##VIDEO ID:eICEorMoeuc## e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon it's 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday December 17 2024 we'll call the last city council meeting of this year to order at this time item number one is the consent AG agenda councilors what are your wishes I'll offer a motion to approve those second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry item two uh under licenses and permits uh 2.1 bed and breakfast license for uh Bingham Hall all off for a motion to approve the issuance so bed and breakfast license renewal for the period beginning January 1 2025 and ending December 31st 202 5 for Shannon and Todd mcki Bingham Hall bed and breakfast 500 sou German Street subject to compliance with all City requirements second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I motion carries item 2.2 is a gravel pit license for Mr ping uh just one question and I'll I'll approve it city engineer we've had no issues or anything this year no reports or M president City councelors there have been no concerns or anything brought to our attention with operation in the last year our motion to approve the renewal of the Gravel Pit license for M&R Paving and Excavating Incorporated for the period beginning January 1 2025 ending December 31st 2025 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item 3.1 summary of business conducted during board and commission meetings I can start uh the um Eda meeting pretty much business as normal we did approve Wendy Anderson's contract for another year um we also finished up putting all the solar panels and all the city uh owned um Apartments um otherwise I think that was about it kind of quiet MH last meeting that's it for your last name that's it all I got he's saving it for later all right uh Heritage preservation met last night uh shippo was in town the state uh historical preservation office again you're all aware we're going to host a convention this year so a lot of time was spent on that discussion uh staff Elwood zabel John nisley are working on the grant which is due soon and we'll move forward with it a lot of work but it'll be great for new home park and wreck meeting uh they were given an update on the Herman Monument deconstruction update on what's happening with that also given a preliminary report on our master plan we're going to do Parks this year our master plan updated from 1989 and a little further down the agenda we'll have the donations that's it thank you counselor I'm going to just add for the sister city commission we're still looking for applicants for the Hans Joseph Exchange program through the end of the month and currently we have two application applicants i' got nothing new to report okay thank you mayor uh uh I attended uh those other meetings so ditto ditto uh uh but the partnership meeting uh we held last week and a lot of great updates from the different individuals around that table one of the things for uh future exploration uh is the land trust and they'll be coming uh to the next meeting with more information about that and the other thing that I'm working on is um reviewing the commission's uh so my role what I've taken on is to meet with the different staff people respective staff people is they relate to different commissions had the opportunity to meet with a half a dozen of our staff uh persons about the commissions that relate to them carrying out their responsibilities and we'll be continuing that process into the first of the year with some recommendation and a upcoming uh work session on that all right thank you very much and ditto on the Eda and I don't have anything else to add at this point uh I old business item 4.1 ordinance number 2024 095 second consideration amending the Eda officers this is where we're basically combining the secretary and the treasur positions um correct so I'll offer a motion to conduct the second consideration and adopt the ordinance number 2024 095 amending chapter 3 section 3.27 subdivision 4 of the city code restructuring the officers of the Economic Development Authority second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item 4.2 is a purchase agreement for the sale of property at 10:07 North Minnesota Street Mr nisley good evening council president counselors John nisley planner with the city of New Alm I'm going to give an abbreviated version of the overview that you all have uh in your Council packets um so for a little background at the July 16th 2024 council meeting uh the council approved the use of the land acquisition fund uh fund 290 and the amount not to exceed exceed $160,000 to move the existing home from 320 North Broadway uh all the way down to 10:07 uh North Minnesota Street and install new infrastructure at that location to date a majority of that work uh has been completed other than the installation of the pad for the uh air conditioner and the air conditioning unit um concrete steps and the sidewalk uh repairs those costs have been accounted for in the purchase agreement price we do have a final price uh that we'd like to enter into a purchase agreement with um with uh Mr chaom and Cano the total amount uh of all the expenses added up to 1,000 or $1 58,221 agement that concludes the staff report thank you Mr nle yeah I can't commend the amount of work that I went into putting this together and actually making it happen I'm loving to see that it's we're getting to the end here so I'll go ahead and offer a resolution to authorize the mayor and city manager to sign a purchase agreement to sell property legally described as Lot 2 block 76 north of Cent uh to Cassandra a CanĂ³ and Dylan G shaum Street of Jess 17 North Minnesota Street second thank we do have a motion in a second any further discussion actually can you amend the motion it should be um city manager and the finance director authorized city manager and the finance director to sign the purchase agreement to sell the property second thank you any additional discussion I'm just glad to see it's under budget and uh