##VIDEO ID:5vFzEWE0cp8## this conference will now be recorded like to call the City of New Richland council meeting for September 23rd order we'll do roll call everyone's here and the flag of the United States of America to the stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice agenda anybody have any changes or Moe to approve the agenda is submitted second public comments anybody have we have oh sorry all in favor all right now we can go to public comment cons oh still learn how to scroll through this thing D I know all right consent agenda items anybody have discussions I move to approve the consent agent consent agenda items second that all in favor all right now the comment okay okay request and presentations amam I'm gonna hand these out there's enough for the board I get some extras if anybody wants copies um first of all um thank you thank you mayor um and council members my name is Pam CR I'm actually the workforce coordinator here at the United South United South Central I'm not in Wells tonight I'm an nrhg I didn't use the WR acronym of NR and a lot of people call it and I correct them when I'm out there I'm actually going to my second year as a Workforce coordinator here at the school district I was hired last year um started late October um because I came in late to the contract my role in the school really as a Workforce coordinator is to help students with career exploitation opportunities um the reason I came to the council today is just kind of introduce myself um let you guys know me this summer I did spend a little bit of time walking around your communities kind of getting to know of the business owners and one of my real focuses this year is to try and keep some of the that exploitation here in your community um I come from a very small Ro Community um Kingston Minnesota just out like D Lo of St Cloud um I've watched my community ever since I came home I a 21y year retired military veteran and I've just really watched my community dwindle away people pass away and it's not growing and so I'm really grateful and thankful to be in this community because you guys have a beautiful Community let me tell you love it here and um I want to really help it grow last year um about 22 of your guys of students left school and went into the workforce I'm really curious as to where they went into the workforce and can I help them explore some opportunities here in the community that they might be interested in um I did some opportunities last year for the kids we brought in called budget City money so the kids were able to have a simulation um a financial simulation and we did all the junior last year we're going to bring them back in again this year to do the same thing and we're going to also be bringing back the mobile Health l this year and that gave kids a handon experience with some medical equipment and just some exploratory opportunities right here in the school um you'll have the big Ideas trailer that'll be out here October 14th and that gives them some of the trades experiences here right here again um on campus with the kids and again another reason to be out here is just to say hey if I reach out to some of your community members a lot of these do um require me to bring in um individuals within the community to help support the events um obviously the schools are tasked because of teaching but reaching out to some of the parents reaching out to some of obviously the business owners um specifically when the mobile Health L comes in reaching out to your ambulance Crews I'm reaching out to any of the medical folks that you've got here in your communities with the Care Centers I'm think you about what is it whispering pins over in Allendale or Spring Oaks um and just getting them to come in because they are the Hands-On experts but it doesn't necessarily always need to be those folks that are Hands-On but just individuals that are you know interested in taking a best of interest in our kids's um growth patterns again I don't have any kids my k kids are all graduated um my youngest just moved out but um I am really honored to be able to be in your guys' school dist in your guys's Community to a um bring these opportunities to your kids if you've got them over there your grandkids if you got them over there you know sisters brothers I know some of us are young and some of us the family family members that are over there um but the two things you'll see in front of you um the first one is um just kind of what my my my opportunities are to the school and what I do and how you guys can be involved in the school district and then there is two other pages on the back of it and what you'll see is um this is a sample of the Lake Crystal um infograph that we created a couple years ago I've been working on this on this summer and connecting with some of the business owners to get folks to say hey this is where I'm willing to participate and so whether it's a classroom opportunity whether it's a partnership because you've got a business in town and you're willing to let me bring students down for a um tour um or if you're willing to do a job shadow if the kids are doing a project at the school whether it's a construction project um you know maybe a welding project I know they've got some great welding stuff over here whether they're doing CNC stuff whether you're willing to do a donation because they've got projects going on those are some of the other things that I'm looking for um to get the community to participate in and so again coming to the city council you guys are here representing the city and helping make great decisions um so two if you're a business owner please reach out to me and let me know if you're interested in anything um if you know there's anywhere on here that you think you can help participate even if it's as a parent or as a grandparent coming in and helping with some of the events at school and that would be wonderful as well and um again just to kind of introduce myself a little bit so I'll be around your school district I am contracted here two days a week I'm also over in endale one day a month I do Eda over in endale and then I am in the United South Central School District again two days a week and then I do do Eda and H over in the city of well so um I know does anyone have any questions for me maybe two things um the FFA alumni president I know we are probably