##VIDEO ID:aF5A-80Y_Sc## this conference will now be recorded I can't hear you guys can you hear me yeah can you hear us yeah now I can okay perfect perfect nice to see you yeah it's good to be seen anybody got ranch dressing ordered salad with no ranch dressing oh anyway glad to be here good all right so we are all here then for roll call um justy bring up the individual agenda selting I'll get to it there I think anybody have any additions or and move to approve tonight's agenda oh second all in favor hi hi hi okay consent agenda items move to approv consent agenda items second all in favor see here okay so then we are going to go down to feasibility report correct all right Cory you are up perfect well good evening Madam mayor say C appreciate you allowing me to be here tonight um it's going to be quite familiar with the work session um my presentation here but I'm going to kind of brief it up in some parts and then I've made some changes to to um kind of I guess recognize that the action tonight is to present and accept that feasibility report so um got a few slides here that we're going to work through um that would be kind of nice just to cover a summary of timeline to begin so as a council mayor call some of you early this year we did sort of an infrastructure assessment come down tour the plants um just looked at some of the kind of you know infrastructure work that had been done Street Maintenance stuff we had some televising records at that time that kind of led into then this recommendation of looking formally at a street utility project and Council U may recall the ordering of that report in May and there's a resolution there and that's really kind of what triggered this this action um had a work session I thought that was a pretty beneficial meeting here last month and we got into the weeds of this feasibility report and tonight is really bringing that then formal action forward to accept uh that feasibility report that Pinar inj support and then as part of that acceptance then you'll notice in the resolution it's really a two-part um consideration then it would be to order that Improvement hearing that's that first hearing that required step of that chapter 429 which we'll talk a little bit more about but that's really your your structure for being able to specially assess for these types of projects so my presentation will kind of form then that first agenda item which should be the consideration of that resolution so you just tell me when to be that be great yeah no worries I will so 2025 project area hopefully this is becoming pretty familiar now um but really it's a four block Improvement project focused on ash Broadway and we're focusing on that Corridor south of 30 so both of these projects will originate on that South South RightWay line of truck Highway 30 and then extend to the South and and uh terminate approximately south of that Fourth Street intersection um one of the things to recognize and kind of continue to track here is we as a city have been informed that mot's planning an ADA project on 30 and right now that's Ted that we scheduled and they're programming for 2026 so our intent would be to connect to that that existing infrastructure there on 30 and then just wait and let that Improvement happen with the m out project so just kind of something in track we'll see if that stays on schedule but that'd be for the greater length of 30 so you don't mind so when it comes to the the Improvement that we're planning here I I noticed oh good you have your screens okay um so the the a typical Street utility project just kind of how we're framing this and this is a underground replacement of all the utilities really a bottom up reconstruction um is are the slides showing on your screens here okay perfect um so starting go to the pass the go into the city council or city of nland go to agendas meeting and then do the agenda packet that's okay keep going okay I will so as we discussed it's a sanitary sewer replacement water main storm sewer those are your three utilities followed then by your roadway um there would be an under drain system with that and then a reconstruction of all the Pavements so the the tumin itself aggregate base sand base below that new curban gutter concrete sidewalk we we spent some time talking at the work session that there is going to be an intent here to establish a sidewalk policy where we're looking at replacing sidewalk only on one side of a corridor and so as we work through this project we've identified that for for Ash Street that's pretty simple it's on that West Side today Broadway has indications of sidewalk on both sides and we'll show where we've made an assumption to replace that kind of continuously on the west side and then another piece to kind of capture here with this full value is the the services are replaced within the ride of way that would be from the main to The Backs side of the sidewalk for folks that are tracking it's not literal that but it's a good reference point and then that's where the Improvement would end from a standpoint of a City utility Improvement but then there's a Rec their services beyond that we would identify those as private sewer and water that would then serve the home from the RightWay to the home and as part of these projects we recognize so sometimes the condition of that isn't uh in in good condition and the longevity that a homeowner may may expect and so with this project we'd have an opportunity at the homeowner's discretion and approval to replace those all the way into the home and and and we quite literally mean that all the way in the home it' be the case of connecting to the meter or clean out or some sort of floor drain inside the home if if that is an election of the homeowner that could be done as part of the project and often times that would be able to be assessed under the property so kind of paid off over a period of time but capturing the opportunity to to maximize that Improvement that full length then mind so this is a a graphic here I didn't share this last time I don't believe but just kind of give some representation to when we talk about a street utility project kind of dub this what's under my street this is all the utility and the infrastructure we're talking about the sanitar who were there in green the water man and blue and then the storm sewer in Orange so kind of installed in those in that sequence kind of lowest to highest if you want to think of it that way deepest to shallowest and then the the infrastructure there from the surfacing the the new Street pavement the sidewalk this is a pretty literal representation sidewalk on one side then you have those those Service uh improvements to The Backs side of the sidewalk and then the rest of the way they exist and um those would be an optional replacement so just a kind of a nice graphic here to to share and kind of visualize what we're talking about so Ash Street then this is the first one up so this is a two block section um this is the Wester quarter we should all be pretty familiar with this one this is the one that serves the school um recognizing that there's been some some investment there on the school property the the parking lot here new so we would be looking to tie into that we'd have to reconstruct those aprons the driveway approaches to accommodate our new road design in that curve but for the rest of it we would just be matching in place and protecting that and then just kind of visually see that Improvement um the rest of the way there on Ash Street yellow is to signify the new binus pink is the sidewalk um and then the utilities there kind of in that same colored graphic that we've been going with sanitary green water blue storm Orange um full utility replacement as we've identified um and then um recognizing here on ash we're actually going to be widening the surface of the roadway a little bit the width of it um it's currently a kind of an awkward Dimension at of 38 will go to an even 40 which we feel like is a good service we talked about that a little bit before two lanes uh One Direction each way for travel and then two parking Lanes at 8 feet wide math kind of works nice there and feel like that's a pretty typical and defendable uh section when we're talking about um trying to have that parking accommodation there along the school so then Broadway is our second roadway that's a two block section again from 30 to 4th Street um similar situation here yellow is the binus uh graphically we have the sidewalk in pink there on the west side of the quarter that's what we' chosen to show a continuous sidewalk extending