you know we're getting it done and saving it and we're repurposing a property uh while we're making room for some more development and so that's something that um and we're filling an empty property as well that had been a problem as well so I just feel like there's a lot of boxes that we checked off with this um and coming in under budget was just even a little bit sweeter so thank you everyone for your work on this any other comments director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz councelor warka yes and president beer yes motion carries item 4.3 is the 2025 city of New WM budget and property tax levy counselors this I have not made any changes since what was or what we discussed at the public hearing uh at the last meeting so that final amount is there we are at a 5.23% increase over 2024 um with very few changes made since that preliminary budget the biggest one was moving that extra 120,000 um into the street department so they can build that building in 2025 instead of waiting till 2026 due to that traffic study being taken out so come on counc SCH you don't want to get to heat for that I mean thank you for everybody for working on this Finance Director City Manager staff getting it down to what we all agreed with I'll offer the resolution oping a final 2025 budget of the city of no Al totaling 28 m2,3 with a property tax levy of 10,46 8,338 and a city of noal net property tax levy of $1,311 338 I'll second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz councel warka yes and president beer that motion does carry under new business item number 5.1 is community events I'll offer motion offer for a resolution designating the following community events for the 2025 year to adhere to pre provisions of Ms 348 410 subdivision 10 which allows cities to have more than one temporary liquor license within a 30-day period number one Bavarian blast number two bachfest number three Brown County Fair number four fashing number five Herman Fest number six my Fest and number seven October Fest second thank you we have Motion in a second any additional discussion my question my Fest am I missing something is that it's for spring spring okay but it just doesn't I don't know if it's as big a deal as it used to be just okay so we're just kind of just keeping that on there for for future development just making sure okay any additional discussion director drinon please call the role councelor Mac yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schulz councelor warmca and president Becker yes motion carries item 5.2 is CVB financials for the quarter ending June 30th 2024 and September 30th 2024 hopefully we all had a chance to review these I'll offer a motion to receive an order filed the report from Sarah warmup president CEO newm Chamber of Commerce regarding the convention and Visitor Bureau financial report for the quarter ending June 30th 2024 and September 30th 2024 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry item number 5.3 is the 2025 CVB budget a motion to approve the 2025 budget for the convention and vors Bureau beginning as of January 1 2025 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item 5.4 Library entrance Replacements and updates Mr zabel hello hello I what zabble city bu building official council president councilors this is to repair and replace the back entrances of the main library the 73 building or 76 building um they're in disrepair not being able to be locked and stay locked and um weather stripping is no so they're in time of repair and we only received April only received um one bid she went out and um canvased other businesses and nobody else submitted any other bids so this is what we're looking at is the 13,087 from Fairmont glass and you feel comfortable about that bid yeah it's come in with what you thought close with other bids of that same same area I mean where we're at 11,000 and some change for the replacement of the um Hall of Fame front entrance um and that included some saving of the architectural design on the front for the historical value of and stuff so it's within looks like it's within budgets I'll go ahead and authorize new Public Library to use 13,870 from the city's 290 fund for the entrance and replacement and the updates and the weather stripping second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry item 5.5 is the career Expo fee request Mr shugall thank you president beter City counil Joey shugal Park and Recreation director for the City of New Alm uh this is a request to weigh fees for the 2025 career Expo uh from the career Expo committee this is a similar request that you were all approved in 2024 the big difference for the 25 request is use of both the South rink and the north rink dry floor rinks for this for this uh after the 2024 request was approved this was the first year it was back at the Civic Center uh the businesses really were favorable on the change back to the Civic Center allowed them to do more of um bring in more unique items and really showcase their businesses um if you recall it was at the high school for a few years in between and then previous to that back at the Civic Center uh there is a letter attached in your in your packet as well from the career Expo committee explaining the details of the event uh we do have that date open for this event in 25 if approved and a com and a comment the discussion was it was a hit last year I mean this career people that put on put a lot of work into it it's great for every eighth and 10th grader all three schools our whole area Community I mean it's it was a plus it was a hit I've been to these quite a few times and was on the one of the commissions that helped put this together years ago and it really is something that is the eighth graders are kind of fun because they're they're not really sure what career they want they're just wandering around having eating popcorn and having fun but but they still kind of like what's that over there what's that over there and but then you get the 10th graders that are a little