looking for you as far as we're trying to do the same things as far as connecting more egg related but obviously that would be great so if you don't stick around you'll be seeing an email for me so now you know um that aspect but then two with the Personnel changes at school with um bling on a name leaving maybe December why I okay um hegen Le um now they're trying to reallocate all those things to other staff members as far as I guess Career Development aspect maybe your job might pick up a little bit well so so with my my position currently here at the school district I am focused on the four primary CTE teachers so I'm probably will see you if you're at the CTE meeting this week I'll be back over here Barb I know you're talking about wrestler Barb uh well she was with FFA the Barb ha okay with her retiring or leaving or whatever right and so my primary focus really is what in contracted is a for CTE courses I say the great thing with me being over in Ellendale and being um Eda over there I can kind of spread my breath a little bit differently which is kind of also the direction over in Wells as well because I'm doing ad Eda in there I look at it as our econom Economic Development starts in our school districts that's where our communities are going to grow I get it creating businesses I get it bringing you know rehabing our homes and making our communities beautiful but really seriously we need to give our kids something to desire to stay here and showcase what we have here um so I I will be spreading a little bit of that from my Eda contract over in endale I am kind of dual tasking myself when I'm there so to be able to work a little bit out of what my scope is so yes in a way but no in a way if that is the political way to answer that for you um if they've got opportunities I don't limit it to just the students that are in those courses I've really tried to open everything up to students that just aren't participating in those CTE classes because not all of our kids are in all those primary CTE classes I'm just like the budget City money that was opened up to all 11th graders that financial planning is something they have to take for personal finances on the mobile health love we did all the eighth graders we are going to do all the eighth graders again this year and when we bring in the um Big Ideas trailer again it'll be a bunch of students from several different grades so more than likely 8th grade through um seniors that will be able to participate in that whether they're in those course CTE are not um so I will continue to work with the school district just to find other ways that we can um participate with everything and get all those other students you know encompassed into everything I'm just kid but I thank you again for letting me come you guys again you have a wonderful Community I am truly blessed to be here and be able to be part School District so thank you thanks Center administrator too so you might for email from on lastek apolog if anybody else is interested I will leave them I still got more so definely help but I am gonna dismiss myself I'm about an hour and 15 minutes welcome thank you very much skip okay all right so we are going to Department reports yep care you're up good evening everyone good evening another beautiful day here in the rich as you can see uh in the operations portion of the of this form here our average census in August 4071 is the best it's been in almost almost a dozen years it's awesome uh sadly however uh today it's today it is at 37 um the reason being is that we have taken on a lot of short-term people and when you do that tend a revolve a door well some of those people went home and I got a want four more right on the edge of the doorstep ready to bolt uh so Jess has been working diligently and trying you know looking at new folks to come into the nursing home um we get referrals on a regular basis the month of August we had 43 referrals we admitted 10 we accepted several more than that uh but we declined the whole pile of for delirium Memory Care drug abuse violent tendencies things like that you know and there ones Tuesday a lot of are younger people uh you know under the age of 60 that we we'd love to help you out but we're really not the placement for you in in those cases um but so if you look at that we did have uh in August eight discharged uh three went home three passed away and two moved to assisted living very positive in that respect um uh financials I didn't have anything at the time but uh I got them back today uh total operating income for the month of August was $30,000 and some change um that was again greatly due to the fact that college girls high school girls were here sadly they are back at college we wish them well uh but they saved us a chunk of change and they did they did much better I shouldn't say that but they do much better work than the agency staff because they know our community they have a they have a stake in our community so we really appreciate all the work that they did while they were here and we look forward to the holidays when they come back uh so some of that Stu I must have not erased that so sorry apologize for that um agency staff as you see in July went down to $554,000 which is very good for us uh it is now well it's back up to almost 990,000 in August and it'll be well over 120,000 in September um I did meet with the Advisory Board today uh we did approve a preliminary budget for 2025 with a standard 3% increase in every department for oh supplies and food and other thing wages at this point uh I'm hoping to make a change to the uh to the wage scale uh try to get ahead of the state of Minnesota that is trying to change the wage scale without having any income in return uh that would be very difficult for us to do uh the governor has has created a department of wage and W W wage and labor for uh the nursing home period the nursing homes that's it it's all they're looking at and they're looking at changing the the minimum wages and increasing them in great levels one of the greatest increases they're looking at is almost 58% for one particular group of people nondirect care non-direct nondirect care uh direct care we're looking at increases of 34% 21% in a couple of areas and I have no idea if they if they don't they don't have the capability to push for an increase in revenue or an increase in reimbursement