##VIDEO ID:cxZkMVgVUCQ## e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon it's 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday September 17th 2024 we'll call the city council meeting of the city of newm to order at this time item number one is our consent agenda counselors what are your wishes move second we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I opposed that motion carries item number two are public hearings and we have several um item 2.1 is the 2023 msas Improvement project final assessment public hearing so um at this time we will open the public hearing um Mr Sim Madam president City councilors uh the first public hearing here is for the 2023 msas Improvement project and as a reminder that project included the mill and overlay of North Highland Avenue from Oak Street out to Highway 14 and then also the Recon uh full death Reclamation of North Broadway from 20th North Street out to Cassat 13 or North Highland Avenue uh to date our office is not receiv received any written objections to the assessments and I do not believe Finance has received any either um but it' be my recommendation that we open the public hearing and um move forward with uh with the hearing process thank you so much at this time the public hearing is open if there's anyone that does care to be heard please come to the microphone and state your name and address for the record you want to list each one separate sure um there are two projects the first is North Highland Avenue from Oak Street to Highway 14 and the second is North Broadway from 20th North Street to casassa 13 being I don't see anybody coming up I'm going to offer the resolution close the public hearing and adopting the final assessment roles for the 2023 msas Improvement project payable over 10-year period along with a 5% simple interest charge on the unpaid balance I'll second that motion thank you have a motion in a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes president beer yes that motion does carry item number 2.2 regarding the 2023 surface reconstruction project final assessment public hearing Mr stadheim Madam president City councilors this um project consisted of six locations where we performed where the street department performed surface reconstruction project on the roadway surface um as a disclaimer um and full transparency I am one of the benefiting Property Owners to this project um as listed within the assessment roles um again it would be my recommendation that we would go through the six project locations as part of the public hearing to see if there's any objections also have not received any written objections um to dates on this project okay thank you very much at this time we'll open the public hearing and go through each of the 2023 surface reconstruction projects number one German street from 12th South Street to 16th South Street second project State Street from 17th North Street to 19th North Street project three 8th North Street from Broadway to Washington Street project number 4 17th North Street from Franklin Street to Jefferson Street project five sixth South Street from Broadway to German Street and the last project is First South Street from Valley Street to Front Street hearing that nobody's raising their hand or getting up I'll offer a resolution to close the public hearing and adopting the final assessment roles for the 2023 surface reconstruction project payable over a 10-year period along with a 5% simple interest charge on the unpaid balance second thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion um just to reiterate that there were no um public comments or emails received correct thank you so much director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councel Schultz yes and president Becker yes that motion does carry item number 2.3 2023 utility Street and Alley improvements group one project final assessment thank you madam president City councilors again uh the 2023 USA project consisted of seven unique project locations where we proposing the assessments today um and also to date no written objections have been um submitted to the engineering or finance office on this project as well thank you Mr stadheim at this time we will open the public hearing regarding the 2023 Street utility and Alley improvements I'll read these uh four let me see projects oh give me one moment lost my spot sorry okay first is Washington Street from 7th South Street to 10th South Street Minnesota street from 7th North Street to 9th North Street Oakwood Avenue from beter road to Milford Street Ali block 97 South of Center Street along with the alley from 8th South Street to 9th South Street between Broadway and State Street alley block 96 South of Center Street along with the alley from 9th South Street to 10th South Street between Broadway and State Street Aly block 93 South of Center Street along with the alley from 12th South Street to 13th South Street between Broadway and State Street and the final project is miscellaneous storm sewer concrete sidewalk and Ada Improvement again being nobody is jumping up to the microphone I'm going to offer the resolution closing the public hearing adopting the final assessment roles for the 2023 utility Street and Alley improvements group one project payable over a 10year period along with a 5% simple interest charge on the unpaid balance I'll second thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion just again noting there were no comments or emails received that's correct correct thank you director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes president Becker yes motion carries item number 2.4 public hearing on vacation of street right of way Madame President U members of the city council um the city council received a vacation petition at its August 20th meeting it was submitted by Jared R Haynes and it was for the vacation of the rightaway that um is located between South Valley Street and the Dakota Minnesota Eastern railroad RightWay and it is designated as 8th South Street uh Mr Haynes is the owner of the property on either side of the RightWay that is proposed for vacation and the city Charter requires an abing property property owner to petition for the vacation so he qualifies um in that respect um this area uh that is being proposed for vacation is consists of a variety of different types of industrial properties across the street are Residential Properties 11 South Street in the same location has previously uh been vacated Street this street right away has never been improved um the land area proposed for vacation total is 5600 Square ft and notice of the vacation