##VIDEO ID:pxF8nwq4pOQ## liy and justice for so public me Council Prov County Union State jersey notice has been given in accordance with P 1975 231 annual notice was given conform to section 13 of the ACT okay we have a presentation today uh about the uh police department Edition uh Chief hen the uh Jimmy T CF we have architect from no usual so um and Captain dr's here so um you want to start so I'm just going to give you a brief overview uh Jim Testo is our CFO n Mutual senior and N Mutual Junior who are The buroughs Architects uh we were here in front of Council on August 13th uh just a little over a month ago to discuss what has been a a process that we've been discussing for many years in the buau about a police department uh renovation um the previous uh the previous presentation kind of centered around the facts behind uh why there's a need to renovate the police department how we came to uh the the progress point to where we were at that presentation and that was from an initial discussion about a renovation to um essentially would be new construction uh at the same site uh from a cost dollar average it was just a more efficient use of the the burrow taxpayers dollars to present that idea so today uh we you know as I said in the last meeting we didn't want to get bogged out with the finances because that's an important part of this conversation we wanted to spend um the appropriate amount of time discussing it with Council so uh Mr Tess is here today to discuss that um most of the numbers that we'll talk about related to the costs are um forecasted numbers that our Architects have come up with through their experience of public building design and and the needs and uh of what is required for us to do um as a public entity so I I will turn the floor over to Mr Testa first to start talking about the finances um specific questions if I can help assist with them I'll be here and also Mr muel will be able to discuss any specific questions about their forecasting or the architecture itself uh we did come up um for purposes of this meeting to also show an artist rendering of what the potential exterior would look like it's a first draft but based upon um the floor plan schematic that we have uh come to agree upon is probably the most and best use of the space so Mr test okay hi um so what I'll do first is um I'll go over the cost estimate that we received from The Architects I'll just go through it very quickly but break it into different parts and then from there I'll go into a forecast of what it would cost an average taxpayer based on some assumptions of course in order to do that you have to assume you know today's ratables um we have to estimate the interest rate but we did a pretty good job with that and I'll go over that in a second so um I believe you have a copy of the cost estimate um but for the uh police headquarters total construction costs now these are estimates is 8,341 324 that's just construction costs and then there's one other cost which includes some furniture computer hardware data servers AV Equipment basically techn technology and some moving costs which is approximately $700,000 and then you have soft costs soft costs are usually all your Professional Services attorney um engineering surveys uh Consultants um architect advertising bonding all those type of soft cost uh that comes to $944,000 so you have an estimated total project cost of 9,985 324 so it's just a tad under $10 million in total costs all in for the um project that you see behind us can you guys maybe the Architects can comment what how did you base the cost is it did you take the number to the street did you do it by average cost per square foot RS means you know just curious on your logic we we um we use two parts two things um number one our our 40-year database that we have and with the escalations put into that as well as uh RS means so and to give you example the um maybe we should explain what RS means is it's literally like a Kelly's Blue Book for lack of a better term in the construction industry of what materials cost what Contracting costs in this particular region correct right and there's a u a location factor that you plug in and the nearest location factor here is newk they have Trenton and new and a couple others but the nearest for us is new and um uh it's always higher our area almost as high as New York City but it's New York City I think is 1.7 well if you're nowhere near New York City yeah I I know but thank God but the uh the location factor I think for New York is 1.5% something like that and we're 1.17 something like that so uh and I'm speaking from memory now uh but uh just to give you an example the um the Clark Police Headquarters that was just recently finished I guess or maybe a year ago um that was about 8, 700,000 something like that in round numbers and it's 15,000 square feet again round numbers so was somewhere around just over $500 a square foot uh so that's a good one um because it's kind of local obviously and we just um recently got um uh bids for a u $20 million project for the county of Mars um we had about eight biders seven or eight bids and my estimate was 21 million in change and KN on wood it came in at 1,750,000 one thing we are finding and going again to the the RS means uh they're saying that um structural steel costs are coming down substantially uh would Lumber is coming down however copper is still going up so you know our electrical costs are probably going to be higher but our uh base CL yeah are are going to be pretty good so I don't have a crystal bow nobody has a crystal bow and that's why it's uh but it seems like in and Morris County I think it was a good example we had seven bids I think on that and they rang from one high and you know it's interesting how they come in there's always one odd bll that's way the hell out there and then you got a group that's that's together and then you have one that's that's low and in this case it was uh 17 Mayon 750 so right after the bids come in the the County engineer comes to me and and the director of U Emergency Management and he says how can we spend the money we got spend this money you know because it's they're getting Federal money on on this so well believe me I that's not a problem spending money so we'll we'll spend it probably in updating some of the finishes things like that but we were very careful in this particular Co assessment because uh and being perfectly Frank with you the one thing that scares me more than anything else is the asbestos in the building because I don't have a good handle on the Asbestos and it's basically as you know was built as a school and here's a trench that goes around the entire uh building and in that trench I don't think it's been remediated is ASB bestus pipe now fortunately ASB bestus pipe is the easiest to uh remediate um did you assume it was I mean I'm assuming your yeah yeah I I assumed and quite honestly I have $52,000 in year that could very easily double be perectly honest because that truly is an unknown however the market right now is pretty good for bidding and that's why I come up with a pretty aggressive schedule because I want to hit this U bidding Market uh because I think right now is a good bidding Market as evidence by three weeks ago when we we got the bit County now naturally that's a a a much more expensive project and it has a a group of contractors that just go after those 15 20 $30 million jobs so it's a a different group of contractors that we're going to be uh going with and in um we're just finishing a school now in uh do that um is smaller than this job but my estimate was 2 mil4 it came in at 2 million5 and change so my our history of cost estimating is is decent you know I really appreciate your answer the whole point was to qualify your your background and how you came up with right that this is not a shot in the dark Oh shot in the very good to hear thank you sorry Jim no no no no go ahead sorry um okay so based on the estimate project cost of 9,990 is what we'll call it I round it up a little bit um there's by the local Bond Law you have to have 5% approximately 5% as a down payment which would be 499,00 and we do that through the normal um annual budget usually the capital Improvement fund um that you always offset a bond ordinance with so you're looking at bonds authorized of 9,495 um so what I did is I took that number and I ran just a basic debt schedule because there's so many different types of debt schedules that you could run um it could