for us I don't know how they can make us increase the wage I mean not saying people don't deserve it it's just that we can't afford to do that especially with the numbers that the feds want us to put in okay we got so many residents they want us to have so many staff members on the floor well if the state of Minnesota says I got to pay these staff members x amount of dollars as a be wage what AM we going to do with some of 25 years experience have they roach the 32-hour work week yet no we're still they haven't really touched that that's of repute they don't they don't even want a lot of that uh they're looking at pure uh trying to make a what they consider a liable wage and I you know I would find it hard to live at that wage I I did find it hard not too long ago to live at that wage um uh with three kids it was very difficult um I don't it's just all the people you know you learn to do what you have to do you don't get all the toys sometimes but uh so we're trying to make it better I'm trying to come up with a game plan because the state is looking at the year 2026 to implement that I am looking and trying to implement at least part of it this year don't print that in the pap paper because I don't want every other community to get this idea but I want to play cat I don't want to have to play catchup with a huge number of dollars in the year that they might actually give us reimbursement I want to reimburse people this year get ahead of everybody else so that people want to work for us we want to be the lead dog in this celebrities and that's what I'm hoping that's what I'm pushing for I just haven't made the numbers work yet so uh I'm kind of working on that uh the board will board and I will talk about that again in October probably November so that we can get something figured out for the first of the year uh trying to make it better for the people who work for us a little more affordable for them uh anything anything to help so that's that's a big piece of what we're looking at right now standard increase that we've had in the past not nearly enough but it's a preliminary budget so that's what we've done um Staffing like I said all our College gals who gone back to school um I wish them well and look forward to seeing them soon high school girls uh we've got several and they are many and I think all of them are in the postsecondary program they are fantastic they work when they can uh some of them work a lot more than uh a lot more than other people that other kids that age simply because I'm GNA go on a trip why I got I got to make all the money I can now because next summer I'm going to be on this trip and I'm not going to be here okay that's great planning on your part so then of course I give them no end of business about you're going to New Guinea on a trip oh my God they being out of the country uh openings we're always looking for certified Shades we're always looking for RN and LPNs if you know somebody please send them our way we're a good group of people to work with you may not get the highest pay you're not going to meet Hospital standards by any means when nobody's got the depth of pockets that the hospital's got or the politics that the hospital's got or The Cutting hours that the hospital does to you so we're better that put that in papor um other business we have a new vician starting in September um for her name right now uh she will be there a couple days a week and uh looking forward to that we are reviewing uh an employee funded Savings Program for staff enabling them to take out more of the pre-tax contributions to put into their overall savings this was a great plan that I had I might be a little selfish CU I'm old and I made a lot of bad choices in life uh and I thought I we got to look at this this would be great for me this would be great for everybody everybody should do this we listened to the Spiel online and uh the guy asked me he said what do you got 50 people and take part in this and I looked at Lindsay and she's like like f mm 10 how many you're it really and there's a cost of course to start it there's a always something you know as part of the the the program to create this and the guy says Bob it's just not feasible I can't charge you $4500 a month if you're the one that's it's good I wouldn't be put that much into it but I tried I'm not completely done yet I'm going to do some investigating and see how we can do it better um they all deserve the chance to get more education on their finances what type of program was that Bob uh it was through intellisense with Lynn was that like a deferred type program or uh you could build your 40K so we have nationwide here same programs already done and established can they piggy back off we already got fun set up for the center well see there we go because we've got we do the first the pair yeah um we've already got a nationwide fund set up and I've got a city fund Center fund so we should talk yes I will visit you this week I will not be here Wednesday but I be here awesome Nation okay that is great to hear um and then of course last thing got was is residents have been on a bus rides and trar rides now it's dry and nice out not quite as hot everybodys that and we are looking at the potential to be in the homecoming parade with the tra and just the king and the queen our king and queen school bus will have their own king and queen well have king queen as well when sprinkles coming to our Center tomorrow to serve ice cream to the residents of the staff so anybody wants to come down buy ice cream from sprinkles they'll be there from 1 to three it's a fantastic lady and her van is named sprinkles all right any questions on L sorry you're thank you thank you I move to accept the umer all in favor thank you very much thanks Bob all right shell you're up okay I have to read it off there up don't need my glasses uh let's see August yeah we had a little bit of rain just a little didn't make a big mess I was happy about that um the cek is very low so nothing's coming in right now so that's a good thing um checking for extra TI lines in the um cek so tomorrow Wednesday I'll be walking the cek looking for the abandoned manles that are out there and I did hear some of the bank fall in on the other end the other day it was pretty loud and intense so just telling you I don't know if it I can't see down there there's too many weeds so