##VIDEO ID:OXE_xphlo50## okay we will go ahead and call the meeting to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all happy to report that tonight's roll call shows all members present we would record that as such we have an agenda in front of us this evening any additions or Corrections just a minor little thing on um agenda item number 11 the recommend recommended actions C the board governance we have uh the engagement agreement and then the endale land agreement those are the same thing okay it's uh the same document it's basically a repeat so we just have to act that at one time thank you forward to that any other additions or Corrections if not I would a motion to approve the agenda move to approve the agenda presented second motion made by Mr sh executed by Miss T to approve the agenda as presented all in favor say I I opposed motion carries we do have Miss Tracy Smith with us this evening for uh the public comment section I uh welcome her to the board here this evening just a reminder uh we do have a 5 minute time frame limit on that uh we would appreciate you not mentioning uh specific student or specific staff members names if at all possible and uh we welcome you if you have the flo ladies and gentlemen concern for and safy of our children Secondary School it's at the beginning of our school's vision statement to be the school inspiring Excellence that statement alone supports having a liced nurse in each my family and I have been personally affected by thisis after the March 16 2017 in with my child my child should have left the school by ambulance instead sent home on the bus we were assured after this incident High School administration as well as some of the board members Nur at each location to administer medication to everyone saf our current situation is that we have a fulltime LPN at the elale site that cares for all the needs however several of these children at the site that were requiring Extra Care have now graduated up to the secondary building as requiring a liced nurse to their second um and put hand at the desk you guys one is from the Department of Heth the other one is from State scho while having an unlicensed staff in the health office to administer and medication does not have the training and knowledge that a LIC has in side effects complications or any other uned outcomes the students the staff and the school are protected by having Aur reason come to you and thank you Miss Smith as I will uh remind the rest of the board obviously this is not an action item for this evening's meeting uh this is an information gathering uh we will refer this over to our administrative team and if there are further questions this subject please uh reach out to them for uh followup and U any questions you may have on this subject so thank you again for your time this evening with that we will move into the superintendent's report Mr May would you begin that please yeah start with our administrator T and Mr kety thank you very much um not a report basically I think overall got a leadership team meeting with our staff here last week and they were kind of off to a really nice start this year so um some of the transition things are are going really well um we were able to add a very professional in one Chelsea Johnson she'll be studing with us I believe she's a she's a gr so some might know her um but she be stting this THS um so we're excited to get Chelsea on board um we did find a longterm sell for Mrs Jensen that was our biggest concern in our August meeting um took a a substitute join us think starts as well uh the best news I think we have so and drop off that that was a that was a huge investment um and it's and a lot of positives going on with that I've heard parents no complaints that's a but they're actually complimenting on how smoothly things are going so um thank you for for allowing that facelift back there I think it was much improved um you have back there as well with the ramp leing into but yeah so far just all positives and we're getting ready for next week's homec so just got the today set all right at secondary we uh we didn't to start off slow cu the second day of school we had impact team driver here and that's it's a state it's a free program put on by the state patol troopers to come in and talk to sophomores talk about all driving they did some different um interventions and then we have another hourong video that complete on our own and I already have back next it was a great great program hard up I want to keep using we do have a crash on Friday and this is a correlation between us ambulance fire department police department come Sheriff North air and North ambulance and we be kind of behind bowling and best part about this I just lastre if we'd like to join us um what exactly they have planned 100% I don't know um but you make homec is coming up next week congrats to everyone that's involved with it the court to the people that put it together to MC to everyone um coronation is now written in stone for Tuesday the 24th at 7:30 p.m. typically it's a Monday we volleyball game Monday we Sunday we have members of will not be able to make it we're going to go to Thursday they wanted it Tuesday and they they came up with a good enough plan on Tuesday to make sure it's going so explation the liard experience I sent that information up to you guys um and I look for your support for that I asked at one time and right now we don't have one quick enough we get um I also Express that next time if okay um I to my face I haven't heard complaint yet so if there's complaints they come to me I say very well very long um we've got CTE students going on a manufacturing Tour on October 3rd and also coming up here we got PA teacher conferences on October so things look forward to before I stand in front of you questions I just have to comment I haven't heard anything at my house here so I think it's a good thing not one thing I haven't either been looking for student information I text Jay during the school one day and thought Oh I know he's not going to answer and that's fine and he didn't was a test wait wait and I really wanted to answer quickly but I didn't get it as quickly as I used to so it must be working so I and I don't mind I think it's wonder you know I shouldn't need get answer if he's working on something so that I would share a positive comment I heard there's a lot more uh verbal communication at lunch that lunch is lunch lunch and they're experiencing conversations among students which is a wonderful thing so yeah we're excited for you Mr Berg and thank you for leading that and thank you again back to the staff as I've stated before this isn't something that happens by one person alone it needs to be a district approach and uh we're excited to continue to hear successful stories from it so thank you any other comments for Mr bur this evening thank you okay thank you Mr bur and Miss White all right hello everybody um just some updates for Community a lot of just status quo right now with all the programming that we have um and just to kind of give you an idea last school year um for early childood screening we ended up screening a total of 54 children and then again um we do this every year screening takes place over ma week that Monday Tuesday Wednesday so preschools Clos that entire week because all of our early childhood staff partake in the screening process our preschool registration numbers are up this year we actually have 82 prores um three and 45y old group it's kind of a breakdown showing you um what the numbers look like they're almost identical in W Richland and endale and um it's sometimes it's really heavy over here Li in Richland vice versa but it's nice to see it even split there otherwise um the only big difference that I see in preschool is we did did decide to simplify um the schedule for preschool as in our three-year-olds are only allow two days per week and that's 8 to 10:30 just on Monday and Thursday mornings 3 days a week for um either three days a week or four days a