##VIDEO ID:bVJAl6hv6Ng## this conference will now be recorded all right I'm going to call the November 12th Nan city council meeting to order all is present do the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all anybody have anything they want just have one addition seven under resolutions 24-24 I forgot to pass the resolution for the election results resolution what 24-24 adoped election results that should be to approve the agenda with the item that to attach I'll second all in favor I consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda is presented second all in favor I I all right public comment do we have anybody that would like to speak Larry thank you for those uh R knew the council my name is Larry muff I'm a resident in richan since 1989 I live on South Broadway um I also served on the salil Water Conservation District board which I started in 2018 and that time I was included in this process of this flood control issue which was started in uh 2019 when the county initiated a grant to Houston engineering to start the process I've no longer been involved in it because of my criticism failures of the process I have two comments I want to make about the last council meeting I was here when houon sen and give a brief update to the city council on the process I was there at the what secet County Commissioners meeting in 2021 when Houston engineering and up the flet study in new Eng which is authorized in 2019 after the engineer repeated that the study was designed for 100-year flood I asked asked him what was the rainfall event that classifies a 100-year flood he responded roughly 7 in of 24hour period I replied the 2010 and 2016 floods were from a rainfall event 11 to 12 in in 12 hours he replied that's a 200y year event after the meeting I sent emails out to several Commissioners who and asked who would allow the engineers to design a flood system on 100e standard when we are dealing with 200-year flood event no one replied along with the fact that the county staff changed the priorities of the study to focus more on water quality than flooding I told Commissioners inclusion at that point of that study that the results were invalid in my opinion so the H engineering report at the last city council meeting is their second attempt on this flooding issue and guess what again they designed flood drove for 100y year flood event I have been told that the 100-year rainfall event is a default setting for calculations I don't care if it's a default setting the floods of 2010 and 2016 were a 200 year or more event their proposal has a price tag of what I didn't see the figures you guys got them I know what's probably over 10 million from that first study probably 10 to 30 million and still have a system that cannot protect damages from flooding of the 2010 and 2016 to spend any money on a system that is not designed for the rainfall event that New Richland actually received is the dumbest thing anyone could do secondly when they're talking about their water modeling I couldn't see too clear big a picture but what I could see was uh I figured their 100e water flood water modeling is incorrect I was there way Steep and helping the Sand Bay local businesses in 2010 I can put my foot down on the high water mark of that flood their models show a higher water level for 100-year flood that we had that when we had in 2010 for a 200-year event I can also show them the high water mark in 2016 I've done a lot of work on studies with University MDA and others and the modeling process is just a computer compuational data into it but many times the models are just estimations so don't take those models that you see up there as concrete Granite what I take is concrete evidence is going out there put your foot on the mark when we had a rainfall these two points then added to the question that councilman wmer asked about the land cost that they were figuring in a Northern route which they figure at $6,000 an acre shows how inaccurate this study is when $6,000 acre will they calculate for Farmland we know it's more than that between the first study which Houston engineering was paid 60,000 I'm guessing out of the cost of the round of this study of what was shared last summer from what I heard here and at the Commissioners use and Engineering has been paid over $100,000 for these due studies study that still fail to protect Nan from the 2010 and 2016 floods the Dy that was built in 201 on Highway 13 2016 held back a 200-year rainfall event this stopped the water from going over Highway 13 which in turn protected the nursing home other businesses that Pro Design has been proven to work for 200 year flood so why is that not being factored in future designs the representative from Houston Eng is completely wrong in his opinion of the bridge and cver capacity through town the law of Mother Nature proves him wrong and the documents I gave to you last time I was here talking about that first study shows that's wrong my opinion is that Houston engineering should be fired from this project they have not shown any ability to design something to handle it rainfall event that we had in 2010 and 2016 why are we spending 5 years and $100,000 still don't not have something design to handle those two events that's a waste of time and waste of money they knew about this issue back in 23 after the end of the first study about this 100-year flood event and I was shocked when they come back this time with another 100-year flood event so my opinion is um they should be fired and find somebody who