##VIDEO ID:9nHQo1245fA## testing e e e e e e roll call miglo here M here Dr AB Hayden here M gunderman here M clay m Morano here Mr Walsh you have a quum please join me in the flag salute I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands indivisible this is a public meeting of the Board of Education of the buau of New Providence adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with P 1975 chapter 231 and that that a notice was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT whenever the business of the board requires it to convene to close session the session will begin no later than 9:30 p.m. at the conclusion of the need for Clos session the board will reconvene to the public portion of the meeting at that time the board will complete any other business that may be before it and the public will then be given an opportunity to be heard before the meeting is adjourned good evening everyone uh just a few really brief comments I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who uh ran for seats on the board of education during this last election cycle your willingness to step forward to serve the children and the families of this district is truly commendable running for office is not easy and requires a deep commitment to making a positive impact if you did not win the election I hope you stay connected to the board as we begin our strategic planning process and I would just like to take this opportunity then to thank to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as we're moving into the holiday season that's all I have thank you Miss kakaro I will pass it along to Vince at this time thank you Dr zley uh hello everyone thank you for having me it's a pleasure as always so let's Jump Right In uh The Faculty recital was on Thursday October 24th and was a great success the uh music and Performing Arts depart Department all put on Amazing performances for the community it was truly special to see our teachers display their talents for all to see and uh October 21st and 22nd we had a very successful and enjoyable two-day visit from students and staff from Koshi High School in Japan uh our students and visitors participated in a number of activities with crosscultural and curricular integration on Wednesday uh October 23rd we had the High School open house there was a nice turnout for the event in providing our younger students from uh grades 8 I mean excuse me grades 6 through 8 and Community with information about the high school uh Monday through th through Thursday October 28th 31st was spirit week and the kickoff to class clash the spirit days included Pajama Day Tunes Tuesday fall flannel and Halloween the students showcased some good uh school spirit earning points for their respective classes as part of the continued buildup to the to class Clash Tuesday October 29th was the red ribbon chalk the walk a number of our students and staff participated in our annual Red Ribbon Week chalk the walk with positive messages outside the main entrance specific to being drug free October 30th was the homecoming dance with the theme being mam Mia the students that attended had a great time and we look forward to building off of this event in the future Halloween was the following day uh thank you to our PTSA for the student candy during lunch we also had a near Nation costume contest with seven categories during the lunch block uh congrats to our students and staff winners our amazing marching band have had several fantastic full performances of their show at the Friday October 25th November 2nd and November 8th football games uh the marshing band also re recently finished third in States for their group uh finishing with an outstanding score of 93 also the marching the also the marching band had a strong performance at Nationals at MetLife Stadium on Saturday November 2nd and uh we congratulate the marching band on another amazing uh comp compe ation season girls volleyball girls soccer and boys soccer seasons have come to an end but each team should be very proud of their accomplishments in their respective Seasons each group had some tough very close losses in States but had great seasons and we congratulate them on all of their accomplishments one big accomplishment coming from girls soccer would be mattye Merck scoring 100 career points congratulations mdty uh girls tennis won the group one state championship for the third year straight uh we're so proud of the girls on this truly amazing feat the cross country athletes have continued strong performances in many meets including the Union County championships and a meet at Ocean County Park in Lakewood and the football team is still dancing as they earned the number two seed at in the north Jersey section two group one uh state tournament and have two wins under their belt they'll play for the sectional Championship excuse me tomorrow Friday November 15th at 7 pm against number one seed Cedar Grove uh the game will be the game will be held at Cedar Grove High School uh the Ninth Grade B uh excuse me the ninth grade breakfast was held during the first block on Tuesday November 5th with our peer leaders our ninth grade students had breakfast with our peer leaders and participated in some team building activities and exercises we thank our peer leaders and PTSA for their support of this event I was actually there before hopping on a bus to go to Sandy Hook for an oceanography field trip I was a little jealous that the ninth grade students got free Bagels but the trip was a great experience and I enjoyed learning about the history of the beach there in uh Sandy Hook uh senior citizen day was today as there were music performances for MP Senior Center members it was organized by Mr zegler and miss florencio and a Thanksgiving meal prepared to go from Miss Deluca and our Culinary Arts students we were so excited to welcome in our senior citizen community members