##VIDEO ID:cY-31r9DBlQ## this conference will now be recorded call the N Richland city council meeting for September 9th 2024 to order looks like we're gonna be swearing in brandy Jacobson first yeah hiy Jacobson hi Jacobson do Solly swear do solemnly swear to support the con Constitution of the United States to support theti of the United States the Constitution of the state of Minnesota theit of the state of minesa and discharg Faithfully the duties of the office of the council member and to discharge Faithfully the duties of the office city council member of the city of New Richland of the city of New Richland in the county of Wasa in the county of Bika the state of Minnesota the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so congratulations congratulations welcome all right roll call everyone is here do the pledge of allegiance of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all is have one addition under new business number four just to have Workshop just to finalize that date all right anybody else additions I I move to approve the agenda second all in favor consent agenda items okay just for Randy consent agenda normal items like medium minutes from the last meeting or anything that's normally just not something that we have General discussion on we go on consent agenda if it's something that you would like to discuss you just ask to have it pulled off and we'll put it on the agenda otherwise it's just one motional take care of all those so okay thank you I think the time the work session were wrong times for the if you look at the minutes the work session the times are starting and ending time of a regular meeting and not of the the work session was after the meeting wasn't it yeah yeah it says it starts at 6:30 that's 100 yeah I think when you copy and pasted you just didn't change the times the same time that you had on the uh regular meeting the regular meeting yeah see what I'm saying I don't even know what you're looking at work session minut it's August 26 yeah I think we started at like 7:15 wasn't it yep correction so moved second all in favor I all right um see we did the work session approved the minutes there as well um public comment do anybody have we'll go down to the ordinance and resolution for resu 24- 18 so this is an appointment to the Housing arine Development Authority so this is to replace Lauren's position over at the HUD uh for their Board of director board of directors so it is our responsibility for the appointment uh of that position so this is to fulfill his ring term I move that we adopt resolution 2418 second all in [Music] favor all right ambulance department uh Sarah's not here tonight um this is the report as presented in your packet um basically not much other than reminder that Jennifer Lacy is a b coming up on the 19th also there's a knock crash coming up the school on the 20th of September and then um has sent to you previously uh the policy manual she would like the council to adopt those changes in approve policy manual and it we'll take a separate motion only changes were highlighted in yellow correct correct yeah only the only the changes were in yellow okay huh 60 hours and those were just basically some minor changes and mostly the changes were due to the council adopted pay that were approved at June June meeting [Music] right I I moved to adopt the new policy updates for the ambulance I'll second all in favor I move to accept the Ence report I'll second all favor all right fire department uh fire department report is in writing as well get to it looks like one medical call one medical and I Josh one false learn andain rep make Mo accept depart second all in favor I Police Department uh we had 147 calls for service for the month of August making our total calls for the year at 1,653 um right around this time last year is when officer dad came on so we'll start to even out calls a little bit more um we had night to you night at the beginning of August ran out of almost everything thank you giry for running to Wagers um to get more stuff good problem um special thanks to all the emergency Departments of New Richland and um the was Pony Sheriff's posi brought out like 10 to 15 members and a mini horse which was fantastic um we purchased the data Master certification for officer d for April of next year that's basically just doing the I think it's a two or three day course um up at the BCA um in St Paul for being certified to use the data Master computer in the jail for DWIs um I used not I used I purchased printing paper for the squad cars um and lastly taser 10 information oh um so that quote is that what this is that what this invoice is or this just a quote okay um so there is a couple things on there that have that are added that are not um so the total cost is the 16522 but I believe that is also including um the the cost for them to send somebody down to certify one of our department members in the taser 10 specifically because every time they upgrade a weapon or create a new one they have to have a specific um training manual for that specific weapon so that's that's optional um because I don't believe the sheriff's office is um certified in taser Ted so um or we could piggyback off of another department within the area that also has a taser 10 instructor so that's an option too um this quote was this quote expired September 1st so I'd have to get an updated one although I don't believe it'll be too much different if at all um and then we're roughly like five to six months out on shipping so um like $3300 a year yeah if we bridged it out which is what they would do so we'd only have to pay it would be over five years so what's included um so it' be all the cartridges for the whole five years okay um updated um software it would be I don't remember if this one is for three or four um devices but it would be the maintenance for those um the batteries are included in that price so it's basically just one lumpsum package and you would get all your stuff shipped like I would just have to call them and say hey we need x amount of batteries and they'd ship them to us how many devices um I don't remember if this one is three or four think it's three it is three I'm thinking okay I remember our conversation and we don't ever have anybody more than three we wouldn't no and I'm assuming our other ones that we have are just getting older yeah so we're our they're fiveyear life cycle yeah there our contract with that with those devices expired last year and