who was the orthopedic surgeon who was in charge of children specialized when I was there had a helmet on his desk that was cracked in half and he had it there so when people asked about it he said if I didn't have this helmet on when my head landed on the street this would have been my head in instead it's I'm here today to talk to you because it's my helmet to cracked in nap so I just you know it's just just a couple of things about that that just well thank you Mr Swanson I I feel your your passion for us and I appreciate the message you're delivering and the importance of wearing helmets especially we're seeing more and more like you said bikes on the road every day especially the electric ones so thank you thank you all right just to remind all of us uh the grammar schools again do an amazing job I believe in the third grade they have a Bike Rodeo and they do go over all the safety rules and such and helmets and such it should be more it should be more than just third grade okay any anyone else from the audience yes come on up to the mic thank you hello hello I'm Lori Claus I live at 25 Brookside Drive and I'm here tonight because I wanted to uh voice my concerns about the sidewalk uh sidewalks being put on Brookside Drive on my side of the the street um I know we a lot of the things that we've went over is you know big th concern is our Sun Pumps and I've lived in New Providence for over 60 years and that has always been a huge issue all everyone in this room has probably at one point or another had water their basement so it by putting in the sidewalks it can very easily compromise our Su pump so that's one one of my big concerns of of course the trees that are going to be knocked down as Mike said you know we live on a beautiful Treeline Street and those will all not all of them but some of them will either be cut down or compromised in some way that maybe they'll be okay for 6 months maybe even year but once their Roots have been compromised who knows what's going to happen and where those trees can crash down on our lovely homes God forbid um the other thing was that I'm concerned about is my sprinkler system um that I have in my front yard uh when I went to the meeting of Engineers they said that that would not be taken care of that it would be simply the head of it would be taken off and removed and put several feet back back on my yard but not put together again so that's a big concern you know that's something that I've invested money in and I'm going to have to invest money in to be put back together um my husband and I had sat for about three weeks we sat on our front yard and we watched the traffic flow now I live much closer to Hixon so the traffic flow is very little as far as you know people walking on on the street because when the kids come out of saltbrook school they either go down down Glenbrook or they'll go down Brookside but then they'll turn down constant um and go in that neighborhood so very little foot traffic goes from Constance to Hixon and so my my feel is my I don't think that there is really truly a need for sidewalks in that section of Brookside Drive um um I think that's all I wanted to have to say um you know yes that's that's about mostly what I want to say um thank you so much for thank you time thank you for coming out this evening okay I don't see anyone else who would like to make a public comment let's move on to uh U approving the agenda motion to approve items one through 20 so moved second Miss bisa I Mr kamsky hi Mr jaro I Mrs jofre yes Mr kogan Mrs mcnight yes okay great meeting motion to adjourn second I I all right good night folks