actually does reality comes out here and walks a walk and puts his foot down where the high water mark is you can sit in your office up there in the cities and calculate with computers but reality is different down here in life you got to deal with reality in this town not with the computer ST up there I've spent too much time last 25 years reviewing University study proposals legal documents to know no matter what your degrees are your job titles or higher education mistakes are still made I have fought with Engineers over water issues and deans of colleges over issues and have proven them wrong you dig long enough and you study long enough you can find problems so that's my opinion and I hope the city council addresses this 200y year event because I can't see why you can justify spend the money or ask spend money on something that cannot handle the floods for 2016 and 2010 thank you and I got some you got some new members here that weren't here in April 23 when I gave my last report of the first study I want to give them report so you know what all the details of the first study I have do you want a copy of this I just said or I think we're okay we don't like you want to I have a question so uh do you have a company in mind that you trust in or would recommend or You' seen I don't know many companies now we I also serve on the one water water and one plan waterers shift of the sewer water shifts hist and we're working with isg autom man K and U I've been very impressed with her work and their staff on developing that program for the one water um I don't know other engineering firms around I'd have to do research but I'm just speaking on what I've experienced working with them and their abilities um is that one Watershed we had over 100 meetings time we got done and they were there at the every meeting a lot of points were contentious and when you start looking at models for mpca and all that they could really dissect it and get down to Common Sense and uh I really respected their Common Sense on the way they approach things and they explain it real thorough and if we had questions they answered our question and if we had things that we didn't like they changed it they listened to us we saw something was wrong in their assumptions and we could prove it they did the research found out yeah you're right and they changed it so that kind of cooperation and collaboration really impress me but that's only confirm I've ever been experienced with so that's all I got thank you anybody else want to speak for public comment otherwise we'll move on okay all right so public hearings we'll open those up here at 641 for ordinance 24-3 ordinance 24-4 ordinance 24- 05 ordinance 24-6 and ordinance 24- 07 does anybody want to speak on be about those ordinances at this time then we'll move on and go come back got question on 253 you were asking all of us just I read through the 243 and I don't see anywhere where it says it's setting rates but I don't see any rate that's set by that's set by the city fee schedule so we got that this is just creating the ordinance this is not okay we're not we're not putting it any effect until January 1 so the Fe schedu doesn't need we'll be able to see that before January 1 you have to the fee schedule for the ordinance yet you have to without but otherwise you can't charge it understand yes this is just the first step of that's the first step before we can started adopting the Fe schedule yet okay all right let me fast for Department reports yeah um I do not have an emails report for you there was nothing provided to me she's had a pretty busy busy week I know couple weeks fire department where we're going to go then U with like just one rescue call for the month and then their training was walking through c c on CFS okay all right motion to accept the new or fire department report second all in favor Police Department we had 99 calls for service in the month of October totaling 1,880 for the year um it's a pretty basic report we had a movie night um the day after Halloween which was fairly good and people said that they would love to see that happen more than just once a year but that would be a continuing event um all three of us attended a 3-day training in Wasa um that was free um on drug interdiction and it was a boatload of information um and would like to thank officer grunhagen from wiy capti for putting that on for multiple I think there were 30 roughly 30 officers there from all over we even had officers from the cities come down for that 3-day training so um very very good I think that's uh just have your um yeah I didn't put it in here but there's a joint Powers agreement for the um it's basically for Central information system joint Powers agreement through Blue Earth County um they run all of our computer tech all of our um all of our secured Network stuff so it's basically all the squad computers all the office computers and I apologize that wasn't there that's we renew it every year don't we yep I think it's every 3 years or something like that yeah it's just an updated there yeah we pay the the Consortium basically it's Blue Earth County was County barbell County right juster counties Martin I think Martin maybe and then all the counties involved in that and then based on the agency size there's a fee associated with the largest agencies obviously pay bigger fees and basically smaller agencies pay based on their size and already in our budget y we it's budgeted for every year and then basically those fees are what what goes to replace the