request was provided to the two adjoining property owners one being Mr Haynes the other being the Dakota Minnesota Eastern um railroad um staff would recommend approval of the uh vacation request for the following reasons number one the vacation would improve the internal traffic circulation on this particular property two City and Public Utilities Commission departments local communication companies and ab budding Property Owners had no objections filed with us three the segment of RightWay has not been approved and serves no constructive purpose as a street uh and four this is an area in which street segments have been vacated in the past with no adverse impacts um there's a couple of conditions uh the first would be that Mr Haynes would prepare a vacation plat and file the platin authorizing resolution with the Brown County Recorder Office and two that he would pay the vacation approval fee of $480 so that's a fee that's found in our fee schedule that we Levy whenever we um vacate U property um this vacation is a little bit unique from the standpoint that um the uh properties that Mr hannes owns on either side of it have different depths one is uh and I'm referring to the area from the street to the railroad on one side it's 75 ft and on the other side it's 65 ft and so we're going to the the plat that is prepared is going to have to reflect um that difference that would conclude the uh staff report thank you Mr snowber at this time we will open the public hearing regarding the vacation of the street right of way um as described as 8th South Street between South Valley Street and the Dakota Minnesota Eastern railroad RightWay not hearing any interest from the audience I'll offer a motion to close the public hearing and offer resolution approving with conditions the vacation of the RightWay described as 8th South Street located between South Valley and the Dakota Minnesota Eastern railroad RightWay thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion the railroad ever complain Dave do they ever respond just curious uh no they did not but have they ever on any of these kind of things uh not that I'm the city engineer I don't know if you haven't received any comment from them I'm just curious thank you thank you any additional comments director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes president buer yes that motion carries moving on to item 3.1 Raffles gambling permit for 3M Club of New Alm chapter of the United States a motion to approve the issuance of a law gambling permit for 3M Club New Alm chapter in the United States to conduct Raffles gambling at the New Alm Conference Center at the Best Western Plus 2101 South Broadway no home on Saturday January 4th 2025 second motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I I motion carries item 3.2 temporary on sale 3.2 malt liquor license for Brown County Agricultural Society I'll offer a motion to approve the issu of a temporary on sale 3.2 malt liquor license to Brown County egg Society to sell alcohol at Brown County Fairgrounds 121 North State Street for the annual fall Demo Derby event on Saturday October 5th 2024 subject to compliance with all city and state requirements second thank you Motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I oppos that does carry item number 4.1 uh summary and business conducted during board and commission meetings Les um I can start um two things to report on um I attended the the daycare meeting recent um the other day by zoom and we're almost coming up on a year and we have um had a little difficult time getting insurance for this unique property it's a you know separate independent owners inside that Resident inside that building um so we finally did get insurance but now they've sent a letter saying they're not going to renew that light insurance so now we're like gulp here we go again um there was a um on our team there's a a county representative from uh the daycare folks um and she knows of somebody who was in daycare and now she does LIC insurance so we're hoping that maybe we might get a connection there and get something going but we have December January February to to uh figure this out but we're we're nervous without insurance obviously we can't stay open so hopefully we'll get someone who can write that policy for us uh we did have one one of the owners did move out um new ones coming in in October uh so we're still full out there and everything seems to be going fine um Eda really wasn't a lot going on except for the big talk about this potential sale of Garden Terrace we did offer a uh motion at that meeting to um set a public hearing to talk about that coming up in October that's what I got big news all right park and wreck uh uh Park and wreck did meet we will have two items further down the agenda one's going to be looking at a sponsorship policy they want our approval on and one will be a grant acceptance for the new smoking signs in our city parks uh also Heritage preservation did meet uh they approved a signage for the kar which is part of the kaiserhof and uh there was a lot of discussion on that topic with the color and the issue but they did promise that the original kaiserhoff sign will be getting moved back to the original kaiserhoff building so that was approved uh they did approve also a fence and a fire escape at 14th North uh or 14th South Minnesota street it's kind of unique we've got a couple of them with fire escapes it'll actually be on the front side front of the building and yet it was kind of the only way to get a fire escape out of it they will be blocking it with a fence and the last item that came in front of the HBC was uh the community photo shoot that was done by the chamber a couple of months ago I did get to see the picture some of you people are on there uhoh uh but they did approve it uh the M it's going to go on the thimble box Center Street in Minnesota and they do want to have it up and unveiling for October Fest was that the one you missed that photo shoot did you miss that phot I am not on that photo yeah he missed it could we put him on there somehow I know right but yeah it was I mean very good really looks nice it really looks great good very unique for City yes that's it all right thank you counselor mayor uh I have several things to report on uh last Tuesday I attended a CEO panel it was uh hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and the CEOs that presented that day were Toby frier for the newal medical center Shannon hilin from Bank Midwest Sean CER from IDs 88 ISD 88 excuse me Kyle Marty from sh's Brewery and Eric wara from Minnesota Valley Funeral