##VIDEO ID:Awjxpe8B3Zo## e e e e e good afternoon this is the Heritage preservation Commission meeting for Monday September 16th afternoon everybody um if anybody has if everybody's had a chance to read the minutes there's any corrections to be made other as I look for a motion to to accept the agend or the meeting minutes so move second second all in favor I I we'll move on to design reviews Elwood all right your first design review in the packet is for the kaiserhoff restaurant and Kar 221 North Minnesota Street applicant is kaiserhoff Hospitality LLC um being submitted by Jeff Bradley um in your packet it's a there's a highlight of renovations to come um describing what they're looking at for the kar and also the um revolation of the kaiserhoff in front um also in your packet are pictures of the old pictures of the kaiserhoff with the vagel kaiserhoff sign um above the restaurant area which is now above the kar and then a design of the kar and the new um sign they want to put above there a hanging sign sticking out from the front of the building um and then the um addition of the blue paint on the white background of the kar to distinguish between the two um they want to try to distinguish there two different entities of there basically it's under one ownership but two different types of um functions and they went with the blue as described in their description the blue from the Arian flag and the other colors that looking at off of the Bavarian flag is why they went with that blue um and then um eventually like I said putting the kaiserhoff sign back over the restaurant area as shown in those pictures um back from the 70s the way it looks late 60s early 70s um kind of putting it back the way it was and then touching up the paint and stuff on the on the kaiserhoff building also so if I'm understanding that correctly the vagel kaiserhoff that's on the building right now is going to be taken away nope it'll be moved from it's over the kar now to over that moving back over to the the kaiserhof the original kaiserhoff and now they still going to have that hanging vles K kaiserhoff up I don't think that's there right now I don't know if that's going back but it's in the old picture right and I don't know if that's going back up was just uh Define um neither one of the applicants could make it today they're both sick so try and to distinguish what they what they told me the the hanging sign over the kaiserhoff I don't know if they have that or if they're going to recreate that um but the the blue sign over the kar with the kar Insignia on it um they want to do that over that over the kar area so which of the the metal piece are they going to use there's one that shows just a real Plain Jane one and then there's one that's got more design to it um yeah one is fancy and one is clean of the kar correct they're both the same yeah they're just using the blue I think you're talking about the bracket the bracket oh the bracket yeah that I don't know which bracket they're I think they just had the design all right um as long as they maintain the height I don't have an issue with either bracket and it looks like it'll meet all those specs I've had questions as to if we approved them to paint the building Trim Blue nope we didn't um and I went over and talked to them about that and they were going to paint it back to the original color um then they decided to come forward with what it is now and describe why they painted it blue and stuff um I had I had phone calls on that also um y but that's um that's where we're at with it right now so that's why they're why they're here otherwise they were going to paint it back to the the original color and be done cuz I told them goes back the original color it's not we're good to go but okay because this blue is not in our pallet it is not in the pallet it is in the Bavarian flag though so what's they didn't come and ask us for any money to pay well they would be just for sign but not the painting that they did no there's no there's no grants or anything on the on the painting it would just be the sign the new signage and stuff if they chose to go do that is there any discussion from anybody about the blue paint on the wood since they didn't come and ask for that to be done just ask because I've had several people approach me and I thought on the blue I don't yeah it's it's a at least it's not the whole building it's a it's a brighter blue mhm um which I I have just a little it's just really blue right I just thought I'd bring it up because like I said I've been approached you said you've been approached I don't know if any it it caught my eye when I went by and looked yes it did that's for sure all right we'll get back to the signage then um any more questions about the signage or well they probably go hand in hand cuz it looks like the sign will be the blue as well as the trim correct correct y that'ss that way yep well if there's no more discussion on it I would be looking for a nomination when they put that sign over the the restaurant the old sign is it still going to say vagals he didn't say they were changing anything I don't know if it's it's going to just say kaiserhoff or they'll say vigel kaiserhoff I'm not I'm not sure on the on the verbiage on that um I guess I'm assuming that it'll say VI kaiserhoff because that's what the original and that said um that's what they want to go back to is that original signage over the guess restant would be is it going to fit well was there at one point no was there at one point yeah I got a bigger question BB blue do we enforce the our