servers and things like that as they are needed to be replaced and the licensing agreements and everything else so we will need approval for that I'll move to renew the joint Powers agreement with the South Central s all in favor I all right do you know when your next like planned family night type thing is we have it set night I'm assuming it'll probably be around it'll either be like Valentine's is or Easter okay is my guess was it put on Facebook or anything okay I didn't see I didn't haven't been on Facebook much lately but communication from L LS today okay I'm going to have a phone call at them tomorrow or Thursday and L remind me what this I guess I just had mine last week though too so it's getting whatever delayed but yeah I moved to approve the police department report I'll second then all in favor all thank you thank you okay all right Unfinished Business Council pay policy uh uh Council dery ask you bring us back up this is just obviously just to change from a per DM to a salary so that if you choose at a later time to go to one meeting per month or two meetings per month or whatever is just is paid out as a salary as opposed to per meeting per DM so I worked out a little bit of a proposal this isn't a motion this is a proposal if we were to go to one meeting meting a month uh I would say $100 a month for Council Members $125 a month for the mayor uh 50 for special meetings if we were to have some $50 for Council 75 for the mayor that would definitely save us some money because currently we're spending about uh 1725 for our 23 meetings and that's not without any any special meetings or anything and I believe the mayor is up around a little over 2,000 for their salary based on the 23 meetings that we currently have so it's just something it would it would save on the budget I think we could get our work done in one meeting uh yeah it'd be a little longer and I don't think we'd have too many special meetings but the I'm sure situations would arise where we would need to have a second meeting if there was a emergency situation or whatever Shear still saying do a per per DM yeah it'd be like a salary but just based on one meeting a month and not to if we were to go that route I just think we could save some money Lord knows we need to cut that budget a little bit well one of the thoughts going the other way too is everyone else serving on boards I know no one here attentionally tries to miss this meeting I know I haven't missed one yet but and I only have a couple more to go but um just when you're serving on committees and other things it's like you're only getting paid for attending the meeting but yet then it feels like you're getting skipped out on doing all the other things just like I know just if you happen to miss meeting I know how many things you're doing up here whether it's between groups or signing checks and miscellaneous stuff it's just a lot of stuff and again I didn't run for the money either but at the same time getting a little compensation for what you do isn't worst thing so so that's what I was kind of looking at if you if you choose to change the pay you will have to do an ordinance and you will have to do public hearing on that so that means we need to do that yeah I'm just throwing this out here for for if you do if you do if you just change to a salary and don't change the payment then you can handle it with just changing the pay policy so you need to give me some direction on what you guys would like between that and just doing one meeting too sometimes yeah it's nice our meetings are short maybe doing two of them but I don't know how much would actually be compounded in just doing one meeting maybe I was eventually looking out for myself but at the same time right now work schedule works but eventually I'd have to start taking half shifts off just to make meetings that's not going to be a problem anymore but if there's anyone else that would get in this position and would have to take off from work it'd be easier to take off maybe one night versus two nights a month yeah half a shift or something you know whatever they do I get that but I also feel too when you sign up to be and run you kind of know what the schedule already is if you can do it with your lifestyle that you have outside of here um as part of it I mean at certain times of the year I feel like we need to have two meetings when it's getting closer to budget I mean I'm not saying ever have to you on one me but this just gives you the opportunity to do so should you decide to do that any also could go back yeah and it it could be it could be one of those things where you know from during the summer months you could choose to have one meeting a month and then during the the fall months you could have two or if you want to do you know one month most of the time and then do a quarterly work session or something like that you know you can do that as well could we change based on this it's one saying want to go to salary correct can we change it to also be one one meeting a month without having a public meeting because we're not changing salary you mean like doing one one meeting month a work session or something like that well if if if it needs to be a work session then we could play it but that would you just be getting your salary right I feel I would like that myself I feel like sometimes if we either you have to have it or you don't because I feel like it's going to be harder for the public to know do we have a meeting this Monday yeah I think you're right I think you guys either