Homes uh the subject of conversation was employees how do you recruit them how do you retain them and what does the workplace look like and or are they at the workplace so it was a very interesting a conversation from three different areas of employment uh at least I found it very interesting I know there were several others um that are here tonight that were at that um event uh then the next day uh I attended the newal partnership meeting uh which I sit on that commission or that partnership as part of a uh appointment or that by their bylaws and it's all about Eda and so we had special guests there that day first of all we met the new executive director from New Brick uh Steve Brown and then also we had representatives there from rebound partners and they talked about the projects that they have an interest in investing and developing uh in newal and then on Saturday we had the celebration of the 110 birthday celebration of the popcorn wagon and uh we celebrated that with a proclamation and also a ribbon cutting event and they had an ongoing programming that entire day including a presentation by Dr Dan grebner all about the popcorn wagon and then last night the sister cities commission hosted a reception for a going away reception I should say for anuka fiser who has been the hanso exchange person for the last three months and she um did a presentation for us sharing what she saw and what she learned and actually was very tearful about um having to leave newom and says she will return for sure that concludes my pres my program report thank you um and yes I had a chance to meet with anuka and I couldn't attend yesterday um I mean my only update is I I it's not a commissioner board um but I did host Katarina rice wish um with us for 5 months um who was interning with the Pu and we um did have a little going away party for her at my home at the end of the month and now she is traveling west and will be heading to New York and heading back to Germany um but just had such a wonderful time here working at the Pu um getting to know people getting to know New Alm really really loves this community I can't blame her for thinking that um but I don't have any other updates but I wish her well too um moving on item section five item number 5.1 regarding the airport crosswind cross wind Runway um 927 recommendation M Mr stadheim thank you madam president City councilors at the uh September 10th airport commission meeting the commission recommended that uh the city council take all actions and give approvals as necessary for the city to acquire the interest in the real property needed for the crosswind runway 927 Improvement project as approved by the FAA and included in the city's Airport layop plan and capital Improvement plan um so just bringing that recommendation to you uh today for consideration as a reminder um back in March uh we received notice that the city's receiving funding from the federal government for this relocation project and about $2.5 million so this is just kind of the first step to begin that land acquisition process and negotiations and then this will be brought back uh for future consideration um once we have appraisals and whatnot so just one one question for the city engineer I'm assuming that the 18 Acres we're looking at all five property owners are aware that's coming yep yep the property owners have been contacted um environmental Works begun already with the past task orders that you've approved previously so um Property Owners um are are aware yes yep with that I'm going to authorize and direct the city engineer to coordinate with meet and Hunt uh the City attorney and other Consultants as necessary to commence negotiations and satisfy all applicable procedural requirements to develop purchase agreements for the city's purchase of the interest in Real Property needed for the crosswind W Improvement project as approved by FFA and including the cities Airport layout plan second second thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I that motion carries under old business item 6.1 second consideration and Adoption of ordinance number 2024-the I'll offer a motion to conduct the second consideration of adopt ordinance number 2024 d09 for the city in New Alm Brown County Minnesota amending chapter 4 section 4.34 subdivision 11 of the city code removing the administrative penalty for individuals selling tobacco to persons under the age of 21 second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item number 6.2 is a Herman Monument feasibility study update Mr shugal thank you council president beter city council at the October 17 2023 uh city council meeting you authorize the city manager to enter into a professional service agreement with McDonald and Mack for a feasibility stud study on Herman Monument since that time that study has been completed and sent to the state historic preservation office in the packet you would have noticed a letter of approval of of that feasibility study and uh the process for next steps with Herman one thing to point out in that letter uh the state historic preservation office um indicated this would be the first time that they would be recommending a deconstruction process while the structure is still St standing so um pretty significant there um our next steps then would be with staff is working with McDonald and Mack on a formal proposal for the next steps which we hope to have by the end of the year to keep this process going so but good news so far that uh the first step of the approval process has been completed and then our goal would be uh to come back to you uh with updates as we have them so what is the next step so the The Next Step really is to get a uh a proposal on deconstruction documents engineering documents on how to deconstruct the monument and then there's with the significance and large scale of this project there are so many subcontractors and getting really a price tag on what that's going to look like that's going to be yeah I mean for the general public I this is not demo it's deconstruction we might use the the cast iron pillows that are there the existing railings the yeah correct whatever we whatever we can save right we'll take Herman off the top put them off to the side um fence them in light it up have some interpretive panels there and then start at hopefully start at the top and deconstruct and as we go down if we find um usable items keep those um if not um keep keep going down and find out and try to figure out what are our water intrusion is coming from and mitigate that that's our big that's the biggest goal so so will there be a plan you