##VIDEO ID:5oRwv8Fik14## all right we'll go ahead and call the meeting to order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and jce for all right U Missle would you do a roll call please Amy KY here Rich Mueller here Aon Phillips ABS Lauren shanrock here Pat Ty here Rick Schulz here Terry angles here thank you we have an agenda in front of us this evening there was uh a little bit of a late addition there uh which I'm totally responsible for but item number eight under uh 11 of the recommended actions we do have a summary of the superintendent Michael M Hawk's evaluation summary with us this evening so any other additions or Corrections Mr Maya no there's not uh I would entertain a motion to approve the agenda please so mov second motion made by Miss tyer seconded by Mr Mueller to approve the agenda as presented all in favor say I I opposed motion carries any public comments this evening Mr n there is none okay then we'll move right into your report the superintendent's report I'll pass along to our administrative team you want to pull that one up to and I believe Elementary is up first always you all say the best for last I'll just go Um not a whole lot to report but uh some of some of the things that happened last week uh with our fifth grade going to Eagle Bluff um I was a great trip I was actually able to sneak out of the building on Tuesday of last week and kind of go see what that's all about what a fantastic week that I wish I would have been a kid again and and opportunity to do that because that's really cool um just the the teamwork the the bonding with the students and the teachers and the chaperons and the students was really really cool to see that um so I just want to officially thank all of the donors and the staff um and the chaperon that went along on the trip and I especially want to thank um our fifth grade team Mr fiser Mrs gildner and Mr San for organizing it and hopefully they have a good enough time and they can continue down the road doing that uh in the future so um so thanks to all all involved in that um the biggest thing we have going on Veterans Day obviously November 11th we will have our fifth fourth and fifth graders attending the program I have not gotten word if they're going to be doing any performance in that but I know they're going to be attending and then November 11th through 15th is our conference week so teachers will be scheduling those out here next week so short twet I get an idea as a thank you to our donors you could read the list if you need me I'll be back here okay I'll take it thank you Mr Des yeah Mr B hello um first off I want to thank you for the support for allowing the students gold lard experience and I sent you the some pictures in the short uh blur about that but I also want to thank Mrs Bley for the story she wrote if you want to know exactly what went on read her article the start e go like I said there's no way I can write that here so I'm not even going to try Okay um we had par teacher conferences here a few weeks ago let's just say we are starting a committee tomorrow to take a look at what we can do to make them better um not well attended and we want to take a look at at um maybe doing something more with an open house with one last parent teacher conference or something in that neck of the woods is and you can say everybody has problems yes everybody does but I don't like to be everybody so I want to be more proactive than reactive so we're going to try to come up with some different ideas that's the ways we get more parents in the building and I know it's difficult because of the easy communication but we still need to to find a way to get parents to come in um fall Sports they're all in the playoffs uh all participate this week volleyball tonight football tomorrow cross country on Thursday um the National Convention trip for the FFA they leave tomorrow morning um I sent you out the updates with with all that on there so hopefully that runs smooth for them we've got a college in career fair and Elbert lead for 10th through 12th graders coming up um we've got the indoor marching band concert on October 28 end of first quarter is less than two weeks away November 1st already um communicated with parents today about let's not wait until the end but we've got two weeks left if we've got issues let's let's get those addressed National Honor Society will be on November 6th at 2:30 in the high school gym and our annual Veterans Day program will be November 11th with Mr kety doing speech this year right I'm somewhat prepared okay all right oh one other thing sorry um nth grade are going to a career at Tech day at South Central College in fwell November 1st as well questions you I quick question was did you have parents that called about the conferences and wanted something different besides me no no no but we just we want to take a look at we've done it this way for how many years and and if it's not working then why do we keep doing it we get the same result was St so do you have some staff that were willing to St we have uh that's going to be brought up in the staff meeting tomorrow tomorrow morning but yes I already had numerous staff members that were willing to help that's good so yeah and it's a frustration because the staff puts work into being prepared for parents and and again they're busy but uh participation is needed in something of that nature so yep appreciate you looking at it and trying to find the solution any rough idea of what percentage 10 20% maybe 10 10 would be high really okay sure y well that's the scheduling thing too there there's a lot of things that go into it y I mean you can look at your kids grades out any end of the day y if you don't have issues with grades or issues with behaviors well why do I need to go in there and you know scheduling uh other events things of that