guideline or I don't know well now's the time to bring it up that's why I'm bringing it up I'm not that pleased with it I'm not I agree I agree we may I'm not real crazy about it either we might take some heat on that like well we really don't have a color palette for downtown anymore this one Strays I don't I can't think of anything even close to that no there's not which one CornerStone Medical it's blue blue canopy the dental clinic over here it's blue canopy but it's not quite this bright it's not this bright blue is it this one just jumped at me it's like I'm pretty sure it was when it was out originally okay but that's the two I know of and yet I'll be honest at up front the city n's working on a strategic plan and one of my comments on the downtown district was that we ease up on our rules I'll be upfront with that that was one of my comments this board probably doesn't hear the heat that I do about it you know what they want to do and what they can cannot do well I've been approached by other businesses that were wondering if we approved that blue and I said no we didn't and I said I said I'll bring it up so there might be questions from other businesses are going to be wondering if they can do the same thing if we approve this I mean if we don't follow the rules we're going to have maybe more come up correct is there such a thing that we can extend our palette I think that would be take a look at what what the colors you want to look at and stuff certainly I was on the board when we picked the color palette and we did stick to pretty much um historical colors which are the rust and the Browns and so forth um but I could go back back and look at some other pallets too and we can present them and maybe make an once we have it legalized but in the meantime do we just leave them the way it is and approve this sign with the that one paragraph third par or fourth paragraph that wrote about why they use the blue it says these colors are currently on display in multiple locations on Minnesota street from murals to Painted hydrants so if we've let it go before we have any say as to what they could paint on the hydrant I think that was a it never came in front it never came in front of us they were that it in the historical district and what about the meral merals those though came in front of us the the murals the murals did come in those actually came in front of us y but they're not prominent color if that blue is in there I guess I don't remember seeing it as being a prominent color so there's blue on the mural that they did on the new Vera building because of the new or whatever there is a little bit I believe there's a little bit of blue in the by the Le in the alley yeah by the wellness I think there is there is blue in that miral and you said Corner uh CornerStone Medical has a blue canopy in the dental clinic here um just across the alley from the B&L bar has a blue blue canopy also but it's not as vibrant as this blue yes and no so okay thank you so there's your there's the mural there's our mural y so there is a couple things of blue in there yes and and the artist took the Bavarian flag blue and that's that's where that blue came from okay I guess we didn't question it at that time because there's more colors there but well if if we do approve of this and the color I think we almost have to have that in our color palette in the future just something to think about and if not we don't approve the color well I guess now that you see it like this to me that color wasn't a prominent color because we got the red and the white and the black and I don't know it's more of an accent color I guess but how close is this color to the Bavarian blue of the Bavarian flag that seems to be a real occurring theme here so I think that's why is that what they're inferring here that's that this represents the blue in the Bavarian flag and that seems to be what this town want wants at least some people and when we originally did the pallet we stuck to more like I said more subdued colors stone colors I mean they could do color in their signage and stuff but okay but a building but I don't know about painting a building okay now technically the kaiserhoff or the the kar they only did the trim if they' have painted the whole building blue I think that would have been a little shocking but too far so is the board leaning towards because of the Bavarian flag blue which I believe it is really close to yes y I can look with that well it do a that out it's a reoccurring thing theme recurring theme in this town and um to me moment I saw it here is they're trying to um have recognition people come up and Associate at least some people do uh with the Bavarian theme the checkered Bavarian colors well okay I'm sure it'll look a lot different to that's it right there that's what they did once vagel gets viel's kaiserhoff gets moved over it you know that's a definitely attention it's big enough they also have the kar signage in their window I see there we have we have no say in the window true we can guide them though okay so the vagal sign L would definitely is going to get moved that's the plan that I know that they've talked about and what's written down here is they want to move it from that spot over to the next building where it was originally because this used to be the meat market right it's right s meets so we can bring back the Big Bolt sitting over the top of it I guess in the future of their going to move that back over DET turning from that blue then I I don't have an issue with it I'm hanging it on that Bavarian flag blue which we