that then south of four Street to allow for that to be you know connected in the existing and then continued at a part of a future project similar thing here santier sewer water Replacements there in the green and the blue orange um something literal here you can recognize we're going a little further south on pass Street I think I noted that at the work session there's a storm sewer system right there and if felt like that was very worthwhile to catch that a cluster of catch bases that we're grabbing that's kind of the end of the system on Broadway so be a a good value to get that um the rest of Broadway surface drains to those catch basins so um and then on the east side where we' eliminated the sidewalk a lot of those properties have catwalks or Carriage walks you might refer to them as basically a sidewalk from the home to the curb we would connect and make sure that that was a continuous system Broadway were narrowing slightly Broadway today is a 40ft corridor um we would be recommending a 36 that's why you kind of see the curb taper there on the south end of the project there South the fourth is we would be then widening back out to match existing section but when we go through these project costs are a huge part we're going to talk about that so any ways we can kind of you know save on cost and just set the quarter up better for the future 36 I think is well sufficient to provide parking a bullet sides through Lanes it's a local Road dead ends on the you know just one more block two more blocks south so um we feel like 36 is a really you know justifiable width and and uh you know generate some some cost savings uh then just put it back how it is it widening The Yards a little bit too as well so if you don't mind so really how we got here you know premise of of the project kind of the start here is the 2023 sanitary sewer we've got the 24 data here from this summer we have three more years plan kind of this fiveyear program and um the 2023 project focused on this this the South project Corridor Broadway and Ash you can see there um we're a part of that that that uh that televising um and really noticeable in really all of the 23 televising but but really focused here on on Broadway especially purple is the worst condition pipe that's extremely poor so we're having failures like you know soil visible holes fractured pipes all the things you don't want to see in a system so that's kind of really what strove us here is south of 30 um all the system drained south to North so we're just kind of taking the first four blocks based on what we feel is as a as a affordable project and trying to address some of these uh some of these worst conditioned um saner sewers that's really the driver um other utility needs water mains a 4-inch main talked about that at the work session that's not a main that's recommended um in today's standards for distribution main six is the minimum we're recommending an eight here so some deficient water M you know condition certainly on Ash Street you can see the deterioration of the curb um it's overlaid into the curve the gutter Pan's missing so a lot of defendable infrastructure needs here on on these on this four block project area um you know something to note and and that I'm very aware of in New Richland is there's ongoing flood efforts I mean there's there's a recognition that this project isn't going to solve everything it's only four blocks and um but you know these efforts are going to be important and kind of collectively hopefully they'll you know uh obtain an improvement over time and so the flood mitigation is a huge part I believe there's an update at the next meeting anticipated I noted we have you know still three more years of televising records next year is my understanding it's the one kind of long the drainage ditch that goes to the plant that's going to be a really important piece of information to gain um and then you know just recognizing that there's still system Downstream of this 25 project and system upstream and so whatever challeng is that system still experiencing this Project's gonna you know Aid in the local four blocks but there's still some some reliance and you know susceptibility to what's down Upstream so just trying to call caution to that we're not over promising anything if you don't mind so then we get into estimated project costs and you know it's recognized that these these projects are expensive and and so you know as we work through this we we try to break down and and identify where the costs are coming from the roadway as I sh at at the work session is just undeniably the greatest portion binus aggregate concrete those are all expensive um we know that um so that's your highest portion of your project cost there and then sanitary water and storm um water typically kind of commands that that higher price of the three utilities just with all the fittings and hydrants and the valves those are expensive uh accessories and then sanitary and storms typically are more affordable utility um so we kind of break it out then we have Ash Street there and we have H Broadway so both are are over a million 1.2 and 1.3 about um and that brings you to that project cost of that 2.5 million for the 2025 project those four blocks so then when we think about the cost and we start to think okay where did the money come from so one of the The Logical sources for the utilities is those Enterprise funds where you're paying those rates too so sewer and water and it'll be a consideration of a storm Utility Fund here tonight um later in the agenda so those are value to uh to capitalize on those rates there's a there's an operational component to that of course to keep the plans running and and provide that potable water to the Greater Community but then there's also some value in those funds to be able to support improvements like this a utility Improvement project other means of of sources of funding are going to be the capital 429 special assessments we're going to talk about that next um bonds recognizing that there's going to be a component here where the city is going to borrow and go into debt for this project and then potentially some cash reserves of General funds to help kind of make this mixing pot here of dollars to make a project like this go and be be affordable and feasible you don't mind so then a portion of that uh that that project cost comes in here from the the benefit uh the the special assessment so the idea really the the foundation of this special assessment comes from chapter 429 it's a Minnesota statute that really recognizes an opportunity for a city to to uh uh you know to to recoup cost based on benefit to the adjacent properties of a project like this and so we've got kind of a graphical representation here in the red that shows those adjacent properties and it's quite literal the properties that are directly adjacent to a project Improvement so that that is a pretty defendable you know exercise there um and then as you work through then once you have that rooll call it those properties then you have to equate what's that portion of cost going to be um and we we spent some time at the work session talking about the policy that New Richland has in place it's a 2002 policy and um based on you know just cost changes to the industry we feel like that policy is dated and so in the packet tonight is a consideration for a policy that we believe to be a little bit more modernized and in more consistent I would say with uh current practice and so that will be something to be considered here later tonight but then once we have that policy in place chapter 429 is really the the you know the defense and the execution of that policy to project and so that's something we will be um putting in place immediately and it'll be a requirement to have some of that data available at the Improvement here so then the project schedule um so tonight we're right at the top there October 14th present that the the feasibility report or preliminaries Engineers report that's what PR stands for and then that that two-part resolution order the Improvement hearing we found a lot of value in in having an optional non-required uh public meeting throughout this process and so the first one we would propose would be a neighborhood meeting kind of pre- improvement hearing um we we would notice and and provide invite to the corridor be open to the greater public but come in and learn more be informed um we adjusted that date from the work session to avoid the election night which I think is a very good thing to do so we've moved that date um and then really uh PR you