know we took Herman down in 2004 if I remember correctly um and he would just kind of put down alongside the statute was they fixed him up but people still wanted to see Herman people that come to our community and tourists y so we are we going to have a dedicated spot for Herman that's the plan is to have have him somewhere so we can open it up people come and take a look at it up close take pictures and stuff say have it's kind of neat because it's a different angle for sure so that's that's the goal but um like Joey said it's a long process to get to that once we get the documents then it's going to be a matter of going out for for bids to see what who's interested in doing the deconstruction and as we do that having the architect alongside and drawing up documents for the Reconstruction is there any concern that we're not going to find folks to do this work that's not every day people are tearing down statutes it's going to be a specialty Specialty Group coming in but um I think it's a high-profile project that I think there's going to be some interest in it I'm going to say specialy and spendy yes right yes yes I mean if they can I mean if they can build all kinds of different things I think they can figure that out it's just not something that I'd have any expertise in but um yeah there's there's some great Engineers out there and hopefully we get a lot of options right be the best and guesstimate on start and end dates got to throw it people are going to want to know as soon as we have all the money L that's when they're going to finish architect said he'd have the um hopefully have a fairly firm price on the construction or the deconstruction documents and have that prepared by the end of the year oh wow okay um so we're looking at using the balance that um City council's been putting away for us for Herman to be able to jump start this instead of waiting for a code cycle so if we did that we wouldn't be able to if we hit the code cycle in 25 and actually got it we wouldn't be able to start till 26 realistically three to six years oh I was thinking longer than that but depends on if there's money yeah I know I know if oh never mind anything else thank you all right I'll motion to receive an order file the Herman Monument feasibility study prepared by McDonald and Mac Architects and the next steps related to Herman Monument reconstruction I'll second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discuss question those in favor say I I I motion carries item 7.1 city of New Alm Parks trails and Recreation facilities program sponsorship policy yes council president bker city council the before you is a draft policy that has been reviewed by the city attorney's office uh for a sponsorship kind of guide policy on a framework of how to man manage our different sponsorship opportunities that come through um sponsorship opportunities often are not the same coming through and and it's not necessarily A one-size fitall for all the different opportunities especially in our Parks and Recreation system um this policy is is uh goal is to guide staff throughout the process but also have a guide for the park and wreck commission and the city council as some of these uh opportunities present themselves and uh additionally this is an opportunity to generate additional Revenue um within the Park and Recreation Department for some of the awesome amenities that we have um I'd be this was unanimously approved at the park and wreck commission meeting in in September and I'd be happy to answer any questions and one of the comments the park and wreck director I mean it does give him a little leeway it's not Concrete in stone you know there not boiler plate so it does give him a little leeway on how to do this and I think it's a great program and again 100% Park and wreck backed and we do get a lot of donations and stuff I mean we know that every month we're approving something it seems like so I'm going to go ahead and offer a motion to approve the proposed city of newal Park City of newal parks trails and recreation facility program sponsorship policy second thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that does carry item number 7.2 um ship acceptance ship Grant acceptance council president bger City count council at the August 20th city council meeting you authorize staff to apply for this Statewide health and partnership Improvement grant for smokefree signage in parks and recreational facilities this now is uh we were successful in that application so this would be accepting $3,000 to be able to fund that new signage throughout our park and wreck system and again the park wreck meeting 100% unanimous recommended acceptance I'll offer the resolution to accept the Statewide Health Improvement part parip grant for smoke free signage in parks and Park and Recreation facilities in the amount of $33,000 second thank you Mo in a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councilor Schultz yes and president Becker yes motion carries thank you Mr shugal item 7.3 preliminary city of new on budget hey councelor Danielle is going to bring the slides up for me but um thank you as you know I don't like to talk a real long time so we'll go through this fairly quickly and then we can discuss um what you guys have noticed and and what changes you might want to see in the budget before we get to that final in December so we ready um there as far as Revenue goes um last year for the LGA the local government Aid we received a huge increase it was a half a million dollar didn't happen this year um only went up $7,200 so basically stayed flat and I would imagine that will be a more modest and um Regular interval for increases as we move forward through the next few years um I was able to decrease the debt Levy quite a bit over the years we have paid down quite a bit of debt um since 2015 the debt Levy has decreased by like half a million dollars so um our strategy with the debt has worked out very well I will warn you that this is the last year it will go down we have some large projects coming up over the next few years years and some of the work we've done with our bond advisers um is really indicating that we're going to see some increases in that leev Levy as we start to bond for some larger projects going forward we do have some fund balance budgeted within this budget that I'm presenting um I have I am proposing using 100,000 of the general fund balance and as of right now using $35,000 305,000 out of the park and wreck fund balance as well to cover some of their project um there is a wage and benefits increase the health insurance went up 15% um