okay callot a meeting to roll call please M bisa present uh Mr kamsky here Mr dno here mayor Morgan here Mrs jofre here Mr kogan here Mrs mcnight here I salute the FL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all this public meting Pro Providence County Union state of New Jersey adequate notice has been given in accordance with PL 1975 CH 231 annual notice of revision was made in conformance of section 13 of the ACT we have a ordinance uh 249 uh please read the title an ordinance to amend chapter 51 of the code of the buau of New Providence titled fire department okay uh can I have a motion please so moved second okay with this uh this is the uh second reading uh raising the age to join the fire department to age 57 uh anybody in the public wishing to uh address us on this ordinance and this ordinance only no seeing no one I declared a public hear and close roll call please M bisa hi Mr kamsky hi Mr jaro hi um Mrs Joffrey yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes okay I need approval of minutes of June 11th conference meeting so move second second all in favor yes yes no so bad June 11th regular meeting so moved second all in favor I no so bad okay we have correspondence for Board of adjustment 846 Union Avenue or uh Central Avenue Bar for a deck uh John philipos about uh garbage receptacles we already do that so um I know Bernard that you talked to him right yeah yeah and and notified him so that's just an Enforcement issue yeah yeah okay New Providence Fire Department uh membership of uh Christopher who sh and we welcome him okay city of summit ordinance uh development regulations um minicipal Alliance uh resignation letter from uh Jim Madden and we thank him for his time and Service Board of adjustment uh public hearing uh for 37 Woodbine Circle County Union uh engineering and uh about the uh PA River Bridge and notice to proceed and we have Berkeley height zoning board and Lauren dilio um complained about Springfield Avenue at Ridge um they closed it because they had to repave it they milled it and then repaved it and went over there the other day it it did a really nice job any more uh any comments just two things uh Al um the the Bridge we just elaborate a little bit more on that right so that bridge closures moving forward I know we're putting some information out there maybe we just talk a little bit about that so we don't know the exact date what has happened is that um Bruner D and I went to uh the preconstruction meeting and um our biggest concern was that what happened last time is that they put a crane on the road and it was sitting there for a month and and there was no work being done so we talked to the contractor the county everybody and said listen don't don't close that road until you have the pre-cast parts that um that that arrive and what they said is that they were just waiting for the county to approve the uh approve the budget then they would go and uh approve the engineering plans and I think they were approved and now they could uh uh order the preast so they said that would took what six to n weeks burn a de something like that I think it was 90 days and what they said was um during that time that they will dismantle the bridge the current bridge and while that's being uh made and then when the preast comes in they could take care of it because they're going to have to work on the abutments and everything else so when they get that preast comes in they're going to be ready to go they're not anticipating any work to happen until the end of July or August at this point yeah so I mean nebor hoping to start when uh right after 4th of July and then it got pushed off to like uh the middle of July and then you know how things go yeah so that just rolls into my next point that on the last correspondence um you know I know you know the water main work on South Street right is is the water company and then we have you know the the gas company doing doing work as well and you know we do our best coordinating those things you know in town and you know that correspondence was a little disappointing because um the language and the tone used in it um I felt was a little too strong and and I do you know calling people incompetent um you know again it's disappointing and uh I do want to apologize to our Administration that has to deal with things like that but they do do a great job of you know making sure that they're communicating to the public and putting as much information out as possible as soon as possible right uh so uh you know if this is the kind of tone we're going to get when we have a one day you know Paving project when we're going to be closing a bridge for about a year um you know uh you know I hope we could be better well we already had a snap on the water m in uh on on South Street and they were already a Bard and put the pipe through and they hit a steel beam which is the county said stop so I know ver that you give a report with that yeah all the particulars but nothing good comes from things you know when you when you do this so actually I just wanted to take one um an additional minute to just thank Jim Madden for his service on the municipal Alliance um when Jim came in he was focusing on the young 20-some group and he was able to get that up and running and put together a resource um for all of our residents on the burough web page where people could go if they need help um so I think he did an outstanding job he will be greatly missed uh but we will pick up his mission and move forward