more serious and my job was wandering around to these kids who could be in groups and they wouldn't go anywhere because they're nervous so I'm like well what career are you interested oh I wouldn't mind learning more about social work come with me and then I would take him over to where the social worker I was The Drifter I think it was my nickname or something um it was kind of fun doing that and um so I strongly support this and this is not also how many schools uh I know it's area schools coming in I don't have the exact number of SCH we used to bring Springfield in and sleepy ey yeah it's more than just do okay I'll offer the resolution to approve the career Expo committee request to wave the rental fee and all Associated fees to hold the career Expo with New Alm Civic Center South and North Arenas on Wednesday March 26 2025 second thank you we do have a motion in a second any additional discussion I just think it's very important um because there I think a lot of kids don't know what kind of career opportunities lie within our area as well um and we all know that a lot lot of businesses are struggling to remain fully staffed and attract people um young people especially into things so um I do I do appreciate and support you guys doing this and I know it's a lot of work but it is a lot of fun for the kids and the businesses so thank you um any additional discussion all right director jensson please call the role councelor ma yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes president Becker yes motion carries item 5.6 is the city Charter commission convening I'll offer a resolution to authorize the city Charter commission to convene in 2025 to continue the process of reviewing and revising the home Rule Charter second thank you we have a motion and a second any further discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes and president Becker yes that motion does carry item 5.7 is to petition Court to appoint City Charter commission member I'll offer the resolution directing the City attorney to prepare and file a petition requesting the district court to appoint Michael boil to the city Charter commission to serve a four-year term I'll second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warmka yes president Becker yes motion carries welcome Mr Bole item 5.8 is revisions uh to adopt for the city and pu Personnel policy manual Mrs boomgarden all right thank you president Becker and Commissioners uh shaa boomgarden Human Resources Director so this is our annual updates um for the Personnel policy manual um first we just up had a couple changes to our ESS policy due to the legislative changes there might be some more minor tweaks our attorney still reviewing it um we changed our funeral leave policy to bereavement leave and then there were some general updates to the pregnancy and parental leave policy and political activ political activity policies um we have the new addition of our administrative administrative leave for Exempted employees and then our new vacation acral schedule so those were pretty much the changes uh for this year so I don't know does anybody have any questions I have no questions so I'll offer a motion to approve the revisions of the city/ pus C Personnel policy manual which would be effective January 1 2025 second thank you we do have a motion and a second any further discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I opposed that motion does carry item number 5.9 battery building funds transfer Mr shugal hello again thank you council president beer city council this is a request uh to transfer leftover battery building funds to a trap range restricted fund and park and rec staff has been working with the Sue Valley Gun Club for a number of years on a potential new trap building uh the current facility is uh a city facility and it is uh in dire need of repair uh with the growth of the sport the S Valley Gun Club does see high use especially on the youth end um as this sport continues to grow and there's with that growth there's potential funding sources from the state so the state DNR has a special Grant out there um but at this time what the S Valley Gun Club is is ready to commit um some raay for the match for these dollars at this point the city has not contributed to a match so potentially what these funds could be used for is financial um match to that funding so those grants go up for $100,000 we would expect if we're able to apply for that Grant we would come back to the council to ask for authoriz ation to apply for that to be somewhere in asking for about a $75,000 to $100,000 match from the DNR Joey what's the current age of the building that's there I I don't have the exact age Larry but it it um old it is very well used and there are areas where um it it's time to to do have an update to continue to open that facility each year is there enough room on that site for that being we're adding a new another new building Department great question so if you go yeah so if you go out to the site um where the current structure is the potential new building would go down to the north even further and kind of sit where the shooting range actually is there'd be an overhang potentially for a outdoor seating area because there's a lot of Spectators that end up watching a lot of parents watch the youth activity and also provide some cover as well um if you think about uh the Harmon Park shelter okay kind of like an overhang like that um looking at some potential just a spcr at this moment of what that could look like okay and the the Su Valley Gun club's been very involved in trying to meet their needs you know for the future with this as they're the operator of that facility thank you and go on a go on a gun night it's uh wildly popular as you're saying and I I think this is a appropriate use of of funds that have been accounted for in the past so um thank you for what you've shared but I'll go ahead and authorize the transfer of 8,957 49 in leftover funds from the battery building project to the Trap and SK range