vary in years it could vary in uh principal payments from year to year I run a basic one that I do normally that gives you an average cost over the life of the bond which is a pretty good indicator so we base it on the 2024 tax assessments now keep in mind whenever we go out for the bonds that numbers going to change a little bit um the average home value which right now this year is approximately $740,000 I believe the average home and I uh based it on a 20-year bond which is the normal U Bond length also I used an estimated interest rate of 3 and a half% I think that's a little bit on the high side but I'd rather be a little bit higher than not high enough um I've seen rates come in from uh 32 to 34 lately um like I said I don't have a crystal ball that's what's going to happen in a year or so from now but I think 35 is a good estimate for us to use in terms of just trying to get an estimate cost for average home so with that all um you're looking at it over 20 years it would cost an average home approximately $135 a year over a 20 year to fund this project like I said I I base on some assumptions um but um hopefully the next year so they won't change as much um if anything I think the ratables will be going up so that could help us um but as of right now um the cost would be about $135 for an average home what do you see happening to the bond rates do you see them staying at like this 3 four 35 for a while you know with all the you know with they cut the rates yeah yeah they cut the rates so I would think it would get better um you hope but you know it's all about what's on the street at the time you're going out for bonds if you're the only you know if you're the only the bond issue in town on a certain day you're going to get a lot of competition if you're one of 10 you might not so you know it's all about timing so say say you go out for a bond you know in the short term and and we get three 35 but in two years now they're at 275 or 25 would you be able to to refinance that or well you know you used to back in the day I used to do it all the time with the Board of Ed um but there was a law that changed under um it was I don't know how many years ago it was but it's not allowed um they stopped us for us for uh municipalities or border beds you're not allowed to um bring it back and try to uh refinance um like I said we used to do it all the time um with other Bond issues but until the Law changes um it changed recently so maybe it'll change back um which I hope because it's a shame that we can't take advantage of lower rates um it's it's a little bit of work on our end but it it it's a b benefit because it's a big difference right even just a half per on 10 million no no absolutely um if you look at it from the investor side um they don't want you to do that so it's I I think that's maybe why the law came about that you know some you know the ones that buy a ton of bonds um the last thing they want is to it get called uh for a lower rate so um but no we wouldn't be do you have to bond the full 95% upfront or can you Bond a percentage of over time well you could if you weren't going to do the project all 100% in the year so if you're going to use the money in the next year or so I don't see how you would level it because you're going to need the money to pay for the project um if you have um you know if you if you're going to level you really have to look at all your um authorized debt to date and look at all your projects to make sure that you're not doing them all at one time because it's impossible to level um also when you level you got to look at the cost of issuance um you know in terms when you do a bond sale it's very costly um and you also have to see when debts coming off the books um for us we have some coming off the books in 25 and 27 so could you level we could look at it excuse me I think it's 27 and 29 or 27 and 29 and 32 yeah I'm sorry 27 29 32 you're right um so you have a two-year buffer there so you probably to look at it but again it depends on the projects um for the police department I know that this aggressive schedule to go out to bid and to um do the project so in terms of the this particular project I don't see leveling because you need money to pay the vendors do you mean by leveling do you mean lading um so when you means by leveling if say you have I'm just going use $10 million in in debt for bonds instead of going out for 10 million in year one you go out for5 million year one five million in year three or you do you know every you know whatever it may be um which has happened in in Prior in Prior uh years but if you run ahead of schedule then you have to go out real quick and make some sense to me not if you're not if you're going to fund the projects the year that you're authorizing the debt it definitely makes sense if you're going to do bar nances authorize projects that you're not planning to do for three to five years you get get away with it um but you are authorizing the debt so if you're if you're authorizing a debt in a particular year you probably want to do the projects so it's it's a mindset that you have to you know figure out what you want to do in terms of planning out the projects but something like this I I don't see leveling as an option to be totally honest with you and what's the what's the length of the the project from start to finish um 18 months or years the construction will be 17 18 months uh we're estimating that would be going out to bids yeah I think we're going out the bids in April and then um award in may start construction and be done in 2027 December or January of 2028 can go back to construction cost I think we have a lot of homework to do on the financing side as well but um so the last time in August when you guys presented there's a significant jump between uh the construction cost that we might have saw in August to now if you can just comment on that is it just um construction cost going up or material cost going up or scope change perhaps I I I'm we always based on the square footage and chief has been very good at telling us to keep keep the square footage down to a a minimum so it's it's basically uh we keep refining it and frankly as the next three phases we will refine that coost estimate at each phase as we get further depth into the project and we know what our mechanical systems are going to be as an example we're looking in a possibility of maybe keeping the existing structure and raising the roof that has some issues with the critical structure requirements for the SI where we have to have cross bracing because none of it the existing without getting into a lot of detail that's one of the things that we're trying to look at now to see if there's a cost savings by simply raising it and redoing the structure from the seising point of view but we're concerned that our structural engineer is saying I can look I'm looking at it but I don't think it's going to be economical he thinks it's more economical just tear it down because that building was built in the 50s and 60s to a different set of codes and now because it's the police head cour is it's not a a school it's a critical structure and there has certain requirements so um can I I just want to add to Mr Mel's point so the first iteration that we were building off of was in early 20 23 estimate with a building that was slightly smaller um when when we started to dial in also on the project we realized that configuration probably wasn't the most efficient for really what the project would look like in 25 or 30 years so when you start to configure move we essentially what happened was we flipped spaces the patrol side was on the south side of the building went to the north side which expanded the footprint of the building a little bit um I don't think that there's a million dollars in in costs associated with the rise in pricing but there certainly was scope the scope changed obviously still designing so yeah yeah that that that was my only but there is about a 16-month gap between the first estimate and that and this estimate thank you I think it's important to know that that police department when it was renovated was back in 82 so I mean that's 40 something years ago everything has changed and the requirements that you need to function as a police department has changed drastically it looks nothing like it it did 40 years ago I just want to make sure that spending this type of money this investment this police department will be you'll be able to function for another 40 years