week for our three or for our four and 5y olds and Monday Wednesday Friday is in the morning Monday through Thursday is in the afternoon and this shifted over just because we have found over the years that 3 hours for our three-year-olds is too much um it's you know we lost a lot of um I guess concentration and focus about two 2 and 1 half hours so um in researching all the other community programs preschool programs around the area this is pretty much what the majority of them are going with so we did decide to cut back the um threey olds to 2 and 1 half hours just two days a week and not give them that third day option as um was available in the past and then for our forign 5-year-olds that time didn't increase um substantially they no longer for just two days but now they have a choice between three and four days I was a little nervous um my Preschool teachers Early Childhood staff everybody was extremely on board with this change and they thought really positive of it um I was a little nervous that um the difference might affect some registrations but it has not we actually got a couple compliments that is so much easier than two days you have a third day op all that it's been a positive change for and then I did um end up increasing our r as well all right so our school AG Care registration numbers are basically um just right on par with how they've been um last year as well we saw a little increase over in endale here a little decrease in the morning in Richland otherwise um summer went fantastic uh the kids had a lot of fun we went on some field trips here we actually took the kids to a place in Rochester called boundless it's a huge um I can't even remember how many squ feet it was it's just thousands upon thousands of square feet um it's called boundless but it's an all-inclusive playground so the entire thing is just um decked out with this beautiful you know squishy flooring that's uh wheelchair accessible everything in there is accessible for all kids of all abilities and the kids had a fantastic time on when we got back and I saw they like can go again so that's probably something that we will um do if not every year probably every other year to get them off there for UF Recreation um the only change for a dance program is I could not find a new Richland instructor so we're just doing it over here in endale unfortunately because of um the size of the classes and the um ability to effectively teach and instruct them we had to limit um the amount of kids CL the only one that we've hit so far um for maximum capacity is our tiny dancers which is our preschool age kids um at 12 and every all the other classes are probably about 15 16 kids as our Max for that um otherwise competition cheer we just have our Varsity kids performance cheer that begins October 1st that is for grades 3 through n we no longer have a middle school cheer team um the performance team is third through nth grade and that just focuses on B basally prepping the kids for Varsity Cheer if they decide to move on a competition cheer and then the performances that they do are just at local sporting event so they get that experience that way and it's the registration for that is only $75 and then if somebody wants to join um if they qualify they get the $50 you scholarship as well so that makes it extremely affordable in trying to um give um students more opportunity to participate if they want otherwise for our homecoming Che home is the one who is in charge of that with some of the varsity sideline cheer leaders um they have 40 total children registered for that otherwise for play Target uh 48 athletes t-ball coach fishes summer was fantastic play football went great I actually had four um three freshman and one sophomore leading that while I was out there with them because I really don't know a whole lot about football and those kids just had a last um they it was I was so PR um but they had a great time and all the kids had a great time parents really enjoyed the fact that we had student athletes out there helping coach the kids uh youth enrichment otherwise you know we're doing Lego Club Art Club um we've got a trip to Urban Air on November 4th uh Christ reer is doing our adult bus trips she is taking a group up to Ser music um if we reach the minimum capacity for that trip uh towards the end of November and then creation all right otherwise this is our Brer I actually just got them delivered today so I'm going to try to get them out in the mail on Wednesday and um it's nice to see CB Scouts reached out to me to um set up a time uh to do a registration night this week I think it's on Thursday this week and then otherwise everything any questions thank you you thank you I have uh just two things to report on the first you should have a report in front of you from the uh 2324 school year the fundraising report and a couple years ago we added this the process and then reporting for our staff members and then in turn we'll U share with you the the different fundraising that's going on again really the the main purpose of this is just to kind of have an overview so we're not bombarding our community and grandparents and parents with too much at the same time and and just having some understanding of what's really taking place so you'll see that over half of the fundraising that does happen in our school is from our external groups and I put that out there for them as well um basically the same form um when an outside organization even if it's Community ad and uh um run through that program it's not really that they need our permission but we're just asking them to provide some information for us so again that we know our name is usually going to be attached to it and positive experiences could U shine Bri on us negative experiences with that fundraisers or anything with our name on it usually comes back to us as well so um the financial reports aren't the same or asked requested the same from our external groups associated with the district but you'll see that most of the uh information for our internal groups still waiting on some of that financial statements to come in but for the most part this is what took place in our district last year and it's all very appropriate and doesn't seem overwhelming and that just by coincidence that has nothing to do with my staff evalu or my evaluation today but I have some certificates of appreciation for school of our numers that September is and remember we are going to do my evaluation in August we didn't wait and put it off until now so it is um September is School Board appr appreciation month and so we'd like to say thank you for your dedication for U contributing and being part of the district and and having this important role and helping the district be the best District we can be so um the certificate reads it's a certificate of appreciation for your dedication to our students in public education in Minnesota so thank you Rick Schulz thank you thank you Lawrence shrock thank you Terry Engel thank you thank you to Amy KY thank you to Rich Mueller for coming back and it again and thank you to Aaron Phils concludes the report all right thanks again any further questions for Mr may this evening we will open it up for board member comments then does anyone have anything that they would like to bring before the board this evening all right next regular meeting will be October 21st over at the secondary Media Center at 6:30 p.m. with that it moves us into the consent agenda items and I would appreciate Mr May introducing those please our standard consent agenda statement reads for the consent agenda the board has been furnished with background materials on each item or has discussed these items at a previous meeting these will be acted upon with one vote without discussion if a board member wants to discuss any of these items it will be pulled out of the consent agenda and will be voted on separately but before we approve this agenda we'd like to recognize our donations for this month we have a number of donations being made