##VIDEO ID:LOIdeeWPzqI## e e e e e you're ready in the booth hi good evening it is 6: PM on Tuesday December 3rd 2024 we will call the City Council budget meeting for the City of New Al to order um this is a public hearing and we will be reviewing the 2025 annual City budget we do have um some information here from mamir oh from Nicole just pushing the button okay well hey we a lot of work as we need to do that too so um director jensson proceed so here we go with the 2025 budget um want to go to the first slide Daniel I had to put in some transitions like go had cuz you guys were all impressed see yeah look at that um so as far as the budget process goals of course it starts early in in the year in May department heads start putting their numbers together um and then everything comes to finance to start to put together and review and and enter and consolidate um so in September the preliminary Levy was set at just at just over 10.7 million and that is a 7.68% increase over last over 2024's budget um tonight of course is the public hearing for the budget if for some reason we need to continue it would continue next week at the same time um I've been able to eliminate a few things and we'll get to that in more detail as we go through the presentation um but right now I've been able to get if if council is agreeable to it get the uh prelim Levy down to 10.4 million um which is a 5.23% increase over 2024 um and then just some general information um the state re released their number um average over over the state um the city increases are 8.8% and the counties are at 6.4% um Brown County's pre preliminary was at 9% so just in comparison for some of those then looking at this this is just um one breakdown of the revenues so you can see where most of our funds come from that help to support the government of course we're very dependent on property taxes almost 40% of our Revenue comes from property taxes um and then LGA of course is another big one there was not a big increase for 2025 in LGA went up $7,000 um so not like last year's where we got that large increase um I haven't heard anything about future legislation that might change that for next year um so I serve as the co-chair for the Coalition of Greater Minnesota City's Taxation and LGA um and two years ago when we got that big bump up that was when they redid um a lot of the formulas to better support you know cities of our size so you can expect to see kind of nominal increases uh but it probably would be a couple years until you can see any other large increases but potentially safe to kind of use that as a guideline for future budgeting um and then of course we have charges for services and there's transfers between some of the funds and then the Pu pays us a portion of their profits as well in lie of taxes so that's where our revenues come from and then just looking at the revenues as far as which departments bring in those bring in that revenue or where those are applied um you can see that a large portion of it is the general fund which includes the police and fire and then Park and wreck is the second largest or third largest compared to Debt Service as well um so that just breaks down those different sources and where they go and then on the other side we have the expenditures of course um if you look in total our revenues and expenditures don't appear to match we do have a balanced budget but that Gap is made up um by a fund balance use so which doesn't show on the revenues uh so looking at the expenses you can see Public Works of course we keeping up our streets and everything is a large budget that includes engineering um and and Sewer maintenance and those types of things um police of course is a large budget and then admin is another large portion of our budget um the community and rec centers are just under 3 million and then the parks are at about 1.5 million themselves and then debt Services is uh 4.9 million in expenses that's actually doubled because of the way we have to do the transfers and where the payments are made um so it's about half of that is actually what our debt payments are and then just again looking at it by department and you can see um which departments are are spending most of those monies and and what they're spending those on of course salaries is is the largest port portion to support all of the staff to get everything done that we need to do um and supplies and other services and then Capital outlay um which I don't know why I have the debt Ser oh that's because it's the transfer part for The Debt Service funds um the capital outlay and transfers and then the syncing funds too you can see those are the funds that we put away in 290 for future use and then this this slide takes that transfer with the debt service out of the out of the out of play and it takes out the special service districts like the Eda and the parking so it's just straight up the general city tax um and looking at this you can compare the budgets over the last several years um pointing out that uh this has the with with just the city portion it's a 4 and a half% increase over last year um and the tax levy actually 7.8% over last year and then um with this I just kind of wanted to point out too I ran all of this through inflation calculator um so just as a point of reference the 2009 budget which was 17.8 million in today's dollars is actually 26.7 million so if you use inflation we've actually been able to stay under budget we've cut funds if you look at it that way so just something interesting to note oh a [Laughter] curtain what are you you guys here keep us engaged yeah this is the slide that's probably the most interesting to the public it shows you where your tax dollars are going how much you're paying per year per month um how much of that helps cover police how much covers the library or park and wreck so you can see that the average citizen pays $22.67 a month towards the police department um or $14.91 towards our debt service so you can see where where your money is going when you're making those property tax payments and I get those numbers the the um median value of the home at the bottom the 205 from 2024 and the 211 for 2025 those numbers come from the county as well so based on actual sales the slide I always use at the preliminary as well but it shows you the tax rate versus or compared to the tax levy itself um so you can see the tax rate in 2013 um was just under just around just above 76% and um right now with the prelim Levy we'd be just under 74 or under 73% actually um so you can see where we've actually our Levy amount um in comparison to the tax rate has kept up with that growth in the tax base more than kept up with that growth in the tax base we've just had some of those years where we've had some higher jumps and then getting back to those changes I mentioned at the beginning that I've