some of that bank might be caving in down there down by the plant or yeah when you go to the say you're at my plant and you're looking at the creek it would be just west of my discharge station out there it was pretty loud it was pretty it was pretty crazy it was like where all the field is coming down that you know when it gets washed out and it goes over that's where it was at so I don't know just we have to keep an eye on that um yeah updated all the emergency numbers I got all them done I replaced that effent sampler refrigerator sled slick as ever slid right in did the wiring no Tech needed so works like a champ so yeah um yes I will have information coming on the smart salting um be hanging that up how much Sal to use on our sidewalks and don't overdo it and um so forth I know requirement of our chloride variance from the yes is that going in our newsletter or where do we post that uh we'll we'll probably put a snippet in our newsletter for probably October November paragraph about it yeah yeah it just some people don't understand you just don't dump it out there and if the weather is a certain temperature it's not going to work anyways right you know it's good to just watch it um over at the Care Center they're redoing the sewer line they slip lining it Yep they're going to start slip Lin in the morning I'm going to be over there because I got to see it in action oh yeah so they did find a couple storm lines that were hooked to their sewer which was bringing in just water so those will not be cut out in the slip line so don't know where they go they were in back one was in backwards anyways so kind of didn't probably work for them very well so those won't be cut into it and then um so with that extra water will be gone and then the manhole cover that I plugged with the plugs and that brought in a lot of water down there by the cek so little by little we're getting rid of more and more extra water but we will have to send the thing out before spring on some pumps if you're getting rid of the water or plugging things where's that water going then it should be going to the yards or the creek suppos so it's just going to absorb into the land y I mean you don't want to stick it in your neighbor's yard but you know you want to it yeah all these little things are getting rid of the I and I that's making it way into the storm sugar yes and we're saving on so much more but they we will have to send a thing out for some pumps and if there some pumps are in the sewer they need to be removed it is illegal so um and every little bit of that that we can get out of the system the way better it's going to be so so yeah little by little we're getting there yes um otherwise not a whole lot going on getting ready to land apply so here in a few weeks soon as the beans get out so samples are done and we'll be ready everything's doing really good out there though guys all of the samples are coming out awesome so yeah and we all the work [Music] orders there a lot that's so any questions anything that you're seeing that needs to be repaired or anything before winter um I'm going I changed all the oils this month and everything pretty much so not that I know I picked up a few parts today of a few items that need to be repaired but nothing major nothing major Yeah by she said that know your first volunteer I usually am the first one that comes out there usually is so yeah otherwise um not a whole lot that I see I mean we're going to have to sit down maybe and I know I have my old list of things that um yeah Minnesota pump will be here next Wednesday and Thursday to do all three lift stations to pull the pumps they do a yearly inspection every year and um because you have one pump out of each lift station not working so we're running on threads so more than likely there's something in it a lot of times plastic bag um sticks rocks Oddball things so when they P they check that to see if we get them working again we pull them straight out and there's it's like a you know like a propeller in there so when you unbolt it all and we bring that propeller we can tell how much wear it's had and how many years or how much time it might have left and then they change the they all have oil so change all the oils check them all out and make sure that they're good to go I mean they should last a while as long as they're taken care of and we don't have all them plastic bags and items and junk in our sewer so those two lifts you know they don't pull a lot on those streets but they really do because without them you'd be flooding some people so yeah that's about it right thank you yeah move to accept the people service report I'll second all in favor thanks Street and maintenance report yeah you're couldn't attend tonight um this is in writing but basically 12 blue cards no shut offs uh Legion Field shutdown the single PL set shutdown hydrants were flushed all the fire extinguishers were serviced for the whole city um do seam was out and cleared out those ponds that we approved earlier in the year for the out in the subdivision um they did they were having some issues with some people noticing some round water um so they changed the back flush on the water plant and shock the filter and we seem to fixed that problem so that shouldn't have taken care of that um they did go through town and clean up some branches and sign interference um there is getting some through the insurance claim with Le Minnesota cities from the flood should get some new mulch at the city park um and they're getting the sweep ready and they're going to Eric's going to try to burn the dump before the end of the week I think that's pretty much all he's got for this one okay so I got a question when they talked about cleaning out branches around some of the signs I've noticed as I go through town on the street signs some of them are like this and some of them are like this the signs themselves yes if you notice something let me know and then I'll put it on a list yeah I mean I'd say it's some of them are ours and some of them are the counties so it's probably 10 or 15 if if you really look yeah let us know okay cool I'll do that sometimes if you're if you're not looking for them if you're not paying attention if you're looking that way when if you just don't see them so just like I didn't see the outside of sound sign you see something like that just call let Heather and