then they carry the contract over for a year afterwards um so that that goes out I believe December of this year um and they're no longer producing anything to fit that device I was just going to ask is there anything that's interchangeable with the old one that you could use with the new one no why would you do that why would they make that that way why would you make it budget friendly so um the big differences in these between what we have now and what this new taser would offer is it's a 45 foot range instead of a 20 to 25 foot range if you Google or if you YouTube taser 10 deployments there's some super cool videos from like a long freaking distance it's really awesome um one trigger pull is one probe deployment which is different than the other ones where it's a two probe deployment so it it um offers more accuracy with the double trigger pull um and then each cartridge has nine probes in it as opposed to the one cartridge having two probes which would be so you would't have to switch it out every time you just take that prob out and you'd be good to go for you demonstrate it when we get it if [Laughter] you so that's all that's if you have more questions to answer and we have this in the budget planned already or not entirely but we could move some stuff around in her budget to take care of it I mean we we were already budgeting um the previous contract was 1,800 a year maybe and look back that sounds so it's it's a little more expensive than the previous contract but I mean so this year we would still have money kind of budgeted towards well this wouldn't be till next year anyway only for 2025 and we haven't paid we didn't have a taser payment for it was expired because this year extension okay so yeah it just would be that we would have to just agree that this is going to be a five contract are you needing an approval for it tonight she would like to get it ordered be six months out is there a reason that you need there's only two cups on do we always like to have a backup so if you have one you have none if you have two you have one and so on so yeah in case something goes a wall with one of them which has happened which has happened several times so any I'll make a motion to go ahead with the proposal you already have for those taser tenses second all in favor anybody have any other questions for the police department report I move to accept the police department report I'll second that all in favor thank you all right Council update pay policy oh this is just on table it last time want to do this if you wanted to just keep it on the agenda if you had more thoughts or different thoughts or going from a perdm to a salary so it would basically be if you weren't here you would still get the amount is what you're correct or we went from two meetings to one meeting it would just be still the same that doesn't change any change anything tax does it no not unless we increase right I'm looking at the other cities you know that are about our same population we're were not really you know extravagant in our wages I looked at Legion I can't afford they can pay that much for well then they don't have a police force either Jamesville is too was yeah but Legion was like the mayor that's like was it 4,800 and also 2400 for one media a month that seems a little high for the to is 700 and something right yeah I just good for them bad for the taxpayers so as far as one meeting I I think we could get bu with one meeting a month but it have to be towards the end of the month because give tony and and Heather time to get the financials ready from the previous month yeah I don't disagree I feel like there's certain months we might need to have two meetings because of just the timing of when we have to approve things for guidelines and it can be structured in multiple different ways it could be a work session in a meeting it could be two meetings it could be could be done multiple ways I just the we and even if you approve this policy we can still maintain two meetings and continue that forever this doesn't change any of that this is just this is just it gives you the the leeway to if you choose to want to go to one meeting a month or go to one work session a meeting that gives you the options to do that if we keep it as pum then if you do go down to one meeting a month then your PDM is going to be the 75 and that's what it's going to be right if you go it's you know that's the that's the difference right I think we should stew over to at least another month somebody come up with any good ideas or any bad ideas I remember seeing that what Jody was talking about how the other cities are paid but I don't see it in this year what in this um no I just I'll back yeah I think it's something to talk about but not have to I I'll just remind the C that if you make any changes to your wages you have to do that prior to the next cycle so that you have to adopt that before the election yeah so what would be the last date that we I would urge that you do it the next meeting meeting okay and this doesn't increase or decrease it's just the fact of no this is just simply Chang wage the meeting discussion yeah I won't make a motion but I'll just voice that I like the idea I can be patient to wait just table make a motion to table next second all in favor all right mayor appointments update um Jan and I sat down and we were kind of trying to figure this out and we just thought with so many new members on the council maybe a better idea if this was more heads together to kind of I figured this out so um especially with there's some meetings that are done before the end of the business day like care Cent or right at the end of the business day like eting Care Center um just trying to figure out who fits well in those spot so um I guess I'll I'll leave it you if people were happy where they were at and want to stay in those spots great um otherwise I guess I brand you I'm not aware of your schedule so it's hard for me to make a suggestion to the mayor where you should sit on those committees but um the Care Center meets right at 5 is that right 5:30 is it oh no five 5 o' on Mon the second third fourth Monday fourth Monday of the month and Eda meets at 4:30 on the fourth Monday of the month um so those are two of the ones that we have to definitely fill up for Council appointments um I have no problem if somebody wants to be on Eda at 4:30 if they can make that otherwise or I can stay I'll stay on Ed Eda all right everybody if nobody can do the five