and go from there so thank you Jim Madden for for everything that you've done for the alliance yeah he also did a great job of fundraising during 20 during Co when we did not have our grant yes um and he really picked up the ball and Municipal lines didn't miss a beat that year very true thanks for that too good okay we'll go to council business administration Lisa thank you mayor so we have resolution uh 20241 184 it's a resolution appointing fund commissioner for the Garden State Municipal joint Insurance Fund uh we'll be appointing Michael fisola as a fund commissioner to the Garden State Municipal CHF here okay uh public cour May thank you mayor resolution 20241 185 is a resolution approving purchase order for Wendy letvin in an amount not to exceed $33,000 it's the double wave wall art sculpture um so this is for the installation of the wall sculpture it will be a permanent installation in the recreation hallway and the $3,000 is financed from the 20124 Union County local arts program Grant um so a grant purchase item um it's going to help make our hallway look nicer so excellent and with that said resolution 20241 186 is a resolution authorizing the application by New Providence public art committee for The Columbia Bank Foundation Grant so now we're we're applying for another Grant and we're requesting permission to apply for a $155,000 grant for the acquisition of three permanent outdoor sculptures um One In Harmony Park um and supplies to improve the visibility sustainability and beauty of sculpture locations uh these improvements include Landscaping lighting signage and pouring a a cement sculpture pad um the submission will be sometime in mid July so she's just looking for us to approve tonight the ability to apply for the ground and that's it okay commity activities man I just I like to add you know that that uh the public art committee is like a it's like a little sneaky committee you don't really hear Too Much from but uh I do want to thank you know Arlene and Allison I think you know if you look back I don't know I've been here six years you know some of the art sculptures that we have throughout the town now are uh you know you almost take them for granted but they are pretty neat um and and they've been doing a great job of you know bringing them in refreshing them every few years and and things of that nature so uh that's that's a that's a neat little committee keep your eyes on that Y and again financing through grants looking for smart funding opportunities not at taxpayer expense uh resolution 187 is a resolution accepting employment resignation from Charles seleni as a senior bus driver for the community activities department for the B Providence uh Char is resigning uh effective June 30th and uh you he drives the seniors to all their their activities and you I want to thank him for his service there um the next is an authorization to advertise for the senior bus driver for the community activities Department uh this is a 15 to 20 hour per week um you know job function like I said just driving the seniors around uh to their various functions very important we' like to continue that service so if you know anybody that has their you need a CDL for that correct CDL with passenger endorsement yeah so if you know anybody that has that that's looking for uh parttime gig please apply okay engineering Alex thank you mayor resolution 20241 188 resolution accepting the proposal from the museal group for professional architectural services for New Providence Memorial Memorial Library re-roofing project this will allow the museal group to provide drawing specifications necess AR to bid the roof replacement at the library including a roof scan of the entire roof area construction documents bidding and construction Administration um just so you guys know a lot of roof scans are done with thermal imaging now you could tell where the wet you know where puddling happens versus just on electrical panels is kind of the main area where thermal imaging has come a long way very much so uh resolution 202 24-1 189 approval to submit a Grant application and exec a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for Union Avenue improvements uh the ngot fiscal year 20125 State a program Grant submission is due on July 1st of this year the state has allocated $150 million for funding Local transportation projects last year the burrow received approximately 381,000 for the Maple Street Improvement project uh resolution 20241 190 resolution approving requisition r24 41338 for fonic imaging technology in amount not to exceed $889,000 uh for document microfilm scanning es cnj Co-op number 65 MC s ccps this approves uh services for of fonics to begin digitize our archive records which will ensure that information rets remains retrievable if a site disaster leads to loss of analog formats to reduce the need for physical storage space and enhance access to our records everyone's doing this it's long overdue I'm sure um I can't remember the last time I actually read a blueprint everything's all you can go down to DPW can pull out resolution 2024 d191 191 resolution accepting the proposal of coler's engineering design Inc for Prof professional Engineering Services regarding regarding for NJ do 2023 Maple Street Improvement project so this approves a part-time or full-time construction manager services on an as needed basis depending on the complexity of construction of any given day uh the bur will utilize uh onsite field manager for the duration of the project