from Community organizations for our Eagle Bluff trip they include The Arcadian bank for $150 the morium drainage for $100 Olsen Custom Contracting for $50 Thompson sanitation for $100 L&D egg donated $100 and the Lions Club of endale donated $250 again all of whiches were the e trip and then we had two separate donations for our playground fund we had a $500 donation from the Lions Club of endale and we had a $5 donation that was received at the steel County Fair for our playground fund so all total we had $1,255 of donations this month in year to date we're over 13,000 at $3,697 and with those recognitions asked the board to approve the consent agenda as it is presented I'll make a motion to approve second motion made by Mr Mueller second by Mr Phillips to approve the consent agenda items as presented all in favor say I I opposed motion carries moving into recommended actions the mou with Education Minnesota for the state mandated act training we're all familiar with this term now and Mr Maya do you have something to bring before us Mr pres you're understanding the term so you can explain it to the rest of us it's familiar uh and this is the first mou is a state requirement that um with the extra funding that is being um coming down from the state that theou with our teachers bargaining unit is required uh to address how the how we are trading our staff and how we are using the funds provided by the state for imp implementing the read act so with that I'd ask for your approval as of theou as it is presented motion made by Miss Engel seconded by Miss terer to approve the mou Education Minnesota for the state mandated reack training as presented is there any further discussion all in favor say I opposed motion carries uh another mou with Education Minnesota to merge ECFE teachers into the 2325 collective bargaining rement Mr Maya could you explain this to us M are not very common and they have two in the same month is unusual this mou again was uh originated from our teachers union and it has to do with the um improvements that we made to our early childhood family Ed teachers to make their compensation package more in line with their Union counterparts um in our current language or current contract there is language that specifies different sections that pertain to Early Childhood family yet and so with these improvements and whatnot it's just kind of laying that out and um really there it's exactly the same as we discussed as far as some U added Insurance contribution dollars and some added salary schedule dollars not to exceed the the amount that we approved it last year so the union then with their representation at the local and state level ask that we add this mou just a noting the Early Childhood family and changes how it impacts their contract the here is the same it's the same read let me quick it right yeah EX not to interrupt you mik but if if that is an issue I would suggest that we would table that until we can get that attached with the and have a moment for the board to perhaps research that a little bit no I would agree I got two of them here let me see uh that's the read Act the ones that I have in the phone are about three okay I would agree you should see that okay you should see theou before you approve absolutely yeah and not a problem but we will get that taken care of so at this time I would entertain a motion to table that particular item this evening no move second motion leave TI secreted by Mr shonrock to table theou with Education Minnesota to merge EF ECF e teachers into the 2325 collective bargaining agreement all in favor say I I opposed motion Carri um Miss blorf is with us this evening to tell us about her uh extended field trip to ukuk France Switzerland Germany in June of 26 makes all us board numers want to be back in school um so yeah I can give you a quick synopsis obviously two people on the board had um children who travel cl to Australian Museum in this past June and it went really well and I got back to school now this fall and everybody had asking me where the next one's going to be so um you know potentially I'm looking at um it's 10 days and we fly to London um and then pretty much a couple days in each spot so a couple days in London and then we go to France Paris um for a couple days go to vers which I'm super excited about I want to see FR Revolution the 16 I'm just excited about history as I know my this every day I just love it um and then from there we traveled to the third Switzerland um beautiful Town up in the mountains go the mountains and then travel through lonstein um to Munich and go to like dout concentration camp for a day as well and then fly home from there so like 10 days um I have been to most of the locations Paris is like the one place I haven't been on the trip before with students are on my own as well but lovely lovely cities um and looking for again during the summer so June of 2026 you know it's through EF so Education First right um same company we've used every long um same company that school so um kind of the same pretty much the same same process and that I've done this would be if it was approved my fourth trip through is that the cost right there yes that's the cost and that includes airfare food lodging um admission as well and so um pretty much the way it works is when we I have the meeting usually once it's approved I'll have a parent meeting um once kids sign up you have two options um you can pay for it all right away if you want or um the company automatically just divid it out per month and there's no extra interest or anything on it they just take the amount and divide it out so every month from when they sign up to when we go they take out that amount every month so it makes it little more affordable as well so like the little chunks every month that comes out when would you have the when do you have the information meeting um so got approved then um probably within the next couple weeks I'm hoping um so I can get kids signed up as soon as possible um yeah so once it was approved then probably within the next couple weeks usually I look at the activity schedule then determine what night there's nothing going on I usually have like are you experiencing repeat students that or how what is your um so the wom Australia um so there's 46 total including the cheron I had I think four students that had went on my last trip to Ireland Scotland England that also went to australiaand so a handful not a ton okay but yeah and do you get to a point of where you have to turn students away or or how what I'm what I'm leaving to is is it offered to all students or what is your so yeah your requirement type yeah so my it's grade level so what grade are you going to be in so it'll be had just finished 9th through 12th grade as of 2026 okay so that would be this year's eth grade through Juniors when I have the meeting um and I was honestly shocked for austral New Zealand I actually did have a waiting list um at first three or four kids because I can only take 48 total chaper because that's as my been on a bus good and then over the course of the 18 you know almost 20 months enough kids had kind of backed out to term that I don't want to go that those kids off the Wai list got on so everybody who signed up originally who wanted to go end up being able to go and I and I you know I I felt terrible I I want everybody that wants to go go felt terrible I had a waiting list but yet Logistics wise that's as many as I can take because that's on a bus but luckily enough kids for whatever reasons decided not to go so no one who wanted to go couldn't go and that leads me to my next question that's a very high financial responsibility for not only students but for parents to however that gets paid my concern is are we only allowing or inviting a select group of capable people that can handle that responsibility financially and does that create uh divide between those that can and those that would like to and those that just absolutely can't and again not trying to be negative about it