nature yeah there's a lot that that that involves it so we're just try to be a little more proactive and get out there and and figure out how we can make it better anxious for a solution good work partial maybe question yeah Mr s I'm going to FFA convention I know there was some questions okay thanks yep thank you thank you gra Lacy hey everybody all right so um just to give you a few quick highlights um through Community Ed we had screening this past week um we screened a total of 28 children um we normally screen probably I want to say about 35 this week but one afternoon we had to be closed because we didn't have a nurse um I actually reached out to Wasa County Public Health to come in and help us out on Tuesday and it was fantastic they did such a wonderful job otherwise preschool is you know off to a great start we didn't have any classes last week because of screening but um the week prior to that we did fire safety week with our preschoolers and we've visited uh the New Richland firehouse and the endale firehouse um numerous times so the kids had just a blast you know trying on the different outfits that the firefighters wear and then spring hes um that's always a good fun time and um the new Richland crew actually stopped on at Nancy Jam's Bakery too and had had a little treat on the way back for that so that was fun um otherwise just some different classes that we have coming up acfe we've got a total of 13 families and 20 kids so it's a nice big fun group um otherwise we have Halloween kidfest coming up on the 31st that's at the New Richland city hall and then cookies with Santa it's actually um usually the first December or the first Saturday in December we had to bump it back a little bit to um November 30th because we have our dance um showcase on whatever December that is I think like the 7th all right otherwise uh school age care we were open Thursday for MAA break closed on Friday because we didn't have enough children to be open we usually have a minimum of 17 kids needed to register to be open that day uh to at least break even on cost and we were way below that uh youth wreck we have you know our Dance Program um 52 Kids versus 64 from last year is excellent um and especially because we don't have a new rich location open because I couldn't find a dance instructor fora Richland otherwise competition cheer we just have Varsity this year our performance cheer we maxed out at 28 girls and we haven't had any interest beyond the 28 so I'm very thankful that we didn't have to turn anybody away for that uh it's going to be really fun to watch that group progress and see what comes of it this season otherwise youth youth basketball um Sunday special that's something new that anuka Peterson is doing with our first and second graders um those are coming up I think beginning November 3rd or fourth must be November 3D um and then youth basketball kickoff is beginning in November otherwise driver's EDS coming up we had to raise our fees slightly for this upcoming school year excuse me uh otherwise you know just normal student enrichment Lego club's doing great um after school art club's doing great we haven't had our first one but uh the first one's on Wednesday this week um just our normal Adult Enrichment and Recreation you want to change it toe and then uh Fields of Faith was held Wednesday October 9th they had a great turnout for that again uh youth registration night is coming up otherwise everything is just kind of status call and um we did have our um cops Grant um I'm get the name of it here so cops is community orientated policing services say the Department of Justice it's a school violence prevention program award that um we found out about um I think Angie had done some um asking around about that so um we worked together writing the grant it ended up being um I think the total that we were awarded was $227 to put towards a PA system access control entri is more of them and um security cameras so um just Angie of course is going to work with the vendor um that we select or that we get um to decide exactly what we're going to spend all that money towards but we did end up getting that Grant it was a it's an interesting process writing that big of a grant through um the government but we were um one of three school districts in Minnesota to receive it congratulations and great work wow yeah that's defitely that I'll remember involed there were 49 states that were awarded this grant um [Music] 23 out of 1,08 applicate applicants received it so two 208 203 maybe applicants out of the 1,8 applicants that they received um and the the award dollarars were um 73 mlion in total and so um yeah it's it's pretty impressive that we are one of three school districts in Minnesota that got this and one of the 203 school districts that received it so out of 49 states it was a pretty um intense application I'd like to see the application you actually no I don't know that you would very specific very specific yeah I don't know how many pages ended up being but it was very specific good for you it's a very competitive application yeah oh so well you should be very proud absolutely yeah Angie told me that I'm like I haven't heard anything we're not supposed to hear anything until I think it was like the beginning of November yeah she's like no we got it I'm like what like that's like yay that made me definitely made my day probably my year so far how' the cat get out of the bag how did you first here that we were awarded a vendor contacted me a vendor contacted me and said you know congratulations on receiving this grant can we get your business basically you know yeah and I'm like what so I went and asked Macy I said Macy did we get this did did you hear anything on this granch no no we won't hear until November I'm like H I'm like let's check this out a little bit so we