know kind of you know gearing up to and preparing then for that Improvement hearing the last meeting of November um that would be the n be in a setting just like the council meeting and we would conduct that Improvement here and then that kind of just kicks off this project delivery phase surveying plans and specs to get us to ability to Abid the project then spring in 25 and put us in position to construct in 25 um and then that that the you know completion I do believe one season of construction is very doable to complete this project and then we would consider the uh the assessments there's kind of two schools of thoughts with assessments one is you can you know assess based on an estimated cost in the front end at time of bidding in in the spring or you could do it based on the costs that were truly occurred and based on the construction condition the scenario here I have is based on the construction condition so that the end of the year that that fall time frame what was really built was what would be assessed and then um and then there would be a uh the assessment hearing that's the second hearing that would be required and that would then allow Council to approve that role and then certify with the county by the end of the year so in this scenario for those folks that are assessed the first payment that they would see would be then in 2026 so then really next steps um you know quite literally from that schedule then we're really going to be framing around this Improvement hearing so kind of gearing up for this next month um a project questionnaire we found a lot of value having the example in your pack in the in the pr presented the work session but just a bit of a fact Gathering you know some of it's Ben some of it's not get probably a 50% return at Best um we do it with a pre- address pre-stamped envelope trying to make it really convenient but it's just an added value to make sure that voices are heard um and then we would do the open house um which would be a voluntary thing just really informal come in and be informed and then we would have the the formality then an improvement hearing there are obligations of noticing for those mailed and Publishing got some examples there um and then just really kind of framing around the the importance of having that kind of initial assessment uh information that Improvement uh at the Improvement hearing so we have some just some supp plinary numbers so a part of that we've already updating the special assessment tonight we're considering that and then just some of those other things sidewalk policies that would come with the project so happy to address any questions I wasn't sure how you had that kind of structure Tony if you wanted to do that now or do that as part of the orig original you know agenda item one I'm flexible and open to what's that Jody did you have something to say I thought I heard you say something no but I do have something to say um looking at the cost of the project $2 and a half million dollars for about four blocks in my estimate that's what it looks like to me um with the school district owning a block and a half of that four blocks we can't assess them anything so the property owners along Ash you know will get their share I just think the $2 and a half million dollars and it could be probably more by next year I'm guessing it probably will be um I think that's a pretty big check for the city to write that the taxpayers probably can't cash although I know the street it the school district still gets assessed they do yes they don't pay any regular property taxes but you they didn't get ass they don't and that's one of the things about chapter 429 that the same tax rules and laws that are maybe followed in normal taxes aren't the same in chapter 429 so I um there's nothing that I be made aware of where the school district would be exempt from taxes we have an assessment role uh excuse me of a a special benefit and I've got a handful of project experiences that I can relate reflect on that school of districts were were assessed as part of that project and I believe that in this project specifically it's close to half million probably or something like yeah it's going to change a little bit depending on the policy but but to to Jody's point it it recognizing the length of of Frontage that they own on Ash Street their their assessment is size size cons ultimately has discretion in that but right now based on the role um they they'll have the largest assessment thought of question and I thought you hinted at that at the workshop that there was there was communication already with the school district school is aware that they will be paying a sizable amount of that and they are aware of it already and I think that so rightly so they are fine with it because they know the benefit of the road in front of the school I mean I shouldn't say that they're fine with it but they are aware of the cost that they're going to be incurred and they I think are aware that the cost that they're going to incur to up upgrade the road in front of their their area is let's call it a worthwhile investment and plus the seing water as well will definitely be a benefit to them so yeah correct okay I wasn't I thought they didn't get any assessments that was my big concern but all right you've alleviated that concern so that's all I had thank you guys yeah I don't have anything else for you I had a question on the 30% I don't know if we jump into that is that us is that are we talking about that today or is that what we're saying it's 30% we hav we haven't set that yet because that's the part that's the part of the policy that's outdated that we're going to review and look at changing okay yeah can I have a question um I I live at 506 which is right on the edge there right across from Heather who lives right across the street who's also right on the edge is there some reason that you're not going all the way at the end since all of that store is how much we just don't have enough money to B for that project okay well what I was thinking is is since you're talking about um taking and having a 30% assessment against the the homeowner which is me um that 2 and a half million that means that's like 800,000 overall for the assessments and there's 22 people up there so that's $40,000 $45,000 a p and there's a lot of Old Folks up there that I know that that they wouldn't be able to handle that kind of an assessment on on their properties and that that's and it just seems to me that by expanding it it would take and add to the differential to lower the overall cost to the the the projected project cost if we extended to all of that was a little over what six and a half s millionar for that whole project to run it all the way down on both both sides okay so it would have significantly increased that so that would have made our our our bond payments so we're looking at we're looking at about 100,000 right now we're sitting on like $130,000 Bond payment every year so this project would basically once a bond payment dies off of $130,000 this project basically just replaces that Bond payment for another 15 years so that's what we're doing so if we were to do that that 13,000 Bond payment now becomes like a $300,000 Bond payment so now we've got to try to figure out how to with your tax dollars pay a $300,000 Bond payment instead of $130,000 bond payment okay so that now doubles or triples the tax that we need to bring in to cover the cost of that Bond so that's why we can't just go on the rest of the way well is would there be a plan to do that because I mean it seems kind of pointless to replace sewers in one little area that's our biggest problem area Okay so we're our hope is that by fixing the biggest problem chunk and we should be able to fix the minor issues down the road with spot repairs to to to hopefully now hopefully I'm not saying this is going to fix everything but hopefully mitigate most of the issues we're having in that area and then hopefully by chance if we can free up mother in other areas we'd be able to extend that project at or dat so it's hopefully thinking ahead hopefully it's just that we don't have money to do in a perfect world we would love to just do both sections all the way down and we had one time to be done we just don't have the finances available to do that I think you have to look ahead where how much of the city hasn't been televised down the road where Tony and I live I live on the graph it's purple so I mean I think there's going to be plenty of other spots in Town you're going to have to worry about those too I mean I definitely see the