in order to provide consistencies throughout the construction the duration of this project should be approximately 12 weeks uh which includes punch list items the goal is to start uh construction on the drainage related in July and hopefully completed in late August uh resolution 20241 192 resolution accepting bids and awarding contract to porino builders LLC for the project commonly known as njdot FY 2023 Maple Street Improvement project in the amount of $567,000 30 so the bids came in and were opened on June 18th at 11:00 in the second floor conference room in the municipal Center uh there were nine potential biders picked up big packets seven bid packets were returned uh the project was awarded to porino builders in Springfield New Jersey which had the lowest competitive bid at $567,000 3 uh resolution 20241 193 this resolution accepting the proposal of Colliers and engineering and design Inc for professional engineering and design Services regarding pickle ball court and walk King path um this approves uh professional Engineering Services related to the New Providence Community path renovation the agreement includes design and integration of the community path improvements into the pickle ball Improvement bid package so we're anticipating uh construction the fall of 2024 with the close out of the project in the winter spring of 2025 so this just adds the walking path if anyone seen it it's it's long overdue for for an upgrade so this will be part of the pickle ball project okay thank you thank you uh Finance thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 is a resolution resolution I'm not saying that correctly authorizing payment of the attached bills payable list in the amount of 5,964 74.9 um significant items are board of educ ation July tax payment of $ 5,530 and2 $3,024 The Horizon Healthcare June health insurance payment of $13,808.69 for the amount of $ 26,42 222 and that's for renovation to barbash Manor um uh which we had discussed in several different meetings um and that I believe is for some of the utilities um uh appliances applian the app utilities it's the appliances appliances stoves Etc jcpnl in the amount of $23,988 and that's the April electric bill resolution 2024 195 is a resolution authorizing purchases with fire and Safety Services Limited for fire department apparatus maintenance and repair services for the year 2024 extraordinary unspecifiable Services um are Services which are specialized and qualitative in nature requiring expertise extensive training and proven reputation in the field of Endeavor um so basically this resolution allows our fire department in uh to enter into a contract with fire and safety services for maintenance and repair services that would uh we would need in a timely manner um and uh it's only up to a bid threshold of $444,000 resolution 2024 1996 is a resolution providing for the insertion of any special item of Revenue in the in the 2024 budget pursuing of njsa 4A colon 487 chapter 159 PL 1948 alcohol education Rehabilitation and enforcement Grant and this is basically inserting $ 22651 into the budget and this amount was received as part of state of New Jersey Municipal Court alcohol education Rehabilitation and enforcement fund resolution 2024 197 is a resolution certifying the 2023 annual audit um this basically is approving the municipal order audit for 2023 um the New Jersey administrative code 5 31- 1.1 requires that an independent audit plan and an independent auditor plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the reporting entity's financial statements are free of material and the statement this is something that's done every year um and we are very very very proud to announce that our and I'm not going to say the name right Wheels wheel C CS wheel Cs and Company our Auditors found no irregularities in the audit and provided no comments so um kudos to our burough who does such a good job with uh maintaining records uh following following all the rules etc etc and um just working with the Auditors and working with us too so thank thank you very much resolution 2024 198 is Tower Spring Gardens 1 2025 llc5 um burrow of New Providence oh uh LLC versus burrow of New Providence block 103 lot 22.01 851 Springfield Avenue these are docket numbers 01825 d206 0529 d207 004 56-28 01964 d2019 00350 d2020 00 281-2021 02889 d222 and 01613 d223 and this is the tax appeal settlement um for Tower Springs Gardens 1 for the year 2016 to 2023 um it's no the tax refunds um it has to do with our last uh agenda and it's just um completing all the docket numbers because some of them were erroneously um left off but it has not it's the same exact thing okay Pete legal thank you mayor uh resolution 2024 1999 is a resolution relative to the issuance of a PL a retail consumption license to hinel with hospitality LLC which is Providence baring kitchen uh for the year 2024 2025 that's it thank you okay Personnel Alex thank you mayor resolution 202 24-20 resolution appointing Michael fisola as equal employment opportunity coordinator for the buau of New Providence County of union state of New Jersey for year 2024 this appoints Mike as Emily's repace replacement as the Equal Employment Opportunity coordinator and we want to thank Emily for all she's St for the bur excellent employee and we wish her well in the future and we welcome Mike okay Public Safety uh the next few are just going to be um steps in the police guide which is uh from the bargaining agreement uh resolution 2001 appointing