out of it right so it was a it was certainly a question that was asked by councilman kogan in our previous sessions and I I agree that you know we we have met internally as an administrative team we also have put together um a a team of our younger officers and officers that have come from other police departments one to pick their brains about what are we missing here that you've had in other agencies but two how are you seeing policing changing you know in your you know short tenure and where do you see it going and while we can predict some of those needs TR I think training is probably the most um inundating that we've seen probably over the past six years that we I don't think we ever predicted and we just don't have appropriate training space for what's being requested and mandated by the state um accreditation changed a lot of those needs which didn't exist 20 years ago um with all those things in mind we we really believe that this building can be scaled um if we needed to capture some space and reallocate it if if that was the need um but it will suit our needs well past any of our useful lives here okay um just to expand on councilman kogan's question um so Chief this versus the last version the is an increase of how much just trying to remember it's about a million dollars okay you know could you do if it's possible in the future it would be very good if there are to your point you're still doing design changes and you're you're sharpening your pencils and and things of that nature hopefully but um any further iterations to this if we could show a delta old version versus new version absolutely so we could see by line item what has changed and then outlining the reason why I think that would be very helpful and appreciated thank you yeah one of my questions Mr because I did I did have the prior version in this version and I'm happy to hear Chief is saying the scope has changed but the fee structure for your your fees have gone up obviously because the project has increased um and and other things have increased but I think you qualify that by saying it's a different project than it was from a yearo so Pete's point it would be nice to see that's not not a problem now unfortunately we started looking at this in 2015 with Chief sell and then Chief gway came in and then we were we were planning to get this thing started by 2020 and then Co hit and he got pushed off to the S so I mean it's not like we haven't you know looked into this extensively over the years so um I appreciate all the work you've done on this because uh I know you you scaled it back a lot and you know all floor yeah yeah and I know that I mean you this isn't uh this isn't a war this is a need and I think that's important for the public to understand I mean Homeland Security comes in here says it's inadequate the state comes in here they they they look at everything every year I mean they pass us but they they say we have deficiencies so it's up to us that we it's our responsibility to make sure that we take care of those deficiencies and this is truly the best way to do it to bringing up the code and um you know make sure it's good for another 40 years or so go ahead what's the um debt that's coming off in 27 do we know the amount I do there's a n and n and a seven or 10 10 and eight so it's always good to look at um in terms of the debt payment you know the principal payment in that year because that gives you a good ankling so $620,000 in debts coming off the bcks in 2027 of an original issue back in 2012 of a little under 9 million um and but the interest rate was much lower at that time you know you're you're talking that between a two and a 2.2% you know depending on the year because it there's a difference so it's much lower than the rates are now so um it's not equal dollar for dollar but it's was about a 9 million principal a lower interest rate six and a quarter Debt Service coming off 20 2027 is the last year that payment okay I just comment mat I think the finance committee still Dian and I have a lot of work to do financing plan is a committee process still has to be impa I think the capital team still has to look at the assant capital funding so we we still have credit homework yeah know I'm just trying to get my arms around some of the numbers that's all can I ask a question I don't know if you talk if I missed it I apologize if I did um the the renovation of the oldb hall and what What's the timing going to be on that so like is that going to be done before obviously you guys start this because we you need someplace to be right yeah so um the as we are literally planning to move right into that building as it exists outside of like maybe painting some walls cleaning carpets and cleaning the bathrooms um the bathrooms aren't bad actually well nobody's been in there for a year so we don't like sharing SP we don't like sharing spaces with M and and spiders but uh but the Bell Rings all the time so you know there is there are a few very minor security issues we just to fortify some doors um that could be do that could be done um in a very efficient inexpensive manner but um we've gone to the building and we we know this is outside of using the base in space because I think that space has to be uh probably attended to with probably just some um environmental issues but with that being said um you know we're going to cram ourselves in there where when it if the time would come we'd go right over there okay so it's not like we have to you know Finance this project first to get it up to speed for you to move in no so everything would be temporary for us um you know to this was brought up in the last in the prior meeting also about a renovation of that space and um Mr M's group um forecasted about a $4 million price tag to bring that building to co right so that um it was ready to go not as a police department just as office space uh with the addition of an elevator um if the if the public if we as the government agency still utilize the building to bring it up to certain requirements so when you when you take that $4 million number and compare it to the number that we're looking at and we haven't even begun to design it to be a police department we're already forecasting that it's it's gonna it's first of all doesn't have enough space um but with that being said it it the number will outpace what um the cost of a new construction here would be I think we said this number we asked I think this counc asked what what would the cost to be to got renovate that that building and guys we kind enough because that was one of the that was one of the Renditions that has been yeah talked about over the years that we've been talking about this can we use this can we use that can we you know so yeah also Dan I'm glad you mentioned that just to point out um we had an engineering meeting with gpen uh Keith and ber to kind of give us the history of all the Renditions you've gone through can can we move here can we renovate there so you've answered all of our questions with that new construction is definitely the the most efficient effective way to go and the cost of renovating new construction versus renovating existing um definitely makes sense to go with the new so just want put that on penny Pennywise pound foolish you have a lot of saying in my family so and we I think we also had discussed then and with the finance committee you know and to Alice Point make sure that this can be used utilized for the next 40 years so thank you for incorporating all that okay any other questions I think we just have a you know a lot of other work to do as we get more information so if I'm understanding correctly uh Alex that you discussed committees need to still do some work on this I would imagine finance and capital yes um jimy you articulated some some numbers tonight they were sort of related to this project not from a macr town sense it sounds like that'll be coming at a later meeting my my I I just focused on the the police edition and renovation I just wanted to make sure it'll be at the next meeting when we're talking from a macro sense we'll have time to ask those questions at that point yes good we I mean you can just on our overalls standpoint I just want to make sure I understand what from a Town Financing standpoint so from an overall Town perspective what you're saying prior Bond issues that are already authorized compared to what's on the books already separate from this yes okay right now we're focusing on this so they have understand the co