##VIDEO ID:LSNap9rM6Hw## e e e e this I just love doing this call the meeting to order uh good evening and welcome uh tonight is the reorganization meeting and until the president is elected um I will be running the meeting um on behalf of the board so if you please join me in the flag salute the flag the United States of America 1975 chapter 231 and that an annual notice was made in conformance with Section 13 of the ACT whenever the business of the board requires it to convene to close session the session will begin no later than 9:30 p.m. at the conclusion of the need for closed session the board will reconvene to the public portion of the meeting at that time the board will complete any other business and the public will then be given the opportunity to be heard before the meeting is adjourned uh the first order of business I will uh swear in the new uh board members which would be Laura Stacy and Donna if you like to meet me in the front raise your right hand I state your name I st the government swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I Stacy govern do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of a board of education am not disqualified as a voter am not disqualified as a voter am not disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense as per statute am not disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense as per statute and that I will faithfully impartially and justly and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability congratulations thank you [Music] okay roll call M calana here M here Dr abson Hayden here Mr gunderman here Mr Moro here Mr Walsh M Zayn here have a Corum we're going to read into the record the official election results for November 5th three members elected for three-year terms Laura costano 2,869 votes Stacy gunderman 3,25 votes Donna Zayn 2,76 votes the total votes casted was 12609 and the total number of registered voters in New Providence is 10,585 at this time I will open up the nominations for office of president for the Board of Education I'd like to nominate bernardet Karo second J and I have a little something sure for the record so this is Bernadette's 12th year serving on the board and during her tenure she has born many hats serving Ving as both vice president as well as president in multiple terms she has chaired the uh curriculum instruction and Technology committee as well as chairing personnel management and communication committee she sat on the negotiations committee and been part of two successful Bond referendums over the past year she has been a true leader to our board in school Community as we conducted our first superintendent search since 2009 2008 and her guidance and knowledge has been a true aspect has been a true asset to the district and our board thank you are there any other nominations for president seeing none I'll close the nominations uh roll call vote Mr calano hi M Karo hi Dr Epson Hayden hi Mrs gunderman hi M Morano I Mr Walsh M Zayn hi congratulations [Applause] I just want to say thank you Amanda for the very kind words and thank you to the board for instilling your trust in me for another year as the leader of this board of education um at this time I would like to open nominations for the office of Vice President of the Board of Education I'd like to nominate Amanda Morano for vice president of the board um and I have a few things to say about my seatmate over here um Amanda's in her second term and beginning her fifth year on the board uh during that time she spent two years on the uh curriculum instruction and Technology committee as well as three years on the finance facilities and Safety Committee um including being that committee's most recent chair um she has seen us through the bond most recent Bond referendum our superintendent search and also uh was on the negotiations Committee in 2024 that successfully settled the teachers secretar and custodial contracts um it's been a pleasure to serve beside you these last three years and as uh we move forward I'm excited for your new opportunity to serve in a new role roll call oh sorry uh sorry any other any other nominations seeing none roll Callo hi hi Hayden hi Gund hio hi Z hi yeah get the new view all right smoke signals over there um at this time I would like to um announce the following committee assignments for curriculum instruct C and Technology uh we're asking Dr Kristen Epson Hayden to chair Kristen was on the committee last year and I think she's going to be a great asset as the leader of that this year um along with Donna and Laura the finance committee is going to be chaired by Joe Walsh um Joe has tons of experience on the finance committee over the years and we look forward to his leadership again this year along with Stacy and Amanda the personnel management and communication committee will be chaired by Stacy um with Kristen and Amanda also serving on that committee Stacy is starting her second term um and most recently was the chair of the curriculum committee and we're looking forward to um her moving on in her new role there uh the Union County School boards Association will be representative will be Amanda uh the Union County Educational Services Commission will be Laura the New Jersey school boards Association will be myself Municipal Alliance representative will be Stacy gunderman Morris Union jointure commission representative will be Dr zery um the New Providence Education Foundation representative will be Dr Christen Epson Hayden uh the leaz on to the burough Council will be Donna Zayn and board policy will be headed by Joe Walsh this year okay at this time there's an opportunity for the public to be heard on any specific items seeing none I close the public portion of the meeting um it's now is an opportunity for the public to be part on any again seeing none um I close that um I need a motion for adjournment we have no closed session tonight um okay thank you everyone um our next meeting is on January no yes January January yeah 23rd um here at the media center and um as a reminder we do have strategic planning next Tuesday here at 7 it's here no at Roberts no it's going to be here um here at 7 um so we hope that everyone can join us for that really important meeting thank you yeah and um if everyone if the board could say we're going to take a group photo and then if anyone else wants to take photographs okay perfect thank you