I know when we'll get the guys to check move to accept the maintenance report I'll second all in favor all right unfinished business so just a quick note on the storm sewer fund I did some talking with a few of the other administrators around the area and I think the best way to do this is through putting it into our city code codifying it through ordinances I just think that's the most best the best way to do it so um I'm going to have it ready for the next I think for the next meeting to to see what that looks like as part of the the code what that ordinance would look like and then what that um sewer storm sewer code would look like and we can talk about it at that time and then we would use the next meeting as the first reading and then a public hearing and then go through that process so that's just kind of I think how we should handle it I think just think it's it's just the most clean way to do it and I think it gives everybody the opportunity to make that comment that needs to make that comment but I do think there is a need to have that codified into our ordinances so but I just wanted to keep you guys a breast what's going on are you looking at for the storm sewer fee based charge there is it going to be the same price for residential and commercial or is it different for commercial or that would be a that would be up to you guys what you wanted to do I I I so the way that so I've been talking with Clinton about it because Jamesville has it set up pretty nice but they've actually got it broken down onto the size of lots okay as far as you know if lot sizes you know a residential acre or less One Price you know acre or more and then I think they've got actually like three different sizes for lots of residential lots and then a commercial price I don't know how much work we want to get into and try to figure that out all out or if we want to just do a residential lot price and a commercial lot price but then one could argue that if somebody's only got a tiny little house why they should be charged the same price as somebody that's got three lots put together you know to so you know I guess why weent the wheel we think that jeansville ordinance looks like a very good ordinance why would we not adopt something similar that looks like that so I think um what I'll do is I'll put together what I think looks good and and we'll put that on the next agenda to kind of look at and and do as kind of a first reading and and if that looks good to you guys we'll kind of run with that kind of go from there and you said it's also going to be public input right yeah well we have we have to have a public he yeah because be questions I'm sure going to be p yeah it's going be a new ordinance so have to be able put car on it so yeah so that's all I got on that I did do some research on it and that I pull the or from Jamesville and then I have a couple friends that live in Jamesville and so just kind of an idea um her house is 38 acres and that is in the class one rate because it is residential 0 to9 Acres she pays $13 a month it's $13 is their minimum charge for and then if you want to there's a breakdown there's a Class 2 3 4 um and it goes up from there but I do agree it definitely needs to be written into Cod and it's very organized that is different than your water and sewer chart that's an additional this is stor yeah so you have your you'll have your water Enterprise fund your sewer Enterprise fund and your storm sewer enter helps build up fund for that storm sewer stuff yeah and like I said before like so basically when you go to like when we were go when we were talking about our street project for the next year now instead of just breaking it between those two funds now you're breaking in into three funds because now you're talking about your sanitary sewer fund bed for portion of that as well and it's based on usage right exactly which is fair you're breaking it into usage yeah exactly so yeah so so that's I I think that's the way you want to go and we don't have to go I mean 13 I think 13 that's a little I would be that's a little I mean it's a lot I mean the way the way that I figured it out is the the 30,000 that that is our hook for the for the Reclamation or the re what's the word that's not the right word but the the ditch project if we broke that up between our residents it would be $5 a month would get us back to would get us back to to pay for that would be zero so so we' basically take in one year to pay the county and then the next year we'd have 30 grand into that that storm sewer fund you know if that's the way that con and it's also adjustable need to be yeah it'd be no different than the storm SW fund we could move that up or down or depending on I mean if if it's five and we go for 10 years and don't spend anything out of it you can go down to two and then you know balance that fund out sense good any more questions on that um so the hydrology study we got the um the uh final not the final final but the draft final report done um and the county Chris Howard and myself and the county met with Joel Lewis from H from Houston and had to clean up a few things um along the study um so there were a few minor issues that we had to work out but the plan is to present that to the council land to the community um at a community event probably in October um so that'll be basically to present the findings of the study to show the community the options of the study what's available to the community what what Houston's recommendations to the community are um and things like that so I think the plan is probably towards the end of October um but I will know more next week when I meet with them again to try to dial in some times for their information so and they will come here to present with their findings I'm going to tell them that would be my recommendation that they come in person and do that I don't my concern is I don't necessarily know that this is a big enough I don't know if the community room is necessarily a big enough than for that it could be dep depending on how many people show up I don't know could show up or you know this could bring L well remember the last time I wasn't too full in there but it was full so yeah but I guess um would [Music] you would you [Music] prefer him to make report to you guys prior to that community meeting I think so I would like to review before okay so we have a