o'clock at the nursing home Jody's gonna stay on Eda for 4:30 for the rest of this year I could always move to the 5 o' for the nursing home unless so this this is their meeting that I would be attending to bring back any correct you would be the council representative for that committee and how often do they me just once a month the the Care Center will be once month the fourth Monday in the month at 5m so you go to that meeting then you have to then you come here right after be a busy night I think do that you want to do that okay great thank you then you'll stay on Ed I can stay on Eda yep um Lauren was on the police liaison and the Care Center so the police liaison you can say there okay that'd be great and ambulance would anybody like to so I'm not doing onance or Ryan I can what is yeah there so Sunday the first Sunday right evening is it always before a meeting always that problem yeah yeah or after or after it was after yeah I just figured you know which first second third actually yeah I I believe I can handle that unless you want you that would be great I feel like I I don't want to step in too deep right now so Ryan you're GNA do ambulance visit the aison and comme okay and if you're unavailable for something I mean let me know yeah I'm assuming there's something different with the executive ambulance executive committee it's a committee meaning kind like fire yeah they do it all online yeah once a year they do a meeting and we've already actually done that one um we might be having a followup here in the next month but um they haven't really sent anything out yet but it's usually once maybe twice a year at the most and it's all on Zoom but you're staying on that right I just want to make sure one wasn't hand inand um they're kind of hand inand correct Tony what doing do you want ambulance executive committee yeah they're both kind of hand in hand both okay yeah okay then Ryan on that one oh there was twice so there's a planning commercial I just I didn't look down oniss yeah I saw that executive commit but then I see this one about Planning Commission so which these two yeah they're joined together in the same meetings and just talking with Sarah the Le we'll leave J on Street Parks that's where he's been and then Randy if you're okay we can put you on water and see where on and then that's just if Ryan R if Eric or needs something that want Jan you can see on the board I covers everything right all right then I will do a I'll do a final one for adoption for the next meeting officially all right thank you all right new business American Roofing inspection uh it's been a couple of years that the same one we had yeah been a couple of years I know we had some problems this last time we asked you know we had done it haven't for few years um Dan reached out and asked if we wanted to do it again the price is still the same it's $1,900 to inspect every city roof again um and then we have the option of pre-authorize up to $500 in repairs for each one of the roofs um they would do the same thing they've done in the past check everything provide that full in-depth Report with all the pictures and all the structure of the roof and then if we choose to the pre-authorization $500 repairs each of the roofs so I told them I would ask you guys what you guys wanted to do did we do that last year we did not do last year we did it like two years ago it's only an anual well we when we did it we kind of decided we were thinking it would be like in every other year kind of thing too but we didn't do it last year and then we ended up having the leaks in here um during that graduation we let read too yeah so they do a pretty thorough inspection and stuff with the pictures and that so I think it's money pretty well spent I think we've had a lot of rain this year where it might be a good year to before the sow comes yeah cuz we we still budget for it for this year correct well $900 over six different funds I mean it's like not really that big of a chunk no I just wanted to make sure to make sure we're not getting oursel in trouble anywhere any other thoughts or questions to fill that propos of $4,000 for the annual cost all oh I Bel sorry 1900 I'll second all in favor all right joint County ditch hearing final hearing um so it makes sense me to even try to explain this to them because I think it makes a lot sense for you to just do a really brief overview sure because I I want to say something bad that's gonna make us go down the wrong way yeah so so Chris Howard's here long story short uh joint County ditch final hearing on a few ditches that the ditch that comes through our city um we do have some assessments that we're going to have to pay on it and Chris is here um we had a conversation this morning um it's going to lead us down another conversation that Chris doesn't need to be a part of that we need to make some decisions on but um he just is here to kind of make some explanations of why this is important and why it needs to be done just so that everybody's kind of aware of what's going so thank you for hearing me um city in nland is part of three different public dra systems you have County DCH 32 off to the Northwest joint County ditch six which is a joint ditch with Freeborn County and County ditch 47 when those County ditches were established um and created um every parcel of property within the Watershed of those perspective ditches is given a benefit value um and that benefit value is um the value that the ditch adds to the property so it can be farmed it can be buildable it can be and so all of those Parcels of property that are viewed by a team of viewers and these are independent viewers they don't work for w County they're not affiliated they're um neutral nonbiased and so they view all the pieces of property and 40 acre Parcels or less and they apply a benefit amount to them and when you take all those Parcels of property within that water shed they add up all those benefit numbers and it becomes a the value or the benefit of the system um and where that is important is that every ditch every public or public drainage system has its own fund and the role of Wasa County and the drainage Authority which was made up of the County Commissioners um is that Wella county is there to administer maintenance and operation of the ditch and also to assess for the repairs that go into that that dis system so in other words if we look at County ditch 47 and we say next year County ditch 47 is going to need $50,000 worth of