but those are concerns that come to mind um in a situation like this yes and I again pretty so I don't do any fundraising because I take high school kids so this is what I would generally say is you will make more money getting a job than I having a big sale like the grand scheme things but yes money is an issue money's an issue for our whole lives absolutely I want to do right to too so I I I I toy with the same problem but yet again I don't want to say to this group you can't go because this group can't go either so I agree understand exactly what you're saying and I don't have a solution for that problem either right does have a a program where they can apply for some type of funding they do they also have some they do have like a scholarship program um and they also have um fundraising that like as a as the traveler so student traveler there's like a fundraising where you can go on and like fill out information and send it out to like people you know like hey I'm going on this trip are you interested in giving me some money to go that kind of stuff so yes EF does have some programs that I I honestly don't I think in the past most students haven't chosen to use but they do have some that would involve some Li work on the traveler or the students behalf to like do it but there there is some options yes so again how many grades will this be offered to 9 through 12 9 through 12 so the percentage of the of a typical class so in a perfect world you'll have 10 per class roughly yeah and out of classes of 60 or 70 so I'm trying to get the percentage of people that are attending and and again that that uh I think we all share that same concern along with not something we're bringing to your attention obviously you've thought that through but when it comes to public school education which I think this is a great public public education type event I think we all have to make sure that we are offering it to all students and in a means of opportunity but I know a lot of schools I talk to especially up in the cities they the the CH or the group leaders what I get called they do invitation only so like I would only invite the students I want to go on the trip wow yes so of that yeah every EF person I ever talked to they're like well how do you determine who goes and every other school I've talked to they're like well we do invitation only like I will only send orations to the kids who I want to go on the strip and I was like no I open it up to I'm like well I for a very small school and I think with the city school right if we're talking about wetta right you probably do have to narrow it down a little bit like maybe you have to take some certain course they're probably on a trip with their parents yes so I always say they shocked to hear that I'm like no I open it up to as long as you are in this grade through this grade it's open to everybody so what is your goal for number of chaperon or the ratio you know chaperon so um EF pocy six to one so six Travelers you can have a chaperon um I six you know like I said I I'm willing to go with a couple people who want to go and again and up to 48 so I don't really have I know if we get 30 we're on a our own private tour because EF the way they do save money if we get less than 30 we might be combined with another school from the United States to make that number to keep that cost down for everybody which the very first trip I took there was only 11 of us so we were combined and you know what the students were unsure at first but it was a great learning opportunity for them too because they got to meet kids from other places and then it's such a small world with ph and there was a lady on that trip of mom who grew up in new W lived in Phoenix and so it's like you never know you're going to run into so was really fun um for kids also meet other students who other places in the United States too so um a private tour of just n would be great but yet you know high school kids from around United St it's good toiz in the cost is fixed whether we send 30 or 48 yes exactly so if we have less than 30 um then we're just going to be combined with another school from the United States otherwise if I make it private with less than that number goes off okay sorry I might miss this chaperon are the same price as the and for every six paid Travers you get a free sh and then um I do open it up for parents to pay so adults can go on the trip too um so that's like not a trap room that's a a TR adult traveler um um so I did have an Australia Zealand I think I had six parents paid to go how does that work on the bus right now if you can only have 48 that included that includ that oh okay clarify at the Chapo that 6 to1 ratio that's that's the EF kind of ratio or what they use and that's typically what you'll bring along 6 to one yes yeah and then I take teachers from your Richland so I I always take people who this why I'm always I would say I'm like I want a person who is used to being around students who aren't afraid to yell at them if they're not for speak don't yeah so a trip of Lifetime for him we still go to um Washington DC right Juniors oh they don't go to Washington anymore um so I was also running that trip as well um when Georgia Janine left it end up with Pat Churchill and when he left it up with me and I tried which turns out was a good thing it got canell enough people it would have been during and it would have been canell anyway I tried so it would have been spring of like 20 19 to get kids and I only had five or six kids sign up for it um so at that point I was you know obviously was like we can't do it that's not enough um and then Co hit so it was a blessing gu anyway we wouldn't have been able to travel um and then after that I would like two trips planning for me is just too much so I kind of like okay well European history world history is my favorite so like this is kind of and I kind of loed up some other teachers and then the interest wasn't there either they tried after Co a couple years later just like talking to some students and interest wasn't really there either as of right now the kids go to Costa Rica this year is that true5 and the band I assume doesn't really travel like they used to do they still go California I think this is a great option just I thought you still went to Washington DC Jay went on the New Zealand trip and had a blast and wasn't to Costa Rica he wasn't going to be going on that trip so this was a good option for him um I know it's expensive but like you said it was payments per month which is super help helpful not to have to come up with a chunk or change like that it did end up being about $100 a day additional just because if you wanted that travel Verizon plan and then you needed cash to purchase items and or extra you know snacks or Foods or a meal here or there but I mean you kind of plann for that and luckily he had some kind family members who assisted him too but um the one benefit that I know students kind of like we go in the summertime so they school so it was early enough where you didn't hit too much of that already summertime stuff stuff yeah no it wasn't wasn't too bad I mean my summer included everyone summer was busy but yeah it wasn't it wasn't too bad but at least they don't have that homework and then it really helps getting staff members to go to because if I wondering the school year right you can't take that staff members out of the school because we have to find subs for them where that ISS kind of resolved in the summer time and for our family it was a nice option I don't have any interest to go to New Zealand or Australia so for me to send him and not have to go with him was nice and I didn't have to spend four times the money I spent one time the money so it was nice that and you know he went with friends and got to bond with some kids maybe he didn't know as well so I I think it's a great option for our school there were a lot of people really surprised that our school did something crazy like that and I was like well they don't pay pay for it