been able to make with the preliminary budget um we were able to make it a more accurate number in for wages based on some of the discussions we've had and um more realistic estimates so we took about 157,000 out for for wages um we did hear from the league that they're expecting some decreases in our premiums for workers comp was a big one um and some of the other insurances so we took about $78,000 out of the budget to account for that um being we took some of that other out we did add some in for some additional Christmas lights and decorating um inspections needed a gas meter that we added in um I think that's to help read the gas when they're out doing inspections and making sure that's all good um Park and wreck we've been looking at a new software which we desperately need um so this is another 15,000 for that implementation of that new software and then uh we made a change in the in Lou we increased that Revenue as well um now that the Pu has a more as their preliminary budget approved or set we could see what their actual uh contribution would be so we increase that $188,000 so that brings the adjusted Levy to uh just under 10. .5 million which is an increase of 5.23% and then just as a reminder some of the stuff that is in the budget um some of these things we still have control over if you wouldn't want them they could of course be taken out or adjusted um as you would wish um as a reminder that first one the contributions to nonprofits you guys approved those in August um at about $151,000 um so we now have a total for Christmas decorations of $14,000 in the budget um we've put 10,000 in for City Hall Landscaping hoping to make some improvements to the the Broadway landscape um then that gas meter for the inspections repainting the Public Works building is in there for $440,000 and then we had we talked about this a little bit too at the preliminary the street department needs a new storage building so we have budgeted 100,000 to cover half of that at this point and then 26 we would do the remaining so they could complete that building um engineering needed some new GPS equipment that's about $20,000 I'm going to skip over the next one for just a second um then I mentioned the park and wreck software 15,000 and then the library is putting in some new shelving in their children's area 25,000 that last one going back to that Broadway Corridor study this is the one Joe wanted me to mention as he was leaving we had put this in the budget and I think this is for half of the study and the state was going to pay the other half well the state got all their did their rfps and got their estimates back and it was way higher than what they expected so they've just completely pulled it they're not going to do it at this point in time so my question to you or the choice that we can make here um is do we leave that 120,000 in and carry it forward as a portion of that project when it can be done I can't explain the corridor study itself what all we were going to get out of that um I'm sure it had something to do with traffic flows and do we have the right traffic controls with the different intersections and and those types of things um or do we take that whole 120,000 just out for now and then when the state decides to do it we put that amount back yes oh sorry yeah so I mean that's that's one decision I guess I would be asking you to make or to a direction you would I would like you to give me tonight as we move forward um if we take out that Corridor study the levy goes down the levy increase goes down to 4.2 4.02% um so it would have a large impact on that budget question so Broadway is like 14 and 15 and so the state was going to pay for some of this they were I believe it was half and half but now now it's it's on hold or either not happening altogether do we feel like this is going to be an imminent study in the next two to three years like are we going to need to do this study or could we or are there other it's the state so there's different programs and different grants and different things that become available Maybe they call it something else um but they'll still do it you know I personally I'd be okay with putting some money away but I don't know that it has to be 120,000 maybe we put 60 just as as a way of kind of matching some of the gr I don't know I mean or 80 or whatever but Joel would probably have a good idea whether or not this sound real hopeful about it when he talked to me about it um so I I really don't have a good gauge on that my input is I don't generally like carryovers cuz we're we're saying okay we're going to tax you for this and then when we carry it over it goes to the fund balance and my feeling is I have no issue with menot who knows scratch the 120 that's my personal opinion because I don't like that our finance director knows that about how I feel with the carry that's kind of where Joe and I got in our discussion as well um it was just late in this presentation and in the preparation of the numbers so I'm like let's give them the decision and then we can make that calculation later and and make sure we get it in the final numbers MH but he was Nicole I mean he's not here obviously he was kind of leaning that direction or not when is this going to be we were both leaning towards just taking it out that's fine my I mean we have we have fun balance things that we can use to match right in the future well and like you said there may be more State funding or more grant funding or federal they might they might change the pro they're going to do something I mean if it's that important to them if it's that important to us you know we will get it done but I mean we've definitely made a lot of safety improvements and gotten a lot of funds to you know improve that as it is so I don't know I'm okay with chipping it off yep I will make that address yeah I would support taking it out and dealing with it when it's reality we are official I was thinking that we were a work session so we can make motions this this is uh yeah yeah the final motion is to allow me to make the final adjustments for the amount so as long as I get that direction CU you're not approving the budget amount tonight right you're just saying okay public hearing we're done close it this is what you we would like to see for the final yeah yeah um and then looking that just as a reminder the planning for the future we use the 290 funds to help cover a lot of those projects and and build towards equipment replacement and and things like that as we move forward um so this is just a summary of those amounts that we've built into the budget for 20 25 um a few of them have gone down quite a bit compared to 2024 but I am comfortable with where those balances are and that they'll be able to support our needs into the future um question that I have on blight we established that what two years ago