we originally expected 30 so great news our our broker has done a great job for us on that um wages will go up we do have Union negotiations coming up this year yet so that is a little bit in the gray area yet we're not entirely sure what that increase might be in the end so we've left some room in the budget to uh to accommodate what may or may not happen there um so with this budget that I'm presenting we are looking at a levy increase of or preliminary Levy increase of 7.68% um so we'll talk about that some more as we go through and then as far as terms of how that affects the tax rate which we brought down significantly last year um the tax capacity actually decreased like $1,000 so basically stayed flat for the year um didn't surprised me we had some very large increases over the last couple of years so I think we're back maybe on a more um even Keel as we move forward I would I would have expected to see at least at 2% but maybe with those larger increases over the last couple years we wouldn't see that and maybe going forward that would be what we should expect so time will tell there this is a slide I generally throw in here every year it just kind of gives you an idea of where the the lby has been over the last several years um you can see the levy has gone up quite a bit um since 2013 um but if you look at the tax rate even though there was years where it was quite High we have actually achieved a flat really a flat increase in that tax rate based on on um where our Levy has been so what that tells us is that over the last 11 years 12 years um the tax capacity has kept up with what we need in total for those funds even though there was years where it maybe was a little off-kilter um yeah I think that's all on that slide so then we get into what is in the budget so looking at what we've come down to I mean the Departments have done a good job they're very responsible with their budget they didn't throw a lot of huge projects there's not a lot of capital items in this budget um so looking at this list and then I have a couple other things too that I can explain why I didn't list them but um just some of the things that stood up but really I I don't know that they're big ticket items that that we have a lot of power over um Christmas decorations we had 10,000 and there I reduce that to 8,000 the other day to offset something else that we had to change um we really haven't used the full 10,000 for for the last couple years um City Hall Landscaping we thought maybe we could make some changes out front um with that street view of of City Hall we have $10,000 in there for that we don't have any estimates we don't have any quotes we don't have a plan um so that was just a number to put out there um there is $4,000 in the street budget to repaint the Public Works building um that that is something that's needed um I'll skip over the building for now um the engineering department has some new GPS equipment that's needed or to update what they have um currently that's about $20,000 um the library is adding some new shelving to the children's room that's about $25,000 um over the last few years the library has done a lot of updates and they've been using fund balance for quite a few of those over the years they don't have any planned use of their fund balance this year um so that would be in the levy um and then going back to that Street Department storage building um they are in need of extra storage for the equipment that they do have um they are proposing or they originally had $225,000 in the budget for 20 for 2025 I talked to Jeff I asked if it was okay to kind of split that up over the next couple of years so we have $100,000 in the 2025 budget right now and the other 125 would be in the 2026 budget so I don't forget Nicole uh I got a quick question on you we have our maintenance fund right is it the 90 the 601 601 that is in really great financial shape it is it keeps up with the equipment that needs to be replaced um all the I mean the building our building maintenance fund oh yeah oh the 290 F 290 yes that is in good shape as really good shape but that is for maintaining ex I get it but are we allowed to use that on a one-time deal for what for this building I'm looking at how construction is escalating another year out I don't believe 225 will be enough it's 1% Levy impact just something to think about I want to ask that up front I would caution you there just because um with um some of the park and wreck buildings that original sales tax fund is basically gone at this point the first one so when the Civic Center needs a new roof and the community center needs a new roof we're going to start seeing some bigger projects coming out of those we're going to cover them with ply right so all right I just wanted to ask um long as we're on that page can I ask another question um Christmas decorations I know we've been adding quite a bit the last couple years do we and if we're not spending all the money what what's left to do for Christmas is there another plan every year we paying for the wreaths uh and then looking at new tree um there's a couple trees I want to add that weren't lit up that should be lit up um as well so again nothing major major but it's just every year paying for the reads maintain decorations that we have just want to double check on that thank you all right um and then with that street department building um once that is Con ConEd then it will be in the 601 fund each department will pay in to help fund the maintenance and the future okay all right thank you their replacement of that building oh going back to that last slide I was just going to add there's a few things I didn't list just because they've already been discussed or um really are things that need to be done that I didn't know if you would want to make decisions on so one would be the contributions that we've made to all that we've decided to make to all of the other uh Community organizations that was $151,000 so that was a a percent and a half in here um a little bit more than last year but not not a significant increase and then Park and wreck has some parking lots in there as well that need some maintenance done um that amounts to about $34,000 so that is currently in the levy it is yes all right y okay um and then looking at 290 so this is planning for our future uh making sure we have the money we need to buy new equipment as it needs to be replaced maintain our facilities um manage our bonding costs and issues and and some other um funds just making sure we have what we need as we move forward through the next few years um so the fire Tre equipment