work we're supposed to Levy that $50,000 this year so that next year when the work is done the money is there to pay the bill so that is kind of the role of Wasa company um the money that is levied or raised in any of those ditches stays in that fund it doesn't move to from County ditch 47 to drink County ditch 6 or 32 it is its own checkbook for a lack of better terms now part of the redetermination benefits is all of these ditches were established in the early 70s and land prices were different input prices were different for crops building site values were different you know just you're talking about inflation over 50 years um you know a great example is that in County ditch 47 there's about 1,200 acres in it and the original benefits from when it was established were $13,421.93 of the drainage system in today's terms that's now turned into $4.3 million and where this becomes important and where we're talking to 20on earlier today is that the drainage Authority in order to raise proceeds to pay for those repairs are allowed to assessor to Levy against the benefit value of the system they can Levy up to a maximum maximum of 20% against the value of the system um but where we run into troubles is that when you have dated benefit values to these systems pretty soon the repairs are outrunning what we can even assess for so we're spending more money than we can bring in and when that happens with a historic is that the general fund will end up giving that ditch a loone to get it back in Black again and this has been happening in quite a few ditch systems just we didn't get the redetermination process that should have been started a long time ago and um and a little bit more attention paid to it but we're in good shape with con ditch 4 s and Durant Cony de six because neither one of those two systems really have much in terms of debt not like some of our other dip systems because when those loans are given to a dip system or to a fund you know they have to be paid back and so you don't see big assessments that if we have a ditch with a small benefit value and they're assessing 20% and they're pulling in $110,000 a Year everyone thinks well that's great you know the city of James or city of nin is getting a $2,000 assessment but you're not seeing is in the back your debt on the credit card is doing this even though we're making minimum payment over here and so Sunday it comes home to roost that you know we've been making minimal payments because we've only been able to assess so much but now we have this large debt in the background to tell to we don't have that here which is good but you know with the talks of the flood mitigation study and you know trying to do something to possibly reroute divert improve things in the ditch um what we wanted to do is have accurate upto-date records of who is in the system what those land uses are what the benefits are because it could play an important role down the road um if something is done um what Tony will probably tell you is that you know there's roughly $30,000 coming for the cost of these redeterminations between the three systems and the reason for this is that those systems were established um damages were paid for where the ditches were place so when we took property from someone they were reimbursed for the area where the ditch was constructed at that time there was not a buffer strip law or rule in effect so they were paid for the ditch itself now in 2017 with the date on the buffer rule um it was mandated that we have to have 162t wide buffer strips and so now when we do these redeterminations benefits it is only right and fair to pay the effective people the buffer strips and so that is a bill for the ditch system which gets spread out to all the beneficiaries of the ditch system so if we spend $50,000 buying buffer strips everyone in the ditch contributes towards that and so this final hearing um we sent out information on this in January and we had a public informational meeting in February February 10th um and everyone had you know these spreadsheets explaining you know what the what the assessments would be and we try to do due diligence to visit with everyone anyone who has questions or concerns and um you know we we visited with everyone who who showed up or participated now September 20th is the final hearing and you know the final hearing is where you know the findings or order for this drainage proceeding are adopted and this new benefit role is as voted in and so um the final hearing is not really the place to be hopefully asking a lot of questions how many people ask questions in that time frame nobody did you talk very okay and and so this is where you know I was venting earlier to Telly today is we did a very large system over in the west side of OA County last year and we sent out over a thousand mailings like this you know there was you know a thousand different land owners and a 1200 some and we held a a public informational meeting and we got half a dozen people you know and everyone I think you know kind of the problem is is that some people don't understand it some people don't care some people is it passing off and then at the last minute when they get something official in the mail that looks you know public hearing notice and they see their name on they say well I better pay attention know and I better start asking questions and and what we're trying to do is we're doing our level best to answer questions before that final hearing because when people show up to that hearing and they say I don't agree with my benefit amount and we sto the proceeding and try and figure it out on the spot if we can't come to an agreement you know the meeting will get rescheduled to a later date people have to come back you know the attorneys have to come and the problem is is it adds expense to the proceeding which in turn adds expense to the ditch which everyone P you know and we've had it in the past where people have shown up to just kind of stick a wrench in the gear and you know kind of a a g thing and you know they don't realize that they're costing money by doing that you know and so we're trying to answer any and all questions before the hearing so that we make it go smooth for the drainage Authority and on the end try and make it affordable for the people in the drainage syst the interesting thing that I learned this morning was that that figure is actually our figure that's to the city of New Richland is actually a per property figure for every personal in