so this would kind of this is actually second year second year so so um I mean I know that things change every given year but I'm just curious if um once we put that $225,000 in there what that fund might be looking like like how much did we expend last year Well we used a large portion of that last year to take down that that house um which of course is assess to the property but you know I think with that one we know we're going to get that back when that when that sale settles and then but a lot of times when assessments it'll go right back into the blight fund y so we can reevaluate that every year um it's just a matter of if you do some of those projects you don't always know when you're going to get those assessments if the property will sell if you know what will happen with those we go back one page to a comment on uh and Jeff we might need your input on this on the street department storage building um I Chris and I talk briefly about this is I would assume in 2025 or definitely in 2026 we're going to get the offer to buy the um armories field service whatever they call that building down on the south end of town would that be enough for your storage needs and would we just re approach because that's a nice building and I know there's been talk about us wanting to take over that building and that would be a major change to the street department would that be enough for your storage we probably still want to keep the dollar amounts in there but what's your thoughts on that yeah if we get the complete whole building I would assume it would be enough storage room but if from what I heard there was other uh departments that wanted to share that part building so no I think you would get priority but I don't yeah no I if we're guesstimating 4 to 500,000 for that Prof probably somewhere in that range believe we pay market value yeah it's market value I mean we'll try to negotiate but market value what I remember when our general actually came into this room he said that we would get first shot at this property and I said well we just gave you a million dollars for that land do we get a deal and he's like no you don't the law says you have to submit an appropriate market value price and if we don't accept your bid then we move on to the county and the county gets the shot at it next County doesn't do it or doesn't put in appropriate but then it goes to the school board um but I think we're going to have a pretty decent shot at it I would assume and if that'll cover your storage need I think I'd still leave that mount in there but maybe we might want to change that term um I mean well keep it in there regardless stor building storage building one but that's a lot different that's not a storage building that that got what three lifts in it or five lifts yeah I don't know sure I haven't been in it lately been in a long time ago but they can change oil I mean they work on vehicles I mean that's a whole another subdivision for your you'd have a north and a South you know stations for your your snow plows and your your vehicles so I mean it kind of would change how you do business down there but I think it makes sense just the storage building at the compost site would be very convenient for us it's right there next to us and we true do a lot of work with the compost and we could keep that equipment right in that shed mhm so that'd be the convenience part of it yeah some something for discussion for you future counselors yeah thank you thanks Jeff if we can and then um just reminder that playground equipment is a new 290 fund um in 20124 we budgeted 170,000 to replace equipment at one of the parks um we've decided right now that that equipment does not need to be replaced so we would use that 170,000 in 2024 to establish the 290 fund and then the 150 would be the contribution for 2025 every conference I go to it's not cheap there's vendors everywhere so I'm amazed at what that playground equipment cost I know yeah wow okay and then this is the use of fund balance that we have in the budget um we have 100,000 in the general fund for emerald ash bore for a program or some kind of program I guess to help with um payment or removal of trees and replanting I think we haven't established that program yet but still still in the works but it'd be for removal of removal of trees in the boulevard uh throughout the city and then in the park and wreck fund we have a total of $35,000 budgeted to use a fund balance that includes 100,000 for a master Park and wreck master plan um 30,000 for tree replacement 120,000 for the North Park Dugout roofs and uh 40,000 to resurface the courts at Washington Park and then an additional 15,000 towards that Amphitheater shortage um so that is that we you looking at the park and wreck fund balance and if we use that 305,000 plus the 100,000 that we've uh agreed for the BMX loan that will come out of fund balance as well um at the end of 2025 I estimate the park and wreck fund balance will be at 34.7% or about $1.3 million I'm comfortable with that one question on Washington Park Mr sh will just curious that's tennis court right not pickle ball or do you have a new plan or do you have a new plan you have a couple different options for that one so with the huge growth of pickle ball and the numerous tennis courts in the in the community as well that offer Community use we're looking at a hybrid option so it would be two pickle ball One tennis that's what I want yeah if we take tennis completely out then we no longer have tennis at any of our Municipal Parks any longer so it's kind of a balance there and we do have tennis use there still I'm good with that good idea at the mic the Ampitheater how how much is still remaining on that is it um I think after this year's 15 after the 2024 $155,000 payment there's still is it 80 it's around 80,000 year two of taking 15,000 appreciate that now we are looking for some other funding mechanisms to reduce that potential naming rights for the amphitheater that could move that down sooner yeah which is why I've left it at 15,000 just in hopes that we would have some other funding okay thank you um so those that's the parking recre fund balance information the general fund balance um at the end of 2024 will be at about 43% and at the end of 2025 should be about 42% um or about $6 million so those are they're all sitting pretty healthy um if you would have lacked out of the fund balance you could also do that for Park and wreck you could elect to use more another 100,000 would bring that down to 32% um but then like I've said in the past the more fund balance you use the more painful it is to put those monies back when you have projects in future years and then uh the next slide shows you the impact to the taxpayers looking at comparing the 2024 Levy compared to the 2025 preliminary Levy which was a 7.68% increase and then the