cost of the project and then as as Council and look bigger picture biger the bigger picture pict yeah the other Capital needs of the of the community taking that all into account from a macro standpoint so that that's great as long as I understand the process thank you sir are we gonna go over what what do we have is that your pictures over there or oh good we're gonna do that too to go yeah I'd like to know what we're looking at sure yeah be like to see the rendering sure I could see one but I can't see the other lay looks like Robert it looks like Robert's SCH well it was a school at one point well so um there we go all right so this vintage point um here would be standing um approximately right here looking towards the entrance of the new cord police building addition here um so the addition would be this portion of of the sheet and then the the existing buildings over here um so this would this would be the entrance to the police and in court um with the uh the um the brick picking up on the existing facility um this would be we can't really disclose or share the uh configurations but um you know this portion over here would be what we see from where did jail cells no I'm kidding one way to find out you'll see those later probably more than one so that long rectangle on the on the one to the left on the one to the left that the long rectangle next to is that the existing building so the police department is that square attached to the rectangle that's correct I'm not good at this we're slightly to the left of where he is existing fac is this dashine oh okay all right the top is where we walk in so the right is where we are like we are you should have a UR here yes okay here we're right about there so again this is a first stab um but trying to pick up on the materiality of of the existing building try to together as modern as it is it looks like it was always there that's positive I know Architects like to hear that thank you we we put in a a concrete sign so to speak right in front of the flag pole yes that that's a seat on the other side and it also get some protection right to the uh building and drive your car right like the things that they have in front of buildings in New York and the gas meters no gas are are right here right right there um screen those in um to try to not have those be first look at As Nice great any other questions thank you for your timely information than you very much --------- ##VIDEO ID:FyW31Ek6nVk## what mean to order roll call please miss bisa president Mr kamsky here Mr DNA mayor Morgan Mrs Jeffrey Mr kogan Mrs MCN here salute the plag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this a public meeting of B Council B New Providence County Union state New Jersey and qu notice has been given in accordance with PL 1975 CH 231 annual notice or revision was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT okay we have a presentation and I see uh Abby and Aiden are here and we have a presentation for uh food and security awareness Proclamation Proclamation and ABY and Aiden started the link uh food bank over at the Methodist Church how many years ago two two and years two and a half years and uh they were actually in h school when they started it so it's quite a tribute whereas food in security is the lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active healthy life and it can be temporary or longlasting and affects people across all different races ages and income classes in the United States and whereas in America about one in 10 people and one in six children are experiences food insecurity within Union County alone over 7.3% of residents or about 40,000 people are currently food insecure including a rate of 9.2 for children and about 12,000 people and whereas thousands of nonprofit organizations and food banks including the link program Inc have been set up across the United States with the goal of fighting food insecurity working tirelessly to provide families with necessary nutritional support because of food and security is often tied to other major problems like poverty unemployment health conditions and more it is even harder to put an end to it however with the issue growing every day more must work to be done and raise your awareness about it and and F it head on therefore I Al Morgan mayor in Providence County Union state of New Jersey to Here by proclaim the month of October as food and security awareness month in New Providence New Jersey and encourage all residents to observe food and security awareness month and support this cause that has so deeply impacts families and communi across our country I want to thank you guys for doing what you do for for our community and I know um there's a lot of people that need help and it's not something that's out there all the time and people don't feel comfortable you know knowing that that there food insecure and you know you guys have provided a great great program for them so you should all be proud may you have something to say um just having seen how this program has grown and changed over the last year this is the heart and the soul of them organization and their tireless tireless effort and passion for doing this for our residents for the people participating in link is just astounding and I'm very proud to work with them and watch this grow um but before um before we finish why don't you guys give everybody an update on how they can donate where they can donate maybe give us a little status on like monthly how many families are we feeding because unfortunately we're not decreasing our distribution we're increasing our distribution and you maybe give everybody a flavor for that yeah totally um I can give you a kind of an up to-date stat on where we are in terms of how much we've given over the past two and a half years um just the other month we went over 10 tons um so uh of food H product cleaning supplies to all of our families over the past few years and that has slow exponentially increasing as there number of families increases um we now have about 50 families that are in our Network and we have about 30 to 35 that come every month um to receive Food Hy products and cleaning supplies um they receive between 40 to 60 pounds of food Hy product cleaning supplies you know all these Necessities that you really require um if you would like to support us our website is link nj.org um all information about donating food our whole list of food hyding product things supplies that you can donate um it's all on there as well as our online donation page um or if You' like to donate with check you can send it to the United Church at 1441 thats um but seriously we could not do any of this without our community it's been super supportive and super helpful um and we really are grateful for everything you guys are doing for [Applause] us if you would also like to support we actually have a program that we started within the whole school district of Providence Public School fuel program so um there's pantries within the actual school building things um so if you're interested in donating stuff uh for the school through program you can drop it off directly to the school and label it or you can um just purchase individually packed items if nuts without nuts if possible and drop it off the United Methodist Church in the back parking lot on the standing Shelf thank you so congrats guys thank you thank you guys okay I need approval of minutes of September 10th please motion so moved second second all in favor I I no so be it we have correspondence you Provence fire department David palatini and he uh following his Father's Footsteps as a volunteer fireman okay New Jersey Transit uh notice for senior and disabled residents Transportation uh Board of adjustment 1682 uh Springfield Avenue and we have two letters from uh sawi and Rajiv Satia on Brookside Drive about proposed sidewalks uh any comments okay let's go to council business uh Lisa Administration thank you mayor we've got resolution 20 24-26 this is a resolution authorizing the buau of New Providence to apply for a grant under the New Jersey American bottle Filling Station grant program uh so this is from New Jersey American Water Company it's for a $2,500 Grant to add another water bottle filling station here at the municipal center um and it is a non-matching grant we'll keep on going Advisory Board advisory so resolution 202 24-26 is a resolution approving the request of the New Providence mental health advocacy and education committee to participate in the