went out there and the award list was out there and here we are I think it was Ana peat lakes and very cool and I think they said they had $330 million in requests and $73 million was funded all right any questions on to the next Grant I was GNA say keep your eye on the gr I got to catch up first all right thanks thank you and Jason is out today but he did leave some notes uh it looks like kind of the main key there is world's best Workforce as he uh reported at one time we'll never hear about world's best Workforce again because they changed the title um and it's this comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness and I I thought there was some other notes be low that there we go just some of the changes that uh went along with with the name change as well I think if you click again it will give you some arrows to another column the information that I'm going to share then unless there's any other questions for Macy or principles I have uh four things on my list um tonight we're we're pulling off policy 506 from the consent agenda I mentioned that too that we're just um kind of fine- tuning and digging into that a little bit more in the past few newsletters I've sent you policy 503 with the attendance so be prepared there is notes in the newsletters the last couple of newsletters on some of the changes that we're going to dig into and and make more substantial changes of that so U 503 will be in our first reading will be in our November meeting I'm also working with our principles here on policy 610 that's the extended field trip policy and fine tuning that some more and having some of the requirements that we talked about this fall adding that and some different sheets and whatnot so we'll have our forms we'll have that first reading in November as well so just a little heads up on that uh we do have a slight update on our band room and the risers and that's one of the sheets that you have in front of you is I did send this to our uh buildings and grounds committee that had been talking about this working with us a little bit more um it's good news great news would be you know here's our start date and here's our end date that would go along with it and we don't have that yet there are some um questions that still need to be answered with this kind of proposal but for the most part EPS is uh accepting responsibility and and paying the price for the risers as it sits today again some of the clarification is did rwc's prices will rwc's prices go up the the quote is more than 60 days old they gave that probably back in July and so we're waiting for an updated quote from them uh Scott did talk to them and you know made mention that they are going to do their best to keep it as close to the original quote as possible so again very encouraging but there's some you know creative work in this payment but the bottom line is that we're that much closer to it I did contact iea tonight and got some respon and I haven't looked at it I think that he did respond but um again the this is good to make it great the start tomorrow and they'll have it done by you know November 1st whatever date and we don't have that yet so we're getting closer but it still needs to speed up as much as possible any questions on that there's a lot of information here that um again there is some verification that's needed there's a new updated quote that's needed and once we get that information we can plow forward I have a hard time you know if if the expenses are go up that wasn't our our fault right right you know that's their fault yep and so then we have they want us to pay the extra because they screwed up um no but this this is what they had in front of them at the time and so you know that that number from RWC they're they're meeting that now again the reality is that number probably is going to go up how much we'll have to kind of figure that out and can balance between know if it's a few hundred dollar and get this done you know that's going to be the the deal breaker on how much we want to continue I don't know if we should expect that to go extremely different but I mean summer versus fall yeah I would hope that it is I mean unless they're going to try and play a card there I think no no again with the conversation that Scott had with them that they were going to do their best to answer honor that quote and and I guess and to their understanding they were on site at the time I understand that there's those factors as well but now they're packed up and gone and have to come back so it's uh again little things or it's those things that we'll find out on all right well we'll be anxious to hear the start and completion date yeah I'm sure keep you posted is also yeah yes he is he's been very patient and kudos to him for keeping us cool yeah please keep us informed on it and yep keep your put on the throttle of it obviously y the last thing I have is in regards again kudos to Angie and Macy on that grant that that is fantastic a lot of hard work uh today Andie and I met with our uh tech company that was providing the cameras and the speakers and we got a little bit of a surprise message from that that they are withdrawing from the project uh their focus in the business is moving directions and they don't feel comfortable taking on this project with the installation and then the maintenance and whatnot so it's frustrating in the sense like ah we had it done and we meaning Angie and now we meaning Angie is going to make some more phone calls and find out um know who else is out there for this type of service um CTS was very generous in their apologies that they will turn over all the information their quote their drawings their you know floor plans and whatnot to whomever we choose and they can use that to maybe expedite way back when we went with CTS or made the commitment we could have