proposed final Levy at the 5.23% which would actually go down um if we take out that Corridor study 4.04 right 4.02 is where that would be okay soor if so the typical taxpayer barring any increases in their tax value would see um around probably with that new adjusted amount I want to say it was around $770 increase over 2025 in their city property taxes so that is all I have as far as information with the budget if there's any other questions or public comment um sure yes this is a public hearing if anyone would care to be heard including City staff I mean I know it takes a lot of work to get this done and I I appreciate how you really lay that out for us and um you know everyone knows what's going on um there's not really any surprises for us at this point you know I I mean being able to kind of cut that $120,000 you know that that's kind of nice but you know again it's just something that may be coming down the line so I don't know mayor the only question I was going to raise is um the Herman monument and putting in what are we putting in a 100,000 what what are we what are we really looking at as far as total cost and soor like exit stage left over here oh that's an El question he's leaving he's leaving he's I knew there was a way to get you up to the podium put my camera so we've got a a preliminary cost from the architect to draw plans for the deconstruction of the Monument of $300,000 just for the plans just for the plans heard oh L at that point then it would go out for bids after that okay to get somebody to come in and deconstruct it and take it down and save pieces that can be saved and do what we can do so that number I've got a local contractor trying to give me a budget number on something like that I haven't received it yet I was hoping to have it um this Monday but he didn't come through with it yet sure on the deconstruction yes were there a local company that would do this possibly possibly okay so now deconstruction and I know I'm getting a little off topic here um is there companies that kind of are more versed at doing that I mean I just I I you know Herman's Herman's a National Treasure and you know nothing against any local companies but I think for something like this we would want an opportunity to you know so are there experts in this field is what I'm asking there's Experts of taking down buildings I would guess as for monuments I would say it's going to be a hybrid thing but I'm correct I would like Minnesota State Historical Society this is one of the first ever done as far as I know this is the first time they've ever approve something like this to deconstruct it and then and rebuild it so deconstruction but then there's also construction correct so as we're deconstructing the architect and firm I would is my assumption would they be on site categorizing and cataloging everything coming down and how it was built so then they can drw plans for reconstruction so there again you're probably looking at at that time 400 or $500,000 for plans possibly sure um so it's going to be but you're talking this is going to be like 10 to2 million project probably I I would say ballparking at it's a big ball park change orders yeah and so in the process uh deconstruction where are they going to hold the things that we are keeping or S salvaging well we've looking at that we've got the battery building that's sitting out there don't know what's happening with that yet we've talked about the National Guard um maintenance center if that is cleaned out at that time uh we'd like something close we've talking about putting uh conx boxes up on Herman to be able to store stuff right on site in a secure you know fenced in area so it's really going to depend on what again it's going to kind of depend on what we can save I mean we're not going to know till once we get into it I mean it might be it might be nothing by the time we start taking it down they just say it's not good to reuse and we're starting all over so it's going to be right now it's a lot of unknowns okay thank you El thank you so then the monies that we're setting aside would go toward those um the planning yes and not the actual project which would be phenomenal right the money we're looking right now would be to go for getting the deconstruction plan instead of having to go through a grant cycle with that because that put us another year back very wise Chris would it make any sense if we going back to this Armory project finding out if it is going to be in 2025 they're going to offer it to the city or 2026 I mean I can we call the General and I can email them uh and see let's find that out before we finish out the budget cuz we might we might want to put a little bit more in that category if if it's going to be A4 $500,000 project we only got amount in there we might want to put a little more in there oh would they're at least a what year out yet out here from [Music] building right yeah I've seen some action down there but not yeah it's probably going to be 26 but maybe we want to put half in the budget for 25 and then half in 26 yeah but I would hate to Des make funds for that if you don't even know if the future council is going to want it or if they're going to approve a purchase I don't know I'll find out I'll try and find out by the next meeting if it's going be 27 or something obviously we don't need to worry about it right now that's all I got no comments from the public from the public any other questions or comments this is your opportunity oh oh oh got Mr Hoffman coming up just the thought yeah what if we'd move the 120 to our storage building we could build it next year then we would have the extra cost down the road but do you need a storage building and the Armory that what you mean no then we'd have our storage building out at the compost site is what I'm saying if you'd move that 120 you know from the Broadway study we'd be able to build that storage building this next year and then the park department will have to budget more money just the thought yeah no well then that that's a good point because we did talk about 200,000 and then because we were trying to keep everything down we said how about talking to Jeff about doing it over two years so yeah then we're done then we're done and and you've got the facility you need what you're looking for and you're avoiding another year of inflation yep but then in a couple years do you really need the Armory building oh I bet we do still yes we just don't want to overbuild either at this point yeah no I'm I'm going to agree with that because the parks has been looking now for 10 15 years us he's we're just we're back a little bit further than we typically are in a meeting again I know that the park department has been looking for a long time for their equipment it's scattered all over the city of the One-Stop shop am I correct Mr shugal or not or