street fair uh this is uh carrying over from last year they had applied and and paid and uh it got rained out so we're going to try it again this year okay engineering Alex thank you mayor resolution 20242 resolution authorizing application for treatment works approval perit for Redwood ERC New Providence 3 LLC block 320 lot 171 and 1801 this is the resolution approving treatment works approval application with the engineers report for sanitary improvements associated with construction at Lantern Hill resolution 2024 d268 resolution accepting the proposal of Ker's engineering design for professional Engineering Services regarding bar field survey so this is the accepting proposal from Colliers to complete a boundary survey so that the gate or the movable barrier can be placed on the property line uh essentially closing the area off to uh through traffic resolution 20242 n resolution approving progress payment number two for ptoo builders in an amount of $4,160 resolution authorizing contract for municipal management software from spal data logic approving the annual contract of with spatial data that is used for building department for um fire prevention planning zoning boards engineering Property Maintenance and tax assessment office getting financed in thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing payment of the attached bills payable list in the amount of 62 $2,232 N4 and significant items include portifino builders in for the amount of 21,25 and that's the first and the second payments the first payment we approved in um our last meeting Suburban Disposal for the amount of 45333 for August garbage um fonics Imaging Technologies in the amount of $ 38,2 1558 for document scanning and reneer air conditioning in the amount of $ 23,8 68 for the municipal center air conditioner resolution 2024 27 272 is um actually and 273 they're both resolutions providing for the insertion of any special item of Revenue in the 2024 budget pursuant of njsa 40a colon 4- 87 chapter 159 PL um 1948 the first one 272 is for the community energy plan Grant and this is accepting a $10,000 Grant from the Board of Public Utilities for the development of a community energy plan um which will align uh the goals and strategies in New Jersey's energy master plan and resolution 272 is for another National opioid settlement 2024 resol resolution to add $1,294 and change to the 2024 budget as part of the opard settlement resolution 2024 274 is Murray Hill Hospitality LLC versus burrow of New Providence block 220 lot 20 535 Central Avenue block 220 lot 20 535 Central Avenue Unit C 00001 block 220 lot 20 535 Central Avenue Unit C 00002 dockets and uh several different docket numbers and this is a resolution approving the tax appeal settlement with Murray Hill Hospitality uh for the tax appeals from 2020 through 2024 as we all know that was the height of covid so that's um where that generates from Okay resolution 275 is a resolution appointing Linda uo and Lisa S as Crossing Ys uh 276 is a resolution approving purchase of pull bulletproof vest for officers Wilson Corino Gutierrez public Miller gelini Carano and uh uh Bon um using uh Grant funds okay and that's it for that uh we have some uh discussion items I just want to bring up a couple things coming up uh the police department be State dinner is uh Saturday at uh the packet Club um the car show is October 5th and the rain date is October 6th okay and that'll be at the community pool the fire departments have an open house on October 12th and obviously that will be at the firehouse that was a lot of fun last year um we had some ribbon cuting actually uh uh Zubin by Ali moved from 309 South Street to 200 South Street and we wish them the best at their new location um Thursday night uh Yoga 6 over in the shopping center uh we're going to do a ribbon cutting and Cafe Luna on uh October 6th is uh going to uh have a ribbon cutting um on uh the 5th October 5th the prosecutor's office is working with the police departments for uh gun takeback um they request anybody that has a a firearm can uh bring the um the weapon here in New Providence to the American Legion between 10 and uh 1 and uh there will be no questions asked and that's going uh throughout the county uh other towns like some at Berkeley Heights are going to be open at uh in different locations from I think 9 to four all right um before I forget I you know I I should have done this in the beginning is that Maxine Hirsch um a former councilman Council woman uh passed away she's served on Council for 20 years and I was very lucky to serve with her for about I guess eight of those um she was probably one of the most compassionate people I ever meet she was she was the heart and soul I always said of the council and just a terrific person always she was a teacher in Summit uh her and her and her husband uh Stuart always did a lot of community service in in town here I know steuart himself served on the board of adjustment for for for a number number of years so um uh we're going to uh lower the flight a half Mass on the 27th right and um you know let's uh have a moment of silence for her and God bless her and her family thank you very much the other thing I wanted to bring up you know I do read social media I don't get on there because I uh I don't believe in it responding to a lot of things that go on there I've been mayor for 19 years I've lived in this town all my life 70 years I've never seen it so divisive as I've seen it present day and I don't know if it's because the country is divided uh state or whatever but it never seemed to infiltrate New Providence we're all neighbors here but what I'm reading like things about the pool Bridge spent a lot of time determining the status of the community pool bridge that bridge was put in probably when the pool was built back in the 60s we've had some tough tough hurricanes rainstorms the bridge needs to be replaced now over the over the past year or so you know we've been very concerned about Public Safety about pedestrian safety about kids getting off in school we've changed uh traffic patterns I know it's an inconvenience we've asked a lot of people please drop your kids off at the pool and walked to High School and I have to say most people have complied now for what I'm reading on social media does anybody really think that we don't do our due diligence and have enough common sense to know if we take that bridge down that we have to put a pedestrian pedestrian bridge in temporarily it's common sense and I see people getting worked up over it it's ridiculous and why people would buy into what goes on in this social media which is total misinformation is beyond me just beyond me and there's other things that that that come up like the high density housing like it or not this was mandated to new by the New Jersey Supreme Court we don't have a choice there's no choice there's neighboring towns that have tried to fight this have spent a million dollars in in legal fees and lost and then on top of that they get F on top of that that wasn't good enough they're going for for another bite at the Apple it it makes no sense listen the only way that that this high density housing is going to change is by the legislature and believe me I am down there every time the subject gets brought up it is tabled there is no discussion it could also be if they put up on public referendum but that's not going to happen so I mean for them to start pointing fingers and this and that is unbelievable to me sidewalks we got grants for sidewalks we had a listening session the other night it was a listening session see how the neighborhoods thought about it there was nothing itched in stone yet there was a proposal by an engineering company that's all it was we're going to take all those comments listen to you know take them under consideration listen to Police Department listen to our professionals but for people to think that we don't listen to the constituents in this town believe me I know some of the streets where sidewalks they they're saying they need them the the the the streets are narrow and there are big old trees ER guess what this Council will do the right thing we understand but you know for us to make decisions like this we want public input and we got it the other night that's all it was so for people to say oh we're going to force this down people's throats this that it's not true none of it's true if people have a question and I I just you can go to any one of us you could call uh B Hall you