have permitted in two other areas and that's only on the kar I read this yeah definitely separating the two entities which they want it to do right I move accept what they had any more discussion as a look for a second second all in favor I I opposed all right so moved all right ell the next one okay the next design review you pull that up please is for try Hansen new LLC um they're out of Mano they own the um River bin yeah River bin printing which entails Frontage on Minnesota Street and also Frontage on Center Street the old um kmky building which wraps around there uh this is a unique one um the proposed uh applicants are the Esser Brothers Kyle Esser came in and talked about building a stairway in that corner nook off of Minnesota here off that Frontage building and go to be able to access the second floor for apartments and Kyle here to answer any questions with that and in your packet it has a little description of what they're looking at doing with the with the steps the three flights going up and what the materials are going to be made out of there's hand sketch here that kind of sort of came out yeah um and then some um pictures of the um materials that they plan on using for this for this uh stairwell is that more or less will that be the fire escape I believe that's the main entrance coming in if you want to come up you guys do you want to come up to the microphone state your name and address so we can have questions fired at you uh Kyle Esser and then I have to my home address uh 569 32 Hill Crest Line new home thank you um so the right now there is a back entrance um but it's just not we the access isn't we shouldn't really use it it goes right there's probably about a 3ot step and then it's onto a flat rubber roof and then there's a metal um staircase that leads down into the alley and like the back entrance of oh now I remember it comes on the back side of Rodney's down in there y oh it's such it's so narrow in there y so my only question now with the wood I'm Rusty with the fire code and building code doesn't have to be metal I'd have to do some checking I don't think so okay um because I mean we do we still have the emergency exit out the back but um I'd have to do some checking on that and see what what the criteria is there um I don't have any issue with a I just want to make sure that he doesn't blind inside you that wo this has got to be steel like the rest of ours are down it's only two stories two story yeah okay um but I'd have to double check on that so the way I see it right now where the flowers or whatever's there is that going to be a wall there and then the steps will be accessible from the alley um so we would just we would fence it in so just no random person can come walking up the steps um I think I I had it SK I think it was about 14 by 8 would be the fen in area um and then we'd probably redo the patio cuz that right where that tree yep is now cut down and it's it's pretty overgrown in there right now cement slab first and then probably either cement or PA patio okay um I noticed on one of these pictures you have the stairs or the looks like a platform with the wire going through instead of wood is that going to be on the steps too or just at the patio part would that' be all the railing up the the steps and all the landings does everybody know what I'm talking about yep cable because that'll make it look really nice not too heavy with the other types of wood is the wood you're showing the colors that you're thinking about um the that kind of the closeup one of the fence that's kind of the style we want to go with and also the same kind of color kind of keep it natural one looks red the other one looks more honey colored we' use Ceder um for all the decking and the fence so it would pretty much be a cedar color in my mind so El would all those specs as far as width and height and so forth meet or yeah that's okay I mean it's like I say it's going in that that corner area I'm I'm assum the 14 ft is going along with the building parallel so be 14 ft towards that tree sticking 8 ft out from that corner is where it is where they're proposing that I'm sure the apartment people will love that cuz there's two apartments up there correct it would be one one yeah okay anybody else have any other questions well the what the designing and the the the materials they plan to use does that all fit into the historical design or is it too modern or what I don't think so but that's a matter of opinion see I I can't get my head around where that is even I know where ksky is well that's the old ksk that's the old one that's right across actually from the Legion Street Minnesota Street yeah it's on Minnesota across from the legion oh so this isn't where ksky moved no no no no they're ohev Center Street now this is just what's left of the old building Minnesota the empty lot is The Sewing Center we burned down 30 years ago or whatever it was some 2 28 so you got Rodney's and I don't know what's in that next part of the building if that's still part of that's part of k k yet well so you're going to paint that too is it's correct yeah would we would just keep it the same colors that's there okay okay got it so the step I mean can you on that big screen or that can you show me where that entry is going to be so it would be it would come out from so from this corner I believe leave from here to this building is about I think about 14t it would be it would go 14t this way and then it would go 8T back and then the there' be a new door put on this side of the building on the second floor you access come so