give us your opinion now or forever hold your peace I think for me a little bit though it we'd have to get in that facility I've never been in that facility to really see what that looks like now one of the benefits of our current facility our shop it's Central so when we're scattered all over the city we are saving money on gas everywhere we go being Central and not being on one end of town going all the way up to the north side that way so that does add up over time um we though however do need more space but without seeing where really what that space looks like is it too much I don't know um so just being responsible better off in a year or two the budget the 200 add on to that and forget the $400,000 building internally we've had discussions on a way to add on to our current facility that isn't a a huge number but really would get us to what we need we need Cold Storage we need heated storage you know maybe Chris when you ask about when it becomes available maybe some of the staff need to get out there and take a look because if it's not going to meet your needs then then it's a whole another discussion well when I look at I do know the county wants that building oh I know yeah when I look at that building it's more Southside so again if we ever develop cotton wood upper cotton wood again parking wreck is going to need something close on the South End when we look at snow plowing we can put Snow Plows down there so drivers report to the South and they don't have to go to the north end then drive all the way down there um you know the electric buses if the county doesn't have a place to them now we have a place for it you know do we decommission the goo toown fire station then we have a bigger fire station on the south end right there so again there there's multiple and then that's not even including the utilities I feel the utilities at some point will have to come up with a little bit of money cuz it's right next to their substation they can have the office there for their substation they can store equipment out there as well so again it won't be just us putting money into that building potentially um the utilities may you know come up with a little bit of that as well so options out there but yes I will see if we can get a walk through uh and then potentially when it will be for sale I'd recommend a couple counselors go through there as well it's interesting it's a big building I've been in there but it's been a long time since an interesting uh future work session topic here in 2025 2026 yes yeah and then start exploring the options yep good well I'd like to go back to the street department and I would suggest that we put the money in for that building and and to take care of it because that's a different issue from the maintenance building and that you've talked about the convenience of having it adjacent to the existing facility is that correct Jee more Central I think but what was your question uh if we constructed the building that we were are talking about it would be close in proximity to where your other facility is located and that's what you were saying would be an advantage yes it would be Lo located out at the compost site right next to the Trap range where the battery building built there is and the dog uh pound is it'd be right next to that so when we use our composter and stuff like that we could store it right there um the main thing now if our storage building we got 350,000 sand bikes stuffed in our I mean those would be able to go down there out of the way so our main uh storage shed would free up some space for our stuff maybe I asked you before this is Cold Storage this would be cold storage yes okay cuz right now we're storing stuff at the fairgrounds we're storing stuff down in the battery building you know we're storing stuff for the winter we we put in Cold Storage so so it puts us right back at your oral number 5.23 yeah still at the lower end I mean we're still not competing to be highest in the state no we would be at a good number but we know we're going to need it yes and it you know we know a building doesn't get any cheaper so I think we leave it there's an option there use it for the storage building and then we can charge forward with construction in 2025 I'm all right with that okay y fantastic is there any other questions or comments regarding the preliminary budget and lovey all right with that uh we will close the public hearing and adjourn today's meeting you need a motion to close the public hearing motion there's I'll make a motion to close the public hearing and approve revenue and expenditure adjustments as presented to the pr preliminary 2024 budget and allows 25 budget and allow staff flexibility in further minor changes needed in arriving at the final 2025 budget numbers second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion this a roll call those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry with no additional business this meeting is addressed --------- ##VIDEO ID:un4yCC6IoCU## e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon it's 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday December 3rd 2024 we will call the city council meeting of the city to order at this time our first item is the consent agenda councelors what are your wishes I'll offer a motion to approve those second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I motion carries item 2.1 under licenses and permits we have a tree service license I'll have for motion to approve the issuance a tree service license for man land shapes Incorporated 6055 216th Street Eagle Lake minnes soda for the period beginning December 4th 2024 ending June 30th 2025 subject to compliance with all city and state requirements second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I motion carries item 3.1 is an interim use permit for 914 fth North Street Mr nle all right good evening council president councilors John nisley planner with the city of new uh the item in front of you is uh for an interim use permit application by Holly and Justin schaer on behalf of Steven and Jennifer hessie to allow the operation of a bakery business on property located in the rt2 zoning District on property legally described as the rear half of lot 14 block 147 North of Center Street all of us probably drive by that place and know it as the houseing nutrition property um the Planning Commission at its November 21st 2024 meeting unanimously recommended approval of the request with seven conditions um I'm going to give a brief overview of the process uh for an interim use permit the reason being is we've only ever granted three of these for the city so each one that comes in it's kind of new um so it's good to keep updated on that um so an interim use permit may be allowed uh based on any of the following Provisions followed in 2.4 of the zoning ordinance one to