uh restricted fund as uh effec of December 31 2024 second thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion president Becker this is a resolution it's not listed that way but it needs to be a resolution thank you so much for that clarification um we have a motion and a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councel Schultz councel warka and president Becker yes that motion does carry item 5.10 2024 year in transfers um counselors this is an action I usually take in February and that we'll probably come back again in February with some additional transfers but there was a large amount of transfers in the budget this year and some other things that need to take place just because of some PSA funds and other activity that has happened um so in trying to get ready for year end it's a lot easier for us to do the reporting if we can see what the actual numbers are instead of going back and adding manually to see what it's going to be um so I'm just asking for these transfers um most of them were budgeted or um make sense due to the activity that took place in those funds so unless you have any questions about the specific transfers um that's all I have right now nobody's got any questions I'm going to offer the resolution approving the recommended 2020 for year end transfers second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion director Jorgenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warka yes president Becker yes motion carries item number 5.11 orderly annexation agreement for Milford Township Mr snowb hello Madame President uh members of the city council um the last time the city council dealt with this issue was 20 years ago so it's not something that you uh see on your agenda uh very often uh the Milford Township Board uh approved the uh orderly annexation agreement that it's included in your agenda packet at their meeting uh last Thursday December 12th uh the city in Milford Township previously had entered into an orderly annexation agreement on July 13 2005 and that agreement expires on December 31st 2024 so that's coming up um as we all know Milford Township abuts the west side of the city of newom the purpose of the orderly annexation agreement is to plan for the future growth and development of uh the city uh and to identify that area within the orderly annexation agreement um and so if you look at uh the document in your packet you'll note the presence of um a couple of maps which um identify um that area the order orderly annexation agreement also establishes a more expedited annexation process for property that is identified on those Maps uh orderly annexation Agreements are authorized by state statute um the agreement that uh is uh in your agenda packet uh differs from the previous one in um a number of ways and I just want to highlight maybe the major items uh where we see some changes uh the first is that the term of the agreement was reduced from 20 years to 10 years in looking at orderly annexation agreements uh from throughout the state of Minnesota um 20 years and 10 years was the uh common length of the agreements and it was kind of equally divided between those uh terms and so uh this is something that the township uh asked for and we thought that it was appropriate um uh they were U they noted that changes tend to take place more quickly and and they'd like to be able to uh react I guess to that uh the second thing is that the application of the term Agricultural Development was reduced for properties uh from 40 acres to 10 acres and the agreement contains a statement that Agricultural Development was exempt from the requirement for annexation and and so um what this does is it potentially removes um some properties from having to comply with this annexation requirement but uh given the number of properties of that size within the orderly annexation area we didn't see that as something that would have a significant impact and Brown County also um as uh in their documents um classifies property that um exceeds 10 acres in size as being agricultural in use and so we wanted to be consistent with uh the Brown County um definition um as well the third thing is that um the city um initially proposed using the same boundary for the uh agreement area as found in the 2005 uh document that original land area was 1,200 acres and since the approval of the agreement in 2005 we have an next approximately 250 acres and so there would have remained a sufficient amount of uh property for um future City development um in response to the city's proposal though we had several Property Owners come forward who asked that their property be removed from the orderly annexation area and that was due to their concerns about annexation and staff would recommend um honoring those uh those requests doing so would reduce the orderly annexation area to 610 Acres um and the agreement that you have um was written with that acreage amount um in place um again we think sufficient area land area will be provided within the um annexation area and there are suitable locations um as well um fourth uh the name of the administrative agency this is the state agency that's responsible for handling annexations has changed and so within the agreement we had to make a number of of changes there um the fifth is that we um added an additional sentence that uh requires any land area being annexed that it directly abut the city and so this means that if a property being annexed does not about the city that the land between the parcel that is proposed for annexation and the existing City Limits needs to be annexed as well and then finally um the city will continue to provide the township with property tax reimbursements for annexed properties and that goes over a term of uh five years um additional information about this uh request is um that the approval will uh identify future growth areas for the city and we'll expedite the um annexation approval process um also the city manager and finance director should be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the