little bit of time to think about questions okay well and I I think that I think that yeah I I don't think that I don't think that yeah a lot of I was thinking that it was I was leaning more towards that this was just going to be a non- counil meeting this is just going to be just a simply a Houston presentation to the community with no council meeting attached to it this is no no I I know what I know what you're saying but yeah this was just going to be strictly questions for him and not for the elected representation of the city at this time I mean I can think on my feet but I don't want to have to Pi my feet because they're behind me with pitch works so all right I'll ask him because he he won't he probably won't come here but he'd be able to zoom in on the on the call so I'll put him on the agenda for the next meeting yeah you almost have to time Wis we don't need any action on okay new business I tried [Music] to edit the PDF and add comments to anything that I possibly could done it was possible right so I added a bunch of stuff in there so I don't you have questions on anything this time I did but I forgot the ones for those individuals I take it those are the election judges is mileage and wages combined to say some get a lot of lot yeah that's got to be the Federal reimb I understand anyone have any questions on the check register I don't so I make a motion we approve the August 2024 check register C all in favor I August 24 financials anybody have questions on that thought it was pretty expelling move to approve August 2024 financials I'll second all in favor hi ordinance updated codification um so I know that I know that's for sure Jason and Jody I don't know if you were on here when we've talked about this in the past but um I we have not had a update I don't think on the ordinances it's been it's probably been 205 or 2018 since they've actually been updated completely on online so say so I did reach out and we did we did I think a year ago or two ago two years ago we did talk about it and then we just decided to wait at that time um so I did reach out again to ask because we do have it is time we do it and I thought that while we're going through the storm sewer process it's probably a good time that we right to do it all at one time so um so I sent him everything that we've we've done since the last time we've had this put together and he said that the process to to to read to bring those into the current thing and then spit out the product is anywhere from $600 to $2,100 um so that's just basically taking our current stuff taking the ordinances that have been passed since he since he put that together and then basically spitting out a Word document with all that back together again to us um and then going through that he looked at our stuff and a lot of our stuff is really out of date the language is out of date it looks out of date and so he said you know he said I know the cost is a little bit more seep but he said you might want to look at recodification so I asked him I said what's the what's the cost to rectify and so he said well 6275 is what it would cost to actually Rectify so that would be to take our whole ordinance book redo everything relook at it put all the new stuff together redraft everything and put it all back as nice clean crisp language and and do that so so um so then I asked him I said U we also want to put the ordinances online um and so like right now our ordinances are online but they're basically just a PDF of our ordinances or Word document of our ordinances to put them online with them they would actually be searchable PDFs like the city of Wasa has or any other places have where you can actually click and actually look at stuff so it's a one time Fe of 5.95 and then the annual hosting is $550 per year so then I I said I got kind of cute and I said well if we were to codify would you throw in the online for free so he said he said well he said I can't throw in the onetime fee but he said if you would Reco toy with us I'd give you the year for free so um next year or this year well so so long story short I think I think if we're going to do it if you're looking at two the way I see it is he's not going to charge us600 it's going to cost us probably $2,100 to do it if you're thinking about it in layman's terms so between 60 6200 and $2,100 is only $4,000 difference so I think if you're going to do it it probably makes more sense to go the whole thing and get it all crisp and clean and done the right way um the nice thing about it is the recodification process 10% down 60% on the draft and the remainer on the completion we still have $1,800 left in the budget this year for ordinances so so I mean we could pay the 10% down we could actually pay you know more than the 10% down and then you know use the rest out of the next year's budget to cover almost the rest of the cost for that process if that's the way that you want it to go on did you talk to him about say that if we were doing all this and as we were looking through them updating stuff that needs to be updated or could we create new ones if we thought we needed new ones they will look at the language and if there's language that's not if they think there's language that's not correct they will highlight that language and then they will work with our attorney okay to see if that language is something that we want or not would they look at some to say we're missing something and we actually have to have a new one they will yeah they will they will yeah there's a whole packet that he sent us up but they they will they will take their base package and compare it to what we have and make recommendations for things like that and they will also if they see something in our package that they just are like they'll flag it for us or if we missing something completely maybe I I guess I could make that request that's what I would think because what if we are missing something if we need to yeah so I don't know I just think that being that we're we could potentially use the budget from this year and next year to to make this work I think it makes sense to to think about this would also updating this will help with the Disabilities Act to having websites I didn't I didn't think about that point but you're because that's the thing that's coming down to it too that eventually websites have to be where somebody that's hard