our community just the build to us Mak sense so it's our choice of how we want to handle that either we can choose to do that somehow back to each property owner the city can just pay for it through some other operation the city of Jamesville has created a storm water fund and then has a capital storm water charge on their water SE bills and they use that to pay this type of fee until they take care of that and everybody gets that fee not just the ones that everybody that gets uity build and this is what happened in Jamesville I talked Clinton today and this is the same type of deal they got this shock and created the storm Fund in Jamesville and there's there's actually they charge $13 a month per utility owner for right from what I want to just clarify is that you know these assessments you know to the city of jville to the city of nland to the city of OA have always been there it's just that you know then maybe there are small amounts they weren't maybe noticed as much I don't you know I don't know how to describe it but you know well yeah then like I said we've always budgeted a th000 to $2,000 for County ditches and I'm assuming that that's probably what we paid for assessments I would assume so and maybe that's why it's never been a capital fund fee because no you know there hasn't been a great deal of work done on those ditches and like I say with a smaller benefit them on of these ditches in the past you know um I'm cting ditch 47 you know the city before had benefits of $112,000 and you had you know 90% so you know 1200 bucks right yeah so that's why I'm saying I don't think I don't think there was anything bu about $1,500 for you know we're trying to get in front of is that we want to make things predictable and our hope is is that we can kind of have a middle of the road assessment every year way the assessments work is that staff as myself and another guy that I work with we look at the ditches and we propose we look at the health of the fund we look at what the ditch needs in the upcoming you know year to two years and we say we need X am dollars for this ditch and then we propose that to the board and they ask their questions why you know anything that and then they you know either accept it or maybe we lower it you know and so but we want to make sure that we don't get in Catch 22 where we start spending a bunch of money on these ditches and we start racking up debt in these systems because in a ditch fund if a ditch system cannot pay back a debt within a calendar year and technically we're supposed to apply drainage Lan to all the effective properties within that drainage system and a drainage Lane is the number one lean that is out there that Trump sa First Mortgage um so a drainage lean is first and foremost needs to be satisfied and a lot of people get excited when you start getting leans and and then Financial companies start to get a little excited too because now there's a lean that is in front of them so we're trying to we're trying to eliminate the need for all of that how far west does 47 go 47 I've seen Maps but I a paying attention count 47 ends at um a mile little over a mile West where across was Highway 30 um just on the end ofon down there is that where that L house is yeah just the West new brid is yes that is the end of County dit and so you know the other thing too just and I'm starting to ramble on here that County ditch 47 actually comes up into town and then behind the meat market County ditch 47 go south through the pipe underneath the high school and sou town so that's all County ditch 47 County ditch 6 dumps into County ditch 47 right behind the meat market even though it looks like it's just one continual ditch that is the end of Cony ditch six where it dumps into ditch 47 that being said I'll try and cut it short if you have questions for me thanks Chris and I'm sorry for throwing you under the bus appreciate you I have one question so you said assessing thees so have we assess this year to kind of see is there going to be work that needs to be done here shortly on them for those drainage you know cuz if that water's coming into town when we have high floods are we predic this is just this this is just to strictly maintain and repair what's currently there yes okay and mainly the numbers that you receiv receiv were for the cost of this redetermination proceeding and to buy those buffer strips to pay damages for those buffer strips but this percentage and this benefit amount is you know what is used going forward when any work is done in the ditch you know this is your percentage that you know that we base everything off of I think it makes sense as of right now you know we don't have anything big planned in terms of construction normal maintenance some little repairs here and there but nothing nothing of concern that no okay and this would be a yearly fee that we be do is this well that's that's not this is yeah I mean that's okay I was this this is this this is going to Spur us into a different conversation so thank you Chris I appreciate it for thanks no you're good no no thank you for coming [Laughter] rest so I just wanted them to explain that so that you kind of knew what the difference was so basically that is to just basically maintain what was there when it started and I'm going forward same but to but to just maintain what's there it's not to improve it it's not to it's just to fix what is established as is and they will use that formula going forward so so basically the patch what what's patch what's there basically to basically maintain what is there operating as it was established when it was made hundreds and millions of years ago did they say anything about maybe what an average owner would pay yeah well here's the list of here's the list of this is the whole list of what everybody's but I can tell you so so what they said is that 20% of what our what our so Bas basically long story short from what from our conversation excuse me this morning is at the 20% schle the most we would ever see potentially for an assessment would be $100,000 you're saying we as the city the city but we can push that out to the land owners on it right or Property Owners which is why I would strongly suggest the council chooses to put together a storm sewer fund and create s to fund and put together some sort of funding mechanism whether that be on the utility bills or something else that 100,000 would that be projected over a time frame that is that is uh that is a he does not expect