allow a land use for a limited period of time that reasonably utilizes the property in a manner that is otherwise not not consistent with Comprehensive plan nor permitted in the applicable zoning District to provide the city with a reasonable degree of discretion in determining the suitability of a certain of certain designated uses for specified zoning districts to allow a use that is presently acceptable uh but not permitted within the zoning district and with anticipated development may not be acceptable in the future then lastly to allow a temporary use of the property until a particular date until occurrence of a particular event or until zoning regulations uh no longer permit it so when an interim use permit is uh approved or denied that is specific to that request for that property that's not broad broadly brushed across the whole city so if you were to approve a bakery uh at this location in rt2 zoning District that doesn't mean 5 weeks down the road in another rt2 zoning District that would be a permitted use um so the purpose of the rt2 zoning district is to provide for low density one and two uh unit dwellings generally located in the grid development along with directly related complimentary uses uh the applicant is proposing to operate a bakery in retail space and an existing building on the first floor at 914 fth North Street uh they would operate uh the bakery in the front 2third of the building um in that space the applicant is planning on installing all of the kitchen equipment and space for baking along with the retail space for their baked goods the rear third of the building would be used for storage uh of necessary items for the the bakery uh the retail space will consist of selling baked goods including but not limited to bread scones cookies and bars and uh the retail space will generally be open Thursday and Friday from uh 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and then uh 700 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday uh at this time there's no planned uh indoor seating for customers uh to eat their purchased items at this location uh the applicant anticipates they will be making up to 150 loaves of bread daily um and the amount of additional baked goods is yet to be determined uh the applicant has stated that the majority of their Bakery items uh they produce will be delivered to customers off site um they will be baking in the uh building up up to 5 days a week Wednesday through Sunday generally from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. there is a gravel parking lot located on this property to the west of the building and there's approximately four uh off street parking stalls on that gravel parking space the second floor of the building is an apartment um and we've been told that it's been renovated um or updated in the last year and the applicants uh proposing to continue to use that upstairs as an apartment uh dwelling space uh they are also requesting that the interim use permit be for a period of 5 years that's the maximum we allow an interim use permit uh in the city of newal uh so just a little little history uh we have here in your uh Council um agenda packet on what was used in that building so Art mirfield built that and 1946 and um we didn't know when he ended that operation um but we do know that ael's electric moved in in 1959 and ran it until 1962 then there was Miller's upholstery from 1964 to 1967 Gary's outboard motors from 1970 to 1977 and then the house nutrition and I stated this wrong at the Planning Commission it actually was in there from uh 1978 to 2023 um there are periods of time where it is unknown who occupied the building or if the building was empty um and uh lastly at the Planning Commission there was questions about uh where is going to be the offloading of goods that are going to be delivered to the baker such as flour um and materials for baking the applicant uh has contacted me and let me know that they will be if if when they will be dropping off it'll be in front of the building on Fifth North Street because there was concern not only coming out and making that turn out of the alley but also blocking potentially the neighbors uh the neighbor's garage that's located in the alley I've discussed unloading with the the uh city engineer and they felt that that wouldn't be a problem on Fifth North Street um I would just note to the applicant if at all possible try avoid during uh avoid drop offs during those peak times typically in the morning um or around 3:00 in the afternoon when school will be uh coming into session and letting out um so staff's evaluation of the Planning Commission uh staff believes that the applic application complies with the standards for granting an interm use permit um it's unknown how much traffic will be generated from the retail sales of the bakery Goods at the site uh there is a duration of time where the building has been vacant and no additional retail traffic has entered the site um if traffic and vehicles entering the property are concern of the Planning Commission staff would recommend uh screening of the parking lot uh to avoid vehicle headlights from shining into the neighboring properties um that would be to the north um considering that the property has been commercial in nature since it was constructed in 1946 staff believes that the proposed Ed would meet the guidance set forth in the comprehensive plann as it would not result in new development of commercial property in a residential uh neighborhood rather again occupy an existing commercial space in a residential neighborhood uh the granting of an interim use permit does not permanently Grant the use of the property rather it's for a specified period of time and in this case staff would support the maximum of 5 years after the f after 5 years the permit can be renewed again and issues uh that may be ar may arise can be addressed uh during that second uh uh renewal period uh there are potential for odors being generated from the site from the baking process uh we do not know if these smells will impact nearby neighbors uh baking will take place daily and consistently which would be uh generate likely more odor than what would uh be normally generated from a residence the Planning Commission had seven recommendations uh for conditions um one is the you shall comply with the standards found uh found in section 2.4 e of the zoning ordinance two that the interim use permit approval is for a period of 5 years uh three that the hours of operation for the baker will generally be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday and the retail space will be open Thursday and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and then 7:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and no activity shall take place after 9:00 p.m each day four customer parking will be encouraged