but yeah it's an option I did run into multiple people actually all in Elbert went to the bank was bank and they're like oh everyone's coming in to get New Zealand and Australia currency here and I was like yeah that's me like I'm leading that trip and then I happened to go into the clinic in alberly as well and the nurse was like yeah I heard your school really went and I was like yeah that was me like I love that so I think it's generating some positive you know news as well for the school that you know we great questions though it's a big deal and we want to make sure that we are uh thorough and uniform as a as a board here and as a school district these questions because it is very very big the and we applaud you for being willing to lead it it's got to have some moments to it that are frustrating but I hope that obviously the reward is worth it to you you continue to do it so thank you for for allowing our students the opportunities any further questions on this particular subject this evening thank you thank you if not I would suggest uh have a motion to approve the the extended field trip to UK France Switzerland Germany in June of 2026 as presented motion made by Mr Mueller seconded by misseri to approve the extended field trip to UK France Switzerland and Germany in June of 2026 any further discussion all in favor say I opposed motion carries another subject this evening is uh an extended trip to the National FFA convention in Indianapolis October 22nd this is a little bit more closely to tonight's meeting October 22nd through the 25th of 2024 Mr may do you have information on this or is someone going to I have the information there that's on the extended field trip form which again you have to for if you have any additional information to share um obviously this is a trip that takes place yearly and there a little bit of a change to this the you'll see the transportation is being provided by a district school bus I asked Mr um sorum how come you know it's the last couple I know have been on a chartered bus with a group of local chapters and his reply was that they're not offered it this year that that's not available apparently it wasn't always available in the past jump in here too if you're go into that information it's been available the last few years but I guess as a region as an area transportation is going all the districts are going on their own transportation so the question I would have um and post to the board would be and I appreciate you bring that up eron just the chap again that especially at a a trip where there's even with 10 students and male and female students on the trip that with one chap own I would um have some reservations about that and look for stipulation that if the trip is approved that a second chaad and preferably a female shaad be attending as well I think that's a good practice and I think that's something that we should be looking at in our district policy to include some type of requirement obviously with the year up trip you're going to have a larger amount of students that are attending and and it's very unlikely that be male or female sh attending so uh I I think these trips are fantastic if you see that they are stopping at a a hog farm on the way there and a visit on the way back as well which is great hands-on experience and so that the trip itself doesn't concern me I just have the reservations about the chaperon situation and if I moved I would include on that that a second chapon be added for approve of the chapon it have to be girls on again I I wouldn't say we have to require it but I think that is the absolute the smartest approach to take and make every measure possible to have at least one male and one female sh attend was Mr or unavailable attend tonight or you don't you don't have any of that information it's a little upsetting to me on the particular subject that you don't mean to put our Administration in any type of a difficult um position here because it's always difficult to represent a program that uh you perhaps don't have the most accurate and up toate information and I that's by no means our intent here this evening my concern is is if Mr sorum uh is not serious enough about this opportunity for students to come and be with us this evening and share his uh plan and and safety and again all these uh concerns that we have as a board it's uh concerning to me that uh we would move forward with something that we don't we have a lot of very serious unknowns on and u i the other concern is that we're sitting here at a September meeting looking for an approval for an October Miss borf obviously is much more prepared and we're very uh willing to work with that but I I'm all about providing opportunities to the students but I think there is the very high amount of um concerning questions and my student and I were a parent I would want those those questions answered well in advance of an October meeting um with that being said I guess I'm I'm willing to entertain a recommendation for from our Administration but I still struggle with the with the portion of not having the actual post of this event with us tonight to answer questions again I understand there are other commitments that everyone can make a board meion any advice from other board members I mean I I just question as Transportation as school bus but then two lines above that saying Grant from the Minnesota corn and sodium Growers for transportation so what I'm not sure what he getting at there school bus do we have an extra School Bus an extra driver for that we want a school go indanapolis I'm just saying if that's what he's suggesting he it should already be reserved and he should already have a driver set aside for him to a driver to be gone for and do you want your driver to also be your chap never for logging purposes there's also a distance from your District when you cross state lines with a school bus I was it's complicated for assembly I mean things change when you get across state line so uh I just don't feel that the homework has been done on this at all at all and we don't know the number of students um I'll provide with uh to you the when I emailed Mr sorum on um the request for some District funds to to help with the cost for transportation and the the cost by taking our school bus rather than sharing a charter bus with again a number of neighboring districts uh it's more expensive to take our own 10 students are in a school bus and so um Mr s reported that there's no longer a regional charter bus over the last two years it went from two full buses to one bus to no longer be an option it's unusual for chapters it is not unusual for chapters to travel alone the number of school buses and Vans at convention is probably higher than the charter buses he did reach out to Wasa but they're not attending this year uh due to lack of Interest my next question was um the $2,700 for the expense of the transportation did that include the cost of the driver or drivers and yes it was quoted by Dam Smith and so the arrangements have been made and pric and assumably a driver has been secured uh finally last year per student the cost of the bus was $246 per student that cost was split between the student and the chapter and uh let he saying on the form that $200 to $400 for the cost of the trip which I believe would would help cover the cost not eliminate the cost but would help yeah go towards it would it be smarter almost to have them take a van instead of a bus potentially now if two BS are available if if there's 10 students Plus a chaperon or two chaperon then um that's 12 it could still be done with two Vans that's a I just guess I'm just reading out those before they have been participating annually every year anybody I just I'm interested in neighboring with SAA going every other year and of course lack of interest and again back to providing opportunity for our students on all four especially related to agriculture um however I would like to know whether these are repeat students that have been there before if what