of hearing or they have to have all it so they can read it to them um so does that count will this well it be accessibility because I mean any searchable PDF or anything like that can be read by a PDF yeah because that I know that's there's certain deadlines with that for websites to be done by yeah so so do you need a motion for us to approve that tonight yeah ab and then I need to know if you want recodification and the online hosting or just the recodification and then how you want to pay for it or well I think the way you described is a pretty good way of taken care of it I think we have to do all of it because of the fact we're going to eventually have to pay for it anyway why pay some now and then have to pay more later to make sure it's all up to compliance but we could split it up partly for this year and then for next year too any idea how long you take them did you guesstimate if you recot it so if we're spending the 1800 it won be I don't think it be done this year which is fine because then yeah I would I would say well what is it September I would say maybe not in a rush but couple months for the draft and see might be an effect by January sometime probably longer than that longer than I think because I would assume yeah I mean they've done our stuff so they have most of our stuff and it would be a matter of them getting the new stuff getting the new stuff to them which he's got most of it um but then they would have to get everything I mean if if they're if they're just doing the update part I would say it's probably a two month turn around but the recodification is going to be significant more time than so I make a motion and we go with the proposal we have written down there and just how you explained it out of the ordinance budget yes that $1,800 I'll second that can I just get clarification from you Mr Casey is that for the recodification only or is that from the online as well it was a recodification and then the online $1,800 to do that 10% down and 6% did we have a second inor okay I didn't sorry I didn't hear you all in favor okay so 2025 preliminary budget we don't have anything yeah we do we do yeah okay that's yeah you want to talk about that now yep yeah we can go there so basically what we talked about was where we kind of sort of left it at was that we would sit um 16 Yeah so basically you know I still I I did reach out and I still don't have the health insurance numbers for did you get updated health insurance numbers yet okay yeah so I I I just don't I'm still not sure where things are going to be for sure I know that we're all we're all planning to be at that 7 to n hopefully um and I think that's where we're going and I I'm I'm fairly confident that we'll get there um but we have a little bit of work and shaving to do um and I I'm I'm I'm confident that we can get there um so but I think that it's it's a good good plan for us to set our preliminary a little bit higher to give us the time and the ability to work and make sure that we're doing the right thing so that no surprises come up in the meantime um obviously as everybody knows we can go down we can't go up so if we do have a big surprise come up um and we don't have the ability to to cover it U we kind of bite ourselves in the butt so um so basically what we did is I looked at all of our wish lists put them together um all of our revenue streams and everything else I did knock a little bit off of our um wish lists for the capital spending I know that uh Jody had talked about maybe spending down some of our overs from last year and uh where that kind of laid us out for preliminary is on this last page here is that this 16.21% numbers I just don't know I just I just don't know it's too hard not knowing I don't know I just don't know so I'm pretty I'm I'm fairly confident we're going to be at 7 to9 I I I maybe maybe we can get more but I think this is where we need to start with preliminary to get to that point some numbers that I don't like so just there are some that are higher that yeah that are one I'd like to point out is ambulance Revenue uh yeah and then that's where and that's that's one of those numbers Jody which is why I want to be here because I agree with you that's a number we have to really take a close look at but that's that's one of those numbers that I I the problem with that number is if if that number goes if that Revenue number goes down then we have to add that number onto the tax revenue and that brings that number up and that's why that I agree with your statement on that and that's why I don't feel comfortable going any lower than that 16% at the moment because I agreed we we need to take a much closer look at those ambulance numbers I I agree you 100% yeah that one really stood out when I was looking through this um and I that that being said I think it's also imperative that the council takes a look at that contract again and says is that really are we really getting out of that contract what we were sold out of that contract you talk about the bill the bill billing contract because I don't necessarily know that we are that's true I don't know if they've had the runs you know that they projected like they did last year I don't think they've had to well many r which is a good thing I get done I I want to say and and I'm I don't quote me on this but I I I when I talked to Sarah Joe initially when the council was talking about going to this provide this billing provider they gu they wanted to they were pitching a number that they were so many percentage they were they were getting so much percentages of return on the Billings and Sarah Joe was getting within like 0.1% of what they were getting so I don't necessarily understand what the why the decision was made to go in that direction not was part of it because there was so many claims that were outstanding no no I think there was some there was some concern over over time spent on ambulance building and job responsibilities and and and I think with the office turmoil the time had something to do with it too I think so too the right off because they were saying we still rode off almost 40 ,000 last year is what that place but I don't think they're writing off any L I don't think they're writing off any less than we were writing off when we were doing the building ourselves well we didn't know that at the time yeah so that's why I think that I I