need to decide you're going to have one meeting or two meetings and then stick with that but I think there's nothing wrong with if you choose to have one meeting and then something comes up because I because with the street project you're going to obviously probably have to have two meetings a mon through that whole process you know until that process works itself well I guess if we did do this it would be like we still have two meetings a month and then if we decide we don't need one we'd have to post saying we're not having one head that I mean because otherwise you're going have to put a schedule together before the first of the year saying these are the months we're only going to have one these are or you just scrap it and we're done with it it just was brought up and really never discussed and then all a sudden it fell off so I wanted to make sure I would like to see it be one weekend one week one meeting a month and then if we need work sessions they're there if we need them because I take off time from work for two week geez two mon two nights a month for the meetings so I would like to see one meeting month I mean there's I mean we have we we we are able to accomplish what we need to in one meeting I mean there there really is I mean we can be out of here and I mean you've seen it we've been out of here in 21 minutes before me there's I mean we can get up we can get done what we need to get done and there are those meetings we'll have to stay a little longer obviously because there's those nights that will have to stay a little longer but I mean jeans's double our size and they've gone down to one Med a month and they don't have any problem getting their business done that they need to so I mean and if it does go for two hours well we've committed that night anyway right exactly so but I just need direction if we if you want to just do this and and leave the pay as it is or if if you want to change if you want to do this and change compensation then we need to do an ordinance because the pay needs to be done this year and it can't take advantage until after I like the idea of adjusting the pay being that there is no more to wouldn't be two meetings uh but I don't know if that's necessary right now or if that's something that can be looked at down the road I do like even though I won't be on here for long but I do like the idea of going up to one month or one meeting a month I'll make a motion we go to one meeting a month and have a salary like this is say second okay you want to keep the salary the same the same of what we're doing now so 70 is it 7 so what what I what I anticipated happening was that what you guys are getting paid for two meetings a month would be just absorbed into a salary so like your normal so like your $150 a month as council members would be your salary for the month and then the no I I understand that's what that's that's the way that I envisioned that this would happen would be and then there would be no if there's a special meeting you just don't get special meeting paid I mean if there's there's if we do two meetings and and a work session in a month you guys just don't get any extra pay that's the salary I mean the savings is we're not paying the special medium Fe were not paying the special anything special beyond that is that's the way that I assumed that it was going to happen when we Ser for certain talking about it that could be your budget cut there saving on the special meetings true although I don't think it'd be it's not going to be significant Ryan would you agreed a second if we ended it to be that way in one meeting a month my ideal situation is one meeting salary keeping it a current seller basically combined rate is where I was aiming for I said if we can't all agree this can die right here but and it could always be brought up then futurewise for new members so the way that I would I would prefer is if you would adopt this pay policy as presented to take effect as of January 1st and then there would be a second motion to go to one meeting a month with whatever date you choose to go to one meeting a month and I think I would prefer if you're willing to make the motion to start that in like February next year I also think it's a good idea because then we'll have two new members yeah and they should have inut on it I think or you can wait to do can we wait to do yeah let's if you're will if you want to do that let's I resend my S if if you're willing to if you want do that that way and let them make that conversation then let's maybe just adopt the pay policy tonight and then we'll maybe let those new members make that conversation here I think that's good I'll make a motion to adopt this policy as it stands second second all in favor I all right general election cing board all right you as city council for the City of New Richland served as the canas board for this for the New Richland general election so there's a lot of things for you guys to sign tonight 98 people registered on Election Day y wow well not on Election Day that was that was absentee and okay and was there a lot of new ones that did just walk in and register I saw a couple I mean I know my kiddo was one of them but anyway so these are the official election results as presented by the county for us congratulations Matt Josh glad to have you Janda con um the writings are listed on the last page here uh so basically we need a motion to approve the election results and then all of you will need to sign this last page assuming that I can find it I might have