had that done within what six to8 weeks uh but we purposely put it off again to to learn about this Grant and so you know it was scheduled for November December so it's that's coming up quickly but it might not be too much past that if again depending on how fast they can come in and look at um the quotes and look at the information and provide a quote and then hope for something after that as quickly as possible so it might be a fingers cross a January February type project but the cops grant that covers this I'm very confident that that timeline is uh very sufficient and and actually when Andie spoke with our rep they encouraged to go out to get quotes and find the best prices and so on and so forth so time wise with the grant we're safe it's just we'd like the project done sooner rather than later and unfortunately the weight put us in a PEC peculiar situation we'll move forward that's all I have for you thank you Mr May any questions for him this evening all right how about any board member comments this evening not uh just a little information next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday November 18th and that will be over at our elementary facility that will start at 6:30 takes us into the consent agenda item and Mr May would you please introduce those yeah our disclaimer for our consent agenda Remains the Same for all items on the consent agenda the board's been furnished with background materials on each item or we've discussed it at previous meetings these will be acted upon with one vote without discussion if a board member wants to discuss any of these items on the consent agenda we'll PLL it off from that and we'll vote on it separately if there's no motion to remove something before we approve the agenda I'll go through very pleased to go through a long ly list of donations that have been made to our district here this past month we'll start with uh the teacher Elementary supplies for $2,400 from Fin's wings at work we had a $5,000 donation from the nrhg PT for the inclusive playground equipment SP spone Swanberg donation of $11,000 for the playground equipment ome Custom Contracting $250 for a basketball shooting machine the NRH boosters football boosters donated $ 5,156 7 for the sled and pads we the next handful are all for our Eagle Bluff trip that is the New Richland State Bank of $250 Greg B for $20 team Geneva for $560 Mar and Par for $20 Geneva fire relief for 300 Geneva lumber for 500 dangry tools for 100 and Rh PTO for my ruler Su 2000 and uh New Richland fireman's relief for 1,000 and the Adan bank for $150 all for the Eagle Bluff the remainder of the donations then are all for our inclusive playground equipment they are carpenter coffee company for $50 First Impressions by Kim for $300 Mike Bary bre Brey sorry thank you for 150 Billy Joel swarm SW I was going to get it SW joh Johan SW Johan for $90 David Wallen for 30 Joyce meldal MLL MLL for $30 Angela ham for $30 Angie and Jodie reer for $30 Connie Meyer for 60 Brook cron for $100 Sarah Joe vulin for $60 a summer for $60 B stringy for $30 Christina ree for $60 or reesei Nate Wayne for $120 Angie oth for $30 Dan Miskin for $180 Grant Berg for $120 C Lund for $60 Brandon flatness for $30 D powers for $30 Kathy Simmons for 90 Angie hyam for 60 Again Carrie bondorf for 30 Stacy Simon for 60 Dustin Hagen for $90 Josephine hedel for $60 Jean Greenwood for $30 Aaron budock for $60 Marcus fiser for $60 L lurman for $120 Colton schlake for $60 e Rees for $30 MCB for $60 quam for $60 HOV for $30 Leonardo for $90 Sarah KY for three $30 Finley's wings at work for $5,000 and doberstein back hole for $500 again all for the inclusive playground equipment so that total was $26,000 8767 bringing our year-to date to $ 4,485 14 and with appreciation for those donations I ask for your approval of the consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda second motion made by Miss seconded by Mr shra to approve the consent agenda as presented all in favor say I I opposed motion carries uh we have uh mou with Education Minnesota to merg ECFE teachers into the 2325 collective bargaining agreement Mr Maya this was the mou that was on uh last month's agenda along with the read act uhou and we later found out that they were attached on the same document um it would have to scroll down further and the view was there but being we didn't have that in front of us we tabled it to this month and again this mou is just in relations or in connection with the preschool teacher compensation Improvement that we approved last spring this is language that edmin and rhg um requested in in needs and as part of their contract nothing financially changes there is a section of the contract that already deals with the um preschools compensation and so this just clarifies that the business is attended to properly so i' ask for your approval of the mou so move second motion made by Mr Mueller seconded by Mr shonrock to approve theou with Education Minnesota to merge ECFE teachers into the 2325 collective bargaining agreement any further discussion all in favor say I I I opposed motion carries we have the first reading of policy 506 or Y this is the one that would typically be on the consent agenda but I had Sue remove that again because we're adding a a rather important and uh a noteworthy document it's the behavior expectation guidelines that the the principles follow use as they are dealing with the different Behavior situations and uh trying to develop some consistency I personally I've used a document like this for many many many years and um to add something and bring something like this into the district again it just it helps again eliminate inconsistencies it helps keep things consistent then um and especially in those situations where a certain Behavior a certain consequence might not be dealt with for a