Kevin Gutierrez to step six 202 appointing um Carly Balman to step eight um 203 Marcus Martinez to step eight and 2000 resolution 2004 is a resolution which approves the shared service between the Board of Education and the buau for provid fing uh SOS which is the special law enforcement officers at at the schools and uh we we when the first to do that and uh it's worked out very very well over the years um next one is uh resolution 2005 and it's uh the next two are for equipment uh for an alato outgo test uh machine for the police department and that's for $22,800 so uh ordinance uh [Music] 2024-25 7 of the code vehicles and traffic and what that is is updating the current ordinance including a 2hour parking on the north side of High Street Monday through Friday and um the current ordinance uh reads school days only and we're adding two hour parking on the south sides for High Street on Monday through Friday um Public Works Alex thank you mayor resolution 2024-25 resolution approving requisition r24 01248 for Riverview Paving Inc an amount not to exceed 666,000 $666 $484 52 for uh 2024 Road resurfacing moris County Co-op number six this is the annual Paving uh this amount includes a $5,000 infrastructure Grant we got from Union County uh resolution 2024 209 this resolution approving requisition r24 01290 for Jack Don Dy companies and the amount not to exceed $563,500 uh for sewer jet truck at the wastewater treatment plant sourcewell contract number 10221 DVR this approves the purchase of a sewer jet truck for the wastewater treatment plant we get our money's worth with the sewer jet truck for sure yes we do okay we'll go to council committee reports um I have a couple things we just had a public safety meeting with the uh Fire Department and they are having a little difficulty getting daytime uh help volunteers uh and this is nothing new for only New Providence it's inherent and all the different communities so they're going to come up with a couple uh options that we can look at and uh hopefully we can get more volunteers especially during the day from uh 6 to 6 and you know um anybody willing to volunteer we're always happy to have you come on board we just increase the age what's that we're going to increase the age also to well yeah okay um the other thing uh after that we had a meeting with the police department um updated some um some policy uh make it conforming with with with the state RS uh the other thing we talked about which is important and it should be on the radar for years years now we've been talking about the renovation of the police department um Homeland Security years ago said it's woful inadequate and um we've been working over the years trying to get the funding and everything else we've been putting money away for a lot of different years uh but it's time and we're going to have to do something so what we're going to do I don't want this to be a surprise to anybody in Community but we're going to have to start moving on this the building materials aren't getting cheaper and um we have to make some uh tough decisions here so uh Public Safety with the with the architect Jim Testa Bernadet we're going to meet and go over some options and then we're going to bring it back to council and get your thoughts so that's where we're standing right now so so that's all I have right now except that there is a lot a lot of construction going on in town not only in New Providence but all over the area just be careful out there and and pay attention because it's it's uh sometimes a little scary out there with the traffic jams people in a rush and we don't want to have any accidents so okay and uh by the way the paving over there there by upper down chin wood and Ridge and all that Evergreen really looks great so um okay Diane um thank you mayor I don't really have a lot uh we have a film ready meeting um this me uh this week uh Board of Health is July and everything else is going pretty well you mention that or no no you mention oh okay she wrote the note I'm just the co he's the chair so summer concert series July 11th 18th and 25th just wanted to mention that in senteno park uh we also have the uh Fourth of July fireworks on July 3rd my favorite event in town um still have pictures I've mentioned previously of my son with eyes lighting up like dollar signs watching the fireworks um and the only other thing I want to mention was uh uh actually Lisa and I had coffee with Council this this weekend at Cafe Luna and uh pretty pretty neat place I've never been uh Mr Swanson was was there having enjoying his coffee he didn't even know we were coming and lucky us he was there for for to have uh some conversation thank you for that uh it was it's actually um a neat little coffee with Council because Cafe Luna allows dogs right and it's dog friendly place and and you know I have a dog right so I love dogs and every time someone came in with a dog I would go talk to them about their dog and then it led into a nice conversation uh so uh pretty neat and I want to just thank key Luna for for having us and uh you keep your eye out for coffee with counsil one thing I did forget we uh not going to have a a chat with the mayor on the 5th of July it's uh the following so just so everybody realizes I did want to note too someone asked they they had a question they weren't sure or whatever you know we do have emails right so we have email addresses online you can go on on the website and you can always find our email if you ever want to ask a question about