it would it would come over about 14 feet out and then 8T in and then your three flight of steps to the door on this side of the building so it's this going to go straight up there would be three turn around there' be three um flights of steps so it come up and then a landing here and then back up Landing there back up and then Landing there in my mind it matches what all of our rear entrance fire escapes were 30 years ago that's what they everyone downtown building was like that I suppose the only thing here is it happens to be part of the front part of the building technically I guess I don't know yeah yeah that's the unique the uniqueness of it I get it but I like the idea of the very last picture that it'll have that wiring in it so you can still see through it it's not going to be a big chunk of wood other than where they need to have it does that make sense on the bottom because this will be solid correct that'll be what is that when you talk about from the sidewalk boarding that in is that going to be 8 feet high too it would be it would probably be six feet unless we could get a a variance because code's only 6 feet um unless we could go eight but obviously up to probably all would that makes sense okay is there anything like this in any other building in D backs of buildings backs of this one's unique in my mind Al would though Heritage preservation could not Trump a fire escape could it it came right down to I mean technically the one we're talking about really is isn't a legal a fire escape no it's not I mean one part of the city is promoting downtown living and apartments I'm more on the building fire code side now has to meet the criteria from yeah I know from shipo from what I've been told on other projects uh I won't speak in the mic on that but um but yeah um so if we Grant this it's still going T to go to chipo no no just on other projects that I've dealt with that um I've posed that question doesn't Life Safety Trump historical value and may we're know it still has to meet historical value but figure a way to take care of your life safety around that that's the answer you get so I don't know I just uh I think about his you know will it be an eyesore but we won't know that until it I think it's done nicely that it won't be an eyesore um I mean I like the materials that they're using I mean unless you go to everything to rat iron I said that that gets to be dangerous when you've got rat iron steps with snow and stuff yeah so this will be an open stairway yep so I guess my question again is the one picture that the wood looks more yellowish in the next picture the the whole Ro fence is a lot of more reddish tone to it so the probably the closeup picture is probably what the closer color it's going to be it's it's just going to be regular Cedar with a and that'll have a tendency to age anyway a natural color stain because we don't really want to get away from the does everybody understand that it's the picture below the diagram that's the color of the wood okay I myself don't have an issue with it I'm kind to look at some of our other backfire escapes that are along Broadway no they're technically not the front of the building but they have white lattice all types of those issues seen directly from Broadway this to me looks 100% better than that correct are the steps and the decking going to be made out of um the same material or is that going to be the what do you call it now the composite composite we were going to do it all Cedar all Cedar yep okay so there will be some maintenance to that yep and who's going to take care of that uh prob well it's a little it's a legitimate question oh yeah okay anybody else got questions otherwise I'll be looking for a nomination here I move we accept this design support all in favor iOS we're ready to go thank you very much brothers all right the next Herman Monument update so we received information back from shiple on the letter that was sent from the architect um asking about um deconstruction of the monument and they have accepted the deconstruction of the monument so now it's a matter of getting together with the architect and getting some pricing on what deconstruction documents are going to cost us to get everybody in line from the architect Engineers AR ologists um there was a like six or eight different um Subs that were going to be involved in this um we're hoping to have something here by the end of the year um for pricing so we can move forward with that we're going to look city council had established a Herman syncing fund for this type of occasion and we've got some monies left from our carryovers over the last few years that we can also use um instead of going for a grant because we would not we'd be able to hit the 25 grant cycle which would put us into 26 before we could get construction documents made um so the construction doc deconstruction documents would be for being able to go out for bids to get somebody to deconstruct Herman and see what it's going to cost us to do that and then as we're doing that making construction documents as we're deconstructing to put a back together again and do our moisture mitigation hopefully so that's where we're at with with the Herman Monument right now we just got that information back late two Fridays ago and we had a zoom meeting with the architect last week to go over some particulars and stuff and see where we're that's actually the furthest we've gotten what 3 to 5 years yeah 2019 is when we did that um assessment study so prior to that it was 2009 was the last information and so um moving ahead a couple