them to do that anywhere in the near future that is just a number that he said is if they were to level that 20% Ley against us for some sort of repair that would be the figure that would be looking at we looking we just bank that's based on the L the ditch going through town that's based on our share of of the I think it all makes sense me um how can you I can't understand how you can assess a property owner say you lived in Eastern New Richland you can send me an assessment you flooded my backyard every time it rains heavily and you're G you want me to pay for that I don't think so I had this conversation with M here today just you know property owner I'd say you know take this and I did have this conversation with them today earlier and I said this is a perspective thing with you know trying to argue paying $30,000 for a ditch that floods Town regular yeah said it's but I do understand we're pay I see both sides I see both sides of the equation I do the other thing is that you setting up a third fund the storm water fund by doing that and putting together a capital fund for storm water stuff when we do Street projects we can use a storm water fund to fund the storm water part of a street project so if we have if we have not used it for the county fish projects when we go to do a street fund instead of using the storm instead of using the sewer fund to fund the storm and the sewer part of the project we take money from the storm project start the project and fund the storm water part sewer for the sewer part and water for the water part and spread those funds a little thinner and not have to draw so much money from each of those projects so that makes sense that takes some money off the tax base I mean it doesn't because you know it is what it is but but I did figure it out and at this $30,000 figure if we put $5 on everybody's utility bill a month towards this towards this storm sewer fund that gets us to the $30,000 figure you talking everybody in town or everybody on the dit everybody to why well because because everybody in town every town goes to the ditch yeah because because you got to think that all our water goes in the sanary system which gets treated at the SE get Dum to the ditch so everybody's water does sense is there a way for you to find out area towns what they charge for their storms I can ask I know James will charges 13 yeah I know a month which seems high that seems high but it' be nice to a little higher than ours yeah and they don't have a ditch running through their Town yeah it'd be interesting to see if there's other towns like Allandale Harland if they have a storm and what they charge to see and I did talk to ABDO and ABDO said all it takes is a resolution from the council to establish a new fund um so that would be something very simple to take sure of and we can do that when we're working on budget or do you want us to do something like that now I would like to have I would like to have the new Fund in place I don't care when we start it I would like it to be full swing January 1 I mean I would like to I would like to get it going sooner than later because I mean they're going to want they're send us the bill forward after this he we you to put it on the agenda then well I I think I'll I I think we'll establish I'll have stuff ready to want to establish the fund if you're okay with that for the next meeting um we can choose how to fund it I mean I'll I'll put it on the agenda if you don't approve it you don't approve it we at least discuss it more yeah yeah and then maybe getting inform get some I can call I can try to call a few cities of our size and see if they have it I I would assume that there's a lot of cities that are probably not having this fun I would think so I mean may you think about that with I'm curious to see where jamel's water and sewer rates are too to see what their utility bills at because well he said you said was is at what 60 something before you even turn turn any water on yeah wal dorfs was pretty high ass a couple people over there and oh my God yeah they got a brand new system with electricity it's 83 something but for water ands in the 60s but and there's storm water charges and base char charges so so yeah I just think that it's going to have to and that's one of the things that I we've talked about too because I said you know I just I asked I asked Chris I said who's who's in charge of making sure who's in charge of stopping people from dumping water into the ditch like who's at what point do you tell somebody to stop dumping water in the ditch can't take anymore and then you know his his comment was as well you guys built this whole H steak subdivision I mean that adds a whole bunch of water to the ditch too and I said well yeah and then he and I said well I mean so you got to look at it from multiple perspectives I mean it is it is what it is yeah but if the town grows because you add more stuff to it then you can pay for it but you know so it's a it's a tough thing so um yeah just yeah all right all the things do you need a motion all right on Council technology discussion purchase so we had this this was the information that was sent to us that there was a deal so that we could then remove that technology line out of our budget for next year so taxes wouldn't go up for trying to have this budget in and we have that extra money to use that so we had approved it so we need motions I Mo to approve the uh purchase of the updated or upgraded uh technology for the council which is I believe five tablets with a three-year protection plan second all in favor all right Workshop um so I heard back from four of you three of you said the 20 Thursday the 26 and one you said that Tu 24 back from Ryan what are we talking about work session Street session Workshop you said th you said Thursday the 26 work best for you that won't work 2 I with the band gig about today I might not be able to make that this you guys can have a with does the 24th work for everyone if we did it the 24th what is it sorry that's a Tuesday what time 6:30 I mean approximately 6:30 I could do that I guess I want to the 26 24th 24 Tuesday so we'd be here Monday for regular council meeting and then come Tuesday yeah Ryan can you make Tuesday 24th work Ryan send us an email for a reminder tomorrow so I can put on my calendar so far the evening is open is that what you're looking for yeah 6:30 6:30 we're doing come over from yeah volleyball at bloing but what 6:30 a motion I'll make a motion