length of time just to give the the the principle some guidance and some uh oversight on how to address the different situations that need addressing in the discipline world so again I I I pulled that just to make mention of this and draw the attention to that as a first reading then you can preview preview this and look it over if there's any questions we would address those and then have the second reading at our November meeting for approval so I just ask for your approval of the first reading so we can continue on and dissect it and bring it to our second reading in November anyone want to make a motion to approve the first reading motion to approve the first reading of policy 506 of student discipline second motion made by Miss Miller seconded by Miss tyer to approve the first reading of policy 506 student discipline is there any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries we have the 24 audit presentation before us this evening Carl are you soon yeah I'll pass it to KLA who will pass at the Kelsey hey Kelsey can you hear us excellent okay they're ready for you whenever you're ready to go now okay if I share my screen I'm sorry what was that I share my screen are you with me yeah looks like it's coming up now yes and they all have we have it up here on a separate screen and they all have it in front of them on their books but so we're good to go okay perfect awesome um well good even evening everybody my name is C Lon I am the manager on the district's audit um so tonight we'll try to keep it brief here and go through your audit opinion and responsibility we'll get your general fund your other governmental funds and then we'll also have some key performance indicators in there before we get into your audit results I do just want to remind you that as Auditors we are engaged toine on your financial statements on whether or not they are presented fairly and free from Material M statement to form that opinion um we do a series of testing whether it be sampling or dispersements uh we get confirmations from your Banks we talk to your employees really anything that we deem necessary to form that opinion and we were able to issue an unmodified or clean opinion under Gap stating that your financial statements are presented fairly and then along with our regular audit testing we also do testing on Minnesota legal compliance some examples of that include um making sure you have sufficient collateral with your banks that you're following Contracting bidding rules set procedures uh paying your bills within 35 days things like that um we had no instances of non-compliance noted this year and then lastly since you did spend over the $750,000 of Federal grant money that also required a single audit report um which is basically just more compliance testing around some specific Federal programs and we had no instances of non-compliance not in there either looking at your 2024 audit findings um these are same findings of last year um they are very common for district your size it would be kind of a cost versus benefit uh to get rid of these findings the first one just states that we help prepare some of the yearend adjustments needed for the financial statements that second one just stating that you had limited staff uh in order to segregate those duties and lastly just states that we help prepare those financial statements like I said there was no change from the 2023 findings as we move into some of the data here I do just like to start off with your average daily membership is that as a lot of drive for a district grants um some of the charts we'll see here like on a per ADM basis um so just want to kind of put this out here that you ended the year with 768 um and you are kind of seeing that decline downward is there starting with your general fund fund balances this first chart is going to show you your general fund unassigned fund balance as a percentage of next year's budgeted expenses so you do currently have that policy of 22 to 28% uh represented by that black line however you have been able to maintain above that mainly in the lower 30% aisle however you were able to get a Prett Prett healthy increase this year to 36.7 we'll kind of see the contributing factors there in a couple slides looking at your total general fund fund balance as a percentage of expenditures compared uh to your peers in the Statewide average once again you have been able to stay pretty healthy on top of them with quite a large increase this year and then also just one thing to note is you have been following those Trends quite a bit B um from 20 to 2023 you have that little bit of an increase and then kind of the decline um so following the trends that we're seeing Statewide diing into the general fund budget actual here U so your revenues did come in over budget by almost 183,000 this is mainly just going to be contributing to the special educ special education state grants U they came in over what you had anticipated for and then your expenditures came in under budget by almost 107,000 this was mainly related to purchase services in the sites and building program and then also in the people support services mainly due to that interde departmental Transportation charge back um so overall that increase in your fund balance of 558,000 when you only budget about a $270,000 increase looking at your general b revenues per ADM and comparing to the Statewide average and your per within region n so State sources you're right in line we at about 11,000 right in line with your peers Federal sources you're a little bit below your peers um however it sounds like you have some motivated uh board members and staff so maybe get that um looking a little bit better and up towards your peers some more uh Federal sources do usually have a little bit more of eligibility requirements um so probably just the