to [Music] off so we need to approve resolution 2424 results y I'll make that motion second all in favor we'll sign it afterwards yeah all right 2025 People Choice contract increase yep so people service according to their contract gets a automatic annual contract increase so our contract automatically goes from 13,706 per month to 14172 per month so I need a motion to approve that contract that's every year that that happens two per four mhm and how long they got on the contract yet I think we're done this year contract so I'm already looking are we working on ideas yes okay I moved to approve the 2025 people service contract increase I'll second that all in favor expensive to take water from to try to clean it okay budget discussion general fund budget that's cool let's go to Enterprise fund Enterprise fun budget just ready to go okay [Music] um so this is the water fund and this is all this is with with the information from uh Shannon Sweeney in regards to the 2025 Street project all worked in with the numbers from the street project and that's including a $100,000 transfer to the sewer budget um sewer fund because that was a little underfunded although I did um discover that when we when s Joe and I initially put in the capital um Capital fund charge on this the water payment bills for the sewer fund it was still putting it into the water fund so that's why we believe the sewer fund is a little underfunded okay so that's showing so so the revenue side is about 300,000 is going to be coming in for revenue and about 312,000 on the uh expenditure side so that fund at this moment in time is looking like about a 125 loss but I got to clean up some numbers on there although on the water side of things that's not terrible because that fund is actually in really good shape so we might be okay on that but I will try to clean up some of those numbers what is the in the water on that credit for perah uh so uh so 25% of Eric salary and 25% of Heather's salary come out of the water fund because they are billing and doing the stuff out of there so part of their the way I don't exactly understand how ABDO calculates all that stuff but part of the credit that we get from the government on the the pair of stuff has to be credited back to the fund in order to pay that all so that's what that crit is and so we're not figuring a budget for for 2025 on that uh for parrot that's that's just it's it's whatever usually whatever tells me to put in there at the end of the year it's one of those those it's kind of like depreciation expense it kind of just goes in at the end okay just want to make sure yeah um so the sewer fund that one we're looking at about a 430,000 revenue cuz there $100,000 operating transfer from the water fund about 42,000 in in expenditures so we're actually going to have about a $27,000 overage what we'll need to carry that through for the street project so looks like we got a big Bond payment in there 132,000 is that that's for the that's for the the um sewer plant there's a PFA loan on the sewer plant so that's what that bond is for okay and that comes off in 20130 see at the bottom the very bottom principal 132 181 and then this will be assuming tonight the storm surun gets active which I don't see it's not going to um so you'll see in the operating expenses for storm sewer the 29,9 or 127 County District expense that was given to us by the county now I'm assuming that we'll be able to pay that over they told us that we'd be able to pay that over two to five years depending on how we chose to do that I'm just putting that all in the budget now just because I don't know what we're going to decide to do with that just so that it's there and then the 1637 is going to be the um miscellaneous or principal for the street debt for the 25 Street project so excuse me 45444 is our expenses 3720 is our Revenue so that one's going to be under 14724 I'm assuming that at least half of that that County ditch money will be either next year or we'll take it into third so that should be a positive one I just don't have all that information right now so this is just your first look at these Just for information at this point because we haven't set rates yet either on what we're going to be putting in there we hav looked Ates 2025 yet so so that's just I just wanted to share that these are the first the first look at these so I'll have a second look at the next one and then we'll adopt them in full in December December's meeting so but I just wanted you to see where they were at sitting at this moment in time so okay then we'll go to general f and we narrowed down an ambulance charges thing that so so for the ambulance I'll just kind of show you what I did here so I I reworked everything with the current um everything in here year to date is is uh with October year to date um so obviously we're still waiting on our second set of of money from the county that comes in December so that won't update till then but um if we go to the revenue side um I did change I did drop down significantly our ambulance Revenue I guess it's only 11,000 I dropped it down but I did have Mark Griffith do a survey of all the ambulances around us um as far as what they were charging for base rates for BLS service and I found out that we are charging about $400 less than the average service around us for base rates for ambulance services so on 100 calls that's about $40,000 in Revenue that we're missing out on potentially so I'm positive that with increasing our rates to the appropriate level and changing billing