city and the orderly annexation um once fully executed will be submitted to the state of Minnesota as well um I should also note that we are currently working on the orderly annexation agreement with uh for Cottonwood Township and we would would anticipate that that will be brought before the council for approval sometime in uh January that would conclude the uh staff report looks like a lot of work's going into our future in the Milford area and I want to thank you for your work on this project and and the staff as well so I'm going to offer the resolution approving an orderly annexation agreement with Milford Township second thank you we have a motion and second any additional discussion just one other question for Mr schn the map you provided us so it does look like there is one parcel of property we could have that issue with if somebody doesn't want to Annex it's kind of Standalone is it number four on the map yeah that's the um Service uh electrical service station that XL has so I I don't know that we'll be dealing with that issue with them until you know we Annex Pro proper is directly around them thank you um Mr Scott did you have a chance to look at this or is there any comments you have on this agreement this is a big thank you council president I did have a chance to look at it um and I worked uh with uh Mr snowbrook in the uh negotiation of it um I guess my comments are that the most important things I look for are are there clear EV defined in the agreement that uh when they occur it's clear that annexation is the result and if so which I think there are in this agreement is there a clear process for the city to on its own complete that annexation and in this case there is there's the city requirement to give notice to the township but it's simply an act of passing a resolution when one of the triggering events occurs that then leads to submission to the office of administrative hearings and approval of the annexation so um those would be the two things that i' look at kind of as important um which are present in this agreement and otherwise it appears to be a a fairly negotiated uh agreement that reflects the priorities of both parties thank you so much and this should um in what way streamline our annexation process moving forward how will it streamline it um it avoids having to conduct a public hearing on each annexation request and um so that saves you approximately I would say 30 days all right fantastic thank you thank you so much thank you for all of your work any additional comments or questions I do have a question curiosity when you talk about uh reimbursing for property tax uh or up to 5 years what is that based on if there's improvements made to the property how does that work that is based on the property taxes that are currently being paid by the annexed property okay and so the first year we reimburse them 90% 70% 50% so it's a gradual um reduction but you take the property tax that the township currently receives and that is what the um amount is um based on okay thank you excellent question mayor thank you any additional comment questions I believe we did have a motion and a second director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warmca yes president beer yes that motion carries thank you item number 5.12 is regarding the city-wide strategic plan and we do have Miss howenstein here hello good good evening we're going to try to get the PowerPoint on the screen oh there go it's on that screen but that's all so okay there we go we need the visuals good evening Moira howenstein senior planner with Bolton and mink tonight it's a great honor to be presenting the very first city of New Alm strategic plan so we have a brief presentation for you Technologies with us we partnered with group creatives um to to complete this project wanted to just give a not to them they came from Iowa and did a great job but a very special thank you goes to the mayor thank you for your leadership and your input uh the counselors of course thank you for putting up with us for with all those work sessions um city manager Chris Dalton we could not have done uh without your guidance that was most of the times weekly sometimes monthly thank you for for that insight and of course the community and the stakeholders and uh the Champions that we identified as part of our focus groups thank you so much we thought this quote was appropriate to reinforce the fact that ideas without a strategic plan are just wishful thinking and so we wanted to uh present a quote from the author of The Little prints I will not attempt to pronounce his last name because he has French so um we all know what a strategic plan is but it's always good to say it together um so the Strategic plan is really a road map that we've agreed to together with the community and your leadership insights it really sets uh the priorities for your decisions for the next five years and establishes a vision and Mission it has five themes you can see those a through e at the bottom of the screen those five themes each have um 18 strategies 23 objectives and 63 actions so there's a lot of work ahead of us each of the actions has a key performance indicator so that we can remain accountable and we can show progress on on how we are doing and we can track that and then it provides at least identifies resources to execute those actions and sets a timeline so the importance of this plan is not just to guide our decisions but it's also to go after funding of all kinds oftentimes grants require us to have a consensus process by which we have identified actions and priorities and this is the document so just want to take a moment to to um read out the vision and Mission out loud because we have had many many versions of this and we've argued over words so the vision for newm is that newm is a welcoming and adaptable Community growing a resilient economy that Fosters Innovation and accountability rooted in German Heritage that is really our North Star we're right the the overall vision for the city the