anything it's really just click a button and send us an email directly and we'd be happy to help or answer a question and Action Line and well of course Action Line as well if you have something specific the website is full of information I I we still continue to see questions posted on on the community forums and you know you might or might not get the right answer there yeah so just saying Cod to the source okay nothing new to report mayor operations normal Alex just uh two things one uh we were talking about website communication I want to thank uh bernardet on the on the main Facebook I'm sorry on the main uh Providence burough page there's a Paving alert so you can always click there it's a red big red thing at the very top of the screen um I know sometimes uh depending on weather or whatever's going on sometimes that changes but it's it's very accurate and you get a very good idea of what's happening in town and as a resident of Ridge Drive I will say the paving was phenomenal uh all the way as you said mayor through charmwood and um Evergreen as well uh it's a little no pain no gain type of thing I know it's tough to to get residents out or to read all the postings but it always comes out beautiful at the end um we sat there and watched them pave yeah because they right in front of our house we're amaz just it's like a very amazing process and uh just last comment the the green challenge is going on a lot of good suggestions by residents everyone that's participating so thanks to uh Allison for running that and actually I'm going to jump off of your caving and again kudos to our burrow and thank you to our burrow because my mother's Street in Union is uh the Water Company's working and she's gotten so many misinformation like oh we're doing this this day or oh your water's being shut off and it hasn't been so it's hard all over the place yeah and just to say listen it's uh we've gotten new water mains new gas Mains and new Paving in in a lot of these areas that won't have to be touched for quite I mean I think it's incredible what do we pay 50 Street last year alone and we're scheduled for 30 something this year and PSC and just did 11 yeah I I mean it's it's incredible so I hope they don't fall apart [Music] all put that in the univers that's all I have yeah than so uh mental health uh advocacy and education committee met last week just a recap of the paint the town green for mental health awareness month um huge success um they did an awesome job of really getting all their activities out there and building the awareness and the education around that so kudos to the committee for all their hard work um Everybody took a role and executed wonderfully and it the committee just worked together beautifully on that um what do we have coming up we have in September Suicide Prevention Week just some uh some activities around that um together with the municipal Alliance they're they will be looking to put together suicide prevention training which we call qpr's uh QPR training so um look out for that if you haven't uh sat in or or done a QPR training highly recommend um just an just an amazing um information and just very moving as well well um another thing the the library did this for mental health awareness month they're going to continue it into Suicide Prevention in uh September and that's uh they have a collection available to the residents um it is a mental health um display you don't need to check the book out you don't want to you know just so that we don't want someone to be you know embarrassed or afraid to go and check out the book so you you can take the book and you can even keep it if you want to keep it um so that's always a beautiful thing and that's at the library um and then lastly they'll be doing some a social media campaign around uh resources and um available uh yeah available uh education for for suicide prevention um and then the library board met we'll segue right into that uh um the like I said last time murder mystery is set for November 16th WE schools out so what does that mean summer reading program the first day that it opened up they had 600 people sign up wow wow 600 uh so that is for infant through adults so the adults also have a summer reading program and I was very interested in that you can win prizes uh I said it was I'm all in I'm to the summer reading program um and that's about it so I thank you mayor so as Al mentioned before um the work on South Street has hit a glitch um anyone who's been on South Street has seen the metal p uh metal plates on off hours the giant hole during working hours yesterday they when Friday they put the boring machine into to um do a lateral bore of the bridge they hid a pylon that was um a remnant of the previous Bridge 20 years ago um the county Engineers got involved pretty much everyone got involved um at this point they have decided the best course of action is to fill the hole that is currently there so they're going to cement where they board they're going to back fill the hole they're going to repave the street and they're going to move down to the Murray Hill in um while they're down on that bridge the engineers are going to try and figure out the best course of action and how we're going to proceed um by op um the county Engineers were concerned that possibly um the old pylon might be weightbearing they're not really sure um so their best thing that they've decided is that they're going to just circumvented somehow So currently there's two options on the table that I