point but I'm afraid to see what happens in the next couple years when the Del gets televised and what other projects we G to have to figure out the problem is with the school side of it that road is so in disrepair right now that we have to do something in its best while we tear it up anyway to fix the infrastructure underneath in that section so that's kind of the plan but hopefully we can plan for future things as we keep televising so we don't have everything hit All In a short amount of time yeah or or as we shared at the work session too right if being able to bail have that full picture perspective so you're not investing in in expensive Road repairs when your utilities are failed below you know and we we have examples of that south of 30 here you know where four Street and Brad are actually pretty good roadway wise but the utilities are some of the worse in the city so just making sure that there's good investment all around underground and above ground and I that televising is just the way where to start so great great to be doing that and to your point we just need to get it to understand it we're in the process good I'm I'm I'm happy I can just I'll just I'm stay in the whole meeting so as we work through it okay so it's up to you I don't know if you want to just handle to jump around handle his stuff if we just want to go down on the list it doesn't really matter for the resolutions yeah the first the the resolution 2420 is his resolution for the feasibility report folling on the hearing yeah I got do I need to read it word for word no you don't need to read anything it's just I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 24-20 which is uh resolution receiving the feasibility report and calling for a hearing on approv I'll second that all in favor I excuse all right um so then we got ordinance 243 storm water ordinance yep so um let me do that storm water ordinance reference what Brandy was talking about no uh the storm water ordinance that's adding stor sewer Fe the stor water storm sewer feet so this is just um establishing a storm sewer utility so this is basically what we talked about um the ditch count we have the storm sewer utility so this would be just establishing a new storm sewer utility charging base off of the size of the of the um parcel um so basically less than 0.9 acre or greater than an acre um and then small commercial medium commercial large commercial and that would be established by the um city um Fe schedu thank you City fee schedule so this is just the first reading so you don't have to read it but the first reading will be as presented um and then calling for for a public hearing on November 12th 2024 at 6:35 p.m. we're not doing anything with this tonight this is just giving it to us first reading calling for public hearing this will be published in the paper that there will be a public hearing on November 2 12 2024 at 6:35 p.m. and I'm just thinking that when we said we referenced a fee schedule that it will make more sense for a resident when they see this and and the fee schedule together on what they might end up paying yeah the council will have to adopt the fee schedule whenever they choose to decide whatever that Fe schedule is going to be and that's just like what we do for um ambulance billing water fees fees whatever all right there's no adoption just this is just adopting the ordinance for the storms this is not setting fees or anything like that I'm not anticipating you guys to set fees January two separate motion no one motion do both I moveed to adopt ordinance 24-3 oh second all in favor I okay do you want me to skip the third one here or do you want me to keep going we can just keep going all right I'm going to do so ordinance 24-4 Canabis ordinance first reading okay so the these are these are all these are all related to the Canabis legislation for the state of Minnesota these are zoning um regulations these are zoning regulations to change our zoning districts to allow for the um cannabis regulations that are coming from the state of Minnesota um based on the office of cannabis management Trigg whatever so so basically what these what these um ordinances are doing is BAS basically what we're doing is modifying our Planning and Zoning to allow for um lower potency hemp edible sales as an accessory to the retail sales in C1 so what this motion will do is allow this is the first reading and it'll refer it to Planning and Zoning for review and set a second reading and public hearing for November 12th at 6:35 p.m. just going to ask and that can be done in a single motion and if they don't pass or get adopted what's been asked pass that what was that if they don't get passed or as far as this set well right now we're on moratorium until January 1 but this will basically set us up for January 1 so but plan Z got to review it and then send it back say that yes they reviewed it whatever it's good to go so we have a motion we're just getting these out there to be able to be be read it has to be ready for January 1st but I mean we're tonight we're just say this is the first reading this is the first reading send it to planning in only for review and then it's got to go to public hearing before it can be approved and that would all have to be done done before January 1 yes well it has to be approved and then it has to be third basically wait for 30 days before it can go into December I'll make a motion to do exactly that exactly what to have these three ordinances brought together well let's do one at a time please you want one at a time yeah that would be 20 oh wait a second no we're just doing 20 the first one is the actual cannabis ordinance I'm sorry I went forward the first one is actually the Cannabis ordinance the 24 [Music] 244 so that just mirrors the state the state law yeah so it just basically ENT or it defines what what the Cannabis us the adult use cannabis what they all are and then what the uses are what the paraphernalia are what the product is what the he concentrate is basically what what all the things are what the low potency means and all that kind of stuff so that we can identify those things in our planning what I've been hearing on the news is the state is in such disarray on this they can't even keep a director I don't yeah yeah you're you're right J you're right jod and stuff will probably change before January 1 but if it doesn't we have to be ready to go I understand I wish we didn't have to be ready I I don't disagree with you I'm trying to think of the right wording to put so this part I understand this is definitely a NE it's not even a necessary evil it's just putting in the definitions and stuff like that which that we would need in order to take any action not action again so this part I understand needs to get pass but I think maybe we're on the same page of the other stuff like I I'm not in favor any brought forward so that we can not say adopt it but have it in place so that we can have a public hearing right but here's here's the problem if if the state the the the businesses licenses are being issued by the state if they apply for a license and they get one through the state and we don't have the things in effect and we don't and we don't have the stuff we can get Su as a city because we don't have those things in place so it's not like local liquor license I mean they're getting their stuff through the state and we're just kind of alone for the ride yes cool so if we don't have the stuff in place then it's our liability that we have stuff in place so yeah just trying to think how to word that though well the Ordinance one the canas ordinance it's Bas it's just a first reading and set for public hearing on that's well say that I'll make a motion for the first reading and set for a public meeting second all in favor I okay so now we're down to so now we're to 245 ordinance 245 yeah so that is the one to uh lower potency hemp sales in addition to retail sales so that is basically to allow liquor stores and things like that to sell this in relation to their other stuff I noticed right initially there and I maybe I'm getting into the Weeds now already but um C1 commercial District that is just the downtown area correct yep yes it couldn't be somebody on the edge of town or no just right here yes and is that far enough away from the school well there there's certain well c yeah I mean it just depends okay it depends yeah there's other there's other rules and regulations that we have into into our stuff but that's another time we figure that out okay so planning and zon will review this on October 7th then at 6 17th 