to see our amazingly talented students and perform solo and group performances another event from today was a blood drive at mphs where a number of students and staff generously donated blood to help uh to help others excuse me this weekend November 5 15 and 16th will be our fall play deadline it is a murder mystery comedy it starts at 7:30 p.m. both nights and a two and 2m on the 16th please come out and support our very talented actors actresses and entire cast and crew they've been working very hard in their preparations and are going to put on three excellent performances this weekend uh that ws wraps up everything for today and once again thank you for having me hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and uh Mr Walsh I wish you the best of luck with the Eagles tonight thank you very much Vince and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well thank you at this time I'll pass it over to Mr yug aoro for our enrollment report thank you Dr zerle good evening everyone um at Allen W Roberts we currently have 639 students at saltbrook we currently have 583 students at New Providence Middle School we currently have 393 students and New Providence High School we currently have 649 students for a total of 2,264 students we currently have 35 students in out of District placements for a grand total of 2,299 students thank you thank you um I have no further comments this evening Miss Karol thank you Dr Zury um right now I would like to um bring your attention to our strategic planning overview that will be given by Dr Zury Mrs Gund and Mrs Morano well good evening um this evening I'm very excited that Miss Morano as well as Miss Gman uh are with me to present on our strategic planning process as you know we are in the final year of our five-year strategic plan and so this year uh beginning next week actually we will start strategic planning for the next three to five year cycle I just like everyone to know that strategic planning is something that is led by the Board of Education and I assist in facilitating strategic planning sessions where these are listening sessions for our community such as our parents our students as well as our teachers to come out and offer ideas and thoughts on the topics that you will see um throughout our presentation this evening at this time to open up I'm G to pass it over to miss Morano thank you so this down so what is the strategic planning and why do we do it and as Dr zery just said first and foremost these are listening sessions so they're led by the Board of Education as well as the superintendent but this is for for us to have an opportunity to speak and listen to the entire community and we really encourage everybody from you know current students in their families as well as if you don't have students yet in the district just personal note I started coming to these five years ago or six years ago you know prior to my oldest actually even being in the school so it's actually two cycles ago I'm just doing the math in my mind um so I encourage everybody if you have families on your block that have younger kids please encourage them to come to these this is a great opportunity to learn about the district and what we can offer what we can do with this it it allows us to set goals for the next five years and what it does is it allows us to really be able to re allocate proper resources to adapt to different educational needs for current students but future students we're seeing a lot of different trends that also just hold us accountable and honestly this the whole goal of everything that we do is to improve the student outcomes and experiences so this is truly an opportunity if nothing else to really be able to to have a voice throughout the course of the year to help shape how the district will be looking and planning for the next 5 years with that said how long is a strategic plan and who monitors it so typically a strategic plan can be anywhere between three and five years we've typically been going off of five years but based on the outcome of all these different sessions and the different topics we'll decide uh later in the year into next fiscal excuse me as to how long we actually want to put this together um and ultimately as Dr Surly said this is led by the superintendent but it is coming with a lot of um input from the administrative team and the board of education is the one who's monitoring the plan throughout that length of time so what does that look like from a strategic planning monitoring so if all of our followers know uh we do a check-in twice a year usually the January meeting in the May meeting where we're going to just reiterate what our plans were or excuse me what the current strategic plan is with our goals how we're tracking whether we're hitting them whether we need to push them back and different outcomes coming from there um we're going to be continuing to send out Communications uh through Mrs mangle throughout the district newsletter different District website probably working with you know the ptsas pto's um and then we're going to be having regular reflection and adjustment throughout the course of our the years three to five years as well as different board presentations to be able to explain what we're doing why we're doing it and you know different ways people can get involved and then this is also allowing us to be able to work with our superintendent to create goals that we're holding her accountable for so everybody loves a year-end assessment and this is how we're able to put them together uh for the board to be able to sit back and reflect with the superintendent and then for the first time ever this is exciting we're actually going to have an interactive dashboard that the community will be able to take a look and see what the goals are how we're actually tracking and pacing towards them um so again can be held accountable but also just to