##VIDEO ID:TJRU_ZPmXWE## e e e e e I'm ready thanks Mike good afternoon it's 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday November 5th 2024 um this is the city council meeting of the city of New Alm which is being called to order item number one is the consent agenda councilors what are your wishes I'll offer a motion to approve those second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying i i i motion carries item number 2.1 pull tabs and Raffles gambling permit for new area Catholic schools I'll offer a motion to approve the issuance lawful gambling permit for newm area Catholic schools to conduct pull tabs and raffle gambling at k kigle club 14161 19th North Street on Friday January 31st 2025 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion carries item number 2.2 Raffles gambling permit for Sue Trails Ducks Unlimited a motion to approve the issuance of a lawful gambling permit for the Sho Trails Ducks Unlimited to conduct Raffles gambling at Minnesota National Guard 203 North Broadway on Friday January 31 2025 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I that motion carries item 2.3 three Bingo gambling permit for Southwest Minnesota mudheads chapter mn- 0332 I'll take this one I'll offer a motion to issue the issuance of a lawful gambling permit for Southwest Minnesota mudhens chapter Minnesota d332 to conduct Bingo gambling at the new Al American Legion 13 South Minnesota Street on Sunday December 8th 2024 second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I that motion carries item 3.1 is a variance request for one Indian Point Drive Dwight and Denise Hughes Mr nley good evening council president counselors John nley planner with the city of new um this variance request uh is by Dwight and Denise Hughes to allow a storage shed to be located 5et from the property line about AB budding South Highland Avenue and property legally described as Lot 10 lamp subdivision and a street address of one Indian Point Drive um I would note that the right of way that they're uh seeking relief from is an unimproved rideway of South Highland Avenue it largely consists of a storm water outlet that uh drains uh most most of South Highland Avenue and it's a Steep Ravine and and heavily wooded uh the Planning Commission at its October 31st 2024 meeting unanimously recommended approval of the variant request with two conditions their reasoning for the their uh granting or the approval of the request can be found in the findings of fact in the staff staff report here so just a real quick overview uh again the property owner is proposing to install install a 8x12 96t garden shed the shed is pre-made from Dakota sheds and will match the color of the home uh the shed is mobile and will be placed on a floating concrete slab uh to the to the east um north and east of the house uh the shed is proposed to be placed 32 ft from the Indian Point Drive RightWay and 5 ft from the South Highland Avenue RightWay um immediately to the east of the proposed shed again is a slope that drops off um about 20% uh down into the Ravine and that flows uh into flu State Park uh there were two recommended conditions one that the applicant and property owner uh pay the cost to record the permit with the Brown County recorder's office and two if the unimproved South Highland Avenue r where were to be improved in the future and the shed were in the construction Limits The Shed would be required to be uh removed by the applicant at the applicant's expense and that concludes the staff report thank you Mr nisle well just seeing that they'd agree to move the shed if we ever do something with that I and with a unanimous recommendation I'll offer the resolution to approve the variance request with conditions of Dwight and Denise Hughes to allow a storage shed to be located 5T from the property line AB buding South Highland Avenue on property legally described as Lot 10 lamp right subdivision with a street address of one Indian Point Drive Z thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion John one quick question if this property would sell uh does this condition stay with the property yes y has that become part of the the seller's notification all that kind of stuff uh so this resolution will be recorded with the Brown County uh record's office so when they do any title work this should pop okay all right thank you any additional discussion director dorinson please call the role yes councel Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warmka yes president beter yes that motion carries thank you item number 4.1 is a request for tax abatement assistance for Rebound real estate LLC Mr schnober Madame President members of the city council in your agenda packet you have a letter from Mark who is an employee of rebound real estate LLC um and they are requesting that the um City staff prepare a tax abatement program for a property that they own at 214 North Minnesota Street uh that is the former Lamplighter site uh that site experienced um uh fire in September of 2022 and the building has been vacant since that time um it is their intention to establish a Farm Winery Restaurant um at that location city council authorized a conditional use permit um for that purpose at its October 1st 2024 meeting uh the total project cost is approximately $2 million of that amount of 1.4 million would be um associated with construction activities um a tax abatement program allows the city to rebate a portion of the property tax back to the property owner who then uses it to pay for development or Redevelopment expenses the city currently has six tax abatement uh programs um and tax abatement can be used for General Economic Development uh P purposes that increases the community's tax base um as part of the approval of a tax abatement uh program there will be a public hearing and there also will be a need for a development agreement and so tonight the um action that um um staff would request that you take is to retain The Firm of David Dron and Associates to prepare and review the documentation necessary to establish a tax abatement program at a cost of $1,500 authorize City staff to um provide necessary support for this project then finally um authorized staff to schedule a public hearing on the project when we have the necessary documentation uh completed uh for presentation to the city council that would conclude the uh staff report thank you Mr snowber well this property certainly sustains substantial fire damage and it's going to take a lot of work to get the get it deconstructed and then reconstructed and so I and I think tax abatement is perfect for this project so I'm going to go ahead and offer a motion that we receive communication from rebound real estate LLC