learned about this afternoon around 4:00 um one is um to go into the park about 10 or 15 ft behind the curb line um which comes with its own challenges uh there's D restrictions there it's Green Acres it's um there's also a when they replaced the bridge 20 years ago there was a temporary Roose that was put in through the park um instead of taking the road out they just um put dirt over it so that's existing there also um you know there's The Monuments there's a lot of things happening in the park um the other option that they came up with um would be to somehow bore underneath the existing pylons which would bring the hole down more than 40 ft um and then come up on the other side um not sure that that's the course of action they're going to be taking I was told that um effective tomorrow they will begin grouting backfilling and Paving the opening and removing the steel plates um and work in that location by the church should be completed by Monday July 1st um if the water company decides to work next week it'll only be Monday and Tuesday but it will be at nighttime so the road will be open uh during the day um after that work will resume on the 8th at the bridge by the Murray Hill in and that will be I believe daytime construction with detours in place so the detour will change from Central Avenue to Livingston it will then go down Maran and into the center of town so it makes the businesses more accessible um they should be in that location barring any incidents for about 2 weeks and then they will go back to night work um until they figure out what else is going going on at the other Bridge so um this is kind of like a daily um thing here they're not really sure what they're doing lots of Engineers with lots of maps and papers and plans um but not a lot of solutions right now so um by moving down the street at least they do stay on schedule until they figure out what's going on so there's that it seems like it's a tunnel work on both sides and figure out eventually what you get to once they figure it out um as you guys mentioned psng uh completed Paving remediation on 11 streets um including uh down by the firehouse charmwood area um everything is amazing uh curb replacement uh was also completed on Woodland and Madison this on Friday um that will that's ahead of Paving so we replace the curving to make sure that the paving stays in place um so on tonight's agenda is the um Paving purchase order so Ralph will reach out to the vendor and try and get a date um last but not least persistent construction received notice to proceed as Al mentioned before on the Bic Street Bridge um that notice was effective June 19th so technically they have 365 days from June 19th um they are moving forward with getting State approvals and everything that they need in in the meantime before they actually close the bridge um the engineer um for the county contacted me last week just to let me know that the not notice had been um given and also reminded me that you know they don't they don't have a plan yet as soon as they do they'll reach out to me um once the plan is in place the county will put up those very large signs like they did on South Street um way ahead of the bridge closing so it won't be a shock to anyone but once we have the information or a tentative timeline we'll get it out to the public as well that's all I have so that just this is a County project we're at the mercy of what the count is do a county project South Street is a county project yeah where it's we're just trying to live we're benefiting eventually but we're at the mercy of their schedule let's hope we don't get any heavy hurricanes because that Central Avenue Bridge floods out and so does Snider Avenue in Berkeley height so the only way you'll be able to get across is uh on new ger road so okay anybody wishing to address council at this time yes Al hi Alan Swanson 47 Overhill Road um I I didn't I just I missed a couple of things when you were speaking there so I just looking for clarification um when you were talking about the the volunteers I I missed I wasn't sure you had a meeting with the safety board and there was a expression of the the fire department so was the fire department is uh is seeking the volunteers and it's little short during the day is that okay six to six yeah that's I I just I just missed exactly who it was that and the the second thing was on the second item that you brought up you you were talking about that there were some projects and things that had been put on hold for a while and you're going to have to bite the bullet I guess and and and move forward on those but this has been going on since 2015 we knew that the fire the police department was going to be upgraded we've been putting money away every year to uh fund this uh now it's gotten to the point where the after Co the building materials are astronomically high so the Project's a lot more so I mean I we have to sit down go over with the architect Bern AET our CFO uh Public Safety Committee will go over and try and figure out the best way to go about this and come back to council and probably at a conference meeting and go over everything that we're talking about so just like an upgrade to the facilities for the police and all okay that am I correct just mayor saying that the planning's been going on designs have been made and modified now it's time to act yes and there's been a lot of different plans and we have to see what what what best fits our needs and um we don't know what's going to happen over