have more input uh within the community so with that I'm actually going to pass this on to my colleague thank you so we want your engagement and now how do you get involved in the strategic planning process um so the first thing is the strategic planning needs assessment um that has gone out in various ways in everyone's uh email inboxes um and the ptas and PTs those are also helping us as well um we really want all of our families in the district to take this survey um and to give us their feedback uh we're going to keep that open uh through uh the start of winter break so you still have some time to complete it uh we've had some already returned the survey but the more that complete it that's more data for us um please also attend our public forums they're going to start next week and we'll continue through April um we'll go over kind of what that calendar looks like in just a minute um but again these are listening sessions this is your opportunity um to come to share your ideas um and to talk uh through uh what it is that you think we should uh consider and prioritize another way to get involved is to reach out to your board of education members we're all here tonight you can see our pretty faces and know know how to find us um you can also reach out to Dr zery um or your building administrators your principles um so how does the Strategic plan ultimately get finalized we're asking you to complete surveys and come and uh share with us come speak with us so what are we going to do with all of that uh in May Dr zery will work with her uh administrative team to compile the qualitative and quantitative data um that we've been Gathering through the assessment um and all of those forums um and begin collaborating with the Boe and administrative team two so the first thing that we'll do together collectively and collaboratively is we'll organize all of the data into themes there will be a lot of data both qualitative and quantitative so it'll be important to organize that into themes to start the process we'll then start analyzing that data and we'll identify Trends and patterns and then synthesize it to identify insights and to begin to prioritize our goals we'll then create overarching strategic planning goals and at this time that's when we're going to come together and collaborate and say you know what I think that we should do a three-year plan and then come back together you know what let's go out and let's do another five years from those overarching goals we will create Subs smmart goals and within those subs smart goals there will be action plans we will outline steps responsibilities who is responsible for those smart goals as well as timelines and then ultimately we will review this will be on an ongoing basis and we will iterate as necessary to ensure progress towards our goals and to adjust strategies as necessary our intent is that by the May 29th 2025 board meeting we will have a presentation of the Strategic plan moving forward into the next 3 to 5 years and at the June 26 2025 meeting the Board of Education will be able to approve that strategic plan into the future the strategic planning process starts with our vision our vision right now is rooted in our portrait of a graduate we then want to talk about our mission and our philosophy as well as our values as a school district and ultimately ensure that this is all anchored by our goals that we create next week's session on Tuesday we're going to speak specifically about our vision our mission and philosophy because this is going to be the time for the public to come out and to participate in whether or not we're happy with our vision we'd like to update the portrait of the graduate in some way we'd like to take a look at the mission and the philosophy and what we'll do in each of the beginning of our sessions is there will be a very short presentation that presentation is for the purpose of giving the public public some context to that topic so next week please come out and you can anticipate that that will happen but as the board members has said we will then turn it over to the public in order to listen respond take notes Etc this slide here is able to show all of our families our students as well as our teachers how over the past three years in our Cycles those listening sessions have created goals that have resulted in some type of programming to be implemented so you could see in the 2010 to 2015e cycle one of our goals was to ensure that our students and our teachers had access to training in the latest and most effective technology from that a result was the onetoone iPad initiative at New Providence High School at which time we were one of the first I would say probably only at the time Union County school high school that was implementing a onetoone initiative in that way you'll then see from the 2015 to the 2020 cycle year a lot of folks came out and were very interested in stem education at the time to be completely transparent I don't know that any of us knew exactly what stem education meant and uh my colleague and I Mr Keeny embarked upon a rather quick journey to learn what that was and to start to implement new stem courses and extracurricular offerings K12 um as you know we are well known for our stem curriculum um but that all came out as a result of one of our public sessions during our strategic planning process um you'll then see I'm going to jump down to 2020 and 2025 um one of our goals was to enhance Elementary student programming for early uh student development and offer more resources and EXP experiences to enhance student achievement and a result of this goal was the implementation last year of our full day kindergarten program as well as in addition of a math specialist and Elementary department head and more Staffing um in our ESL department so I believe that this is a really great historical slide again to show our teachers our students