can go to our website if you can't find the information that's where the accurate information is I know it's silly season and I know it's election time and it happens every year I want to make sure that people understand that you know the dividing this town over issues that aren't even issues shouldn't be happening this is a great town it's always been a great town and we've been a model for a lot of towns throughout this state we are very well known to be a stable uh community and I hate to see it and I I I see it coming is from rhetoric and what I'm seeing and I just thought I I need to say something and maybe it'll put an end to it cuz all our people here not only Council but our Administration all our employees work very hard very hard to keep stability in this town and keep this town a great town that it is and I think I've said enough thank you all Dian thank you mayor and U one of the rumors was that there were no council people at that safeer to school meeting but there or three actually yes it was so just set the record straight um and speaking about stable communities um we had information um from as press release from Fitch ratings um we were approved for AAA Bond rating and Jim Tesa was here earlier thank you speaking of burrow employees going above and beyond and doing such a great job of what they do um he worked really hard the rating agencies have changed some of their metrics so um he did a great great job to help us with that um Board of Health I updated everybody Historical Society um Cemetery tours this weekend um also the B Book Festival was this weekend this past weekend it was really great had a nice time um we had a quarterly meeting for the downtown improvement district um which we all know is a standalone entity um they're always looking to for ways to beautify the downtown and make it a desirable destination to both gather and shop and they're currently working with both the beautification committee and the Garden Club to um enhance uh the downtown create more green spaces etc etc um and I think that's it and happy birthday Al thank you Matt okay so uh I want to thank you both for staying for for our meeting you get to see how government works very exciting stuff right um they still awake yeah I I I wasn't going to say something because every for me here for five years um I was going to say something because I usually get pretty emotional when I talk about this but um as somebody who grew up uh coming home from school and having a bread and ketchup in the refrigerator um and splitting ketchup sandwiches with my family uh uh relying on the the the town to donate food and and seeing getting a box of Thanksgiving dinner so we can have a normal Thanksgiving uh every year um you know one of the things that kind of inspired me to be here right to give back to the community and and continue to serve others so I just wanted to say that I think what you do is remarkable and and I really truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart so thank you uh so I get that emotional part out of the way um I just wanted to talk about the senior bus we we had um we had passed uh a resolution to allow for for uh Recreation to apply for a grant bless you um it turns out that that Grant um is only there's only 10 grants available so so it's a very small chance that we get it so um Allison being who she is always thinking ahead three steps um you know she just threw at us to to consider thinking about uh if we don't get the grant what what's the next steps right so we got this big large bus and and it's it's too big really for what we need it for so uh tooling around the idea of bless you thank you um you know potentially selling the bus and buying a smaller bus right um maybe a school bus or or sometime of conversion van or something that effect so just wanted to throw that out there so you guys are aware uh we're still in running obviously for the grant hope we do get it um but if not uh that's an option we're looking into uh I just want to mention the recreation winter basketball programs are starting uh registration is open now this is for all grades 1 through eight so boys and girls uh go to the website B website for information and you can register online at our community pass uh last thing I just the pickle ball I know Bernadet can probably give a good update on where we're at but I did just want to mention they did start Paving uh the walking paths so that's all I had okay good nothing further May thank you indeed um operations normal council mcnight is going to cover on Mental Health okay Alex uh thank you mayor happy birthday thank you thank you for coming thank you for being a frequent flyer um just want an update on um you got to thank everybody else John John and all of our professionals trust so the fre cycle Fest yet another success hundreds and hundreds of cars great Aiden as well yes uh he's going to be a councilman very soon terrific uh would you happen to know the number of cars I know you how much 492 492 cars that just from 9:30 to right so we miss a whole hour of I guess overs and and not just serving New Providence probably chadam Summit and Berkeley height so thank you for your help with that as well um operations normal but I did want to mention um to our Jewish Community uh next Wednesday is rashash Shana uh that's year for people that are counting that's year 5785 um this year between rashan and yor is a somber one being that October 7th anniversary so um yeah that'll be a tough one but uh yor is on uh on the 11th so we typically say Have a good fast easy fast but just wanted to wish our a Happy New Year to our Jewish Community Thank you Lisa thank you um so thank you to Recreation and everybody that made that walking path possible because it is a pleasure to walk on it is my normal Mo to walk that path almost every day and it is really nice so awesome um so mental health committee did meet this uh last week and uh they did not get the grant that they applied for so they're kind of reconfiguring H how to what to do and how to do it so they are still looking at programs and events but this time really looking at collaborations with other existing foundations and other communities um to to get things done but basically what they're trying to do is or what they're going to be focusing on is um May and painting the T green working with our our neighboring communities to get that rolling and uh they're they're pretty excited so they're going to be at the street fair uh they are still you know providing resources and giving Ed you know information um concerning the mental health and they really do want to get their message out to the community so visit them at the street fair um the library board also met last week and that that is a lot going on I Library a lot going on um if you haven't been to the library in a while go check it out it is very different uh they have Stacy has done such a Stacy and her staff really SRA Stacy she has a wonderful staff have really transformed that Library um they took the Strategic plan that we did a year ago and really have put it to work so it's amazing now they have work pods so if you're looking for a quiet space to read or work there's there's work pods set up in there that look awesome um the they they got a book Dragon I don't know if you saw it so they it right as you're going into the library it's a little uh steel book dragon statue and it has garnered so much attention it's all over social media people like to sit with it take their pictures with it they post pictures with we even have Nim from DPW in a picture with um with the book Dragon so the kudos to them for that they're always finding ways to to which is here you know yeah yeah they're always find but they're always finding ways to to generate um you know excitement about the library mentioned once before the friends of uh the the library their fundraiser is November 16th it's the murder mystery it is going to be at the Packa Club um and the theme is Tinsel Town so that will be fun uh the summer reading program was a huge huge success um they in the month of July they had foot traffic of over 8,000 people into the library for the summer reading program um Story Time numbers reaching over 2500 that's crazy they've never had numbers like that before uh they had over 13 volunteers that really helped make that program a success um and they're always looking 14 volunteers so this is the sixth year that that progr program has been in existence so if you know any high school or middle