needs of your district has you a little bit lower there and then uh local sources also a little bit lower mainly contributing there is your property taxes which we'll look at on the next slide um so if we look at property taxes on a per ADM basis and the average school district property tax per home um and per 100,000 home value after credits uh you are quite a bit lower than your peers in the Statewide average there however this is due to your District not having an operating Levy um and we do say around 75% of districts do have operating levies however as we thought fund you are operating pretty well with that one moving along into your general fund expenditures um not much change here you are still sitting around around that 10 million Mark you did have a little bit of a decrease in 2024 mainly relating to Capital outlay you did have the purchase of buses and athletic equipment in 2023 and then you also paid off that ESG project debt during the year so that debt service line is also a little bit smaller and then the biggest thing to note here is if you look at your instruction um colors so that's mainly that yellow and then that tan right above that yellow those are very consistent the last 3 years um meaning you're not changing that funding too much there our next couple of slides are going to be these box and whisker graphs they're going to kind of put you in percentile with that lower lighter gray being 25 to 50 percentile and then that darker grade being 50 to 75 percentile with the lines being the outliers and that yellow being same live average so overall you have been able to keep your general fund expenditures low um and on a per 8m basis following that Statewide Trend up um we kind of see this you know your your general fund expenses stay pretty much consistently the same at that 10 million Mark however with that decline in ADM is why we're seeing that slight increase Year to yearing in a here we have your Elementary and secondary regular instruction for ADM kind of the same story here we are seeing those increases as the expenses stay the same because of the lower ADM um it does look a little bit more dramatic here with the intervals on the side however it is only about a $300 increase per pupil and we also have your special education expends per ADM uh the last four years we've been able to keep that very consistent at about that 2,000 uh dollar Mark moving into your food service budget to actual so once again a pretty healthy increase in fund balance of about 96,000 the biggest contributor there is going to be those revenues budget and those are mainly relating to Federal grant funding and lunch sales being higher than you had anticipated for comparing to your peers here so you have had pretty drastic increase from 2021 to 2023 um a lot of that was just due to spending down some of those fund balance and cash balances as mde only allows the 3 to six months of cash um you guys spent that kind of fast MD keeps um extending that 3 months into that 6 months so I think some of those districts are spending it a little bit slower which is why we haven't seeing that Statewide data be such drastic um but I think you'll catch up and then your expenses might also dip down a little bit more before that Statewide average does but overall following the same Trend that we're seeing community service budget to actual through net change in fund balances was just $300 over what you guys have budgeted for your revenues and expenses did come in over budget uh that was related to increased participation in the sa program that didn't get reflected in that final budget and comparing your PE is here once again following that Statewide um average data with the steady increase um as we see we have increased participation with lower ADF numbers so I would anticipate to see that Trend continue lastly we have your debt service fund so the top just has the debt you have outstanding with their final maturity and principal outstanding amounts and then we also have your next 10 years of debt payments um so you do have that bus 32 and 34 purchase Arrangement that matured in 2025 however as you can see it doesn't make that much of a difference in those payments for the next 10 years the next time you'll see a change will be in 2028 and then again in 20 33 we also have your cash investment balances by fund you had about a $600,000 increase mainly in that general fund and then also just want to point out you do still have that unspent Bond proceeds that's in that light green your building construction and those are restricted dollars and that is all I have for you guys do you have any questions for me at all relatively quiet here so that's a good thing probably um yeah Pleasant figures I think is the Assumption I give this um a little more growth than we had expected for our Reserve which isn't a bad problem I keep saying we will someday experience the need for that so and if I remember right the approved budget was in the 120ish range does that seem right beginning of that year we had a very positive special ed funding was was nice it was 2% up on revenues 1% under nice um Kelsey can you hear me yes I can uh one of the board members had asked at the beginning you know these findings um again a district of our size trying to get away from that segregation of Duties that just continues to financially that makes sense right yeah I mean the cost the higher train someone new is probably not going to be the benefit of getting out of the finding um but obviously that would be something to talk about on your end if that is something that's within your budget to hire the necessary amount of staff to properly segregate your duties and that's usually where we've left it we've never drilled down to what does that like how many people do we have to hire to get away from this one finding you know we just