companies that these projections should be correct for 2025 did you also ask him that if the rates were that high how many many people are going to default on those runs at the end of the year and we might have to write them off most of them most of that stuff is all most yeah so it's not going to be yeah on a personal note my bill recently from the Richland to Wasa and then from Wasa to mano was $2,800 with North yeah like really yeah it's not cheap no but I had a paramedic on both runs so I I do different so do believe so I do believe that I'm I'm comfortable leaving that number where it's at as long as we re reestablish those rates currently where they need to be according to where services are at around us and then we switch find that new billing company and I'm still waiting on a proposal from them to try to find out if we can switch and where we're going to be at when we switch but I think with those two things that increased revenue on the ambulance side should balance that out and we should be okay was Mark Mark pretty shocked that we're that low um I haven't seen the final results from him so I don't know where he said that was he said that was the average so I haven't se I haven't even seen the full scope of things he was going to have that to me by tomorrow okay so um and I think that you know some of these Revenue things are maybe a little lower I've tried to be a little conservative on the revenue side on some of this stuff just to to try to you know try to right you know it's better for us to be a little more conservative room conservative the revenue side no going back that it was $400 less on a run than average around here is right yeah 400 400 yeah base rate base rate that was before mileage or anything else that's just just the base rate got yeah that's not load loaded miles or anything so on your spreadsheet the red Little Triangle was that's just a note a note for you yeah that just I just that was certified I just made sure to tell myself that I made sure that was correct so but so obviously the tax levy is still set or so we're still at I haven't adjusted anything so that's where we're still sitting but um that's still with us still putting 90,000 away and 30,000 away for Street overlays and I know we talked about spending down some of that 200,000 from last year so I mean I still think we're in a really good spot to you know to drop that I mean you were saying denying right I mean if we if we were to take off we're to make this I mean we're down to 10 right there if we just take off 50,000 and and spend that out of 40,000 revenues could be more right revenues might be more depending on yeah that F okay so I think we're in still good still in a good spot I'd like to see how I'd like to see how mid November comes in yet on on some stuff just to see at for revenues and I need to find out the final on my property insurance and my workers comp insurance numbers to just see if I can bump those down just a little bit when do they have those in usually to you I have I have the the initials in I'm waiting for my finals from the league and I don't remember if you got the information or not about what was the tax rate like that 10% for other communities around here did you get that to us already tax rate for well like other towns are what they what they've done in their budget you mean like where everybody else is set yeah um did you get that for us no I I I you mean just like like where James will was the preliminary where they s because you did last year remember we so we could compare oh I guess I can I can I can find out I'd like to see okay I will I will tell you that the the leadership group that I'm a part of which is like zro Pine Island oroko um Dodge Center Harmony in there Harmony um Lanesboro they're all in the 11 to 133% is where they're going to end up because I like at least have a little bit of ammo when people talk to me but and then I also still temper it with just because other people do it doesn't mean we have to yeah but if we're not higher than them that's okay right yeah so but we'll we'll I'll I'm going to keep I'll keep whittling at the numbers because obviously I mean I know last year we had an issue with that that those electric numbers at the library which was a bookkeeping error so that I want we're getting closer to figuring that out and being able to probably drop five grand off that spot that makes a huge difference because about every every 12 to 13,000 is about a percent so I mean every time we can Whittle that little bit away that makes a big difference 12,000 12 to 15 it just depends but yeah it's about a percent well we got two more meetings to whittle we better start whittling oh I'm whittling okay so Whitt a wher so that's where we're at right now so that's kind of the the anticipation at the moment so I just find it hard to without a lot of whittling you know you're looking at 10% then you're throwing a new Street project to people and soon we're going to be throwing a flood mitigation project at them you know the money tree only GRS so high my My Hope Is that with the the grant stuff that I'm working on that at least the the potential flood mitigation product should be relatively low cost to the community Tony you know as well as I do grants are like you know the biggest lives in the world the checks in the mail and I'll still respect you in the morning you know that kind of deal what do you mean we're still waiting on the USD yeah yeah all right well you know I also like to look at the big picture here though too that