school students that are looking for some type of volunteer um activity you know they need them for sh shelving books and for you know helping with the story times and helping with the kids so that's a a great thing as well uh the last thing for the library is I mentioned several times that they were looking to do a renovation project we had okayed the uh D to go to go in there and do the survey uh they got the survey back and what they were worried about was the Wetland buffer so they were worried about that so it came in that instead of the 50 ft buffer that they were hoping for it's 150 ft but it's not because of wetlands it's because of the Indiana bat so this is what the D said it's an endangered species who might find find that area suitable for Habitat so there's no Indiana bats there now but maybe there could be so interesting on that so they're kind of going back to the drawing board a little bit and having to reconfigure their their setbacks uh for that so interesting do we have a b in New Jersey I have no idea there there's none there's the Indiana bat might like it so can I just at and you still have chat with the mayor on uh the 4th yeah October 4th councilwoman mcnight I have to say I think you do a wonderful job on your library updates I I uh I'm a heavy Library user myself and I appreciate your passion and and your report so it is like such a great space so I really want people to go they really do and Stacy and her staff do such a good job of uh going out to the community and the residents and and you know drumming up uh excitement for it and getting people to get library cards great job she was at the uh the Book Festival table yeah we had a long talk about the traffic and everything else so uh Bernette you're thank you mayor just a few uh project updates uh South Street water main replacement crj continues to flush the water main but the samples continue to fail uh the this is holding up the tie-ins at G's dve um due to the samples and they're hoping to finish this project up in the next week or so um but it is contingent upon the water samples um if you're down South Street in the morning I've asked several times why it looks like we have a water main break at different PE places it's because they're flushing at night constantly and it's leaving residue in the morning so they're working on it but I don't know I don't know why they can't get those that one section to actually pass the water samples not not sure what's going on I saw that one in O's lot cover yeah um faic Street bridge I spoke with the County engineer today to get a sense of where that project is currently they're waiting on formal engineering designs from jcpnl um ironically uh the school district is also waiting for such plans from the engineering department so um jcpnl needs to spell out for the contractor how they're going to de-energize the overhead power lines um before we can start to deconstruct the bridge uh I guess due to the cranes and stuff that will be in and out um County does continue to work with jcpnl and neglia who is the construction uh the construction uh company to put a schedule together the good news is is that the beams are in construction um so they're being fabricated and we're not losing any time because of that so the bridge remains open while that's happening so that's at least you know shining light at the end of the tunnel exactly um Maple Street Paving um the contractor has seen the light um our Engineers were on site during morning drop off last week and he agrees that he cannot pave during school hours um for those on Council you're well aware that he had said for us to pave after school hours would cost the burrow an additional $57,000 which really just isn't acceptable um and that's due to having to open the asphalt uh plants outside of normal business hours um he's now since um given us a tenative Paving date of November 7th and 8th so we've compressed four days of milling and Paving down to two I'm not sure how that works but that's what he says um the only bad thing about November 7th and 8th school is closed which is great but we're really pushing it weatherwise um I I have made it perfectly clear to both our engineer and them that um they may not leave the road just milled so if they're not going to be able to pave they cannot Mill um and in which case they would um do the paving over spring break when school is closed in the spring um I think you guys are aware that the asphalt plants do close at a certain time um due to the weather so we're really pushing it out in November um and last but not least Allison and I met with Dakota Excavating today at the pickle ball court site um they have removed all of the caving um from the tennis court shelter house around to O um much to their surprise when they were digging up they found a concrete block underneath two layers of asphalt so there is a giant mound of debris um where the actual pickle ball quarts will be um they let us know that they should be done Paving that area the The Walking path area by the end of this week and all of that debris will leave and then the start working on the courts that's all I have great thank you John SP you're here everybody's asked me about the cemetery uh tours yes when when are they uh we have one coming up this Saturday and then we have two coming up for the U um the fourth Century um um festivals that are going on in in the county and we're going to do two tours back to back and one at 230 so uh the last tour we had we had 18 people which was wonderful and we've been averaging about five maybe six people for tour uh last uh spring so uh things are ramping up and uh yeah so it's it's exciting and I'm always trying to add something uh to the tour so I'm I'm constantly doing research and learning more about the MFS and the crane family and things like that so um yeah so this weekend 10 105 also and then 10:20 uh is it three more times correct yeah and 10:20 is the one at 1:30 and 2:30 that's correct now do people have to pre-register or just show up at the church we ask people to to just uh send an email to NP Cemetery tours gmail.com uh to register um but you know I never turn anyone away and we agree with the church that we would limit it to 20 and we never really get there so it's all good people show up I never I'm just glad they show up and learn about the great history we have here in our town I think very few people know how much history there really is in this I I was surprised I took it last year and I mean I I know a lot of history but I mean some of this stuff was unbelievable so thank you thank you for doing that very passion yeah great thanks okay Allan you're up bless you Allan Swanson 47 Overhill Road I actually wasn't intending to to speak tonight he that's okay you're just you're just wishing happy birthday but now I'm going to I don't think may say anything negative well I usually don't say much of anything negative about you guys um I I did want to comment on the freeze cycle which I I think is is really a great thing and I actually brought over three loads there and and people were giving me a hard time like it was you know just do so because I but I got a lot of cleaning out of some things um uh and the reason I bring it up is it would really be great if there if there was a way to to actually have a little more of a frequent um activity like that because you know one of the one of the main things from an environmental standpoint is the ReUse aspect you know it's a it's it's really good some of the thrift stores that are around and things like that because that's reusing all of the these materials and the equipment and stuff is really a great thing so it would be great if you could figure out a way to do that more often often I mean I know summit's got they have a rather nice facility for that um I know you're really probably not going to go that far um I wanted to comment on the sidewalks just this is just another little environmental comment it would really be great if you if I ride around a lot and I travel around on the paths and things and it would be really great if if you worked on a couple of the the paths around that uh especially if there was something from from east to west you know it's it's marked you know that we've that there's a path along um along the saltbrook over there between Lion's Park and and over towards um um Livingston it would be great if that was fixed up or something it's a I I was just over there the other day and I know it's a problem because it runs