for Tuesday the 24th at 6:35 second all in favor I will send out a notice and I'll let Cory know okay all right 2025 budget discussion all right let's jump in yeah yeah all right so I got everything in there that we had discussed and we are sitting here so U but that's everything that's the whole wish list of everything that we discussed including the uh pdms for all of the um citizen committees committees okay so um my suggestion just my suggestion while we Whittle away with this is to take to go back to Capital funds and use Jody's idea and I think we're going to go what was my idea spend down down yeah to spend down and I think we set our preliminary there if everybody's okay with that that's better the preliminary is we just have to set it we can't go higher than that that's right can't go higher but we can go lower yeah this gives us a push in case LGA come for some reason comes different always and we don't have insurance numbers yet finalized from from insurance yet I should have those before the next meeting under your estimation do you think they'll go up or they'll go down Insurance slight increase I think not you have like a rough kind of figured in there insurance I haven't even know that at all no well yeah you have like a five or eight% I didn't put that much but I it's it's a little but I it's not a lot but the amount is still there yeah for the budget got but I mean we we still won't have to set the preliminary until the next meeting so I mean it's I'll still and I'll put this is still July July exp expenses and revenue is still in here because I don't have the final numbers for August yet until probably Friday um for yourto date numbers so does this if we decide not to do the capital funding you know for the storm water because if we don't I'm assum if mean we would but if we didn't we'd have to put that in here too then correct that would make it even higher that wouldn't affect the general fundal would it well separate so I talked to so Doug said that if they assess us that the county would be willing to assess us over one or two years if we choose to do that so if we were to set up this storm water fund I would ask him to assess us over a two-year period because that would give us two years to build up that fund and we just pay the assessment out of that fund and we'd be fine okay then it wouldn't even come out of the general fund that it would come out of that Enterprise fund right okay is this stuff right here anywhere relation to the difference in sewer and water bill that's tot make sure those are two separate funds yeah so I want to see I want to see the August income on the ambulance side because we may have to really look at the revenue hardcore on the ambulance side um what's your thought there I don't think we're getting as much ambulance Revenue as we're projecting to get oh gotcha so they haven't had the runs have they no they' had they've had the runs I just don't think that we were getting the revenue back that we're supposed we should be getting back from this I think we really need to look at this billing company and really and thinking if it's really worth the amount of money we're paying why aren't we getting it back I just just haven't got it yet I just don't know I just don't know if we're getting paid like we should be getting paid you mean every get paid or we ain't getting paid but we'll get it in the future I just don't know if we're getting I don't know if we're going to get any more money than we're getting back because of the type of patients that we're transporting okay you can't pick your patient right or their insurance no that's true crap shoot any there's always a time lag but is it excessive or is it well the building has gotten better the stuff's coming faster there's a lot of writeoffs though right that's the problem is that there is some writeoffs write offs we can fight no no cuz Medicare pays what they pay and then that's it say crap shooting if you get a Medicare you do a lot of us old people are on there there is what I did notice in a few different spots is I got to take a really close look at the utilities because I think we if we're GNA if we're going to knock some stuff out of the budget I think in the utility areas we can knock quite a bit out of the budget because there's some stuff that's really over budgeted in a few of the utility places and I think that's just because there there were some errors made in the past years that just haven't gotten corrected so little bit helps yeah and remind me again for every percentage for every for every 12 to 14ish th000 is about a percentage okay and has all departments kind of looked at their budget to see where they yeah we're we're everybody's kind of to where they they meet okay I mean we we we could shave some stuff off but we're kind of at the bare if we keep going Bare Bones we're going to hurt all three years down the road exactly and then that's where that's why that's why I have a hard time saying we can cut because we're kind of to that point where are operating thin well then we got to do our marketing of saying that you know just say that to the public that we have to do this or we'll be hurting in the future anytime anybody makes a complaint I mean I'll complain because I don't want to pay more taxes but I understand that you know no nobody wants to pay more taxes our our staff has done a really good job getting by with what they have to get by and we've done a very good job creating creatively fixing problems like if you look at how look at how we got that brand new Skid Steer and all that equipment by trading in that tractor and all that other stuff and and something that we probably would have never been able to get but just by creatively coming to some sort of solution to get that fixed kind of my point is those a lot of the general public don't see that and they don't hear that you know that group over there that will help us what's that group over minnesot Council government can you talk to them to see if they can give us some marketing stuffing stuff to sit there and put stuff on Facebook or on web page well yeah they can probably help with some of that stuff the other the other thing that I I've been thinking about now too is is something simple like stump pring we spend between ,200 and $2,800 a year on stum crank well for $4500 we can buy a stump grinder for the front of our skid steer why aren't we investing in that you know for two years worth of stump grinding we can invest in a stump