steps anyway so see where we can where we can get here that's it all right do you have any reports from the city I have nothing else no I you looking at that motion or not oh she oh well you add something well I was just going to comment on Genie and I are leaving for Redwing on Wednesday so we'll be down there and give you a report at our next meeting yeah so good so now we want to bring up the rules and make a dend them to the agenda I'll motion to suspend the rules making on aend item on the agenda for give me the right name Chris Community collage M the what community community collage mural for the community collage mural mural mural need a second second all in favor I I I okay I forgot opposed then I'm assuming this meeting is adjourned no no we got to do this we do this and then you adjourn sorry no no you're okay all right commission president Commissioners um before you have request from uh the new home chamber the downtown action team to put up a a mural um that was created through the community collage project so um I think it was August no what me further back yeah early summer early summer um they did a photo shoot at Sweet Haven tonics um they had um a photographer come out and take photos of members in the community it was open to anyone in the public can come and get their picture taken for this project they did something similar in Mano um and when we were going through looking at where they wanted to put it um couple of places came up um but the thimble box over there on Center and Minnesota um came up as a ideal location as it's on Center Street high traffic and just kind of a huge blank canvas uh where we didn't have to do a whole lot of prepping and or work um for this um this wouldn't be a painted mural would be a vinyl wrap on the building so it's easily removed um the chamber is currently working with the owner of the thimble box to do service agreement um they're looking at having this up for a minimum of 5 years and then potentially renewing it if there's no significant damage or anything like that um but the one good thing with vinyl wrap if there is a section that is damaged they can take that section off reprint it and reput it back up um and then uh this is this is what the mural technically would look look like um pretty much anyone who was there at the event their photo is technically on here um just different people in the community so it's just going to be faces of the community on the side of the thimble box um thought it was a good a good project so if you can go back to the picture of the wall the building of the building excuse me does it go from left to right where is it going to fit in it will fit in it's going to start right here and go down to the door almost the door yeah and go almost all the way up to the white so this this general area right here that was my next question okay all right because they didn't want to have a have a gap with the door there um and then let's see so as you'll notice there's these straight lines where there's really no overlap these are where the essentially where the cuts are so that where the panel the paneling and they'll line it up like they do on a billboard all right anybody have questions is this done in black and white yep so the only color so what you see here the only color is these kind of little color pieces down here and then the artist um has a very small signature down in the bottom corner as well okay so you kind of have the whole gamut families we can point out Elwood and his family right here you go and then uh Dave Christian you're also in here what they photo chop me in or what oh no you weren't you were gone that day but you should have been in this picture right there with the council members yeah way I can't get blamed for anything and then Chris's family right there great okay B so it it was a good project and thimble box has been kind enough to at least offer their wall and they're going to go through the service agreement to make sure they're they have every right to take it down if they no longer want it or sell the building um but we're asking for at least a minimum of a fiveyear commitment um well okay so if they decide to keep you know take it down for some reason do you get it back well it's vinyl so we have the permanent file and we can reprint it reprint it but what if they decide hey are they're going to change in five years what's going to happen to it then so if there's anything that so if anything changes we'll bring it back to you but as long as it's the same we would just reprint if it needs to be reprinted and put it back up but if anything changes again through the same process it would come back because it would be a different mural and or collage okay and they're looking to do the unveiling I think right before October Fest or during October Fest I think it's pretty cool so a comment I'm going to make is uh nm's currently working on our strategic plan it's not out there yet but we did council did hear a lot of Co or a lot of comments on revitalizing our downtown that's kind of why before on that Bavarian blue I kind of bent on it people are asking us to revitalize change some rules let's get downtown vibrant get people back downtown apartments and whatnot that's why I'm kind of changing it because we heard a lot of it on those comments about that right well it's true yeah so all right I need a um nomination to accept this proposal I make a motion to accept this collage second I'll second all in favor I I I all right we're good but that meeting adjourned now the meeting is adjourned thank you very much