17th this Thursday um and then back to us on November 12th M okay if you send it to them with a motion does anybody I'll make a motion to send ordinance number 2405 to the zoning committee for next meeting second all in favor I all right 2406 is the same thing except it deals with the C3 Highway commercial District which would be like the Willows and so cas's and that kind of stuff so C3 is the okay there that 2406 24-6 I don't need be because they're they're same they're both in commercial one zoning thing it's say it's just a different District same they're the same type of zoning it's just a different District where do we see the district C3 is Highway commercial I don't see a C3 on that to six it says 24- six am C3 Highway commercial C3 up there yeah because it says C1 down here further in the halfway down the page on the resolution y on 2406 number one says C1 is that a mistake what are you seeing on ordinance 246 it says C3 up on the top commercial District C3 but the number one one underneath whereas is commercial District C1 oh in the in the actual paperwork yeah yeah oh that that's probably something I didn't even review that because our attorney did that so okay that's just a mistake okay and now this has to go to the zoning yeah okay I'll make a motion that the number 2406 get sent to the zoning Commission on next or this next Thursday second all in favor and the last one is amendment to Industrial Zone to allow the manufacturer and retail sales I'll make a motion at ordinance number 2407 gets sent to the zoning commission also on Thursday a second is this a necessary evil them too second all in favor hi okay Department reports ambulance um they had SEO training two First Responders need refresher Jordan and Jeff Jordan will start this and doing an online or Allied Medical Jeff has not let her know if he wants to do this Jordan you already approved Jordan apparently uh there is a cancer benefit for Jennifer this weekend I don't think she's asking for anything no no a notification for you guys if you're able to attend uh she said the M crash went really well there some good pictures on the Facebook standby for football games actually had to be used a few times planing the Halloween trick- or treat park that's kind of all she's got I'll make Mo accept the amort second all in favor hi fire department um one fire call one medical call two calls total training was walk through of Cargill on CFS and that's where they just go through and learn where all the stuff is at and it helps them with their oer requirements of getting their insurance taken care of and they can go the ladder car here or the out I wasn't able to attend I made the meeting not the training accept I move to accept the the fire department report I'll second that all in favor uh we had 127 calls for service for the month of September um totaling 1,780 for the year um I completed my EMR refresher um Squad maintenance so 260 had an oil change um the 270 which is the black Squad that one is going to need new tires most likely before it snows and gets gross and icky Minnesota weather so um based off of the Springs I believe it was febru yep February um was $1,160 for four Tires Plus all the labor and all that so I'm asking for 200 only because who knows about inflation so um I have not gotten a quote yet from um New Richland Auto which is who we got um the white Squad tires from um but I will I can do that if you'd like me to but I'm asking for 2,000 for a new set um and then the taser contract was signed and the first payment should be somewhere between January 1st January 15 I'd have to I going to be honest I did not go back and look at the contract I just know it's in January so should be in there um and that's all I have uh tenise uh Jody here I I really really like to thank you Barkley and I'd like to thank you so much uh for your quick response last Thursday hanging out with us until the ambulance rig got there it really means a lot you're very professional and I really really appreciate all the help that you gave uh gave to me there and got me some medical attention so again very nice job thank you so much yeah you're welcome I'm happy happy to sit there with you and good to see that you're doing good and that good it was more a lot more complications than I expected but uh we'll fight through it somehow again thank you yeah wish you we wish you were here but you'll be back sooner and later as far as the tires would that I'd like to make a motion we approve the police report do they still work off State bid on stuff like that or yeah we'll we'll get the best price but um Jody want police report but before we do that I need a motion for the Tigers first does anybody want to make okay I'll second it all in favor for the $2,000 for the tires hi hi all right now now you want to approve the police move to approve the police report okay all in favor hi hi thank you all right new business men's special assessment policy yes that's my question well y you have you wanted to talk about it so I will let you have the floor yeah so I just was reviewing um the introduction basically the assessment report that you had on on here the amendment and after reading through it and I kind of went online and just kind of researched a typical how you guys go about or how it's about to to determine the percentage that the property owners um are in charge of and I just feel like 30% is fairly high and I understand that you guys are you know splitting it up per footage of you know property front along that road but you know some of the properties aren't as valued the same you know the property values there's one house that it could be way more you know I don't know there's a $500,000 property and a $100,000 property just for an example but they're both paying the same I understand that they're both getting the same I just feel like when you're you're applying this because it's supposed they're supposed to get some kind of refund if they were to sell or to get it back but I don't see that possible for people you know with a lesser value property you know I just feel like % is a lot for everyone on that that road because there are a lot of lot of people that the houses aren't valued as the same that's pretty industry standard right yeah it is I I would say typically assessments are there's geared around a percentage of the Improvement and there's often times distinction between sewer and water um and those cases it's very literal to getting Improvement via service um that's sort of how this is Fram so I'll be bu parcel and then street is it's not uncommon that it's based on a on a front on a frontage um and so um there are different means of calculating assessment some are based on you know a a per parcel Improvement um where you kind of collectively to Total all these but I'm not aware of a policy that distincts has distinction between property value um the idea is that the Improvement is is improving that infrastructure that exists there Val kind of is is also intended to have some distinction between maybe a greater property you know in size um versus a property that's you know maybe smaller in size uh so there's obviously going to be a distinction based on that footage calculation but it's a point that you're bringing up but um I'm not aware of any policy that is able to kind of guide and speak to that where there's some sort of idea of you know equitability between the value of a property yeah there's no policy I was just researching I found a a research um paper from the House of Representatives and they just basically like stated out that the assessment you know typically is uniformally applied on the same class of property you know so you're I understand that they're all getting the same thing and it is being based on footage and to me that's fair but also maybe maybe I'm thinking if it's not 30% it would it would maybe not be so daunting on some people that have smaller property or Market values on their home you know it's that's that's a lot of money that's just kind of what I'm thinking you are aware that that will go on their taxes and they get paid over 15 years I understand yeah 100% like I get it but it's still pretty scary I'm thinking when people come in here they're going to see this number and they're going to be like wait a second I'm not getting a sidewalk on my street on my side but they are and why not could but I'm just saying I I don't know I I was thinking people who the rest of the town getting USS 70% I'm like why am I paying for the rest when it's not my road could be I'm not getting the new road I should be but I'm going to pay