is re are to qualify for the for the trip I just have some real real concerns that I think only he can probably answer but um again I hate to jeopardize the students opportunity also is there an opportunity for me Mr St to meet me with a board member and St yourself of answers unfortunately the trip takes place about the same time as our next meeting so get the the timing of the request is it doesn't give us much flexibility for much other than board approval or denying the request tonight we do a tentative approval based on a full recommendation from from a meeting my problem with that is we're justing as a board because of a poor plan and in exposing ourselves to what I would consider a quite serious question that are unanswered and I think it takes a little credibility out of our school board here to come into a gray area like this with approval that uh remains to have such serious questions and answer but I would like to solve it also I I would agree with the national F convention is see I've attended them that it's a wonderful experience being an FFA member convention I do share the concerns that we've talk the Bo and I don't know how we address those time but it's a I believe it's a very worthwhile experience we have some serious questions to jeopardize the experience of those that be able to Tak place it 30 days PR versus 20 month like to ation to approve this inform and it seems of interest of the advisor I hate to do it for the students but I mean we don't have a lot of time we don't have a lot inform questions toly understand motion on the floor is to not approve the FFA trip to the National convention in Indianapolis October second to 25th is there a second is there a second I will go ahead and second that motion motion made by Mr Mueller seconded by Mr Schultz to not approve the extended field trip to the National FFA convention in Indiana Indianapolis October 22nd through the 25th all in favor say I I I opposed I go to a roll call vote single please no hey excuse can we let's stop and clarify the motion is to not approve so an I would be in favor of not approving a n would be disapproving of not approving that clear everybody understand I think I explained that perfectly and I both right then it's opposite what you say right right so I just want I want to make sure that people understand where they're at and they're if I say no it means I want them to go and I still okay noon Phillips um hi Lauren me Rich yes no Dr drum roll please he motion fails which means that uh we still have an option here all that means is that we did not deny it we are back to the floor on finding a solution to um getting this approved so with that in mind um I think we go back to the drawing board on what our stipulations can be to perhaps get a motion that can offer an opportunity um and perhaps still get students to the to the convention in a safe um comfortable inclusive environment that um all can participate and enjoy that that are planning on going on so let's get to work and figure that out without our advisor here and um 2 some days to to go so we could potentially say yes they can go if they meet abcn and if they don't need ab and c and then they they can't go I think Administration you can sure Chim in here but I think that's appropriate that's kind of what I was out here too culations would be sure so I still think sharing a chartered service with another neighboring district with a one to6 ratio of chapon I'm I'm concerned about our bus going in Indianapolis not that we don't have a wonderful Fleet that we just ordered two more buses for but that's not comfortable it it there's concerns on it so again I would like to know who neighboring districts are that are potential room on the bus type can we call some you call that I want open that up which is meeting without right set prior to the meeting on where they are address all that he's kind of the one that can I understand your your point um okay so First Choice has to be travel with another District in a charter transportation or our B with another Cher would be appropriate so travel with another District in a van or in a charter bus in Vans and charter bus or report to Mr Berg on Transportation options with approval by Mr Berg or by myself with the the options and and I think we as a board because of the particular situation I think we lay out the groundwork here of what the requirements are if he can't meet those requirements it doesn't happen is what in instead of I don't want to put this back in his court of oh come with another plan he's had his opportunity to come with a plan and it isn't meeting our expectations so if we can design something here tonight that says this needs to happen it could be it could be one of three options of Transportation or one of two chaperon ratio will be gender specific equal regardless of the number of students attending right I help us with that if you could right if it's if it's five students attending and it's a ax gender we absolutely safety best practice two sha RS um what were our other concerns I still have questions and I don't know is this a legit concern that we have fourth year attendees there potentially could be students that are going for the fourth time I would say regardless the first time or the fourth time you're going to pick up something different every time you so that's fine we're fine with that I think that's interested that's what they love I you can't tell unless they're St taking a senior's opportunity that hasn't had the opportunity but I like your your concern you had on qualification right I've heard some you know that's concern right I think that needs to be address some I thought we asked that before in years past what the qualifications were because some people came to the board and had concerns about that right what the qualifications were for kids to go on those trips was that last year you're talking if there's concerns or um State High School league violation concerns those sort no I I thought they had you know projects that they had to do or um if it was offered to the entire FFA Department was the concern I if I remember it right that it was select people that were qualifying for the that they had to do with the FFA to qualify is what I was saying just different it wasn't a big deal but there was something sure that you just just didn't really know kids to go what's happened in the past my understanding just picking and choos my concern is that offers it to her entire class they have the opportunity to want the opportunity maybe it's just undering understanding who the partakers how they are able to go on the trip who was chosen or if they were if it was fully available to right and I I think what we want if we're talking at least speaking for myself I'm thinking of every FFA member should have the opportunity yeah to participate correct is this is that a fair so is that a solution to it that every FF a member in good standings has the opportunity to participate is that accomplishing something well it's just okay has everybody been ask wanted to go they just right how do they choose so from there other concerns the only other question I have I guess is the purpose as professional development workshops at the convention and then it says number of people attending the separate learning trip and a not available do I don't know anything look this trip so do they have the option like to go to different workshops no I'm sorry that that's actually referring to um a separate learning trip for the teacher included so like if um Miss vor's example was typically a better example before taking a trip to U Costa Rica the teacher then would have the opportunity to take a prec Costa Rica trip to become familiar with the area and so on and so forth often times that trip that staff development trip teaches you about the trip you're going to go on it does ef is not giving that trip away for free that that type of trip then well typically have the price of that trip rolled into the price that the students have to pay so this question