mission is really how we accomplish that and the mission is to sustain Excellence through community-led decisionmaking that Fosters continuous improvements it really speaks to the work ethic of this community each theme has several strategies we are not going to go through this in detail it's online for those who want to read through it but I wanted to show how the plan is structured so that we understand how to use it best so as part of the inclusion and engagement theme there's two strategies you which you can see at the bottom the strategy is to enhance Civic communication and engagement the objective is to develop that coordinated plan to enhance communication between the city and its constituents and then the actions are um the two that you can see on the right each of those actions have the key performance indicators the resources and also the timeline so that is how one would read this plan and use it moving forward quality infrastructure had the most strategies that really shows where our energies and focus are at the moment and uh for the next 5 years moving forward again we have the strategy the objective and then the actions economic resilience um really focused on not only retention and expansion of existing businesses but bringing in new businesses and then focusing on that uh postsecondary education that we just talked about in in the meeting today under governance we have this um focus related to remaining fiscally responsible and accountable to our constituents and optimizing internal staff systems and city council cooperation and coordination among other agencies the last um theme is really that of sustainability and it has a wide range in its view not only to establish an action committee but also talks about a transition to renewable energy steam to hot water conversion and then um sustainable land use practices which we've seen uh tonight as well we did a lot of public uh engagement uh 12 interviews with Community Champions four focus groups three city council workshops two staff workshops we want to thank staff very much as well through this process with their honest input the public survey reached uh just under 500 uh participants we did three popups uh and we had dozens of postcards we did the exercise uh postcards from the future with a lot of valuable insights and um had a public comment uh on the draft of the plan and then we did one video thank you mayor uh one website and then radio and social media um postings we reached about 1744 viewers through our website and what we heard was interesting the very uh first priority when we look at the community and the collective input as a whole was e economic resilience followed by quality infrastructure and then inclusion engagement governance and sustainability the top priority was really focused on housing options meaning um developing housing for different incomes and needs and then welcoming and attracting residents to newm promoting uh new's German Heritage and history and then expanding uh transportation to provide those affordable and safe options for the community and those who are commuting within and outside of newm and then investing in renewable energy so what we found was that eight out of 10 folks would actually recommend coming to lipt no which is really really high when compared to other governments um the MPS score is a net promoter score and what that means is that anything over 50 is extraordinary it's just not simply found in government you are equivalent to an Airbnb a Netflix or a Starbucks so how to use the plan the plan is really there to guide you to make decisions when you're maybe arguing or having competing uh interests having to make difficult decisions please use the plan to kind of be your North Star and help you clarify what the true direction is that came about through Community consensus also when allocating um resources whether that's Staffing budgets um please use this as your as your guiding um uh and prioritizing document and it can be updated the plan is there really to serve you this um what sorry wanted to show you this um little tool that we created for you it is a digital platform that provides a Tracker progress related to each strategy each action it is not complete we are building it as we speak but it will be available for the city manager to update and show internally and externally to the community how we are doing on progress so it is available digitally and um a new tool that we developed uh for the city of newel and with that I'm happy to take any questions I wanted to thank you for sharing and allowing us to join you in this journey we know that the next 5 years are simply going to be remarkable thank you very much I want to start off by just thanking Bolton and mink and all you folks for how you made this happen and you kept us focused and focused groups sometimes are tough because we all have our own agendas our own issues and you kept us um you and your staff just really did a nice job um in completing this I was not originally a big fan of having the Strategic plan done now um as Chris remembers I was fine I wanted the comprehensive plan done and we got that done and I'm like maybe we should wait a year before we do this but I was wrong I mean this really is a nice document um that really is going to help department heads staff counselors on where we're going in the future um so I have a question I'm not sure who who should answer this was Chris or you how do how do we make sure we're following through with these things how often should we be looking at that um is that something that's going to be coming back to the city council every 6 months every so we'll give um updates you know again a lot of this stuff we're not going to touch technically until 2026 because our 2025 budget is already done I mean there'll be some things that we can work on in 202 2025 that don't require monetary stuff laying some groundwork so we can hit the ground running in 202 May yeah some of that stuff um we can look at um but again whether it's orderly updates you