for it drive on that road that's point to well that's everybody it's no different it's no different than street lights everybody takes advantage of that I mean I I talked I talked to the group of Administrators that I that I GRE with on a regular basis and they all said that this is the policy that they use they use a 30% this is their this is their basic well now thinking outside of the box when she's talking about here say somebody had a $500,000 house here and somebody had a $150,000 house here and just throwing something out there to to think God say we have a scale if it's under under 100,000 that 30% is less if it goes up to 250,000 it's a little bit more if it's up to 500,000 then it's the 30% you know what I'm saying a walking scale all the way up I'm just throwing up there are we TI toing on the point of socialism then not only that but how much staff time are we going to putre that you know that's I'm saying I just don't I don't I don't feel I just don't feel that there's a value to it I I don't I don't I didn't bring I no no no no I I I get it I I understand I understand it I I I do completely I just yeah I I remember pay am on no I I'm grateful for for you bringing it up because I I I had never even thought about that but I just I could see the argument if if you would get assessed if we were doing like yours and you live on a corner and you're doing both roads and you're going to get double whed I mean that I could see debating on then let's throw's the amount average on a front each of that road for the 30% what's a dollar amount you got a quick math no I wouldn't have any idea have any what's well I would have another question based on on your comment would when you talk about about being based on Frontage the way your map is set up my my house would sit on like here and you're only going to fix the street up to about there the sidewalk runs from here all the way up to here and apparently the sidewalk is going to stop right about in here somewhere am I going to be assessed only on this Frontage or just the repairable the entire 200 piece just the repair so in the policy there's distinction between corner corner losss between short and long side the policy that's being considered tonight is the short side is the non assessible side the long side is I'm familiar with your property your long side buts Broadway yeah no both sides but the long side is on Broadway so that would be the assessible side and we are anticipating making a recommendation that we would assess you for the length of your property on Broadway that's being approved since you're long size on Broadway let's just say hypothetically replacing half of it you'd be assessed half of that way so you're not the only one in that case the property that behind you on Ash Street similar but you have to kind of make it so that there's a defense to it and we felt like that was that's what we would be recommending yeah well no Heather's got the same situation they're right across street basically doing half yeah correct it's a little it's a little tricky and you try to make you know good decisions on where the limits of your property are and then based on that you have to make good descent decisions on how you assess that in your case that's what the recommendation would be SEC Cory do can you just throw a ballpark figure out what an average household on that street would have for 30% assessment of it's all it's all link yeah I I I I I I guess if that's the direction of the counil I I made made some cations preparation for this I would assume was there a in your packet of stuff that was kind of I didn't provide this information in any pack yet this this is this is there was numbers given to he can't provide that until decided what policy is going to be for yeah I would I would you know I think what's important is and you and when you're looking at this we know for sure that the current assessment at a 50% recommendation is what we believe to not be you know defendable right and so while we're working out a policy that has some has some precedence and some acceptance within the industry local communities this is the policy from Jamesville this policy tonight for you is the exact policy of Jamesville your City attorney is a City attorney in Jamesville they did a project just in 2022 so there's some there's some uh I think there's some kind of industry support to a poliy that you're considering what I what I think is important is you have a policy that guides the framework of how you're going to gear your special assessment application that chapter 429 but then please recognize that as a counil you have any opportunity to to to to you know make decisions based on special circumstances and so as you work through and I prepare a role and we evaluate that and we go through the assessment he and you hear feedback from the community we're going to hear it all the way through the process but really that's the feedback that will then kind of I guess let counil know where's your comfort in adopting that final role so the policy doesn't it's a it's a framework it's a guidance it's a place to start and try to have some consistency but recognize there's Council ultimately holds that authority to to set those assessments and um that's the idea so I I would caution away from trying to trying to pinpoint a dollar amount and to to your to your I wanted to clarify like when you read class in that that literature there they're really recognizing like class in the sense of single family home commercial rental there's some distinction in the industry based on classes of property based on use and so I view that more in that case and what you may think of like a class of like of value in a in a homes in in a homes or a property so just a little distinction that way I just want to clarify but I would caution about tring to Target a dollar amount Target more of a foundation a pillar so to speak where we can apply and then you can start to you know weigh in if there's some things that are an outlier or or or maybe a misrepresentation that's what's important Cory on the corner home on ash on the very south Edge cor there's a length and then there's just a kind of corner section on the on the Fourth Street side yes now if I'm reading our this assessment policy correctly he would be build for the length side and then not that short piece yeah so the policy that you have before you on Corner Lots the way that this reads is so first off if there's any sewer water service it's triggered regardless of the short or the long side so that part doesn't matter they would get a sewer water service if they're getting it as part of the project regardless of the side so that's important those are per parcel so that makes sense that's defendable when it comes to the frontage piece though the way that this policy reads is the short side's ignored so the the short side improvements not assessed it's the long side Improvement so we have a situation where the corner property on the south side of forth the long sides are on Ash and Broadway your yours is exactly that so we would be assessing based on that Improvement but in this case it' just be the length of that long side that's in the project area so it's the long side that's getting assessed that's for the street that's for the onage piece of it so yeah I I completely understand not going towards like market value or getting dirty with what's what's more valuable or what people think I just only brought that up because I think that 30% is a hefty percentage for someone living on that street to come in and see but then we're also asking to bring in this storm water fund where we'll be tapping more money onto their their bills so they're kind of double paying because we were talking about applying that money to this project so I just feel people we're not going to apply any that money towards this project not this project this project won't no because because we're already going to be 30,000 under funded in that storm super project the storm that fund for the storm water was for the when the county the money project we're already underfunded so this is going to that's going to be for basically going forward okay so yeah in past have you when we've done Road things has it always been 30% or has it or um it it's all it all just depends on what the road project has been I think and I don't want to speak out but I I want to say it was 30 it was either 25 or 30% on Third Street but I can't remember off the top my head I want to say it was 25 that when we talked at the work session yeah that's what I thought feel like so yeah that's why when I