think that this is where we kind of need to be at the moment so and I think that maybe next meeting we should just take the ambulance budget itself and just I can bring the last three years budgets and we can look at that pretty close and I can get billing numbers from the last two years that expertise had that and kind of look at and maybe maybe I'll even reach out to L and ABDO and see if he's got any suggestions yeah or if he's got a closer window into what he's seen about cuz he's he's the one that you know he's the one that helps just with the journal entries for writing all that stuff off too you know and he sees that a little closer than than I I do you know yeah but yeah I I don't think that I don't think our our our Char and the problem is is that you know we Bill one price but Medicare only pays what they pay so even if even if we Bill even if our services are worth $3,500 Medicare tells us no your services are worth2 then we should be building what Medicare pays but you have to build the same price all that's right then we would loseing money and the problem is is that is if we still have to pay I mean if if Brandy and Ryan go on the call I still have to pay Brandy and Ryan to be on the call it doesn't matter if you pay $1,000 and I pay $2500 I still got to pay them for being on the call and I still got to pay gas for the rig and I still got to pay for the supplies and I still got to pay for everything else well we can have that if they go and don't take transport them anywhere as well because is there a fee for they dispatched out there's no transport transport yeah and that's another thing too is is maybe maybe yeah well and maybe our maybe the buildables need to be a little higher on our non-medical our non-medicare transports to kind of offset the cost of the Medicare transport I don't know I guess I don't know we've always our rates have always been historically have always been whatever's been Medicare approved just because but maybe that's maybe that's not how we need to run anymore maybe we need to run maybe we need to run higher but I don't know I I don't build that stuff so I don't know what the and maybe maybe I should invite Mark to be a part of this conversation mark would be a good one i' hate to increase fees just because of that and then somebody decide not to call for help because they know it's going to they're have to pay more out of pocket because their insurance is going to cover it the difference but it's a tough convers but at the same but at the same time it's one of those things too is like is that is it wor I mean eventually we're going to get to a point where can we the ambulance right right and then is then it doesn't matter you call them that's not there you know well the state money is supposedly going to help some but how much you know yeah but that's that's that's another one time thing a one time thing we have equipment that needs to be replaced too that that can help with right so so anyway if you are okay with that there's a resolution that I've presented um resolution 24-17 that adopts that schedule um if you so are inclined if you adopt that resolution then I will forward that on to the county which will go out that resolution proposes the preliminary that we talked about and then sets the truth and Taxation hearing for December 9th 2419 yeah yeah at 6:30 I move that we adopt resolution 2417 prelimary budget 249 sorry I have it wrong Ona is it is it 17 or 18 19 sorry I have not on the agenda second all in favor I I all right miscellaneous work session uh just a reminder that tomorrow is the work session for the 2025 Street projects at 6:35 for Jason 3 can I make a motion to change of time ministrator report um property working on the property and casually renewal the city um obviously work on the budget continue conversation with Bolton mink on Street improvements work with Houston on hydrology study finishing up some claims for the flood insurance the flood claim uh compl performance reviews um finalized some conversation with Thompson sanitation and waste management on that single huler contract items are both working on their finalized uh rfps uh Council tablet technology and then continue work on Street improving projects ho anniversaries Chief bur's been here for six years on the 24th tomorrow uh C man P has been here for a year on the 9th of October and Mitch with the ambulance be here for a year on the 10th of October that's what I got for you for the claims that you're working on is that one of them the playground one of them is the playground yeah okay all right move to accept the city administrator report second all in favor any Council com I got one I want to make sure you voted May on that okay thank you okay I do have a question about you were going to present um like a more information for the storm water fund will you have like the bylaws already written up by next month kind of what or the ordinance codes so that we can review them yeah the full ordinance will be ready and then will you have like specific amounts that we're going to look at or is are we going well that's I mean if you is there everybody okay with just like five or well it'll be set by it'll be set by it'll be set by it'll be set by um what's the word I'm looking for property size thatout [Music] um impervious it the fee schedule set schedule so it'll be yeah it'll be set by the city fee schedule and now we just got to discuss what we want to change yeah so it'll so basically it'll it'll it won't say the amounts it'll say what each parcel is small medium large whatever and then in the fee schedule it'll be broken down like it'll it'll be similar to this where it'll it'll be it'll show charge for City Services and then it'll say small parcel big parcel large parcel and then we adopt the price for each parcel that's so we don't have to change yeah so you just change the price of whatever the yeah so that's how that's how it'll work out okay but that so that'll all be next month month and then a work use at a workshop afterward or it'll be it'll be yeah well it'll be we'll kind of handle it like a first reading and then there'll be a public hearing the following yeah the following me assuming that you guys don't mind changed from what's presented at the next meeting if there's changes then we get changed and then be pushed back one okay I move to adjourn I'll second all in favor