here is there an optional separate trip for the teacher to go to Indianapolis or an FFA conference prior to attending this which um it sounds like there is it's optional to attend this I'm assuming that the October 22nd to 25th dates are the dates of the actual trip but there was some confusion phing the home so uh then the destination the purpose of that optional trip would be stated there and how many are attended a separate learning trip on the big an assumption again zero if there truly is an optional trip for the adviser or chaperon to attend I would think that there still would be some kind of professional development for the the advisor going there you don't usually have national conventions that I ever went to um with music and things like that that didn't have something for the advisor there at the same time as what the kids were doing there's other there's all kinds of educational opportunities going on and things like that what I've seen a student centered trip I think the problem is like maybe during some of the uh convention sessions for the delegates there prob there probably is opportunity for the advisers to get together to have a meet of professional development and I don't know for sure but I'm sure that happens which is all the more reason to have more chaperons align to those things we present themselves you so um back to getting somewhere on this subject our requirements will be no school bus but our word choice a would be chartering with another chapter would be number one could be request two or option b would be our school Vans appropriate chaperon what was the third participate right so the transportation is a or b yeah but if he has to have B he can only take so many stud anyway do you have a solution we won't have probably two Vans for many days there you go that could be option C option C was but that would be the chartered CL part of it I think or a larger van right right are we in agreement that we don't want our school bus going there is that the teal that I'm getting I think okay all right fair enough because I don't want to leave that out all right so transportation is covered those are three options we can Charter with another chapter we can use our own Vans as available or rent a larger van to accommodate okay that larger van will probably then require a driver a driver right which is fine yep okay yeah and please speak up Administration if they're if we're talking out of turn I would just doing the impossible a little bit more General that um rid here or you transport with another Local District take our own School Vans or rent a van or vans with the appropriate number of chaperon so if it's if it's renting two 10 passenger vans or two seven passenger vans that's that's okay as well right okay I want to keep I want to keep Transportation separate from chaperon if we have transportation taken care of here now let's move to chaperon our chaperon requirement will be a 1 to 10 Ratio or a 1 to six ratio is I say 1 to five okay put right whoever wants to go right we don't know how many minimum yeah minimum of two corre male female yes okay so the chaper own not g specific okay we have that covered Y what what's the number your recommended one one to five one to five two minimum just wrote out there EF is six would be the consistency with a pretty large reputable company of a one to six ratio to one that's six is right so we're going all the way to 10 before we need the third one so the 11th the 1 1 to six is consistent 13g coming up did one to then get up to 13 then need but it's consistent with what we just appr so it makes and this is overnight extended right if it's the same type it's just a different I think so miss BF has taken her knowledgeable team to a comp during the day the the 1 to six ratio is not the same requirement we're we're very specific here that this is for overnight extended trips however has that been the same consistency for Costa Rica in the B I think we're establishing this res okay okay that's what I was kiding we're establishing if they're using EF it is been consistently done so one to six with a minimum minimum of two okay and what was our work here open to all every should have had the opportunity have the opportunity to participate I would just really like clarification because just doing some searching here and of course you know AI knows everything he days it says be a current freshman sophomore junor really insan well seniors actually being able to attend the National FFA committee okay I don't questions sure does it what's the source on thatal bylaws I haven't been able to find that doesn't who requests The Source because it's on the internet the the reason I questioned that too again I I'm not familiar with different organization of their bylaws or requirements but if there are local or um area reps that you would assume would be attending this trip they they could be seniors off right no and and I think how you clean that up is I think the qualified FFA members or but then that goes back to a decision making who's who's determination but if there's something we have to abide by the National FFA Foundation requirements if they don't allow senior FFA members in there then obviously I think we can't sit and talk about right something out of our control we want it clarified but we we want it offered to all who are welcome to go or welcome to ask the convention if you got that wrote down in a nice neat way what I'm thinking so we have transportation chaperon and student qualification conerns if you meet those requirements they're welcome to attend is that how the motion should read okay I willing to FFA bys all students or National FFA bylaws all students eligible should be able to ATT perfect I you could do it thank you all right any other concerns again I apologize to the board for us spending this kind of time on this subject but we want to get it right I would add too again this again this absolutely precedent set setting that um this is a great discussion to have for for future events or and uh I think one thing that we can add to the district policy is a kind of a window of a lead time lead time yes frustrating in my opinion but yes I I do appreciate emphasize our discuss rely on our secretary I I think that message might be delivered in in other ways probably I agre I 100% with you I think that message will be delivered uh without it being in the motion but do we have any policies as to when an overnight trip needs to be yeah that's that's what he said like 120 days prior to I mean especially in overnight especially for student safety absolutely this this is scheduled they they'll have next year's plan there it's already on here yeah it's in November 25th find somewh that well that I took care of that okay all El students should be able to so at this time I would entertain a motion with those stipulations be introduced please you have okay want me read off all these things yeah yeah okay I make I make a motion that we approve the um FF and the field Tri rest with the following stipulations stipulations thank you uh number one has to do with transportation we have three options Charter with another school Andor chapter um use School Vans or rent another larger van or Vans number two chapon we need a 1 to6 ratio chapon for six students and we want at least two chapon um minimum and we want those shads to be gender specific and number three um we want all eligible students um to be able to attend and um all eligible students according to the National FFA bylaws whoever wants to go should whoever's eligible should be as well is there a second to that motion motion made by Miss Engel seconded by Mr shrock to approve the extended field trip to the National FFA convention with the stipulations as presented is there any further discussion all in favor say I I I opposed motion carries thank you everyone for working through that and uh I think we have a solution so thank you again for for your time and effort on making that work for students um maximum Levy Authority for the 