to take place in the hard surface location on the applicant's property property five the size of the use will not expand uh or be moved from the location identified in the application six uh the applicant owner will pay the cost to record the resolution and consent agreement approving the interim use permit with the Brown County recorder's office again the interim use permit will not be valid until the consent agreement is signed and recorded and then lastly seven if the property were to change ownership Beyond schafers or hess's uh the interim use permit shall be null and void uh if a new owner own wishes to continue the use of the site as a bakery they will be required to apply for a new interim use permit uh we did have one letter from a neighbor and that was included in your pack in your packet and they were in support of uh Bakery going in into this uh location other than that we haven't received any comments from the public on this application that concludes the staff report John remind me that there's a house on that property too does that do they use the same driveway or do they have a different access point uh the house that is uh kind of sits behind that kind of north of the fence the parking lot north of the fence okay so that uh they enter through the back through the alley okay so they so this property has nothing to do with that parking lot belongs to House of nutrition correct and how many parking spots do we have there four four four and a lot of that Bakery stuff that's a 15 10 to 15 minute stop and go typically mhm okay thank you other counselors have any issues with that I'll offer resolution to approve with conditions the interim use permit application of Holly and Justin schaer on behalf of Steven and Jennifer hessie to allow the operation of a bakery business on property located in R2 zoning District on a property leg described as the rear half of lot 14 block 147 North of Center second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion I just think it's good use of the property and you know it's always been since it was born I mean built a business of some nature so I'd love W waking up bread every day what's that I have a couple of your cookies on my counter I was just curious where you guys are doing things now it's in my house right now it's in your house okay okay all right well now you can sa you a space um director Jens simp please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councel Schultz yes councel warka yes and president Becker yes that motion does carry best to luck yes thank you um item number 3.2 is a simple lot division for lot 44 block 77 North of Center Street Mr schnober yeah Madame President members of the city council the uh Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this um lot division with conditions at their November 21st meeting the owner of the property is Leo and Carol hos the street address is 5161 North Street uh the property is located east of North Broadway and north of 11th North Street um lot 14 is a standard grid iron lot so it has dimensions of 50 by 165 and there are two houses located on the lot the owner is proposing to split the lot in two equal halves so that one single family dwelling will be located on each parcel um both new Parcels would have dimensions of 50 by 82.5 ft and a total lot area of 4,125 square ft that complies with the requirements that we have in our um zoning and subdivision regul ations um the new legal descriptions so parcela will be the front half of lot 14 block 77 North of Center Street parcel B would be the rear half of lot 14 block 77 North of Senter Street there are required setbacks but they will not impact the lot Division and staff has not been advised by any of the utilities about conflicts with the um new lot line there are two conditions the first is that the applicant will record the resolution authorizing the simple lot division with the Brown County Recorder's Office that's what makes it official and number two the applicant will provide a 5- foot utility easement along the north property line of parcel B the reason for that is to provide electrical and natural gas to the residents that is now on the front of the lot and this provides the easement across the property the rear property to the front property that would conclude the staff report I have one question Dave how long has it been since we did one of these boy it's been a long time I thought we were all finished with it but yeah I'm glad two uh building Lots open up is there a house on the property now two houses there are already two houses same owners same owners so this gives them the ability to yeah separately thank you that makes good sense I'll offer resolution approving the conditions of the simple lot division of lot 14 block 77 North of Center Street the street address is 516 11th North Street second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mac yes coun Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor wara yes and president beer yes motion carries item number 4.1 under new business is the authorization uh for the purchase of a 40-month unlimited video audio storage with axon Enterprises Commander barstead good afternoon council president beter members of the council I'm Dean barstead commander of the police department um the police department is proposing that we uh upgrade our data storage with uh Act on uh that is the company that we currently use to provide our tasers as well as uh manage our data that is collected via our Squad cameras and our body warn cameras we have uh nine uh squads outfitted with camera systems as well as an assigned body worn camera for each officer and we it's uh this is a much upgraded service from when we had started using uh these types of systems 14 to 15 years ago and we're just Gathering uh data at a much great greater rate than expected so that is the reason for the request for the uh upgrade to the unlimited data storage the uh the price uh for the $2,152 for 40 months the 40 months might seem like an odd term uh what that actually does is we had initially gone on board with uh axon in June of 2022 that was a 5-year agreement and so the 40 months will actually take us to the end of that 5-year agreement with axon so that's why that 40 month number might seem a little strange you guys are currently capped at a certain amount of data storage or how does that work we are and we have at we uh currently are uh beyond that cap space so our options really are to kind of go with uh all a cart situation and purchase things uh chunk by chunk as we need that and that gets to be a little bit uh cost prohibitive one uh and also uh it it takes us time to get these contracts set and we kind of fall behind and and end up over our cap again so we feel that with the unlimited storage that was was recommended by uh the city of New Alm might Department uh that