replacement um that I have budgeted at $200,000 that's been at 300,000 the last couple of years I looked at it again I looked at the schedule I looked at the replacement I looked at you know the values we're using to determine future purchases and I feel like we can take the reduction in this account and still be healthy enough to maintain that account even all the way through the year 2045 I think I've been out to so I think we're good um same with the city facility fund I only put 250 in there this year um in the past we've done 350 again I'm comfortable with it we've been doing some looking and some evaluating and those schedules will be in the in the budget book once it's compiled and we've made all those DEC decisions so you'll be able to see what's going on in those 290 funds and and where that future is otherwise I can tell you at any point in time too um and then the capital Improvement fund we've been putting 200,000 in this is a fund that we use to manage um the bond issues when needed um if there's a year where we don't have enough assessments to cover to make to meet those we'll pull money from here to help keep that bonded amount down um the next plan use for that is in 2028 um we plan to use a few 00,000 out of there um just to manage that bond issue that year um but there is it it's healthy enough to maintain that and and plan for for 2028 the ultimate goal would be to use it build it up to a point where we don't have to issue bonds anymore and we can pay you know upfront as we go but um it would take quite a few years it'll take a few years to get there so um and then the battery building has been in the last several years of course that's done they're constructing that this year so there's no more um contributions for that the Herman the German um we're only putting 100,000 in that's what we've been putting in for the last few years I know it's a drop in the bucket of what that project's going to cost um but it it gives us something to build on and when we're applying for Grants and everything we can say well we're trying we're we're coming up with some funds on our own this is our plan there do we have 400 in that account now by the end of 24 we'll have 400 in there thank you and and I would note you know the good thing with having that money in there is as um Elwood had alluded to we can use that money for the documents that we need so really not relying on the grant cycle to get that and be out years and then um the sooner we get those documents the sooner we can start going to the legislature to look at bonding getting the bonding cycle and bonding Bill and things like that so um and then the police equipment is one we added a few years ago that is to help replace tasers Firearms radios things some of the smaller purchases not their vehicles because we just budget for those every year anyway um but just do fund for that and they are using that fund as well to repay the fire department for the last radio purchase as well um at the park and wreck equipment that is for the rec center basically for the a fitness equipment uh you know we figured out when we built that that new center that at some point we're going to have to replace all that equipment and a lot of it's going to come to about the same time um so we've been planning for that and and we set this fund up to help with that um blight is the same we know we've had more and more issues with different properties this gives us the small fund to at least draw from um to manage those properties as needed uh right away before we can assess anything or if something can't be assessed or or to cover those issues and then going back to the playground equipment fund that is a new one that we are proposing to set up um to set it up in 2024 we plan to use um there was $140,000 budgeted 175 budgeted to to replace some equipment at a park it was determined that that equipment does not need to be replaced at this time it has quite a few years on it and there are some bigger parks with bigger equipment that will need some maintenance and replacement over the next couple of years um so we're using that money in 2024 to establish this fund and then proposing to put $150,000 in there in 2025 so my thought at this point and right now that $150,000 is in the levy but my proposal would be or possibility would be to use park and rec fund balance to help to build that account at least for 2025 and then see what we we were going for 2026 and everything so that would take another 150,000 out of the levy if that's something that you would be interested in doing so that covers what we're planning for for the future and what's in the but in the lby for that and then these are the things that we're planning to use fund balance for this year um Emerald ashbar we plan to put $100,000 in there to help establish a program for replacement or to help citizens with replacement and removal of those trees um and then within the park and wreck fund right now that $35,000 we plan to use for their master plan um some tree replacement Dugout roofs at North Park a resurfacing the tennis court or pickle ball court at Washington Park and then another payment into the amphitheater fund that is short um and then just looking around I I know we're always curious what's going on around us and I've been watching the headlines and talked to some of the other City uh Finance directors this um gives or this actually this these numbers came from the State Revenue website just giving us an idea of what's happened over the last 5 years you know because we've all seen these big swings and inflation and wage changes so this gives us an idea of what's really happened with our tax levy and rate over the last 5 years so like if you look at New Alm over the last 5 years we've brought our tax rate down 10.28% um so that's the lowest it's been probably since 2011 and then the levy has actually increased 26% but when you start to compare that to some of the other communities that have seen larger increases in their levies or lower uh decreases in their rates um it just kind of gives you an idea of where we're sitting and then this is what's going on with the levies this year um so you can see new alm's kind of falling in that bottom middle uh portion right now um of course all these are preliminary levies I'm not sure what these cities plan to do for their finals but um just seeing some big jumps because of inflation and wages mostly is is what I'm hearing um so you see that newal right now is at that 7.68 fbow is at 19.7 where you go all the way back to mano which is at 4% so there's a range all over the state but generally they're