and authorize City staff to proceed with steps necessary to establish a tax abatement program to support this project at 214 North Minnesota Street second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I oppos post that motion does carry under new business tonight item 5.1 is regarding ordinance number 202 4-b first consideration regarding schedule of fees counselors the fee schedule has been reviewed as it is every year um I believe attached to the agenda item what included the park and wreck and the library fee schedule those have both been approved by their respective boards and the directors can answer questions if you have any questions on those as far as the city portion of the schedule goes there are a few changes not a lot um we have added the micro Mobility fee that we've actually been charging for the last couple years so that just appears on the schedule for the first time that involves the E Scooters the cemetery has a few changes in some of their grave openings and they do that they review that every year as well um and there are some changes in fees for amendments to the comprehensive plan conditional use permits mechanical permits interim use permits planned unit developments and resoning requests those fees have all been increased um some as much as $100 and then simple lot division has been increased by $25 to 200 we've added the storm water infrastructure fee to the schedule for the first time that was approved last year and started being charged in August um and then the fee for variance has been increased from 200 to 300 and least parking stalls have been increased another $2 a month so if you have any questions I can answer those I can just make a note that I went through these um pretty thoroughly and didn't see anything that stood out and of concern for me um so with that I'm going to offer a motion to conduct the first consideration of ordinance number 2024 amending section 2.99 of city code of the city of New Al relative the schedule of fees second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion I'm going to say if Les went through all the fees and he's good with them that's a good thing I did I went through them I know you did it's all right any addition I usually have a couple that I want to talk about and I didn't have any this year very surprised on that so thank thank you Nicole and staff great job yes um any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry item number 5.2 is an appointment to the sister City's commission I'll up for a motion to approve the appointment of Tony barick to the sister City's commission to fill the unexpired term of Lor Lori Riser second thank you we do have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry welcome Tony to the sister City's commission item number 5.3 is newon battery Cannon shoot Veterans Day I'll make a motion to approve the or authorize the New Alm battery to shoot cannons in observance of uh Veterans Day at Shell's Brewery 1860 Shell Road on Monday November 11th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion carries item 5.4 city of New Alm and River Valley BMX license agreement Mr shugal thank you council president beter city council Joey shugal at the Park and Recreation Department director uh before you is a proposed license agreement between River Valley BMX and the City of New Alm this discussion first started with uh with a workshop in September with all of you and then went to our uh Park and direct Commission in October of 2024 uh what you have in your as an attachment is the license agreement and there's really two different parts of that license agreement the first one is to uh operate the for River Valley BMX to operate the the BMX track at 314 third cell Street and then the second part of that is uh with terms of a loan that the term uh the loan would be for $100,000 paid off in 15 years or less uh with that agreement uh comes you know different requirements for uh River Valley BMX and the city's relationship that would be reviewed on an annual basis and I will touch on you know the real the the the the real reason for the request of the loan is for a large safety redesign of a current BMX track so our River Valley BMX uh Association has done a lot of work over the years on on the track um and now to the point if they want to expand further and offer some larger races would be looking for a redesign uh this funding would help them do that it would not be the only funding for that redesign this agreement was developed with the city attorney both sides did review and uh I am here to answer any questions and oh well looks like we have many members from the river valley BMX Association as well I had a question you go ahead go ahead oh um before this was there any kind of formal agreement in place with the group so I went back as when when first talking with them and this started uh numerous months ago and I I couldn't find anything in there now we did have we had a we have a h we have an agreement every year where they lease uh lease the BMX track and they have paid that and are up to date on that and was that point but a formal agreement I couldn't find anything in the records um so this was you know getting that to that point is where we started with the license agreement and then those long terms were added into this Joey how many years has the BMX been operating now so you know I think it went back and and maybe maybe they know further but I had all the way back from 200 I think it was 2005 is what I saw formable but I think it was even ear ier than that the the bike track was uh or the BMX track was uh created in 1995 if I if I'm remembering right on the years and I think River Valley BMX came shortly thereafter okay I'm looking for the finance director your recommendation like on the bottom the fund balance or I would use their fund balance yes knowing that it's coming back and would just rebuild that gotcha and one other comment I do want to make maybe the general public doesn't know that the BMX track is open for public use outside tournaments or whatever they're doing it is open to the public it's not just for the BMX people MH good note thank you and we think we talked about this back in September but the age of the racers is what again Joey I see a little guy there is he a racer yes so they they start them from very little from Strider bikes all the way until I think last time they presented they said they had individuals in their 60s to 7s old the mayor was thinking about doing that right it's a a wonderful community of uh BMX I mean it's a unique thing that we have and are able to offer a new Al and I do appreciate all the work that goes into keeping it going and and operating and let's find a way to help them make it better