our parents please come out because we listen we create goals and then there are results that are implemented from those goals um so as we said the first thing to do is to complete the assessment um which is at the top and this will all be uh shared again um there'll be an easy read graphic that will have all of these topics all of these dates um we're going to have them almost one a month I think it's how it averages two of them will be virtual so inperson or virt virtually we really want to in you know engage everyone um as much as possible um the first listening session the first Forum um is this coming Tuesday November 19th Right Here In This Very Room at 7even o'clock um and as Dr Zer said that's vision missu mission and values um so you'll see some of the other topics that you know we're looking to talk about technology integration belonging in Community Mental Health and resistance um as well as you know performance the curriculum um Athletics music performing arts and even finance and Facilities so there's a lot of opportunity for you to share um and you may not you know have a lot to say about each and every one of these but I'm sure there's something that does speak to you um that you have things to share with us um so please come come out uh come participate um and we would like to thank you all for listening uh this evening and please come join us complete the assessment and make sure that um your friends neighbors uh in the district come as well thank you thank you uh now is an opportunity for the public to be heard on any specific agenda item anyone no uh I declare the public portion of the meeting closed I need the approval of minutes for the October 2nd special meeting and closed meeting and the business meeting and closed meeting on October 17 Amanda second Jeff Roll call M canigo hi M Karo hi Dr Epson Hayden hi M gunderman hi M Kay hi M moranda hi Mr Walsh hi uh Finance actions Mrs Morano I'd like to move to put forward uh items one through nine yeah just a few call outs we're paying bills and we're approving the generous donation from Mr and Mrs uh nunin to the John R O'Neal Memorial Scholarship fund as well as the New Providence athletic boosters to the New Providence athletic department for cheer and Mrs keang Lee for robotics t-shirts for the New Providence Middle School robotics Club roll call Migo Mr Carol hi Dr H Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi Miss Kay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh we have no Finance actions for tonight Mrs gunderman education um I'd like to move to approve items one through eight as listed nothing nothing out of the ordinary nothing out of the ordinary roll call m g m Garo hi Dr ABS Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi Miss clay hi M Moro hi Mr Walsh Mrs kigo Personnel um like to move items one through five Dan I don't have anything to unless you do Dr zly No roll call M kigo hi m g Carol hi Dr AB Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi M Kay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh hi Mrs kigo Board policy uh I just approve um the following policy on for second reading for the Equal Employment anti-discrimination Practices yeah roll call m k m Kara hi Dr Epson Hayden hi Mr gunderman hi Miss gay hi M Morano hi Mr Walsh curriculum instruction technology report nothing to report nothing to report at this time Amanda Finance nothing at this time Personnel new business um oh old business anybody have any old business no um new business Mr Testo sure I'll just uh report out the unofficial results um I have not receive the official results from the county as soon as I do I will forward them to you but right now unofficially the three seats that are being filled are by as follows Stacy gunderman with 38 votes uh Laura Castellano 2860 votes and Donna Zayn 2,694 votes and I congratulate all three now was an opportunity for the public to be heard on any any topic so we could get you on on the recording and also if you could just state your name and address for the record thank you now there's a little button on the side there you go Rupa kale 35 Delaware Avenue um just regarding the survey I know there was an email that went out we're trying to push it out to all the ptas PTO and there's you know I got like I heard from a couple of different people oh why do we have to put our email which kind of frustrates me because this is our kids in our school like you got to put your name behind it to make it legitimate and so I've we've been pushing back on our end with that but I just feel like it needs to just get out more I think it's not falling on people's Radars like it's on email so we agreed at the meeting that we would once you did once you posted on your social media that we would post it as well so we're trying if you could give us feedback the ptos and let us know that it's working and that maybe you're seeing some bumps of people but I think it needs to just be pushed out every single week people it's just not on people are like what is this we we didn't know about it so that was one and the second thing I don't know if for ofed can do anything about this because we're having issues at meane in the morning yeah and I know that police told me they can't do anything because technically it's not illegal to park there it's legal parking it's it's possible there are new students that just got their licenses but it's causing havoc in the morning and I don't know if schools can send out any kind of reminder but that would some way of shape of form would be appreciated not trying to get any kids in trouble but just parking right there and then all the kids getting out from every direction is causing a lot of Chaos in the morning that's pretty much it thank you thank you anyone else I need a motion uh motion to recess to close session for a student matter and student matters related to Hib Amanda chis thank you everyone