the money we're spending now on stuff that is needed in the future if that flood is taken care of the streets is taken care of down there we shouldn't have as much of an issue for the people on the south edge of town with all that stuff I do think the street project will be a significant Improvement to that whole South part of the town I think it'll be a the and all that I think be huge is I think it's it's gonna be I think it's gonna be for the even though it h fet book for the people in that area it's in the 10 years on the road they'll be happy it's not just for them it's it's forever well but but it's going to hurt them yeah they're taking a sacrifice forre to pay their part to have when they did Third Street same way you're still you're still paying for that yeah I know ah yes that's what I got on that one all right I think those two are done on that so you can probably go back and ask if anybody else wants to be heard on any of that then probably close those here and so okay all right so going back to ordinance and resolutions does anybody want to speak on it before we close it for public comment that was the hemp ones too right correct okay 714 for closing all seven ordinances okay yep so you'll have to [Music] do um yeah go through right make a motion for each one okay so ordinance 24- 03 start with that one storm utility I'll make a motion to accept that as written second all in favor I I ordinance 24 d04 which is the regulating the use of cannabis in the city of nland I'll make a motion we accept that as written too all in favor ordinance 24 4-05 ordinance and amending the C1 downtown commercial District okay guys I'll make a motion to pass the ordinance 2405 I'll second that all in favor all ordinance 24- 06 for amending the C3 Highway commercial District I'll make a motion to accept that 2406 say all second all in favor I ordinance 24- 07 for amending the industrial Zone to allow for manufacturing and retail sale I'll make the motion to adopt it I'll second all in favor I resolution 24-23 establishing we yeah that one sorry we um we missed that we that's fine we can talk about that one real quick but um Trinity is just asking that we add a handicap parking spot to the church and according to section 610 of our ordinances the council can just adopt a new handicap spot by resolution so this is to add a handicap spot to the resolution or to the the right in front of the church and so that's where the the spot would be they're responsible for signage and they're only requesting one not two one spot yeah don't they use diagonal parking there and not parallel no I think they do they don't Trinity sideways then no is that East West this is that would be par yeah don't you guys Park I they want that spot blocked out for handicap so you want it parallel for handicap there but everything else diagonal okay so like driveing at Walmart like the right you said it's a person it's a person North is to the top of this picture yes so basically we would paint the curb and they would sign it and then the ordinance just or the resolution just says it's okay I move to adopt resolution 24- second all in favor I resolution 24-24 okay we already did okay all right um miscellaneous 202 just a reminder that Thursday from 5: to 7 is the street Improvement project open house I thought you said 5:30 yeah I I was wrong 635 you got it I'll be here no be L okay administrator report uh General fun Ed Enterprise budgets uh still working with uh Joe on some form of Houston engineering presentation I think we've kind of decided that he's going to do a an kind of an overview and then an open house like kind of like a quick overview and then stick around for an open house so people can ask questions so I think that's kind of the the presentation we've decided on We're just trying to figure out a date and time that works um I'm thinking probably mid December I think that I I want to do it before the end of the year so that we don't forget about it but I'm trying to trying to keep away from Christmas and stuff I'm trying to try to figure out how to so just bear with me trying to figure out the time that works for everybody um continue to work on Street Improvement projects with Bolton M storm sewer Bond storm SE ordinance and TC items that we all took care of tonight uh took care of the general election um got insurance stuff all taken care of Thompson and waste management bids came in last week so I'm getting that stuff all put together for you guys to award at the next meeting and as you can see some of our it equipment came in for the large main room um employee recognition Jennifer Lacy he's been with us for two years that's all I have for move to accept the administrator's report second all in favor anybody have comments yeah since we have some new members coming on can we get some new name tags that say council member instead of council person or Council man or trustee anything but council person please I mean it's just ridic us I mean come on you want to spend your money on that yeah I'll spend my money but mine say council member I'll spend my own money for how much are they I agree J yeah this is we want to you know or Council woman in her case you know I mean it I'm leaving then council member be more generic Council got it just bugs the heck out of you know me I've never been politically correct but I think council members still would be correct and not offend anyone doesn't offend me I'm usually offending that's all I got thanks anyone else move to a jour second all in favor I hear you J