right next to the saltbrook and when you get the floods there I I noticed that there was a significant amount of the property was gone there's a couple pieces here that are private property yeah I understand that too yeah because it does butt right up on the private property and then I know it's a problem from um Livingston over to South Street you you know but there there's a sidewalk on Marian so you could go over and anyway so that's just a little comment the other thing that I I wanted to mention was you know it we're a great town um it it's true um but it it's not perfect um I can tell you that from a personally um outside of the social media there there are people in this town who I don't know who they are um but there are people who from time to time perhaps don't like some things that I say or somebody I might support with a sign or something on my yard because I have since 2016 uh periodically received hate mail um and the only reason I bring it up is the the last one that I received was about four days ago um it it's not threatening uh I I also receive I also receive dog waste if I put out a sign that somebody doesn't like somebody in my neighborhood likes to uh either allow their dog or deposit their dogs ways near the sign if I put it up if they don't like it um I I I think I just bring it up is that you know we're people are there there there are some real um idiots out there and I don't know how we would get away from them so that um I I I I know that you know I don't post very much on social media myself because I don't I don't really care for it and most of the time if I post anything it's a correction of something that somebody put out there that's stupid like you like you say um well you didn't say that but I say um but it's accurate I I I uh I definitely believe that that that facts matter so it's that's and I appreciate that my my point is is that we're all neighbors and at the end of the day we should all be getting along with each other and you know what if you're going to if you're going to put something out there just make sure it's accurate do your homework uh if somebody has a problem with with with something that we did um I you know it's free speech everybody they should show up here like I do I I frankly I I've never felt like that you were um particularly negative to to Things No it's it's just misinformation breeds contempt it really does and you know it all all this job is hard enough without you know we we strive so hard to do the do the right thing and come up to the right right answer sometimes are wrong and I got we've made decisions and and I've come right up information we had at the time you know it we thought it was the right decision reverse of course but you know it it's it's the rhetoric that gets me well I've never said you were wrong no and I'm not I'm not no I'm just I'm not saying that's a joke I'm just saying you listen we know who the copits are you you can you can read the social media and it's just a shame we' come this this far it really is and um you know I know you and I don't agree on everything and but it it's not that I don't respect you I mean you know everybody has different different values and and different you know ideas and that's fine there's nothing wrong with that that's America but you know the way I see this stuff going on I've never seen it before here and it it's starting to really hit home that you know this nice place nice people thing uh people aren't really getting into it you know so um we've always been known as a very you know stable community and I just I just don't want to see it roving let me say one one thing that I had no intention oh go ahead before I just want to go back to um the free cycle your your comment about having it more often for the sustainability committee it's like our number one event for the year apart from the green green fair and the hours it's all volunteer run which is terrific and Aiden as we mentioned earlier I don't know how many hours you you put in to coordinate it so having a multiple one is is is definitely you might have to get on the payroll if you want me to speak to it it takes about six months to plan it just for September date so if we were going to start planning to say have it in March you would have to start like the day thaty ends not but the one thing I will say Alan get to work I will say to Alan one one idea we're floating around with the sustainability committee to your point about having these things more often is seeing that Summit chatam they have a CommunityWide uh garage sale where we would advertise or have families bundle together garage sales where they can actually donate the money to a Good Charity or a good cause but give a find a way to get rid of their job um where the burrow uh sustainability committee would advertise all the locations maybe have an app so we are looking into other ways of finding ways getting things out of the way stream as as our goal there's also a lot of other activities in in our community and surrounding communities the athletic boosters has a clothing Drive the uh Presbyterian Church has their rumage sale Every Spring there's a lot of different uh this Long Hill you know has a a Lin whatever so so there's so many of them the more the better you know no doubt about that's that's all I just I'm just trying to reinforce that that this is really a good thing um let me say what um you know in this day and age and and what we are experiencing right now in terms of the media and the things that are out there and the way that people are so fast to to be negative and everything I have you know I'm a little older than than than most of you not that much but a little bit but I'm a product of the 60s um I I went to high school and college from 1962 to 1970 when I graduated undergraduate school you can't get much more in the 60s than that in terms of that age group and and something that I've said to people from time to time when talking about the issue of the the misinformation and and and honestly the kind of the hate that's out there and the hate speech that goes on and I've said to people that you know the 60s were a tumultuous time and um I mean it was and there was a number of tragedies that occurred in 1960 but overall um from my experience I I really believe that that kind of the the hate I mean I didn't I didn't experience the kind of the hate that people have now I agree you know that that um I mean it was really a controversial time there were you know it really it really was um and uh and then in 1970 I was drafted anyway um but but I just I just feel like now just so many things that you see that that that are just from my experience I say you know why why are people like that why is yeah I don't know I I think a lot of it has to do with social media it jins people up and you know back we didn't have that back in the 60s or 70s uh and I think that's that's what it is social media is a great thing if it's used properly and you know but you know it's the way it is it just concerns me that I see it moving into our community like it is yeah well that's that's why I bring up that it's it's you know that people sending me hate mail I I just I it's kind of like I mean it's not threatening so that you know I did have the police involved at one point but um that was a a little different occurrence with regard to that kind of thing but um uh but but I get it and I and I think that that's exactly what it is that because the things that I receive are usually social media made up uh things about you know at the last one I got was supposedly pictures of of of Cala Harris as a prostitute well of course it's totally fake it's totally made of and some somebody out there what what's so strange to me is that the idea that there would be somebody sitting in their house taking time to to copy and and put together and address it uh to me a piece of mail to send me something like that I I just it it just it's kind of mindboggling as to what is in your head that makes you think that oh I'm going to get him I'm going to send him this picture it's just it's just very strange tonight you were pretty good about your about the speaking with the microphones I didn't have much trouble tonight so always keep that in mind thank you all right let's go to uh buiness items 1 through 12 can I have a motion please so moved second no call please miss bisa hi Mr kamsky hi Mr danaro Mr drre Mr kogan Mrs mcnight yes okay everybody uh motion for adjournment so move second second ask all in favor