saw 30 was wait a second I thought we said 25 but I I just don't know we also we also have to pay up bills too so I mean um I think that and we can always adjust this right up until the assessment right yeah I mean so I mean kind of give an example if the Third Street project what dat was at about 2014 somewhere there so 10 years ago your policy is 2002 right now now that's a 50% recommendation so regardless of how that assess whether it's 25 or 30 you didn't follow the policy there so I think that's really what's important is the current policy dated this giv some structure yeah the thing is is if you change if we adopt it as presented tonight we can give Cory enough stuff to to create some figures for this open house hearing to at least give us some numbers to work with to have some presentation to at least give some people to yell at us about that we can kind of go into figuring out where we need to be because even at 25% even at 15% even at 10% people are be mad doesn't matter where we start yeah so but this is this is this is this is the last policy that Jamesville went when they did their last stre project this is the policy that they used we just got to keep it positive and get the benefit of what they're going to get us yeah and we can we can always go down I mean if if we decide that and and we can talk about this further down when we go through this these next few few new business items we may come out after some of these study things that we may be able to go down to a smaller percentage I wasn't happy with what I got but now that I've got in front nice smooth Street in front of me after five years I'm okay with what it was you know in the long run there's certain things I'd say I there's some there's some people that were very adamant about not having a sidewalk in front of their house when we did that Third Street project that I think are okay with the sidewalk in front of their house now so you know it's just a a new piece and it's going to cost money so what type of motion do you need for this uh if you if you wish to amend this policy to this policy we should have a motion doing so so that we can give Cory something to work with for this new hearing and you said that can be changed in the future oh yeah can be changed next meeting if you want I'm just looking to see what it is here now okay there it is I make a motion that we adopt the special assessment policy second all in favor I I I muted jod so I apologize I I got an alarm going off so I vote I all right Enterprise fund study um so yeah um so when I got our Enterprise fund study back from ABDO they wanted $166,000 to do this Enterprise fund study um and then as I started talking over some stuff and looking at stuff A Little Closer um I know Wayne always talked good about David drown and shaneon sweee and so I reached out to him and I was kind of Blown Away that he wanted to he would do it for $2,500 um and then talking to me even a little further he said that if we would use them for our Municipal advisor for uh the bonds for this upcoming Street project that he would cut that in half uh to do this um rate study so basically um he would do a 5 to 10 year rate study on all of our utilities our water sewer and our newly approved storm sewer should that all work out um but this is what he did for the city of Min Trista and basically he will go through and look at um all of our our current um water and sewer rates and what we have for spending um and what we have coming in and what we have for anticipated up grades for um Wells or anything like that and come through and give us a cost projection for five 10 years of what our rates need to be um and then he would also work into um he would work with Corey on our 20125 street project to work in some expenses on that as well to try to figure out how we may be able to pay cash instead of bonding for some of that bill to try to decrease some of our long-term debt um so that we wouldn't have to maybe long-term some of that expense instead of you know handcuffing us for 15 years maybe it's only 10 um you know to kind of cost some of that down um so I just I think it's just a really good idea to to to have this done so I would um maybe hope the council would be interested in in partnering with Shannon to do some work um Corey's here he can maybe talk to Shannon but he's worked with Shannon on some projects and and some good things to say about Shannon so I have nothing bad to say about Shannon he's pretty renowned in the industry I work with him pretty much exclusive in all my communities I shared with Tony that uh I think the one thing I appreciate probably most about David John but Shannon especially is he's very good about scaling to the community so he's not one that's going to come in and make a recommendation for a 5,000 Community to new isand I've worked with him in Allen Dale and Geneva here and Hollandale and so he he's very he's very mindful about a community is based on size and affordability and so he has a good good way of being a value to that and and I I I think it's a it's a it's a real huge asset here on the utility rate you know as we're talking about these greater infrastructure needs whether it's extension of Broadway Nash whether there is some of the concerns of the controls at the water treatment plan or whatever it is the screen at the wastewater treatment plan like this is how you start to build some of that ability to afford these things and and try to do them at uh at a at a pace and a and a and a control that you have and these utility rates are a big part when it comes to these Enterprise funds bringing that cost down so maybe you can apply assessments to the street part and bring that overall project cost down so Shannon will have that good greater vision and and perspective and I think all of this right now is a need and to have some sense of direction and just a plan I think is is a really positive for the city so I nothing but positive about the timing and the individual you're working just going to say the coordination with the plans that we have in the future for this yeah and and Wayne when Wayne was here he worked with Shannon a lot on a lot of different things and had and had some really and the price difference yeah I mean a discount yeah it's half price if he does the bond stuff and I know that the last time the city bonded I'm pretty sure that they worked with David drown for that stuff too not the very last one oh that that was with Jennifer all the ones before the very last project the city okay but yeah Shannon's Shannon's great and he's actually been helping me out with a few other things too so I mean I think it's a it's a great I think it'll help this street project Move Along much smoother if we have some guidance from them so I moved that we contract with David Dr and Associates to conduct a utility rate study and utilize them to advise on our Municipal bond process I'll second that all in favor hi hi I okay Safety Committee Regional safety group all right so we are required by law to have a regional safety group or Safety Committee in house we've kind of always done it in house the last couple years in our audit by League Minnesota cities we've kind of talked about this Regional safety group and I've always kind of wanted to be a part of it because there's some things that we miss here and there um there's never been one available um I just got a invitation to be a part of one from our our league missa City's um coordinator um so that I did put this um in front of you so basically it is a a regional group so that would be with Lake Crystal Mapleton Wells and Amboy um it is uh the cost of the group is the cost of the pro is 20 almost $22,000 year but Leo cities uh offsets 12,000 of that and then the rest of the program is split between the cities so it's about $2,000 for rcd to do that but if we split the cost between each department it's only about $328 per year for the Departments um that does get us to this neogov online training training system and the SDS access Online safety data management system which would be huge for the maintenance department the fire department uh especially those two departments is huge um it does handle all of the mandatory Oasis trainings and then it also does give um some specialty trainings to the maintenance department and a few of the other departments that are required by law every year and then it satisfies our league of Minnesota City Safety Committee training for our liability training so I would really appreciate if the council would approve that request that is a figure into the budget yet this year uh we