pretty high this year and then this just gives you an idea of how that 7.68% Levy change might affect a a taxpayer with a a middle income home in the community so at this point they would see based on that tax capacity staying flat about $17 increase for the year and I believe that's it right thank you Nicole thank you Daniel my only question goes back back to the park and recck fund um can we talk a little bit more about how much money is in that account Y and what the plans are for that balance we talked a little bit about that already but I want to make sure so current as as of the end of 23 so the audited number at the end of 23 um their fund balance available for spending so removing out those Parkland dedication fees is 1.7 million so it to plan to use that 35,000 um at this point that would bring them down based 14 then yeah bring them down to 14 which is about 36 37% by the end if everything falls in the estimates by the end of 25 they would be at about 36 was developed quite a few years ago correct or started before my time um I mean history of it was I do remember that it was supposed to go about 10 years I mean I love the park program I'm not against anything with park again in terminology that is City fund balance I mean it's not the park and wreck fund balance I right we basically set it up like a reserved account like designated account this is what these funds are used for as park and rec but you also said Nicole that there's some repairs coming to those buildings a new roof new other things that are coming up there are going to be crazy expensive but probably not to that degree yeah yes the roof compressors that stuff so we couldn't slice off 100,000 out of there and help reduce oury a little more but I might be comfortable with that I understand what she's saying about the cost of some of these buildings y I would wreak havoc on our 290 all right I just was curious about um like the playground um equipment and some of those other things like those are their own separate funds not in that fund balance then right they be set aside these are all going to be continuing to set aside so so adding that then into the total Park and wreck budget if we kind of look at that holistically the park and wreck budget's going to go up essentially another what well if you count Herman monument and some of these other thing I mean you're talking very signicant amount of money and I've said and I will say it again I am so proud of our park and wreck system but it really is the highest per capita in the state and that's why I was very glad to see um some of this information coming forward tonight about potential sponsorship opportunities um and support for the park and rec system because we do need to look at this is unsustainable I'm I I'm active and I love it but I don't know so if there is anything that we can do to oh streamline that a little bit I think we I think we should look at doing that I know stuff is very expensive and we need to take care of it and support it but it's like breaking all this stuff out and then adding this and adding this and adding this like we just we can't keep doing that no but I think I mean I think really without increasing fees right um that needs to be looked at as well if you want to maintain the system we have it's not really a question of the size of the budget because their budget is modest and they don't overspend to maintain those things right it say it's the size of the park system right how big do you want that system to that's the draw to the community and it's nothing on anyone here that's you know putting this information together also one other thing as far as comparisons go um when you're saying it's the largest per capita maybe it is maybe it's the largest park system I'm not sure but it is it is very very very difficult for me to compare to other cities and see how it's budgeted cuz not all of them have it in their City some have it in their school budget some have it outside of their City budget I don't I don't know how it's all funded or it's hidden in their general fund it's really hard to see Apples to Apples what one Park system costs compared to another right so no I agree and I bring this up every year Nicole about uh I realized it's state legislator or LGA Expendable so that much has to of our LG has to go into the park system well what we do is we and this this is how we allocate it right now not to say that's the right answer so right now I use a calculation I plug in all the revenues I plug in all their expenses you know it spits out what is their bottom line and then it allocates the LGA the inl and the property taxes based on that right so it's all split out that way so if there becomes another funding mechanism or another calculation that we can come up with that pulls that out of that so they they don't necessarily have to get LGA or have to get inl but they're going to have to be funded somehow right so it it's you know what what do you want that mean the mechanic I mean and the fee schedule was approved by the park board that'll be coming sometime later Mr shugal has it you know 3 to 4% it's actually modest I mean it is the cost of facilities and whatnot again though I'm going to back president betar on that sustainability and you start looking at the percentage of our total budget I I get it the taxpayer want nice parks and whatnot and yet they don't want their taxes raised they don't want to pay for it when they go to the gym yes um and so it's you have a hard job Nicole and you've done excellent with it and you present the information very clearly and I thank you and you know I am so thankful for what you do and yeah you make it easy for us but I mean this information's in front of us and I think yeah mayor do you have any comments well my comment is that uh sustainability for the future of our um what I also am very proud of of our park and wreck system but going forward looking at sustainability is our responsibility and if it's um looking at some of our parks that are undeveloped and looking at whether or not we really have to and should be developing them is is realistic for us so I'm seeing that Park and wreck is doing some strategic planning and I can only assume that sustainability will be a part of that as well as the city looking at sustainability and what our residents want um but I I do concur that it again it behooves us at least to look at it and then you can say yes let's continue on this path of of funding it as we are or we say no we are going to change that but you have to look at things and extrapolate all the pieces of that puzzle and so going forward