that would be the proper way for us to move forward and and have this the service and this space available through the end of the contract how long I know that was one of the problems when cameras law enforcement cameras came out was not so much the camera cost it was the storage cost and I know it used to be even way higher than this because these cameras are on all the time and you got to so you got to if you have your cameras on you got to store it so how long do we store that for what's the law require so that that kind of varies we have a a data retention schedule uh depending on the activity that our officer is involved with the the storage if we have say an accidental activation whether it be the lights get turned on to assist with a funeral escort um an officer turns to catch up to a vehicle they might exceed a particular speed limit that also automatically will activate the cameras and so we gain that data very very frequently sometimes several times a day that data really doesn't have any specific value to us and so we're able to have that data purged far more quicker than some of the calls for service that we engage in if we're dealing with lengthy investigations uh some of that data if there's prosecution and and those types of things sometimes that data uh is classified in a way that it has to stay around for several years so like a typical DWI arrest how long would they hang around or how long would you be required to hang on to that data generally that would be seven years yeah that's I was figuring that and those canile up correct and what we had done initially when we started using these onboard cameras systems is we had uh obviously nowhere Advanced is what we have now all of that data was stored on a v VHS tape through a unit the in the trunk of the vehicle and we would remove those and we would have to stockpile those we move there to Greater technology we got them onto small uh SIM cards uh but now this everything here now is being done online stored on the cloud this actually also makes our data redaction uh when we are faced with data requests were able to go in and and redact that data through that through that axon system as well my last question did we do any bidding or other do we look at any other companies we had looked at additional uh resources or providers before we decided to move with axon uh currently in order to stay within the contract with axon for the remaining 40 months we felt that the only way to go forward was to do the unlimited dat storage through through axon as well and axon's a very reliable company I've dealt with them in the past too I'm going to go ahead and offer a motion to authorize the new One Police Department to purchase the axon Enterprises a 40-month unlimited video audio storage the amount of $2,152 using public safety Aid 29 fund financial reserve account and authorize the city manager or the police chief to sign the agreement on behalf of the city of new second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion Nicole how much do we have in that account um approximately I don't remember exactly they're still using the public safety aid funds that they got last year um there was a like was it $300,000 okay um so there's plenty of money in there yes Y and then they can when they get to the end of this contract they can decide if they want that to be maintained through that 290 fund or in their regular budget okay one question for down the road in the future I mean this is the wave we're going will the city be better off looking at okay a one-time hit purchasing the the proper equipment so we have our own potentially that's kind of what I thought and I think that that's something uh you know that is certainly prudent to do as we near the end of our contract with axon to determine if there's uh some way to get uh similar or upgraded service at at competitive rate all right in the rate of speed of Technology there'll probably be something way different in 40 months 40 months it'll be different thank you thank you thank you any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I motion carries item number 4.2 City attorney Legal Service rates increase for 2025 council president councilors before you have um the increase the annual increase from uh flarity and Hood um the prosecution um amount which we have on retainer um that went up roughly 5% from about 8,800 to about 9,300 and then their hourly rates um for the most part went up $10 between five to $10 mostly 10 um so not a significant jump um but those are the increases that are being proposed I certainly support it I know we had some concerns and we lost having our legal person right there right on our table to answer questions but this system has worked out pretty well and and the fact that he represents numerous cities sometimes we're able to get information like what are other cities doing with this problem or that problem so I think we we get our money money's worth out of uh Mr Hood and his staff so I I'll offer another motion I'll Pro approve flattery and Hood uh City attorney Legal Services hourly rate schedule for the calendar year 2025 and the monthly retainer for criminal prosecution services at $931 39 per month effective January 1st 2025 second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I hi hi hi that motion carries item 4.3 is ordinance number 2024-the heard me say nice things about him you council president mayor council members uh this is a uh ordinance that our office prepared uh to uh I think just update the language for the positions in the Eda uh board so uh bringing it into date with uh what the Eda uh does and is required to do under uh Charter it's I I I would consider this more of a cleanup ordinance in anything substantive but I'd be happy to answer any questions any May anyone may have where are you sitting right now PE cabin or something I'm sitting in my uh finished space above my garage oh okay thought you up north on a not not quite not quite that exotic sorry about that now this makes again good sense just combining a position secretary treasurer so I'll make a motion to conduct the first consideration of ordinance number 2024 uh TBD amending chapter 3 section 3.27 subdivision 4 of the city code restructuring officers of the Economic Development Authority second thank you we do have a motion in a second any further discussion um just so that would combine the role of secretary and Treasurer is that what this is doing yep yep okay perfect any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry our last item of business today is item 5.1 report of claims paid I'll offer motion to approve 2,529 18699 for the list of claims second good thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed that motion does carry with no additional business this meeting is adjourned work session on the budget is to follow that's it for