grinder and now we eliminated that from our budget yeah so pretty much that's the kind of stuff that we need to kind of maybe be thinking a little bit more thinking creatively that way yeah so Eric and I have a list of some stuff that we're thinking about okay I was just asking to do po of them to get together yeah it's just it's just that I mean you've seen I mean especially when he talked about St Ola and the number of trees coming down I mean yeah it's it's it's just a matter of where got robbed from Peter to pay Paul sometimes and just has anybody came talk to you because I've talked to two people about them no I've got to talk I've got three more names on my list I got to try to made contact with this week yet so and I looked at them and they aren't very big because they're all just dying Park falling off them the um soft Mill said that it has to be for them to want to use number one foot wide 8T tall at least that's the minimum and some of them are getting close to that right minimum yeah anyway yeah so so we should go with 177% well I think that's I think that's the best bet I think that's where we're going to end up being for preliminary and then I think that I think it's very hard until we get to October or the first week in November until we have October year-to date numbers to really pencil down because it's hard you know we still have three months of spending expenses to really push hard as Jen said would is the LGA going to be a surprise Poss I don't think so I worst case scenario what would it do I really don't think so we we gained like $400 yeah from last year that's all we're getting in an increase for compared a thousand 30 no it's like 500 $560 difference from last year what we got paid but isn't like 4,000 and something okay so based on your experience you're probably going to say that we won't get a hell of a lot less LGA will be should be right on I can't I can't see them not giving us what we should be getting okay didn't we have a year though that we had when when Jody and I in the council together they didn't give us our second half payment yeah 120,000 no I remember that but at that time LGA was 51% of our budget yeah and now it's only and now it's a third now you need us to make a motion on this no because we don't have to adopt it until the next meeting next so I'll still try to I'll still try to still try to play there's some other other numbers that I can try to mess with too yeah I won't get my Pitchfork out 17 but this is this is this is this is everything this is health insurance that we talked about the last time this is 5% increase which is still on the low end four stuff this is most of the capital fund increases that were discussed um this is all our predictions to of the fiveyear plans to keep right lowend very low end okay um yeah I mean it's just going to be yeah it's just going to be a work in progress and you did say that Wasa County predicted not to have any increase is that correct uh I don't know what was county is going to do I'm guessing they're going to be in the the one to three range I'm guing I think the city OFA is looking for what Z to one probably yeah yeah but the valuations keep going up so people you know going to just yeah and so that's another thing too is K you is yeah valuations are high too so I sometimes think that our percentages even if we are sometimes I think when we say eight we're actually closer we actually get actually like nine sometimes I think just based on valuations is little there nothing we can do about that is there no unless we want to to the commission well and you let them get up and leave I'm not going to vote for you D so I'll I'll uh what I'll what I'm going to do is Heather should have final numbers for August or yeah August done for by Friday I think if I have those numbers I will put those new numbers in the year to day columns and I'll send you guys all an updated copy of the bud so you can see so you can see the updated numbers um at least you should have a little closer idea of so be four months away from the end of the year we should at least have a closer idea of yeah um if you divide divide the year into three you know quarters do you think average quarter would be the same for the last quarter oh not really because different especially on the revenue side because Revenue comes in at weird times certain certain stuff comes in at different weird times expenses probably will be close Okay but Revenue won't be Revenue will be weird could you put just your best guess estimate of what it could be um in that what you're going to send to it um just off to the side saying you know blah blah maybe if I have time all right we'll see because a historical average would be kind of nice to have in my head when I look at it you know to say this is what the the other thing you could do is you can take you can take uh you could take that divided by eight and times it by 12 and then divide it by 12 then you get or take divide it by eight and times it by 12 you took whatever is in that year today column and divide it by eight and times it by 12 that's would be that would be figure would be or estimate all right all right miscellaneous um one thing there is a 35th anniversary party for the WIA area foundation next Thursday at Park Northeast Park pavilion in Wasa anybody wants three cupcakes sweet for to that's Kermit right huh Kermit's in there right I's there that's what I'm thinking of right that group that comes in that's the group that comes in here part of that okay administrator report um cupcakes finishing up the workers count policy work on budget Bolton and mink on the street improvements I met with Jeff Green from Northland Securities regarding the bond for the 2025 Street improvements um femer Representatives regarding the flooding reimbursement since leag covered most of the expenses we know enough to meet the damages so that was withdrawn um working on claim submission yet all USD Grant documents have been completed and submitted y yay what's the amount we're waiting for it to come back uh 57,000 or something like that I can't remember exactly be nice and that'll go back where uh 30 some to the fire department and 20 some to the siren the siren uh completed the ambulance payroll with all the updated payroll or pay system and there is no employee birth move to approve the city administrator report second all in favor I mayor and Council comments anybody have anything motion to adjourn second all in favor I I you left early I it looks