I'm sure it'll be on our agenda and the comprehensive plan I think helped give us some as I think that can help back some of the decisions future Council will make in this area I still really would like to pull 100 off that park and rec fund that'll drop us to what six it take 1% off so we'd be at 6.68 at least for the preliminary I'll be open I'm really for that okay yeah I am too I mean I understand all of our planning we do great it's like kind of like councils years past they used to call them sinking funds they kind of abolish those one pot of money the 290 fund is for roofs maintenance tuck pointing and yet we got our own little pot that we just said we're going to use then why isn't in the 290 fund you want to use it for that why isn't it in there I mean that later date for that discussion but I am going to go along with councelor Schulz I am with those numbers for lowering another percent on the levy I am so yep and I just to in regards to the levy I just want to say um because of those Union negotiations and a couple of other things that are in question I know 6.68 doesn't sound great um but it's preliminary and there's room to wiggle and from what I've looked at and if we do use another part of the fund balance I think we don't have to tonight I understand I'm going to put it on the radar with other counselors and I based on you know numbers I've estimated and things I've considered um possible depending on you negotiations and a couple other issues at the most at this point I think I can get us to about 4.9 4.8 um so again this is preliminary we have to set this by the end of September and then we'll have the meeting in December to that final amount yeah we are missing two counselors tonight and I think they should have should be able to weigh in on this decision as well it's not the final unless you're going to have to off because I can't get it to pull up yeah I can do that uh you want the numbers he's got always has computer problems over here you want the numbers for the resolution if you're if you're keeping this and using 100,000 wor you want to do that tonight l or not well do we want to do that tonight we want to wait preliminary preliminary leave it at the 76 I was thinking about leaving it the same with the understanding that understanding so it's out there but yeah I'm all right with that so that Levy amount in the resolution should be is correct the one should be 10 711 637 CU I did find a few hundred the other day oh that so that' be the current one so 10 7 11 637 all right knowing that we're what we are setting the maximum that we can't go any higher than this but we can go lower and which we will the atttention is that we will take a serious look um at the LA next meeting or the last one of our upcoming meetings on reducing that by another 100,000 so all ofer resolution accepting the preliminary 20125 budget for the City of New Al with a total appropriations of 28,2 39,5 74 and maximum property tax levy of 10, 61,000 71,000 10,711 637 you have 611 here that's cuz I took the 100,000 off but if you're going to wait to do that 10, 71195 setting the public hearing date dates for December 3rd 2024 at 6:00 p.m. and the continuation public hearing for December 10th 2024 at 6 pm. if needed to consider the 2025 budget second thank you we have a motion and a second additional discussion director drinon please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes president Becker yes motion carries can you get it open item 7.4 tonight is a Minnesota DNR volunteer fire assistance grant Chief president bear and counselors um we received uh a notification that our Grant application was accepted for a 5050 matching Grant with the DNR uh for a fire rescue skid from the back of the um uh Ranger that was so generously donated to the fire department so um we uh we haven't received the contract yet but we'd like to make sure that uh the approval is done so when we get the contract we can sign it and and get things ordered anything else I'll offer the resolution to accept a grant in the amount of $3,444 45 from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Volunteer Fire assistance grant to be used towards the purchase of a qtac 85 em- C fire rescue skid for the Polaris Ranger I'll second thank you we have a motion in a second any additional discussion director Jenson please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes and president Becker yes motion carries thank you thank you Chief item 7.5 annexation petition for property generally located at 2312 North Highland Avenue Madam president members of the city council we've received a um annexation petition from the owners of the property this Adam Wells and Shaina Wells property total is 5.46 acres and is located in Milford Township there is a single family residence um on the property um the property AB buts the city limits on three sides and is within the area subject to the orderly annexation agreement between the city and Milford Township I would note that the um um 87% of the boundaries of this particular property do ab but the city so it's a substantial amount um the um there is residential development currently to the southwest and east of the property and in our comprehensive plan we propos to have residential development to the north as well uh the portion of the uh staff report regarding the um zoning of the property upon annexation is in air uh the property um when approved for annexation would be zoned agriculture open space and that's as stipulated um in our zoning ordinance um a plat for the property has been submitted and we are in the process of going through the approval for that um the plat would divide the property into five lots and for those lots would be um suitable for single family residences and then the final would be for a variety of different types of residential uses uh could be located there um in consideration of of this matter staff would note that the property buts the city limits and can be served with Municipal Utilities that the property is within the boundaries of the orderly annexation agreement with Milford Township and that the um property should be annexed into the city in order to facilitate its development um that would um conclude the staff report on this matter thank you Mr shre I'll go ahead and offer a resolution approving the annexation of the property legally described as exhibit a and generally located at 2312 North Highland Avenue second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz and president back her yes that motion does carry with no additional business the meeting this evening is adjourned we will move in