24 payable 25 school year Mr Maya please our business manager Carl cherson will provide a brief overview of the prim preliminary Levy for the 24 payable uh to elimary Levy for 24 payable 25 I noticed the word brief in there and I had lot to tell you about um but instead go to page 30 and um this first run of the L report so just quickly so in the summer it opens up we go we make a lot of decisions with Macy we have to answer a lot of questions you want to ma there you want are you R serice program so you do all these things and then they take that information and do a run and they say okay your love is out there now go look and there a huge negative and you dig it realize there's something missing email them yeah have it the ltfm you know you guys approve it in July we send it up they acknowledge they get it and so as soon as they ran it went from a big 18% decrease to what we more we were expecting which is just under 3% um a week later without us making any changes they run it again it changes which is why at tonight's meeting we always ask you just approve the word maximum and that'll allow them to work all their bugs out we don't have a vote in November you're very aware of um so we won't cause a change it's just them so today's report shows that uh on page 30 if you look in that middle section A 2.91% increase um we just work very hard try to keep flat um had been a decrease coming we would probably refan something not much change relative to when we come back in December when we Face set the TR taxation meeting have an opportunity to you a leave question The Next Step that happens here too if the board does approve this then we'll go online we'll fill out that form I'll meet with Terry tomorrow as the clerk she'll sign that and we'll submit it off right away tomor any questions if not I would entertain a motion to approve the maximum Levy Authority for the 24 payable 25 year I'll make a motion second motion made by Mr Mueller seconded by Miss tyer to approve the maximum Levy Authority for the 24 payable 25 year any further discussion all in favor say I proposed motion carries time of the year then also that they've been mentioning is we need to set our truth and Taxation hearing uh the appropriate date would be December 16th 2024 6: p.m. at the secondary Media Center that would uh fall in line with where we've had them the last number of years uh prior to the regularly scheduled school board meeting in December there a motion to approve that date in time and location second motion made by Missle seconded by Missy to approve the to truth the Toth taxation truth and Taxation hearing uh for December 16th 2024 6 p.m secondary Media Center in Richland Minnesota all in favor say I I opposed motion carries we have before us this evening a proposal from um uh for the new band room cabinets and uh many of us on the building uh committee have uh experienced the improvements that are ongoing in the band room we're anxious to get that to a conclusion but uh throughout that process of improving the band room the old steel cabinets were a subject Mr makaki will probably do a better job of explaining this um Seth had gone out and uh done some research uh felt that bid was a little high came back with a proposal that we feel is palatable no for the district yep um the original quote was approximately 65,000 I denied that request when it came in after T and and U the committee had some discussion on it we decided that we should continue to look into improving the shelving units of the storage if we're improving the the room as a whole and so Mr schaer did put out another request um really the difference on this was the $65,000 cabinets were more acoustically friendly cabinets or braided and this next set then doesn't have that same acoustic value to it uh because of the price and now disconnected from our uh summer project because of the price exceeds 25,000 more than one quote is needed and so again I believe it's tomorrow we have a rep coming in to take some measurements and and uh look at the needs or wants that we have and they'll submit a quot and at this time i' asked the board to approve the purchase of the new B equipment not to exceed the 48,000 that we we know we have a quote for already 40 476 is that quote but I would ask for a cap not to exceed 48,000 to approve cabinets not to exceed c8000 motion meet by Missy seconded by Mr Mueller to approve the band Ru cabinets not to exceed 48 ,000 um the only thing I would say is what if somebody comes in tomorrow and it's a 495 but it's twice the product of the other do we want to give them just a little bit more room or do we want to stay that close to look that probably a mute point but I caution that we get it too tight and we fall out of compliance with what we approved but only it's suggest Mr May you're comfortable at 48 I was yeah no rep comes in with a super deal on these acoustically friendly right we can get them for 50 instead of 65 right but U again do you mind amending the motion just to 50 to clean it up or I don't want to take over your motion or at the discre discretion of the administration you think a dollar figure is usually the past practice though is what we you know it kind of takes the uh weight off of the administration that it's black and white when we put the dollar amount so I appreciate a dollar amount I'll make an amendment to my purchase of the band room cabinets to not exceed the cost of 501000 that sounds great I Like It Amy then it's yours do you continue to second that all right perfect appreciate it motion made by Miss KY seconded by Mr Mueller to approve ban cabinet purchases not to exceed $51,000 any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries exciting stuff over here in uh for governance uh agreement with and I'm not going to tackle that name with the law office Mr M he's been working on this quite a bit and applaud your efforts on getting us to this point Thank you and the work is mainly playing phone tank so the bottom line is this you are all aware and made aware of the situation we there's a a plot of land across the street that uh is being donated or we were contacted about accepting the donation of that land the history of the land is complicated and different names on it and a lot of deceased people uh names are on to that one point and so um the both parties that are involved with the ownership of this land luckily for us have the same agenda to give the or donate the Landon School District um the bottom line is again to kind of clean up that history and get all the paperwork in line there would be a cost of a retainer fee of no more than $4,000 to the law firm in Blooming CR U I had it in my mind once how to pronounce it yino yino yino yino that was not I had but uh write that down sounds likeo and so still a fantastic opportunity for our district to cover some legal fees and in turn um have a nice plot of land that we have total control of and and use over anticipated paperwork to be completed December originally I think he was talking about February um something came across and I thought maybe that could be spread up and we could at the end of this calendar year yet they have the make work done so my recommendation is to approve the agreement um for committing to the legal expenses in turn having land donated to us as a school district for a school district like a no brainer is there a motion to approve please motion to approve the engagement engagement agement for the flat of land for um legal fees of $4,000 second motion made by Miss seconded by Miss T to approve the engagement agreement as presented any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries and actually that takes care of number two there that was more or less a dupc I understand there it is at this time we will close the meeting for the purpose of the uh postponed actually we had hoped to do it in August had some board members missing so we will do the annual performance evaluation of the superintendent pursuant to Minnesota statute section 13 d05 subdivision 38