so it sounds like we're all kind of in agreement here so I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve the proposed license agreement between the new city of New Alm and River Valley BMX to use public park property at the BMX track 3143 South Street including a loan request from River Valley BMX to the city of New Alm in the amount of $100,000 for a track safety remodel using Park and Recreation fund balance second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion just like to make a comment of appreciation again to this group I know when you were here for the work session and shared all the different um things that you have done to make improvements and to not only maintain but to grow the program uh I applaud you for your efforts and it's a great partnership for the city of Noom to be able to work with you I was going to make the same argument so um I I was um also going to make the comment to to thank you um because um you guys went about this the right way the proper way um we do get a lot of asks for different things here and um you guys had all the information together you made it very easy the fact that you're not only investing in the park um committing to it but making improvements to it that are going to do things that are going to attract new audiences and more people here through different competitions is really um great because you know as part of our comprehensive plan we're trying to find new ways to do things that maybe don't revolve around beer and those kind of things um and so what you were saying about um being one of kind of the few in the area I think is going to be very good and so we're really excited and know that you guys are going to put the work into it and I just wanted to say thank you for that also I'd like to just add that I'm just very excited that all the more reinvestment within our community I mean it's all these special interest groups that make us unique and you know we try to accommodate them all and they did a great job presenting themselves my son is 37 and still has his BMX trophies and badges and coins and very proud of them any other comments all right um those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion does carry thank you guys so much um item 5.5 Herman Monument Christmas lighting request from the Herman Monument Society coun buter city council this is a request from the Herman Monument Society you'll see an attached letter in your in your packet to string LED lighting around the Herman Monument f up at Herman heights park her the Herman minuman Society is proposing to cover all costs associated with that which would include not only the rope lighting but also electrical upgrades to the park to be able to handle that in those locations um I would note that Park and wre staff at least if approved in the initial first year would do the stringing and hanging around the fence and do the takeown there for just safety and um and the the liability associated with doing that any questions um I had two questions um number one um is there going to be like some type of like a donation bucket or something that people can give to support to support this because while it's great Herman Monument Society is doing this we all know that there's so much work needing to be done to for Herman and I definitely see this as an opportunity for this Society to just at least help offset the cost of lighting council president beer I can bring that to their next meeting they meet next week and and talk about that one of the things we you know their goal is to for exposure of the monument and one of the uh with the lighting up potential lighting up at at Herman Heights Park during holiday time uh we did talk internally about getting people closer to the area um so that could be a possibility I will certainly bring that up at their next meeting all right actually that was my only question one other minor question that might come up uh is it just timing that it didn't go to monuments and Cemetery commission councilor Christian exactly it is timing so they don't meet until December is their next meeting and they haven't met since September and this request came in in the in the meantime so it only did go to park and wreck commission all right with that I'll offer a motion to approve the request for Herman Monument Society to add Christmas lighting to the Herman Monument fence beginning Friday November 29th to Sunday January 5th 2025 second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I motion carries item 5.6 is Park and Recreation donations council president beer counselors looking for approval of the following donations first the two two different donations from the Optimus Club one in the amount of $400 for the annual skate with Santa program another for $11,000 in partners ship with the newal public library for a New Year's Eve party at out at the Civic Center around skating and other uh youth activities out there $3,600 from New Alm baseball association for a concrete pad at at Miller Park and used heavyduty rubber conveyor belt with an approximate value of $200 from Mr Paving that is used for our skimmers uh at our outdoor waiting pools to keep some of the debris over the when we're closed during the year to that up I was wondering what that was so a total value of $5,200 I'll offer the resolution to accept the following donations offered to the city of no through the park and wck department for the identified purposes second thank you a motion in a second any additional discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor chrisan yes Council Schultz councel warka yes president beer yes motion carries item number 6.1 is a report of claims paid I'll make a motion to accept the list of claims paid in the amount of 4,151 33713 second we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion does carry um at this time we will um approve I am looking for an approvement to adjourn until Friday November 8th 2024 at noon to Canvas the 2024 general election and to declare the results of that election now we have a couple of us that can't make that so we should make sure that we're going to have a to have three of you for sure I will be there I will be there I will find a way to be here okay not be there the two retirees not okay let's let's set like six reminders on our calendar and I'll send out a um calendar reminder tomorrow thank you do we make a motion for this then Andrea yes please okay I'll make a motion to approve uh to approve to adjourn to Friday November 8th 2024 at 12:00 p.m. to Canvas the 2024 general election and declare results of the general election second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry and we are adjourned to Friday November 8th 2024 at 12:00 p.m. thank you no