know twice a year we can you know I can do a report you know Council just and you potentially will have access to um the Monday site where you can go in and just see where stuff is um so again there's different ways to communicate um how that looks and as we complete stuff you know maybe in three years we can take a look at it and be like okay we've completed half the stuff here we need to start looking at you know updating that so it'll be a living breathing document as the years go on is that similar to what you do in other cities then too do we recommend how often to report out on where we're at it the document is there to serve you on your timeline okay so some things are more urgent and some things have actually started already some things are not necessarily under your control some things are new Brick's responsibility or the or some other agency so it's really there to align with your sense of urgency and for you to update as needed thank you you didn't happen to save counc schulz's postcards for his going away present this evening he can finish his maybe all one of them I really appreciate the fact that we have a strategic plan or at least I'm hoping that we approve it uh you know some of what Moira shared with us it gives provides a road map but it also behooves us to to look at that road map as we're allocating our funds and so on and if we depart from that roadmap to be able to justify why you know if we are not following what we thought we wanted in 2024 it's not that it's wrong it's that we have to be accountable and have those checks and balances and I truly believe having worked with strategic plans before we will start figuring out how often we want those updates and reports and I'm assuming city manager uh will be very aware when he's making his reports on a regular basis to the city how it is impact Ed by that strategic plan so those folks that are at home watching and maybe want to dig into this and drill it down a little bit more where are they going to find this so it's on our City website under strategic plan right now and I know that site will be up for just a little bit longer but we'll actually make a web web page for the and I'd encourage folks to take a look at it there's a lot of good information in here yeah just piggybacking off of what Les was saying I commend you guys for how much work it was to put this together like you were saying you were at Bavarian blast you were at spiking in the streets you were actually getting the input from the people that this matters to and and the fact that we do have a strategic plan and a comprehensive plan to go forward is I mean that helps us immensely here absolutely I mean there are two very different entities but the the guidance that you guys have put together for this is is immeasurable so thank you for all what you guys did so I guess with that I guess there any other discussion Andrea um well I just wanted to say thank you as well um this was a long time coming and um you know the comprehensive plan is nice but to have the Strategic plan again to hear from our citizens and from our counselors and from our city staff I mean really kind of getting that holistic view of you know what what are going to be our focuses over the next couple of years what is important to people and how do we start laying the groundw to make that happen because we all know government doesn't always work very quickly um but when you have a planner and something that you can reference you know especially a website that just is there to remind us number one of what our priorities are um and number two to hold us accountable for what we need to be doing moving forward and um then those five areas that you touched on are you know you probably have similar responses in every Community um but I like that we're able to make that our own um because we have a lot of work to do in regards to Housing Development and um just uh sustainable you know just different initiatives and I know that a lot of work went into this so I appreciate you doing that for us thank you go ahead so with all that said I'll offer the resolution and approve the city uh Citywide strategic plan dated December 2024 for the city of Newall Minnesota second second thank you we have a motion and a second any additional discussion again thank your staff and the work you did thank you thank you I think it'll be a great tool for us for the future director Jenson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor warmka yes president Becker yes that motion carries um item number 5.13 is Park and Recreation donations thank you president Becker city council uh few donations this month the first one from Don Steel honoring Alice and and Don steefel in the amount of $2,102 uh for a German park bench that'll be located near the Garden area uh Betty comml for $90 for the pickle ball fund and new all public schools for the final 20% in the amount of $1,600 for the wreck on the- Go free program offered thank you Le you want to make the last motion I can make the last motion I'll offer resolution to accept the following donations offered to the city of newal through Park and wreck department for identified purposes as stated by Mr Joey thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mac yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz uh yes councelor warka yes president Becker yes that motion carries we do have an addendum to the meeting this evening so I am looking for a motion to suspend the rules so that we can take action on um item one under our addendum this evening to move second thank you we do have a motion and a second any additional discussion those in favor signal by saying I I I that motion does carry on our addendum this evening is item number 1.1 which is a devised revised development agreement for Bei LLC the former Target property hopefully everyone's had the chance to read through this and Mr snowberg yeah Madam president members of the city council I'd like to begin with just a little bit of History uh the Planning Commission at its