kind of stop at this point and go okay thank you yeah yeah it's usually around four and I think the biggest thing is also if you do hire the right staff you also need to go through those processes and kind of move around you know who's doing what and sometimes that's really hard to do is like someone's always been doing it and it's always been done this way um and so that's also part of the issue too is you might have right on staff but you're not properly segregating those duties yeah you know maybe sometime when I I don't suppose you have a slow season but maybe with sometime we could look at what it is you guys look at compared to what we have or what other districts have just out of curiosity but anyway yeah absolutely through that okay sounds good be good all right then okay thank you Kelsey thank you you thank you have a great day all right thank thank you great all right uh is that something we had lined up for approval then yeah yes and we would entertain a motion to approve the 2324 audit as presented I move to approve the 2324 audit as presented second motion made by Mr shrock seconded by Miss tyer to approve the 20324 audit as presented is there any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries um we have a staff development plan and budget in front of us this evening Mr M please I I gave you a document last year's staff development plan that we presented and this nice colorful chart and arrows pointing you know to the right direction very visually appealing and uh again that was our plan this year's plan is a in essence it's a what 12 page document black and white Words which is our literacy plan um this year staff development is is really focus on the read Act and the science of of literacy and so our literacy plan goes hand in hand with what we're working towards where we're required to work towards where our staff development plan so um Jason can probably come in and give you some more details on the Ola training Jason was the took the Train the trainer uh program this summer he's working with um mainly Elementary staff 17 20ish staff members including yourself yep and secondary special ed teachers three so 23 staff members going through this required read act training our staff member teachers that are not going through the training we'll have a variety of different literacy trainings not read act trainings but the content the the the U material is similar in that it's moving towards better understanding of the science of literacy that that we incorporate into our our classes so on on page five of this literacy plan document it it outlines the professional development but really again the whole document is the basis of our staff development plan for this school year and to say it one more time all surrounded by or centered towards the read act then the the second part of that motion is our budget and you should have the document is online with our budget that uh we said every year and then I gave you a handout cheek here comparing uh the last three years in this year what the budget kind of looks like and how we um spent the different uh monies in the different categories I say it all the time when I talk about financial things this is kind of my version of a spreadsheet so we can track things as well as possible Carla has the spreadsheet the the master the official you know coding and everything this sort of document just kind of Keeps Us on track with staff development request come in and you can see that we um we made a reduction in our staff development budget categories this year as a reduced expense for our general fund that more of that uh staff development money can be spent on staff development things like our back to school Workshop days and our staff development days throughout the school year so um the amount of money that we had for our certified staff to attend tradings was decreased but again if you look at the previous years um there there's sufficient funds there and if if we exhaust those funds we definitely make accommodations to get staff to the workshops or the conferences that they want to attend and the same goes down the line the the one category is probably our um our extracurricular or Fine Arts coaches and directors attend more of the conferences than anywhere else I think up to this point this year we have six requests for staff development funds four of those are right coaches to attend the the coach's clinics and two of them are by classroom teachers to attend the conferences and workshops now the elementary again 17 20 of those staff members are being bombarded with Reda training and so um you know that in and of itself is a a big chunk of the staff development so we felt pretty secure that the funds that we had the or the budget that we have at staff development um would be sufficient for the different workshops and opportunities that staff request for we we talked about theou that we approved this month in regards to the m that we approved last month and that was the redact that there are funds available or funds that we received with calculations and whatnot there are somewhat of a mystery but we have a ballpark and and that's going to be fairly close to the amount that that we'll spend on um teacher stiens for the training there's 52 hours 56 hours I believe is our our training time to go through this Ola the core training and um 16 of those hours are being accomplished or being met being satisfied with our staff development days and so then teachers get compensated for 36 hours at our staff development rate so the work that they're doing outside of the school day outside of the staff development day is paid through staff development but then the react funds come in and make that pretty close to a wash yeah so that is our staff development SL literacy plan and our budget for the staff development committee I'd