can find $327 60 through the operating funds of each department that I don't it's not budgeted for but there's there's enough of a I don't see that being an issue I'll make a motion that we join that group for the safety grou and that's going to be annual forceable future Yeah well yeah and it'll just be budgeted in from here on giving her a chance a second something all in favor I all right 2025 Street project preliminary engineering payment all right so this is the fun stuff so obviously we will have some upfront cost uh for Corey and a few of the other things that are going on for the 2025 Street project and obviously we are not going to see some money for those costs until we do ultimately Bond on for that project so we do need to pay for some of that stuff upfront um I have spoken with Shannon and a few other places we do recover some of that we do recover almost all of those costs exclusively at the bonding cost we just need to keep track of those cost separately um for that time so I would make a recommendation to the council we have a little over $215,000 in capit for Street funding so I would make a recommendation to the council that we pay for any Associated cost for the 25 Street project out of capital fund reserves for Street projects keep track of those funds once the budget or one of the once the bonding funds come through for the street project that we repay those funds with the bonding funds but I do need approval for that can we write them an IOU I wish all in favor hi okay all right budget um I don't know if you wanted to talk about anything tonight I know it's kind of been a lot of stuff on The Bu or tonight I I will just share with you at the administrators meeting that I went to the other day all of the administrators that I with they're all settling between 11 and 13% this year so um the majority of that increase was due to law enforcement wages within their organizations now it's towns our size or bigger small um most of them are four to 8,000 people but the of the 11 to 13% about six to eight% of their budgets were law enforcement wages that were pushing up their budgets so yeah um I did uh I did talk we did talk extensively in that group about ambulance because I know we we we going to talk about ambulance and um three of the groups said get rid of expert billing that's our problem because they had them and they had problems with it and they got rid of them and they did give me a new group to look into I do have Sarah looking into getting uh rates from surrounding um agencies of what they're charging for bbls and then I also have um had her do one other thing and I can't remember I was asking her to do I think I I think I asked her to get rates from other services around us and then who they were having do in their building so I'm waiting for that from back fromer but they but yes I I heard from basically every everybody in my group that has an ambulance service that I talked you said that when that had been using expert left them because they were head the same problem that we were having recovering said they went to somebody else and didn't bring it back in house correct nobody's in house nobody nobody nobody brought it back in house that took it out of house so I will continue to to work on that ambulance Revenue piece because I think that is a big deal but I don't think I don't think we need to solve it with lowering our revenue on the ambulance side I think we just need to find I think we need to increase our rates and find a different person to collect our money and I think and we can fix that problem so I'll continue to work on that do you have any idea what percentage of the budget that would increase well that would incre I we're not going to fix anything it's going to be a cut just no what I I think the problem is is if we can't find that Revenue that that's okay that's that's my point we can't gotcha yeah gotcha We're not gonna say anything we're just a great all right your point other question I have insurance did that come back do we know what per um I today I got today I got uh from intellisense I got a spreadsheet to request the people who are on insurance to send them dates of birth all that good stuff to find out what the rates are for 20125 so I will send that to them tomorrow hopefully and then I should have rates next week at all yes so yep all right miscellaneous let's see well uh we will not do a work study because Joe Lewis will be here in person to present the hydrology study and answer all of your wonderful questions that you may have WR Jason has a bunch and I didn't even want to try to respond to questions so because it took me a while to write them yeah but it should be it should be a good he should be able to answer most of your questions and it is a good presentation so but he'll be able to talk you through it at least and show you what's going on um and I will be there is a grant open right now to help um oh I can tell you that though um the uh there's a DNR Grant coming up to um I did tell you that but I'll make it public D there's DNR Grant to um for the for mitigation and there's about $20,000 to do some additional work on our hydrology study and the commissioner's meeting the other day the commissioner is pledged to to spend up to $30,000 to help us with some needed work on the end of our study to to to Shore that up so um with that being said I am going to apply for a grant on our study to help Shore some of that up as well um I think that closes the end of October here um so I'm GNA try to get that done this week that's a separate yeah so we're it's it's for the same type of work that they're going to do but if I figure if we can get money we can make that 30,000 go a little further so um try to get that done okay administrator's report um now that we got the workers C stuff done the Property and Casualty policy came in so I'm finishing that up I'm working on Enterprise budgets right now um Insurance claim for the flooding stuff's been all submitted that's all done performance reviews for the C CL police police officer were done I've been working with Cory on the street Improvement stuff working on storm sewer fund and storm sewer ordinances uh started completing work finishing touches on the am legal publishing ordinance recodification stuff I got one final uh letter to complete with them so they can start working on that process um working with David Dr on the utility study stuff um um talko ambulance bilding uh one birthday Laura Beckman on the 18th from the ambulance and Jordan alen will be with the I believe he's with the ambulance for three years 15th of October move to accept the city administrator report all in favor all anybody have any comments from the council for me nothing for me are we do we want to discuss Tony's insurance we can well I think we should I think we should throw it out there and get uh people's ideas on it okay as far as par you're I'm in favor I'm in favor if we can find the money in the budget I want to to say that so I agree we're just like you said waiting for rates to come back right and then well it's as of right now as the preliminary budget sits it's in there you already have it set in there yeah it's got It's got to come out if it's I mean I I set it up I set it up in their I just set it in there and Y so I didn't know where we were going to be at right I figured that was an easy way to pull money out so anything shattering put in it or different or huh anything her shattering as far as what you found Insurance wise I don't have the rates yet he won't have it till this week hopefully he's got it I got a spreadsheet today from them that I have to put oh I remember you yeah anybody that's that's on our insurance put their because our rates are Age based since we're individual okay so like the younger you are the cheaper it is so so we can't because we've already approved of agenda for tonight can we put it on for next meeting or do we can we make can we decide tonight to do that or what's well you would have to amend my contract so you have to put it on the agenda for different does anybody want to do that so we discuss it more well I think it should be put on the agenda for next time can't do we have a second I mean if we don't do it we going to do it second it okay all in favor I who made the motion I did Brandy second it okay all right d it move that we readyy we got a motion to adjourn all in favor hi thanks everybody get better quick I'm trying I should be home tomorrow with Lord's help so all right well we're praying for you buddy take care Budd I'll fill you in more when I get there I thought I saw you