January 26th 2023 meeting unanimously recommended approval with 12 conditions uh the request of Eric bod on behalf of the Dayton Hudson Corporation to allow warehousing in a B3 zoning district and that was on the subject property at 1914 South Broadway one of the 12 conditions uh required the amendment or replacement of the existing development agreement for the property by a new superseding agreement to reflect proposed changes from the new use of the property um the uh city council at its February 7th meeting 2023 approved the planning commission's recommendations with the 12 conditions uh the title of the revised agreement is Broadway first edition restatement and amendment of reciprocal easements and declaration of restrictions and Covenants um the property in question consists of two lots has 7.52 Acres uh the existing development agreement with the Dayton Hudson Corporation was dated October 20th 1998 um the private development and the public improvements uh that were contemplated in the existing development agreement have been completed however certain covenants contained in the development agreement have prospective application and continue in force as legal obligations of future owners of the subject property so the purpose of the revised agreement is to primarily focus on two areas one is the property's future use in terms and conditions that would apply to the development of the property I'd like to real quickly give you an example of that um the current agreement requires 450 parking spaces on the Target parking lot so now in the new agreement we changed that to read that um the use has to comply with the city's current parking requirements in our zoning ordinance um and so throughout the document you you'll find those kind of statements that we needed to um to correct um the second reason for the agreement was to um amend the bike and pedestrian easement uh to address alignment changes that uh have been required by the city um and this was also one of the uh 12 conditions I should note that City Engineers dohe has also done a lot of work on this particular document as has uh uh John nisley um so conditions for the um approval of this should be that the city manager and finance director should be authorized to sign the revised agreement on behalf of the city um the staff and City attorney should be authorized to uh further a find as needed final language and Exhibits associated with the revised agreement I don't think that's going to be necessary um and then finally um entry into the revised agreement will facilitate um orderly development of the property and establish a new alignment for the uh bike and pedestrian Trail on the property I would note that the City attorney uh has assisted in the preparation of the agreement that would conclude the U staff report thank you Mr snowber I looked this overnight didn't have any concerns so I'm going to offer the resolution approving revised development agreement with be k i LLC for the property legally described as Broadway first edition and located at 1914 South Broadway second thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion director jensson please call the role councelor Mack yes councelor Christian yes councelor Schultz yes councelor wara yes president Becker yes that motion carries while we do not have any additional official business today um I would like to take a moment to thank my colleague councelor Schultz for his 16 years of leadership here on the council um we do have a couple of things for you so I don't know what order we're going to go but at this time I am going to pass the gavel your way so that you can enjin the [Laughter] meeting um I I did a little math this this afternoon and I've been I've attended about 370 City Council meetings I have worked with 13 elected officials past and current sitting at this table um worked with many uh department heads that have rolled over a couple different times uh in some cases and it's been a great ride it's been fun it's been interesting um I loved working with the constituents in my ward as well as working with the people U from the city uh to move us all forward in an appropriate we we always got along even though we might not we might have disagreed on some motions but we voted and we moved on and and never held a grudge and I really appreciate that and this is such a good group and with Tom coming on board I think they're just going to continue to um move and go well in our future so thanks to all of you and that will end our meeting today can I do that oh no one you want to almost almost darn it he get a pration Le Schult some questions I don't know no more questions no more questions it has been a real pleasure for me just in the two years to get to know you as a city councelor I've known you for socially and uh on behalf of the city of newo I want to thank you for your dedication and uh my question my questions and your oh yes I I did say that to you at the Eda your questions were greatly appreciated but it did in in all seriousness your questions helped clarify for our constituents what what it means I whatever we were uh discussing you helped clarify that for the audiences and that I know I'm getting feedback from individuals asking me who's going to ask the questions if Les isn't on the city council so Tom Tom this may be something you want to talk to Les about uh but in all seriousness your dedication and commitment is very evident and new Al is better for it so behalf on the city of newal I'm presenting you with this plaque of appreciation for your service for 16 years and you mentioned the number of City Council meetings but we all know that as a city council person you sit on how many commissions and that they have meetings monthly quarterly or as needed so I didn't quite figure that out but that number that number got pretty high ponder that bring it back to us sometime come as a guest okay there you go okay again thank you thank you very much thank you get to adjourn meeting adjourned thank you Yay good job l e e e e e e e e e e e