at Mountain Valley if they're going to stay there or not I mean these are things we all have to take into consideration so we just came to the conclusion you know we got we we have to start now it's not going to get cheaper right it's not going to get cheaper and you know what let let's get this thing done it it's been long enough so thank you for that clarification thank you um and and let me say two other quick little things um I I I often come in and ask questions um uh in the clerk's office and I just want to say that I really appreciate the response from Denise and from Jessica whenever I come in just I just want to recognize that I always enjoy coming in and talking with them and and it's always a pleasant experience in addition to obtaining information so that's nice to hear um the and the finally uh in in view of uh the suggestion questions about uh the green initiatives uh I know that you have a goal of um looking into to solar panels on this building and um I I have no idea where that stands or uh what the plan would be for that but my suggestion for for going green would be to move forward a bit on that and and see what's uh possible uh here at the building and and and other facilities that uh that that that might be amable to to getting some solar and I can tell you that there are some towns that um have their their like their their Department of works and stuff are are totally uh powered by solar I I no no I agree I think any opportunity that comes up we're going to look at the police station might be one of those um it all depends on the incentives that are out there the payback on the project as you know so of course that's that's that's why it's a goal and we hope to implement it when the right opportunity comes our way yeah so what one of the one of the targets I me I don't bring up this SE Club all the time but one of the things across the state you know there's all this talk about all the warehouses going in and of course one of the one of the um objectives one of the one of the suggestions made by the Sher Club is that to put in um to to include that at least the build buildings are prepared are solar um prepared for the roof because what happens is that you know the warehouses go in and the materials are not adequate so that there isn't even an ability to come in after later on uh to um to put to to install the solar panels which which are in fact getting cheaper and cheaper all the time all right thanks thanks thank you anyone else hi Kathleen Dolan 12 Laural Drive um just a couple questions the the pic River Bridge is going to be closed for about a year you mentioned is there um notice of what the primary detour is going to be when you close the bridge like you direct it's on the County website right now from the old project um but we haven't copied it over yet because I'm not sure that that's the final okay but if you go to the County engineering site yes okay so look on the county site okay and then in terms of the gas line replacement are they all done now throughout the town I don't think so ah okay um that would be good to know just so that you can prepare for another round of something I'm sure you're on that um and then in terms of the paving list of the streets that are going to be paved this season uh is that complete or are there more streets that might be added NOP what's on the what's on the website is the list okay um and then the last thing I have is a um we mentioned earlier about U Cafe Luna allowing dogs I don't know how many businesses in town do that but that would be great um but speaking of dogs has there ever been any discussion about um looking for a place to have a dog park in New Providence famous dog park question yeah it those resurrects uh it has come up we there's no suitable place right now for it so um that's where where we left it I know a lot of towns that have had it not problems with it especially with the cleanup and who's going to do the cleanup and but you know right now there's no suitable place to do it okay so are there a criteria that have to be met in order to set one up or cuz you have to find a land to do it and you know we are Green Acres all over it's not we don't have a whole lot of open space where we can uh that's that's ours all ours is is Green Acres open space so and you can't have a dog part Park in a Green Acres space supposed to disturb it okay so something like Lion's Park would that like there is a lot of area in Lions Park that doesn't have you know playground equipment or something on it and then can you down trees and you can't take down trees so mhm and quite honestly you don't want to have a doll Park in in the neighborhood you know with all the noise and the parking and and everything else so MH okay so there's neighborhood considerations and Green Acres and open space okay I was just wondering um obviously I it's the first time I've thought about it but it's good to know that there are constraints that we may not be able to overcome that's it thank you thank you you anyone else seeing no one I declared a public here in close I need formable action on one through 28 please so moved second roll call please M bisa hi Mr kamsky hi Mr dno hi Mrs Joffrey yes Mr kogan yes Mrs mcnight yes okay I need a motion for ad joury please so move I'll second all in favor I no so be it just want to wish everybody a happy uh Independence Day uh just be careful out there uh July 3r should be let's hope we don't get rain and have a nice evening and uh enjoy the fireworks go good night