ask for your approval on that motion covering those two topics I make motion to approve the staff development plan and budget as presented second motion made by Miss terer seconded by Miss zki to approve the staff development plan and budget as presented is there any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries continuing on with staff development a committee and site teams Mr may please we just we report you uh who makes up our committee and you can see the last names of the committee members um it's myself the two principles and Jason are teaching and learning coordinator and then we have uh one two three four five six six probably seven staff members I say probably because we had one staff member that stepped down and she was the the committee chair last year and she stepped down so Jason's in the process of you know determining who the the committee chair will be uh the reality is that Jason will um take care of most of those duties with Stud the agenda and um reaching out to staff members but it's good to have a a staff member that's uh in that position so staff can reach out to that person as well and then we we have one design or one rep from each building uh M Mrs Olen is a secondary school rep and Miss Williams is our Elementary staff development committee rep so they typically are more available for our the members of each of the buildings so that's the makeup of our team and our our committee and our site team and I'd ask for your approval and then I'm sorry uh Aaron Phillips is our board member rep on the team as well and obviously in January when we go through the organizational meeting that could be up for anyone interested so I'd ask for your approval of our committee and our site team so move second motion made by Mr Mueller seconded by Miss singel to approve the staff development committee and site teams as presented is there any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries we need to set the date for the 25 organizational meeting Mr mayak it looks like January 2nd is your reference here that would be most ideal get it come in get it done and move forward so it's a 5:30 usually that we don't try to take too terribly much time with anyone but anyone have a problem with the January 2nd I'm going to be in Tahiti yeah that be nice we'll have you zoom in if not I'll entertain a motion to approve January 2nd 2025 at 5:30 for the organizational meeting so second motion made by Miss tyer seconded by Mr shrock to set the date of January 2nd 2025 at 5:30 p.m. here in Richland for the organizational meeting all in favor say I I opposed motion carries is our were annual change the January and February of 2025 uh meeting dates due to holidays Mr Maya same thing the third Monday obviously consistently then follows our Martin Luther King Jr day and President's Day will fall on that same third Monday so typically we'll just move the date one day forward or back however you want to look at that we'll move it to the 21st a Tuesday and then the 18th of February which is also a Tuesday and that's past practice that we've been doing for number of years we have a motion to approve those two dates please so second motion made by was that Missy I apologize yeah Missy uh seconded by Miss angle to set the regular board meeting dates for January and February 2025 to January 21st and February 18th of 2025 all in favor say I I opposed motion carries I'm going to slide in here real quick again we have our election poll date finalized now correct that worked with everyone the there's a little bit of a bouncing around but for canvasing the canvasing yeah that it's the 12th the 12th sounds good no okay thank you thank you last but not least we have before us the superintendent uh Michael M Hawk's evaluation summary as you're all aware last month we uh met in Clos session for the annual review of our superintendent and it is customary that we uh publicly announce the results of that in a summary so I will do that now the NRH Board of Education met in Clos session September 16th 2024 for the purpose of the superintendent evaluation uh for calendar year 2324 all members were present including superintendent Michael Mok four performance goal areas were discussed number one was superintendent providing proper Communications and information number two superintendent providing safe welcoming learning environments for students staff and families and number three superintendent presenting budgets and explaining District resources and focusing on public relations instructions and facilities and number four superintendent providing professional development that promotes growth and stays informed on Trends Innovative and best practices discussion was held on all four goal areas and was concluded that Mr mhw meets or exceeds the boe's expectations areas of strength were credited to Mr Mok on community involvement and the work representing nrhg at county fairs this past summer compliments were giving on given on the updates to the facilities a Weekly Newsletter in managing the budget Mr maak shared with the Boe that he feels that inhg is a great fit for him Boe appreciates the good working relationship with him so read and recorded in the minutes of the October 21st NRH board meeting anyone have anything to correct or add to that summary if not I would entertain a motion to approve that summary I'll make a motion to approve um on the Mr my Hawk evaluation summary second motion made by Miss Miller seconded by Miss tyer to approve the superintendent uh evaluation summary as presented any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries concludes our business for the evening at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn move to second motion made by Mr shra seconded by Miss terer to adjourn all in favor say I opposed motion carries we areour thank you everyone